Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, November 06, 1860, Image 1

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c Kg / HOMAS RAGLAND, —Proprietor. OLTJME XXXIII \ STRICT CONSTRUCTION or THU C<>X*4TtTinT,0!f—AN HONF.ST \>'l> ECONOMIC A I. \l).MINIVI'RAlIO\ 0,1 •Hi: <iO\ I'.RNIHCNT. rOLEMBrs, (iEORCIA, TUESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER <\ 18(50. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. lie guiltt inquirer. ° Iff published k cry Pay—Sundays Ekccpted. IVBWIUM PM ANNUM IN ADVA CK, p. H payment U delayed *1* months j>T&KT3*a» conspicuously toserteJ, at the Thiiraday Morning. Nov. 1, 1860. i I’u-mil. ht eSterklj, inquirer. ■LlSHf D EVERY TTJE8BAY MORKINO. -Two Dollars and Fim Cksth per annum, .. o»lranee, or Tiikus Dollars paid in advance. tr trill be rtiiconllnued while any arrearage ( unless at tl.f option of the PnHUhcr*; and lVdlart will, in all caw, be exacted where »t m.vle before the expiration of the AUVP.HTISEMF.ST3 lirunndy Insert..! at Oss D-llab per •<i«nre, I the tint Insertion, and Firrr C*XT# for every ■sequent continuance. A square hi the Enquire ^ -,qce of eleven line* In small type, contain- _ .», It doee, one hundred word*. Kl AttVWTUWiw»T» published at tho r*»*l ate* K/t with a trie t attention to the requisition* of the yV. finer charged at the teg- 8. B. PURPLE, . If AS Inatrecelrw 1. In "l- 1 —— ,.U >■ dition to bts former a ten-Is, ^ ? L jF/V3»aome very jf*V Wn’phos. Clocks, -;gj filing . The Times i On Thursday last, mra of oi assented l*i a few—and only BratkinriJgc Democrats 4 pspet ■fling i>f all parties to tes|ioml to the proposition fur a union E'ecloral ticket in (•corgis, pladgeJ to vote for any can.lit at* if the vole ol the Slate would secure hi 3 •lection over Lincoln. Only on* Ureckm- ridge man signed it, the other* i*lu*iug t* g.» into tho incvemenl; and under thc*e circumstances, litiding that patty neatly unanimous against tho proposition, it was d*eiu*d bast n«»l to procure any sig •f liell and Douglas men, and not the meeting—at UsD l»r the i ten was not intended as * /mrly dcm. ns » toir r rt M ‘' ■Id jnta i«, id thus give Kf F.Uh J'yelry HEAD ORNAMENTS, a entlrs new assort'neat of Head lueasca and ItCHBB, CLOCKS nnd JEW EIiR" tX p«nenc«d workmen end wnrinnt ' , .. , ,i, ruiet,and J«s.'lry Slid bllver War hut it was hoped Urt-ckinridgc men have done elsewhfie, slid t'tur a character s* w.uM make respect and have elDct both This is tlie inovenraii •i Friday denounced » trick," declaring that it for the double purpo*o weakness of ihe licit p honckt Democrat;' voles. the Comptroller’" Report, i indebted te Comptroller Til WK ATT for the sheets of the lirst porlion ol hi* forthcoming Report, and (rom it derive the following summary ol Slate finances and p resources, intending eoon to make liter*I fhTitefUa^nquirfr. Treasury is $274,820.84, subject to un drawn appropriations of $241 727.90, which will reduce the balance to $33,092.64, alter paid In advance. paying all appropriations for the political |iptr Will be discontinued while any arrearage l’j, 0 mial receipt* of ihe Treas ury lor the fi*cal year have been $1,168,- 1(52 78. of which $377,613.39 were frem general tvxr* $460,000 earning* ol the State R rad, and $201,850 from sale oi Slats Bonds. The Bank dividend* were $30,100 and tax on B ink Stork $33,185. The dis- hursrmcnt* f.:r the ainie perioJ hove been $1 170,11031, of which $119,505 was on account of the Educational lund ol 1850, pj,j g ^ ,| |P movement whir' $250,000 for the Atlantic A dull Railroad, *sr Noncwi over tight linn charged st the ttg- sjs| SD.5GU lor red. raj tion of public debt due Lradvertising rales. and not due, and $204,733.10 f t iiitarrst Jtbt . , Ua *4,,801.13 for |> U r- - >- — Li '— ' assets ht longing to tho Mat# sre rrpottrd HOMAS S. SPEAR Lt $907,025, exclusive of the ’V. A A. * RailroxJ. A table of comparative valuation shows sii increase in the value of slaves In the State of $31,011 450, if land $12,217,075, I and an increase in ihe value of all oilier pn|c?:y enumerated, except stock I utnetorifs, which h ive decreased i $393,9*0—all computed with 1859. { The Comptroller estimate* the total ia* I r-i|*t■ into the Treasury lor tho fiscal year I 1 Sti0 at $984,6^0 02, of which $400,000 is from Ihe general tux end $450,000 from the Slsie Road. The Jr mauds upon the 1'irsaury lor tho tains period err saiimstcd i «t $6(52,OCO, of which $170,000 is lor in- j te is on tlie public debt, end $157,000 lor j the Common Bchool fund. I he balance of uir „ „ „ $322,OHO, which tliia estimate would Irsve, n iif j cll|((| ,i hr can, the Comptroller suggest.-, be v?iy sd- vanlsgsoukly ussd in paying «>ll tic puldic debt, "if not for other needful or pieaamg purposes.” (We know that ho is not a fire-rating yevolutianiat, and are therelore not alarmed by that qualification.) The bonded dilil of llic Stale amounta to $2,670,<50, ol which only $10,000 in 1601, $32,61*0 in 1862, $45,500 ami $60,000 in 1HG1. A portion ol the balance ran, howevn, be rsdeemed by the Stale now. Ittlol ctpilnl ,tock of 111. Btnk. ;<oi'rf iuc i „ vii „ .. in i. »'J,IUi.078, on wlncU Iho III |'«nl >•'- ( union up • hum is $33,086. The Cumplroller asys 1 that it i- »ix times more than other capital pays. The number of Banks doing busi ness jo ihe Mtata i«. 25, with an authorized cpiul af $17,000,000. The Bank ol Co- Iitiubus is the only one in tlie Wlate using its full authorized capital, tjavannah has nine honks, Augusta mi, Macn two, Dal- ton two, Columbus, R •mr, LsCrtnge, Alli en*, Atlanta and Ringgold one each. The total number ol slaves in tho **talo ! in I860 is 460,033—an increase ol 6,269 Liw 1 Fr>m tbe Pavstinsh ItepuMlcan. fiiends * *etilltcni Ullicc-Uolilci * under Lincoln few — Hu vr Nonsense. The Breckinridge organs call upon tha J penpie ol the Southern States l<» suppui* ^ people ol Mm houtliern state* to support c li cur tn iliii * .r jert III nidi r tn I’resa | || r eckisiiid^'* ( her a use he alone can dtleni MH|uiry : N\ tin * i" tn be done with I lie . |^ nc0 | n> 'pliia is alieer t.onsonse. Brack* incf.Vs now ill ollsee, and who eliail j lu iJ» e |ms nut even (lienhost of n chai c* the ghost of n char .. electoral vote outside ni South i id it ia so plain that he who | ad that every vj»ta given >r ■cklhr’idga is n vote lor Lincoln. The ■ iinrcnt that il Lincoln should ba I . w ill be by re-."on ol the main- j f>! the Breckinridge ticket LATEST FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE KlULTOTSJ. Colfoit Advanced i-n; to l-e*d. i hold the Times | Opposition j i disguising (he y and, stealing Thu duly «>l il ii ilm g jvertiinoi icy an office under Ltnculu would v Yonx, Ocf. 89.