Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 19, 1840, Image 4

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'I Ur I f <»rna 1- of ft: - 1 ; re. W* here compiled, fr tn variou* $ I toomh, » bkh were com * I author* by tbr lofty pa tr-#*****. vaiur. laieot* ai 1 aaeeM* of Gwenl Har. naoa, fcmg befere he w a*l'«n»; 0f ifca PreAnWinr Ito give them weight mn . ai l ?se p mm#* end ~ r 5 •,!..* .Ofn vt!iir -u flirty rr.v ?r;.:ym;iy ova .'<* agaiiat:.;. K*- w.-if-wofn «cd time- Tnrtfiil^rittec we \tter >nt *?a:f!it the sturki of fe iVrtlwn, we haveateveotyp .... * (ben tin Cemgre** ■>/ the ' ‘ I,! V - , # '' - •' ' ■ ■ • ' . ( '/Tn. i rrr.. ' ***** '-«• fj - \ , !m oe h /i M .%'/// '. V/'/*/ •/y . u *on 1 < I I 1 Hbo Geo. llirru urn | The ion of one of the gtgri if of la .rt of 1 a ■ Uijr the f.i« dze he then y*e, of hie * fiwUßie*life * country | « { _j i the career of f*ero I need not ipeak I 1 ' forty naleeo kientifM trim it* interact*,it* I I' - .ally bak* :> a/c, and dia!; I . ,uy in it.*- coom i« oi hie enantti, he bed been y-.-t mom c “ I>»jrsr.jr the Sato mr, b|W>l long'-r in active «r --■ j '; be wi odenertn action than any one of titan, and oa defeat * Jan.e Matinß*iati{N|aieapp 1 utgmm Dacombav !■*, * “ Whde it m deeply lan.lfited that go many valu <- 5 b aiurao, will *ee enapirh of fortitude ««e*fl hptiua of ire ie»| • led jMQeeewmeh daMmgmsked // - t r rorninmuF.i ori on o*oloo *** rrie« mhsM <4 valor e*lAn*pti Jam#* Mifj m wofitafli le Cmfflmm* No* ' ** An ample feme from £«0 nteln of Kentucky, 0 »,Feaeeyivaom,nod ftqpnie, fe placed, with '4 ' '’' * of Brig i liev(ienerml Harriloo, who poneaaa <fi';re of hi# gellovv coldiern, MUUlig *»h‘/fn are citizen# a I B* of bam id Iflteaj* H iewi diatinfviabcC by daa phtwl »ta tiem I hen by their pnoM'W(ite. w In Mr. Mad meggajij of !i -.. ( foUowa: « The on t*ie - , a pa?- mMIO the territory of the enemy, are >rn* 'iV*e*terl er ,-ierred Ibe wnr ttiift tier,end, i apidly pl(*tnng the boitile lroo;« <o A .forced a general re tiun, wfucti quickly iemeiat#d in the capture el the Briiab, and dapemon f f tlie iavap'c- force. “ 7’Aw rrAu.lt. it signaUf komorabu to Major (h-.n --endHarrwm, by who** vu\nry tab pared. 1 ’ , '\ he following tribute of wai paid to Gen era] Hanieoh, in 1811, bj tlvead the officer# wtio firtlght under fria banner aathe battle of Tippeea nee \ “should our country a, iji'L require our ner\if e to oppo-'- ■ I ivi .zed or a HVUI foe, m ahould MK b uridcr General Harriaoti wi £ th<m <-.t perfect cor.li cence of victory end fame. *• JOEL COOK, If B SURTOPf, NATHAN ADAMS, A HAWKINS} H BURCH6TEAD, HOSE A BLOOD, JOSlb BNEELING, O. G. BURTON, C. FULLEH, GOODING, J. I>. FOSTER. ■ ExtlMt of I kilter from (Ml Davia, who wag kil- Jcd at I fie hnttJe of / ippe< *?>•■, AdfOatSd, 1811: i; I orake free 10 deeferwabet l have imagined 1 bafW were two military nMf|iO the VVc-Kt.ano' <«en. Hamoo i# tlie firet ol lb# IjW ” Mbaemf of fenon Snydf, Govumt el I’enn ayivtnie, December lo,lßl^[ “ Already i* the brow of i»e young warrior. Cro gfaen, encircled iridi iaoraie and lea blaaaingi ol ttidimndi nf wownnd feldwn weened from the Kralping knife of toe nil bleu? (mage ol the Wilder* mm, and from tim etill nonltTap Proctor, peat on BiniMi end hi* gallant ancy In ifie La^abuore of IndicM, on the ISthN 1811, tk* f nf alter ol tbeHoeae of Kopreaantalivea, 010, Wm Johoetoo, tboa oialiwead ieneral Hem* non . • •• Sir—Tba Boom < ( Reppwtlltwi nf the In diana territory, m their own end m behalf of (hi:ir eonslitueiiUi, most eofgially reciprocate ibe concratolatiooa of your on the glorioo* rcMuli of he lai iaanfuifiary rfinflict with theSbatv no§ Prophet,end the iriiiie, oj Indiani confederau d with him; when we pee <l.played in hr half of oor country, not only the consummate abilities of Ibe ceoersl, but the heroism tbe man ; and wben we take into view Ihe bwm sis T which maet result to I luii country from lie WO cx'-p* , : ,, t can not, loi a moment, withhold ou< need * I apphuMe.” Legidature oj Kentucky* January 7,1818. ** Rotolved, By tbe Senate*ind Houaa ol Repra iiiiw-Moi til*- Stele of Kentt'ky, In the late cam psugn against the Indiana the Wabash, Guv. William Henry Harrison hagCoehaved like a hero, a pnirioi end • general; end tltt for hie cool, delib* cr-ite, I.kiliul and gullant eoSdoei in the btttle of Tippecanoe, he will deaarv? the