Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, October 09, 1860, Image 1

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ItHOMAS RAGLAND, —Proprietor. VOLUME XXXIII. A >»THICT COIlHliU'CTION HK THI'. CONST! nmoil-ABI IldMH AND BCOIfOMICAI. AOMINIM HATION OF Till: GOYKRNMFNT. GOLI’MBIS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING OCTfHJBR 9, lstio. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 33. Uii COLUMBFH liDDLERY, HARNESS AND LEATHER STORE! middlkp.rook ft CO., O-* Broftd Dt. MANUrACTt RKtU mod UAAIJCIt Thar«d»y Morning. Oet. 4, 1860. t "the l ir.t X.iiii tLiu Florida* | Wr m< indebted lj • |>« nthman of tl.’a j | ctif tor a pwato dispatch I'* ! ni K l„ j Mr. Hell on the Dlilituii of Itiit. 1'h. •■(... •ii.-.iiM i., ■ i mMUliMU »>l,iu«l in lb. <Jll«UI 0< I bll CW ,|, Muiul.y. Til. U.ll I ml) i ‘I* *•"" ° ( >■ • l.plj in «u, | .ml .ig.i.l .Itlniy, •rliel. .ipl.nin. .Mr. U.ll’. pro|.o.iuon in I ,h.| r munly llck.l bj . k.nJ.iui. . w .... ■ T,, “- "• “ “ j •O'Mr. .nJ ....... . l.i«' ni.jn.ur (■>• • plum do ; Yawth^snd JtoyN 4*.; Wijen , w *'o lit* read both article, thut we do not t ^ flr 8 lt ,„ ticket. Thu following »rt the fttn th(nli it n#c#mry , 0 #ty Jn f.jojndjr, , all for rrgufar bell and Everett IwUlea, *artlu*alea. Itoddle-Haga, W# ,r# «•»*•'“ *«' ■ W«*»' candulalea : | amt Medical do. i ocratic paper will but injure ita own cauae Govern*—Itot-Lia# ' wherever lb# people can g«t at the whole i {JSSur^bMemMib ti lacla of the cate ; and we again aay to our j Representative- W»uut lvo I neighbor that the ovtrich cannot hide him* ; The Keuatur elect is Jaiues Aherciumbir, J aalt from view by sticking hn own ayea in jf , eon ol ILn. James Abercromtiie, late *•! the (and. I thifi vicinity. W# rejoice to hear «f Lu I Wa have shown beyond cavil, Iron the aucoeae. I recorJ, that Mr. Dell, aarnastly denting to 1 At the State election two yean ug", Ls- i keep uo the ruatom of admitting a ramble g-ve about 235 tnajmity lor Haw- Stale whenever a fre* one was brought in, kina, Ike rrgol.r Itiinocraifc candidate for j and aeemg that California wna about to ba Congreaa, 0*i r WesUretl, ind.-(ieiiJeiit Pern- Proai >ha MantgoaMT) PeA *Mh. | A Virt Rich Clxim.—Last week, says j Fram tl.a Rone C«*«ri»r. will. Iluti. Thouias II. Watts’ rtperclt. ' the San Andreas Independent, Aug. Kill . Nctiutor Iverson's Sjien li. Katelle Hall waa deuaejy crowded last | two miners named Kolia Youukiir and : On Thutaday afternoon a respectable k Saddle.. Ilaraaaaa and Leather, -•( alilch Uia (oUovluc comprises a i.*r ■ Quittcl 8a<1.lira, overlaid. Ku(li*h J “ • * ; Yeuth's and Boy's do., W» L ; and Ladle* ttaddlsa— veristjr o HARNESS. |v*r-*!eted Carriaje Harreaa—aU qaal • Eoakawaj “ “ Doable Hum “ ' •• Btiigla da “ .lack llarncaa- al 1 stylei and qaalltlsa. LEATHER. I •Mrltinc leather, Bridle do.. Bog Skins, 1 - t aalnr, ttarneaa Uaihrr. Oak and Urmlvak ,UaJ4«.CaU dkliw, Lining Bktoa. I gbee Ftp. l-aata. Thread and F>dlii£«, Ac. fjtax-hine Belting. lha pur|Kiao ul liaiainng •peccti o>< ;iie cir.-d and elouuent pe; and sis', Hon. II. W. Ilia lirrt appealei.eeon ibe stage waegreet uh lond end continuous appli •pencil, ol |w o and omiviticing and unanaweraole apeechea, lu HPQU .liicliiia..ii.. ImwiM ! Tbi claim U tonlM gulch, where these Thus., at work on Mint (Julch, : number nl f-euibled near Central Hill, and not more iban t/iree e/trected by the announcement that Hill.. (.OH. ••<.„ And,..., look OHI I llun ; A , llr ' d •“«“ * Jd " •• 1 -i’i. „ ... . . , .. .. ■ people ol i lie c-unty. lie beitau with lie * I lh ' 7 P«'i "fb.. "i.b . Iinu , h'outa length, I P»n»* Tmm one etttgie pa^j^Jboutl I lie most intense in* ! bed r >cl dirt they took out over tjHOO ;fron. re-aecoiaion a* Baltimore, and pn vrd aa d tbc moat Irrcible, another ten ounce*; from another air ounces, j mu»!i m - «! li. The week belera Ufl they took out $btMI lireck H id shall r t attempt to give even I the | ■tdingly tumble that v ooet coeelesively that i staud upon C the head have teen laboring usarly a year, without pay, until very re* cei.tly. They 'drifted into the hill and ■truck the lead, which ail or seven Back tead» -dual ll.e UUni' ' I JU»*ts and Lac* bcaibcr. TBUNKS^ . J made the gulch so famous I. ..1^'-*”**" * wealth, that it was named "Mil r working lor aevcial weeks over > bottom, on winch they rsal.isd r pay, they at length struck a led ii distinctly repudiated the WtlmotVro. 1 of talcoae slate, on which they llud the H squatter toverrignty ; denied the I wander tally neb drpoaits above named. ! ‘ ‘ 1 1 “* 1 H|| ! The claim will probebly leal lor year*. j , and ucugnixud Utm frotir Ais Iriends tiiet lha Uouglaa.tea were (Ac Deuiocmtic party. Hi gave a delimiiou^^^HH^H vention. and the his orv ul tia application hi the Uiah and .New Mciilo. and Kansas npitcd the viale LATEST FROM EUROPE Arrival oi ikae (ilasgew. COTTON UNCHAMOEO AND FIRM THE ^4jy^*^ATID OEN ^Cari Rac«, 8epi. 30—The ateamship (j’aaguw baa touched off this point, bhe bring* dale* ... Sept. Ihili. grrai ! « p«M the bead oi Hirplieo A Douglas, and eliantly asked, | ever exlnbiiad dial lrtt‘ud*htp lor ihe douih I l aiincd by kta Ir ends f And y j Southern Democracy who thus denounce , attempted only lour years ago to nom IVeideney Territorial Li. any Territory, ind rtcognuud i Aballfleii l iu)*a*jie» n m f ... ,, uua admitted in I8h0. propo.ed to divide Telia ocral. but that was not a p.ity tast The | pI'^^^Dler andwtng W 'that lha l»au“ ! W « that the citizens of George Cm lUvcW aal Lace Leather. ( into two StuUs and out Territory mi that Oppoeitiau then elected b th the Senator i |„. ir , t .lailorm did not sustain theso pnnci- I town, Ue. f wire thrown into cuiisiJerebli , ae a’’distinctrecogi.tuonol the guar* I wnd Itrpvveentative by verv smailuiajoriliee. {plea—fir**, because It nowhere denied Umj eicitemeut last Wednesday, by