Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, November 13, 1860, Image 1

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friend* of the l Union willV held thi* evening «*' Cooper Institute. Thr linn. H.-nry W. Hilliard of Alabama, ti e Holt. Mr. Ewing of Tennea* •e*, and the lion. A. 1?. Botelcr of Vitginja ill he among the speakers.— A’. V. News, S FATE Constitution. [John Hi The above it a very fair epitome of the j j j uco |„ 1 platform*" of the four candidate*, made by their record* and declaration*, on the I* then* any preacher of revolution account of iho constitutional election < President in that trio of fpeoketa ! h-adeis of lit® fusion motremcnl in New York know too well that the making of such threats i* the very thing iff strengthen The Richmond ofour Virginia Federal office holder* r«»i^n Lincoln ie elected f Wiil Col. Iliggrr, mmmjM ? — v ■■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ ^ £ ■ A MTitIC'T COKHTIIUCriOW OF THU FO.YMTI 1 UTlOX \S IIOMCsT AND KCOSOMHAL ADMI MM RATION OF Tllli C.OVFllXMUNT. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING f)VEMBEB 13 I860. NUMBER 38. Mr. Harrison, or 'ign their rc»p®2 Letter * domestic institutions” meant i wJH answer > candor. V <• s- * AT TIIKIJI I V.i: AMD ,PA< fALA BAM.A WAKKHlWSE, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. I u^'ttu.atc Advanoee made upon Cou»fgnm®uu of i otJter supplies, July 2-4, COIAJ MTtT X S SADDLERY, HARNESS AND LEATHER STORE! II. MIDDLKBIiOOK & CO., ©•A 3rond 8t. ItANLTAtnt’ltKItS an-l l)K U.EIl I! Sn«t«ll«-», tin rnca* mil l.entlirf whlrhthe followlnK t oi:ipr ; ..< • * par Spanish Quilt imI Kadtllrs. overlaid; Kiiglbh d >- Planter*' Halil do.; Youth's an i ll--.v'« du V. and Plantation ilo.; and Ladles Saddles—variety • eUvety ijuestion ; hut a remark or two more may inoreciealy illustrate their Severn 1 positions. linih llicckinridge and Douglas .-gras to tho policy of leaving the Territories, by j c their organic acts, “ perfectly fisc to Iona ‘i and regulate their domoilic institution* in their own way.” Tins tiny both agreed to I l»y their support of the Kmaa»-Nebra*k» j bill, tho l*»t *••" **■' J. * * 'j ^ i quant mrsssgr on the subject, maintained that the slavery am) nothing rite. But the Drec'd iridge party at Charleston and IJaltunon took the position that if the people of i Territory (ttiu* licensed) did not form am regulate (hair dotnsa'tc institution* in i way agreeable to a mujniiy of Congre&e Congress should intervene to protect j j, oae slavery ; (Lincoln vise versa.) Douglas, on ! For thin r« aaon l o oil.,r iunJ, i. f,, .biding in 8 ooJ f.Ull I !;,»«* ia!,'iu,,,r!il'sv«y by this agreement with tlm people of a Ter* ' ' ntory, amt wifi continue to let them alone, whether they protect or prohibit slavery in I U ur .*' their Territorial legislation. Hut John Hell is opposed to licensing the | ; • ,ni ■ , . 1 ' . , heart people of a loiritory, in tho U:st place, to | i i, e ; determine tho churac'er ol their “ domes- 1 w *»icf uu institution*' in their Territorial capaci ty. Ho will not leave them “ perfectly her," but will retain a Cungretri strain! upon their Territorial action—such a restraint as Congress never »arr®nderrd until the Kansu* hill tvs* passed, ami which it cannot justly aurrender liJuciaiy duty to act ■ • a tiusteo lor nil the i .State and keep* itie Territories open alike to j They ha all their citizens aa long as it is empowered .J'fJ '' ‘, to “ make nucdlul rules and rtguUii<-ns" for their government. He will prescribe a ^ r " 1,lu d mode in which the people Territory in*y detcunine the question ol | heed slavery—that lime ia when they hava a ^^ Hepiesontalivo population ; that mode ia j tin; the ‘mutation o) a Slate Uunslilutiou. 'J')iia | c ' c, ’t policy ha indicated in his adjustment resor 1 u |f, t .| lotions ol IA&0, in tits Comptoaiise Terrtiv- j siron nal bills of that year, which he supported, < [' nr * and by his opposition to the Kansas-.N*- | bratka hill. i what A Hear Story from lltiUe County. A correspondent ol tho Hutto (Cal.) K®- : writing from Instiip, on July 17, ‘•On the lOtb, four or five grizzlies appeared at the rancho of El-xt Ferry, (which is located fivom nix miles above fo- sbip. on the west branch of Fnjlbcr river,) and alirr killing one ol her you tig cattle, commenced their gluttonous fsaal on its carcn*s. Thi* was too outrageous for Eliza •red; her blood was up, and the d d not wait to calcnlatn tin* clmnees. 