Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, November 20, 1860, Image 1

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A STRICT CONSTRUCTION Of THE CONSTITUTION—AN HONEST AND ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION Of THE GOVERNMENT. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING NOYKMRER 20 18G0. ri«hi 10 bi* prop*iv, iliey procood to enact, I part ofi', that any officer «>J the Common wealth, or a«j' "• officer ot any city, coun y, t-wn, or district who shall arrest, imprison, detain. or rc.tirr, or aid in arresting, impnaonmg, dc'aining, or r.• t• Ir 11.i• i*. r,'.\ ; * m | I , claimed or adjudged to Ik ,t hisiiive from vice or labor, Mull ho punished by line, not than one.nor more limn two ihuiuniMl dollar*, and by imprisonment in iho Slate prison, n non violation t.l llur right of properly ; hm iho *111* 0 »>r subject ottlieolk'il • e for tlio tnanufac. n n,n kc tin: trsud a gcnernl t nl the I veil cJi ho hi, *-1 iiiu i 1 lit . HO I It l« III • duty Ol Sucll St f, t • I the lo*-- to us cil ren «» r subject. Ii ry oilier arction, the lull ■«, I meaaurn «| i>* c.. nat ,imtonal rights. Id I ourneatly invoke the alt oUon ol lI:o j»eople ■.*, ol (L'orgia lothUrubi ct; and irurtth i Uennr ‘"re nf Now Jersey, ami such ot It - ' “l Awembly mn ivku i>ron.:.i aitmn lor Ihe „ 1 .1 ;In It vo tlin ndvauio e in I l' rn, cclio;i . : t*. .1 r t.-, .:■>*•!. .-j ,n t.l I l ey would no * •''•wi undor (lie law, to ex ' tlie«r lio tor. 1 . HIV . 1 d «i I tli-ir midst, and "■ nnw.'i as p.,..ih!e, the Irouua aiterapicd , 'heleRialatlon which 1 now r- * * >• !• i in • ■. I by 1 he lonniifucJiir.'r or im+ 1 * !, e people, nhoul t it lodi.od " -nrr ol V. . -^lu.M tU. or those n| other ;> u * h J «° ,n Mr .-uht, n-.d at the ballot- . it would ir I box domand .1 ; ■ ■ m t i s i€ ol"' 1?. s ■ ’• : "V: »■ ebs. 1 * the pfo|«rty huh.iiging lo that C«u in mv\c I1I1, •r nny one ol her eiiu.m-, tvlvr-vr 1 !>.• wll'u-nni luliy to imlrmmly I:-. u.'zfu, and retain tl till rcwliiutn.i. h niadn Ur. «»r, conti-cal* and d-liver it ; :„/';v .".V':" ■ 1 " " & 5 :s"± ,,,,y 1 --c: Xurdec. Uini i rovlsloo of llio roualHuKon of j 1,1,1 H *»b»n *or lll«l teaaon w.iuli - tlio United Stairs which doclarva that no Hate **•« n ‘>' 'belli. Fvrn iho liiwa ai'uiiial bv and wtih the a Ii ea . ltd c mown ol ihe • > ■>. ' <, ■ > . • • »*: r. ••• i „;i i-: M , . , u . ■ , Cm,O * 1 '' >. ■ «■•*.« .■»..drj; Utw!,o ■ • r '" '■ uM..«V ? ulS«.n.y. !«•,..... ...I, ,..:d out of -.1 tli.isc Sta'ca undergo Ian :rs*o* cludmu the ntiotney’a lo'i*, nie to be paid out of 1 r«ui'er. . ‘ irnircr pllon, imd compel them to re#»rl to the Stale Tica^ury The f.atnni tln n tlet* ' I), ..i.ihas P. thrref In h-r p'Wt-r, t . npol iiadulent run \ ..iic:-.,, before they could that no |ul, or ntli-r | 1 u > i I i w • * ■" ■ ’• ; roiliun it muhmio ha. This would vm it ioio-mi-t..,onit. I by Me *nu.i *na. *1 b. <*t ' i.ito-..