the report I IIo uaaerted that Mr. Dough ^.. .b. -...» a. ,b. - c! saw. ra sS i. aad “i« part compliance” with the i camhte gave UtMhanan msjun.y peer ,^ u *e they had tail d le adopt the u^o»*ke , ^ with ri-ee. n m,,m, | * r ‘ 1 ‘ be ‘ ‘ '*■( —-«Sr "-T: " “ f lh “ H.. mMm I J l» "'"'I' 1 HhI.ih.oh*of “lit.” c!»ii"b- CARRIAGF. TKIMKIN'JS! did not propose, nor doe* the Timet ee»- State wa# about 1500. | have adopted tl thav had desired to do ao — I maoo had Parker engaged in diggiug a w. II, _ Kuai*rt> l LraUirr, Patent Dash ' lure to say that they proposed, to restrict ' It will be urn that Hopkina KrGeverncr lie then proceeded to show that Mr. Dell { when hi* ov*r*err having occasion to cor* CUU “'^ I. these three m.te. » on the con- j lead. Allen for as v.e ,„ date.', i unequivocally maintained each one ol these | red a negro woman, Parker tendered hi. I >q. SO«. s* W* Ti, ' fSS’ S*E ! ^ If Wtu, BuckUs, Harare* Muu'itlno, “m pari CJtnpIlaure” with the guarsnly cf j email in Kecamtu* as to indicate that per- j llerrien's amendment, declaring that ****** hf*ccAU.|i, j Btatea at aome future time conclusively aonal popularity had no great influence I J id the lb «‘ Mr - tt* 11 hiJ ‘n <fi« preset- ; Weal Florida. I ~L Z i ,4UO V f lh : /U " “ ,hl * L ' th h# %i ‘ U ' d Mu. teujriim ArunTaa—The I * — Ih.i th«v »III i f well b.ttsn’f.i wiu, the base then dtaitneily recogi.iz-d and in part , laprsii'ss^^iss-a'ai, M ,««>. - 1 «'■■■ ■■ •*a vee^aeej mss.^ *»d RepeMag deaa at I neiation timtn contemiblai ! it i T,i l! r 1 »»»'•»• »<> passed interlering v iary disposal ol the aoil, nor ealahliah- or aboitahiiig slavery." This wat a , under oath, directly egainat the Wi|. Proviso ; and that tl.a eaiue position Irarly maintained in Ilia epoech upo I tr shortest aeUee. COOK’S HOTEL, (FIRST Wilt IlOTf.L) auspicious lime to secure three kta I Oner Bro»d and Crawford Street,, »< b«> »nj uto.. Jh j regret that his prnpoeilion felled. Gandid n of the South, of all patltct, will join effect. The resolution ol at.- neiation barer contemplated that Texas would at c.«y one time be divided into five- , * “ *’ ' ,nd tho 8ouih, rcpuaJieied.'ta ourly »e 184S, State., nor doe. any oue now .oppose that ,U, ' U,r ' ,l L " ‘ L ';“‘ ‘f ''’i"’ 1 " 1 ' ! M.e id.a that a mere l.andlul or any other aba will be. But Mr. Hall thought *ll an r Yulre, of Florid i, j ho in comumn with the people ol Tennesseo, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HATCH COOK, , 'Hl-rf.lf I'ruprlr I .r CUBA HOUSE, l.l MHK1JI, UA _ Til* at.<tr-»l|nifd t.avlng taken Mgu rUiinj renovated and fcttr.1 up ..1IR. J Ilir aan.f, t..» «t.r pHHBfnf the | aollcli* a ibare ef _ . |.au..i «,' Hewtllsper* iHtpslns t« (dvaae | *g who may call on him, and having had conald-rs . Ida upertence in catering f-c U.e appeUte and corn- art </the public, (eel* confident In giving satlsfac C. C. UUSAKI) ■pll Richmond and Baltimore OONVKNTIONH. | <ha piamltva know a aa WAVKRLY HAL1., NiriPiiJ In Until* ■< u>. I . i.» r» .1.1 (>i. m ^PmE |, o‘ i* i.alat ol to aerwa til laud •Bat So ol will h arw r^arsd aud la a g.»-l *Uta ol aw'OvaU.c. fond Ire., nr H*n<s, and all norrsaa ey eethnlldlnga. go.ll Will nf water, aa asralloat | wrvhards of a*ioft Fruit, and t«*t roastrurted COUNTRY STORE IS OaorgD An erergatlr ■in ran *wll g^.OM to gao.t'oo vrortk ef Dry Wood*, t.. prompt paying two- towers. For pariit-ulara apply to N. F. ranaiisa, i who rasUm on lb# promise- It* eg deairou* of go- tag outot baaiUMS, will sell * Uargala. CAP.RKKIUt A MYWH. Jiay n. Tfidfi^ vtf IBW I-AW PIMM. W P. CHILTON 4 SONS, W. H A ££ _ . Mil. ION A YANCEY. They wilt i-vi, .H,Mr aUend to all l.tialnr** roafi- 4*4 to them In Ul* Mipremo lourt of Ibe Mat* and ta Ibe DBUIrt Court of the t nlled Mate* at M*nt- • r> . , a ,uaga, Coom, M«i »n. wk*r* will b* Nmud W. I* Cbiltos, W. L Yaeons, aad Tana. U CaiLroa—the other at Tuskrgrr, at which W F. Cwar .s, Jr. and Uau. C. Yascav way |f ppecial aMapUnn will hr plvrn l.. rolIrrtloM. sad to basinr*s In tbo Probate Courts of Maron aad Montgomery March 1*. Ihdfi-wtderti atce*a a gawaoa, aira'n n. aruore lieu it on A Tllillocll. ATTOKNI'iY’S AT I.AW. HAMILTON, OA W ill, practise In llarvU. Tr*np, Mcriwethrr Talbot, and nil U>* Counties In ik* Ctialta h»*'htt Circuit aad th* adjolulng C*unlle* of Ala •9_Ba»laes* of all kind* prawptly attewdrd ta. J. H. Jones, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fert Gain*#, Clay Cc., 0*., W1IA rwnUns* P> praett- l.w la th* Boulk-w**- hethfally aHond la all BwMaeiw snlrw.tet ta hW •wr*. la thsmanUa, of Randolph, Hay, Early aad OMhoan ^ tg. • dfiiw al Fert Uainee, (la. ^ Geo. G. IlaRland, ATTORNEY AT LAW, U riLL sttMK^Ebtny,., ;• «|| bualwae* wtreslod to hi* ears,la BvlUr ana -SadJMaiagrows- F^f^firw. n r otolr*. Heath-west corner o?*Ui* Pekllf hgaeiw. aprilU-dvtf Richard Hooper, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ChRttaneogfa. Tewn. W ILh attend promptly to tk* perrhaa*of tVni try Prodcrw, *r any other husloeva antrusted hb ear*. May Ifi, fc3-U In the question answete.l by Dnuglas I Norfolk, aiiJ answere it dilVerently, he will t>e com}>ell«il ta vitte saainst him.” • lieu. It. II. HI')* llu Krrctit Car*!— 1 he Facie Slated.” | liditnr Kinjuirtr : Indi*|>u*ilton haa pro- wntcil me liuai coutj.ltting my notice ol Hon. C. A. Evan*’ Ictlrr. 1 will now tuo- liantllul inhabitant* in a Territory, should have the power ol regulating ! number itiatituiton*, et their own diacie- ottiaen ul the Uni enjoy hie right ul timi and thus deny ted ti tales the puwi good aa the white lolks. Mis. Kiibiuson overheard the conversation, and iuforuird her hutbaud ol it. whereupon Parker dr- cemped, but was pursued with bound* aud caught some filtern miles below George town. llo underwent hie trial yesterday, and our informant thinks it vrry probable that hr is hung e/o thi*.