Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, December 04, 1860, Image 1

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* '■ '■K HOMAS RAGLAND, OLUME xxxnT / -Proprietor. A WTlllCT COXSTltllCriOX OF Till: CONSTITUTION—AN HOMWT >.M) KCOXO.MICAt. AIlMINIST'llATXON OF Till: GOVERNMENT Thursday Morning, Nov. 29, 1860. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY M0RN1 Xtl^l^CBMBER I, 1800. I? M'HLHMIED ry Day—•Humlayg r.xcrptod. DOLLAR* t* ANNUM IN AfcYAXCK, Rat* If payment U delayed cU nioaUie. nkTaKMiurTs conspicuously Inserted, at (La charged at Hie reg- WOK’S HOTEL, (FM-Nr CLASS HOTEL.) • Broad and Crawford Street*, |0LUMW7S, G-EORCUA. HATCH COOK, W-dstf Proprlrtnr. FALL TRADE. ISSO LERY, HARNESS,Ac HERMAN & CO. B8, BR1DLKS, IIAKNESS, uultm Whip'*, ' idlncs, HOKSK C( >V1 JiS, THER OF ALL KINDS ! irn our thinks Air tin- iiMtronagc dumlius, mid lo>i e t>.r f.ilr itcallnu NKW lAW KIIOI. r. CHILTON & BOWS, L. YANCEY 4 BON, What Nun the South Do f i* now openly avowed by (Lose who living direction to the secession move* ment in the South, that nothing e/se but disunion will satisfy them—that they are fir immediate and unconditional seceesim, t lliJUirrr. looping for (he eo-op-ration of other 8taMe> HcD EVERY TUESDAY MOENINO. | 1,01 rc,0,ved 10 their own State out cf +••+•+— — 'Le Union in any tvent, solitary and alor.e I -Two IV)u.ak.. and Kir;Cr.v: >.. r annum, if nro.l >.« ti,: ■ , ' ,l! 1,P * fh,i «* ^^r.t.udtobe the .aW to advance. I programme of Messrs. Yancey, Rice and * •• u l T • -» n y trrvarairo ' L ochre n, in their f, erehes hero on Salur- ‘ 1U *"' r * i * nJ ! d, r* I'M. •• know lo b. Iho declar'd « not made befjret;',e *\j-. -3ti«?n o^th* °* R° 0, J*mea Johnson in his ‘‘ex perience” speech on the asmo occasion. I * ho latter gentleman announced emphali- j ^ * I* prr f.|uare, cally that tie would vole for no man as a ntfoiith u^i.oc. a •qu'-i.f lu lu tho Convention who dil not ■iu-5 !;• s.naii t)pc, coniaiu- I hillisslf to Unconditional sei'CSoimi ; j ho Was willing to “consult” with other jc-i i »’ifi ;jL ia ,1, / j through commissioners, but ws» not j f*. o... # s. ,„ h „ r USM . tingent on their co-operation. We might reasonably have regarded this extreme | ur* pose at tr.rrely tho exuberant x-al of the new convert, and not the calm sentiment of tho patty ho was addressing, were it not r tho uproan.iua applause with which the declaration waa received. That emphatic manifestation of concurrcnc , coupled with the reported declarations ol all the other speakers, leaves no room to doubt that this is the actllrd programme of the secession organisation in this part of the Btatc. Our readers are prepared lor the nvowal that we have not yet advanced to the brink ••I this alarming precipice. We still hopo for the recovery and futuro preservation of the rights of the Sou'll in the Union ; and though, h« wo Lsvo heretofore announced wo st all readily abiJe l»y and firmly main- the position which our own State may areutno through the oction of thei tribunal to which sho has referred this momentous question, wo shall endeavor lo give s differ- cot direction to tho course of that body by counselling the adoption of other efforts at redress, and especially by urging concert and union with our Southern sister States, before resorting to separate State secession — s menburo which would sacrifice and abandon all our vulustdo shore in the pub lic lands, tho army and navy and oil their appointments, and the immense property owntd by the Federal Government iu its •dorr# and public buildings. Wo cannot e mmet the idea ol "resistance” with an ubundonmrnt of thusr, nor can we discon nect tbo idea ol “aubtniasion” from a sur- render of rights and interests with which constitutionally and rightfully in- vosted. e halievo that the South ban it in her power to enforce redress for the actual grievance* of which she complaint. We think that she ought to have done so long sines, and that even her patient endurance h p r®l°fore .hu. not barred her 04,iy retirement from power aeeins to re suddenly aroused one party among u« n quick perception of outrages which we have long and vainly urged tho South to tako cognittnce of and resent. Even the ' re*t)i.» Administration appears lo he rub bing its eyes ami -waking to ■ aenso of its lethargy and neglect! Montgoasury and his baud of dcuprradoes are uo longer to he permitted to wage a war of tire and blood again*! Southern settlers iu Kansas and slaveholders in Missouri—they art lo be “exterminated,” as they ought to have been Uslyrar! The fugilivo vlavt law is longs, to be regarded as a "dead letter” lire statute hook, but (he Administration is bringing to punishment those who frustrate it with force mid arms! We may ho/ e that John Urowu jr. will be dragged Iro.u Lb t'.ronglmld in Ohio and rnado eullVr the late of his co-murderer# for Harper’s Ferry Work! Who Will -ay that this it not n favorable rssetion already forced by ilie South 1 and who doubts that aha can constrain Lincoln to adhere to any Executive policy which