8hu leveled her rilte at one of the Urgent among them, and buried a bill in his rpine, which sent him spinning to t?i« {pound ; but soon w it lx horrid scream* he rfgsiurJ his feel, and unde a furious charge on his petticoat foe, hut beforo ho g <t near etmugh to toudi the bravo woman, she had rc*loadi‘d her r tU, am! vent another leaden LATEST FROM LUROBlv. or PBBSIA. 1*1 J lull the 25th ull., ffe Diuglnana an “arrogant dema' a s'upid (dockhead, who proved Norfolk ..perch iInsi lie did not know dry night v. .V-Tho a IT 4 hia point k.byie »>r ' the dinVrrme h< tween eeecaaien and nulli lication." In another part I l*e called Judge Douglas “a short-logged peel Colton Mu Art.—’i’ll J'Oii'tli readied tho fa, 1 t Umax nl Id* eluisto and classical iexertivc j , u by calling hi in "n slump holed politivian, wandeiine about the country in i|n«sl of I liie I’rcvidency, ami varying hi* opinioot to of suit hi* longitude.Tho Tetter goes of| say Yreiu Uie N. O. Pieaaaae, ‘id. Fearful L no{ life. mums or tire sSioiirfftH r. tfixr. I HAD A DIIKAM. 1 had a ilieam, a happy dream, In cMliilinoiVs tunny limire, t.\ r yet a cloud ehs- urW the *Vy, O’tr pleasure’s glittering bowers. cord 1 We are called up. n a R ai Intal ami most fearful disaster on the river, almost in our immediate vicinity, by which it is known that no I let s than i)miy*tix valuable lives have been lost, and anme eight or tan other persona inure or less llrijht fairy castles high above Were towering to my vlsw,’ tVllh gai'len walks, and flowery hills Of deep and brilliant hue. id Mem- l on this quration. be- iiuu. n. it. mu of •rhefd i ■nesvengrr ir nor did site dosist until hr e’ratrd the large beast, which pro* d hi* quietus, ati J he lei I dead, whfh companion! sought vnh-ty mnid the hill*.’ There i* quite n c uitn iwccn thi* occurence and one that happen' c,i last week at (Jraue Valb-y, when loo oi three grixzilea wont to a Dutoliman'ii ran g his cattle. He went out with thrci navy revolvers, amt shot one . f his uwi calve* eighteen times, killing it so deni i)>at it smelt Lad m a ‘min t," whdo lh d I gr xxlira were standing tound locking a the luu. 1.1.01- I on on hand a*. Liverpool ol which r..*9.100 were ,it Market.— Hreaastuiia t bad slightly tlccli rioualy injured. Tho well known New t»r!o phis packet II. It. W. Hill, d that otter 'hoi dree us- j Newell, exploded one of her boilers about viih me (Davis ) bo (Douglas! retired | liall-pnst 11 o’clock Wednesday night, "iilt j the Senate and did nut rhoiv hij t ire J tremendous force. Aea.royinu cvcrytJiing I y dunne tho aeasinn." Again, before it. The Hill was on her way down I ’ 1 ’ ni dm limn, and pearly opposite Grand I View lloacli, some liliy eeven inilo* above this city. . | The explosion took place on the. lerbnard aide, ,lrotn tlm Min i boiler, the head ol which was blown outircly out, und with lea-1ul velocity driven clear through tho siiHmc room. Tlm heated water and j ■ loam followed in immense quantities over* whelming and scalding every ono in its I course. Mr. L'dimtn. n eurriyinB cal, IS BCc»n<pa led by tho prom- ' passenger, think* that And l remember every smile, Untlngfd with earn or sadness ; Then nil tho world scenml good and true, And wore a face of gladness. a;d that the Irionda ol the celebrated Pinto rooiuimn* uauacd the vote on them » be postponed I'T three days in order to ivi* Douglas an opportunity nl voting on finally p bsolicc. lo older tbnt I may a a min you I the accuracy <•( my memory in relfr* nee to i.m aiatemen'e 1 nave imputed to A I. Davis, I will subjoin in n piisiscripl n orn> ' tauve cm! i foment by other genilo' %;l Jlut when the steady nheelt of time Rolled heavily along, Within my spirit* honest deptha Was tebusd Ufa's sad song. Who has not dreamed, as I have dreamed, f'shimlius, Oa., 1440. JavniR or rut 8si(mdi. -Co "la u A Aut l’ir a iHuuntnu Ci Mobile Jhg rmifdnftTiufniin onl. Hobs, coming one day .nto tho office untry lawyrr, of remarkable doinretic vere [ habile, and perceiving hint, aa usual, iin- unt. mrrsc l in liia beoka, with a vrry grave ceun- »»rn, irttance oddresoed him a* foliow* : “Wall, Fnuirc, 1 drclarn now, I hove {■(■„. known you, man and boy, these twenty lade 1 ond yet l can’t llnd you nut." j Tho Squire looked ixtremtly grave at , , tht« I'uputntion upon his rhstacter, and g I hemim .1 and hawed a number of times, | (>• fore he could give uiteraiico to his sur- persona IRJLA'LliCt* we Tho killed, j killed and ; ; badly. *nhlcd r die llremcn ... ose names, L Among the I. rmrr ginssr and a'r>k> r, v unable Itctallutory Mato I.c^UlHtlmi. For several year*, several Northern Stales, Massachusetts taking the lead, have passed tli.r«y- ) law" in open violation of the Constitution, eiei.t or | ngainai tho rendition of fugitive slaves.