— Cuthktrt Jtipvr- mith, Two gem'.emeu are reliably reported ton* 1 would us in eaying that this prwpoaitiou of Mr. litll was the most politic and advantageous measure Tor their section offered in Goti- grcee for tbs last teu year*. It eibihued j reed to show and i'a icinvning i stalcsaiaiivhip, fuieeighl, end a jealous alatciuritl* uf lade aud history. ( now regard for the rights aud tuteraals ef the lha attention of the readers of Mr. Kvi Nonth. 1 letter to e resolution offered l.y Mr. 8< But the Times ebowe that Mr. Bril eg. | i u the IJ. 8. Senate, July 31, 1S&0: |*r untlorinly t lavor of protection. Mr. Watts said that Mr. Beil aent une step lurthrr even than the Amevtcan pisiform—that he maiuiaini'd *u»:uined by the liibleand recognized in all i- age* ul the world, that at Iran oue>hall pr**.*J the opinion that these two new 1 -That the Trrriuuial l*reialature shall I d rr * n ^ *fo f y were attributable Statos would U all that the Mouth would , ( , f# no ,„y ni.noer to inlerferr well ..* justice lu the master, deralnded ever get. Has time weakened, er has * ( j with the cstahliahmcnt or the abolition of “• ••‘•"•fo 1 '- etrangthened, that opt.iuu ! Teu ,,. fery ^ thm Umit . of „ l# MlJ Terri- | JSSt3 by rkTlaK'£UwoZ.uJl lory, hut shall piovide lor the protrclion uf I •«me to notice them lurtlier at preaont. lie ' . . . ....... i i paid a be&utllui tribute to the conservative •h j roj erty there .. recogn.ird by tho , J!.,, ol Mr . gverutl. and tl.ougbi it having gone to liear lire cell. strong Breckinridge was found wauling in the ■ newer the questions e iThia was a bit ul cruel Uoay-at w hit-liour uu icilui nature revolted iglae would ■1 ha Fi liable efftet ul X lve aoim ul the Bnuihctu Cilalea nd yet ha attvrward-, ttoua vKeith ut the race, mctuird Mr. Bell • s the hindmost horse. Tim incun*utaucy was peculiarly Democratic. Judge lvtr»un occupud moat ol hie time in a labored argument agaiuat ti.juattcr Sovereignty and m lavor ol proteetlon, •then, with the except ton ol a lew Douglas men, there waa nobody In thn bouar to con« vnno. lie made no attack upon Mr. Bell, but uralt out incidentally a I. w ^eueralme* about In* uutounducss, without specifying the particular acta upon which lha ebargo ia founded. He evidently thought it bi nt ath the notice ol a United State* Senator to rtttrrate Ibe worn out platitude* about abolition petitions and abolition oi klavcry in the Uuiricl ol Columbia. Alibuugh, in the mam, we founJ no jec.inu iu Judge Ivtrson's p"aiiion», yet .targing our duty to i ired by Mr. Douglas, at Nt folk, thrv rcturmd home repudniiiiig In and hi* \ ancey disunion clique. Wn c vouch lor the truth ul tne report.—IFi ckrt. tr Chronicle. We have reliable information that « lireckinndga Democrata who r**ido in naiglihoriug county, were aflectad hi tl ••me mai'iter by a pmiaal ol the s,ecch Mr. Breckinridge. Wo hi placed in the bands ul every man iu Kentucky.-— Frank/* that i have tutoivened, and the Mould haa obtained even one new slave State liuta. It i* tut prelandrd that aha baa a chance of obtaiutng more than ouo soon. Tala* baa not yet bean divided al all, and we do Dot now believe that the North would recognise or carry into effect her right to divide tven info two S'atea. Dues any one of ouv rradrra bclirve that lha present House of Kepresentativee would consent to such a measure, or that the next House i* likely to he belter disposed toward* the Mjuth Y Mr. Ball wae doubtless right iu bia opinion ; and h* waa certainly right, ou lha ecure of policy, in axpreeeing that opin ion to tbs North aa an argument to induce that region to stand up to it* guaranty to the .Sooth. Had hi* counsel* prevailed, we would have had seventeen *ls*e States (equal in number to the tree) to-day, and all lha right of Texas to sub.divide into more would Lave he*n left intact and "dis tinctly recognised." This etatfiuei.t is so clsaily borne out by the ncord that there can be no gainsaying it. Ae to the Territory of New Meiico, which Mr. Ball thought Would bo a tree Blais, it remains yal to be earn whether it will bo freo or slave. But certainly bis res olutions did not im|><>*« any restriction aa to alavory upon it; on tho contrary they et|iree*ly forbade either Congress or the Territorial authorities to exclude slavery, leaving that question to be determined by its Stale constitution. And it should not be torgollca that Mr, Dell's resolutions pro- posed to concede to New Mexico less of the territory in dispute between Mexico end Text* than the Compromise act* afterward* annexed to New Mexico ; aod that they repealed a prohibition of slavery in a part of it which a previous Democratic Congress baJ imposed. y singular own ext mono In- had contributed tlOO.OOU t > purchase the grave ol a eUvrlioldur, and make it the common property ol tho pco|il« ol the country. In roixlution, wo would aay that whilst Mr. Watt*' speech waa moderate in ita lone, and com iliatory in ns character, we think that the chaige which haa ol late been ni- tn'.iuied to turn ol enieriatning disunion proclivnie*. wae »o effectually burred by al most every sentiment which hn uttered, that the hand ol resurrection will never again dare to touch it in this community.— Ilica it to say that bis speech waa worthy d man that ut- cauae which ho I advocates. The platform adopted by the constitu* paid a beautttui tribute Constitution of the United Mr. Evan* to add that to the Davt«.||rrrn resoluitan*, and to tell me it that resolution I Mr. h would not secure of it*slf completely the ] j doctrine >-f protection ? For that res-Fution ; ,,Hn r J shrx Bell voted. Did John <’. Breckinridge j * ’ V ul ever do the like I No; but he di I offer a oj*i| l( . resolution in IBM), III the Kentucky l.rgj*. j j„ r lature, the vrry converse ol Mr. 8«uls'* res olution ea copied »bnwe.