Buchanan may in augurate 1 As regards the action of those States that have by legislative opposition nullified the fugitive slave law, we ora a be- haver in tho juaiice and the efficiency of those measures of jetoliation and redrcaa recommended by the Governor ef Georgia. | A e are at least convinced that the intent | and spirit of our compact ol Uuion with j ibam, the admitted advantage* lo us of the I Union constitutionally administered, end mr great interest in its power, glory and possessions, nquire that wo ahould make one energetic and united etfort lo correct i(,,, j,bn►•-* and aggression* of which we complain bafoie surrendering all to the ra pacity and injustice of 6tir encruie* at the North. And if we can obtain a more just and taithlul administration of the Fsderal Government and coerco back to their obit- fifth* of the Union) oil the *<•<* ! r.-,| Mure of IruuifmH power and prestige of tho fcrent Confide- ; A co r ,j ondout sends i racy that ban so soon become a young giant ! paragraph ill .TON be louiut W. YANCEY, Bonj. F. KOjSSO, TDllS KY At 1-.AW COUMhHW*. OKOUOIA, i'vvCIT'’— 1 ro ’*' Hardwarehtora Willi3 & Vl/iUto, FTOKNEY8 AT LAW. otton, Talbot County, OeorRia Uecrgia, Muacopee Ccuuty. rcliv gtVrn that I have a nUAIV Ml At: re Of^-ho JULLril ». 1‘RBDr.N, Ti Cupiul KolM-rt P . Ikixoit, TOHNKY AT LAW, CCbrMur». nuoKtit v. •e rlireclly opposite the I’o*l OfOcc. H. M. SAl’l', iTcmsi.v vr law, {treelice in th* Ciu»na:,oo« hVe Otrcult suit Hrr *>n R^nAjlph Strcst, a few door* res Mi Oflic*-. JulyJiC, 'tifl-Uwtf 3. II. Jonss, fOKNEY A T LAW, Fort Gaico*. Clay Co , O.., *1 IrruU ** a.,.'tut. t r Atlead to all builn among thp nations of tho earth. Without j hull’r I i - p this, we will ahparatp ad., of planters fioiu tho 8outhiru bi/.ica that '* c " i,e ‘' 1 in supply tho live stock and prov.-iuns m . - our i.«i i ■ aary to tlo rconoro’caJ protccviion of their ) 11 1 011 *Lr business. Without this, we separate slave- J — r r Wl ' i'M soiling \ irginia from aUve-Luytng Alabama and Mieairaippi, and ruljrct the lornur tn | -<ur eorn-poi an aggravated crusade against frontier tbv. ■ bull's spi * i !i cry, whren must greutly hsMen iu i.x or*’;' «<* ga mmation there. Uut secure ihe co-ujici* *ud * fi n»iv» tion of the whola^Houth (whivh cau i»« done ,,;VJ o'-.d co by « course of "wisdom, ju*tic* und mod- j licar— l:u» i cratiou”), and if the united domai.d fails to 1 prc*.iging i ! secu.o the righig of all, tve ran take with fundin', cit us Ircm a discevrrod Union our fair sl.ure " Wo h.ivo in its poracMioufl und rttnmt, und begin ; bivor ol a our new enrrir with strength and rereuicrs ! ' ‘J l " sufficient to command respect and slut uv ' i " ! . m i •Uapiciously ou iho highway of pi-uperily j <»ov--inineiit , V ■, 1 ■ 1 fully orawn ! A i,.i . i: ..., v of the one proapcct strongly suggest tbot ' we should in at. u a united und dettmtiMd . loth .N<»rili a effort to realize it, before anbmilt/ng t > the ! !T 11111 lessir benefits and plories r.f the uMur! • There aic losses and dungi rs t.i I" 1 in- ! * - r ‘ 1 -'»' curred by busty u p,irate see.tsi-in, • l ' r which we intended to ulludu to in this I !'•*«•.»•!»->• i?**» artirlr, but which wo must defer. The ullraiMii ol tbo acc>-i-<«i..u party is I Em • nuiv forcing upon us the qu -stion whvthcr iv« . 1 1 •’*' l' shall surrender without a aliugglu u'd ihe i v tlm ..rilul rights and ailvontak'<s in tbu Union cm- j m 1 ;> stitutionsl'v cur due, and separate at once j ,l ‘ * •’ “ : lVvi \ an well front the nggretnive Northern « • ..j, r 8U |,»,, as fpora those of ihe 8oulb, having picu- J •»uelicti, and liar iutcreats und ii.sliiuuuiih our own, I i ; , i, o' that ore not willing or prepared to lake thin j uiiu pt •i*;,i, i step ; or whether we shall fiM umkn a fight in tho Union for tho redrets of wniugs J Goon . — V\ already perpetrated, and in jbe meantime I Georgia II. U" rally and organiau all tho fcniuthcin Wtulcs | ’ 11 1,11 to unite in a demand which will either ' u l *‘ r 1 '* l! " *•' obtain for u» ample indcinni'y for tin past i r and security lor tho future, or, luting, ; ,,,ai 0 " '“ c cement in one bond ol brotherhood und ' * hi* b *Le it nationality tho whole fifteen .State* inter- Gn the rai rated in the presetvatioi. rtf iho ii.Hiituiion 1 tLi* o', j et « I which this movement in designed to pro- pi-q my und J stetire. Our position upon 'his Mund.ult.” i clearly defined in tho nbovo view of the subjert. The “Iteilei ” 1»IM. copy iu full, to-day, the bill that has j %oMlli ps.srd tho Honate of Ucirgia, author.zing | , |>n the Dunks of tho Kioto to su<pend specie j )( payments at pleasurr, and, when Ihry avail ' . s them*elves of this license, etaviug excrij-j lion fur debts due by tho people. The I Tiio I wholo matter uppenru to ho lift to Iho rliv- that lliore Wei erstioa of the Dnnks of Augusta and Suv- al ' ,10 peresuii atinab, or any five of thorn ; tiny can. by ! Isjt ^ulur-'uv’ (hair own course, determine whether they for lire Moil' will continue to pay their own otiligulionu meeting nnd whether tho poop.o ahull pay their own > n portion of £enat> ecch at Springfield, utv ubj- c'u liable evpressio his bolief that it hud “ ?'