—Tho stromaliip n,» , 1 baa been intercepted off Cape Race I1V „ ....icaable in no oilier with Liverpool advices tn the 17thlnst. ns is ndinittrd liy the candid men Livetyol Cotton Muriel.—Sales of cotton . .npporKr.. In » rranl leu.r, m „|, ot |„ c „ ,olive, and oilvancc.l 1-1(> rr.ol Smith (’araltna. Ism Speaker . . House* of Repreeanln'ives, and an ° • di-iiaion Democrat, says : l.on don lionet/ Market.—Consots were hde 1 eliail givu in Breckinridge and quoted at n 92V. I”, ... ol Ihn »oljm,o- U Cmi • | look .i|U»llv. " «».■" I' 1 T " " 'l I The Sardinian Cliarnl.erl adapted a prun-tple.—n li.ariv .ni i I I |. w nniirxation tor llie Italiantonnnvlt.. , prn.pvot ol .l.ctlon, | c „ u|lt c , vi „, r ,„. d , , , p00c |, „i,' lch |„ . I' r "l‘ ' " r 1 ,pr , ' . ! continued tn tn.nnra Au.lriu. l h,. ,call* lilt'ninmonnr he il.jn- l) | Second 1)1.patch. ibn V anuy.Urcektnrld,. Nl , v VonKi 0cl . 2 o T/., I .Mar Ac/.—The sales lor two days were thirty .1 ' L -'- ** 1 ' a dan anded nn *d re stocks had been r uiioi ’siVtce" "it tVimw I withdrawn. I ill'll tlie iu|>- I Tim o( C.pua comm.ncrd ■ to i,, mi a I t'onv.n- It. hi. Dvl. [L'»|iun i. . .irnntly lot- ti , ,,| |).inu< [llic patl)’, ' t'ln ii mr nl und I. e. nn. He.- nl, i Bit* kinridgr I of tho Key sol the kingdom. It ia tha only l.n* iu dc.-ateablo N*>rtUrrti l"rtre»* tlmi overs ihe approeeh to the city oil li course nt the Brrckiri- "1 Naplre, and ia aeout iweniy miles Iroin ,rt|y luii >a ol a pro- I Naples.] i. ,in A i« d mid c ii- I It »aa reported that (Isrihaidi lisd been -•Ml h. ’ ihe people or otlirrwiu.. • icallr tlit* opinion of the mnjoMiy an Yniicoy-BrecUinridBo They do not expect to ahet Breck- but they support him in oidrr lo ho election ol l.uicolii, and lima ] pretext lor a tret anion niovenien/ From the Atlanta American, 2!Mb. rfJ.HlON CONKBRGNUBI I Executive Commltfrea of tlie Hell aud Douglas ('artles Rrrnent—llrcchlu- j ililge not IteprrseHcd. We have only lime, belure going to preas, 10 remark ihai tho Executive Committee* ol tlie Bell and Everett end Douglas and Johnson partita mat in this city tins morn ing, to consider tlie proposition lor u fusion of "all parties in tho Si* • lor tho good ol tlie country.” But, a" they were not met by the Conttuineo oi the Breckinridge nnd Lane parly, they dieinad it impolitic to mako any alteration in tho Ticket* now he* tore the people ol Georgia. Tho following is the address adopted hy dra Committee ol the Consiltuiional I'nion party. Wo beapaak for it cnralttl reading and wide spreud d'saamination ; ADDRESS OF THE BELL AND EV ERETT COMMITTEE. Atlanta ua., To the looters of Ceorpia : In defart’iice to tlu- call tnaila by lurge m vat ingaol the people ol all parties, we met here to-day, to cooler with the Execu tive Committee* ol the other parties in Georgia, with the ileeign ol urrunging, on a libaral basis, a common dckoi lor dm anion ol all our people, and instruct that electoral ticket, when chosen, t<» cast the vote ol Georgia in the Electoral College, in • uch manner as most effectually to defeat tha election ol onr common enemies— Lin coln and llimlin. It pains us to be compelled to onnounce that our Breckinridge friends have utterly declined to join in this patriotic movement. Upon iltam alone must r st all the responsi bility (or continued strife and discord among a people whoso interests and destiny must be the same. The Executive Committee ol that party have even declined to meet und eonnitl with us on diu propriety ol union and harmony. Gut Incndain tlie North, buttling lor our common Constitution, sro weakened and demoralized by our divisti ns in tho .South, und urgently demand that moral power which our union would give thorn. With all our hearts, we are icadr to bury our minor differences, and hold up their Ituuda this Icartul struggle. Onr Brcckinmlgo Gx., Oct. 29, I860. v leader" »“’^b B T5aSm! t ftj.bent assortment n| i.old, t i lln>r, Ivory a4«d Head, ever offered. PRHitu: xiT.CTAri is: d and Jtteel Framr*, of tlie j story. ailing I to peisuede *l,t. Il did uch if l’rem o ,|y way l » dr elected Uuchani ITH PLB'I luii*-’’ 5 '6ff't STEAM ENGINES, 5 A W AI I L.ILB, WINTER’S UPROVED STKAM BOILKUS! the MOST Al'IMtOVKD |V. BiMl"win''inakV '*!• in. "III. rt.suftlclunt to run any thing. 11 ■ |j.. It. t i ■ " - ’ *' aM ,| p.appr MHU, Ciilumlms,ti* n- «...i s-.-|e Mill*, on Hav 8tri JOHN II FUam Fnglno ami Faw U udeul.tcilly NOTICE! j aviso i i 1803, L*e directly under I. •iples ..I eommon . be lo -party trtc nieelti g whr Brcckmtidge • ay now, that day that no rr«pitriable Breckinridge psrty ol the jolt a fueloil ticket, wa ho be forme,I bo.ween the tn Dougina alone. J.«t eacl n the i her ft the latiet i ifi, me mere wanton dmiurb u, agniuet whom every good i mbu" i^C.u. AnaoclaUon. y clased ita Annual Staainn he Shiloh Church, llsrriaco Mendav evrnmg 15ih inst Will.* was ra-alocled Modi II. litallr, Clark. All ilia •il s healthy and prosjier d <|Uite td do ' the The •llj D • the p« IS luiilt Now Firm. Il'KT, MAHHlAfl. ) purp'H il) MF.A Now Bacon. r\ HUD8. Wdi* Males and Hhouldv -. .-. J E. UAKNAKD A vw. ’ Blowu Salt. | BAOKJt,fori.,. 