warmest thanks of f ll m country and fun nutiorf One* Anthony Wayne, Lmter to tba Secre tary ol Wer,giving an oflicili account oi hm Han g|| MTJ Indian Settle, m l7‘J*,hnid : “ >1 y faithful and gallant Lieutenant Harrison rendered tba most essential saries, by commanica img my orders 411 every direction, and t<> his con duct and bravery, excittng ifti troop* to pnma for viciory.” * . R# Holiilion directing the m< nil# struck, and.Jto I»c together with the thanks 04 Congress, presented to Mqjor General and Gov. Shelby, and fur oilier purpose-# f UtHolved, Hy the Kumtc fid Ifoumh of Retire •emalivea oi the i idled Bi 114* oi Anwriea m Con cress assembled, That thef thanks of Congress lie, and ilu-v are hereby, praiyUad to .Mnjnr i.i-u --i-r ii William Henry Harrises, and Isaac Shelby, tab Gov <»t Kentucky, end tlroogh (beat,to the of fioentfld (oeo ondei their ciiQiiiaiKl, for their gal* San try and good condoot in dlfioting the combined British and Indian forces under Alqjoi General Pmc tor, on tire Tliaases, in Uppc} Canada, on (be fifth cfey ol October, one thousand eight bundled and thirteen, capiuring the BriticiSarmy, with their beg ege, < amp and ar*.Uery , and that tire I’n-hidcnt oi flic I billed Stalw| >e rcijun.fcd lo cause twofold medals 10 be struct# emblematic of this triumph, and i»e presented to lleoeral Harrison and l«auc Shelby, late Gov. of Kc itucky. H. <’r,AV, Speaker of the lloiiie > Repn-#entaliveH. John OailuiD) President of the Senate, pro tempore. April 4,1 s H Approved, I S Jamilh Moniiok. Gov. Shelby to Mr. Mailson, May IH, 1814, gayg: “ ) (eel no hesitation to declare to you that l !->■ hi ua 1 tea Harriion to be ott*| q/ ih> /, rs[ military characters I ever knew." Col. Richard M Johnson blGen. Harristm. Jnlv 4,1813, snya: | y “ W« did not Irani tO «CTM i.lr/cr naran/s arlrai tort; but under one {Hfermenf who had prom L /mu nil lain wiee,prudent <tndbr4.ee. u Commodore IVrry to U-iu>,l Harrison, AngiiM I B, 1817,nays : J “ 'flit* prompt change madefy you in tbe ord«rof battle on discovering the potitgm of tbe enemy, has always appeared to me to have evinced a high DIOSBK or MtLITASy TALttLT. 1 OOROtr w 11 1 1 venal he table Shelby in his approbation of your conduel in (hat campmg | ” Itonoiable Longdun < Ihetray on tlio bailie of the Jin I Hits. 1 Ila vii tan/ ij Harriton, Kltlkdi <u would have ******* to a Rmm% General in\tke best done of the Keputdtc, the ko:iars uj „ tnw+oh ! U, put au end to the Warm th, Vpjtermoti Canada." CiSST** ,l ‘° Her ° ° l s* rt «u*phen S on,Col. - i de.il. no pUuditM whic hjat. hMXnwd MMD me at ihe expense ol Genen 'tarrison “i have kit the warm m at; .cfenont for him as a lean, aud my confidence m hi. ; lts an abtecomraan der remains mishaken. 1 feel very a.-turam-e ,h -i lie welal ail limes d-j me j. stive; and could give me more pain than to see his enemies u{s>n this occasion tode j out iheir unfriendly leeimgs and acrimonious dislii|> ; and so long as he con.mues as in my l.umble o»nion tie has hiiher lo donei tom ake ihe wisest r*rangements and the rnosr judicious disposit on, w the forces under res command wilt jus ity, I |nall not nesilate to aciie with the ar ny m nestovi|ng upon nitn tnat l rtmjulttue trfhdfcArse rtrhlf mrstt* t mid which has • on tncrrwiOD liecri withheld The Kirf.roorai Empmer -a i: *-(, w , Jet*#sv te l* ns every tn.nz that we w i*h to know &t*ml the .ilfif ers, except kimseit. 'jeajust*#* to every one but Harrt*o* —mad the world most there lose do just ice to the :ana who wa- ve> mrr'.r-r' u b>r JUit to h.rn>elt. / r o oi Gen. Harruon’s report of the battle of the Tname* ; **We liave tuSered gresu’y for tine war it of pr> visions, and the wh«ilc army h'i 2 sob- istec, for the i.mf tr.ree day«, on raw tr.v.v without salt. JT“ ,s a.; aaes, in ai! counrnes, ttk'i* neen that tt*e cultivaton, of the *'*l are .hose wi o are tne ieazt wliiing tu part witn iheir rights, an i gubmi' themselves to the will ot a roaster. W«. H firCr“THE PEOPLE OP THE IJ. STATES >lay they ever remember that to preserve ’he r lib*.-Hies, they most df* their own voting and their own fighting M Harriso.v. “ General ilimson lias dfrfie more fur hia f o .n -- trv, with ]»g compensation for it, than any man hviuz.’ - PiESiDtsr .Madison. Ex Governor Isaac fliii, Novembei 23,1813, in the New Han.;.