!;• I Wentworth vb. Trumbull—-Wliioh!»lc.l»v. mJ,,7,'rT„ Lincoln? , Ur iHibllrsn Sentiment after lire I’lec-J i|l» n r{2f r u * ! * ,a . >» other portions (lull- Wl.ul t6c Mimth may r■. 1’ " , ""Hit! In 11*0 lean in- C ouimtnt is IJriltocc»Kuiy. j ® nc . d ’ VVhnt |j ihe Smnh Caroli- from the Chicago Di-mocrut;Nor. Stlu i ii-ht / V mV. , 11 . r . i ‘ i,cd f Whom laitio ’OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 41. any othir report until i rmre-potident. We did i approve cv niorl nt all I wo so. n | to us by PyT, Uin . liu report ! to dim , “ h " w « S^h. I nf, U ,\ 1 k ' 1 -" 11 l ' ,ly '* >' coinII I United .Slates r.filccro cointnonces a t«i. nnd by Thu ,i lti nc elect oral I ^ r °i*a ', I mukltij tsiiininntion Carolina mnkca cnuuirr'd In ,v it becomes iho ag- * won.a bo luvolu'ioun, und wiilioni a cause, lor South complaint agninat the '• Js bho prepared tor tho aggressor l Tire ' Ti 1 cai1 f, t0 ( ' ,r , her "Minute Men” , vnablo tho people tho moro vuppiiBaany uprisinx;a in their ' their niisrupreaenrati ms ot may have i nenuraged. lor prase i tireliuic I Mila I j di bus I only i ti’ly and I ilUt till' y should | midat ,'' I . I ' >I ’ H I may tiavo . ncouraged. 1 ,l ;. ,w,V v 1 ' il *°Ligtmivo fc iavouw ' • in some ol iii,< Stan s. This, :ry L.i.mis (</ b« a u .ih . outI, Carolina is concerned, nu. d .hat „o ulavo cm. canape e.‘. .V ,,l u ^C 0 »«*a*cr«i. However J lll) harder slave S:ure« may complain «d the escape ol their no ;v 'I i. clear that i 'ion '-jo have no tnclt cumpUmt ri - • v..s sho pr.tleaecM to Ire prep*, nli'oi! hcrstll against encroach- • Let her ndnerc to attempt to dictatoto for no encroach mem • her righi will occur, ed (ho OpIlllC dial • ■ *op|i »rt»*r» ol Urrckin- "’iiiei . Ho a.ssi rred i in- • nouid tho Disuni-juistH all be Pme i il Id a tlouth- I'un.fl.Vptf, C |..rl nature, Marty uu>i . T. & U. H. Waddell, ■UliNliV H AT I, A W ‘awford, Ruaioll County, Ala , f. gtvspr. ropi an l foftiifvl Hiiesa ctUrustcil to lh«u Iri llusvell ann a*l- mnilrs. Oct IS liilwl y a ataaoa"* ~ hi<ih i» b. biiluk h keiiitosi tV IJuiU»* b, J J OHN j A >, » 1 l-.N VV . HAMILTON, GA. IitIwsAIic r would then "lid L sre glad of IT preset , i t lie* i •• dn* lar.d and w i" dm traitor*, er concluded by enumerating •ot nicnjurcu likely to brt uc* u -ilor a Republioati Govern- <-.\|ire«»ing confidence that it cuce nnd well being it/ . he ret Lincoln iu Chicago, clave ol Republican leud- est will bo held, liincnln i" morrow. 'I’runCmli** d by him, and express- •«v. M.i^uHin, i>. Pieuyuno. uii-vJlo Courier ol important letter from lucky, on die m"men- I' iv copied from "• n "d " ns addressed 1‘upor a*- n ro-poi.un {*> ol the • '•veruor’a opwi e:d. i- inli-rnpln!ing no epi eiui bul •* i" doeply intureaiing KcL„ OU ; 0 " 1 "' of tl.. Ire w r°i 11 T*" 1 * nd pf* form, end aea.” WOr p0,ulcal pnnciploa and purpo- 10 ">'• conclusion 0n •** vcr «I tfrounds s Lincoln ^ "''^Lhof SV. ;sc ,, n: ,n ,r:: irjx iho . , nn . B PI' r !'priati. n bill without, tLss: .hi, ,ho , s r«m.h.. \u,z zwxz z^::;. kyc *i-» j£ti U1 :; Mo- S'”'”* "i'filn Ulo Union, lo cu . i.oralo In a.?.?.1 r0, ,,,l° r ,"■« c‘tinnon do.cncc ol ,h. Uo plouda dus cause in dm lot arrest stylo ; udi Cdroiina, ami eucli odier . , Jinny vviali to aecnjo | r orn the Union. 1 would sny. i|,o geography "■"untry will nm K - * r ouill and cannot bo separated w y i Tj“ South, lowing "To nleawhomay wish nion. I would say, i|| country will nm »duti( lire MisMinppi riv tho lioriora rnoveineiu merely " *' M v '' yf Liiicol.,. »Z iteTsirr:V"’ 1 ' "«b id more dian oil ol you. si, t . oi'Y.'i-Si^t standing upon d.o ai„„o s^und' p'a.fnrm ynu will sympathize with l,* r. nnd b- nul M i»«r, and uoi denen her in her imposed peril bonier I"'-' i"i*• 11. : | (;t , a , ii; „ claim that Ipt vuicu, and ihe vonre <>| namn um.I moderation ami pmrioii-m. sireII licard and hctJed by y»m, Jf you LEGUAPi HO fioported for the Columbus Enquiror. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARABIA. New York, Nuv. SS.-Tb. ..snm.hip Arct.i. 1-an a,rivcif a* H,|,|„ wJ „, Um . pool dates to dm 17 b iust. l.n o po.l Colic, of Colton tor * In* week 11,000 bales, ol which .fecu- '"' ,k 000 >"'l exporter. 3,000 li.lei. n " 1,kel opened firm, bill dull ituifrm'Blilar; liielone, grade, bad liccli. 'ti ll i to iJ„ and Middling, 4d. liualne.a ’*-* * lm ' ul ““"'-It. auapenil.d in co.tsc. quenco ol ndvaneed Bank ratca. Control -l/or/;er..-a-|lreotl«lul)a and pro. visions quiet. f 1 I*ri -Vooey .l/arier.