Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, August 07, 1860, Image 1

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— , — l,,,r ■■ i- THOMAS RAGLAND, ---Proprietor. VOLUME XXXIII. A STRICT comnumra O* THU OOSWUWIOJ-W HONEST ANI) ECONOMICAL ADMINISTKATION OF the oovehnment. JL OFFICE—'RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 29. sung 'iiiii'.urrr ° I£ I’lJHLIBllRT) Pvery Day—buudnya Excepted* 4TFIVl HOLLARS PBll ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Six Dollar* If payment U delayed six month*. adtxrti-xuknts) conspicuously insetted, at the utu*l rate*. vfnr Mltfklii inquirer PUBLISH D EVERY TUESDAY MORNING. yfttMS—Two Uollaes and Putt Ccinrt per annum, payeble invariably in advance, or Turks Dollars If not paid In advance. Kc paper will be dl*continued while any arrearairc D due, unlcs* at the option of the PuHlshert; and thru Dollar* will, in aU caret, be exacted whore payment 1* not made before the expiration of the subscription vear. i ADVERTISEMENTS Conspicuously Inserted *t Oxa Dollar per rquarp, for the lint Insertion, and Ptrrr Oojrr* for every ■ubtequent continuance. A square In the Enquirer Is the space of eleven lines In small type, contain ing, As It does, one hundred word*. Lrual ADraaTisiMBKra published ul the usual ates and wltti strict attention to Uie requisitions of the 0»m'ABT Notion over eight liner charged at the reg ular advertising rate*. 411 Communications Intended to promote the private ends or IntcnaU of Corporations, Societies, School* of Indlriduals. will be chare •! us adve/tlaetm n in:. LITTLE’S VERMIFUGE. In LARGE Hot ties and Vials. Nothing sIm l« required to relieve children of ftAinur 1’tx-cut.xtio.i at Sliver Huu. le-'i’tt that on 'Frida*/ I*ac. ft* Htjyrr Uun in Russell county, Ala., lb ere Pit a Ifir^e mid interesting u»m inlils-,n to puttici* pate in anil 1 lie present at ion of a Dunner lo iho Silver Run Guard*, a vedun- tcur company of recent organzition. The Danner, which was a vc*y tasty piece of work, was gracefully'nttd hy'Mils Maria Holla.mi, in an ndiircss of much ell hcany epplsuse of the assembly stowed. Capi. Lewi*, ill behalf of the Cnmpauy, received the Dinner, is ml ic* •ponded rlcqticntly and patriotically to Min Holland'• address* Worms; aud bwtide.' being V*t Vtntlhr 1 ever uUrnni lo the public. Its fr#- qaeot use In families will save much troubla and *xp-nM\ as well u tha lives of many children—for •ight out of *verv ton case* generally require it. A CARD. DR. J D GORMAN Laving extanslvelv used LIT TLE S VRRM1FU0B, tskrs plrasnru In saying It ; valuable remedy t Talbottox, Oa., Feb. 5. 1 SCO. LITTI.IJ’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. d certain cure far Colds, ('•niffhr. Pmnchitis, jtrthma. Cain in the Hr** ‘ ’ ~ . ytng Qmok», Hr*ast: also Croup, amongst OtfMren, Tklll* a pleasant modirlne to take, producing im- ‘ 1 xisdUts relief, aud in nine out of teu case* a prompt t It exercise* tha most controlling it “ ■ r Coughs and Irrttatl »n of the l.nugsof ; controlling tafluonr# °L' t most iu a day or two, thought prompt!; expectorant, without astrlnglng thn bowel*, It Hind* paramount to all cough mixtures. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This t* prepared from a French lU-ci|>e (iu tl of No. 1 and fer the chronic i _ . snceess I* likely to supersede every other remedy for the cure of disease* of the Kidneys and liladd, B'.ei.norrhteal. and Leuchorrhaeal No. 3 for the chronic stage, i and from It* unexampled success is likely to supersede every other remedy for the cure of disease* of the Kidneys and Bladder,, BlenDorrhtral, and Leuchorrhoeal or Flour Albua atferllous This extrusive compound combines properties ctsacy is not rivalled iu Ainen LITTLES RINGWORM & TETTER OINTMENT. FOUTIS, No. 3. Hundreds ,. ^a»es of ChronleTetters, Scald Heads, and diseases of the skin generally, have been c { Thurslujr i^niug, Aug, 2. }l|60 A Teacher Needing tuition. Th* Times seys that it ha* at interval* or the last two tveik* “endeavored to pum mel into the head of the Ent/uirer the idee that the doctor of sqintt.r sovi rrlfj.iiy bad no resting-place in the Gta k» hill;*’ also, that the provision* ot ihe Mew •Mexico and Utah and the Kansu* hill* m respect to *la»cry “were idrotical.*' , it •ecnia to think that it h«a undertaken a dif ficult j >b, and a" n last ell.irl to enlighten U-, refer* us to tho f cl that the Senate re jected the following < hy .Mr. Cbaau lo the Kuna** lull : “Under which, tho people of the Terr iu* riei», tlirougn meir appropriate iepie*ciita- lives, mo), it they t>eu lit, prohibit slaver) therein." Tho rejection of thi* amendment (Mi Dell helping to kill ii) tho Times regard* ... mi '‘authoritative construction ot the hill.” We agree with thu Tunes Hint it will lin.l it a dlffitull to.wvr tu ••|.um„„r , pc , clir .. »b.r.U| of tile above “ideaa" into our head, bi-runsi we have in the records and hi*toiy before u* loo many stubborn fact* to a low u* to receive any such stuff—we haven’t room for it iu our head. 1st. A* to the dilT'-renco helween (he Mew Mexico and Utah and the Kansas lull* in reaptet to the power of their people over •lavory in their limit* : Tho M'ew Mexico aud Utah hill* con tained (hu following customary anvmg clause : “All law* passed hy iho legislative As sembly and Governor shall be submitted lo ‘ho the l otted Matos, end tl Jiaapproved eliall bo null and <i| n<» ellect." I be hill did tint contain thi* clatiau-— it being leit out of it T»r the tir.-l tune, wo believe, in any organic ucl — but i i lieu of it contained tho following, j consoling to you and \ which was never put into any Territorial ! later the halm.” lull before: j Thi* indicate* a combination belwr "It being the true intent and meaning ol j the lire-tfuticK and the Union Democracy '*!* ,U " *'“«"> «*» Ttr. (i,|,y which Iho toilllor o.u In i|ol I | nlory or t>l,,le. nor lo ttelnOt ,1 Ucrc/nm. , ’ hot lo lea a Iho r oi,l, thrreol per/ee//, tree >>'» Sl » u ’ •"» Ore.I.Ui", uml Iho I. I Inform unit regulate their domestic tnuttiu* j ter are to have Howell Cobb tu> Unit ti ins in their own may suhjict only to the 1 Conshlutiun of the United istutes." Language cannot lo raoro explicit than ’that used in both (lie ubove clauses, mid no one can luil to perceive that theto was, ns j Mr. Dell raid, u “purposo” mid a “design" in nicluding Irorn (hr Kansas bill a realm - * l.v* clause which hud nevir helorc hern omitted in 'i'erriional lull*, nnd inserting in | its place a laiitudiaariau license which had never before been granted. We shall nton >rri«pou(l« 4- ol. ; I of th*< Alta CallL nils. Murne In the Sandwich Tf.Osr who have stereotyped i.iras ol vol Canoe*, a* obtained in clnldhood Irom pic ture bo: k* and geographie*. will l .i >adlv ilHippoiutcd when tliey i.