Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, June 10, 1840, Image 4

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.1 CEMT.i/y €L RL / OhU HE Itch!! \ I ,Vj article erer . r 'Tenured La putUe srars has t«» f-suud to aaswer a better purpose, or bum |*»r* highly ap- Serf*, f.e* Lie fusty celebrated 5 imnfrie§ ; Itch Oinlmenl. SO *rf.it ar:d extended !-ai become its lip*union, that deai-rs are ordering t fmm all f«rt« f«f tie countrr, temedy which five* tiie.T. ctmomets ihe fa if best tßlsfactJon. j A Student J—with -nJ* cf o< r Liter ary Li<huliowe, where this iuaibaome dj*e»*« bad ap peared. observes, that Dumfries' Hek Oa'i«’l *ltermi nated :t. after van-us other apr hcai.c-ns ljj.il failed to do ao. ai d t hat in con—-n-:eoce frijned a recitation in t: at Seminar)', aod vicinity, a* the beat remedxi k «er« foe the luk; I *,» Tbi* preparation, for nteaMr.tr.ers,lately, erpedi tion. ease and certainty, i» anwrpaesed i? wjuaUed. It doe« not contain the beam, paxtcle of K.m,« otbei dangeroaa ingredient, and may be applies! with perfect aarVtv ly premant females, or to children (at :se breast, and it cures, however inveterate, in ; Hour’* Application oaf l j J—Ard no daoe-' from taking cold. S j; j. also one of the best ap: !icatic«a« f;r w h .tnor. r« /erm »f a mg-aec-rm, Known by the name cf tie fituisi’ iTtr.a- d - excellent for Pimm.x«, and »di.ir«sea of Us »kt* generally. j } r «- Lr. cents a b-'t. with ample | Rectffw, 00~ Caution ! Re panic a Jar to obaervt that the only iriymt «»«<i stmuxut Dcsram’ Itck OiirricaiM .• »it,ned by T. Kiddks. the anle proprietor, on the jmtiide printed wrapper. ,V,»< other com possible be! Prepared and sold by T. KIDDER, }*»■« proprietor and surces-sor to Dr. Co.»w*t, 99 Court •lyeet, up eta ra, aear Concert Hall, Boston, and may also !fe Lad %fj~ «r A lit- . .1 ,jC »-V > C 1,1 aijila bl J«sl ie eeived and for sale bv \VM. M. D’ANTK-NAC Druggist, At igusta, Ca. Where may be found a general of Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, Gla*«, Ac. feb 28 I 6m» Georgia, Columbia county: j In the Superior Court , March} Term, 1840. Present i.i? lien:: Jchv >k|.i Ann Casey, ] > Libel frr Divorce, i Andrew * IT appear:: zto the Ccurt r y the ileP m of ’he Deputy Sheriff, that the defendant. Andrew Casey, i- not to be found in the courtly if Co ara bia, and it being represented to the Ccuit that said defendant resides out of the state cf G-c rgia. On motion of libellant’® attorney, it is by tie Court that tha sail defendant, Andrew Casey, do acc-ear at the next term of this court d p ead a: answer to the above stated case, m u. thereof, tnat tlie Übetlaot •wit! be peinjilte: 1 ceed tot uiq ca=c of default. It !s ft rther or dered that a copy of this rule ' e pub<isbed once a month for four months in one of t. e lie gazettes of the cry of Augusta, previous to U.e next term of this Court. | , A true extract from the minutes. I ap IS n»4t GABRIEL JOSjES. Clett. LAW NOTICE.—The uniersigneJ have asso ciated t :emsc- : ves in the pro ti*e- of law. — They Will attend promptly and to all pr jfcSsio.uai L-o-iutss eat. J l.’ ia Talia ferro, Greene, Han-rock, Warren, Wu'kcs sal the adjoining counties. Office in vke. Talia : . S. i- | apriill mom .M. JofiXSTOX. The Charleston Com er will copy the above four times tri-weekly, and font ■ : Mm ii accounts to tins office. | Tilt: 111 MAS HAU|, IS Warranted staid or restored, aod the head kept free from Dandrulf, by the genuine OLDRIDGE* S BALM OF COLUMBIA. Remember the genuine as described below. This is certi :ed to by several Maydrs, .Minister* ; of the Go-pel, British Consul, Physiv; ans, and a great number of oar most respectable c tizer. , ( be sect where it is sold. ? I DARING FRAUD’ f . , This article has been imitated bjl a notorious H counterfeiter. Let it never be purcij isi Jor used un:ess it has the name of L. S. COMSi’OCJC, or the 1 signature of COMSTOCK if Co-, oi| a spicndil wrapper. Ti.is is the only external tfcsl ti.al wiil secure the public from deception. | Appiy at the w i ~esaie and retaiij ufSce, No. 2 Fletclier street,near Maiden Lane aijl Pearl st. — Address, COMSTOCK ifU"- WhoUt :C l, Vhruggistt. The gee nine is for nle by GARVIPj & MAI ES, and ROBERT.CARTER Aug \ - '' i 4 LL persons irideoted to tae e-ute oi Jiooei t f\_ Wiggins, late of Burke county, deceased wii come forword and settle imm .dutely, and those to whom the estate is indebted, wiii p;e-ent their claims in conformity w 1 1 the l:iw. , W. J. A. HAMILTiJ.N, admT. April 14, 1840. j aTc Lliidit k y A.\D SILK cIl lt vut\ WARD CHENEY K jiKOTHERs, tJASON SHAW, ha vje ijow grovt • ini, in the nod Aearisbiap cci>dition,i i L' Augusta,Georgia, adjoining the Hamj- Race Couise, about rfJ,-UA) Mores ISlulticaulis frees, which they older i|>r ale in lols to suA purchasers, dor further infoi halion enqu« • ry may be made of Messrs. C heneys, a| their cocooi - ery in Burlington, New Jersey, or ol'i'da son blia-'.v, at the Eagle ami Phcenix Hotel in Ailgastx. Having had several years experience in cu’tiva ting the moms mullicaulis from bud s | cpilings, they will furnish each purchaser wi|h printed in struct! jn- of tie be?l and most app;o J manner -if planting and cultivating the tree>, tile kma of soil most suitable for growing the same ji ar;d also for rearing the si;:; worms and ree.ing th ? silk- They will also have fer sale. Silk Worm Eggs of the most esteemed varieties, from moth i selected with great ore for their health, strength slb4 perfection JgM j’villi % ts ACiDO^FRICIIMO^UjtyI^TV; fVtHE Trustees of this institution fare happy t X have it in their power to itatejthat both the principal Academy in Augusta, and jlhu branch at Summerville, have resumed their exercises, under the management of Teacher* who ;have the full confidence of the Trustee*, tsd wbcL Uyey are sa tis:,ed. are fully entitle Ito that of trie public. Mr. Ernexputsch, the Rector of the Academy, already favorably known to the cojnmunity, has charge of the Classical department and al. the branches of education requisite for| admission to our best Colleges. His attainment?