Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, October 23, 1860, Image 1

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j|f Hails <£-nquirrr. 18 PURLTMIKD ery D«y—-Muudajs Excepted. DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, allart If payment Is delay.' I -it month). conspicuously Inserted, at the HOMAS RAGLAND, -—Proprietor. DLUME^XXXnT A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OK Till', CON8TI11/TION—AN IIONIST VS a ice COXOMIt'Al, ADMINISTRATION OK Tllli CiOVI'.HNMRNT. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. COLOIBIS, (JEOiUilA. TUESDAY MbllXlNi; OCTOBER 2 cclftklji (inquirer. SHED EVERY TUESDAY MORKIHO. ■Two DmxvM and Eiity Cents j>, r annum, innifuW* in advaucf, or Tools Doixaus >ald in advance. ~ be discontinued while any arrearage enlcH at the option of the ru» liahera; and t will, in aU coin, be exacted where not made before the eapiratlou cf the ptlon rear. ADVEUTI8EMKNT8 loosly Inserted at Oa« Dulxir per square, Irsi Insertion, and PirTr Casrs for every ueflt continuance. A square In the Enquire pace of eleven lines in small type, contain- It does, one hundred words. DViamaMsxrs i-ubliahcd at the nsnnl ates th strict attention to the requisitions of the r Noncus over eight linn charged at the reg- Irertistng rate*. monlcatlons Intended to promote the private r Interests of Corporation*, Societies.\ : U IvtduaK will he charged as adveriU- .• . • C. TiLLMAN, ). 117 Broad. Street, DKALEK IN STAPLE AND FANCY Y GOODS, JOOTS, SHOES, 1IATS, CAPS, die as, Oaclcilofj, drc. la store, and Is reci-lring il.ii!>. a and ll soIxUd stock Of L& WINTER GOODS! ivery advantage and failllty that rmibl he baying groJ*. whlrh onahh* n in SELLING OFF TI1K MOCK itap at any Can \ffonl to Sell Til KM, AMI MUCH CHEAPER They Are Usually Sold I made such arrangement* i shall b« n- goods throughout the season, >y which can always show AM) DESIRAJILt: GOODS, the advantage, as the *.m ioii adv.itrca, Thursday Morning, Oct. 18, 1860.1 014 Buck'* County. sr | W« (old our readers tlis Olblf day, when ■Joe l.ane Helping Mu coin In Indiana. ] we fir#l rece j ve j ihe nev vs fiom 1‘eunsylvs- m: won’t -'fKixowsmF'; with know. (h „ in 0| ,, nion tb , u„„ tr „ u . Bum© of the more unscrupulous of the ! dull wna due in groat tueasuie to the Ircach- lisunion journal* nt the South are charging * r y of the friends ol Buchanan and 1'rrek- 'hr Douglas rarn with having caused the i inridge, and that wa would await the re* triumph of the Lmcolnitai in tho late elec- | *«*»• by counties to confirm or disprove iior.s in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, i rhis opinion. The returns confirm it, and I’l.e dimple fact H at the candidates run 1 "• *uggrsicd ns a matter «>l • gainst the I.incolnilea in those Slates were opinion we now sia'e as a mailer of fart. LATEST FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL or Till; A_~R^ A.'BT.A . New York. Dot. 15.—Thu ■fesmsltip mardnd «.fi Capo Want to-day. Liverpool advices -to ilio titli Douglas men is sufficient to show the ab- fluidity of thia charge. Ia it reasonable to suppose that they would desert their own friends, especially when their triumph would enure to the advantage of Douglas I Non- sente! In I'ennrylvauia, portions ol both the Um.m and IlreekinriJgc parties declined '*“ opfonenl. Thi. coiinij, the Vtm.c. t., support Foster lor Uownor—the former ! rac H ,,f d ".»l°.'lj * ,,d r» l " l>n * l| y Itecsoso tbero wo. no party obligation or ‘ Mr. Buchanan, Toletl as follow, iderntion binding '.hem to support him, present refer only to Mr. Buch anan's own county ol Lancaster to prove that at least a l irge portion of the Brechin- I (u ridga Democracy refused to support Foster, | ritorj the Democratic candidate for Governor— ^ perhaps even voted for Curtin, hin Uepubli* j c and because Curtin, bis opponent, was nom- lusted not as a Black Republican, but as a “People’s Party” candidate, before Bell mi nominated At Baltimore, and some of them were commil'ed to him ; the latior because they knew that a Democratic triumph in Pennsylvania in October would help Doug- Breckinridge, and they would in 1850: Buchanan 8,131, Fremont 8,008, Fillmore 4,592—showing a majority for Fremont and Fillmore combined of 2,109. Now the county ia reported a* giving 6,000 majority lor Curtin ! Tho Untan men could not havs produced ibis great change by voting for Curtin, for wc have counted thrm against Buchanan in 1850. undeniable, then, that ab Sim brill* Liverpool Collin Marl,ft.