-Coinoli 93| to account. Dank your tl grCaa, arid blican CJvTieriiui id Im Cabi i.i have He .Mr. a D uck Tl, i tic Kp( u uiiciin, and li.iahl« iu p.i- such lane p' f ho Suprciim Cnuri will bo iiower We,, y„u d by our Irrendv in ibo Ircc ire ail, lire hold, mid trim, n tho Ireu mid ulave Siaum. Iron! eland by each other, by * * ’ rj unit' y. slaml by ,re mi Mato*, nnd li t and jusi men i with a untied "iir principlce, by our righi, our honor, and by tiio Ui. cnnatlliitiou. I believe tins to savu ii, und **«• can do ii. G-V. MaitpHinannoniceatliat Knnlltiky linn I! P ndy luul cnnirovcr-j wyth Oino un which Mio whole qui-.U ", can bn brouuhi “•"vtu.” n»d ihe "ovurl net’* « a disHoluiion cl the Union ho rights ol die South aro which jo arrived a finally rein ed The cs»o ia that of n 'ugitivo from Ken- tut h y. mi . r .. “ “““ Uln.., a„d Gov- Miigoffiii deiiiariUed iho aurre.iu* Ini' d by ii slavi'Bar 1 ii g slavi ll lias liemi thru/,l #.iy8 dial lire Southern Stati publiabes I. 00 persoris ! * 1 erlninrd that I >' u*. By Ire, "in equality nnd rigliis of lire Slates i Hie peoidii m Mi,* Sum s • the lepeul ol Mm Missouri compro* d|" Urcd .Scott (iuciskrn of tho Su- tbo dricrmination that slavery nliull ' I’ 1 "Lilured in lire District ol Colmu* Mu flic hot ween the Stales d,« cnlorccnnftu oftho fugitive slave h in ull tho Territories iingenl dvjntagsa « ur« us their* trouble in this way, and we do no apd th* philosophy ol ibis co relief. Il appear* to ua that the prime ob ject in allowing tho Banks to suspend ought lo bo lo prevent them from pushing llreir j debtors and lo cnabln them to extend «c- minodutiors to the people, and di#t, i they aro placed in such u position, the pro- pie wUI b», belter able to pay than they would bo if tho Batiks continued to p"J specie and withhold accommodation*. If, than, the people need relief of this kind nt all, they need it juat as much or more if die Banka continue to redeem and to contract circulation and discount*, as they will il the Banka suspend. The interest of tire people, rot that of the Banka, ought to be the centingsucy upon which tho relict should bing*. One thing is evident: tho iffoct ol tire ^ measure will be aeriously to check credit. j ( ^ Business man, who cannot collect, will de- ) nIirr mtnd cash, snd the result will be a stay Of I ltl old debt* and an embargo upon new one*, i w ,,j ()f Already, before the bill has pnaacd United branches, aome of our nreichnnfs give notice J||W|| through our column* that it compels them | Ju ,|y ( to curtail credit*. | | llJf , ns A l*ol It leu I Huggcstluii. F.d. Enquirer: Maine if ua Jmvc turned i th. Union, WUdiY' W'W/ui to think ol 1 uny pm" ***•••-- ^ m | ' tint ri(j!i u Mio I nitf'd Stales ; l y i!m mlo <>i blnvo property in the Ter- ' 1,1 dn> su mo proicciinn us otlfthr L.V- 1 vEIA*- ,J . LJJid.JJiai m* jLsifrumxia* | "‘“'j, MagiifRn ino.i.iuncrs in on a \ ,J•,i IM1 ,. ( announars Ids purpose to conaider ii teM queedon, wiiodicr Souil.crn r,gilts to bo i,|,son cl. "I nIi/iII Inku this vbilnted right to curls 11 r the remedy. Fdtlinu there would ulio it lo C"iu-i : s8, us morn is atiti-Ri pulilii hi C.oi i,c,h, und d a, v lire remedy, Mr. Lincoln w ll bn ( tilled qi sign or voio dm lull. Wo will test , qii'.'stion Where wo have rmhia whuiher t hnv. qupstiun wbchi r --r not our Iu- respected uu !or the luw ciHinna ill Hie Supret will riubts nre i*> and the de- • tho United Hinte*.' FmLiig tkcre, i slioll n il ih« i ol Kentucky, in the lu-i resort: Hero your violated right. I Iiavo d *no ull 1 ull tl.u by to let them have. Wo tbu* “iff. i iv.thn'it n struggle, ull tbo ri,{litri end | iloccs winch have l c«'i> secured to u Kcmurliy. and < > bo ibo principles of ired by < Tire bid rrful army prosperity secured by « pov navy urn ns much ours ns tbcirs. 'I I " si- 1 morn s, nn'y yeide, nod tire largo body of j public lands, are as much ours «« do-i-w. J These nre worth more to us ihnit tire runt- j w.y t,a roc. (irou-ctod by nboliiwni.*.. | I ahould not bo willing to givo tbcili up to ;Wy- NV lulu t Insy icon dosigiialrtd us i |{rt|Hlblic, w|| ox- d cart y l<)> w nrd lire wua elected, tlrey rvi it lights o( uny del,, look calmly nt pi-' ed powora — 1, In ll'.tYr'. •barged lire Kcpubli .in, or atiribulcil u Ico with sluvory ii ..I Air.Li • II. . Magoflin di-crimin a tea tli which (hose doc- rifre.i nnd.nncl tire “|iracdcaldiaunioniam" ivlnch llioy Imvo alicady ertated. Tire Inliowing lor in» a pnrtol hi* rapid auiuina- Stntrt’M rigliis peoplo, und now. full! K bock '■ '" u reaeived righra, I wu| advise ti. i " 1 . t ' . ilrrtatlboiirolirialcnme»,lt coined huh*'. she bus iho will, ibo spirit, ill** (ourago, lire I'otiioiisin ind dm ability to del,-oil Irei m icritaireo, ber honor, and her rigbis. which been giiurnnicrb to her by lire const I tution ol lire Uiiitod Siulia.” i Hal sifJolibDX 1 <• Cbatta e { Rustless “if all kinds promptly atUudul l< n-dawtf. Marion BetLuno, TTOKNKY AT LAW,!, (ieorgU, I. prspsrs liaclsrallons mr purSF.ns stuy cxi'-utiona lr • of Northern cn r merchant* und otlrera 7 1;. s. 1 W ,Utlll'l Northe by ' l' ro1 us, bul 1 h do , I tbu Coot rail id*and J> Smith & 1*011, Will tha bill 1 Diattic'. Court, i tora, againat < ~~ .loT^ The Timet, In a no'ice of die death of this diatingulabed and influantUI Georgian, says : “Upon the greet quealian now before abolition repi.sal pint, •- the country he was a aeceiaioniat.” The I wH odor u plan lor official report of the meeting held iu La- . wliirh nuy possibly h" u l K 11 Grange on the 17th says: "Mr. Wade Hill j cording to Amclo V of and Judge E. Y. Hill being called, made j .