* as a scholar and success in imparting useful knhw.edgc, emi nently qualify him for the discharge of the im portant duties of hit station. j Mr. Ring, the principal Teacher, re cently engag -d by the Board, comes fjrifh the high- 1 est recommenda ions as to charadei|, talents, lite rary attainments and skill in teaj.hiog, and the Timstees feel assured that he will s|i-Uin the re ; i tat ion which led to his selection, f The branch of the Academy at Sfimmerville is , under the immediate management o{‘ Mr. Kra.nk i-is George, a gentleman of experience in teach ing, and highly recommended. Tkfi advantage of h the location of this branch of the Academy in one i of the most healthful neighborhooqt In the State, and sufficiently remote from the unfavorable in iluence of a crowded town, are too |ve.l known to 1 need comment. t On the whole, the Board confidently recommend < to the public the principal Academy and the Branch ! at Summerville, as being on a better footing than they have heretofore been, and piomising great usefulness to those who may availjthernselves of ;he advantages whicli they offer. * A. CUNNINGHAM, jan 11 President of Boarabr Trustee*. i FIFTY DOLLARS RAN A WAY from the subscriber, re-siding in Thomas county, Geo. about the 15th January last, a negro man named Daniel, about sixty yea.s of age, though he does not appear to be more than forty, a little giay and inclined to be bald, upwards of live feet high, and has lost a finger from one tend, I think the right. He has a wife at Mr. E. iu-eds, Columbia county, and may bo urking about there. It is probable he has been enticed away by some white man, and have gone to Savannah or Alabama; if so, I will give the above leward for the detection of the white man and proif to con viction, or I will pay twenty-five cents for the ar rest of Daniel. WASHINGTON J. SANDERS. apriUl wdm G< ENGINE COLOGNE WATER.—Farina’* f genuine Cologne Water, in long and short bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or by single bottles. Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soap?, Odorous Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids, of the best quality, at Apothecary Hail, 232 Broad street, by GARVIN & liAINES. nov 23 f MOFFaT fc vegetable LIFE MEDICINES I 'I'IIEsF. medicine* »;e >ncebted for th#-;r name X. to th ir mar. *-»l and sensible action in pu -^ 1 (ring the >f ring ar.d channel* ot life, an J j .hera wiih rem-wed tori« and 'izor. In nanv hun- I dred ce.-nfied cases whi-n has been made public, and in alir< st even spre es of to which .he human fram* is liable, the happv eIT cl» of MOFFAT'S LIFE PILL> AN 1> PHKNiX 811- | TEK> have been grs'efui’y and publi.-ly ac- j ■ nnwkdged by the perso’i* bei eSiued, an i who j itpt prt»i .us:y nnacquamled wi n th- r*enu iluily J so} h;cai pnr.ciple- upon which they art-: • mpounfed, and upon which they e.naequently ! act. The LIFE MEDICINES recommend them-civea. inciaeases «l every form and «le*C'ip*ion. Their d'-l opera:ion wto Ic-uaen from the c rus of the j -tomaih a d th- various HBparilies and j r., nies co: tan - y *el «.g ar und ilietu ; anc. i-i 'cifrive t .e banit-n»d tae es which coi.ect tinio usuw.e of the *maiiest iutesnite*. Oiher ra dicii.e* o ly partially cleans*• these, and 1 ave u h<- ■; c-c te m s-e* Uhind as to produce hab:tu- ■ a c<*tiveo« ss with il it> trai . ofeviU. or in a sod den dai H.m, wx h its* mment ianger*. Tins tact s well known to a.I reg ■. ar anatom-sis. who ex amine the hum in bowels after cealb ; ami ft.e prejudi e of ihose vxe 1 informed nu-n agams* , .a- rw n.e ■« ;> es—i.r medteiuts prepared a: d h-r --•aded to the | uMk bv igimmi.l p rs*»r *. '1 tie *e x*iid effect ot the l.ne Medic.nes is to cleanse ihe kidneys -.net ihe b a ;der, an i by inis means, the over ai.d the iunrs, trie healihiul action of which j j tntireiy dej-eoc.- ui-»n the regularity ofihe unt. iry , o r ga!is. i he l ord, w .’.h h laki-s its red color iroia ! the agency <>f trie liver and the lungs before n I pa»-es into ;he hear, Ix-iug thc> purifitd by them j and nouri» - ed by Usd coming .> -ra a clean atom 1 a.- h, course* free.y :h o»;g:. the\e.ns. renews every part of the sisum and inurapfianlly mounts t:.e '■•s' ner of health tn the blooming clieek .Moffat's Vegetable Medi<-ine. have been th .rucgii y at'es-toi. and pronounced a s iven- gn remedy :or ysq-epHa, F.alule -cy, Palpitation I He Heart. ot Appetite, Heart-buna and Head-; a«-:ie, lie*; e>s < s-, lil-temper, Anxiettr, Laneu *r ( ? irid Ale.ani f.oly, Costivenesa, Diarrhoea, t ln.i-ra. Fever* of an kinds, Rlieuraar s n. bout, Dropsies «, t a.i kind. Gravel, W onus. Asthma and Cxnsump t. >n, Sctrvj, L . erg, liiveierate Scorrmiic Eruptions ar.d Rad Complexions, Eruptive com - , paints. Sallow, Cloudy, and oiher disagreeable * •mr exioi.*. Sait Klieuin. Erysijel.s, Common ('ohis and influenza as d various oilier complain g w*iich affin t tt»e hun a- frame. In fever and ague, particularly, ihe Life 'l<-dicines have been mostem nently successful; to much so that in the | Fev r ar.d Ague districts. Physicians almost um j versa!ir presence ii.rm. Ail iLal dr. Moffat rcqu.res of his palient is t j be particuiarin taxing the Lile IJeiicino; -tru tly acc *nimgto the direction*. It is not by a news . paper nonce, or any ih.’g that be tiimscil may say in their la\»j-, that he- hope* to gain credit. It is affine by the resui of a lair trial. Jh'FfA I’- - ' MEDICAL M.\Nl AL; designe>! a' a d mn-ic guide iu health —'l h » little pamphlet edited by W. J> Muff it 370 Dfuadway New V ork, i has Seen published tor the purpme of explaining more fully Mr. Moffa. s the. ry of diseases, and wili be found hgh y interesting to person* *eeki g lieaiih. It tr*-iis upon prevalerit di»<?as( s, and ihr ! caust* iher-' t. Price via cents—for sale by Mr MuUat’h ageiiG generally. These valuable ru< di mea are for sale bv W.M. >1 D’ANTIGNAC, ole Agent for Augusta. mar Radical Cure of Hernia or Rupture, b> m . Cha-»e ? s improved .surgeons r Trusses. /"B AHE subscuber has opened an office, al the Drug j sto.e of Messrs. J. J. Robertson i; Co., so: ti e treatment o: Hernia or Rupture, by means of these U'tiy celebrated instalments. He has now u*e ! ’ them for nearly a year, and. did not delicacy forbid, he could name several persons who have been radi cally cured, of trus truly distressing and dangerous aiteclioD, by the used these Trusses, be sides many oti.ers whu are in a fairway of being entirely re lieved. The following is the language of the com mittee ot the Philadelphia Medical society on the Radical Cure of He.ma. ** ihe instruments of Dr. Chase have cflected the permanent and accurate retention of the in testines in every case of Hernia observed by the committee, without material inconvenience to the patient, and often under t.ials more severe than are usually ventured upon ty those who wearcther tru-'t-s; t.iais tuat would be imprudent with any other apparatus known to the committee.” “ The committee are induced by the foregoing I conclusions to recommend, in strong terms, the in struments of Dr. Chase to the confidence of profession, as the best known means ol me chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the highest chances of radical cure.” The fol.owing is from the houlhern Medical and Southern Journal, published in our own city. “ Ail must admit of the radical cure of henua, and that Dr. Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the best yetopvented to effect the oLjecL” Arsons from a distance can have the instruments applied, upon application at the office, and ail ne cessary information given to enable them to adjus j it themselves. The poor, who are laboring under this asHicling complaint, will be treated gratuitous ly upon presenting a certiucate.frorn ble person, of I heir pecuniary disability. 'I he instruments are of ah sizes, and applicable to every variety of reducible rupture, feb 2(J ‘ V. AL ROBERfSON, M. D. TO THE FACULTY AND HEADS OF FA JULIES. DR. MILES’ COMPOUND EXTRACT OF TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and docs not belong to the family of quack medicines; for the reason that liie component parts aie made known to the faculty, or any one else that may wish to know, by any of the agents keeping them for sale. Since tins discoveiy so long and an\- lously looked for, some one in almost the cxtre.i« North has advertised a Tomato Pill, purporthrg'i j be made from the stalk, a thing not more aosuiu I than for one to offer meal from the com stalk, to j -ay nothing of the difficulty of raising the 'Tomato , so far North. Dr. .Mile-, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the ) Tomato Pills (proper) for the great benefits ol which, he holds himself bound, and in honor piedg- , ed to prove by their use, that they are ail that they j rofess to be, and will do for otheis what they 1 have done for such as mav have used them ; as i his is a vegetable of gieat use, and value, it will loubt ess be valuable information to families to know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much of the bapatine, or active principle, and when used as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the system in much better condition than the othei kind ; many will recollect with what trembling anxiety calomel has been given to children, and how they then wished for a substitute, it lias long been known that, the Tomato contained ca thartic principles, but not until of late was i: a jcertaint j tnat .uey contauicu alterative and diu retic properties. 'The Faculty embrace and use the piepaiation most cheerfully, for the reason that they know what it is Were it a patent mystery, they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they justly do ttie one thousand and one cure-alls of the day. if you wish to cleanse the system with a mild, sa.e anti-bilious medicine, use the Tomato Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon heir, his city. W'c ali know something aoout mis. jure 9 HAYS’ LINIMENT. fllillS fine article is warranted to cure Piles or Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken for it. GLARIXG FRAUD! A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an attempt upon this article, and several have been nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy it, unless it has the written signature of COMSTOCK if Co. on the splendid wrapper, l hat firm have the only right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from them is warranted perfectly innocent and elleciual in all cases. N. B. Always detect the false by its rot having the above signature. The true sold only by COMSTOCK Sf Co., Wholesale Druggists, Xo. 2 Fletcher-st N. Y. SOLOMOX HAYS, Original Rroprietor. The genuine is for sale by GAR VIN HAINES and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly Jan 9 TO physicians. y|NHE subscriber oilers his possessions in JL Wiightsbo.O to any Physician who mav wish to occupy a stand that has obtained a a name a • ong locations for the practise of medi cine. There is a good dwelling containing nine rooms, &c. Apply to the subscriber at Wrights boro- C. H WILSON, may 9 w4t cma jours, OR ' GONORRHOEAL SOLUTION, Warranted fc cure in Fire Days. ' | IIIS inc3mparaFi'e and invaluable remedy ?o I lors knovvr>, stad used with such unparralleied success in th* Canadas for the last 30 yeats, ap pears to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the human system is such that it invariably acts like a charm, for the relief and radical cure of a certain common and disagreeable “Ills the flesh is heir to.” This prize obtains its own name from the certain 1 success hich has attended it through ai of its trying c cum«tnnces, namely, “five davs," —the • same su .e*s which followed it in a Northern lati tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue and hazard by '1 Cheveres, from the celebrated Indian Chief Wabexothe, or Great .Moon, whilst ne, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu siness m the North-west with the Indians W abenoshe prizeo highly and use it with invariable success throughout his two tribes. Its known and valued virtues have already enriched to an a most incredible extent the cbi.dien of this warlike prince, not only by actual sale of the article itself to in dividual. but by parting with copies of his receipt at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of Ind.uns In America, with a solemn promise to the Great Spirit, i ever to divulge the ‘ait of its com position until he sleeps with bis lathers,” although free to use it in t;:eir respective tribes, which places it in the hands of every Indian who rely witk, 1 may say, religious conndence on its cura ble powers. Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can be anglisized of the deed given by Wabenoshe, to M. Cbcvcret, wiien he purchased the original recipe, and hsd twice assisted the Chief himself through t c tedious manipulatory proce<s of manufacture Few white men would credit the length of lime which i> consumed in preparing the article lor im mediate use. TRANSLATION. *‘l, W abenoshe. Chief of the nations Ottowa and Chippewa, tor the love and good feeling which 1 have for my while friend M. Chevercl, . for he ha? done many good tilings for me and my people,) 1 give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness which ray children have had sent among them as a punishment by the (.real Spirit, and hope that iu bis bands it may do much good, and make him very rich.” Signed \VABINOSHE.his X mark. Witness APPAHO, his X mark. EVERETT LAYMAN, HILL AM .MCA K IE, J. B. ROY, R. O. DUPUIS, J. S. CARDINAL. This Medicine, I warrmt by this publication, un der a penalty of $5,000, not to contain one parti cle of r-jrrosite preparation, it is purely vegata ble in its essences. lt> first and prominent virtue is to subdue every ve-tige of inflamatton, and then act= mildly and copiously as a diuretic ; thereby holdmg within itself, every requisite virtue, for the suadaction of tins loathsome malady—and ev ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain tue a-senion, tl at copious diuresis and reduction of in flation, are the only two things uece-sary to etfect a sound and radical cure The mod peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,” i« in this, that wnerever it alone has been used to artect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree able consequences which almost invariably re-uits Irom the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, humoi alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other or the mos; loatii-ome, perplexing, and di agreeable di— eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and treatment of Gonorrixea. Those a fleeted aie requested to call and try for t erase!ves. It the are we 1 follow ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be returned. You can do w hat you please and cat what you please. To be had at Antony A Haines, No. 232, Broad street, who a;® the only authorised Agents in Au gusta. A:1 iders addiessed to them, will be promptly attended to. Fo. sale, also,by U rn. B. Wells A Co. Druggists, Athens; andP. M. Cohen A Co. Charleston, au 29 | SQi W I CHALLENGE. The genuine o**l* French Pil s against all ihe QC AC K SUj* 1 RMI 8 of *he age—lor ihe cure of * • * • • * Tne French Pills are applicable in a’! rases, loi either sex, (w orranted Iree from Mercury,! and pos ses'es great amvaniage* over the Habamt and all liquid medicines, by <»eing entire'y free from smell, and conseqtitutly do not effen ihe breath, thereby presenting the possibility o 1 discovery while using ih in. Besides this important advantage, thev never j disagree w i:ihe stomach. and in Hie first Ktag<-a of the disease they usually etfect a cure in a few days, wi h little regard to met or exposure. In ih. 1 most obstinate stages of the disease, they i areequnliy cerium, having cured many alter even other remedy !: d failed, in short they have t;een so universally 7 success lul that the proprietor chal : knges ai.v one i<» produce a remedy of equal cer ' tainty, under alortmureof Three Hundred Dollars ii.VKKIsCI.Ho, Dec. lU, IhuS. Or. Valicr —DearJ-ir: Aboui a m .mh ago, 1 sen; to you tor iti-ee ftoxts of y our t rench Pills, and leel | ranch ooiig»-d to you tor furnishing me with a medi ! cine so i tleclual ami so pleasant to us*-. U hen 1 sent or y our i il.» J had been troubled w ith the disease fur nearly 6 months, and had tried a great many meuicines without any etfect Dming the first six werhs 1 wa* under a Physician of ibis pi *ce, but fiiiujug htile or n<» chance of hemg cored t»y him, 1 left him, and a few days after visited Philadelphia, where i bought a • anely of advertised specifics almost enough to slock an aj>oil4ecary shop, and ail of this i look w ith tlie same success as b<- lore, 1.-avn.g t..al c*** *d smell of the balsam be hind them, winch 1 think I tan smell to this day Not Knowing wnai to resort to next a~d seeing you French Pil’sbmv;r.set. m me Puoltc Ledger, determined to try them, and arn only sorry 1 uid iu gei them soone», a* it might have savtd me fort dollars and have cured me long ago. My object i writing to you a< present, is to p ocure some of ih medicine lor tvvoot ray friends, who are in th same kind of a scrape. You will therefore pleas send by ihe bearer six boxes, and oblige, Yours respectfully, H R. F. S.— It n will l>e any advantage, you may pub lish the above, with ihe initials. 'J hege mine Frem h Pills are lor sale in Augusta by llavdand Risiey A: Co., Thomas Barrett Ai Co. and ny Ncison Curler. Prn e, §2 Uo per nox, with lull nirection* ’,une 6 ly ~ “ ~ “ *’ I Du. u. BPOHN, a German pny»>ciat. ol much no.e, navmg ctevoieu ms attention .or some years mine cure arm removal o. meet uses o| NER VOUS AND SlCiv HEAD aClih, has ihesaiis- K.cnon lo make known, lha. tie has a remedy which by removing ihe causes cures effectually and perma neniiy this distressing complaint. '1 here are many tanuaes who have considered bick Headache a coa st UUUonai incurable family complaint* Dr. ». as sures them that ihey are mistaken, ai'd labouring i under distress which tncy might not only alleviate, j but actually eradicated by the us if his remedy. ii is iheresuh of scientific research,and Is cmirely of a dillerenl character tram advertised paient medi cines, and is not unpleasant to the taste. HEADACHE, SICK OR NERVOUS. The extraordinary reputation that Dr Spobn’a remedy lor this distressing rumpaim is every day gaming is certainly a matter of much astonishment, That so in ich sutiering should have existed lor ages without any discovery of an effectual preveniiv j, or cure, is truly a subject of much regret but Dr. 8. 1 now assures the public that such a r. rneoy has been invented as will convince the must credulous. Ihe principles on vvhi« h it acts are simple and plain. Lis an a united tact mat this corap.auu, w hether called Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim arily from the stomach —those v\ ho think they have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that ihis organ, the stomach, is the first cause, mat ih * gy s . :em has become vitiated or debiluaied, tlnougb ihe siomach, and that only through the same channel must they expect s restoration of ihe natural and healthy Junctions of fh* system. 'J bis object, Dr. remedy is eaaiiieuily calculated io attain. The truth of I his position cannot be controverted, and ihe sooner sufferers with the headache become convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end in restoration of health, Dr. fcipohn pledges his prr fessionai reputation on this fa<*t. ’J ne remedy may be had of apothecaries generally throughout the United Mtaies. For sale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 232 Broad-street, Augusta. mar 26 , O. COMIVS DYSPEPTIC BITTERS. . PERHAPS mere is IlOCfung ;scr* crfci'ate»l lo • disgust tne public eye than the innumerable j advertisements oi nostrums that are consiaufly ap rx anr g :n the pu’ihc prints. Ail a'e ready icex | claim,our souls ane su k.our ears are pained with every day’s reports of ills and specifics. Tkis of 1 hr* public mind would seem lo forbid any person of delicate mind from sending forth any new di>- covones in medicine, lo the trial of th* psblic.