— horwi-c | They liovn not only refuted to obey the 1 plain and unequivneal demands of the nils and t •••»«••— •••«-». *»» io but ! ”; f big'ltvra to tho,e to whom thair aer- !j Ain.— | due ; but they havn actually paas- . \V. 8i'i d laws severely punishing any «»f their cit s' the tzoiia who shutihl presume (o obey tha de- and tl>* mantle of the Constitution, nnd the laws of I imped overboard . , , . , ’ , i.* usd. . ilv'cn.v, a cabin- j *•»« Cntted Hmtes passed expressly lo *n- n * n t ** , ‘ H i* pa fling strange, that the slaveholding States have so long During Mr. Free Kentucky, he r id mixed Irtely • r iule «hcr* lie wa ■ - An daon HuTi; | * v, " vcd 111,1 ‘•Why, really, Tom," at length l have always tried to sustain a reputable huraiter — I believe I lisvn nlwsya deal 1 rankly and sbov#.board with you." “True, trup,” replied Tom, stroking his chin with the Inti hand, as it wot^hing the hoy, also jumped aahors. Ho was Ironi Lmrsvi Nona ol the officer#ol the bo jurttl. Gide-'ii Maiks, ol Ne< cabin patseneer, was killed. A ol tins cuy, before memioucd, was i . , scalded on tha hand. Henry Fos ‘ if' 1 ‘Motnphia. r.aa also slighliy reside 1 ‘ paaicngers were iojured pnlri in to ilie enemies vi- nil along argued, villi tlm Hbick Kepuh wore in* j mbmiilod to these wrongs, when an cirec- Albany, a dial remedy w ai in their hands. Each ffilv I ‘ Stfl,n ,,BH ** ,e P ow ® r ,a xing the property p* * t '^ ' ,'| j Ler own cili/.ene, and in impoaing the 11 has Iho right, and h««’ always erer- j cWod it at discretion, of diacriminstinq in The steamer Wm. M. Levy, tjsi-t. Puck* favor of, or against any species of proper- ett, bound up lied River, attired at tha tv. Suppose in levying a tax, every South- •,L'no "1i"b ,1! » . .t.r (I,. Ci,.l... 1,,,, K„i,.houia,.«tQn.,t,, ui of l.n or ■ . l7 - -• , t.h Z i»T», a^d'LMd^d.d' Tu,» j ‘-'"'r J'f «“*• 011 -•'«»»•»•. -«**. import » t Ills words, “but lor all that I must )or lll# c j ly i'| l0 y arrived here si * i rarly » ,0, chandne, (lie growth, product, or min- any I can’t find you out." hour last aveiung and landed on tha opposite ufooture of Mssaachuaetl*. Such a law “ V\ bat do you mean, 1’oiul Just explain I side ol the river. The arramer Hannibal rigidly cnl -rcrd by all the alavebolding ymirsclf, lor really 1 don't uniJersland lb* altcrwa/d- went over and brought them to States, vrnuld pul an effectual stop to all meaning ol this charge." ihe atearnera’ landing, on tbia aide. trade between tho 8outhcrn State* and •1 ......n .. 1 „id Tom. "Icn'i T„ ll'TTJ- (T;''!,",‘i c"T ' , " t -'"'! 1 “«« 11 «. ‘fw, th. I,« want into I <h* rrawn w, (bttwjn, ^ «l Mwnis«' , ,uil • lew •P««'jo».. would not injure our citi- i.dlv lawyer’) I always tind I t an tlio Dia challenge ti lt tlm Ci I, olil. lien Sinle.r Hlsgrareful Outrage. ml i try that » most disgraceful an act was perpetrated •>» Tliur»d upon the arrival ol Judcn 1)< Exchange Ho tel itt this city, known mi'Cfrsnt llirumug or, ni’V «i»«u. — A good th aeon, re ly, nddreaaiug a Sahhalh school, made ml by tin- li-llowiiig anecdote : Jluldren," continued the deacon, ‘ f *you know 1 went to tho Legislature year. W*II, tliu fisatl day I got^to Au- i I took dinner ut tlm tavern ; nehl i had the mil nou# accident « i this lllO i r.vai i • die* able, • he i I nut Banrlioned, but : j denouncmJ by every / XV n itylea. HAHN I-ISS. Tine BUver-platud farrlncr IUrn;. . AltUsa. Itopkawny “ " I)oui>le Uiig.vy" “ “ biiiKl- do “ mill black ilaruean— all atjiea quallUi-a, j^:i :A r n i i<:n. gklrlttnx Leather, Bridle Pad Bkln», ll:oi t, B..!e Shoe Pegs, Last*. Tbicmd and »• .-Irif*. *«. Alacliim' itollinja tx**tbrr ar.d l!-j1 t -r It .