—.Sales of (Its week 111,000 bales. Tlie market waabuoy- vni, and all qualities bad slightly advanced. On Friday tho aalce were 10,000 bales, ol which speculators and exporters took 2,000, tiio market closing firm. Middling Oilcans tiil.i Middling Uplands fi*J. cd that Garibaldi bad obtain* w hole line ol hia route, sales ol cotton were the week, of which to, nnd exporters 10 000 d quotations were— it ut Liverpool was It <►•.0,1)00 bales were Reported (act I ^ Aild 1 ms char two thou- | laiing Inrbiddmg N o w t iscd t South voted for Curtin, or about feur thousand of charge tt | them must have declined voting ; and this supposes that all the 4,592 Filliunre men of I 1*50 voted alro for Curtin, which we know ! 11Y wna not the case. The returns oi countim i , *”' in which they had local candidates prove 1 „ that a majority of thv Conalilutionnl Un I men voted for the Democratic candidate Wo believe (bat at Ica.t o luvoruble, and sooner help Lincoln Dou S lsa. In I “ ,,d Uucl, *"“ n " lld Brctbir,tlil S e UelU' -November, if • fn.ion Eltctor.l ticket l.iil, | ln I.»ncQ«tcr coumjr .lone must I... representing the sUeugth of all three par- 1 lira in tho state is agreed upon—say 14 for Douglas, 8 for Boll, and 6 for Breckinridge —a veiy di lie rent result may be hoped for. j Tii Ohio and Indiana the Bell men gen* j eraliy umteJ with the Dottglasites, because in those States the opposing ticket was an exclusive Black Republican one and they were entirely free !•> choose between them ; j UuVr,nor ' hall of tho Buchanan and Breckinridge Democrats of Lancaster voted ugaiust Fob* | t. r to it jure Douglas, and this urcounte fer { (i rive a buoyunr. Tito bullion in tho Bank of England had Jotreafccd 387,UOO pounds sterling. .Money •cos unchanged at London. The weather wasfuvorublo for crops, but business wan dull. Flour was dull, anil difficult to sell. Wheat was steady Tuesday's advance. Corn closed quiet but Jy. Collie wae quiet. Rico was firm* with an increased demand. At L mdon, Wheat was firm, but quiet 2J udvuuco since Friday. Tho report that Garibaldi bud rcpulaci Jge j the Black Republic ECLINE IN PRICEo! COMB A Nil LOOK, .Bd . DGOODS AT FAIR PI!lt'i:.S! F. C. TILLMAN. - heretolore said, tho Breck* ‘‘aid and cornfurt” to Lin coln, some of them openly declaring their praferenca lor Linco'n over Douglas. We bsve already shown that this was the course nf .Senator Filch ami ex-Congressman Fot* t:t, I lie Breckinridge loaders in the brale. We come n m to Gen. Job I.irk, recently Indiana, nltere he has yet popularity *' lu l’*‘ ^ t smi influence, and now the Breckinridge candidate for the Vice ('residency. He, too, strongly denounced fusion with the Doug- lasites, on that plea of the low demagogue, | (bat lust yrar tho consetvalivea that Doughs w»s affiliating with Know-I beat the Black Republicans nearly two Nothings! and he appealed especially to ' one in ll.e State election. Gov. Sprugu his "foreign-born fellow-citixens” in I’cnnayl* vauis. A thorough fusion now between the Douglas and Bell parlies will cany the Stuto in November. Let them treat the BnckinriJge traitors with deserved con- Khodk Island.