— Stilt, motives of delicacy should not prevent us trora making known real discoveries, w hich we are con fident will benefit our fellow men. This laner consideration has prompted ihe aotburol tliesebi:- • ers to make them known. He knows ihey are high ly efTcanous, for he fnmseif, las w ife, and many friends, have given them a thorough trial. He was himselt a ronfirmed dyspeptic,so much, that even his re< ol!e« tion was gone. Hy using these hilfers be has f<eeri re.-tored to health. Mr>. Cosby was • n übleo for ma*iy years,but was restored io health by 'he use ot these hitters. This has been the case with many of lus (rinds. Ct>sby in seridir<c forth tins advert isemer.t, add reuses tho*e who ki»->vv him. He has been for many years a resident of Aususta ai wfiicti place he ran at any lime b cunsiiUid about ihe bitiers. They are good in all cas* s ofdisi-ases of the digestive «>rsans, the symp toms of w hich are indigestion, pain or oppression io the stomach from hu*!, loss of apjefite, flatuh-n --«v. heart urn, guldiness in the liead. pain in the side, shortness of breath, lassitude, gene al weak r.es-, uisiu. bed s.eep, Ac The composi n»n is en iirely Ko'anical, an’ has proved efficacious w h<-n fu*»ny celebraied medicines had failed. In.-opfuirt of which he refers tUernlo Freeman W. I acy, she riff of Richmond count , and U illiam T. Thomp son. edhor -t the A’j.usia Mirror, and he might re ter you (o many others, but deems it onne essary. as ne is wilting to pace it on its own merits. Ail fie asKs is ur most wno are afflicted with tne dyv peo>ia lo give it a trial. 1h« y can be tiad at T. IT. Plant’s book-store, \n;::!s:3, and •»! (• Cosby himself, at the corner of V\ ashiny..o and Eios-Rireetn. h.HM /,\ (J- HAI.SKS, Druss'ittf, Aucue'.ri. ! h I/.I IA W// \D % Savannah. J'WID REID, Macon. hR4 \C 7.N OH I F.R, Druggist Columbia,S C SI) CLARK Co. Druggists, Hamljurg nov 30 j v ' great celebriiyof thi» unrivalled Compo- JL siiion,espe< rally in the Northern Stares, leaves the proprietor but huieneed lossy any thing in its favor: lor it has been generally conceded to ir,that it if beyond alt comparison th? be*t remedy for n terna! < ~mpiaint» mat ha* ever been discovered. Indr.-ed I he*peed and rertamty of iia opera: ions, have it»<* sppearsßfpof mi rar-les : as ulcers, wouuds, corns.fever sores,chilblains, white swefhng®, bite f, piles, spider and snake bite*, Ac. Ac., immediately yield to U« superhuman influence. Thus, it prop erly applied a w .It remove an inveterate corn or break ai.J Leal a biie in five uays. will allay and perfectly < urean uk-er in tno weeks, aiid the most d« >pe:a:e ch*l-«of while swelling that can be ima gii i-d have been destroyed fiy a in less than two months. fn>he bites of poisonous reptiles it* effi cacy is truly surprising, and if applied in lime, its powers of attraction are so wonderful than hr y will at once arrest the pots m and thus prevet.l it from perva ting the system It is likewise greatly supe ru»r to any medicine heretofore discovered fur the dialed nark and limb- of horse*—lor letiers, ring worm.', chapped Iq s—and in short, for every extei nal UKiiiv uu Uuu uiav fail u> the tot ui tuan or . beast. 'i he pfcpr.etor Ins received at a thousand certificate*, ai»d other d *cuments, in irvo' of his ** s*pe«-ific Oiium nt,” upward* of a hundred ol w r.i.-h w ere v. mien by re«q«ectabie members of the Meoical Faculty. Albany, July 9th, 1837. To Dr. Harrison. .“ir —1 use your Specific Ointment in my practice, and cordially recommend u as a most efii< ient rerne dv |.,r Tumors, I ice f s VV hue Swellings, s>cr»»ful i. Rheumatic Pams, Chapped f’ai e. Lips and Hand*: and f>r genera! external compiabtis. 1 w rite it.is ai ihe reqm-st of vour agent here, who furn.she* me w uti i t.e at note, and am pleased io liave u in my jiuvvtr lo award honor io merit. RUFUS K. BEACH, M D. Brooklyn, N. \ Oct. 29, H3B. I>ear Sir —My daughter,a g.rl of loune*n, was sadly afflicted witn ittecomp aim that physicians termed a scald head ; and I feared, indepe dent of everi other «v il. thai she would be bald m conse quence By the recoramendaiton, however, of me Reverend .Mr. Perrin, 1 applied your oininu-nt lothe afflicted part ; and i thank God that my child is now •niirriy recovered from the disease, and is getting hi r hau as fast as can be expected The cure w asetTicitd in rather less than two months : during w turn umc 1 us* d fiv dollars worth of oint ment ; 1 had spent upwards of a hundred dollars doling tlie previous three > ears, wnhuut any benefit whatever. MARY HOWARD. 1 hereby substantiate the truth ot the above statement CHRISTOPHER HOWARD. 1 Know the above siaremtni to be correct,ami I can a.id Ouitoienl,” is en excellent medicine for external complaints .MATTHEW PERuI.N. Boston, Jan. 7, 1b37. Dear Sir—l have to request of you io forward me, two hundred boxes ol Ointment by the taosl immediate conveyance, and without regard iu ihe expense ol carnaec, as 1 am quite oui, and much in wani ol it. —Yfu know ray estimation of y> ur valuableiMacuvery, and therefore J shan only add, mat limber« xjieuence ha* increased mv etilbosi a*m and estatihslieu me m the opinion, that n is su perior lo an> retru dy extant for external diseases. Respectfully vour.-, CHARLES P. EMERSON, M. D. New Orleans, .March 20;h, IS3B Dr. Harrison s>ir —1 he virtues of your Specific Ointment, have been long known to me,as 1 tiave used none oilier in my rat lien xiensive practice lor several years,and if y~u ifirak it wuuid be to your a.Jvantage, 1 can furnish you with twenty <-ernfica.es ot important cures w Ini h n tias effected under my own jmme diale inspection : ihe lasi living one of a severe and appaie-mly ulcer, in xlie back of a poor woman, .Mary Baxter vv Ik» resides in 216 Di vision street, which it completely healed in twenty one days. .My present chiet object in writing to you, is *o learn who is your authorised agent m this ctiy, for,being ui want of a supply of your omt invtit, and the |>er4oii .Mr. Boyle, Irom whom I used lopun hase it,havii.g taileii and gone out of busi ness, I am fecrlul it i purchaseai randura, that J may be imposed on b\ a coumerfeit Vour obedient servant EDWARD RAMSEY, M. D. Cincinnati, August U, 1837. Dr Harrison. 