• • r ' • ’do, Light Rubber and L’anras ’Ihe Hec it’d to l*rore It. Mr. Stephens, ia hia speech on Friday | iiipht, charged tL• - lioither Mr Urtcktn* i r.dgc himself, nor his party, really nisant J io insist on Cui-grfs»ional intervention for tli® prolec'ion of slavery in the Territories—' thil they only raised the theoretical issue 1 for the purpose of defeating the nomination of Douglas, or braakt party if they could . ltd We iliink :t i at, as a party, lqiidlitieilly. And as the lies t towns, tl.rjt ha-1 never tak- n. »l.w, ill I i. I,If. | l |, 0 ' c ,|„„ I"” l > il« vartts a of pepper* ; and he Nir.o of the wound ! ke. p lo-kittg nml looking nt them; and iho Chanty lloapttal, j lin.illv, as the waiter* w«rc mighty slow Hospital. Two ol in I bringing on things, he up with his folk ] gerouely eca.dcd, wi I and in less than no time aoiixed ouo in his mouth. A* ho brought Ins grinders down j — I -n it, ’he Isutt estne into firs eyes, ami lie [ seemed hardly to know what to do. At . Ih-i, •juiting the pepper into ins halide, ho wounded ami suclT (empornry (iispasttiun made ol the dead as wm thought best. Tit# moat of th# bodies, however, remain on tho host, ami we presume dm Coroner will ptocoed ut once to-day with tl.o in- The injuries 10 the b.ia'. have not yot been fully ancortai' a | zene, for they can purchase elsewhere, o by i thing we need, on nearly, or quite, aa good I term* as thry cart get them from Maaaa- i»e iiiii at uer wjt»rl chu*«Ue. Hut Massachusetts would feel ns ^pnicuied* b-r Vita l *»° «ffecl# of such a law in every fibre of t 1. a nd in i*. , Jaekam Wife. I lealinc f Nc- prol-r Lincoln .i a -uppoii M this th.d V'llL-lo lol'lo i the I -nrdly black-guard, dure n •eel I |ivr tu the rohseiottsnees ol T ha- trato-l » “JM li>- that and cool." I>oti*i lit-licvc lu Cungrua- 1 . . -- -- — ^ J r llac.k-ban-U- Ucll Itlvets an 1 Lace Lcuilu r. TRUNKS 1.Al>tv- 4 an.l (1BKTI.MIU.V Urc- i TraveUnur Trunks, »U qui-.lltles style*. Bonnet, Box*;*, Vallsci t Hag*. e-f n made of tbs beet w»t. n-.erv In vile ail tho*r wi.-» i In eur U-»e to call nml emoaln. sure tlieiii that thev Will lie quality of gncilr and ttie pr^ue, a*': • > on tha rev- Hemlock j . (n ,j |, e l0 ffued to Ursekinndga'a ad- ! mieoiett in hia letter ol acceptance, and to ! the vote in the .Satiate on Brown's resolu- i liens, to pro*# this chaige. * We have hunted up th* vot# of tho 8«n- ate reletrad to, to show that the Breckin- | rrdg# man ol that body diJ expressly raluse to interfere lor the protection ol slavery in 1 (beet*## of Karista, and Nebraska, one of which ha l prohibited slavery by Territorial Dash I action, and th# other had raluae-l (o pro* tect or tolerate it. Mr. Brown olferaJ the leaolutiou copied below, >■ one ol a sail** derignrdt.v "kill cfl"’ Douglas, and the tScr,a'.c v-'e 1 upon it v abort tlni# previous to tt.n ajdit at Cbarlsalan and Baltimore.— The f• liwan|{ is lh* rasolutiuu : lie salved, That experience hiving alre.uly nocratic i firm this wdl vli#w u» l Olb.r-i.. J,r,.l ! sloual l*i old'tloll. hoc in liis lulu Ind r-v* . .tijofthaitrolly re.riudillrs , the i rolit a nomiiiniihi t.lini ti C-mvention, nnd never i again, lo hia speech IIy t#l«i*' hi traun wa ’.uuo halts lew words. It they who will resd Mr. Hreckiii- ept.mce, they will tliere u*snt4't. at ft* ing room and lie d I doctor wt S(Juoige w More Jolt i U*l«l ltunitiis renfion with (he anbjert of slavery sn the .„,n ol Cdagrees We lieliev# that ih^ie i.»s been uli< s-iy mo tmtfch legialatimi- yea, | night party lecling nnd pr . hardly heloto tho pe | i the e>1 ■ °* .'Lo pe system, and it might induce her 7.HI' to repeal her unconstitutional and un just laws. Massachusetts ha* also pnsanl laws making it dangemu* for a Southern man to go there for th® purpose of reclaim ing his fugitive alavo. As sn ofT-set (n the*# laws, each Southern btalca should pats Jaw* restraining and curtailing th# privileges of tho citizen* of Massachusetts, ill th-ir respective States. These laws should ha pa«sed avowedly at retaliatory measure*, and should bo repealed when the Governor of n Southern 8tato slmul-1 be officially informed that the unconstitutional law* of Massachusetts had been repealed. | This ia lit) now project. W* havo urged 1Ra the adoption ol retaliatory law# against 'a " Life I those States that rrluaed lo execute the Jerkson" ha# lit® following I fus* 1 '*® *l»vo l#w for many year#, ond w# .1..,!, ,1 th. a.n.r.r. wife. ! 1, ' li0, ° ” V’. ey bM ; ,d0 ‘ IMl1 tltcro would now have b**n • much better jng, the evening bs- mjderelnnding between the N«irth ami N inth, than them ie. To make the people of Ma»i>ochu*elts and other abolitien State*, understand their own interest, ia t# mak# Ilium do ua justice. Much rclaliatary leg* ti lt oy eveiy uu-i %t-.i.twr-r.etriam *» be th il have injured ua, ond would soon eon- rinca them it wn f-ir (heir vital internal l» do ua juatice. In this way we have an el* fi-cluaj remedy ior lbwir unfriendly legiala- lion, in our owu hands, and we can, in our opinion, by these means, toon compel them to do u* justice ; and if they do not like our retaliatory laws, or our ins’.itutiona, let tlum go out of the Union end sack friead# and customer* tlaewhere.