—This littlv No Ststo may now be regarded dk agaiurl Lincoln, ll will who was elected by that coal and Everett man, and lie I selected to bind the fusion electoral ticket, which was nominated hmI is supported by Btdl, Douglas and Dm kiundgu men. A nothing to do with the fusion in Indiana, becatiaa they woulJ be "yoking with the Ki.ow-Nothings" in so doing ! Is not Gen. Lain* i lau “yoking with Kuow-Noth.ngs” wlieii be receives their votes for the Vice I letter wirch wa copy in another I’rre, ? And is it not notorious that I addressed by a prominent Democrat of the OMAS S. SFEAlll threuglmut the Mouth the leaders of that | State to Gov. Hprague, shows the patriotic auccsatuB. vo 8. B. PURPLE,, , It AH Just iei' .oJ. In :>il- _ , l Ultlon to Lis former stouk, •" ] ; soms very fins j WwtehOB. Clocks, Rich J.aelry, State, nearly all the Know-Nothing •lidatrs for Congress in the day of the strength of that party are fot Lsne. We need only mention Hawkins and Elam in this D.strict, Bartow, and Tidwell. In Ala bama, the Know-Nothings have fairly taken the reins out of the hands of the obi De mocracy, and are driving the BrtckinriJge md Lane car on their own responsibility ! \N ho aro (l.e secession leaders in that Stale Imt Yancey, Rice, Judge, Chilton, Houpur, Hhortridge, Clopton and Peicy Walker— Know-Nothings all, except Yancey, and lie lias not for many years been recognised as n icgulsr Democrat. Oh ! "Honest Joe,” it yon shun "the hug of Know - Notbingiaro,” aa you advice your “foreign-born fellow- citixrna” to ahun it, you will not have a ghost of a cbanca to carry either Alabama or Georgia—you will be left without lenders and without a party ! But we arc keeping our readers too long from "Did Jon's" apercli. It was delivered at Vincennes, lad., on the 25th ult., and wa copy it as wa find it reported in the rluiiy i Philadelphia /'rest. Our people, aftar raad- *«bjra j ing it, will understand why Gen. Lane — rr . A rtc- could ii'»t fill bis appointment at Marietta, ars taken la tbsse Rooms, rnnsi* tins ur ( . i>„ •, . . . brotypei, Melainotypes, bphoreo- J ' c "‘ , ' I "“ d “ ra " r * «" d types, &C. &C,. a matter of m >re urgent nrcssaity, to defeat »® LIFE an J CABIN KT else rilOTOtlKAPIIR ilia Douglas ticket in Indiana and to blow ip In Paatsllf or Oil Colors, WAirsnlt J r.oi to he I uwd by any. u;* the proposition for a fusion in that and er States against Lincoln. Whila bis rids hare ore bewailing the weakness of If. Vh UHOWN* ArU.'l * j lllal lu,,on i or Die failure to nrska it, Lane <1g ! wtf brmsolf is doing all he can to prevent it— >R0 BONO PUBLICO ! | is appealing to the very loweat passions and porting him 1 Why, in thia feeling winch prompted this Rhode Island and New Jersey arc hi all duubt lost to the Black Republics). l'isted Ware, Table Cutlv* - "" ■■ pvt Knlvos, Huns, IMstols, kt. HEAD OHNAMi’NTP. sw assortment of Umd l’ninot m.dl HAIH WORK I vr.> '-ysrlstT of I'nttcrus. I rill toy dsftcil or psttirru VOH ir.:.V ri ; i . -»f. ’CHUB, CLOCKti and JLw ; ’ :nd t.v ■ ij.-r i . ■ I . amenas reset, and M‘v.-r \V»i LmnURO and KnoaiTTe- nes.tJv done. t’Afj . best assortment of Bold, BUvi r, 1 Head, everolTcrid. PEBBLE HPBCT U’U ,s Of Goldaad fiteel kranxs,of th» * 'e-3^t»est quality ruvnufsi irdially turlte Uieatt. ntlon of n ! \ 't. rill uka plsasurs In showing ll vth. O.'i p dssireto purrliareor not PlIltPLU’S Old Nlsud, 'SS-tw will J. H. BROWN’S ALACE ROOMS OF ART! *3 Urosil Strrrl, t'oliinitriiii, Ortr Itmhrrt'i.i if tUrtfr't Jtraj JTL’Rra taken at this Gallery sr.' where cknowledscd to he unmni's-*»d fm heanty tud Odelii) of expression. Ttie K» my Pictures, Is lure hn.'.irlii l.. | i vrarraniement of ligtit and sliarle. 1 of the lateflt and motl apjn "I it.' !■ ip In Putelle or Oil Culors, J r...i to hr 1 imd by any. tba abort variety of Pictures nut un In tin best style AT HCDITK.I) Pit Ifl.s ! spoblic are tr . prejudtcea ol min to break i Hrro is tho report of Gs Lane's speech with convey an.-,, t. . •andlng coButry, by calling on tin- or, !. ir' EW LIVERY STABLE! « East unit of the court iim ei .-^t ahk. “ they wUI always And safe and G •. 1. me. vshicles and careful Drivers, is patronage of the public Is especially *< ire.'. Prices or Horae Iioard and lilr. . : CaU and see. Z. ti. BOOTH, Proprlator. aascas:—R. ficandrett. It It Ap.i.< ivtir “■ia sad Col. duett. i.Vuductuia on llie 1. ulus. Ww. Ga., toept. <9, fcflu wl. SNABURGS, KERSEYS &c. ¥) AM BALES HEAVY NO 1 0.