~ Appr idu to Con- greaaionitl Globe, vol. Ti, |<art ", ji USt. Mr. Evm* find* laull with John Hell because he intended not to leave in doubt the right* of the Mouth in the territory ae. quired Irom Mexico. He Kay* “Mr. Fill i« not entitled to the benefit of thia nlea.' Wbat ideal Why, that the Constitution t*l'kc ol tire great and superseded tbe Mrxiran law* abolishing '“'"d »U and slavery. Now, sir, John Deff ie. above all “ other m«n, entitled to the bam fit of tin* idea—for he said, July C, 1N.»0; "Tbe soundness of the gene>*l doctrine held ujron this point I think cannot will tie questioned I or disproved.” What doctrine Y W hy, tint the Constitution carries slavery into the Territories of th* I'niled Slste* and there j.rnlecla it. Doe* that look like John Hell held tbit the law* o| a conquered and ac quired Territory were above the C. nalilu- lien and law* ol the lulled Hale,* I’ve- jroslerou* ! You knew that he held no ,uch doctrine whan you jienned it. There wa* a diversity o( o| imou am mg the j,ie leal intellects in Congre**, in 1850, e* to wheth er lb* Constitution did *u|>rr*edr the Mex ican law* abolishing slavery nr not. Ji ilVr- son Davis, Judgn Berrien and John Hell held that the Constitution w«* above all Mexican law*, and yet there three gentle men insuted upon (he repeal of those Un* abolishing «laviry. Do you deny it ? Then I will prove it. How ? By n leering you to a resolution offered by Davis nf .Mi**., June l!i, s* an amendment to the Compro- J «.,»■,•*a/nl r/>nrni* mire bill of 1850: "And that all law* oi any man than lha' John Hell i* unli much truth wr prepneiy in chargO' ■ an a* Edward Everett, when dgo Iiiiiim li had pronuiincad __ j b jl | ciiargea John IJel! with ti through ign. ranee Halmncre 'lie Yancey parly alleel Icniitoinptuoue with ms latest breath he made In* grand tflart to give peace to a distracted country- in hi* memorable epcech belor# the Ken tucky Legislature in |MM>, occurs this pas- I may tio naked, aa I have Iwsn asked, when I would consent to a dissolution ol the Union. I answer. Never! Steer! Navis' desire to lie upmi In* democratic lire Sulrna Semi- whose editor Nashville, where be had just returnod an interview with Mr Bell, ami where h |m! a full opporiumiy ol learning Mr Bell ol hit speech. I'pon dividual the audience would have I their backs in disgust, had ho dared insult their aell-respeel ; hut the official pusiiioti ol^ our United Hiatts .S>ne(*r do maiidcd respect lit I aiteniion. We trembled for tire morals ol our country heard one, having aurh an iitrtu* enjoying auefoa wide repulaiion and ol such acknowledged talents, encouraging and __ tcring lo iho most d'-grading projiensiirea ••I liuinau naiura. We hope nevet again io have our ears ao shocked by a wecuMainly never will by the lion. Allred In lx nail ol our eomiiiunit/ we ixena, nut even Judge Iverson's warnteal politicai Irienda, a| proved ol this obji ole portion ul lua speech. Al the conclusion ol ti II. Mtepbens, wiii> had amend the H*l nog it, dclivriy, was called for, but dacli* leuiarks, hop Breckinridge against l> u;l» for .hr santitm-nta he utter ed m In* Noiloik speech cuiirely loo soon, mid much too lit res for their own consis tency; lor it has 'urnedoufihat both Brrck- speccli, lion. A slavery. I l>ir , Ult# iM j j^ ne rf( , u di*ie t Chinaaa, or n llm loo. 8 .• i a charge as that wool • bo ju-t aa well founded aa tho other — Montg. Ton. Oui Buck Exiutinu IIiuskik for IIxll. —T he YMalftialYor at Kookitk, .Mo., Cal Patleraon *waa removed a lew days ago, not lor loving Democracy lesa, but lor lov* ins Douglas more, ami Mr. Jamieaon, a Bell and Kvereit man, appointed in hia stead. This ia the first good appointment ' Old llurk" haa made sine# he becirne I'resident. We presume the old follow perceive* that, at the -till of March next, Herioi s Hhootino Amarr—We learn that a sinoui eflrav occurred in the "Texas Iraat," near T'uskvges, cn Wednesday night it' lha'agitation in regmd !•■*. •» wb ' rb * 7° un k k 7 ,ho «■"»' the lugitivo slave law should eoniinua ul C. Uawson, and a little eon of Mr. il increase, and Irecoma alarming, it will I Brooks were shot. Tire wound* of the for- •I io formation cl iwu new parti**, one merer* not dangerous, but lire latter rscaiv- the 1’nion, and th® other against tire iwsnty-on*shot in hi* body,and although l,, n '. . n i ** 1 still sliva at lawk accounts, hie lifu is almost that l ninn party will ba the Union, tux I , . . . .... . , riu. .... r.l K».,>. .HINT nr T.t oft, ,n (r,.n.l., I/,. .,.1. And il it should accordingly be wsre aimed at lb® father of the ln»y. John |med, / announre m^selt in thi* /ilare a | Day and Lewis Watkiu* have been sriaalsd member el Hat parlg, uhutnrr may be its j and inijirisonad, rliargad wiili having done i.igra or customs |>n j the II lug in the Territories acquired hy t ted Hlata* Irom Meaico, and which in a Tsrrilonea restrict, abridge or ohitrccl i full enjoyment ol any rig'.l nf person projierty of a cititen of tl.e L’nilaJ fla as recognised or guaranterd by the Com tutmn or law* • language nf a entemporary, ally prt I the shooting.— Nnntg. Advertiser. , coLUM*ra, r.roRni* dtrxur oppestu U* Port OWc*. April 4.; «4 ‘ E E SAP¥1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, COblMBUF. GEORGIA. UTILL prartle* to Ui« Ckattoheoek** Clreult aad * V th, adjoining couallaa- rtT Ofllct «n Ramlnlph Buret, a few door* wee ariha Fret OfiW* July M, 'fiU-dwU Tbe Florida I Her Hot*. Tbe general election in Florida, for Governor, Ksprsssntativo to Cocgrss*, nisi b...