—Federal Union. | w as to ai-pln 1 ilienco. Drm | compoilad t- Corwin had Di.e ia tha very ti N. B.—New Work made, and H- pafrli-i tha short*#l uoUi v. U**etut>«r 4 JL U. YtlLUtf. T Willis & Willis. attorneys at law. Talbotton, Talbot County, Oeorgie, W II.I. #lv« prompt alienUou t*. all bndnvss traaUd to Uwi. car ,(d TaiLpt and t(-*- •' h- rouetl»a ’■'“ r J’ h r,u - * Georgia, Muacogee County. N 'OTICK la hereby given tfiat l I-btu's-j'.-I a transfurrr.t TWKNTV HMARtM of :>„• Cap Block of thr BANK of COLUMBl.-, held t-y it. Tnutae, for Ann Rruden. e .Sen- ) Ark , i October i, 1SC0 J08KPH P. I'UHDKN, Robtuhi:. Dixon, ATTORNEY AT 1.AW, GOLUMUl tt, OKORCH ' Offif-C directly oppoain- tl c I’.-.t «.) ' April 4.1»M H. M. SAPP, ATTORNEY VI ./.AM, the Cunstitulion and thr I nton law. Ouaidad by statutory provision*, ’ ftl J do not a Herd adeqoat* and auflintent pro- i#cto*li to aiav# propar-y, a -rr.r ol thr i’er-j - j liloric* liuvmg la lad. oinrra itnviDo reti-ard GH io psa* a iclt intetmrmi, it ti»* become t- * 1 .1uty "I l.’ongrra* to interpose pa*i sueti ana as wilt a (lord io alavr property m the Territories 'bat protection which is given j. to uiher kind# ol propeny. *• ( in favjr of this resolution only tkr atari voted—Meaar*. Johnson of 11 j Drown of Miaa , and Mallory of Fla. a Against it 4" vote# wrr® caat, including jail the Black Republicans Renature present, I and the following Breckinridge Democratic j ' j Senators : Benjamin, Bigler, Bragg, Bright, , I Gheauut, Clay, Davia, FiUpatnck, Oreen, j I Gwin, Heinphill, Hunter, Iverson, Jebneon j of Trim., leant, Latham, Mason, Nicholson, Pearce, Folk, Powall, Babaatian, 8|iJell, Thompson, Toombs, Wigfall,and Yulas— una.—A filly writer uilii-g btm-el! "A Catlioh mot Itrerklnric’ge. Hn dueau'l >i«r lucai' * a Lni.l-fciuuk or n ., but we git#"* he would prefer liter ->l them well douu to being luinscll at such a eluke u* Julio Tha new volume ol Mr. Fi of Andrew account of "On M« fore llie twenty-third, liri diseae® appeared to take a decided turn for the better ; nnd «h« the-i to earnestly entreated the tircenl to prepare for lh# fa'icu** of th* morrow by •tu. at fa*-, Hi r ;,. t.f-t. i a stif*. Thf! the Jjn»*e. Ilaoi,ah and e to i-it up with their m.alre**. I -ek the GaiirriLjHde lift gaud l into tho next Jpnnt. and took off" hi* coat, preparatory to lying down, j He had been gmm about five minute*; j Mr*. Jacks-tt wtn then, lor the first time, rci- ■ nn)v*il from her bed, 'hat it ought bo re- i at ranged for tlm niplit. V\ bile aittii:g in a j chair, supported in 'd o arm* ol Hannah, I I ahn uttered n long, loud, artieuLle fry, which W aa immediately full >wed by a rat- ' ,,f, ‘r h ! tl-ng noise in the throat. Her head fed 'i*/' , 1 forward upon Hannah's eheulder. She published. A New York paper thus ' j never »p.iko n-r brra-li*d *f*ie. | ak«(chee the life of the most fatal enemy of I There wm a wild ru#h into the room „ huebeud, dueler, rrltliv**. friends and aer- I ,’ eaya j vanta. The General aaa st--d to lay her if. vote upon tbr bed. “ Bind her,’ he cried,— ‘ ‘ t.tood flowed from hvr arm. • 1'iy the I a tlaineJ her | Grizzly Hear Adame. The death ot Adame, the celebrated Wee* humar, at Nepoaaet. It. 1 , hea been oil red a had lolly <•> J km U r iLL |»raetlc- In the ctiait tha adjoining count), - ff* Offlc* on Randolph Btrect. a r. u ' •ftlie Poat Oftief. July Z J. H. Jones, attorney AT H7ILLcontlnneto|>rarti^Gw in-» .• uh IV tern Ltreutt a- b-r. tot- nud jo - ' 1 . ■ .. . nt runted to u'» j fatkhfullv *tter,d to all Luafn-»s Mr*, lu th* e>-untt«m of Itan lofrti. Ltay, F.trfy M'l |u j.r'-t*ei lh# S4oUt Calhoun. M.OCNat Flrtflalnu, C». , w „ MrsU. Visa J. T. Si G. H. Waddell, ATTORNEYS A'l I. AW Cr»wIord, Eu.eell Couatj, Ala , \tTlUe ftv® prompt and faithful attrniwn to anr VV buataeM entrusted lo them i ) K i*- . y Jad- olologeounUe*. i. arUJ<*i aroa’D a. zaaaes, leomioii *V ISitHot U, ATTORN E Y’S AT I ,A W. HAMILTON, GA. XVe have alrerdy copied front a /fracktn- | ridge ffper Senator Toomba’ axroae for ; hi* vulo on this question, which waa in el- lict that llto accession Detnocracv did not, intend for Uongreea Jo intervena until both •ba Tarritoiisl LfgUUture* anJ alt tha Federal Govern maul ban I until the Supreme court In the Dead J.c )'l ca»# • w*a reversed--* comflex co.