-mo to stum? upon the brink ol Kilau’n. It is unlike anv oili er crater, an miomal, in niitun - . It ia is vast pit in the midst of a plain—one ol ns* j 'Inn |m* in . II. ami Gi* Irieiul* lure's great safety valves. It js elovuted ] mg to make tin* imi>ro»*bm that^^l only 4,500 feet above the level of the aew, !’■"« rvrniinn which he advucmed.belure and In approaching It, the ascent i*eograd Ik' imperceptible. It is very From ‘Ur Pf’stabiirp Intilllgencer. Kefcrd. cnimot doirtu itini many ol tho Dcific* crafs now acting In ihe Dn ckiuridgo wing ate in ig lorance ol their loader’s court*. It it hiippo.-id by come even ol Ins nppo xere. that lu* line no record, it is n grea u0*take, lor there ia no man who has h th<t Territorial i|iie*tiOi , beauty and appropriateness, a <d very well mtr j 4al) | e |j,at during tho grott eruption* j protect * Tnai ‘uttiiiu delivered ; in appreciation of which, the on Msuna Lua,(30 miles distant) (his erster by n;terch in Uw-ly “recotnlAbndod, i only, tlmt Congress should not in- "■ prohihit, but might to i* not Miiniuiuuu , . - - Iff'l of by the Kan ri tiiained itlino*t quiescent, ami n• • w Unit I hum act lor wbicli lio voted, nnd in cuppori the eruption has about ceased, us actiou ( ol wbicli that »pi - i oil was mads, per by ibe seem* to increase every day, | Uincthuati platform winch ho accepted t- » gust was our auxirtv lo dcadfend Into 1 * n,, on w ' 1 ' , ‘* 1 ^ w *" *I«*cicd \ ico i’resi U» U.M that ,b, bum. Ol .lurkni'ss orem- I J,l “' . V* 1 I™"*, ""oihur ed unusually long. Frequently we would The assembled Company then irpaired to a ^ 8*’^ **F f ro| “ “ur bed of fern leaves, und, I »ht*ir want ol hnowlodge ol III* recouf, be v at ! M* er * n 8 through tho darkucss from our door- I excused, but tha' aiiciupt i<» give u new • ’ less hut*, watch the red f.iUiiiaius of lire J definition lo tho noil-intervention Lo has bursting up irotn tlm cha.m below and | ®“ v t °c«tcd. Is an niihrortby trick breaking in chains of light. A great lurid f cloud hung perpetually sumptuous pic-tuc served in t which, wo understand, ail attempt was made by some friends ol Dreckinridgo ami l,ano to turn tho aflair into a party demon stration, by tho delivery of Dieckinndgc of the young boltrd to a neighboring bouse, wbero they enjoyed themselves in more ngrecublc festivities for the balance *»l the day. llrCckitmitKL- und Cobh Imimoii. A correspondent of tha Auguita Consti• tutivnaiist, writing Irom "Upper Georgia," July 2Gih, *uy» : “When Ihe clccti n got* before the Legislature, the U«ll nnd UoUg- las men may fuse, co.loscc, or sqirm as they plrase, hut Urecki'Tidge will uhtain tho tote of Georgia, lu your search lor in* formation about thu Hiatus ol parties iu tho Legislature you will find, when you ob tain all tho (acts, that llrcckliiridgn will have a majority tlieie, ami that Howell Uobb will ho elected United Stales Nenator in thn place id Allred Iverson. Il this m »tho record, 1 definition hitherto ndv mi him. which appealing will in Uriel expose. .. . . ..i Gn tho 1 f»ili January, 1850. when Mr. hety lake. 1 he wind, blowing Itteially Dreoktnridco was u member ol the Run- through the crater, howled atrJ shrieked in lucky Legislature, liom Fayette county, he rllily manner. Above the voice of ( introduced certain iTswIqtmm*, oncol w‘»ich i these word.-* : Hisles Sveciolor. Only a lew week* ugo i|,e tiro-eating D. nmcruiy ol Geoigta were n- pudutitig tho action of their Deceinhoi JStato Convention, and getting up another, with the sole olj*cl ol preventing thu vote ol Georgia from being cunt lor Howell Cobh in ihe Muiionul Democratic Convention. AwW they are willing lo elect him United Stlm-s Henalur il then by they can make up ., L.glslaiivo majority lor thu Dreckimidge eiectou! We trust that uur frmnds in the the midnight blast could be heard occusiou- hI explosimfa and dtstunt rumhltng sounds lika tlioss we heard nil Manna Los, while, during intervals of cessation, toe *)«.«<«.a and splashing of the lurion- waves in the evei-troubled lake could bu distinctly hoard. Daylight cuine at last. A cold, rainy, cheerless day dawned upon Us. Dut this could not dump our ardor. Alter n gouj breukfual away \vp started—nil hands — leaving our hut and contents to luke cure ol thcniaelres. Descending tl?o precipitous •ides, on the southern etdo ot thu crater, great caution must be exercised. IU aching the 11 >or, vve lound it composed of swelling masses ol black, brittle la*n, ol h compara tively recent lormulioir. We wulked over this, taking the precaution to carry a good- j power sized slick with which to teal the thickness ' ex aicn ol the crust, lfcru we met with huge iiiuhj- *h« os ol solid lock, many ol them weighing ' Uoneiil more than a hundred tons, winch bud evi- I dontly been thrown Irom tha cislrr. | . iro|u ,„| Within a <|uaru-r ul a mile ul the bum- ! | ilCl j e ilig l ike ii* itm (.MitrHiicu to a gr,.it cavo, He lirj wbieh mv guide ouys t* probably a nub Hell. J. I'. Ili‘«s und J. I long. We. entered through a very narrow ' iiccoinpanied by two aperture, around which lay l*Ml*e lieu pa ul i liru-scattcicd etone*. Lighting our candles, we prua-ed on, exploring .In* direction uml that, until wo had gone, peihapa, ball a j "KosolveJ, Hy tin General Assembly ol tlio Commonwealtli ol Rnntucky, that tliu S;' - xiik I'LOl'LL ivito iMtjnir them." On 31 ni oi mi montii, .Mr. Wioklillu offered me lollowtog : " I lint slarery in tlio Territorios in a sub ject which bol-mg* exclusively to tt u pens plo ol those Ternium s, but that their right to exclude slavery therefrom can be exer cised by them umv in tin ir ciip.irity ns an independent Hiatt, * (a fallacy that is, I aav, wlnrb conducts lo dcspoliain) “in formtin> tlicir constitution lor a {State govemment " Such wm a uite-M at temp', having lor uolu object to taku tlio puaitlon which Huflorluf^ lor llrcad. Wo hnvr bocu iub rmort by reliable nu hs.riry ilmt in the lower ptrt <HUis gouu j the people nre reduced to the inmd PtratqhT*" •ned circuinstaner.s iu consequence ol the ■carcity ol proviHinue. Tho eulToriug i» .