1*7 RXRNARD k 0. On Consignment. l\/\ Col IA Hand Spun Hope, good article, r<>r ^ f BAtlNARB t OO- Mess Pork. T. HAHNARD A CO. j Appealing to the I'irc-lialci-a of Die i In lira "atiti-fuiion," looking-to-disunion reiolutiona ofiere,! by Hon. Marlin J. Craw ford to the Urtckinridge meeting in tin* city ? on Saturdey night, and by Dial meeting 1 eannot be I adopted,— offered, we eay, by Hon. M. J. I ,he Breckites can Crawford, who wae elected lo rapraeent the CMl j 0 r two rami I people, and not the “larger cities"—we find ! co ma it if united I lira following : 4(H. Resolved, That wo arc willing und I anxious lo unite wun ull persona ol all par* |ji* u in u tpeedy dfclnration oi tins kind; o ruggeet Hra propttety ol such n deciaratiun bung rnudo iti llic earliest prac- the larger towns ol Southern , triik" ! But we stilt l ave bfrier lu'p ,B 0 portion ol lira Breckinridge party single fusion meeting h** >'ri I anywhere, we believe, at which n Breckin ridge Democrat ba* not presided, and which was not attended by member* ol that party. Tha proposition fur union wa* hist moved at Newnaii by s Brecknuidge Dem ocrat high in fsvor with hi" psrty, and a iraptctthle portion of lira *»nio psrty in Ins own county go with him. D would be n curious** of arith metic which could show that e uni... be- tween the Douglas Bel' men •">"«*» # j ticket could conceal their nrskrra*. in the j u#|| ” if ,1 they are resily we«k. The whole Ilian all it* part* ; and if ! Saldiath overcome our whole vote groas lhi ■all sustsmsd, and ellort* iu* nl w,ie made to enlarge their operations.— ,1 I Stirring *p**cU#s ware made, to inciosse ' >k | tbs Missionary spin), an I on* of tbs most - * | eflVc'ive speacltss to which we have t-ver listen*,I, w»s mad* bv tha Hon. M. J. si* laiga j barn ol Columbus. Ii i* truly s Minions- N..t a I U It support* R *. A. D. I, hr |,l I ru | l | | | . i" C.iitr.l Alitc., • n.tiv. mi.- • miiaiy among the iudi*a«, ami s mi*sioa- *ry in llisir own bounds. All these obli gations were promptly mat at lhair late *es- aieu. They Isal thssklal la tha Great Head ol lira Church for giving tkum auch a faithful anJ. gadly amastonary a* A. D. Philips, and they ara Haternnned to sustain him, bv lhair prayer* and mean*. They le*l that bralhar f’hilipa want lu Africa ta Mlay, sad labor lor Christ, if naad »*• dia lor Inin, and they aia dalsimtlisd le sus- cocted by lira member* ol lira dii — I lo ..•no, and ihu phransicd lirr-eal« is ol lira .Smith, such -9 Yancey and Kelli and On i uml Khali and Buyer and iltcii conled' intc*, m pinning disunion mid tho establishment I ol u *cpenile Houiht-rn Omfcderacy. | liu hmoiui H"A g'. • A Wmals Ammn ur a Wwognrisn.— I A irmurkabla »c*ne was witnesied hy v ! Ii-.isi'* irew belouginq lo the island of Wei- . I tray, about * Itulr.ighl ago. As G.ven . I Mowai, and hia boat’s craw, ware engaged I liihing for cod, about six mils* from laud, >'I to lira eastward of iNoup Head, they ob- ’* srr\r»l a largo wliala luntiing rapidly lo- j wnrtl llrair boat, iu a little lime tltrre wa* s ■ * violent commotion. The whale leaped Jhf II nkout six loot clear out ol the water, when I they ,dt>eived that a awordfiah bail aluck r ita lethal weapon into ita body juat behind the large tin. I’lie ling* animal continued iu the giratr*! distress, leaping out ol Ihu wstsr, hut obvmiulj getiiag more leslde, while tho awotdfltah clung closrly in spite of all tl» contoilmn*. During all this lime, sl«o, s tlirtshcr conliuaed to strike lira whale on hot Is sides nenr ils middle, ami lira wounded animal roatinusd to hired profusely. The three creuture. paneed si •onra little distance from Ihe heat, and the eddies w*re so considerable a* to nralra it • way not s little, though the ae* wa* other wise perfectly calm. When it passed, lira whale was pulling »o lerbly (list he ssemtd literally gasping Jor breath, and tit# nran fell certain tksl it must have died in a slum lima.—Dr-Array Herald. .octt’es lira removing of Italy to Rome. ilitan Frincoa had ordered a •stili'ica against lira Garihsl- stated that there was mnaidorshle ernntiun m the Turin cabinet from nt ilnit tho Russian and t'ruastan mn- i.lnr? lisd ngninri ilia Sar* in uf Naples, l|ic« in China hod uMnckrd lira 1 .run Camp. The Chiiraae fled •r. A giand attack on lira Taka « in ado uu the 15th ol August. Disunion IlevalalloR*. Ivy., Ocf. 30.—The trnsl, ol ... v..,, s that a remarkably shrewd •id well inlormed prlitictan, who recently tttimed from Washington, states that in.a ol lira principal Breckinridge leaders ..out the South, among them Senator Wig- tail, el Taxes, and Judge Maek, ol Ala bama, had a conversation on Thursday last, und ugreed upon a plan ol action to be ob served in the event ol Liacoln's election to the I'leaidcncy. A part ol this plan is tbit South Carolina, within thirty days slier his election, shall declura her independence ol the General Government, and mid so embassador to Washing'on, asking to be recognised by lira Administration us u sovereign power. Il Mouth Carolina is suceeaaful in tins movement, other s >uihcru States will fol low her ex unpin,< and altera mflirient number ol State* luiving hern thus recog nised hy the Gsnerul Government, a South ern C Miledaracy will Ira loimed by (hem. Front the Cor. of Dublin Horning N*wv. The Battle of Bpoleto- Heroic Conduct oftlie Irish Brigade. Tlrar* cannot have been much mure than 700 or 800 men. if so many, in Hpoleto, w hile thn attacking force was at least 15.- (H>0 or 20,000 men. A council was held, and, ol courso, instantaneous surrender proposed hy rume as the most military courae in the fici of auch odds. O’Reilly, it least, for lira Irish ill the garrison (two nmpariica, 25C men.) utterly declined to Ira a party to any such proceeding, and de clared that tho man who would take upon himself to even lutnoouce such n step to liis men would run tho peril of hia lile — 1'he council, 1 can gather, was violently distracted on lira point ol capitulation or no rupitulalion ; but ultimately an express was •cut on to Rome, to the Minlttor ol War, nnnouncing that it was resolved to drlend iho town us best they could, ami, that conn* w hat might, the Irish companies were re solved to hold the citadel till lira courier returned, or blow it Into fragment*. In ilit' morning the Itislt at dawn went to mass, und I believe every individual man among them approached holy communion. In an hour nr two afterwards they were ceiled upon to meet the loe. The Sardinian" poured in through two of the chid streetH, uiiempttng a» lirst nothing ol a cannonade, and evidently contident ol carrying the place against auch a more hamiiul ol Irieiuia have denied ua this privileg We behave a crisis is at hand, which will command all the wisdom, courage aud cool lirmnrsa ol our united people. To meet this crisis, we greatly desired to break down in advunce all puny divisions and liutk all local animosities. In thia csrirast and sincere deaire, we have met with uii unconditional repulse Irom our Hreckin- rtdgo leaders. A general union ol all parties being the original purpose and demand, ami being .i-i-_.