«( n. uiaiaiM, a,. cm. .j 1 ,„ d ;i„ Unlay. Tbs friond* ef Bell and Everett have lor several wsska been vigorously car rying on lb* fight tgaiosl the united De mocracy, and wa have hope*that they have succeeded in sleeting tbeir candidate lor Governor at Isaal. l ha Douglas men have no candidal#* al thia efoction, having uni ted with lha ethar in tusking lha Democratic nominations for Governor end Congressmen, but they have an electoral ticket, which will commence tbe canvass for Douglas with vigor now that tba Hist* elec- ,j lt ] jH. r ,n ? Y •'Feller icgrt*," rai. ipeals io tire country- |j ai tenant of iniiitifi, *• nd (.lay for their sup- (|# ou p (lf jj,,, > || 0 * - u ., ■ 1“ . ' I naiional Would you say Dan* and Brrririi, hr causa they Wished to repeal those l*we, held lint the Constitution did nit »U|ierecde litem ? or rather would you not lake it as an tam est devotion to tho rights nf the Houth I f ban why not, an, like an lioiresl man, give John Bell credit fur the same motive ol de- lotion to the Houth a* you award to Davis and Berrien 1 for he did the aam-* act they , Jsekso did—they voted to repeal those law*, and ronfeai ■o did he. Then why do you labor to hi- | ccrdtiu jure him for doing what Da*l* and Ui tire glorious heritage Hied ii* t»y our eires, no that it r* the Iroast ol Ameriran cttisana , newly elrflad i all li i. <1 obliged have given me. Fellow togers, I'm net iiing to lorget your kiioliie,* soan, net by darned sight; and I'll tell you what it is. 'll stick to my post like pitch to a jiiire pie* board, so long as there'* |ieacc, but a* I go rotation in office, and il we should to blow* with lha British, darned tl UhhTmhmhh, ! I a*"'*•'■>■ ■ ■“’I l>| - The Koiiiurky Yeoman, Mr. Brcckin 1 ridge's Aeaic organ, seeing thm the silence ul it* duel on so grave a qieaiion was about tuduniuge linn, refora to it and asya that any arbool boy would know I tin t ll Mr. Ltuoelu is eligibW lo lire office, and re elected according to the forma ol the Con- siiiuiioii and lawr, that Ae will be inuugu' rated, end treila any other eupposiuon wuh ilia moat kU|ireme coniempl aud ridi* in addititn to this. “Old Joe" Lane, haa seen tho ncreasity ol hicnking silence on the (|iieatiun; so that at lodianapulia, the capiiafod Indiana, oil the **•» h instant, lie responded l« the enquiry—“What il olJ Ciplea ol ilic National Dcmocraiic party "Should hn be clccitd by sectional parly, und on hia aeciiotial plalh expiration ol that t . . in ilieir might and place a man in lha Pres' idenirel chair who will aland by and to pnncip <■ ol ihu Constitution, as now expounded by the .Supreme Court and held by ilia Breckinridge party." [Loud choera.) And nun we wunt to aec il there ie a sin- pie onr ol thuao very ratn|>atit gentlemen that wanted to rruciiy Douglas, who will venture to deuoannu their »wu candidates lor exprcMMiig view* tdentical with those ol They will I ... / did upon l aup|iori Brechturidgu and L. di claratioii that ttiey woulu rntae. i will lionrat people be deceived bv si miaarable hypocrisy f—Montg. Can fed. say* a rorrespondam j that ’ Til. l*u,cll«Mblc I Th , (yuiiiiiiiitna of tlieGonsti- ' IIV rrforenes lo our Troup couoty corraa- j |„| f0ns | H 0 i u » parly ol New Jersey bavi jiomlence, giving an aceounl of a recent i,*uad an addreae lo lire American voters, [paefh hi LaGranga, by Judge Hanry K. urging lhain to auj>port tbs Union electoral i tins nty, the reader will find* i, c k*-t. They #*y they "have united trllk ulby of not*. It eeeme, ae- ] ,j„, Republicans beretofore, bslievmg c-onduei. appeals, in tire Ai Glotre vol. YU, 1 at .Session, 33d . '.I .Mr. It ,1 njnr.ifln ol Judge Jarkeon, | |(, r y wnald alrik* from Ilieir |ilaifojrn llreir It would >> Thomas J. Dunn, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. Merges, Calhoua Ceaaty, Or. re’rte 11. *Tb. S.II hhoih... hssia. Daaghwt). and Ire. Mayl.’tMf Governor, Col. 8. P. Hopkins, lor Congr< I Judge U. F. Allen ; the Demoen surprise tbe Bell candidate for Governor and Ibe you Democratic candidal* for Congressman were ' J elected yesurdey. In personal popularity j . the advantage appears to be on lha sola of those gentlemen, and if Ita division if pst- ■ is close, personal popularity may decide • has spoken < Smith & Pou, ATTOKNEYB AT LAW, Tvxskegre, Ala., I - ' nees—for Governor, Gan. John Milton, f Congress, K. B. Hilton, E*q. Mr. E' of the charge ol freeeoil affinti against John Be!! by pUct-incu ol the Deiu ocratic psrty. Buffer nre to whisper inn fact in your ear: Judge Iverson, in ln< Griffin speech, laid that lha Administration ■ gentle- party, that th* uteri selected hy lbs Demo te did, and crane party m represent them in tbsir ut- I King wbat | tionsl convention*—to atlacl tbe rulers of ' sition, and this great an l virtuous people, and lay reproached Juwn the principles of truth and constitu- j tinnal law that are lo constitute the political I mplecency laitli ol th* great Democratic psrty—are mere mercenary knave*, devoid ef even common honesty, and in feet like cattle in the market, to be knoi k*d down to ■area*;, I MO Geo. W. Mullins, Attorney ret Xjjxw, HAMILTON, GEORGIA. Walton G. Jordan. Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Equity, HARDAWAY. MACON COUNTY, ALA. MACON OOCNTYj 'ILL cm Una* In ea4*av*rine to *u«nl u any peekretonal tntoo-re may hr rutrrei*4 to Ma are®ag»went in »ay af Uw coaattos or CaarU llemlcldc lu Chambers. Or Saturday last, a difficulty occurred at a political meeting in LaPayeite, which re adied in th* stabbing of an oU gentleman named Jeter, end th* killing of Mr. James Taylor by a tt*b fey Mr. R. C. Jeter, tbs old gentleman firet mentioned. The y^tpeak elder Jetar waa cut aeverely, but w# Lava ,j, t0 R u ( Jobrx C. BrackinnJga and weep| not heard whether hu wound Is considered 1 »ver his abandonment and Ulnyal ol tl.a dangeroee, or whether it ha* bean aacer- I righia of tbs Booth when ire »*t I that <b.l Ta.lor >.. Ih. ... who .ub- ! •‘•>••7. •»'»« •«*'. U* si- Tb. u -■ *""" Mto. Mdth*. formerly iwsytsJhy kta tot*WreUwr- riage, and it is said that tbe d’.fficolty he- ( ^ Hay'1,1M> wit tween them areo* from family difference* of ( <;«»##*rowg.Gx., Sept. 28, 18G0. BonJ. f Berne, ! lo °* •"** h,J <•"»•«*•••» w,,h { m. Enquirer You will be good enough ATTORNEY ATI.'