- .re Patriot*a;d ; “ V, hat roan Iri cm, w ho*e whole heart and -oo! is rot British, that cannot sincerely rejoue in the late victories of Perry and Harmon, that >iocn not feel a grille in the valor and patnotL-m of the herve- of ihe West who have Ireed a country large as the Emm re of Alexander the Great, from the Indian tomahawk and scalping knife ! if there be such an one, he i» a traitor to tue country—be povaes»es the spirit of a murderer,” Je on M. Ni e#, late Van Buren candidate forGov. inConrie ixut, in his Use of Perry published in 1-21, aher giving a general biography video Har riton, said 0 The defence of Fort Meigs, and the subseguenl captureof the Bririsharmy,may fairly consider -1 the most brilliant and extraordinary evenU of the late war.” In alluding lothe battle of the Thianoes, he said : « it mart he conceded that t/us victory reflected ' great h'm/rr upon the national arms, and upon the troops by whom it v:as (achieved. “ 'i’he action, and the movement* which preceded it. afforded ample testimony of tbe judgement and cool intrepidity cf Gen. Harrison; and, indeed, all the events of the campaign support these char actistica ; the d.raster# a:tending it having, in no in stance, been imputable to him. “ There are perhaps on record few instance* of fc-ich co#>l and steady intrepidity, on me part of militia, or a force of this description, a.-, was display i ed on thi» occasion. “ Harrison and Perry left Detroit in the Ariel, and arr.ved at Erie on the 22d of October Here they were received with every demonstration of joy and adrmrat.on; the di.-charge of cannon, illuminations A:c. 'I hey were hailed an the deliverers of the frontiers.” An Eloquent itecord. William Henry Harrison w as born in Virginia on the 9ih of February, 1773. In ITDI, when Eryear* of age, he was appointed by Washington an Ensign in our infant army. In 1792, he wa# promoted to the rank of f.ieu tenant: and m 1793, joined the legion under Gen. W ayne,and in a lew days thereafter, \\a» selected by him as one of his Aids. On the 241 h of August, 1794, he distinguished himself in the battle ol the Miami and elicited the most flattering written approbation of Gen 'A ayne In 1795, he was made a Captain, and was placed in command ot f ort Washington. In 1797, he was appointed, by President Adams, Secretary of the North-western Territory and ex ojfuno Et. Governor. in 1793, he was chosen a delegate to Congress. In 1801, he was appointed Governor of Indiana, and in the tame year, President Jefferson appointed rmn sole Commissioner for treating with the In dians. In 1809, he was re-appointed Governor oflndi- I ana by Madison. On the 7th November, 1811, he gained the great victory of TIPPECANOE On the 11th September, 1812, he was appointed by Madison, Commander-m-Chief of the North western army. On the Ist May, 1813, the scige of Fort Meigs commenced—lasted five days, and was terminated by the brilliant and successful sortie of Gen. Har rison. On the 31st July, 1813, the battle of Fort Sle j ht tison occurred. On the slh October, 1813, he gained the splendid victory of the THA MES, over the British and In dians under Proctor. In 1814, tie was aj pointeil hy Madison one of the Commissioners to real with the Indians, and in the mime year, with his colleague* Gov. Shelby arid Gen. Cass, concluded the cefelnalcd treaty of Greenville. In IBJS, he was again appointed such Commis sioner, vviili Gtn. Me Arthur and Mr. Gruhuin, and negotiated a treaty at Detroit. In IBlfi,he was elected a member of Congress. In Jarmary, HIM, he introduced a resolution in honor of Kosciusko, and supported it in one of the most feeling, classical and eloquent speeches ever delivered in ihe House ol Uepresentaiives. Jn 1819, fie was elected a member of tfie Oldu Senate lii 182-1, he was elected Senator in Congress, and was appointed, in 1H25, Chairman of the Mili tary Committee, in place of (Jen. Jackson, who had resigned in 1827, fit- was appointed Minister to Colombia, ar d, in 1829, wrote Ins immortal letter to Bolivar the deliverer of South America. Os him Col. Johnson (Vice President) thuss|>oke in the House of Uepresentaiives whilst a member of that body : “Os the career of Gen. Harrison, I need not speak—the history of the west is his history For forty years ho has been identified with its interests, its perils, and ns hopes. Universally beloved in the walks ol peace, and distinguished hy