‘whenever lire Legislatures speeches—the fir»t iu favor ol secession, the “IT 1 ? ,or B,n '' and the latter in support of the resolution*" j constitution, Congress elrel 1 have I i mli mui nil ol 1 ho .Status would bo loll in mult re control ot tho r own ufijirs ru* ivilv, and ui nu peril et liberty In e und employ tlreir uwn inennaid pro- propti'y and preserving poaue und w tili 11 llreir rospi olive limns, nsiiiey r v.-r been in.tier any udiiiiuD'ruii'Hi. o wire Iiavo vditd lor Mr. Lmoolu • xptcKiJ, and atill egfioot ported , and iat it wa» wl Judge Illll ve learn from other sources le making this speech that attack,d with the malady 1 for that | iirpii j gations j wrongfully .„d ,OOJ f.itb th. at.u. .h.. ton 1 •« life. Our neighbor has evidently ailed our constitutional rights, ! 1 disumemst per t it till* idinc lire 1 “Tho intliors ol the Republic, with Grn. W11 (linigioii ul tbo boat], have warned us ugaiii-t Hu; loniniHon uiid buccpss of u era- iionul p.iriyas lire only danger in tho libor- 1 it s ol tiio punplu or 10 ibosulety ol tire Cun- Icderucy. Tire Kiipubhcana liavn paid ire atiatiiuui to tlieau warnings, but blindly , wiilioui regard in consequences, iliey liuv( Idol-lured mi* Government could not exis as pari lien and | art slave, but must bo all | hui. Ii uioMsis IihIo whether we Iiavo give up our bluvrt property or whoilrer < cluldron will no rompt lb d to do ii I 1 Iny buvo mu'io llreir tbreaia (but they 1 mi,-nd iu i'1-privo ua ol it a toner or larer mid in 'ltd Ireo Stales, ire lar us they il I or tire power they Iiavo put their llirusts j in'» I'Xuciiiion. Tliuy linvo passed laws lire Iron iSiut"*, 1 bclreve, wlrch n execution ol lire fugitive sIjvo eiui linve sot at iioiihIii the ootislitulion lire Umiid Stales. Six ot iliesq Sinn s, w Y ol. und F11 nsylvun an included iy In lire owners ol flaws, or to ilia olli- .<•1 the (fovermnent, their jails or pub- bm.dn.lor tire protection ot lliia pro- iy. Seven ol ilrem, including ureo N#w •i.i and IViinsylvunia, provide dHouco liii>iiivo slaves. Many ot Ilrem de'.n 1 slaves livo jJ iheir owner* bring tire -re ; and 0110 State—New ilouipsbird 'Uri s them absolutely Ireo. Nine ol ilia r Siatru Iiavo Imposed penaltiraof i is'inurei.t, and litres oi Irom 91.0U0 1,01m, on tire offreore nr persons who may .1 hi oulurcing iho In*.» winch Iiavo been th.-. and .' ,.u: H-d by U->ngro**, and declared In ho il limy ex- j , ..n*t|iuu"iiul by 'Ire Supremo Court ol lire vzirciirely j United Suits. The LoglbUturca ‘- L -- v pi"por to or I1.1U 1 neddlo wi 1 Ii I iiiirtniHi to nreddl" prullitilt lire fivoplo n uny way j I lr lire It- tdy. 9'ff. Money ^ rutes had advanced U10 Prince ol Wulo* had arrived. Hanks Huancndcd. •“ tilth Carolina, Bank of ih fl htaie of South Carolina, South-Westerq Railroad U.lllh, 11 rid lit, It u „k „| Silu|h Q, tu | inl( •>**“ •U»|»tldttl. Tito Clinlrra .nd Mo. chaulc.' IJuttk will .it.iiiiitd to ntotfow. l.incolu’a (.'nhlnct. 'v*-„.»oi«.v N Corwin h.o in Mvrtit, and m lna converaniionn tndicnlra tun I. In’s cubmiM will bo highly cons New York I'hi...nclal A0*1 re, NbwY.bk Nov. V6.— riiniiipaon's Dank Kotr R t pot ’rr quoti-8 uocumnt lunds. iron " h "I Washtncion Cily, ni 101 .nr.t ; and Maryland am n atihreo to fivo per cent, dia M»e l'lcxiiitni uu Secession. W a 111 i, ton, N V. 21 —'i’lre pus lie.. ( ltl riporii-d : That thnugh tire South (him n j>isi • • no Siatc re justilieU 10 Mob till ovary lonsii'i " * •' ' " I 'hot .... Sia'fi baai'"right •< iiimil acre'rn.l ug 10 prectmtate other > at.;* mi., a ilnrupilnnol me Union. II 19 appr. Iiendi d here that lire ai-coailon qui'Hiiuu will Iiavo 10 be pruct,cally deult Ua A Speck of War. '»>, N >v. 2o —Advices from ill Ant. run until dial United S-orea d liia poat-p.iris, Miniry on Hie having bt'vn . Clay •■tl would I. aye for ihia _ • 'bins'. Otlical tiHelligun • ' *'d D.-parinreiit Hero 'but Mr. 'V '' • .miodrd bis pUHTpori* i.oiu tho • 11, I rtreideni Bucbannn imnie- 1 * 11 *>' 1,11 "i,ni 1 ’0 Peruvian M,merer hero 19 na.sHimrtrt. I’liuw ..ur reiaiinna wiih • ru liuvo been eoididcloly and ell' ru. ly 1 voted. Klorc Suspensions. Nx-a-li.u, T«tln„ Nov. 2li.—Tito fo|. till* city iiavo suspi'ndrd ., va j Plan- 1, biiu stair* Banka. W ahllliigloit News. AfiiiNT *N« Nov. IG,—T. lographio advl- Hill 0 Irom San Francisco d. Nothing definite is ki " -uii «■: ti" "It mi.i.i 1 \Ad .Vkd» ft 0kilW.W.alw'....' - 'dating lb* Censtl uuld fail, may w.t laco Thomas J. Dunn, ATTOHNl.Y AT I.AVV. Karjttut, C.lL.'ir. Count;, On. DLu^itw. •>, sni Lee. \Y« l-.fpb, K*ity, bt" Cottage Sets. on hand C ro-w CVta*<» Karnitur oA, 0*k ■!. 1 l*r r-,1 ,11 -•-! IlniMu, r-':.k »tar. J Tal'I*. Tow<-l It •Xldi I »4U seii iota. J- 11. I'KM K. HARS>ia» A CO. Blown Salt. On Consicnment. (ACOIUI flam! Spun Kopa, good artlcla.foi AJ tale lo lots, ty _ . _ _ 7 E. BARNARD A CO. "MessT Pork. if | RBL8. (oraaivby „ RJ t. BARNARD k CO. Planting Potatoos. if( BBLh. PINK f«*real* **v . EJ y. HAUSARD k CO. E. liARNARD k CO. 