* W polilie.Ahoti,b lb., «•>• .1 . H"'" 1 w cornel .n in lb. r.p».t o( Ih, coCMLbH, OKORUIA, j,. Tb. .IT.if c.nui.fU.1. | u,;j , C|1 £ m » t , in (iuilm.n coun- •kS^SSi,**”* 00 '' ■"•*"' ....■.»•»<. *»i " •• «.• "«* I m ,j. b , ,b, pro I'm. of (b.( n-.»ius: 1 - m ■ highest bidder. ••Sir,’’ remarked a brother Democrat to Judge Jackson, al Baltimore, • ,1 I E• il one hundred thousand dollars, 1 c’luld secure lit*- nomination ol John C. Ilreckinridga" . to which Judge Jackson expresii'd hi' own aolruia rouvtcUau a* / believe you rould." a picture for the honest men of ill |.«nie* to contemplate. Judge Jackson, imam ler faulty in hia arguments, la a relia- I’reridaticy who ia a part ul ^ hie wi'.resa in matter of facts, and such is an Administration pronounced by Judge Ins testimony against hi* own parly. And Iveraon, in 18&9, to be a frersoil one. I yet we ere gravely told that this ie the par- envy not your pu»i<ion in 16G0. Whenever ty of the peoj Ie, the salvation of the Mouth, I about freesoil affinities, the hope of tbe country ! If it be the only | John U. Breckinridge I that Aduiibistratmn I j istralion waa in 18f>!) | Breckinridge being i i that Administration, v i part and parrel ol Now, il the Admin- t freeeoil one, and component part of ' foMoi iv he nut, according ' oi.r • .page in reply io .Mr. Toomba, • " I'he honorable Senator tront Georgia, in the course ol hi* remarks yi strrda), thougiit ptoper io declare that I had become the ally el • he abolitionist* ol the North. I say to the Senator III reply— tl a aanauir mean* to *ay ibat in ....... . I. J .n, cm. I... h (b. .1.1 a b,, earns ..* - ..... !V B’VlftSrtlV I'-SiSM tionsl party, liuta* they have not dene | lf ilWi , hi , 0 |, )#alt in that stale- aa, th# L'ntou party will n >l support a sac- mem, m let it go forth to the country lor tioaal nomination. ' j effect among th* people, that Ire had boldly said to my lace in the Hcnate, that 1 had ... _ . , . Irecoma the ally of lha ahoiiitoiiieis. then I An I.b»... ...Jul.,., m ib. h .„ „ ... c .r. vary intelleciusl occupation ol sucking T anpum argument, as unjust to him as was egga raw and reading a newspaper. By me, and worthy only ol the shallowest seats mischance lie contrived lo bull a live and lowcal demagogue. Il Ire meant to ck.tksn. Th* noor bird chirruped as it spy that 1 had become the ally of thn abolfo w-nl down In* ikrnst, and he vsiy (c.liiely i)i.,.v,i! -uo .b. ... i...bu, juu, “j ■ psssssnH? ■ •p»k* * il' 1 '” •'« |J| " 1 kn.w lu b* Kfib.” Mr Thn Riahmond Wing mike, the fol- Mr # "“Wn^wBI to* iliiiSr'T^mtka *h® 11 O* finoihe^U 1 *?VardlV iV^pf» n . Yanceyites, .1 Lincoln i. r cued. J o make gumtd lllt , lh# |., w Wl u b* l.apind willifl & Willis, ATTORNEY^ AT LA YMtotUi, Talhet Ceaaty. Oeergta. W>hL gtv* ynaspi iUmiIm to all toJaas* aa- n *natoad to tkdr ea* «la Taikot us th. adJeia- , mvmtom. Marsh H. H-etf ■ Rye nntl feed Harley. AND BRED BARLEY, toe sal* at d “XT>,Trig * that lurtber dificulliea would grow oat of s^t 17-4«u PALACK MILL* it. R. C. Jstor bad avoidnd , latest reports. tOT FJward Everett, th* R«xt Ytc* Pres ident ef tb* United Hutee, ie, neewding re rumor, engaged to be married to a fashion- tM* Boulhern widow. meeting. There appear* in that report t clnb in Bumblcton District, which ware appointed as follow* : Edom Jaekaon, Prea- ideal, Uroy Oelline, W. H. McGahee, John Whitaker, Wa. Greddy, Jeckeon Pnnlip*, Dr. A. Ogleire*. Th* omieeiou was mad* by my aal I aa Secretary pro trm. through miaioko. Jo ti. E. Main*. salvation, lha only hope, thao God help na f lor liumaii agency lor good i* at fin end. ^VarannaA Republican. V A Lt'A bLK Allibs - A correspondent ef the Atlanta Americao, writing !r*nt Law- rencavillr, reports that Senator Iverson con verted several Breckinridge men lo Bell, hy hi* speech hi that place. We heard * Douglas man of thia city af ter some days ego, to pay lb* beard of Mr. Toombs al the Pulaski House, including “sundries," until the day of th* efoction, provided he will obligete himself to make on* speech a week.—Savannah Repub, ■ Him. or trrJvmb^K.. . r* thi eel* ol ardent epirtia in Nebraska follows: the following punishment f*/ violation : Douglas. excuse a plausible one, grmlemsn, you . must first try io delaat Lincoln. You can heal him, and it you do nqt you connite at lha uioiig which you intend io seixe up< n aa the rxcfiae lor oonmntiing a greaiet wrong i( you want a united South lor lirsi do all Union wl’h honor } drives ><*u to lha ‘ r ,u vary amiahln laalinga lor hia assailRnt, much less that Ire would land a band to weave laurels lor hia brow. c ao"rt *** 11" *w *ff * 'tl# Macdonald, who have Recently been giving tie'pur mined u. (!>• U'uukl,., peupl. . ..... <•rib.Mu.IUj, elect Lincoln aiwf then take advantage ol called upon Rev. Hanry Hard Beecher, a your own act to paeeipitjtn disunion." j lew evenings since, fo pay their respects. ,,, - Mr. Beecher received the eminent bruisers TRARfiCKRMKtAtiMt.- 'You know mad- ' ««»•» *»ia usual politene... He said h* par- am. that y<»u cannot make a purso out of a i f«cly a««*d with them as to tb* necessity sow's car." of improving tire American physique by "Ob.air ! plaaafi laa ma. 1 liava intima- jib* devcfopinrnt of muscle, mil ha had lions "I a ewoon. Wliea you n»c >h*» odi- ,, r mua objactiona lo lha ring and ita aur- ou. mfielim:. ol 'ulg.rltv, ulo.h. u , „,. p ,|„. isAsiR ■ *.•..« ... ..j .. *>~ r . •. irom th# eutreular organ ol ibe eolt sex ol i fair end equate round or lw# on Christian • ba genus ewma.’ ! principle*, with a view to promote the di- re«e«e» , festive fatuities. Ilegnan than handed th* ] Th« strength of the 1’reaid. ntiaUandidate. p**tor of Plymouth Church a pair of box- In th# law regula 1 tn our town, na made out by a friend, la as mg gloves, and thoy d# say the use he 'The Justice shall render judgment for the whole amount of fin* and coat*, and be | Breckinridge iittod In th* common jail until nil is ' * ' and 18ih, .. pricta. The were 10,000 bales, aud In,000 balsa, at unchanged Wednesday tbe 10th Jjsndon Money Market. Console closed at • !»Ji. Cutryool Central Markets.