-i- tiiiger.ey that cannot reasonably he appre hended for at least two Presidential larma ! to come ! Mr. IvBtaon'a apology w* hav* j never seen or beard ; and Jo# Lane sticks to it that be dot* net inaait practical pro- j taction, but the ifrcckiniidg# paper* of the j South won’t publish hia speech f liull, It under litn linpren- dat.ger. They have been ] iVrio beuovo e». f-'ouihern speaker* oft<'(i vap'-ted hn>lielily, and it-sy tl-i oo now. 1 tepeat, they > uiun man wume et-amt tlm danger. »" xtional"ni al-n-c- Dangfi “und willioiit tlm u thiat "tliia wa* h it sbo bad under taken. Ileiiiocrunc do-nuiltea It the BrocJunriJge party set* many morn bar-kants, it will think itaell in tlio back aoilleiuania. . A Miaaiaalppf paper asys that ft* State will, it iiocf*#ory» “Recede B'ngly." ll ,V1 :i,>pi *v ore logo out single, wo gitre* eii ' hiiiiiiI huvn to live anigin^ .Xlievu*ip|ii couldn't gut any other Hiate to unite lor- nine* vviih fitr, aiui so would remain a poor discottsoUte A/i*«. 'j’hc grrit Bell and Everett demoiistr# 1 lion Ini* liizz ud out. It wont up like t locket and cuiao down like n elicit. [Memphis Avalanche. XVe are inclined lo liupe then Dial tt cam which "a atick" eoulJ i ! (.ppropriatcly dafcend. X'ol’nii America.—The following d-fi ats specimen of juvemlo bruvjdi is t»o ua I have i,d IjMe n • reeiiit <il 1 mis, i One night, ! and mother a j nning room reddy had been put to I •I Johnny wrrs m an Frasi-nily Johnny rut which In* idol lit-r ih-r.i it into tlio othci loom i whip him “Moihc -cd-.lothr i.l Fi XVraltii oy Ueoaoia:— We learn from the Annual Report of the Comptroller, Gnitisl, for lb® year IHCU, that the total am-iui.d of properly returned on the tax 1 digest lor the year amounts to the immense ♦ utn of $.(J7’i.U22,777. According to tint census of D46(J tliere was a fraction over .VJi,0<>0 Irco white inhabitants ; nnd it ia a reasonable ralvutaliun that the increato in ' ii'ii ye ar* will swell that number to at least .')6U,UUU. These figures will allow tho fact, that if the taxable properly ill tho (State was > <|dally divided aiu-Hig the prupl pie, doctor.’ Two dr „p, but no -»-• 1..11-'-—1- It iu< loac bah r# ha woul-l helirve her .lead. He looked asgariy into bar face, aa if atilt expecting to *an ■>*'•• of retereing life. Her hand# and f*et grew cold. There could l-e no doubt then, and they piaporrd a table fer laying bereul. XX tth a choking voire, the General »a'd : Hpiaad lour hlsnke * upon it. If *h# I does com# to, ah# will lie *o hard upon (ha tabla. Ha sat ill night long ie Hie ream by her aids, with hia laea in hi* hand#, • grieving.’ ■aid Jlannsb, and occasionally looking into tha lace, and fealing tha heart and ptllto of tha form eo dear to him. Major Lewie, bo had beau immediately em-t lor, arrived just before daylight, and I-und hint still thtre, usaily epeechle** and wholly incon- aolable. II# '« 'ba room nearly all the next day, th® picture of despair. It wa* only with great difficulty dial he was per- eoadrd to take a little c. fT*f. • And this was the way,' concluded Han nah, • that olJ rniaau* died ; and we alwaya^ **y that whan we l-wl her we fiat a rni au* at.d a mother too; ami more a nvth*r than a rnisau*. And we say the asms of old mat ter ; for h® was mors a lather to ua than t matter, and many’* the lime We’v* wished him back again, le help Ua oel af sur troll- blea.’ Thu r#main# of Mr*. Jartton #tiU li«a in the corner of the Hermitage gar-Jcn, next to tboie of her huthand, nr a (>url- prepared of ! die grizzly bear* t It ut haa lived in latter , r - I day*: Young Adams was horn tn Maine, May, lbtlb, under n pine tree, while hia lather u** felling tho timbor and building a log hut lor din reception ol hia mother. In 1818. Adam# joined atho great army ol gold 1 fi nnt- ra who Iclt tha Atlantic State# for the Pacific cons', and lor ihn ten year# follow ing paired hi* dun a* a hunter unvmg the niiMtntaina and foreats ol CaliMTrnia. Hern lie had numeroua attriling ndventurs* wl'h dm tvild beaaia who inhabited th# country, and, taming u number el boars, brought Francisco, und wa# aubac- ijiicntfy engaged to exhibit them in fits city t-y Nix-'it nnd Barnuin. In this city •Old Adams’’ attracted much more ottott- uon than even dm wild animal* Its exliih- ltd. He wnsa splendid looking man, with a long groy beard, and n keen, magnetic -•ye, winch cowed down almost at a glanca tlm large brutes over winch ho held such singular away, in Laly he would have • rrved paiuiur* and aculptora aa a model of "Ho***," but in this country bo was known only aa a trainer ol w.ld bentia. Tho picturesque costume of Ittr and akin* u liiau he adopted whan in the ring became him well. A low wseksago "Old Adams'* published a tofernbly wall-written book, giving on account of hia perilou* adven- turea. In his encounter* with bear* lit Cubiornta, ho received many (rightful wound*. Ilo wan vevt-ral time# scalped by die brutes, nml while he wa# in 'ho city .. eu fie ring severely Irorn tha cff'c Ilia wounda. Ha conaaltsd the College of physicians and surgeons, but waa told that .... beyond remedy, end we pre sume that lie has at lan succumbed under these Bcraiclica and bitca. 