'FRESH SEEDS! 'RU«r. K?«?7*ir^ tS aUu fhMt, Black UAU. Lnwra-. W bltaaud W CBw. h* e. v.<Mt 1 rat. Cabbag#, Turalp, Bset ded the two Hills \ indeed it Meins to have been rnivled in reference to lire whole oc- , , .(ion in Troup. Tha resolutions ripened wish it to be understood, however, ... , m L and adopted declare for rraisiancn to niack Republican aggresvion, call lor a Hfitc Don- I vei.tion to detertninc “the nude and ore*«- 1 arc of rrdtrsa” and pledgo lire pcoj > !" I auatain iu action, at the same Mine rec in- of all tho I that we regard it of the moat vital impor- lance that tire South should, in tho prraent , . ' emergency, be content with no Ittt than ’ j this. Alter lire movements already made, I ic would bo ridiculout for her to abate re the United Bn log tit many free dltern to the c ti. drill ol principles villi every Htate. ft rliould b« u 10 Uopublicai.a, 11 oppuriuiiity • political udvurkartr the*" ' o-organi/.rt the rej'uld A Man in Ueoi i« *t • .'MR. j bul ,h,v Jo .101 dvcl.i- Sr .0013 no.kob.r.h. l.u,h..«.Uck .1 b.r I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ° f ' h '’ No,lh 1 ,b * ,0,uU,n * ,,u “ U in ,„ cnc . ,h„ JoJ B » Hill JiIT.ioJ Irom M. x-cwtr 4* B,osa »wvcr- | 0 f J 0 bn Wentworth (which we copy elae- New Bacon. j where) would then be weli-dirocted be- \ finna. Sian Usittiaud^oulderg. for vaieby rau^e capable of specific application. Let J h. BARNARD k CO. | be a |e// / <fneri | 0 f tbio conflict before this agitation is abandoned ; and, for one, w« do not brattata to aay that w* hope for auch a settlement as will secure and strengthen the constitutional right* of eur btata and section in the Union. But we have referred lo the policy of secuitng the co-operation of th# other Bonthern Bute* in this movement. The proposition to call a convention of alt th* Stales of tha Union to determine this quai- lT _ _ 1 tion, we repudiate aa arronaaua aod probe- b\, la.ff-cli-. A Homh.rn "b,U.f 1U,^. lulu., 1.1 c«, t,r 1 i« ilja:.ii‘i*d fir.l, tod «>« Wl.h il ..pporUj by tbo po-,r ond wrljkt of th. whole a.,nth. Without .hi., w. c.oool hop. for lb. eo.oper.tion of »oy but Iho "cotton Slolc." Without thio, i*ceo.ion reu.t bo . mrrtndcr of Oi.oy xifhto lo lo- euro olbort. Without IhU, wo will lo.vo to iho rotooinioi Btotoo (.on.lilu.iog four llill in tho uucondition.i .ccei.ion views of tha latter. Two Views of the Future. We copy in this paper a violent and threatening tired# ajjamat the South by the noloriou# John Wentworth of tha Chicago Democrat ; also Senator Trum bull's lat» couaervalive and conciliatory epetcb at Springfield. Wa do not attach much continuance ing# ; ha i# simply Manufacturers’ We letup from the Catltl has redacmed more than bills within the Hat two w satire tune ha* p*"l o|t neu posit account, amounting «■ more ; thereby pay mg a'" 1 that sboit time, ntot« liabilities ol Bank. I** cir, only about tlbO.OOO, I to come tn and bo tsLuii up in tin of cltihia duo tho Bank during winter. , , Thi* Bank has always dn i regard it a# i x r. iirely I United Stales. The Legtaleturca ol there I ill., whole conn* ; s a (re, und Mu courts, ol many of lham wLicit Mi" Rrtpul.* 1 wiiictj have pasted-upon (heir aclnm liuve Bin! so pcrsreioinly ! ■ ,.v. inetilungly, boldly, and deliamly • ibo tirongiit to u , ,i uiiilir'd Mre law# «.| Congress ami tbo do- brtvnod tho no.‘*i■ i . i-1 ni. nt nm Cupreine Court.” i,nul t-iniureralioiie of Holt'll u odd# a list ot particular grie- ntcli Kentucky, na a border irl it- 1 uritniu to llreir political uuvursariro anu : Mate, Is o >nslttutiv exposed, and by winch \ ' ! nre woild tliut tirey ttio not lor intcrlurii.g dire constantly suifur* : 'ci.oiirt on; i.i-inuiioi.s ul any ,.i “Kuutucky has over $170,000,000 in slave ;>ro|,-rty. Brio ia losing a* ibo r«'o ol over ..".’iHjooo ptr annaui ol that properly.— Wnen I atnicd, in my annual iiicaanRO to .it*- L-g'sUiure, lire lo«s was $100(00, itw be!.,)vtd il. 1 have rclinblo liilorill*lion u ia double that aum, and will auoii be again doubled, il not in aome way arre-tc#- Tnet propertyr more than onc-tbtrd of all Y>e posscbs. guarameed lu ua by lire consti tution ol lire United Biaics and our lewe, workod lor, acquired, and It'll t lathers—mat property we ar« wonting lor, and wish to l„i*v(» io our children, will frloo oh, or uid.irumaieiy them havv'ovvn a lew in Mre be rendered vmioeJe»a. amJ Kcoiuoky become ‘'''country I r »omo ynirs, undcraiRnd this, u | r ,.„ Stntr, il these pnnciploa aud purpose* ,--hall ol tho i ftlll j Bre DuW ju not haste to get out ol the |j 0 earned out.” tun >• Union, precisely because they cannot much And again « > "lid | ,. . r niniiitaui nn apprehension among .-w 0 would aay to our staler State# ol ' ;,n I!..’