■unfilled chi* fly to lhn poorer classes win irvo not the nienna ot providing them elves with the wants ut file ; end we u i leramncl they nr«* llircntoniiig that il pro- vision is Hot made immediately to ro •ore those wauls unto them, they will tan. Iicin hy force ot arms Irom win inppeu to have them. Wo sincerely In pi tho picture is overwrought, that the real c ii litiim ol tilings ia not as bad us tepresem- •d ; but it it is, steps ought immediately t< to taken to providu the means ol subsist- ''iii’ii lor them. In such n nine it i« in • -•u»y to d«u rniino what is ht-si to do, bui wo feel suns tied that if the sufTenng is s- iicit ns represented, our citir ns who have breudsiutls to tpnre will cornu t<< the rercm tnd eoHtain thrill till some more permnnen. pruv.Mi.n can be made. Wo auxnnisl) await more *»ti-t etory news m reference '<• iliis mailer tbiinibnt which wolipvi alrem A bolenm Audrots Ter My Memash. rur Hrmrs-r-Mouf. Dli thou preshus tittle tNmHi of caplllsryf - I'm sotliu fur s u’lnrs ; nr inoar IIifnlutlul.r Hpcnkln, a mirror Ineken Bite a* yew, vain yore rtup rju* lover tl» left) Pruponhuns, wltli a crltlck's i. Yes, ) <*r nr Very huirs, 'boat/os long ns n lien's leg. U iiy don’t yer grow sum, an’ look Like totlu - r pcejiiil’t? you «o<«il tor nothin* Little rrltlei. Ain't yer sI.aidmI t hat wni and uot k "> sum, why'e K very tody'* niakln pliuu nv yer? Neither. Kind uv a **ndy >aller * fl *' Ucddlsh hu., inivt with n lililc wh.vto |),-l«*WIt hunch ov har. I'll tell yer f yer don't mow faster r liiii growbr, I’ll talk rite over ter bill terri I, the barber, maik him black yer jest ns Black ns a ulgger, an* then you’ll what yer bar bln growlu rite over ter bill i m»ik him black y •k as a ' k swete ler eutt' riu,t Ilia r <• An’Just slatb yer rl liecuin of y. r who willyr have I. lilt ter mitten o t potaioen, |iuor<, turnips i l\eft In tliv <ud -. N j kvur Uuhliul IIiciii*. ive* ■l.out yer like yct 'd lirtter pitcli votes at —or, hu received about /wire •erotic votes ut the N Mr. Dreckinridgo .Mr. If. nderwood prciomitiig U. in wit : I hat tho i Territory over the it thum, is rcbiricird H*t ol lorming their i .State. You would Hi.i Mr. I! tic . |«-d till Mr. Wirklille'i you would. Which is the strongtat W lug- of th. Defnocracyf In lrttm. If-. nWhonnu rcco ved l.‘J2t;.3.V: aud <'>11 88t) at tho S< ■ ut It tnmiy ucin __ bo received at the South. Now, mwi November. Douglas will receive nearly the entire Northern Dt mocratic vote, *»d at Icaai a third ol the Sou them Demo ‘■roue voir, which,in round numb) r*. will I ■onvo Douglas in posaesHion i l about a million and a half ol tin. Democratic vole ot iho United States, nnd Ureckinridgo m poa -essioit ol thn remainder, or ubeni four ^ 0 ' c hundred thoH/iind DeinocrJiic votes l—|„, u Which, then, is the choice of tlio Dullto* erotic party ol the Union— Douglas or lireckinrtdge J—Richmond II'lug. “Lcproitt* Aholttlouiala '* Tho .Siuitnitin Spcclutnr calls attention to the Inct, that, at n muctiiig in Windier ter totality tho nomination* ol Drecktnridgu did. ltcnd nml Think of This. The following short article Irom the Bos- n Courier ol the illh ult., addresses iiaoll the sound patriotism and prnr.icul good nf'ol every citizen of our country. 'Let | do Iiih duty. Tuia liune.^tliere is'noTji'nllnB to despair ol the Republic, nnd just ua little to doubt tlio election of Dell and Rvurott : Erltaonlinaty Admission —'i'lirro ia not an iiitolligoiit man in tbu United Hiatea to day who does not know that tin* oluenon ot J oft n Hello* Tcnncftbce, nnd Hdwanl Hver ctl ol .MiD-oxcbusetts, to the Ollier's tor icli they have been nominated, would do more harmony in tlm nation than tlio I oil her of tho other three “tick- I utH." In our own Slate, Democrat* and : itcpublicami oilmit this m private, and yet iltcso m<’ii will in-i-t upon lot.owing their party leaders. Hundred* ol Uepubiicni.s | in tliia Stnto will vote lor Mr Lincoln, ul though incompetent !-»r tlieulSco ol l‘rc-i- i dent. Hundred* ol Democrats will vote lor | .Mr. Douglas, although n.ey are sure thai Ur ciiiinoi bo^iiiu next I’ri slilent ol the Unt- | —ihair waul ol State ptide hi reiut>ing i»» r*r~” —« riroinhlio Natlon.-il Intel I. inccr, July 27. Ihe Heir Jciary C uvelitiona PunIuii "f the flrochlmtdge und Hell l*ar- Ldon Wodncsdsy ot Trenton, iho capital of tho S’.itc of New Jcr»cv. One was composed ol the Breckinridge Democrats, who iu this Ji.e are “r- gnlor," their Convention hav ing assembUtd uadcr authority ol thu Statu Kx> r.uiivii.Couiinillce ot that party ; nnotn- r w.i* ol the Dougin* D. uiocrn'*. who re volt Rgxindt the declared policy ol tho first ; uni a third wtscompo-ed ol the delugate* • I tin* Constimtionnl Union party. Ail hpso Convi liMofta were attended by large numbers >•! delsgat**. Their procecdin e. r* rrp irn d by Tela ripn. slimy iiipi too J5r. rkinridge Cotivm- lion wsnt promptly to worn and pueeen me oi,owing resolutions, which were reported •mm a committee : Kesolved, That the Democratic party of Nov Jersey, in Convention esaemtilen, do ocreby re-nlHrm iho piaiiorn ot priuciplea adopted by inn Nnitonul Denocratic party in 18.50. nnd ro u.lnpttd t.i I860. Kesolved, Thai i .e Klectore nominated hy tins Convention are instructed to cast ill) electoral vdiboI Nmv Jersey *o a* to detent Lincoln and Hamlin, aod to secure nil elec”un, it possible, t,y iho poople ul a I’reMdent and Vico l’reatdcni from one of ilio noiuinutioua ol thu Democratic or Union pat lit a. Uusolverl, That wo call on the Democra cy ol New Jersey to support tho electoral tiekc', and invite the co-operation ot ail cmiburvatiVA men. A^t ii subsequent stage ol tlm proceedings the Fmto ho c.isi lor culler <d Yh'o'caiifHlfttti opposed to Lincoln uoc Hamlin whom it will elect." Afl Klcctotui ticket was then lormod. upon winch were placed the names "i t reo msmbsra "i ths Cunstitutiumik Union party, and the Couvohtiou udjourned sit ed e. Tho Douglas Convention iftorl ns prompt ly p.* tlioir itvnis, hut acted independently I them. They ndopte t tlio tollowing ro- solu'ion*. a* reported liom a committee t Ibt VVi ro htlirm the principle* set lortlt n ilie Ciuciiiiiati pla'lurm and at Cliuriu*- lest dii le tuonal relolulione . opted bj i .. •. uiu ..iii mu r iilo Con- vemion at us me ting a* DaDiinoru. We ai.->* n< cep: and ruiiiy tho iipminnlion ot Hon. Micphen A. Dougloa tor I’resident and Hon. II. V. Johnson for Vico Fresi- ranerrou- |»^rt « ..rf In prsparatio Lkm Lssn tonod (bat tt Will I in a short t li si most Infallibl In mors than ti la tbs Kootbern Raid, they t sfoctnalljr snwlleaM Id more than turn baodrsd places In Osorgi*. sod > 1>« had ; and a* •itluy his •omvtblnc tl.