«.i ... --- t-> ihe necessity organization as hereto* l lic I'onns ol Die CanaDtuDau. This iv a term employed on nil occasinas by nil advocates ol submission to ilia else- t on ol Lincoln. They say that such an slsciiou will Ira m conlormiiy <• me forms ol tlra ('onstltution, and licnco furnishes no jiiatifinhle cause for secassion. Tliia posiuoii c onvicts it« advocates to another, Irom which they will dutibilass racutl. but in ii they arc tanvitably driven hy the ferca ol inexorabla logic. Tha Proposition, axpres*- ( d ill genual terms, is, (hot so ciuia el separation can exist unless ike forms ol lira Constitution have been violated. Now, has ,'iirrad to ilia*® sticklers for forms lint nny conceivable violation ol the orig- man. anv imaeimilili! onirupe upon i bo > and Mrilre. 10. —The stsainsliin • in Havana, with K*pr d which i F- c !>'•>• t h tcboolf elicited unit tin dwtf )0* MA Planting Potatoes. |0»i„.-.mi) v n'.^ mloo . r*w Sugar and Molassos. |1 UHDS.—lu «!.<!-■.. ISO 1 ' .nil l.iUf li)., 1,1 : • V ..\,:Ninn j. t. & G. H. Waddell, TTOBNISVS AT I.AW Crawford, Ruacoll County, Ala , TILL tire and faithful attanti'-n ,n " n 7 business entrustad ti thvui **" R ind ol Othi IvcJ, Th larger nl jpmtoit adopted in th DR. CARTWRIGHT’S Improved. UnfaiUn* and Baja ;hill and fever cure l/riu-Mi up Mn- M«t*t.i sud n-.uiiate* tu„ l.l> tn nd lPjWfcf^. It always eutraClIH.L and 1 It nswlltv and p-rn-vt.Dt! v. aud bar tho ur.qua I approval of u any pbystetan*. who h.'v* pn bod It with unfitillng »uer*-». eon :e Mtiafa^' . ... e ol Georgia alone, would u.duce lira North to forego tlra election ul Lincoln, and thus pul the Union out ol danger, out il Dial would not, nollimg May it not be us well to inquire of the llunorabic gentleman if in hi# childhood BC ever solved tho d flicuR problem why white fljcep eat mare than black shtep ! If liis solution was simply beraute there were tnore of them, H tnsy be auggesttvs ol the I*ci that the people ol thia great country do not all rrsida in the larger taunt and | ■ilia. In »ny! t» ito.lmy il>i. (i»»- rnmer.f, it may bo uv well lu remember that tha bonesl.bard-woiking, laboring men of tha country have quite as much interest as the man ol leisure, jiolttical lrick«ter» d managers, who reside about lira larger towns and cities; and that, a* in the case of the white sheep and black, there may he of them. ___ __ il is the strength, and not ilia Bell and Doug's* nra lies nra thinking about, that hsva tha Legislstura ham lira Electors if their the polls divided, and it n icy to prevent any com! the Electors may ba cho Perhaps they will lake But the trutIt it, , the weeklies*, #1 ii 11,• t lira lir^rk- They know , which will (’ive oj'jrairanls go l » i llrair parly pot- linatmu by which • en bv th* people -. • . I ol Wales nnd a snap judgment \ -.finest ul tha enterprise. Missions and Loots appesrsd, mainly, ta an* gr«*M lira attentian of tbs bady. la ike»* tl ry sis a unit ; no discoidsnt slsmsuts. They do nst stop to drhste unprodtsble qurilions—too much la be " I bay me aidant Inanda nl tlra Anuthnn laptisl ('(invention and ita Boards.—A'. U. Haptisl The ••Women of America , lenisle half ul American New York Express, lor lira I n*t in lira shape ol a !• Ileciioi .gainst the people in that way, t-u and other articles 'bull textily lh*t through no rnnnivane* «r aid ol oar tin •One tliini/ i" determined uml i-oMi!• ■ . ■ v n-’af in ibio oulreee tlra right* ul tlra Southern Slate*, in pr 11 <* i.r-ri u'»'!((r the ••nriion "I < rj-ionul form I Tha Conaritutien provide* jor its own amendment.—Cot. Tunes. According i" inexorable logic, upon lira premises ol tlie Times, disuulon is n nee- ,. ; t nry result, whether Lincoln is sleeted or not. They require no auch overt act as even this would ba. They a*v that in a lew ycais lira Black Republican* will have m- cviiably the control ol ibis government. Il n>, what force doe* lira election ol Lin coln give tn the cause el disunion f Thi ■r....... if, jusi us much bound to go lor dis- il Breckinridge, Bell or Douglas ii I.utc from II*v Nuw Oni.i.ANs. (J« |)c Soto list in rived dates’ie iIra 2?ili inst. Sugar w;ra unchanged. Tlra preapecta of lira growing crop were excellent. n advices received at Havana can* iielligence lIrai the $100,out) which i/rad wit Ii the conducta by . Do Gullado, lias licet, ored i I ml iu n MutKarre lu nrrgoa. Tlra Oregon overland mail atrived at Yreka, Northern Gnhlnrnin, yesterday, hriuging date* Irom Vancouver. the Columbia river, to the 3d Scheiber had juat arrived ai tlint place with deleated ol continuing nu foro announced. We have Hie pleasure of saying, howev er that lira lollowmg Revdiumn wus unan imously adopted by tho Bell and Everett Executive Committee s Resolved, That, should lira Bull and Everett candidates ba clioaan members el the Electoral Collegu by the votes of tlra people, they will carry out the wishes ol their coiisiiliieaia, in casting rite votes ol the State in such manner us shall effectual ly delaut Lincoln and lluuilin. New, Voters of Georgia, to your mode ration, wisdom and justice, wo submit ttie Will you sus'oin a party which has deli, berstely preferred stnle to harmony, and division to unity f Will you endorse and pemaiunio tlra reign ul party d.scoid t Will you select lor your leaders distrac* tors ol a common country—disturbers of tits public peace— devotees at tlie "brine ol animosity and sectional hatred, and per sistent agitator* of question" winch, they ■ i ._t...,. .a...., .