<N'ABGi." ) BALES UEsT OEORUIA KURSK’. : "The apesker said henhought Mr. Bell • very clever old gentleman, who bad never i: lie tuber much good or harm. But Ins imriy was now sicking affiliations with Mr. Douglas’ friends. Last night, at Terre Hanio, Blanton Duncan, of Ky., brought a contract, signed, aeabrj and delivered, by which the Douglas and Bell parties had been married in tine Sta'e. In this agree* men! the Know Nothing# are to go up to th • «)l's sod vote lor Douglas electors, also »ho Douglas State ticket, and. i! aucceasiol, the offices are to be divided. My friend time, tlio Hon. John Law, knows that he d i rode at the rale ol almost twenty-five miles an hour in 185G to pul down Know Nothingiam. Many have mads up ilisir minds to vote for Douglas, 1 fear, lor ha is t. lu»«y fellow ; but 1 with my foreign born moderate Repnb 11tendv io understand how ho ia trying ,L “ 11 "* ] marry them to the Know Notliinga. My I >reign horn fellow citizens, how do you I:no Ilio hug of Know Nothingiain I How do you like its embrace f Go up to Louis* . w.. j ville and view lha bioody sidewalks aa ihe )• i , ■ i j,M,r fellow countrymen to uenmona and Baltimore :I • *■retribution, and non ten CONVENTIONS. «i a-vtt GRANTIFACTORY. THU underah'iiMt eft, i- r , the pramiso known as WAVURLI II ALL, ,1b Uarrlacounty. • DvrwlllD?. Itnrni, and ailV ’•Wwldlnra, good well of w*t«r. ;.n . -tj.-i.t °f sabet Prnit, and bost construct' 1 OOUNTHY HTOUW JJT***- An •rargelic n.»n can > ’.I f- " < ■ **7 *ortli of Dry Goods, t" pi oupl psvln.t cu- i 1 * »arttcaUr» apply to N. p. ctKsrar. . on the pr«iQo. > Ba.rg <tisii<jUJ ol I Pennsylvania, . them no doubt, aosteined the election of I bow you like to yoke with me Know Noth- ’he Republican candidate, Gurtin. in order g a it this dots not sstisly you, goto, to administer a deserved and wt’ln ring re* Now O' ana and there viow tbe traces ol • loth* corrupt andmtBerableoldpid- . gore i!mi ihe Know Nothings have reddened J *H*r and knave who orcuptra the W i ii. i i k wnb, with the blood oi murdered - Douse. '1 he conduct ol the Pent ; M.and then tell me how you > Whigs, in thus auppurtiog Cumri \ Vhn hug. 1 don’t nee bow you can aland 1 1 “ 1 impliedly endoiatug tiie Buctiauan Ad' *1M. 1M0 0-uESia.sssi, ew York Wire Railing Co. r **JJ**4°*»«a of the greatly tucrcave.I rirrnt.ii 1 , Y*• FJKUbar alyl* of Itatll'.ig iiia'!- . • i.w *vra wtr* lUOlug Company, known as i! « ®0*POIITE IRON HAILING, kav. largely added to (hair law - ^^wacvnnog, and are now prepare.! t .. « t |* M I mvst. The Comp »no tr. i. Kail n,- ««eni article to their orUbrated Wire Rat. ■aeed for a tuurh heavier leu e f. r , . dwelUugv, and eepcctally for cur our only an’horr. 1 dUng to ( olumbu’, ar. t > - Iseetgna, and Hpectrterra - t tiTLrY hMMn “ *3 times In hia Marble y— Oglciborpe Street, Cotnuh.u, Ga. lav I -oa SCTCHDIBOM A Wlckn^ilAM. ”-^2 dwjy Geo. W. Mulliua, ^toraoy cat Xjaw, Hamilton, geo&gia. [^^•••^tilsottei given to collections. TSP" of ftwv lxelgi £ BABNaKD a CO Ir.ig ol death, and 1 abjure you s.> onhely an alliance belore it i and you reap the bitter fruits ol a union. Gen. Lane next passed a eulogy upon Lincoln .. .. 4.. . nrei mlic too late j er justifiable and excusable. But these » unholy Pennsylvania Wing#, when the great In such s contest, their .*'! r. Breckinridge, nyinj Ih.l he Uonenl l pr.judice. and it.emincnu v. ill b« jotsui- the purest ctateaiuon altve. Aa for himsell I ,c n, and they will stand forth, boldly and he would only ray that be hod olways been hnnlr, as tbs upholders end dofendera ol , the Consiitutiou end the Union." Htu naker’s Appolndnculo. „ ll |i,M u. pl,MU>, fc> cop. In ihi. r»p,i j Jwl , j elect nun." tho appointments of U. H. Uakkr, Lsq.,for , u{) t mB „ w j l0 vvould make euotr u In i do- t^ TuTr,. Floridian r.horl. ^ * dd '—'»I “>• P*»P'» ■>' *>" ««»')•• ' h “‘ V , t Bouth-EssUrn Alabama. It ia a region j ‘ htn nitss.-1 .rAstur^ IV/iy. heretoi'ora pretty much neglected by the | James T. Brady, according to a letter in ■ I .