- . i l. ; t, . t.: . . t. ' lMir t,..,.. .. and puniall tl.cir netfidy. in \ com v th'Tci i.-l all to u-ed hn il..« »••%• t ’,*/ CJ?j .*[i ,t'V-.*’ r m . ,! ''' ‘••'•tip. I th«.... nr. long a* they re- cooftcled uUny oil rrealed by • ■ « 1 )/ •' , . • •' .V. ■ , : w\. ot’ .. ir m\--; ! -‘Hie, would buy tl** in mile** be i’ 1 • ■ ' t ' • -' > • "" ; ’ ' u , , v j, , . l | ll> ii l ft a ,iVi!d- wiTSTir fat r! I derili pro*! n <•» tU •' ' •' • V.. »:. . wbn-h »« my ju«l«»noi»i will : iiiuif, n th • U u.t .. hi di n tl • •• •> " 1 >• ','•■' . and cam..* the repeal ol , , i, .... • "> ollnr Mi .. # r I./ ths m-lett r'tain rut'll 1 i he it lie n iNttUll.t Ulljllat lojJlalaltOll abuVO .K-U...I Under Ihe aoll».-|.:v -» thr flit- ol Ini- l " o', un ! »' 'V;’* * >irose,fortli- n*r.-*t of a ‘n.l iv-> rl.n \ ami . i H .1,.,,,,,^. u , .v.l.l. l, i.n* l,a\c . j ! the nnneimeula herein eugzrati-d uii-l luk.'i '. . • '• I i ' 1 'ii ■ i I . ■ ..... - I- » I r 11 i ' ■ ' n < »,' to 'Jo o'"- 'I ; 1 been aircstrd. and till** danng violator nl tlio ^i* • *udi air■■■.nit »f Hie ii. < r y .tv « f . m a •.‘.• l o.iat tl,. law is linlii'ti I oi r 1 . ■ I i ! old-.- court, and 1 1,1 ■ • i > t *• • i ’• ■ ' ' l . '' ''" . , 1' '■ : : • 1 -i i • ■ . - r l..>\ • I l.taSi.l, convictid and rcniencod in pi'** n f *r having in I . u nic int f dlv t * tn'l. i.iiofv ‘h ' “ I'"' 1 ' I" 1 1 I *I... Ir f ricaaiid proper- ICE—RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 39. ' "oi.’i-u'"i!u Vi ' 1 [.'I'-Vu. 0 .'. 1 !’?'” .Ml tii.l.'iey cunn«!l<!d will M.voty'in bn boutli, nny more than they now nro n Cu ba ■ r ID).*,I. Moat ol t | m forthem ISlaica i iv.v alro.idy enacted atringful lawa, iho imp irtntioit ol f>oe negrot-a among them. d-umi I 1 'b ir mid*|, and would bo willing lo apend .1 , d | money to rid thom^lvea of it. They wou ’d ihcy now do, and Would b uild <1. .-metal >»■ *1 h 'Tv I Sj- taliona! rii t*. have pr.l.itdv ir up cl over n*. bv iho elrctl m nl their i.' iUld i •* lor tlio I'rea dcticy icd Vim lY.-iil-acy Shi,Old fuel, ■»r*. and |l»n KWdoof Hi- South van died. Initial ov.iii, the adopsioa l other V-ianlv in.;)- ' . m i; c roary lo die m.,h- cnconl Ao ngh. « .1 nmor ol the vluve- 1 ill ■ S|lt ; .m J , i • m- '•M'-C tl r i a ri.uo.i jaitli them In the Union, and anbjeciiou lotbeir office : «9n Imngry varm ol nboli'.i »n einistfn u.v,i ou., "j • -t »«:< lind our trai | , vtw p-tiiV. W o aliould then huvo the po Kira ■ ' : '■ .,™ rr .R. tlio ■■'outh n Muto I tin. .. I mo t nhi- 1 thn.