* dt?,) let all b« cautioned to •IfaaUrs of ths Froprlel. “ Bid also bis nxme blown into tbe glass of each bottla. Agr All ordsrs and Utters to bo ad* t**ed to LITTLE & BRO., Wholsuds Dragflsts, Macon, Of For sale by Messrs. J. w ■ PEMBERTON k CARTER, feCIN A. M. UllMINGKH & CO. (MTASITFUKD KTM SOI.E IMPORTERS, No. 338 llroailwsj’, IV. Y. 1 clearly show what that design w ing of Uhssn’a umsiulinent. | 2d. As to the nincndmeut : Mr. Chase ofPretl it as a coniinuntion of I ihe clause last above quoted, nnd i perusal of the debate upon it bIk'ws that it wua ..p. posed and icjoctr.l upon only two grounds — 1st, because it wns altogether unnecessa ry, as the people hud by the hill without it ample power (o do just wUhI tl ptojosed to authorize them tii do ! ami “J, brcwuao il.ii had any * fleet at all, it would he i > "con trol, limit and restrain the former I irguuge, so that ihe proule of iho Territory have no power over thi* i ubjoct but lo pro hibit slavery.” VV’e cull from the debate , on thia amendment a few sentences in th 1 ' I speeches of friends of the bill, hut oppi- iiriit* of the amendment, winch at onci show tufty it wus that they rejected tin* amendment nnd that they admit . .1 tha' the hill as it wns conferred tl.e power which the nmrndinunt sought to bestow on the Territorial Legislature* : Mu. Uadsir.—“The hill gives to tho pno- plant these Territorios, through ibeirgov- liniments, tho unrestricted nnd unqualifivd right to decide upon *11 their rlomcsnc re lanons, slavorv intiu led. * * * • 'j , | ie amendment 'Chi s would have thn ucc* cs.iurv Hloct ol coo rolling, litninngandro- siraiuii.t. luu toriuer language, so that tin Territory should bnvu no power over this subject lul to prohibit slavery." Mu. Cabs.—“The amendment allows the people power to prohibit slavery, but nut t establish it.*' ".Mr. Doulab.—"The power which these gentlemen (Ci’use the supporters of ins amendment) desire is given, unless the eg- • rose ot this power is prohibited by the Constitution. » - • » VVe havn iii this bill all the power winch we ran p>**ihly confer upon ihe people id the To*ritory by any act that Congress can pass." Tho shove eipresaions, taken from the reports of thn Cunxsessional Ulobe., are oi ly a fsw of the many positive declarations hy the supporters of the Kansas bill that it did authorize the people, whilo in s Territorial conditior, >o prohibit slavery, and that they meant to confer on them aucb power. Such was their uniform and Concurrent testimony from (ho lime ol tho perfecting of the hil until Gen. Cass, when the vole on its pas sage was announced, rose and exclaimed “1 congratulate the ttenuln on thu triumph of squulttr sovereignty." •*k j Lip v will rc*i?t to Iho I in a of any such urrung. preference for any r ul Seen tury Cold). Iho nilc, » .i hid nd In some plsi iiuuilmldo ci in narrow, and in others widen* ou* into vast chambers, lu souit! | lures wo bud t > ciuwl where tho roof wan only two leal lugli, und iu other plucu* thu roof would lie ten or twumy feel utiovo our In ads. Hung- in;; irom this root vv o 11 ii it il Koinu choice hI ciiii. Iih ul lint' black metallic lava in the nh a po ot aUluOtitcs, while Mat.ig mile < ol tin- Sulim material weiu lound on ihe II <or. At ' r being in that dti'si v cliuinbir tbrio ged into dsyiigbl just us our idles I up. Aiiotliir 1 liaili Ufi*-' to llt'Cliaii. Porter * N«w Y rk Spirit of the Times publi-he* s letter from Mr. Jui n Uolview, of Albany, Ga., which he proposes to malcU hi* negio bey Wliadrack ngoinnt John (1. Huunars in n j.r tight “lor any »utn ol money ranging Irom one to ten ibouaand" And tlm edii<ir says in a note il j lust il Mr. Uelview will send **l|f2600 to - h *1 the ii.sli'li I t Jji 11',000. he think- be We buv.i no great adm Mti<«n or ruaprrl tor Hie pr z..- ru g. Dut w>- do think its champion* should not admit into it ne groes, cither slave or free. IL enan’s posi tion, in tlio ttvu of thu. world, would bo do- high bank, looking down we beheld the l.iko of Ult' noslti u* uboul seventy-; hrence. lTiero, in I wave* of liquid fire, ol u brigot red culm, 1 a"' 1 Johnson spluttering uml splashing like uciau waves. A little inland ol bald lava slumU in the middle o| I II tt lake, ugninst the Idnrk side* ol wtiict) thu waves ol liio Cashed Willi tie- tury, and breuking on ua jagged dills, they would dutdt llleir red spray l power to the Tr -riiotial people over "bje I n* brhig ~|. . u I..' . nnd d.mieaur. bdiold, now, hu u. pt ichud on tbu piuitorm I ibo If.diets, which declares that Congress lea' intervono i«» protecl, il ueces'ury, ml po "interlerM with the subject" during lie Territorial oXiHience, and before tbu n iimiucoasnrv. K. It. Coi.i.ilh. The Legislature, We tuny udd, lor !iit> inlormalinri ol nur eaiii r* nnd ilm public generally, ilml we ave received reliable Icier* Irom eompvr* ivnl) low noiimios. in relation to tho pn*i. loll ol ni'inibere sil iho J.eglsla'ure From wenty livc cotiuiic*. we h ive r< liable and ppor'ed.nml gi nu.iHi bcli'*vcd piatemuiilN m of p'lrtin* iii (lie ciii'iiin- I Legit-Ini two eni rulge ’ * - ' and . ; nnd chit Thi » of l id W Ills I ward Hunk, Kentucky. THIS DELICIOUS TONIC •spsdalljr drslgnsd t*>r th# us* of ths Mxdical Pa<v vtuiox and ths Family, possesses those intnnsie nie- dltloal properties (Tonic and Dlarstie)«hlch belong to all Old and PTIIK G1BT. The business ol manufacturing spurious gins, and otTering them as toverages, under the titles, “AroutaUe,"—“Cordial,** —‘ Medicated,’’ etc., has become so romtnnu, that the pnbli* are Justly suspicious of nearly everything that ts offered under similar forms, and the trade has thus been brought Into disrepute. It has re mained for our house (etablUhed In 177H) to supply toe pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a urw *** lo the history of the Trade. W e trust that our Mtabdshed reputation—founded upon M) yeers of axpertenee—ebumlantly vindicate* our claim to pub- ha confidence. 3NT. XI. A sovparlson of ‘Uinluzer s 01J London Dock Gin wlthothera bearing similar names, will establish Ito snpe-tority. and make other Caution unnecessary Put op In Qoast Bottles, In Oases of 1 and 2 do a- •° soch.aadaold throughout the world by hruggsita | their candidate. A* Drugging and Dcalors supplied with Wines and Hranijies, Direct from United States Bonded War-honaea. Fo r calsIn Columbus.«la., by JOHN W. BROOK8, and ORQ I'll ART k CHAPMAN, and by Drugglat. generaliv. grsdutl hy i i.hl-li Back Again!—Very many Wing* throughout thn coutHi) who rec ent ly went over to thu Democracy urn return ing to their fust love at.d *up|oriing Dull and Everett. Diet to mention a lew gen tlemen in private liter, ut our own neighbor- houJ, willi wh..*e change in till* reaped wo «ro cognisant, wo may name Dipt. Al bert I’lko ol Ark., who ha* benn uctiug with the Democracy lor several years, ami Henry W. Miller, E*q., of *N. G., an eloquent and able Whig speaker, ana u lew weeks ugo on tho Democratic uledorul ticket in hi* {State. Doth ul the*., gentlemen aro now lepor'ed m be for Dell and Everett. • down, I li.