*t r ,l r i l | Boll speakers, and if Alabama doia vote for 1,10 A, « u *; 1 the amval ol the militu from Jack-1 . * „ , , . .. . . guagu in Ida speech | UreckumJge, U vtill be cbtafiy because of | tvta)n g , I bis heavy majorities in that psit of lha NUMBER 35. How they Help Each Other. Extract from Douglas’ Ppcecb at Clilengu, ItJ. Havln/i this common sympathy in princi* pie, nnd knowing neither enn nurvivo Imtw aa the Democratic party reinn ins, they join m denouncing popular sovereignty and non*intervcnUon, and efpcciullv in denonn* cmg mo aa dm candidate on that principle. 'Hurrah for Dotiglav," nnd cheora.) Tako up tho leading Republican orguiia, their leading uowspapers, cither oi this city or ot tho country, and you will find that they prujsu Breckinridge as tho finest follow in ilm world. (Great laughter.) A man of magnificent talents. (Renewed laughter.) Realty tho Republicans haven grent deal of affection for him. (bliouts ol lattghtor ) lie »• going to carry every Southern Stnio, an J they really greatly prefer him to Doug las. (Laughter.) Examine Dio Breckin ridge papers, and every one oi them jirefer Lincoln to Dougins. Wonderful sympathy. They acted in such close concert and liar* tnony the day belore yesterday out here at Lapono, Indiana, that they spiked n Doug ina cannon in partnership. (Great laughter.i Breckinridge men furnished the sp;ka, ami iho Republicans drove it io. (Tremendous laughter ami applause.) Why do those two sectional purlieu act in concert t Tho reason is very obvious. Abolitionism could not - live a week but lor llto Boothern agitators, right.”) Southern disiinioniam could i live an hour but lor the elements furnished by Northern Republicanism and Abolition- mn. Theao two sectional parties arc es sential to each other. Tiicy are just as in- dispensable to each other an the two blades ol n pair of shears. (Laughter ) Like tin) blades ot a pair of shear*, both of iheou parties turn on n common pivot—that of tutoruention by Congress—and cut in oppo site directions. (Laughter and applause.) Hom e the Republicans ure greatly in love with tlm Secessionists—are hard at work to elect Lincoln Frosident. [Cries of “they em’t do il—never.”] No! that thing can’t bn done. 1 would not have said so, poai*. lively, six months ago. [Innncuae ap* plauae.] Bui the |«■ i L- now underaland ilto isvtiub involved in ih:* great contest. They know that this Union cannot last, nraaos, [cries 111?' A light occurred in Philadelphia, oil the day ol the slactiou, between « compruy of Bell and Everett “Minute Man" and ihu Black Republirana or People's Patty. The Republicans tried to block op he paaauge to the polls between Sixth and Seventh streets; the Bell men tried to force their way through them, arid in the light which ensued one of the Bril Iransp cica fell into the hands of the Pcnpli Party. They smashed in the side and da aged it quito extensively. The M Men, however, made a rally nnd recovered the transparency. They then marched up street, plating "Carry me bark to old Vir. giony !" At the Continental cheers and groans saluted them, the street being dense ly crowded. IT* It is slated that Hon. Edward Ever ett ia engaged to marry the widowed daugh ter of Judge Pettigrew, of Hauth Carolina. Tbe lady is described as a blonds, attrac tive, intellectual, wealthy, and about thirty- tbrra years of age. riT 'Win last number of the Newnan Made—a paper heretofore strongly fur Brerkintidge—comes to u* with tbe naruea of Breckinridge end Lana omitted, and without one word in the paper, that we ran find, in favor of either of ihqm. FT* The Richmond Whig agrees with us in the opinion that the late election in Pennsylvania is no index of tho vote of thn 1 Slate in November, should a perfect fusion | „,,j., f( ,,nutoly of (he Douglas and Bril parties m support I ol ditplaying of a common Electorsl ticket iie effected Il thus refers to reasons which infinencod ,-nsi.y Bell men in voting for the People’* I «her , e union.male Parly candidates i "Thousands upon