11c was o very cnurugrou* man, had tn unaccountable fancy lor th# company of gristly bear*. Till Cavu t.t Flosiba.—A corr##pon- dent of tbs National intelligencer, referring to an alleged discovery of a cave in Florida, wLicit wua found a Latin inacriplioi Ah r Gild, would bu ' ••I'.I lake him undn ' lr.fl . j Couruiea in <ha L'batta hss«bs# Clreoli and the adjoining I’^orHlM - f Ala bama. Mr. Hill Fetter tc the North. Vs invite i B. II. HILL. - Judge IfoiiKiu* IJetufUCd by au S'.ttlc Military Couveiitlun. , cideut. We find the following in the MiUedgo- | Mostgoul**, A/.a., Nov. 2, JbJ p. vill#i Us., Federal L'uion, of Oct. 30th : | -j’|, 0 upper deck ol li-e little eieutmT The military convention which avaem- | gdda gave way jmu i.ow while . bird in tliia city on the 28.h November, Dougin* wa* making Itia farewell «d 1859. patted the following resolu non / | to hia friend*. •• • * “'hat when th'.e cutiyc Mtll- ,'hc I by him in tn«»a year# f#r their reception. . 1 ll rniltliln. in »n>r.r.iic., »o .um- cit „„ Inh.blwi) or ' ul rn,r hoo.,~, ■ m.ll, -hit. •upph-l.J h . E f„|„ r ■ j lij pill.t. of ii'.rhl.. . co,.r. lb. ol Mi.. J.cK.on '<»■. | ,„ Wiioui.ll'. o i the eleventh century, di rty ! |y Tha Southern Democratic Banner rtutaina of Mr*. Rachel j Connexion between Science and Revealed who ( th® Breckinridge oigan ut Uranklin, Ky., j 4C ijtnn, wife of Freatdent Jackaoi Confed. ?V>I c,.ro. p-,u..t o. ibi. c,lm ■ ml -FP..I -« no«th«f» j |„„ .pnoimed tho l..llowin« ij.iHl.jiieii w.i!-m. Intrkd of bluGering about a dta- deletate# s Cupt. Geo. Dolta, Lieut. John convention f) ,ecipitaied below, but m» one ,i M ‘"- 1 M r ,. Douglas held on by the was rescued uninjured. Mr. Douglas returned to the hotel. rye brand, e:c„ •* |'hv> arc 9-mg by Keeping j y winch this Rrceki- valiant. Instead of blu‘l#rmg about a dta- d.legat—. Mr liaav. Lieut. Briacoa. L" We hope the prcia Marion Bettiune, attorney a t law, Talbotton, Georgia. — w I SJK?u. t r!S4S;."r.»u».i.»* AataarOoBgnssi a«d pro#«eut#^UIalmasf *** ,h*i r lova of Union and juatic# lo desist *-— ~ " i f/ew the attempt. He tell# them plainly Smith & POU, #n j ll0 |y (Mat conaervattvc men at the ATTORNEYS) AT LAW , Daoih wjJJ find it s herd task to r##iat th* aolutian far cauica not jualifywL . . WtJ , 0 lhe pr oia wmuio.-o Hill calmly tail* th# Northern peapl# the , 8BfK) ^u, the #ub)ec». and that ovary mil- difficulty of tbeir successfully carrying out | itary corpa L * | Tntkcgt*. Alta., Practice In Vaeou and adjoining couaU*a. passions that Will be Sreuaed here by the TTHOX b. BMITH. Ew - 11 , p ^ r visefioo of Lincoln, end that tbs fjou’.b narehVT, 1#W Jw<l . Thomas J. Dunn, (ITTOKNiiY AT l.AVV. v Varvu. Calhoun Countv. Ga. Morgan, Calhoun County, Ga. yvry, jmrtlc* lu tbs telfowln* countlc* iy, Raodolpb, Early, Decatur. Uakar, OU- Clay. I ia, fto«gtM«ry. »fc4Ua 1 Havana 100.0007. Mara Hd-wif K UAKNABU t Ct) will not submit to aggression. Coming ; from s Uu ion men whs dsprscst## th# " silly bluatering" of lb# aacaaaioniata, tea trmt (hat (hia appeal may bars its due weight, end that the North will discrimi nate between tbs temperate sod reasonable tamonausneas of conaarvsliv# aoutbaruera and th# irritating (breat# of diasnfooisU. the Cotiventton on : i November next. TafifiutKT ma.van A hat MkD.