«•, glowing with leu< ful im Mil u siroog cold wind blow- ' look i rn • ii u to then iu.ii awny to cntcli tbu ? (Iii. ucu ot thu cool br< i Z '. f tlio hideous roaring nml Iii-hIi Wm heard, ul *hon inn rv.iL, reaemlding that of u alenme ateuin, only mlinin ly louder, growlingh .1 pent up force* subterrai.eun cavern*, at wluc earili seemed to Uumhlo. a- tl ■ mi ti 11 it I throe. ... Leg lain tuie thr tuber-, of which < (Ired nnd one ii dretl nml tliiriy hundred and aixtv-iiine am KoproaentativcH. Tlm iMimber ol Democtai* in the Legialu- t ti ro (hint Hnaaion was two hundred and Heveiiicn, and Opp is'iion righiy-loitr.— We be bnr r of • Go D > Dppo ulgo Anfely stated that n, will not have rmn «• nil Kveroi i voters tlm elociloii lor hlowti.g ..|| d ominous Higgling in HltSIIM IIV ( i) no ii p? ti power urge masses of the cooled lava <d tile lake become detached, - uml, falling into the boiling t uuldruii, mu in»tuiiliy re duced to n liquid state. After n lew minutes' silence, diMitrlied only by so occnniniiut hissing and uiuruiui- mg, I wiih noun Martled by Hist nwu-mspi- riug sound ol escaping alomn. In so in- Mtaul, h I,mil glimmering ol red, like a alieel ol ligh'iiing, allot out Irom under ilio over hanging brink where I was standing, and rati ucruaa tlio like. Till* Wns the sig ul lor « chunge in tlio whole piogrummr. Im- i uirdistelv ttie vvfmlu Jake became a bright I red color, ami four fountain* burst up iii d l Here lit part* ol tf.e lake. My eyes fol lowed llit-e with BiiisZitiiiHiit, us one alter atiuliior they cast up gr.ut qunntitie* ol n pure Vertiiil'ion-cvlored liquid. l'be»o Welti followed by two other* iii rapid aiicceaalun, one ol winch burst up near where 1 was standing. Ktilining buck, I cowered under | the upper banka, uml witneeeed ilm grand est pyroteclmical display ut wbicli it i« im- povaiblc to lorm unv conception. Tlieae six for Juhn I louiiluiri* threw up juts liom 30 lu 50 fuel .d.'.calcl | hl « h ' Tl>* >™." >l"»y "I which 1 *o hardly ra'reatud, riiuda largo dr- posil* of rnulien lava on the liink win ro 1 had been standing, and when il ceusi.J i President l* decided there, VVImi thu Void lor Dn ckmridgu mid Doiiglu* will be, in the Legislature, we d • not know, nor do we know any person that doe* know or who ha- iiilormed lioirell about the mu tier. Tlio biilnmi "I power may be in mu nands ol (lit* Hell nml Everett men ; or ii muv bu tiiHt thu in.'i.d* o* \lr. Drcrkinridge luive Leuislatiiro lo can tbu Mini geutluiiiHii. A* * nliinlti lurtlier ligli', wo may lie ennbled approximaie the tenult.- Aug Conti. The Yacatii .lud^CHhlp und (inn. t'ua!i- D'f*. Wo find the 'allowing interesting para graph ill th.' irlegrgphic corrospondeiicu <d the (New York lisrald oi ilio 24ili lnstunt : "Gen. Cushing i« ugain noro, and socni* somuwiial nervoua regarding the .Supreme Dene vacniicy. IE* Inumiu aver ihut it Him promis'd him n* u reward !<*r In* prevent tlio nomination ol Doug- Den tbo Prukidciil clitied ' > appoint him il lie can be us.-ured Ilm) tin* Nnu'r will conlirm him. Judge iilack la In* lIiidI cmitpeiiior ; but It i* * id, a* lie cniinol hope lu get the vote* ol Doug IsH.l'ugh, Kicliulsnn and Drown, nur any |{epiiul.c>iu aln cgtli, lie is out ol <he ques tion. Cushing, on the other hand, hell vos jiivinco Senator Wilson, nnd per- Thero ia critic parly Goon Advice. — At u Douglas uml John- non ratiflcalion meeting iii Covington, New ton county, on Maiurday before last, Col.T. F. Junes, one of (he Democratic speakers, advised tho Drcckinridgn men, il they vveie sincere in their advocacy of protec slavery in tho Terfilotic Dell, who, he truly sat their platform for year*.” That’s exactly what they,would do, if they were sincere; lor Mr. Dell h«a indeed uiw'.ta opposed both I pr.x un d some very good apetiaiefi-, I In* (dongreevionul intervention agmust slavery ' red, liquid matter, when cool, u a solid, bril- •ad il. licensing of ..|u»Mer. lo mo it on. I ''■»* bl » ck “ ul “'» n «». mucl ' m.emW...g pitch. ADcr Mil* sublims display, u short period of inactiviiy euaued, ua bi-lorr, ami I then the waveu of fire commenced to full ie 7 v j and daab againat the liltU i»lund n« wheu i .... ..... 1 be Americu. Aoa/A- Western Sews, W|| jj, A continual bailing, bub. “Occasional." th. Washingtoi , hich recently run up the Dougina tl.g, , t | j(IB> an j , J(U „ t . r , flg u kept up amend iU j rorr.apomlenl ol Forney a Prraa, who lo the approaching Hlatn *Ipc- hai been purchased by Irienda of t .j gr , ul this mighty cauldron, preci.ely l' a * 1 ,m- bp,!n ,h ® c,,n, »“ n * “nd grace Kentucky ; but it hia been brought Breckinridge, and will hereafter aide with | like the boiling ol a pot. This crater '" l - ,1, ,,r Mr • ueb a way as to give the Ureck- | ltje geC cder*. Mr. W. 11. Gl.BHT, the ■»)« llepublic vires in breaking up ilie Democratic pnriy will be but ligii'lv remunerated by a auHi• ciunl ii umber ol votes to plucu him hi pun- session ol a runt lor lilc on the Supreme Dench. It is clear thru Dof^lun und Iii* irimtis can have no gp-aiur love lor Gushing than lor Dlack. II Im gels Hie veal, thurelore, it must he through Repub lican aid." Gen. Cushing wae requested hy these- t-eeders convemton at D.tltimurc to pr<-paro > tho "Dumocrncy of the Dniiuil of any Territory, while Dteckinridge ha advocated the latter pfnn of abolition. Staten." That adore its npiienruiico. Dues it not look as il t diaiiiiguirbed Al'ornrv (June ul wunted bu paiJ iu advance ?—Washington Stain. leprous AimlilloniMs, gc men DisiiiiuiimkIm, I all patriotic cilix me t v.reli f The Union tit a.I htioiibl support in ii thn Hoti i liar ti Disiiiiioiiists on the other There ta now no nbaim-le hi tlio way nt any Democrat to prevom linn irom *iip|*urtiiig Dell und Everett.— Jltchmand Whig. The Herald for llrccklnrid^c. Thu edroiials ol <hu Herald yesterday would beam to indiia:e that ihut concern, nody und what li'tlo soul llioro is in 11. Ini-, been hunt'In up lor Dieckinridgo. When wit -iiw Ilm ulimnim-emeui l.iti ly ilial ilieru a-iiuid bn inoru del.ilcnipms in Uiu putdn: nuln ■assert the great principle of llow-cinun, a.ut the thu non-intervention oi Congiiy-s on tlm pbvliod American aiaii-smun j alavory quustton. :H. Wo re now our pledges to tho Union ol St.itt* und can loiiu no .llunco with any bccii nini lunatic like Lincoln, who *eeua in plaeu tlm country cu.irely u der Northern dominion ; nor with the Southern Ijctiun, headed by .dr. Hreckinnd.o, which ,ivow * its pretirciico to be to precipttato • pon in nil Wm evil* ot disunion, unless a •i t hr ro (action is permuted lo rule the . ■ »»i»i*v. ,» ... .. York, Tho World, wli'cu -.>■■<>.» “Mr. Bell 1.. ,:,A II... did-ila lor tlm l'rotidency in ilm lield," iry entitled to take rn t is ail advneuto <d A. J*. Arias, (Pm w uni mg Tiuufury mituii. ul ho uo.