6ir, —1 have no hesitation in stating, m reply to 1 your note, that your ** Specific Omnium” is uuly equal lo the majority of the ends for w inch you rc coinni: nd it. 1 qualify my certificate by the word majority,as it is my maxim lo give no opinion in ' medica. matters where J tiave had no experienc'd, j in sprains,bruises, inflammations,eruptions, whit lows, piles, Ac.,u ism. universal recipe- 1 have j al-o used it on the leg of a boy which had been ; b.lten by an adder, and Hie extraction of the poiscm, and ulinnate cuie was so rapid, thut my pa'.ieni was a* well as ever in a week ; and has remained so to I this day Y ours respectfully, HENRY JACOBS, M. D. Extract of a letter from Dr. J. VV. Sanders, oi Louisville, Ky October 8, 1837. “ lam prepared lo say, that for Rheumatic Pains, i and the Sore Breasts ot females, Harrison's Specific ’ Hint merit has no superior, it indeed it lias any equal | in tne whole catalogue of exiernal medit i. es, a« known and prescribed in this coumry.” Extract of a letter from Dr. Pot.s,ol Utica, N. Y'., j Dated July 28, iBo9. . Harrison’s Specific Ointment ’is, in my opinion, a most important discovery ; and is particiflarly elfi citm in s< roiula«, ulcers,sure legs, ei upturns, and j general uu'ward complaints. 1 speak of its merit * j from an experience ol lour years.” New Orleans, January 4th, 1837. This will certify that my lace and neck were a!- most entirely covered b> an enormous ringworm ; and thai afier the trial of a variety of ineffectual remedies, 1 was completely cured of it in two months, by the use ol Harnson’s Specific Omi ment.” Edgar fo&set. For sale, w holcsale an retail, by Haviiand Ris ky A Co., Thomas Barren A Co , Nelson Carer Antony A Haines, and homos I. Wray A Sun.— ’ Retail price, 5U cents per box, wan tail direcions. une 5 iy ' I 'HESE Pilb are no longer among those of doubt " fu. utility. They have parsed away from the hundreds that are daily launched upon tioc tide of experiment, and now M.anJ before the public as j in reputation, r? esten®!veiv employed in ali parts ol the United States, the Canada®. feaai Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine that has ever been prepared fur the relief of suffering man. I hey have been introduced wherever it was found possible to ca.ry them ; and there are but few towns that do not contain some rema.ka; ie evidences of effects. The certificates that have been presented to the propiietor exceed twenty thousand! upwards of five hundred of which are from regular practising physicians, wn? are the most comj-etent judges of their merits. Often have the cures performed by this medicin been the subject of editorial comment, in variou newspapers and journals; and it may with truth be asserted, that no medicine of toe kin ] has ever re ceived testimonials of greater vaiue thin are at tached to Ibis. They are iu general u?e as a family medicine md there are.lhousand.' of families who declare they re never satisueu until they have a supply always on hand. T hey have no rival in curing and preventing Hii ious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, hick Headache, Jaundice, A?thma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the >; Seen, Pile®, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Furred i ongu«, Nausea. Distension of the Stomach an d Dowels, locipieatDiarrhcE3,FlaiuieDce,Haoitu al Costiveness, Lo>s of Appetite, blotched or Saiiow Complexion, and in cases of torpor of the bowels, ■a here a cathaiticor aperient is needed Tuev are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping no debility. The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, tv a highly re>;-ectable Planter of Wake County, No Ca ,March 3d, 153 m Dr. Fetei? —Dear Sir, By request of youra;en», Mr. Harrison, I send you a few line® re>pectiag the a’mon miraculous effects of your pii*s ; and I would a .d, tnat you may maireuse ol them, in connection with my name, in any manner you deem proper. I ■ "peak of their merits from expeiience.a® 1 and my family have taken upwards 01 thirty toxc® in three } ; and ®r. great are t;.c bene;.ls we have receiv ed from them ;n general, that I « .. • ,_ r ppt cha<e them ai ten do, la.® a cox than have my h ..use witiiout them. I will not enumerate iheafflictions they have relieved us of; but 1 can assure you they were many, and of very opposite natures, whicn has fully proved to me that y o-r medicine i; a sim ple punher of the system, and therefore equally the enemy of every disease. Iwi.l mention one case. I have a sister who had been for a .ong je nod severely afflicted w ith dropsy in the cnest and was brought by it to tbevery verge of t;.e grave. She wa® attended by the mo®t eminent phvsicians that money could procure; but al! their efforts to re®lore her to health, or even to mitigate her suffer ing' were fruitless ; and accordingly,we ali con®.d c;ed he; immediate death as inevitable. cy good fortune, however, as she was in this situation, ex pect ng every day to be her ia>t, your pUls were introducer: into my family, and so speedy and pal pable w ere their effects t.-.at three doses visibly ie lieved her, and in less than three months she was perfect y restored to health. This case, I and all who were w;t;.ess of it, . but more e®pecia.lly the suffering party,] con?idereu to be the next thing to ; miraculous; and yet 1 could mention many more of an c iually desperate nature, in which yourpi..® were equa ly successful ;n the pct.ents Dorn the jaw® of death. Need I add tl at the popu larity of your medicine amounts te enthusiasm :n ■ the* section of the country .' But this 1 presume you know from the immense quantity you dispose ,ol i may mention, however, that notwithstanding its general u®:*,l never heard an individual compUia of it> effects. My re®. ;encc is i-n.hes from i-a. eigh,onthe; I am, with sen timent' of regard, your ob’t -enact. A. G. BANKS. To Dr. Fetei?.