| 1,0^ Constitution' tliernaelvca admit, at Jmw I Shall politic tuna still gamble lor spoils on the sinking body ol a bleeding Union, whose wounds their own liaudn have made, si* |irf puiip, iuncmBH «#■ "- - and which their own cuntimrad lolly wuuli nd Die bnluncc women and children, widen and deepen unto death ? And ahnll The par*y war fiist i.narked ahoal fifty such men find in the peoplelfltir defender*, miles west nl tkn Salmon Falls nil^ the 9ih a ,,,| a( Mi* Ballot-box then justification f Il Mr. Breckinridge alone cun delaal news of the maasur n by Onuke Indiatia oi an enure emigrant train, conaiatuiR ol persona, nineteen ol whom elected. In itar II lira election ol Lincoln adds no additional reason Im disunion, lie will bn puwcrlrs.i, with both branch** ol Congress against him, for evil. In tlra maantime Georgia hold* lira tenrady in her own hands. Il preparation is nece**ary, she cun take -cplninbi-r. Thia attack lasted about m ii) hour. The Ltdiuss then withdrew and allowed the tram to procoed live miles, when they again attacked the train. Tliia liar lit lusted two days and one night. * IIm ulierttooii <( tlra Bull the Indians had possession ol tlra wholo train with lira exception ol *ix men, who being mounted, ' Alter traveling through the • Duy• tlra six survivors wore ,1 live oi lira part) killed. tlra means t lira Union.—Marietta .S'euf/ra (a Breckinridge paper.) A Ntroiijf Bond The Montgomery Mail, I I'nion. 1 riiiJ sit ui (polling tha fvft | nianuion ; ...... -- York con'tfibuted on. million of Mint. to III. | fu..1 for c.rrjin, N>" V.nk l Mlu, .dd>: “Th« 1 will b. i.jln I" diunl'ln, If," i. elected.’ rejured oolj (-y URQUIIAllT t ^ ^ KM'p ■ iixi»«, "• acuax-M Rciinoit A: Klnllorbt ATTOltNKY’H AT LA V* . HAMILTON. OA. TILL practice t.. llarrl*, Troup Meriwether / Thtlxii, mnl all the Uumlee in'he chee Circuit and the adjolnlu* tonnttes ’ilBtts'.nrM of all kinds promptly attended to. ■VyH-duMf. irinp^iiold Fir© Marine INffVllAXCIC COMPANY. •knrliiclield, Masoachusetta* itst tnd ffurptas RDM D FUKhMAN, I'M L Fm Comtm, Jr., ?*c’y- , . . , . . . This OotnpsiiT e»)atlnae» to tske rl*V* against kT. M JOHN tiCNN, A,.nt. OrtotMT », le&4 u - Thomas J. Dunn, ATTORNEY AT 1.AW. Morgaa, Calhotin County, Oa. aL prscticp lu th# follow!nf counties ; 8mnter, CLy, JUnd.Upti. forty, Decatur, Usker, Col- - ■—a-.- Ilay V, oi-v l, l».oi;tior*y. aud l-ra. Marion Bethuno, attorney at law. T.lliutlon, (icorcU. ILL DwUnllonf tor jvirtnui enrltl^ lo ItjUiity Land *uJ I'#t>*ton*. order th* Ut* iot Congress; and pr«see»to^M«lnssag Smith & Pou, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Tiuktg' s, Ala., Prsetlee tn 5,ve"n sud adj-dnlc* coontles. THONB. SMITH. ID. W I'OC urehtT.lHO dwtt H. M. SAPP, TILL practice iu the Ch*«*hoocUee Circuit snd '.nl counties. red Rj« and herd Ilnrlrv. ntt ‘ ’“Ki Wt. Doufilaa and Y unct-y at Nsshvllle. Judge Duuglra addressed an immenae crowd at Nashville an Friday last, speak- 10g f.u two hours and making a strung ap peal for tha Union. The people received hint will* great sntUuriasm. f Un the same dey Hon. Win, L. Yancey | "turned up” *1 Nasavilla ; and at tlra con- l\JOlZXS. clu.i'.n P( JuJ,. U.U.I..' , |,«-bh. I —' **“ a. Foot# “read a correspondence between tlra two Executive Uororaittecv, Douglas and Breckinridge, in regard to a proposed discussion With Mr. Yancey; tlra Dreckm- ridgers declining tha diicosiion.” <Lv. j then snnoUDctd that Ira wou!J an- Mr. Ysncry that night, night Mr. Yancey addressed a isrga assembly at tha capital. Gov. Foot* was present, and a* soon as Ysncay concluded, announced that he would address th# peo- pic at the court-house. Thither the crowd rushed, tnJ the Governor handled the great “precipitator” without gloves, denouncing him as *4 political adventurer, brought her* to dog tha foatataps of Senator Douglas on hi# w#y lo Montgomery." Wa copy from the Naahvillr Banner; “Governor Fool* charged Y'ancey with being a more consist ent, paraietent, obstinate and deaignmg trai tor than Catiliue. Tha Hon. Stephan A Douglas, ha aatd, might have bean elec ted, the Black Republican* subverted, end the country reamed from fansliciam, but fur ibis traitor, William L. Yancey. He g.ew eloquent in hia denunciation* of lira scheme* of Yancey, Rhali A Co. t aid warned bia countrymen againat trusting to auch dangerous and crafty dwuniouiat*. He apoka tintil near midnight, and wia, wtth the exception of an occaaional dia- turbsnee of a Irvr raving Yanceyita* in tha . utakirte, lietenad to with patlant and mark- * -“nBllon.’* mind it *1 Hhould the ^otilh, ir ol lira three a*#ociJ Federal Gevarnrnent her en that account friend* *• Mr. Asto ut*d million* 1° ,ttf ' lira Govrranient, and will Boas more to the • ut ike ca-operation of wl be nearly pownlesa. Ju.t * ju-t lira rtverse. ( i* flection, lose one ’ departments ol tha would Ira folly in arf.arate Irom such j Is wha coutrib- | 'll # diMiraV i who thru I World, ii Wnah- y declari ii ira ; it TI lier « wo nra it nl ull Jftadea ; not «»nl ightbaauppnned it/nora..f of «»u but Midi na would be inviitul I I lira Sfcrriury nl Sum, nr coul lo tlra Acado.ny ol Music la y were oltkc in VN ubhin/n k ; iIray Lava displayed thi ■ now. mi lira crowded in sth.y i should ' lo stand eat passes mtu the »tand by them, by us, until the bsnds ol uur enemies. But, at the same tune, we inuvt confe»a that we do aet like ibis system ol purchase ing volt., .fti, to, lh. I,... ..I il*. L’liion. To ••• View, tf Lincoln i« d( leated by bribery and c-rrujriiou ooly.wLn.on irary i liiriiaull “Frosidmt .... ... jtca hs loilowa to the a ni lira caiisce ol In# delay lo cross the Mexican Rubicon: Tlra reent failure ol Gin. Walker in his expedition to Honduras, and ilia silence ul our Guvernuraiii in reference to ilia inter* vr ui ion ol the British, lias caused many lo tliat our tuek would be more difficult ilinn bail been previously supposed. Tho difficultv '»• transporting lurgn qunutitio# i, hi ,'m i,iI .■ 11• I 11 t |l! * 'Ira country, und lira approaching Presidential contest, have shown how naceasary lo auccesa ia Hie element ol time. Arm* that ought lo linvc been tt our rendezvous lisvo not ar rived, and agents have to bn sent in search oi them. Corn mud be shipped from lira Ohm river ami lira force in tins Hist* annul" iiiii'.onsly assembled. All tliia ia lira work ol time* Tofhrow auiadves ins body of 4<Kior 50J men only across ttier river w hi uie disaster. This will not do- croi s, it must bn with every clement ol I CSM III ruv hands, viz : men, arms and _ icrinl. Wc shall croat at tka axrlicat porra aiblt moment* i Hear fit# Voice «»f Madison from titc Tomb. I “As this advice,” said Mr. Madison in ,.ni t i written u short lima previous to it Ueatli, -.1 *. «» M'. ’" ll ' SO until 1 am no mora, it may ba coriaiSsrvd us issuing from lira tomb, wlisro truth • lone can be re*| eetad, and the happir Union pi n.isii i rhnTe f’ra r by a Bia ; tl,i Rrlxtivk 8iix --A public dinner in Ed, inburg bad dwimlls.l nwuy to ttvo guest*, *11 Englishman and • Highland gentleman- wlio were esrh trying to prove the sujrari- orily of their native countries. Of course at an argument of liii* kin! the Scotchman nossfseea (,'erwlielining advantages. Fha , •— . t _. u , .