\t Congress.— It tlm World r« ully believes “Mr. Dell is lie beat rnnuniaie in tho lield," and ttint Mr. Everett is superior to either <d ihe oilier three candidates lor thu Vi o 1'rcaidi-nc). ii slionld uouiit-nl every citizen to vote l.-r tlioho men. Il all who think n* tho World thinks, should vote lor the Union nominees, they cpuld bo o-ecicd by ilm pt-o, lo. This is proved by tlio indisputable fact that 'here is no heart nin-mg thu supporters ol either ol ilm oilier telh ot « audidules.— Nobody outtiae ol Him is ever seriously thougal oi iiomiiiiting .Mr. Lincoln. Jin is i upon tlm ticket ny • os so soicctnu ought with their vote* tn Novnmliei. (leleui the puliticiniiH und elect tho tnttu-aiiicn. A Dreckinridgo Yancw .' Spi gales, ii “The n uml red i iitiiinutcd ring field ol cminticM reprosetiicd, and • <1 persons who ollictated us dele tin' lollow lug paragraph : ouniu-H, ot tlm one in all, by filty-ihroi If tonimuted dulo- galea. Furiy-ooo ol (lie fitly three dele* gates tiro government ullico-hiddor , and ihe rotiiaiiiing twelvu luvo relatives iu '1 ruly, tlio ciiiiso oi tlm secedera i* going ahead hi .lllimds list.i. AND Everett in Nkw Ji.rsrv.— .Mensrs II. iM. Fuller, ol I'etinsylvuntn. and J 'Mcph F. Itaud'dph, of No At a Doll nnd Everett innoiing in Falter son n club was orgum/.od, and udnpteil a tiui- lorm, wbicli cons h* ul a Mac a gluzed cap. wiili u wide blue lumd w-nli vilv- r star* (a blur lor every Statu in Ilm Union) entirely around tbu caps The lunterus are to bu bell Hhupud. A coniuililee ol live wn* appoint- ul lo prnciuu u largo bell lur tlio uru oi Hie dub. Hi'crklui'idg;« in ilie Ifox. Questmn.—.Mr Dreckinridgo, to what is the Deinncrniie party pledgud I Asas-tfr— Ttm wholepower of tlio demo cratic organization is pledged to the billow ing pruporttmiid : Turn Congrovs sliail uni intorv'iio upon iliis subject (slavery) in tlm States, i i ilm TerntnrieK. or in ilie Dis trict ol l.o unib a ; and the people of each Territory shall determine, the yuestion for j themselves, and bo odilUHed lino ilm Union [ upon a loming ol pirhct equality witti tlio I original States, uiili >ui (i.-crim nation account ul tlm a 11 own nee or proliibii-un -Every. [Dreckinridgo in 18.',i. Q.- Aro you n pru-slavory poliiioian t i Ue in to iu tlm support of Air. Doug- fttli. Wo hold as unwarrantable, nnd op posed to the apirn of uur niHiituiious, all attempt* by tlm exercise nt Executive pat ronage to sustain tlio secession, or to pro ven! tho tree exercise ol tbo will ul the people. Wo regard iho personal intcrlcr- nuco nl tlm President ot tlm United .Stales with ilie MCiion of tbu pimple hi tlm dunce ol In* succesvor Us- at once tier gative to ttm postiton bo occupies, and daugurous ;o tho liberties nl Mm people. Tho Convention tlmn nominated a, straight out D<>ugian Electoral tiukei, and ii'ici to aevoral speeches, adjourn ed saved e Thu Bill and Evriett Convention nom inated an uiecmral titkei ul (hair own —wnii on undoratundnu. however, that a commit'ue ol twenty-live, upp.,lined with executive power*, sliould ru arrange the doctoral tickui, it deemed expedient. They tus-eil mo allowing resolutions, us report'’ cil by a commit lee : 1. Resolved, That we boxrtily ratify tho it ■ oi Joh B . "i I’cnocsMc, ; lor Pro* idem, anti E.w td Bvrott. oi Mus- I sacliusmt-, tor Vice PreSiuoni, os uiaiin- I guishud patriots, nblu und experienced sia eaman, nnd lilo-imig aupporiers n. the Lo.isiiiutmn, nnd the Laxs," ironist wn• iin none have or can raise a val- d ot-jeenun. 2. IL solved, That we are in lavor ol the I Union as ii is, and opposed to ilm etr*rtp of ml suciiunalistM .t d oiliuia lo weaken, un- y.^Rosulved, ihut wo earnestly support -1 tin contuototi miim nu party tan' the Constitution, with all its provision* and • its object the ex en*|ufi ol slavery, comptouil-es, as intended and well calcula- i any mi prevent lim people ol u .Slut* , md to protect uud aup^ort <>ur uanoiiul qmiB’ continual ogi slavery quesinm, eiiher lor ilm proircituti or preveiniou ol slavery hy CougrcNS, cun have no material clicct on the object, i* entirely unnuecssury iii the pre- or Terti'ury Horn deciding ilie ques ion ul 1 du-try prosperity, auii independence iisoxia ooco or nou-uxia once, wuh them, | 4. Resolved. That Ihe couiinua lor thrmselvoe- [IJreckinnJgc’sspeech, 1855. Q. — Wont is your cuiiHirut-iinii ot tuu Kmisa* lull I A —Tlm people of the Territories, under tlm K'liisns-Nebrabka act, liavu the lu 1 ! right to o-tiabltsli or pruhinit elnvory, just us a State won d, winch principle u us old a» republican governumnt itself. [Speech at Tippecanoe. Q. —What is your position now/ lv*d, That neither Congress nor it Territorial L reel legislation ol an indirect ami unfnond- ly clinrdcer. possu**es tlm power to uuoiii or impair ilie r •n»inutmnal right ol any citizen nl Hie United States to lake his slave property into tlm common Tomtorieo, and there hold and enjoy ilm miiuu while gress Irom Kentucky “In oil central lie sea State line, the Democracy are lor Dong- la* and Johnson, und, m my judgment, will continue in increasu until tiiu election is over; and il the news wo hove l.ero Irom ilm (ir*i (Burnett's) dirtrmt is but hull Dreckii.nugt) will be mu worst be a prominent ...» ...j., Into (3.*mk) Con- | thu Territorial condition remain*. (Dollar's platform y, finbrac-n(t » lMemphio Bulletin in livo deep, — of tlie Demo- ! * ».‘4C-,laIy SEW LAW FI 11X1. W. P. CHILTON & SONS, H W. L. YANCEY & SON, AVE formed a partombip In the practice of toe Laa u-wter the firm dmd* i.f -CHILTON A YANCEY. They wilt paneiaalljr au.-nti to all huolne** confi- aH to them In the Bupreme Court of the Flat* anti to to* Diauicl Court of the United Kale* at Mout- r>merjr, atnl will practice in the countie* of Mont- £J® er 7, Lown.le*, Butler, A j'auga, Ceo»a, Macon, TaUa|>oo*a, Chauber*, Ituaaell and Barbour, They TP* keep two office#— >nr at Miuitgnnmrr, Alabama, *»ker* wiU be lound W. P Chiltob, Vi. L Yxsrrv, iSt T’EP’ ®- CRn-Tos—Hi* other at Tiwkegee, ai »nirh w p. CaiLtus, Jr. and Burn C. Yaxcsv may bacoasahad. IV epaclal attention will be firen w> collectiona. ad to baaln«— *- “ ■■ ■—-—g —■— J Monieomrry Walton G. Jordan, *”•**•7 Bt Law aod lolieitor is Equity, H’. 1 ,. ,,AWAV ’ m<i00n county,ala. v\ 1U * coadaae In endeavorina to attend to any v twofeoaional baalnces that aaay b* enlruatea to ,0 of toe roantie* or Coarto T? * xc *P‘ to# Supreme Court. ImT ®®c»- Hardaway, Macon county, Ala., mi ** r 7^P** ,y r * Dl0T * d 'r«» to# offlre at (ilenu- “WM*I ’ *' .u )*wd Uj,- a„d Kurlt y. “ lu, *** L *r, lo, ..... V —f riLtOCHILU. intiJg. r.tljr greatly tbe ad*«nloge o.rr the j Url[ . ( J, c |„ r , hi. .Jherence lu Ibe Dongl.iltea, »n.l *e .pprehenj tb.l tbe csu>0 „f KuugU. uml, «nj .