—Sir—For upward' of t.fteen months, 1 have been c.ueily afflicted w.th f ever and Ague; and dunng the time ou.d ned notiiiug — though 1 had applied to every thing that gave me any thing like permanent re.ief. At length, ho w ever, your pills weic xeci/mmended to me, by one of om best pit\sicians, and 1 am mo t grateful and happy in being able to add. that I had scarcely used tw o boxes w;,en I found that they had restored me to perfect health, hince t..ec, various members of my fan,;;> have used them with eqnal success — ai d consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise vou of the tact, and to request of you to publish this certincate, a® I am anxious to add my public tC'Li mony to the almost miraculous i.rtue® of your un rivailed medicine Respectfully vours, THEODORE JAMES. Augusta, Ga.. Feb 10, 1539. Communication received from the eminent Dr. J. If. Irwin of Florence, Gee; gia ; Dr. J. F. Peters —My Deai Sir—On the night of the 11th lust., 1 was called in great haste to the house of a fel ow ci.iaen, (Mr. Lee,] where i found bis son laboring under a mo?t alarming attack of Cynaucbe Tracneaiis (Cronp] and apparently be yond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for tune, however, 1 had in my pocket a broken box of youi pills —four of w hich 1 administere w ith ®uch immediate happy effect luat in a lew minu.es my patient was at euro, and out of danger. - i lus case,in connection with n.y name is at your ser vice —and 1 nave the pleasure to be able to inform you thatyour inestm.ai .e medicine i® in such srreal favor with lhe tacu.ty here, that 1 oeLeve tlicle is not one of them who does not use it in hi® private practice. Your? most resp’y. March 13, 1539. J. 11. IRWIN, M. D. Extract horn a letter written by Dr. Francis Bo gait,of Providence, K. 1.. Dec. 17, 1535.—i etcis’ pills are an exce lint aperient and cathartic medi cine, lho'»' elitets being produced by the differences of the quantity taken,and are decidedly superior to Lee's, bramlretii’s or Morrison’s Fill®. Extract fiom a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor, Me , Jan. 9, 1539 1 hey are a peculiarly mild,* et effkicut purgative medicine, and prouucc Buie, u any, griping or nau®ca. 1 have prescubed them with much success in ?ick headache and 'light , ij lious fever. Exliact of ale ter by Dr. Joseph Williams ol Burlington, \ t., July 9, foST.—I cordially recom mend Peters’ Ftils as a mildly effective, and in no case dangerous, family medicine. They are pecu liarly inllutalia! in costivcne®s and ail the usual discasesof the digestive organs. Extinct of a leltei from Dr. Edw. Smith of Mua trcal, U. i scpl. -’7, 1536. —I never knot a >iag.c patent medicine that i could put the least couii dence m but Dr. Filers’ \ egetable Fills, w hich arc really a valuable discovery. 1 have no hesitation in having it known taut 1 use them extensively in my practice,lor ali complaints, (and they are not a lew; which have then source iu the in purity ol the blood Extract of a letter from Lr. Dye of Quebec, L. C., March t>, 1337. —For bilious fevers, sick heud ache,torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen, Feler’s Fills are an exce.lent medicine. Extract ol a letter from Dr Gurney of New Or leans, Da., Get. 9, 1537.—1 have received much as sistance iu my practice—especially in jaundice and yellow fever, Horn the use of Peters’ Dills, 1 pre sume that, on an average, 1 prescribe 100 boxes in a month Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson. N. \., Jure 3, 1530. —1 was aware that Dr. Peters was one of the best chemists in the United Stales and felt assured that he would some day (from his* intimate knowledge of the properties of herbs and diugs) produce an efficient medicine, and 1 must acknow ledge that his Vegetable Fills fully respond to my expectations. They are indeed a* superior medicine, and redect credit alike upon the Chemist tne Fhy simian, and the Philosopher. i-v, iw L.X. is tin *.• cc. v«a. r 7, 13^7 Having used Dr. Peters Fill® in my practice lor he last twelvemonths, 1 lake pleasure* In giving my testimony of men good effects in cases of dys : pepsia, sick liead-acnc, bilious level's, and other l diseases, produced by inactivity of the liver. They ; are a safe and mild aperient, being the best aitiue ; of the kind i ever used. GEORGE C. SCOTT M. D. Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of Baltimore, Dec. 17,1536. —1 am in the daily habit of prcsi ri bing them, (Peters’Fills) and they in nearly all cases answciedmy purpose, i have discarded othei medicines, some ol them very good ones, in their favor. Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 1, 1837. I ear Sir 1 have made frequent use of your Fills in the incipient stage of bilious fever, and obsti nate constipation of the bowels; alsc,in the en largement ox the sp een, enrome diseases of me liver, sick head-ache, general debility, and in all case nave icunu mem to ne very enective. i U. BOYD M | Extract o! a -file: Dr War.,*, rj . v h.„ t , ff.eir opCFatioas, ana } tt most 61 leexs, oi any mat i nave eve: me: w.- a ; c of izht and twenty years 7 heir action cuy.e, and hence on the impurities of the • rl, lhe evidently very surprising. ‘ v '-> I The®e much approved and justly celebrated r are sold waole®a.e an re-j.,,. at New ■,, ‘ 1 by Haviiand Ri?iey A Co., Thomas Barrett v and Nelson Carter,and Ly a., the phnu a | r/°-« gi=t? throughout the United Mate., the f s , r Texas,Mexico andtr.e West ladies cents per box wcoiesa.e price, J 4 p^ r jui»e 3 **• OU L’KLIXJK DE L AMOUR rpHE *uhscri!>er has Hie f’easare n a:,no nnrp 1 to the citizens of the U. States. ’r ;s - I, ? purchased, for a very large sera and fn m ventor, Ihe celebrated Dr. Magma, or p , r^ e ’ r ‘ recipe ar d richt for makir-g this as’ r. ,-r. 11 cine J'ntil the appearance of the - dial, ’ ahN.ui three year® ssnee. :» was :u, j/j the complamls,which it .®peedi y •v* r . roe® I beyond the reach of human rena-dy of a thouaanc y«ars. they had ir.e i and ingenuity of lhe most prohn;n/j pr.u all pars ol the world. Thi* Cordial, r/.jwn CT 7 the great pu’.an'ageof the buinar rs'e.fo,® p.] ’ ? its*.l to be trie desidentun; so long toesr.r < according v, n itwi:r.*t&nd:r»t: e bnet n dos ■ exiaieme.i: r.a> required a celebriiy m great. .1* : it is eagerly inquired \>>r through/ 'ii w.l c , v j globe. I>r .Yfagi.in soonhndn-g that •<* waiM vast &s •» render a supply r \‘ posc-d of the recipe end right ol sale, under V a imna of secrecy, l»r England, the I iii >..]• and uthci countrit-B,only freserv;; ? hrat re £•*’ Italy f.>r kimseif. '1 r.t.s baa lire eut rov »r ec-ssed i. rnseif of the i:.va ur S'e hasten®, to give the in; ah.iar,i s of Lia hr;e cf 2*- e t i suf_h;s speeniaiKTi. ‘ le t ordial De Lucme, ‘ or, in Eng >h, Lucira t oniial,"’i®a general invigorat .r < f • , human frame! In all ihe various cases of lassitude, and liebiiitaiion ; ii is an urd'aning r,n.,-.' dy ;asit i* equs. t y ; g proTii.ee to tmpnri et.eerfa nets and ceri'.on lo He rnir d, as bea.Hi ar c i.» ' r [ L. the rod/ Bui the virtue on wg.;. , | c-eleHriiy is hrast d, is me lac.my and eertai .iv whw ii n reatores lhe virile power.