« ! l «vln« control ovsr th-m. Ttcr have no i winch a dive rally ul i d. I erilfl! lilt no doubt ol tlio H_iln iuuiiImU Ii to thrli-auutwra .u l put tham upon riu h Si . till ».-t IT ..or ..'ll. tbl. «oulU l«ul tu.n louanluu trU- Tl... Duu.n ' 1-v. rn tin '« i'. .;.. fh^'r ™ ",.u V.jT °' r 1 ""‘T, z rrs.t’s?*: idd , "Jj" d | hy buiynuv iKcl.ire^ ii n nullity. mill r i» no longer lumnd. U'-u In aieknra*. Um euUfo/U ofllK pmunced by ... The 1'V: al Ii v mi' o' i« bill llo lluul Z y tlir*»uc.™tora*Vh 1 ch*■ ra^tnAlfb 1«^*Th#v mj ngtjil ot ... the i 'litii' , and hue 001:111 hare th« right tobaar arota.antl ihouMnJa'oflOam which i* derives all tlio po. « r 11 pu» ea-ca. tlie cro.ior, wIioho orcaiuro it is, and l»v wh 'so lO.ircnt ulonc, it exieta lor a aingA will accclu Irmn tin* Union williuu' juat be tube 1. Tno ngli* id a State poacca lllo"cu!ltilltuliuil luvu l.utn vi.tluN'd, rau only be denied by ilmeu woo duiyiho bov* {‘ftSfrS q'TiZtZ' 1 ''SOX' mil f’ p ,", • ' . e °,““ n. : ;; S' rill Hilo Uata vino .1 a-hmIUj to them, »» well . lo M. 1 , "I 't. r util leit right 10 tet-odu from it wh never iho 1« in ibeir aovctogw cipaciiy, d-otdo lor ill nt- »StlfS tioven.mont lias nny mure light to muku war upon In r.lor the exercise of thu act upon h,'r’mr 1> .b. U “" ' ’ L”? 1 . ; , a count 01 luo vi< la- her M.'trs.;i Hiould dt riy Ilia rigl.t ol r > <d ei S-a - l, ^V0ru- proteemm of her il*g. Tkulhcy ak< AnJ if any oilier g v-roment mould and b*mi r.e juiisdic'.ioii ov. r them,an, liven ol any olibeti. u; on *. cho^ge . I ing ujem ill- uearecl tree, t so ol ilw rubjecis of such O'overn * id • i it Ii «)"* “ ol l>rofg»a, wbi^wlitd wli-uld tius ba illegally * need t nly ndd that I regard tt.o «| nail, n 01 * ?' atal* Hia o action. or ul ».m-d »«t.on,..,-n tlta Kru!; :, ,^Su b ;^r-sT,r- taihfliuuaeol ihoSoinbe n .'«•>.»* i» » ‘ , u # .i ir n Miasouri *«y«: BK5RJ ,o,„ sss und lor lb- nrMOMnea. aa well d uni'o Sr X are dependent on n, • niton, and • ur Uad. lor v>f0ln| . tly yep.lted |o lb. scare t but, lo b,. .rciiju.l ubut.ctof ul tlio cull- 3b!S? ", “ iia b» uiM olh- "•' ki «*l".ut»« olh«. turn.!'", nulmorop. "““I c 1,IU tie* an 1 I,'; ii, o tiov.iniuent „l ituunJ "i. tuck—«h»w lh* top* "** M -!"-«* <""«!«» .!■« •••«'• CtMt 11,1 l.,n. Ili, Situ IllV^un ul br. K. (tk« «SMW) «<J> SMB* M«F.« the H.,u he n .Stic.-. U •• v'" loi«. » Ut«e .b„ui b» eielim. the «l«l The ifietl ol the f.ct, „f 1.1. dulf. «« ... w..uld ITOinpt 'hem tu .1 lie, b.d leitll, end her ,«r ,e ; end would delight •20”"' Fancy Flour. mUu a«*n». O- 1 " TiSS&'ScS uSwiSSit.hrfii»£««•.nt'.h, eiiee, f. wi.ldl,!!*.»'ge°ll‘- could 1 have tt.o asauranco that iho Union wo U ld"havo"no procea. by which wo could ro- MW&2&S. SSH5IH4S who would vole lor a law lo lualcn upon hia Stale, tlin shame ol a violu'iounl Urr