«y. lifter will no. be able lu rally ibeir full »ole ] | u , „|j ,, a| . e r iu eeeurd.nce with . . hereto- ’ |,. 0 g.enteruineil de.iro to .ever lit. eun* fore lilted, I lie only olfirer to be elected on I Mcli0D wi ,|, ne.v-p.per bo.loe.. a. a ■ general Hlele ticket I. u Clerk ol | ,.ioprietor. Mr. C.C. Korbe. i. Ibe Court of Appeal. ; und for Ih.l oflice .he Lj llur 0 „j ,, u bli,her. regular Democratic State Convention has | nominated Clinton McCI.rty, while Ibe „c 0 ,i.» to Ngwc.»TL«.”—Tbe friend, of Bell and Everelt here mined Uupalch lepcil. ibe recent .bipmenl of five Gen. I.e.lie Coombi. 11. It. Bolling, E.g., Uo „j If j |„| el of eullon ftolll New Vnrk probably been in action, rnuro time immeuioridl. xNstivu traJm. that it has pioLahly been burning I Every day, for throt day*, wo spent oral flour# hitting upon the bank and watch- I mg all tbo varied changes and won^'rlo?- , movements ol ibis lake. Ghdiigi friend of Douglas, Lad announced hi self a candidate, independent of any Con vention, before the late l^morratic Con vention met, but he was by eotne assurance pcraiuded to submit bi* claim* to (hat Con vention and wa* beaten by the Drrckin- ridge candidate hy the vulu heretofore re ported by us. Mr. Bolling, however, now publishes a card in which he asy* that the nomination wea not fairly made, and nounces himself etill a candidate. Tbe Douglas papers are supporting him, hut it is jdain that by goiug into tbe Convention and sustaining a defeat there, he enables McClarlj to claim a regular nomination at the hands of tbe undivided party, and has thus injured hi# own cause. Hun. John C. UreckinnJge attended tin Convention in person, and assisted in ar ranging the programme of the canvass! ITT”Hon. Andrew E*ing baa declined to serve as an Elector on th* Breckinridge and Linn ticket in Ttnneaace. t Charleston. All order could not be filled i Charleston, arid tho collun was procured a New York a* the best insikel. The ex- oriMaui two uiir.i-cessary shipment*, iu hia case, ure an item of the lu#* tuatuned y Ihe lack if general direct trade lu-tween ur SuuUivrn and foreign port*. Wm. G. V\ hidbv, E»q. ( formerly an Au- • guata editor, propobe# to publish iu Atlanta a new temperance paper, lo be called tbe | of the lake was Chumpion of Temperance. Wo take this | commouon. as au indtcatlun that (be temperance people ol Ihe State want an organ that will neither cut nor drink “liie. ’ of Mr. Breckinridge, following revelations : thu aecesaion demonstration at tho ^ Balttmorv, and, it is co.iQdently stated, he- | tween tbo Charleston holt and that in tbu , City of Monument)*, Mr. Vicu President lireckinrnlgu wua iu tlio habit of aesurinu tlm Douglas men in tin* city that wo Would tako thu Mump in every .North-western continually. The lev... I,.,i,k. I !i ‘“" lu ' -..Qufd be Ire nominated. ... growing end decrauing cont.ou.lly— | "• •‘ u, “ l "‘ U wfc " wl11 '‘** The work ol demolition »nd te-con.liuciinn I “• •'"• ’ ,lrel - 1 '■« "u-h I. klw.yu going on. The mu.1 wunilerlul I '•« * l,0,mc 1 l1 ol b ""f ®“ le ,,« tou * »• .nd do u.) my.teriou. pheuemei.un . by hie .".Lnicrcd enemy J.u.r. Uue!..n.n, witnoMed, on Hi. ..o.nd d.y ur un. | u,,tl1 c " ,u " 1 ■ n,und bl ™ ’ ni ‘ 11 the c.eter. 1. noun, and we’\t al “P l "’ 'T*- ‘» d oompeNed him wet- .tiling on . high .1 lunch, f i .' >“•• '' hey had had my luce ... me dimelien ol Iho | '“"e wind lo avoid .he inten.e he.l of .he Ukc. | *•“« *•• “• »• ' h.vo no doubt I w,, ,t.riled Ly . noise hke Ihe bl * “““ 'l'’” 1 he deeply deph r cloud a poll moiiwcBJin." Jl'DOK DoIMILAm'h hTUKNtitn IN Kk.nticky. — Brmkinrnlg. invu hi l<uui»villi' nru oll’i'r- mg hel* to Dougina men Unit llierkiririi'gi< will beat Douglas a* much a* 5,000 voles in Kontlicky. We can't say that (ve care v Outlier Douglsa* Breckinridgo or Dreckinrnlge beuta Dnuglaa 5,000 vo|i-a, But tliey wbo concede uny buck cum eat a* hulweun Douglas mid Drrckiun.lgu | | a *'becauao thu Htato to Dell uml E more than thirty, thousand majority cither.— I'uyctteville IJbsrrver. Thi) FrcKiticiiUul Gumpali'ii In Vi.— The l’’utiii-u Guumu of Gov. Wine. There are conflicting report- from Vir ginia about the future uuurae ul Gov. Wise. i | Thu Dm-kinridgu men say that Gov. Wise tins Com- ' ta soon to ruako u spercb m favor of thuir Cttlidlilalc' Olid u Southern confederacy, and j against Lincoln und Dnuglu# and the .North, I in more and sever or adjective* than hu ever ! before spoke ; while tbu Virginia friond* of 1 Douglas axserl, with tbe greatest degree of confidence, that Gov. Wise has not author- i iz.-d any person to declare what Ins position • will be hi tho pro*unt campaign, and tliu I uxpm** their bullet ihut, ai hough ho Im a very erratic man, hu will not oppnae Doug- of bi* Ir lend* are *upp< l,v | tng Dougla*. Thu Irienda ol ihu latter ul*o * v " r i#«url that hi* votu will hu between thirty md forty ihotuaud, and Ihut Dell Htate ol iLo country anti i'» Territories, tend* grcu'lv to exciio sec'ioual divisions merely io | roinoio tho nit l ions or dan- g'-rou* view* ot tiesiguina men, anti endan tier * the inlet y f.i tnu Union, nnd ought, then fore, to tie dincfiuntcunucud and frown ed down by every friend of hia country. A great d* ut ol confidence ia expressed by tlm Ii iund* of tiro fusion movement that they will bu alnu lo carry New Jersey. A# to this t.'iuro wf I lie, ol coureo, a wide dill- nrciint ol opinion. Tlie busts ol the calcu li "on is ttinl ultb"iigb >bu Druckinndgo ticket will suffer linavy bihsea by tlio mdo pendent nc ion ol ilie Douulas wing of the |»«rty, the ins* will tie more than counter balanced by thn neenssi m ul a large body ol tlio Cunservut vo Opnosition, wbicli lias alwaya been very birongly in New Jersey. Tti« lolluwiug is mu Electoral ticket nominated by ilie Brcckinrdg*convention : For tfenatoral elector*, E. A. Steven* and Ptiter D. Drown ; lor dmirict electors, Jon. R- -SicKIt-*, Charier G. .McCliueuey, Pe er P Cinrk, Dutij. Williamson, and Wm. Mc Donald. Tbs Dull arid Everelt Convention nomi nated ilm lollo* ing electoral ticket : C isrle* tE McCbcsm-y, Edward Brewer, John I*. Woodhul, Wm. K. McDonald, Peter P. Cinrk, Cornelius Doyen, and J. V. Deane, and i hen adjourned amo die. Thu iicku nominated hy the Breckinridge Convention conaist* ol two Douglas, two Breckinridge, und three Dull and Everett How Jt’DUB Tkiiky was Tried.