® ihey [ be»n r esrroie®. hy c.s; ase.iiu.e.ierl iessnes® ra.r ;r of the numerous causes which terminate ia ol i ho*e fund tons. In r n.n!‘ n watt lhe genera’ny of reai.r rr«edicii;«. ti.rsl ord.a. CM!iia.a» iioihir.g ..f a ne-. rial sc - bm nature, amor.i dient* w luch compose n ; but U, at the saniV :.Lf s:r»ple, yet so t tficacjous, n.at while it cs.-, vate li.e pros.ra 'e*i energreaof a giant, u in^,r ,. may use it.not only with impunity, tut w A a.;, i vane ge The usages of society are urifonunaTelv such I that, notwiihslai.d.ng she Vn. fits whi r h w'&u.g be sure to result fr«.m it. weeancotemer n :oansi.a;v. so ol ihm me nmabieCordial here, rpc narr ol thedvicumerds whi h have been re eived y vouchers ol it»e foe?sings it Las c nferred oo n.nj. j bers of desj aiang individuals iioi iu vk cannot forbear remarku g— that a has t een cemoiutr&id that there i a scarcely ever, it any ?u« n :n;ng at a... a* i.aiu-a. t»arrc-r.r.e.'S, or as natural imbecility of ihe pr*ereant lunc:ioi..',in eifbersex and • Leiefbrt ibai ib« *eevils aie the ot arunttal i and may be speedily subdued «nd removed by me u»e ol “ Le f ordia. ire Lneioe.'’ l he Lu* ir.a Fordid i? a.so to indu i ab.e cere fi.r i-.eG eei.and ihe Fluor Albe s ,or .®trd.-;e; tc.s - r } ainlui Mens' un.i-.n; also, for ihe .rrotj- \ imei.ct "i I ni.e,«»r n.c-vuii-ii'a-y ui? oh Ii i? l.newi*e art invaluable atcj u.r'vsced meti.i in case* ct Chronic Eruption? of liuskm, ai.d .n Hit drof«>cai affn-iioo»ol i.'.esge®: Most uttp riant to the American tuiuc. ■ s prof r.et.-r of the nlihrMul luc i.a Coroi*:. 'or Elixir <»f Lo ve,” so-a? :j w felo.e tl.e cucnmonity, ibe lui owmg cemfirut, which he has received trumthe mveni .r, ine mas in..a? Dr. Meguui of Fan* / 1 6;* to certify,tfiai I nape »: ?posed of lhe re<if« for tusking the Cordis!.’ ( .r 1 uxir ol Love, arnl r;ntu to se it ihrouer.oui me i i.ned fsijP »so N ,nh Anvecca, ■ to John VN ir.ver* M 1». }Jy reasoas for so d-fog. ' La: i hrf*T ?: . mero/:he above 1 Cordial, which 1 run*, that I am unable ; a., the orders fron ? t ranee uni Fall alone: :.ave therefore d;sfc ied ul lhe privileges .r.iJus, and od.er ceru6caiesui a hke 'aoiure A order to ger.craiise the benefiis ol my c.scovery i\roug!iout the world. Given under n;> na:.d at /‘ari-.on if:® nineteemb day of January, :n t»w? yea- of our Lord, e.ghieeu hundred and ;.,nv ea fiusTt jmem Gast u d Delluc, ) a .Lm .M-rra*. | W “ nes *“ i'oftscript to die cine As vou reque?u dme to siate : ent r.ber of hot !ts ol the Eu. ina Cordiai, ‘w ; ...j . ave already I aMjid. 1 have reltrred lo my hot Ks. ai.u find ii loex- I cted four bundle*; thousand ; while me on-ersnow j <*a hand cannui Be supplied in * months. From an immense number of trs;iinor.!3!s fnjn * the regu.ar iscuiiv, I uch.ng the vinucs of the Cordial, 1 haven; parni uiar selected F.e following, I which may be ol useiu you. You will ai?ufiDd * I number nl others ut l« s* importance ;n< .used Jbu I immediale cert licaie is Iroii* a tKxlt ol e £hi of Hi* ablest u{|-racH!H»ners in I ranee i o Dr.Magiun,mvenfo: ol ihe Euciaa Coniial.or | Elixir ot i-ove Respected and lionoreii Sir; —We have ail in* | vaiit-iy ol cases, ies.l ed ihi * e oarkable effect* ot f your great ducoverv, and have as.-ernhlod lor iw j ; urpose ot bean ng evidence- to ihe Gtis.and ier.:- ermg you Hie honor which is your due Tbe ** i.uciiia I u d.ai’ is ;n our opinion, an ii.iailibe remedy tor the pros’.r*:ion ol ihe Frocreaiit . utic • Ui.ils, and Artificial Barrenness ; and thereto. cu?t j prove a biess.ng lo lhe humaii rate. We ca sa* [ near evidence ihai ;h« re is noii.ingin iiol a aef- I curia I e dt*!eier;ous naiure; and in short.ll ! oneol Ihe Don.es t men mnal discoveries olai.y age tilt leehi.gs ol adnurauuii and nsptci were- I main, dear sir, your obed cm servaß.i. Joaaeim Boasuit, i Jean Blanc, Mgi?inoiid de la Alanine, J Hubert Mevenson, Adrien Dei rand, j Lluis CAuiseau, Uclavc Nnoh, j Fierie B.iflen Estraciut e letter from lhe eiebrated i a!ieyt*Bd, I so Dr Alagnin. lam now on the wrung side of eighty,aid vit 1 I could Be on my honor or oa.h if nei-etsary, ibi * I lx.llleor two ut your Cordial ot Love lias'iaaoeffiC j tcel as vigorous as a boy ol five and twe ay. I f think you have diseoveted the Elixir ol D!b which U;e alchy mist* nave been so lung in quest Jl; sin that (pardon my offictuL'snessp you sbouiillisvtf t named u accordingly. From the eminent Dr. L’evigney, . f Brussel* October 3, 1537. To Dr. Alagnin;—My dear friend—i am gratified at ihe unprecedented popular!;* ol yhuf **Luc nd Cordiai,” and am able 10 hear lestuuoQym f its surprising virtue. 1 had a paneui tenuiiy* I At , a genlieman oi loriune. who ksd Juf several years abandoned hirusell in the vortex dissipation ; and was only reclaimed from il length by ihe utter p rust rat ion of ah ins virffewef g.es. He was, indeed, reduced lo the iast ot debility arid t isteiessness, tor, if an occasion** tlasa of exciieraeni waruud his sysn ra.ihe reac - . lion was almost immidune,and tue r C sUit pertec 1 \ prostration. I had ap*p!ied all the utuai nosiniß* 1 iu such cases ; but, as 1 had an-icipaied, vv thoul success; ana when I saw the ** Enema Coni' 4 * advertised, 1 must confess that even tl.e great weight of your name did not give me much hoj« m k. 4 * ieast so far as regarded ihe case in hand. I k | , bound lo try il,hu\vev r, and was soon salisfi*^ o! i its efficacy; for before a bottle wa.® expended. j patient gave evidence of the returning elasticity ol j lossy st n. ; and he i» now. having used four batik’’ as well is ever. The number of documents, such as ihe ato' 6 w hich have bten received bv .Mr. Aiagniu, first apfaiaraiice ot ** Le Cordiai de Luciiie.” wouni fill a vuiume as large as the Bible. This highly important medicine is for sale by Juke | Winters Holderweli, No. IZ9 Libeny street, Ne« York; Charles B Tyler, No. 7u Cheslnui-st. Fhu 4 delphia; and in Balmnore by KoherisA Atkinson ohn Al. and G. R. Tyler; in ‘.V ashing ton f ity by Tobias a;kins anu Charles ?talt; 11 Georgetown by O. AE Emihaoum; in Kichttonf bv John H. Eustite ; in Fe.ersburg by Thomas anil Dupuy, Kosscr AJoi.es; and in Nat folk by Ai. A. tSamos and B Emerson; Jo.in VN oodiy, No- 65 Foydras st New Orleans iJ j it can also be found at all lhe principal Druj | Stores in South Carolina, and in Augusta, by iiav land Kis ley A: Co . ’J homas Barrett A Co..and Nelson Carter Frice, §3 pe abotile, whb lull I reciwns un*