.'V out hern ibat their hunieeaitd j {hedouih, wo havo more cause of grievance present I luemdcs and Iwc* IloW the lloonuuiaii Monkey a Kill tfiiHkca. The banyan Irec is the favored habita tion of these monkeys; and uTong it* ma ny branches they piny strange antics, un disturbed by any foe* excepting *n»k,s. Tlieao reptiles ore greatly dreaded by the nkrya, and with good reason. How- ir, it is asid that tire monkeys kill many iro snakes in proportion tn thrir I»ht, aud fio so with u curiously refined «rurhy. A anako may bo coiled amor g tire branch- a of tho banyan, faat aslorp, wlreu It i* pied by a lloonuman. A11 t auti»fving himself that tire reptile really is sleeping ; nkey steala upon it noiselessly, grasp* it by thn neck, tear# it front ti.e branch, and hurries it to tho ground. He then runs to a flat stone, and begins lo grind down the reptile's bend upon n, grinning and chattering witli .1. light ui tire wnlbing and useless etruggl.-s of Mre tortured anake, nnd orcasiuuahy ii.Hp. rli. B his work to sen how it is pr gressii'g.—■ When ho baa rubbed awuy the anu el’s jaws, ho ns to deprtva it *d Ha puiaom-.t tulips, Ire holds great rrj iicings ov. r In* helpless foe, and t.issmg H to lire young iiuiikey#, look* complacently at its do*, truciion. * Tn* Pkmlb or Bcisnc*. years ago a largo whale waa caught al tire Nora, end lowed up to London Br dire, the Lord Mayor having claimed It. When it hnd been at London Bridge aome little lime, the Government aeul a notice lo suy it b long ed to them. Upon wr.n-.h Mie Lord Mayor Mont answer, “well, il the whal belongs to you, I order yu to re mat" It Imrnrdiarely from London Bridce.” Tha whale »«•, therefore, lowed down the stream^ l»> M"' lalu ol Doge, below Greenwich. Tire 1st. Mr. Clift, the energetic aud talented h-si*- flue great master, John Hunter, went down to eer it. He lound it on Mre •bore, wi.h it# huge mouth proped open with poles. In hi- cagertre.# to usmu the internal parte ol the mouth, Mr. slipped Inside ibe mouth, between lire er jaws, wherq lh« tongue i« situuted.— f hie longuo is n lingo ej dug) mas#, and be ing at that lime exceedingly soft, from p.isure to lire air, gave way tlko a bog * i tho our ihft'o ■Iu','H to M.r 2lf-t. Tha ct.p'urrt ol Uiiadola j .ru h confirmed Sevan thouaxiid men urn < ai" < ied i" join tho Lit'crul aruiy In ua nuroh .oi lire city ol Mexico. GiHiimlcrnl.lo eicitoment was created iIir,ui Mic couirry "• gnrreoqnanca «f t iy ul a milluii d.dlur.i belonging to Bruivii bund holders. Judge \V(illume* IreUcr to Gov. Blew- Ctixroic Mo,, Nov. 21. Silt : I nm horc i.» intoTm tho citizens of Mii* plnco ol Mre following Incta, and have aurcdly tube plate in fuvor ,m. fire HuiiMietn iiiH.ti auiisficd. Tire rights ul will ho respected, and tire ig existing in oldcu timai, in ull parts ol Mre oumiy iI,r r t*. baulo for u coiiimou u Comm ll enemy, will be jmonla « per re, of whom unfortunately ‘horn haw country for aoino Jcure, | ol lUpublicani. Nortliurn men j leolu 1 | went lor Mi togt 1 cause, ogainal ! restored towards accommodating tho business p|,ce, but tbo extraordinary at at* •»* » now exia’inp, and ihe almost total inability to ooll i . * undangeied by . ...^ action of’tho Federal Government.— full share ! with such- now «>r never is tbo maxim • t dabta or raslize upon - ... .. — old political scold sets «t this iim4 bM rendered » suapeuaion • • T , • , . Ineceasory. The officeia think they can pay a high aisle of fermentation, and it re ^ ^ cirfll | n ,j on and debt* ol me Bank, and giving 1^> much importance to an impo tent eplenatic to do moro than smile et hi* effusion*. Trumbull’* counter declaration# •re not of much significance unlee* ap proved by Lincoln, and of ibi# approval wo have aa yat n« positive evidence. W# put both maoifr*toea upon record, to abide tha teat of flma. We think it noth- log but ju*t and candid, however, to add that report* from Bptiugfield aay that Lin coln pointedly condemn* lb# vlolaneo of Wentworth. „!»o pay back! air stock.—A* Ualtimok* axu tn* Hot-Tii.— A Baltimoi# dispatch to tlteNow York Timet ttjt: “The merchant# of Baltimore are getting an un* usual number of order# from the Boutb, as also manufacturer* to make Palmetto flags* There Is no hesitancy to truat all Southern ers if they want credit. Already many new Southern merchaut# ar# patchaaii.g ! goods here.” • hence tirey «eck toinfiarno tire public mind m.aropreaei.ung Mre objocta and purpo- i ol lire llepubl. proeipi mi| ol the cotton Stales put together, occupying, a* we do, over eoven hundred -milts ol border line. Look at our ospoitd position—the oiretant laiuperii.g with our iirtgroes by Mre Abolitionist*—ih* Imnionae a.Hiual loss wo sustain—the direct inlriuge- llu u,i of our riglita in ralusin'i to execute Mre lugitive alavo law, and »» Mi# robbery ol our property—in the danger to the Jtv** oi tha owner* wnen ibejr go lo lire Ire* Slates to recapture their slaves—in the milts, and taunt# and Injuriea to the hed- c,-sl officers who attempt to do their aworn duty in executing tbo lugiiive alavelaw ti i ii.v recent mob in Ohio, and in tbo case y lor Mi- dresolution ol | of jj ot Wiaconaio—in the wholeaale ine liuverumsiM. It cteoica tire General | „ t ealinw every day going on of out-nagroos, Gov.