— A let ter from Washington, eddie*#rd to th# editor of th* Savannah Republican, • »r» : “Tha President ha* at length bec-me thoroughly alarmed. Secretary C- bb.leie- |r returned from (iaorgta, haa brought to him heavy tiding#, that Irorn in# indica tions of public sentiment pervading your .State no doubt remain*, that *he t# prepar- jutn with SouaU Caroline and wttb- fur the XVaaltlnjiluit Moiiuiuuiii. Mr». Kmg, Freaident ol the Washington ludioe. :;t ! t bran "• n alntnach already nitd and where complaint l* that it connoi dig* at * Bran and othe tugive j j, 0ultv M e Jaurnal. dT’if the Monument etitertfriaa'i' ^he aurgeats that boxea he provided at all the | pull*, end mat eaeli voter deposit® hia r remedial, und ici ol one *ymptom, aggravating herein. On the day alter th* elae'ion, th® j soJievoa that r.,ld parsons an raertving the amount* enntrihu- led, are requested to transmit the same by draft, or in postage stamps, to Mrs. Anna M Coaby, Secretary ol the Society, at Washington, who will acknowledge the receipt. t dtgtxpM#, it d.Ut-ufty • ulo wheat breed d Iherel'iit lh# Us Thi Jaaiav Scboolmahtiub Ahxoau —- The following ia an exact copy of a pun- lonb-iih. u,.n tb. «J -.tic. -hicb i. .t pfM.iu po.l.d m . fuaton of U00..I0., (he Pr««f J.r../ «•«« •' "l.o.t—. roil. Ilf deni haa r#po#®d in thecontiJent belief that pad a while apot on on# of hi# behind »ucb a erieie wa# not to arise during bta 1 Wll CB jf, j W1 jj g[ f0 three term ; but the eiqn# of the limeeare now I G»ll«ra lo everybody what will bring hint disturbing even this questionable eoneola- 1 hofnt lion." Th® rerantly expr#**ed sympathy of Secretary Cobb with the prrpoaed action of the secessionist*, to strongly in contrast with hi* former Uuion eeutuoeuls, cause* the Fraaident the greatest dt*tro*a. [Tel. from Weshingtvn. tbs u The vote waa taken between Memphis and Browniville in thi# State a law days ago and retuliad as fol lows ; Bell 97, Douglaa 98 ; Breckinridge IS ; and Lincoln i. —Nashville Pat. O.f, ilie flolm i i“ 4 lU !sd L> " ; ’’ The hoar I y j Her Iacs v*a« (nr ; organ eeknowl- tamper amiable, her h*ait km-t 5 #ho de- tlie #ucce##of the Biack.Republican I lighted in reli»ving ike wants of bar fallow- shared l»y the whole ol j ereatures, anJ culuva »d that divine plea*- Brecktnri' 4 s° organa and fi'adera Ur# nut| iihcreI and ut metlmds 1 t>» th* posr tha wa* a benefactor ; (« the rich an rx«m; le ; to the wtelcbcd a comforter ; to the pro-parous tn ornatutnl', her pihty went b-nJ in bind with her be- navolenea, a-td aha thanked her Creator ior being permuted to d-» good. A being ao ramie end an virtuous, elautlir might wound but could tint d.shonor. Even death, whan lie tare her front tho arm* uf her husband, could but tiauifOrl bar to the ho*oru of k«r Uod.’’ i Ueliffion" in which that accomplished ** l ' actioUrend urol as dogiat state# il atm feet. throughnut the country- * faction over th* aucf:e»» the joy nl a >cti<-n over that It® l’ deair-iu* of belting , rreaeht /g## U, 0 ui,ind dollars that U*ll beat# Breck- aaed at the rlek | >wr)rfg> f, ie , h ,u>at.d -•- ^—•-ch in Kentucky. braujUt ofler, which. -jcepted. wlU be promptly c#JD#<l, out.— XaskvtUe Danner. Cvitaua of Delaware Tha census of the S at# of Delaware he# been completed, end ehowa tha following results*. Whit# and Ir®# colored inhabitants, 110,- 542; alavea 1.805; number ol dwelling#, 19,- 257; families 19 204; larma, O.bOC; fJev# There ia a women in Feschsm, Vi., who has adraaawhich aba haa worn 47 years. Tlii# woman and tho one in New York who paid $3,000 lor a dress to wear at the Fiince'e bell, represent th# two extrsm##. Rich a ho Jstsk AcqotTrao.—The trial of Richard Jalcr fur tha k-lliug of J->m#a' r oy- lor, in the Circuit Couu of Chambars county, reeulud in e varJict ol not guilty yaaterday aflarno it. Th 1 # WAe regarded as a very important caae. Meisr*. Falkner, Ur®*ne and B«n Hill wars employed to esai*( tha 8< Reiter in the prosecution. Meaar*. Brock, Judge and Rfce were for the drfendeni.—Ho it. Mail, 3 d. her, 1- . *C"I n wbtn steaking of the aborigiues of Ameri- parson p.. v g, cr i;<| |h»l thero ere utanutcripta in the Va'i- - mt Library at Ronio which say 1 hat this I continent w*e known to ini«aioitariea of tlm 1 I Eieinai City in the tenth century, and “ 111 hl * 1 concludes his remarks by aikiog the que«- liou : XV ho can enlighten ua on tho eub- jiCt 1 The record* found in the DariLh archive* since th® work ol Cardinal XViee- mail wit written, prove (hat this continent was known to the Northmen before it wee discovered by Columbus. Tat Votes oj* tmz Tastea.—'The fol lowing is the rote ol the psesengere on tho special trains to Macon at the Douglas meeting t Tueaday — Ball 84, Breckinridge 74» Douglas 54. Wcdiiet-dev-Boll 3'3, Breckinridge 81, Douglas 32, Yancey 4. Thursdsy— Bell 106, Breckinridge 72, Douglas 3l».— Americas Rep. Kaip it Uir.-RB tub I'eoPLi—That the recent elections in tha Northern stales, demonstrate conoluaively that nutoittg caw now secure the everttirow of the iilsek Re publican* and the aafely ol the country, bat lb# union of ell conservative men uj»or» ltrll and Everett.