—Breadstuff* were tirm ; all qualities have sligutly ad vanced. Provisions quiet. Liverpool Cotton Market.-• Speculators and exporters took, on Monday and Tuesday, 5.000 bale*. On Wednsaday specalaiora and exporters took 4.000 bales. The mar- important news brought by Lemoricrer*. Gen. Lamorciere lias been defeated with great ioae, fiolaou had been fired at by an insane man, at Toulon. The man's aim waa averted by a bystander. The Hardiniane have taken several places in the Koman Territory, bosidea Perugia I live hundred ships. It is probable that he intends to attack Venitts. * The Democracy righting. St. LoOlfi, Kept. 20.—Th* Douglas and Breckinridge faction# held meetings last night. During a speech ol Judge Halibur- ton at the Breckinridge gaihenng, an at* tempt was made by the Douglas man to break up the imyiing. During the melee two Hreckimidge men were slightly siab- bed. Th* Bulletin calls upon ilia n ambers ol the party to he prepared in the tuiure to fight, or assist in the maintenance ol their privilege*. tremendous Douglae gath'-ring here to-day, variously estimated at Irom 30,000 lo 100,< 000. Douglaa waa very eevsi* on Brack. waa beaten in tho trot against “Dutch man's" fastest 3-uiile trot. Mire made two trials. First—'7:332; Second 7:43$.~- “Dutchman'a" time wae ?:33L An Lugllah Captain Assaulted. New Otti.xxRa, Sept. 29.—The captain of tire English wur steamer Gladiator, i the ataamahip which brought the name ti House hud organised, and had selected Douglas and Republican officer*, which in dicated a coalition io elect Baker A N*m miih as Senators. Tbe Breckinridge Sen ators withdrew so aa to prevent an election. Douglaa In Kenturky. Louisville, Sept. 28.—Douglas address* .d a very large crowd thia afternoon et Preston'* woods, near tire city, aeverely denouncing Breckinridge and Buchanan aa working lor th# election ol Lincoln, and being responsible for charging them that relult tl h* reflected. Billing a Don.—Scroggins kept a large dog. which il coal aa much lo Iced aa two pigs would have done; and the dog, be sides, waa useless ; nay ha wa* wore* than useless, for in addition to tba aipense of keeping, he took up house room, and great ly annoyed Hcroggin's wife. "P'agn* taka tbe dog !” and aha ; "I do wiah you would sell him, ot kill him, or do something or other with him. He’s more plague than bia neck is worth, always lying in the chimney corner, and eating mors than it would taka lo maintain three children. 1 wander you will keep such a useless ani mal.” “Well, well, my dear,” said he, • aay no mors about it. I'll gel rid of him one of these days." Thia wa# intended as a mere get off; but hia wife kept daily dinning in bis ear# about the dog, h* waa at length compelled to do ao. “Wall wife," said ha oue day, as b* cam* in, “I'v* sold Jowler." "Hava you, indeed!" said aho, brightening up at th# good new*. “I'm vary glad of It. How much did you sell him for, my daarl" “Tan pounds." “Tan pounds! what, tan pound* for that dog I How glad I am ! That will buy us a good cow. But where'* iho money, my loval" “Money !" said Hcruggioa, “Mon ey !" I didn’t get any money!! took two puppies at five pound* a-piece." Mr A vagabond Icilow, ball man and half baboon, waa arrested in Quitman co., Ga., last weak, on a charge ol thraa'aning to have aome ol bia neighbors' dwellings destroyed by fire. It wa# reported that ha bad bean iustigating a cer'ain negro threatened to burn hi* house. Thia about the sum and aubatance of the testi mony against him in tbe magistrate's court. Ha waa discharged and has since disap peared. Hia name ia Parker ; and w# have bean informed that he ran away Irom Henry county, in this State, in order to avoid tes tifying against lua own father. Indicted lor Iiceat.—Eaf.iula Spirit C*ng;ressloual Nomination* Boston, Sept. 2b.—The Ball and Everett Convention to-day made tho following nomination* lor Congress : First District— Daniel Fisher, ol Edgar* town. Third Diatrict—Edmund Tillotaon, of Dorchester. Siath District—Otia P. Lord, ol Salem. Seventh District—Luther Bell.ol Charles- Eighth District—Winthrop Faulkner, of Action. Judge Mari ton haa received lha Bell and KiLioioca Revival.—A protracted meet ing has b*«n going on at lb* Methodist Church in this city, for aome eight or selves to tbe Church.—Macon Tst. nr “What’s Jegraphy, MU" "h'* a tailin' ef fornn lands that we know nothin' about by 'cula ebapa that’* aver seen 'am." Bill got a government aitnation. W The’ Nichotaaviffa (Ky.) Democrat says that there are al least a Joxan man in that precinet who voted for McClarty (ffrecktondga) who in'and voting for Douglaa and Johnson ia Noaaatbet. Frem toe UaisvDU Journal. •Hill I-ater from Breckinridge, The Cincinnati Enquirer, aa we hare al ready stated, setd that John C> Breckin ridge would attend a mass meeiinc ami barbecue at Weal Liberty, ton aid the Enquirer. Nevertheless w# a<atad cn Wednesday, upon the authority of fottera front Mt. Sterling, that Mr. Breakinrtdge, accompa nied by Jae. B. Clay, Jno. M. Elliott. Ac., had slipped through that town on Sunday last on hi* way to the Weal Liberty meet ing and barbecue. And now we learn that Mr. Breckinridge, with bis men Clay. El liott, Ac., attended tire barbecue at West Liberty and made a speech at Owingsville ilia next day. Th# two speech## were di* luiioiis of the one at irextugion. This skulking off'into the hill* upon a speaking lour without the knowledge of the public and with the knee ledge ul leas than one in twenty of his own Irienda, was a sneaking piece of business which John C. Breckin ridge would have scorned to he guilty ot six month# ago. (1# has lalleo into