lop ol thousands, who | Gauitoi* mah voted for the Republican candidate lor Gov- | our atinuvl .Stsfo ernor, srn stern and unflinching opponents j „||y ,|iowmg nig It. ul ttio .lecliul) nl Lincoln, .lid will na.urerf- I ..l.jecl—AKrictil■ ure, ,ml ly vote against Ltnroln on the 6th ol No- \ veirober. This wav pariicularly the nl the resource tritii many ol the friends ol Mr.'Bell. The | ‘H rcI — 11 *" 1 Republican candidate, Curtin, was formerly ^ concern end lute an old lino Wing, and hav heeu mvarialily by alt who exerc the advocate ol the Tsrifl interests nl Penn- j |heir lieuds—eve tiylvania, and *. heai.Us «n extremely Lj, e state the In. mod.,... Kepnb ,c... .., ».!>« h.nS, , a ... I,,#, the Democratic cantlidai. , roster, wa# not . considered sound on the Tariff question, *| in ra,,rB sun»tanti .1 p and had, also, (lie misfortune to be retarded | tion, tho attraction ol as somewhat hi lbs favor of the rotten and 1 work. S I «f October. nr A. J. Wilier., E-q , (.1 c.r I ... c ... Md., Democratic St .to rScnaior from if ' 1 , county m IH58, and «:.•» waa lr»t l-U ylvnr.ii* , tho Dvin iCi ittc lick' l a« a ran 'i J'.!• i ' House ol D. legate*, recemiig iu hi* rwu district a be«vy nnjoiity, publt-haau L . ri in the Denton Union, announcing In* t!e- teiminstion l<» auppori, with voice and v..te, the Constitutional Union nomineee—Bell tionai conteat comes off, will all vote against ' and Everett. the restoration of quiet in Calhoun county. Fix. Tho rioters dispersed without home few arrest* were ruadet UT Sumo of the papers are reporting lha election of Breckinridge assessors of elec tion in Delaware over "tbe combined oppo sition.” This ia altogether ualrue. There were four tickete in tbe field, and tbs Orsckitea ksrsly slipped in between fu*o lUkch aupportti by Ihe Bell party. Thia division will not exist in November, end the State is eure for Bell. More on this sol j'ct enon. State. Posarssing as his party do most of tbs speaking talent of that region, end in dustrious as their prees end speakers have been in forestalling lbs prejudices and in flaming tbe paeeione of tbe people, they have made it a "bard" region for a Union speaker; but we know tbe ability of Col. Baker end have faith that he will do good work for his good cause, even at this late period of tb# ceuveae- So help me Heaven, ( had vote lor Lmco[n to-night then lor Stephen A. Douglas." Ol course n>» would. Thia ia surprising to nobody. The great wonder is that ho and his allied do not openly sup port the candidate they arc secretly aiding to elect. (oT A crusty old bachelor sajs he thinks it is woman, end not her wrong*, that ought lo be rtdrmcJ. :i I'm ox M r t. at .V.-mphis last M lart;cal arid most ,. Sharkey, of Min., Hon fl*cn, lien. A. J. Donelson ckei\of Arkansas, and «there.— ! We have uevei rtn I Was coiitiuiied Tuesday • that there v.aa here an able and ohoueat speech ' Brocktnridgi deb) Hon. N. U. T.vlor. “My HrM wish would ben union in beball • I tb* candidates ol .he National Dcmoira- cv, Vat n* I c.o not n'ppose it practicable tkna to reconcile in ibis Stale, all conflict* ing intercs's within ilie period intervening baforo the I’residential election, l would ruggeai, ai ihu only means ol sustaining th* conflci valivo cause, the sdoptiou ol ni utnia; to the people oi thi* fl'nie a t ck’rt which all would deairo to *c* beaded i>y your nnm'!, nnd on which all the opponent* cf Lincoln might uni'o. This is tbe iit'-ra tea*.bio. an ii io beginning to Lo uedefstuod il. it, with a view to avart a ret* erence to ihe lluavc nl Rcprosenlatives, the majority, will be tlre electoral colleges to one eel ol .miHoivativo candidates, even it it he ncc* raraiy logo beyond those now in uoniiua- tion to produce unanimity. "The great iniporiance which I attach to the subject and the fact the eyes oi all conservatives throughout the Union aro di rected to your nciton, induce mo lo address tine cote to you. ' I am, Hear sir, very respectfully, your llcncy'o obedient, faiihtul servant, W. B* Lawkxjice." Exct'llency, William .Sj>raguc, llurrla Superior Court. Huperior Court for this county is scaaion, Judge Worrill proaidiniT. V tiro, hi'oidca our owu ublo bar, many bus ot Ittc profession liom other counties, union;; them J1 on. B. H. Hi.I, N. M. liar- „ry , H Co «j. „ H»pw, ,ad pwb»< , i. from Pi op, W >. l>oas I, ,h« UMtuoiioMiUt, >lv~: '"Whilo 1 Ml ! 