( _, . , .I.,,' I, L>!r Wl1 « g„ - ud that Ira brat oily’; and who lisa burns a part in meat I,; ‘ ;.*,M,ran. on every pa‘,,1. At l.*t the ! the great which will con.ittute ,,,, ,, .jolted. It will Ira euritled, thcrciors, t" whatever weight ca" be darf- rod Irom guori iniantlnns, and from lira ex perience ol one who has served hit country in vanuua static n* through a period ol lorty ymrs ; who aspouaed in hia youth,and ad- irai.y tlirough liis Ida, r.uli-l t Hr,, •Y( limit tbal Enjiaiid •* I* Tlttty 5«, ’•o-dartf tbs popular tentiiiun!, aud n -t ti.o mare incident of the success of Uns or tbst candidate for tha Presidency, that ought to ba taken into the account in aalimatliig ti e value and integrity ol the Union. A Ltghl ill the Mouutaiu*. Tho Marietta Southern Statesman, u IJ.moci.tic p.^.I will) U.« ■'»•»«• U ' cck - imiilfio .uJ L.n. .1 il. hf.J, comt. lou. (ull of .Jnori.l .rliclc. op|io.lns llio ll.fc.l ■cctj. or rc.olultai.iM 1" I!*• ° f Liocoli.'. el.clion, uilboul w.iline for constitutional cauae fur resiatartce. It aays s “In ‘he first place it rnuat ha ccn- aidered th»t if Lincoln is elsetcd, it will be principles and lha for Uo far we have nut the slight to justify us, bsfoie the world, his administration.” It also copies, with its endorsement, the Atlaata Americans “propoiiuort” for • (uaton of all paitica in Georgia. Jutland 1 mfident reply. ( poens ci ua desriny. " l ira advice nearest my Iratrt and deep est in my conviction is, that the L nion ol ihe .States Ira cherished and perpetuated* enemy to it be regarded woods lor - — --- again at un ked and live ol lira part) killed. Mr. Scheiber mIoiio eaciiped by hiding in ihe huslras. Alter iravelinij soven days xvilii- ,1, he was found in an exhausted •onHition hy some person, who look him to Dulles. Ol Die nineteen males ill (he party, s;.\ were discharged soldier# Irom’ Hull. Mr. Scheiber is the only sur vivor. lie say* 'hot the six men who lied on horseback- 'ltd not leave until the In dians had complete possession ol lira train, j and irom 'he rcreama ol the women snd children Ira was led to believe that the whole parly wsa butchered. Arrival ol a J.lvliitf lll|i|t»|ietamua. The steamer CJity ol Manchester, which arrived at 'his port on Saturday, brought a 11vo Hippopotamus from tha Royal ZjoIo- gical Garden, London. The HippojioU- * first and only animal of the kind ever introduced into tbie country, end deulit axcitu as mueh curioaity here aa it did in England. Thia morning safely and comfortably transferiad to the steamer De Moto, which will et'l to day for New Orleans. The trip from Eu rope dor* not appear to have at all ulTeclad the health or apinle of the beast, snd he doubt reach New Orleans in •*- reliant order. Thu Hippoptamua sm capturail semr- tkins o'er ‘wo yesra sgs, in a lake near tha source* of the Nile, by an English ex ploring I'U'iy. and forwarded to London. When taken itwae lut tw.» or thrra days •Id, snd about the six* of a lull grown Ijanisl dog. Now tha animal weighs probably six hundred pounds or more, and iv wilt al \ “lump” of u baast. He wa* christened Bucheet, ar “Fortunate,” by Uia raptor*, no doubt to commemorate the lucky escape which limy made in getting well elf with the “young ’un,” without farming an acquaintance with old Mrs. Hippopotamus. He ia very duetto to hia keejier, an Arab named Balaams, who haa tied charge of him sinco ho fell into hu man custody. Hippo is by no manna • comely animal to look at, however great a curioaity by the rarity of it* appearance in l ublic. The head is deciJadly el lira “bull- logisir” style of formation, while lh# b 'dy ia •• shapeless und uncouth aa that “I ei,licked bssr cub. The legs ate elcpbalt- abape and appearance, and tha hide Mr. Lincoln, thou our ticker ia pledged him in 'Ira Electoral College* Il Mr. Breckinridge cannot (Idem Mr. Ltncolu, aliould tho vote ol the Htalo be thrown awny upon him, wlisn, by giving it to another, the defeat ol uur common enemy can be accomplished t I You must unawer iheao questions at the i ballot-box of freemen in November. ' The limes are perilous. Raali men “Wisdom, justice should nut lead uwn. •••■»»•», JU . and moderation"—-th# noble moite «. Georgia's sovereignty—-should be written •' u I Georgia's a»ivereigua in or Instury ; tor, by thaao be able lo avert a danger, enemy the hearts thia crisis ol • lone shall \ or uvercome _ J, W Chairman Ex. light SANFORD. . Com. Const. Forty. tlie Secedcra. was 1 l.c conil-i'Mit reply. > ’”• irat tno open brh j •• iir 0 ,, r9 ,, a mountsinoue country—yours I'andora with her bo* opened, and d ,b Si" « ItaU '■»> >- y-s liundml. .( *.-!» ".tota-SSSJt ■ mile. !" JuiOt ItuT..— Rlnllcin.n raid, a - .omcIi .1 W.ii. ll.llon Thur.d.y ni«ln. ... ,, .... I,, ! n,o only dlUiculiy tl.o Jud,n l.bured under ITT J i. uluMren and 1'U. ■[ '•••' n j‘ | w ., ,| la , we ru f|UUu a uumbar of la- pnod linin in Georgia, lli* Alariat-a Aa- uta.'nreaent, wl.icll wa. a jrtat drawback '“.'of maati. a r.rofuaion auffician. ! 1» le««l»« •«• hl * “ “ “'°" b -* L *“ .....„i»h appetite ol all make crest anicuds for lira scarcity ol tho corn crop. The woods are lull of feeding animal", which have no need o go homo hungry. Ol nut* there •• n^ estimating the quantity. Chinkapin* grin st you from every bush, while cheatnuta, on a day when there in a brisk wind aatir, kduwviu .* ; f a ;i ai your leet, ua if inviting von to pick nth fundamental democratic ,, |em U p t a eonscqucuce, the market ia i - r -• •»— •■.unstitulion. i gjuited, price* range low, aud every urchin witness Judge Rice’s perform- ance. II«v ran beat his illuutriuus name- anno "Dan" all hollow. Judge Rica doted his apeoch by any inf : "Yea, 1 am as ready to go out «-!i tba Unionist urn to taka a drink, and 1 a.n now ready to taka that drtok '. — Selma Sentinel. . . Tno Judge ia evidently a man ol spin*. A Slk.Mi Mtarxx*.