uiisrra* hie hands, and it ia easy though painful lo see what they are making ol him. Tne meeting at Owingsville listened ra* apactlully to Mr. Breckinridge, but, when “ a alter wards and began .Mason waro necessary to mduc<- the meet ing to let bin! psoceed. In rcturding this lact, we cannot help thia king ol th* honor#, almost akin to idolatry, whtc i wa saw ren dered mote than 30 years ago, to Hanry Clay iu th* village where the recreant son cannot apeak but by tfa# lavor ol a p< lineal opponent. At 0«u>C**itfo. >he two Nor folk questions, which Mr. Hrackinridgn stand* pledged by the head of hia Virginia electoral ticket to answer, wsre handed m writing to Jax. B. Clay, with the request that he would give them to Mr. Breckin ridge. Mr. Clay, however, refuted positively In give them to Mr. Breckiuridge. He would not let them go to hi* candidate at all. He suppressed them. In ihiw h* ol course acted in accordance with a previous undere .Tiding. We have a candidate asking the _ aay whether he i_ Disunion in an event that ha and hia Irienda notoriously expect to occur within slew days, and keeping >n individual along with him, hall-companion and hall-bntileholder, to smother the question* in a deep, dark pocket whenever an attempt is mad* to get a response to ‘hem. All this ia shamelul and cowardly to the last degree. It no one at Owingsville or a! Waal Lib erty shouted the Norfolk questions tront living lips in Mr. Breckinridge's ears, ton neglect ie to us unaccountable. Th# Hon. John C. Mason, one ol the Douglas Elec tors, was a* Owingaville, and surely, tl no one ale* pul the quca'.tona by word ol mouth, ha would have rendered a public the quaetii but, whether thrv thus put by i wae rendered. John C. Breckinridge dari-s not answci titoee queations. lie dares not let hia opinions be knowu by those whoso suffrage* he dares ask lor the Chief Magis tracy. He dare* not reveal hta viewa upon subject infinitely tranecenduir >» impor- inro any other the' now engages tho attention nf *h« American people. Away wnAauch a candidate! What Amaiicau oittxen fit to bo ceiled one or to be wur, will vote for him f •Mr. HrccRinridge, w* learn, made a sort apology in hi* Owingsvill* speech lor speaking ilref# and at West Liberty. Ho - :J be had not intended making the two lies, but he found that hia Irienda bad . „ed turn to make them, aud it waa hia invariable rule lo redeem the pledges given by bia friends. Alter the close ol hia speech end that oi J. It, Clay, the Hon. John C. Mason spoke at hia own house forty or fifty yards off. The whole meeting went over to hear him except Mr. Breckinridge, who remained where he waa, in lull hear ing ot every word Mason said. Mason, in alluxion to Breckinridge's declaration that he had always redeemed the pledges given in hie behall by hi* Irienda, said that it waa high time for hint than to redeem that im portant pledge given publicly in hi* behalt by hia Iriend. the Virginia Elector. Mr. M. :hl it ol vaetly mure importance that I. should redeem that pledge than that be should fulfil lha unauthorized promise* 4 irresponsible men as to making speeches particular times and places. That re mark told poweitully upon the crowd, and must hav* seared the brain ol Brccktitridgo like a red-hot iron. More about Walker aud bia .Men. From tb* Muatgoatary Mill. J. J. IIoorKR—Dear Sir: In your article ol yesterday headed “General Win. Wal ker's laat visit to Montgomery," reference ia made lo a conversation had by me with that gentleman. I do not leel especially called on to notice your article, nor do I so. jwith a view to cenaura, or to distant Iron, the tacit staled, but simply to rebut an in ference that may ho drawn, aa to my intcr- Wafker waa exceedingly limited, never having conversed with n.m but twice, and fidsnea, and do not suppoae hia veraation with to* was entirely unreserved, purport of hia observations was how- quit* intareating to ma, and in the main aa yon have stated them. Hia plan to procure labor lor Nicaragua, waa by treaty with Russia or Franc# ; to procare tfo»»o powers to transport Alncans at a stipulated prico per capita. He did nut doubt his liter at that Court Ilian s and with success. I cannot give exact words used, but tho idea was that the French Emperor had been approached or sounded with favorable result*, or without rebuff, . 1 did not act oat aay mo ty ha w ie lied to redeem Irom barberlem, I when on his way to New Y'ork the laet warm advocate ul Douglas lor i his cinnaii Convention through $tr. Houle, oilters, that Mr. Douglae should lavor <>r offer uo obstacle to Welker’e plana il given nomination in I860. In othar words, Gen. Walker and hia Irienda wore to sup port Mr. Douglas’ nomination and election, do uothing ie 'aplane, which involved the planting ol Hlavary in Nicara gua. Thia or its aubatansa waa s-id to ma in the nrat conversation. In tba laat he simply said, "I am not so much a Douglaa man aa I waa.” This does not necessarily imply treachery to promises, though that la ofo-arly the inference. Ae to Walker, the world has ita opinion ol him, which ia probifoy such as my owu waa lor a long time and until I became acquainted with him, quite erroneous. My opinion now fo, 'hai he wae a truthful, in telligent and honorable man, of tho moat imperturbable calmness, aod undoubted courage, engaged in the cause of civllita- lion, and that ha waa destroyed by the Untied Miatoa Government, indirectly. I am not advised ol exialiug tree lie# between Honduras and Great Britain, but I can con ceive no right the British Government had inhumanly murder tb* man. JOEL RIGGS. A correspondent ,n the last Eutaw Whig thus sums up the strength ol parties tn Greene county, Alabama, at present; "W# know that a betting Brcckits re fused to bet against two hundred majority Ball only a law Hays agn. Our opinion is that tha vol* in Ih* county will bo about