—-Wn take the billowing extract fro o the dan Francisco correspondence of the New York Judge Terry was yesterday acquitted of Th« Moulgou»«ry Confederation (Douglas paper) estimate* tbo volt ol Ala bama at the Presidential election as follows • Douglas 36,000, Bell 22,000, Breckinridge 17,000. W« think that if the Conjedera- lion would substitute tho position* of Doug las and Bull in this estimate, it would come j nearer the true result. bodies of water. *i be lives jumped up instantly, und raising un unearthly about, scamperml oil in an op posite diieeilon. Turning towards thu InU• , I beheld a scene which I shuIl never b.rget. I, too, bad lo run oil io some distance, tn e#cape the groat heat. Tbn whole surface a state of the wilunst clashed on wave, and otl was confusion. Tremendous billows of fit<9 rolled floor every *id« of ibe lake, and meeting in tierce conflict around the island in the centre, broke with fury over its black •ides. 'J ben afur receding again, they lushed to the onset once more with increas ed lores, and, meeting together, shot up into air, perhaps one hundred fee', one vast spiral body ol red liquid lava, which finally c.<nibed over and fell iit graceful spray back into ihe lake again ! When things bad hten resiofed to their usual ordrr ibe sur face of ti.e Uko secured lo have fallen at least ten fed. tbe position bu reluctantly a**umud ; in deed, it i* a*"i rtu.j that since he hua ac cept) d the disunion nomination, ho has, in momenta ot confidence lo hi* friends, in tiro deepest agony, regretted the step hi permitted himself lo take. DlBBOLt.TlOX OF Tilt Sol’TU AMERICAN Union.—Accounts just received slate that on th* 3J instant tu# Blais of Uolivar de clared itself independent of tbo federal gov ernment. Hantaiidrr and Madalena were tn separate ••■a the same day. Iu the Leg islature »l the former Btale a proposition was made to declare its independence, and was nrgat.ved by a vote of nineteen against two. Afietwaro*, though, ths Aiseiubly authorixoJ tbe Governor to declare iu inde pendence a» soon as one of tbe other btale# bad done so. Thi-ie are now three out ol eight Htatea of the Confederation in open hostility agaiust the government, and grvat disaffection prevails iu tha five others. Bkll and Everett ; iliuaiaatic Bell uud I' city, just returned from a trip tiiuna, blind* most t-beern iIm growing btruigili ol our Statu nnd Ohio. A Mam colled io meet ai InJiaudpnh* August to numuisiH Indiana.—-An uielt will ci-nsequcViily carry tbu Mate linud-I a ' soinely. The republicans lo. k upon the Broderick i tight in Virginia b. tween tho Breckinridge “ ‘ l " e1, - v " i'”* ,n Mtrion county, uoder ifh I"* : nod Dougin* parlies us the wuiihmi »iinl* ol • t j, 0 fi^ht betwuen her husband aud tin bear. Iii tli'it Douglas' friend# quote Wise’s letter ad- • l.Vli ol dressed H» fhe Dougins dotpocratic commit- Bell und Evcieti i h* 1,1 Lliuuis in lb.»8 as un cv.doi.ce of li# Electoral ticket. 'I ho (actions ol tbu luie frienusOip to Douglas aud bis principles, democratic partv are daily growing more Li that lutfer ho #aid ho could not express Hostile, and both declare Dell • nil Everelt ij,,. cmotlona ul bit bosoui excited by the IO Le .heir ..cuna choieo. Our h.lornm... , u| ltl „ On.,,1.. dinwr.l. lur „.d hi took the votu on tho Indiannpolis train with ... ... .1.. followin' .knife re.ult : Bell 20 i co " , ”,“ 1 lh *» ” r, ° " L'incoln 11 : Douglas h ; Breckinridge 6.— abolitiuwam ; that every impulse prompted Nashville Banner. Ihe su ps be slipped, a huv* the ero. kory, lie injured himself consid* mbiy. While he wn* rubbing In* shin very .ngoiouidy, hi* wile, Inouglitlesa ol In# hurt, cried out, “On, niurcy ! t.uv« you broken ilitti pitcher f" “No," said he, hi great wrath, “but I'll be durued it I don't I" and ging'a’liug went the piiclur against tho wall. Fr m New York. Tha Tribune’s Washington correspond ent *uya that Maj-r !l. .Sutherland, Qua.• termasier of the Marine corps, is delaulter to the amount o ftlhj.OOO. Ex-Deputy United Mates Marshal Ryn - dors iv untier indititmeiit lor conniving a* • he escape ol a slaver. He has been coin- milled to ihe Toombs on account of insan ity. Judge Douglas Cumlu^ Houlh. W a tu i noton i July 27—III* confidently stated that lion. 8. A. Douglas intends lu visit several southern States alter Ilia u-turn rom tbo North. lo tush lo their side ; that their po-i. nun was h grand one, and unexampled, lie alluded to Douglas hi Ins contest sgamat Lincoln as thu '’gallant leadet” of the de mocracy, firmly fronting the loo und bat tling to insiutaiu conservative nationality. This Utter, as a whole, is very rich. Mr. Forsyth repooltstn-d it on baturday last hi ibt) Mobile Register, of which he is editor. A’. Y. Herald, 27t/u 8am Dali'u'b Gull'.—It may not ho grn-l lerally known, eays the H lUstoii Telegraph, that when a person i* drotvuing if hu I# ta ken hy the arm from behind, between the elbow and shoulder, he cannot touch the person attempting to save him,aud whatev er struggle# be may make wli only assist the person bolding bun iii keeping hia need above water. A good swimmer can keep a man thus above water for au hour. Il •sized any whtie •!»#, ibe probability is that bu will clutch the swimmer and por- tups, as is oltsii thu case, both will be drowned. This is called bain Dslpu'a Grip, and has Iren cmnounicalid to us by 8am Ralph himself. -uch circuuutvnce* as leaves no doubt of s collusion between Ibe prosecution and de fence to product) *ucb a result. The wit- nrssea ratablishiug tha guilt of Terry woro all on their way Irom ban Francisco to Ma rion iri a s:n ill host. They were dulayed so that they did not reach tliu Court House un til about 13 o’clock. Judge Hardy upened iho Court ai U a. rn. The District Attor ney announced that his witnesses had not made their appearance. The c**o w. nt to thu jury without a word of tusltmony, and under the charge of Judge Haidy, a ver dict of acquittal was rendered before 10 | o'clock. Trouble Among the Officeholders at Albany. Auuftr, July 27, I860.—Much feeling lias b< eu exmebseti iicrr to-day on the re- ' movil nl Mexsrt. Mi Qii nlo, .Nigshy and 1 Gaffoey Irout the Custom II mac, and the | appointment ol Messrs. Farrell Griffin and Itla'iclinrd. 'rite three newly appmuted ul- t.c*fre wero all prominent hi the inovunimt winch deleatid Era-ins Cor»m g for Cun- gr* sti and elected John 11. Rewmlds by a union with tha Repub.iesns. One of the appointees is the editor of tho Evening Standard, # Breckinridge paper, and work- tit i? editor ol tho Murntng Knickerbocker* Republican. "Why,*’ said I’rmco John Van Buren, the other day, to a ecorrespondent who re ports tlm conversation to tho Tribune, "Why is (’resident BucUenan like a tallow- eltarttilur f Ol courau our correspondent could nut tell, and then, with a inure seri ous !jc», tbe Prince said t “Because all hia works aro wirisd, and nil hia wicked work* are bought to f«g4<!"