— A few daja »|® ' Kxtraot frotn Douglas' Speech st St. Louis, Oct 20, I In my speecli in me fcleiiaio, slier lira Charleston Convaniian, and helorc that st Baltimore, 1 elfered to compromise the plot- term by incorporating inie il the precise language of Mr. Buchanan In his letter oi uccaptunc", or Mr. Breckinridge in liis speech. (Cheers ) But that was objected to. The platform would not be sound ; Southern rights would be surrendered, Senihern lienor would bo turnislied, snd Southern eslety would be exposed to parti if we now affirmed lira very doctrine on which they weru elected. It ia true that during tlie campaign oi 1856 the Abolitionist# of the North, under the lead ol Mr. Chaae, ot Ohio, aaid that the Democracy oi the South construed our platform one way, and tlie Democracy ot the North construed it another ; but, un willing to rust under such an imputation, we iu the Narthwest sont invitation* to loading Southern ntan to coma up into tha Northwesters States and tell ilia people tbal tliia charge oi two constructions was not just or true, in response to thoto inst lattuna, Mr. Breckinridge came Irom Ken tucky, Mr. Cobb from l.eurgia, Mr. Benja min from Louisiana, Mr. Orr irom South Carolina, Mr. Pretton from Kentucky, and many other ol tlie leading Southern politi cians, and each one ot mem assured our Northern people that the whole Heutli un derstood the platiorm just as Mr. Buchanan explained it in hia latter ol acceptance, and that anything to tho contrary wu* an Abo lition lie; Obeera,) and now thase very man are in lavor el breaking up tlra Democratic party, dividing lira conservative men oi lira Union, aud securing the election of an Ab olitionist, belora they will submit to this aaaia platiorm on which they were elected iu 1856, tod to which they pledged their honors to adhere ler at least lour yuira iroui that time. Al Charleston, all the Northern Democ racy asked, all that my iriends in riie Soutli or anywhere desired, was that tlie Ctnctn- iti platiorm should be re affirmed tlra bayonet'* point. They reckoned l»ly. For hours they were held st bay. Little, of course, could ba done in lira streets by auch a small body against 10.Writ or 12 O0'> men ; and. at last, pressed on eve*, ry point, O’Reilly threw himself into tlie citadel to make the last stand lor lile or death —lor death ulone I might siy—f r when tlra outer gam crashed to, ns tlra hat wounded but undaunted defender passed into the quadrangle, tin re waa not a man in nil tho little baud who did nut feel rirat lie hud token hia stand there to die. They threw themsellcn upon the walla, and from the taltered loon koto# ruined "tlra leaden hail’’ with deadly effict upon tlra bosieuer*. But those u’.d walls proved miserable de- louces, nnd the nnemy, alter a britl hut deadly struggle ol this kind, soon, wirii erics tha' tent the oir, dashed at lira old gate. A crash, a roar, and a petard blow* it into fragments- Then lira eirugg'm commenced indeed, in poured lira hcsic' grrs into lira outer yard, which • • h Mild mention does not appear to belong lo lira citadel proper. However, a bloody recep tion met them there. Tlie Irish had two guns loaded with grape, planted inside in a position com manding the entrance, and no sooner was the 1’iedmontese column seen through lira amukcolihe gateway titan a murderous lire was opened, mowing them down liter- nily like corn belore the sickle. Again. I again, again the besiegers dashed through lira gate ; again und again a perlecl hail ol I grapeahot from tlie two piece- in tlra yard, und musketry from the rit del walls bellind, mat them Irom the Irish inaide; while I shouts tkint would stir many u bravo heart ut horn* in Ireland, plainly told that the brave lellowa felt but too wall tlra lienor ol Ireland was on tlra awful stake oi the day. it wm uid day, and tlra outer vutd waa •till unearned, and the citadel itself behind it untouched , hut all thia was not Imed^io last much longer. Tho 1’iedmoilara brought up a couple ol pieces ihiimselves, and alter the first discharge poured eft mane through lira gate. My inlorinn * asserts that of th» heroic Irishmen v k . fought iliiisc gnus inside not one man •«- coped. They asked no quarter, and they received none; they fought Arofi lira car- rtnge* ol tho piece* ; they were bayoneitcd at their posts. Thia, however, waa but the outer yard, and the heavy price ut which u had been carried suggested lo the besieg ers un euaiur und me re certain wav ol deal ing with the citadel than risking another efiort at assault or efctiada. The? lh*'* drew oil, nnd in un hour opened lira Irom , their heavy artillery, planted on tlra small hilts outside, at a distance ut which lira old metal in the i.irtrcrs was utterly unable to even so much uh reply. In Ira* than hall an hour two blenches were made, A liras- suge was smit by tho I'iedmonteae coni- muiidea, nflerina them the honi-ra ol war il they surrendered. O'Reilly made liis an* awer in the midst ol iti* men, and umid shouta that one would have thought pro claimed a v.ciory, not the desperate resolve ot men rijaciing c.i.iico ol lile. “fl.liirn,’' »»i« O’Heilly.-andi- lurm y.-.r Ihai ive ere, .lid lllut we arc holding thia citadel lor God and lira Rope. The Irish who serve the I’opa an ready lo die, hut not to surrender. i be white flag returned, but if O'Reilly ima gined tha Sardinians would give him * chance oi a li*ht at the broncho* ho was much mistuken. Tlra fire opened once more, and traw it became plain that the plan about to be adopted waa to bury the place iu luiua by their long range guns, while the Ir ah could do nothing but ook Iralplaesly on, their pieces being ol nothing like tlra (.ante calmre. A second summons osurieuder was made, ond the same an swer returned. By three u clock there | wore five broaches elircted : in Inct, tlra walls were in ruin*. At tills juncture lira ! I'.pal dolcg.i", »ill> -illhorlly lli.l Ull 1 O’Reilly no resource but obedienca--wbetli. ar an unawer lisd reached Irom Monaig- nore de Merodo 1 cannot say, but it is so assorted and is probable-ordered him • *- — —pitulate. line imperatively to capiiuime. ‘ •••"• O’Reilly aent ouf the white flag bearer The Sardinians undertook to let lira Irish inarch out with the honor* ol war- mi undertaking, however, t mad* at all, not kept. How was tliis end of llrair bloody struggle received by tho Irish f With (•cling of grief nnd