0.1. J... N. Hira.ej, Peru, lapis, J... going; lur BreckliirtUgv and Lano, 1 assure M. Russell, and Tho*. Moan, Esqs., from you mat Breckinrtdvr stands no chance in I Columbus; Mu-,i*. Pcrryuisu, W tilts and Luuistana. Bell an J Everett will unduuht* j buickland, of Talbotton. Thera aaotus to bo a good deal of busineNa on the docket, but Judge Wort ill ia pushing If through r one moment, believed :host ol » chance” lor L .uUiaus.bui wo have always bolievotT mat his irtondj were suffi- ctaiitly numaroui there SNokiv* rtar-D Lorn. —At a lute diacus* sion ot » larniere' club in l.iinota, reported io lire Cntcago Farmer a Advocate, Mr. Idr s*y« that hu sc/scts his seed oars in tho held hr! re lion, bangs ilura in a smoke ItJUkC — 11(0 more smoke the belter. The pyroiiacnoue acid imbibed by ihu com will bring I', up in dry, hot weather, and at the end oi i»ur weeks tho growth will bo twice that ol corn plained at the same turn; with out smoking, and will be Ufi eniirvl) alone by nine, aquiriels vr wuruts- iho National Democratic esnd dates, Douglas and Johnson. While BteiKinrid"# ia realty weak in ell the States, he is suffi ciently strong lo Uoicsi the Democracy. Bcceui elections havr< luily e*isbltahed thia tact.—Augutla CantiHultanalitl. CoXMtTKkCY.—-1 he Mime papers in tbe North which want into hysterical leers over tbe death el old Jobu Brown, are shouting with hysterical laughter over the | Jeatb el Walker.—Richmond Iheputch. ith energy, and we are informed that it is [hi* intention to clear tho docket, if possible, during the preamt term. ’1 here ia only one criminal case, so far a* wo have been able to ieeru, that of a negro hi bulging to Mr. Lowe, cherged with killing another nAgr<>, alao lha property *'f Mr. Lowe. There air al*.« several important Will casas to be tried.—Hamilton Enlerprin, Boston, Oct. 12.—The Dougina Demo crats ut the 6<h District nommattd Wm. Appleton for Congress, thus fusing with Dell aud Everett. sectional agiiati, of “good !”] and they knot •alien will never cca-u so long ns Congtcrs interlorea with the slavery question. Con* gloss nover yet louchod the quostion of •luvery in the Territories without stirring up scotional strife uud aniinoiity, mid shak ing tint foundations of this Union- [Ap- ] Who has been bonefitiud by tins mutation f Whet eervice ii*« it bairn to tlir. negro race T What foot ol American soil has bad niuvrry buuished from it by this agitation f No man can fell me. (Ap ple nee.) It lia.N done no good to the negro. 'Vital good 1ms it done to tlm white man t It bus n icnaicd father from eon, ami moth er from daughter. It ha* entered legisla tive uscmbiiea mid stirred up strife and dis coid. It Ima divided Congress into two hostile putties ; it has entered the house of God nnd oi-juiratod mm of a common laitli around ihu hot- communion ol the table. [Cries of true.] ft lias divided that good old church in which I was born, and b>r which I retain so much ofieclion and vene ration, into tho church North and church South. [Hear, hear.] And il this hccuoii- hI question can thus arouse the worst pas* siotiB ot our nature to the extent 'bm breth ren ol n common laitli cannot sit Rids by the houcc ot God. iiow long can wo resarve tho political ties which make* us na tuition. From tb* W ashington FUt*«, lltb. Triumphs of the Administration. The election news irom Indiana u-.ntin* tho fervor into wiiich tho Administra- oircloa wero thrown yosterdoy by tlj« from Pennsylvania. They aro highly cxriicd with the (iciest of tho Democracy and loudly upplnud ilie rulu or ruin game plnvt d by Bright and Fitch, and ilie United Mtiites oflic nin under their coiiltui. We have been aware lor some time of