-rniociit, inlcilerca bul Itttlo with m* j aiK | iba relusal ul the people aud Gover- .1.. i,, ,; iH-l.n of the citizen,, except wc ||0rg , 0 deliver up tuber the property or pfliiccnoii; “ »■ chUtly lc!t in its beneu** me ibiavea.'l party, with tho hope Mre Southern States into a limn which they cannot, witboui ulicrw.fd, ., ced., -roll kaomn, il IU.,J.I.Y_'U‘■“ pu.ilWI*tV" lt r». Lo 11.11*11111011 proviJ.. no j w»y by which a Stole n»y wi.hllriw 'torn | the Union—no t iho Government Sect 500, iu rived wiMi ’iHirpc'a rifl'H, dragoon sabres, revolver* ml Bowie knives, and buve suddenly cam- n, lie.I a w ar oi exiri'ino ferocity on Mm ,.w nbidiiig ci'izi: <d Southern Kansas n Mto c.'uutifH ,M Linn and Bourbon, l’liese ii rills arrived by lire wagon load at .r near M'luii'l Uny a'uut oire month since, hi t...\. n ui'irked a* <1 mationa lor K.ireus i-ut’ori r . Tney are al n w. Montgomery , ih.ui in Boa'oo outing part of Mio -umiiior, "ltd reitiiiiod with plenty ol mo usy "i enlist rectui's. Many of h.« men IIu l i.iir towns on.Mie border near Mie nt » He im* murdered Mr Moore# griuid juror. Mr. Harriaon, .Mr. Sam el .1 Mr. 111 n.lrt uiid obliged all Ibe iit.-H nfiirtCf.. ini'ludi'ig mysrt',1. hi fiy for our hvta. Hi* own expressed de- i. in a public Hpeecb, a* Ire said, wiMiout irt'ilnrei t. wua 'O ke.-p poh*c'ri n nt i Bc iit and other place* nsur ibe Mia- ri lure to pri-veni a fi'O in Mre »e«r while cleared out Sou Ii v,astern Mres -ud ot slaves. So far Ire lias car iud ou« laeralL liis progranime. Tlu« ••'lixana «f Missouri on Mre O.^ge und Meiii,ut«»n, in Ban-* and V,r- o n ""Ui.'it'*, are living liotu 'heir home* ,„i., in., inrerior He hoasiv that i*e •'"# .... f.y und arm* to «quip and au«'0". 1.000 men. M» Court w.,* . r-ki ii up by Mi u. j . ih" U. S. Court » »r "re S .u'hern »<••* ml, and l auspfet that Mrev have auied ill. it - r U, und u!.-o Mre record* ol Mre ‘Hid (Mfi.'rt. us Moiitgnmory puhtuly du- cljrcd be would do *o. Yourn Ac.. J. William*, U. »S. Judge ol Th-rd Jud. LL*. K. T. .Jffessing*. and not in it* exactions. Ii i vory Federal•flicer in South Carolina weraioir- gn and thsir offuea to remain vacant, und it# convention declare tbo Siate out ol Mre Union, it would all amount to •All Mns,” add# Gov. Mogofftn, '*• complain ol, and don’t mean to submit to, but all tbia do#* not yet make a jualifica- tion irom bieakiug uj tha Government and time Ire slipped forward l.-waid* the wbale'a gull.-t, ncurly as lar go. P>or Mr. Clift *#■ wady in a dan gerous predicament; lie sank 1 lower into the eubetanco ol the tongue sod gullet, l II ho nearly die appeared altog* tlrer. Uo wa* alrerl in a'atuic, and in a l.w #, con,la would doubtless have lost I.i# Lie in tho horrible oily mare, hnJ i not assis tance bren quickly afforded him. It w*« with groat difficulty that a boaf-hook vv«» put in requisition, and the good little min hauled out of tho wbale’a tougur. — tiuek- land'a Curioaitiea of Natural History, trr Throughout «he North-West provis ion. atom to ho dull, and hog. rapid y de clining. Ai Louisville, on Mre 2JJ, o* ly oU bead were reporred sold, and thoM ot $•' o'* im'. At Cincinnati, notwithsiandingtha dull prospect at tire cloac. 1 400 bead $G. Later in the day. $!» 8S wa lor 500, and fi.bO lor a "inall lot At ladtadapoh*. on the ao.nh day, Iregs are reporred to ha>« (tilt turMrer dachn d, • nd that on that day Mie vffsringa were $5 50 lor Iota averaging 200 lbs, aud $5 lor heavier average^. ^ ^ A Thick skim. -Doling an exhibition of Ban Rice'* Circus, at Mvj.phu, Teno., on the night of the lOih in*t , it was piopored to show that the hide ol the ihmoc«ro* wa# ball-proof. Captain Travis, tire celebrated p.stol shot, then rued a bullet at tire ani- acccpied Official Vut* or N*w Y-aa.— Th# offi cial vo'o ol ih, B'.ate lor Governor loots up as follow* t FI win D. Morgan, Rep 345,181 Wil.isrn Ivtiliy. D uv.ta* aud Uhi.2J'.f* T- Uraoy, Bite* 12240 Morgan’s ovoi Kelly and Brady 32 705 K'.-My’e muj uv,t Brady ...2GG9fc7 re vole for Presidential E lad ora stood — Union 304 Republican 364,138. /'OFULATION . iwu;ouaT*—Vtaj. Themp- ,11, u,* United Blala* census taker, for this ,unty, ssye that hi* report of the number : iitbulotanls ol Mil* city la sixteen thou- asud right hundred and aixly-oire, exclu- of lire suburban population. Ha cou- ra tire actual populat.ou, whan all our euiz. na aro at home, at rigl.ieen thousand, and including the suburb* is nmelcea tnouaai.d Auk. Cunstitutionoliat. Retaliation*——In tire Senate, on Monday la-t, .be special ord*r—being tho bill "to Ih. .i,lito of llto i-"|.l. ol Ocor,i.” —was, on motion of Mr. of Glynn, I,id on tho table for the present. Why , .is hesitation snd dilgy in passing a meas ure which all admit to he justifiable l WxaniWOTON. Nov. 19. California despatch' i,ns 3 000 voles ov. .ver bieekrerid.**- ... Reliable prlvnta ►ay that P"«trl*e LLieoln and 11,000 Cmcoo. N'i». 19 - I "» ' n''" 1 * 1 h* S'*te •! i:lino'al***lo«ows . hnMln .1 I . "« B W | w breaking the skin, nor even causiuf Uw I 0 r0e hinr„l re i MA animal to wince, when struck. s»jo amco 1-iu i# J03.131 t