distraction, which one simple incident illustrates curiously enough. Aa the Irish companies were drawn up in- •ida, «nd tho Sardinians filing in according to terms ol capitulation, one of our country men, utterly unable to brook the sight, seized a large jar. bottle or other vessel ot •onra sort which chanced to be lying by. and with one blow all but brained on# of tlra .Sardinian#. Il waa lh© work ol# mo ment, when the Impetuous Colt and ono oi lit* companions, who made a Btrok* tn lira il.fcnc, toll before a pltlnoll. llddtaj wilU bullet., The ,o.l i. .0011 ta d. O'Reilly and nil prisoner# wer# marched ofi next uny to Alleabandrla. _ llculthfulueaa cr Apple*. There ia scarraly sn article of vegslabto food, say* Hall’s Journsl of Health, more useful, and more universally hvad. than lira apple. Why svery farmer tn the nation fra# not «n apple orchard, where lha trraa will grow at *11, ia one oi lh* myste ries. Lei every family toy in Irom two to tan or mora barrels, and it will be to them the moat economical investment in lira whole range of colineitof. A raw, mellow apple ia digested iu an hour and a half, while boiled cabbage require* five houia. Tha most healthy desaatt which can be placed on a table, is u baked apple. II taken frrely ut break!*#!, with coura# bread and butter, without maat or flesh of kind, it lias an admirable affect on the general eystem, often remove#constipation, correcting acidities, and cooling off febrtb* conditions taora effectually ‘h»" tha most approved medicines. If families could be induced to sub.titu's tho apple-sound, rips and luscious—for the j is*, cakes, esn- diaa, swaatms.t., with which the.r children are ton often inducroetly atufted, lharo would be a dintinotion in tho sum total ot doctor*’ bills in a single your, autticient to lay iu a atock of tbia daltctoua Irutt for n| whole aaasoo’* uae. and appearaticr, anu ins nine mu platiorm snouiu tra re nnrmiu m ...roe.l me.. Ilk. ..Ic.niMJ suit. p.rob. pr.cU. lun,u.R. u|*« which Buch.n.ii .nd sst--* hoars* and discordant, being sornowhera in (h |oW u< lllgli 5 c j, a pUtferm was# sur a cro»a between lha grunt of a bog and li.# , r#ll(ler ol Southaru rif his, and that auch a growl of a bear. New Orieaua has baan j p| al j #rm waa an nbsndonmeni nl Southern •elaelad for tlra debol of tba Hippopota- iBieraats. Why did they not tell us ao in mus on account of its climsie. Tha ani- 1856 f winter in our latitude wilhoat arrioua ,r * , lrlc , 0 , Virginia, at the recant alaction, was convenience, svsn with unremittiag car#.— i # m wjurity ol 18 lor N'aah, boliera' eandiduio AYta York Express, October 23. for State Senator,over the Domoeratic can- — »•»■.. ,r_ didate. In 1866 thia district, which ia mad# irnprcreitenteu nucccsa ot lira I'alr. ' c.u n— ■— , , i._ i> didst#, in 1B9D mis oisirici, wuicn ie iitBUta . denied »uccc»a ol ilia lair. „u 0 | tlra counties ol Chesterfield, Powhatan Wa ara inlormed that laa receipt# ol CuBnbertoBd, gate Mr. Buchanan au ibis week, up to last night, bad exceeded a g. r eg*ie majority of 7?7. Prior to $3,600, which ia nearly firly per canl. m#ra * ‘ ititutian. . lut ed, prices range low, and every urchin 1 ■ , \'. a k MI(fH ui Mas*, whe,»sya gioui.d* I Who ha, the les.t ambition D» employ In* phystcranol N.atabu po t, M.aa . »»•. remitting J masticators, ean munch all dsy at • very j the Herald of that city, ia so mich Ilka the aggregate majority of 7?7. Prior — - — recent aleciion, tba Richmond Enqurtor trifling outlay. Tea Psoplb Movixo—Tbs people of Roms, Ga., met on Monday night tost, and passail resolution# in favor of fusion. Out of on* hundred aud fifty persons prraent ( Only sixttto toted sgsiost tba muvauist t' | #1 5'J /• IjixTH or Jcoaa II. M. D. Ki**.—Tba , . Sumter Republican cornea to ua draped ia | ( > ( mourning fur the death ol Hoe. Hugh M. D. King, lormer Senator of Burnter coun ty, snd on# of its most astimsMa and use ful citizens. II# died on Mouday of l*»t week, of dropsy oi tka abdomen, st tha ag«* City Clerk, that fsw paopll ^ brother from •H’otbar,” was culled upon by young gsntlcmsn with u (air damsel ou i, who was all smiles and Meshes, obtain a certificata of msrriaga. “Ob," respoudtd tba paystciaii in hia blend man- ner, “ t is my brother you call on bafora raairisga; tay call cams* altarwards." tT The Hon. N. O. Keytar ia *2 «»nd‘<to data at the next election for Judge of in# Gctuu'gaa Circuit recent election, is* nissinviiu clamed tbut the result would indicate thr strength ol Breckinridge aud Douglas, therefore, in four year#, Mr. Breckinridge ioaaa lb,n they w( ra lest year, and lb*t all tlra expenses will be mora than met. This is, in ths highest degree, gratifying ta all its friends, especially aa fears were entertsiu- j - ' ' ,<>M ~fZ—tu. ed that tha alringanry ot tha timaa, mouua- WxTTa-Goitvaaaiosa.- Tha Hoa.Tboa. tsrily, and the unsettled condition of poli-1 H. Watt# aaama to ba doing hia party im- tica, woulJ have a depressing effect. We I mens# good wherever ba goes. Ha has would not bs surprised if tha actual receipts driveu four familtea io Autauga county summed up nearly $4,000, or about fifty from lha support *f disunion, end has made par canl. incraasa aver liras# of tail year, oval a hundred good un ton man in tha f Atlanta .4mer., *tlh. I county of Butler. Tba Braekiortdga ora- lori Me u to bo a littla afraid of him. Ask A BmaruL Toaax.—At a recant laativo j|j a f,ienda what bappaoad at Graanvilla mealing, a married man, who ought taiiava t h« ether day, whan Col.Bantord attaasptad known bettor, proposed. “Tho Ladioa” aa unionism into anlinlara I Don’t lor- z 1 .«• •• »• »+* Outlawiho tuiTwhu —Tha Ohio Con*, forcnca ol the Matbodtat Episcopal Church baa taken another step lorwitd. It ltaa ouriawad Tobacco, and Tobacco users. A« it. late session at Gallipalto. it adopted tha lollov ing preamble and resolution : •'Whereas, Tha use ol Tobacco ta a great evil, and toads to other* evils ; therefore. •Resolved by tha OhioConlerencu, Hint, af er tho present session, we will not receive any paraon into lull conuactton who put state in the use ol Tobacco." Hou. B. H. Hill haa bren telegraphed by the Fusion Commit laa nf Naw York lu visit that Btat# immadiataly. Wa learn tbal Mr. Hill inland* complying with th* equaat.—Atlanta Cpnftd.