the Ailminieiru'ion plan* to dividn tho Dc- mocracy ol Indiana. Thn Breckinridge in* tercet left t.o Htone unturned to distract and disrupt it. On tho stump, Bright delivered whole cargoes of htlsilicnlion to suit the Black Republicans, ol which, as tlm reports snv. Ilia nudiencb was rfiiefly maiio tip. Mr. Bright ts ostensibly a Bil, kmridge man, but, hko every other Breckinridge man, bn is actually an toivocaie lor the elrrti u ol Lincoln mid a bitior loo to tlm Democracy. Tho result* in Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio, iiicunteslthiy illustrate thn end lo winch the Breckinridgo agitators lead. Parties from this city, who were (.'mailed Uy the Administration to canvass Indiana lor the purposes of tho Yaucoy-Breckin- ridge faction, reported on their return hare, home time since, that Indiana would go lor tho Liucolnitea by more than 10.009 ma jority. The news, ao far aa we can judge, sustains this report. Y et with this know* ledge, wus the Administration induced lo withdraw the Breckinridge agitators, and uid the Democracy f Not at oil. On the contrary, with more fury thou before, ami to mako assurance doubly euro, they kept their forces ut work, eve rywhere epresding distrust, everywhere creating dissension, everywhere abusing and viltifying Douglas, aud misconstruing the acts oi thn Demo* ctstir convention which nominated him for the Presidency. • The upholders of thn Administration and the Claims of Breckinridge, who live at a distance from the corruption ol (heir man agers, snd honestly believe that either or both aro devoted lo the cause ol Democra cy, must hear thia intelligence with shame end disgust. Let them know the honest truth, that while lira supposed Democraiia Administration was aware ita Breckinridge diversion wue smashing the Democracy, nnd bunding Indians over la the Black Re publicans, it persisted withe fiendish glory reckless rebellion against the party Let the Democracy leant this. Lei them know that their interests ore bought and ■old by those entrusted with their guar dianship, and that every Breckinridge •'jump, train tho disgraced window ot tbe Executive mansion, from which Presideut Buchanan endorsed the disunion ticket, to ilie dingiest grog shop, where bloated row dyism bawls for “Congressional proteo tion,” is turned into a market-place, where ihe rights ol the American P inocr.icyate bartered, and lha friends of tlieAmoiicau Dnm Tracy sacrificed. Ii the Democracy tails in November, the disgrace must rest upon lha Administra tion and Mr. Bri-ckinridge. They created the divisions in its ranks ; they arc respon sible for ilio dangers which beset it. At ilie bar ot history and truth they havu to . li high crintee end misde meanors against tho honor oi the Demo cratic imino and tho pence of the republic ss will plar a them in future in the category I o| the Catiline* and Caitlercagba oi the IV A year or two ago, at every one will lemrmber, a strong revival of religion | ppraad over the lend end many hardened | sinners were hopefully converted. In the interior of New York, an old lawyer wet among those who professed to have found grace, but being considerable of a politi cian, end withal a candidate for a nomina tion to office, he coi.vmencnl taking a slv nip—-sly at firat, hut Ihe thing bugen la •how itatdf in good time. Tho church was »rindalisod. Doe day, the most prominent deacon caught him standing in hia tdfieu door in a very balmy condition. Thodea. eon want at him rough jshod. ‘‘Dcas’n," said old Ulsckstone, inserting hi* thumb* in the aim-holes of his vest—"Deac’n, a man o’ my standing ortentar bt turnedoutsr a church. Tall-whar I’ll do. I’ll compro mise heuor'bly. I’ll withdraw my active mrm'ership, end you put rue down es a 'iributing end 'on’ry osembtr. Cernc, dee- c’n, that's fair." “Why Sambo,how black you are!" aaitl a gentleman, the otbar day to a negro wai ter at a hotel j "how in the world did you gat ao Mack I” "Why, look a here, mats*, de reason am die—da day die chile wee bora dar waa su eclipse. *