his ability in ihe councils of his country, ho lias been yet more illustriously distinguished in the field. During the luie war, lie was Unger in actual service than nny oilier General Oflicer; ho was, perhaps, uflner in action than any one ol them, and never sustained a de) eat." Such is tlio raun, who, still enjoying his untar nished lame and glory, run! standing on a proud and lofty eminence where neither malice or envy •an assail him, is now summoned ny hm grateful countrymen to leave the quiet walks of private file to guide the councils of the nation, “ and deliver llir country from the dangers which encompass it.” H h wn.h BK IIKII OKUVKKKR ! AUGUSTA IRON ANO It HASS FOU NOH V -o** IS % The Castings from this establishment have given universal satisfaction since it has been in operation. We have now on hand a large stock of flic raw material, of the best quality, and are ready to re ceive orders for any description of CASIINGS either for Rail Roads, Mills, Steam Engines, oi other purposes. As we have a first rate Patten; Maker, and use nothing but the best materials consequently we can warrant our Castings not only to v'ork well, but be as strong and as well made as any manufactured at the North or elsewhere, and we challenge comparison. We also manufacture to order any kind of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We are now getting up, and will soon hive made on hand ror sale,a variety of PLOUGHS, of all kinds and sizes, from the small Poncy Plough up to the large four horse Plough. Also, Slraio-Cuttcrs Corn Shelters, Harrows, IVhcat Fans, Cultivators , Wagons, Carts, Syc., sc. Persons wanting such artu Ics would do well to call, as we arc determin ed to sell low for cash or city acceptances. Orders can be left at the principal stores in town, or at the establishment in roar of the Pres byterian Church, near the Rail Road Depot, and they will be attended to punctually. uiyll ly THOS. HOPKINS & Co. EXKCIITRiX’S NOTICE* ALL poisons indebted to the estate of Benjamin Bims, deceased, are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same will please present them, duly proven, within the time prescribed by law. Aug. 2G. \B4O. PRECILLA SIMS, Ex’rx. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES | medicines are indebted for ifeir name i. ;o lb ir mani'est and sensible action in puti ivins the spring and channels of Lfe,and enduing ihera with renewed tone and vigor. In tr.anv h n cffcd certified cases which ha* been made pahiic, I and in almost even species of disease to which I ibe human frame is fiabie, lue happy effects ol i MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PIiF.NiX BlT > TERS have been gratefuLy and pabln-ly ac ■ I nowledzed by the persons benefiitted, and who I W "*e previously unacquainted with the beautifully i philosophical principle* upon which they are compoon ied, and upon which they « jnsequentlj act- The LIFE MEDICINES recommend them?eives ; in diseases of every form and description- Their first operation is to loosen from the coats ol the ; atom* -h aiid bowels, the various impurities and crudities eon-tantiy settling around them ; ana to j remove the hardened feces which collect i convolosions of the smallest mtes’ines. Other medicines only partial:)' cleans*; these, and Lave srjfff to netted masses behind as to produce habitu al coa';vene% with 11 its train ol evils, or m a sau den d.arrhcea, with its eminent dangers. This tar t is well known to all reruiar anatomists, who ex ! amine the bumin bowels after death ; and hence I the prejudice of those well informed men again&t quack rne trines —cr medicines prepared ai d her iaded to the public bv ignorant p< reons. Jhe se cond etib t of the Life Medicines is to ciearue thq ■ kidney nd the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of whicn ; entirely depends upon the regularity ol the urinary ! organa. The blood, which ttkes it* red color from i the agenev of the liver and the lungs before it ; pusses into the heat, being thus purified by them and nourished by food coming from a ciean stom ach, courses freely through the veins, renews every i part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming%heek. Moffat's Vegetable Life Medicines have been thoroughly attested, and pronounced a sovereign r remedy for Dyspepsia, 1 iatulency, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss ol Appetite, Heart-bora and Head ache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, Cosiiveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fevers of all kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies j of all kind. Gravel, Worms, Asthma and Cunsurap ' ; tion, Bturv>, Ulcers, Inveterate Seres, Scorbutic i Eruptions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive com -1 plaints. Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysqielfis, Common | Colds and influenza arid various other complaints which afflict the huma2 frame. In fever and i ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have been most eminently successful; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni versally prescribe them. Aii that Mr. Moffat requires of hi* patient is to be particular in takfng the Lite Medicines smelly according to the directions- it is not by a news paper notice, or any thing that he himself may »ay in their favor, that he hopes to gain credit, it is alone by the result of a fair trial, i MOFFAT’S MEDICAL MANUAL; designed as a domestic guide to health.—This little pamphlet edited by VV. B Moffat 375 Broadway New York, ha* been publisned for the purpose of explaining more fully Mr. Moffat’s theory ol diseases, and w ill be found highly interesting to persons seeki g health. It reals upon prevalent diseases, and the 1 causes thereof. Price Ho cents —for sale by Mr 1 Moffat’a agents generally. : These valuable medicine* are fur sale by WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, Sole Agent for Augusta ]AW. —The undersigned having removed to jl Starkville, Lee county, will practice in the several courts of the counties of Lee, Sumter, Stewart, Randolph, Macon, Early, Baker, Dooly and Marion. References —Col. Joseph If. Lumpkin, Lexing ton, Ga.; Henning U. Moore and Capt. Peter Lamar Lineolnton, Ga.; A. J. T. VV. Miller, Augusta, Ga.; J. Lamkin and Dr, Miles K. Harman, Travel lers Rest, Ga. RICHARD F. LYON, oct 2o 1 v ADMUfIOTKAI RIX’B NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John J\ Dreghoni, deceased, are requested to make payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the same, w ill please present them, duly proven w ithin the time prescribed by law. ELIZABETH DREGHORN, Admin’x. September lata, 1840. A DM l ninth A TUX *8 NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John 11. J\_ Guedron, deceased, late of Richmond county, are requested to make immediate payment to A. C. Caldwell, who is ray authorized agent, and those holding claims agaii st said estate, are required to hand them in duly attested, within the time pre setted hy law, ELLEN GLEDKON, April 4, 1840. trwti Administratrix. Jt It.. c.. NPOUN, a (rtnnaii nnywemn ol much * noie,navmg cievoteo ms attention lor some years tutnecure una removal of I he ciunen of NER VOUS AND SICK HEAD ACHE, has thesatis fciction to make known, that he has a remedy which by removing the causes cure* effectually and perma nently ibis distressing complaint There are many farm lie* who have considered Nick Headache a con stitutional incurable lamiiy complaint' Dr. N. as sure* them that ihey are mistaken, and labouring under distress whit li iney might not only alleviate but actually eradicated by the us<- if his remedy. li is the result of scientific research,and is entirely of a different character from advertised patent medi cines, and is not unpleasant to the lasle. HEADACHE, SICK OR NERVOUS. The extraordinary reputation I fiat. Dr. Spohn’s remedy for this distressing cornpaint is every day gaining is certainly a mailer of much astonishment. That so much suffering should have existed for ages without any discovery of an effectual preventive, or cure, is truly a subject of much regret hut Dr. *S. now assures the public that such a remedy has been invented a* will convince the most credulous. The principles on which it acts arc simple and plain. It is iui a. nulled fact that this complaint, whether called Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim arily from the stomach—thoie who think they have the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that Ih • sys tem has become vitiated or debilitated, ihiough ibe stomach, and that only through the same channel must they eijiectH restoration of ilic naiural and healthy functions ol the system. Thin object, fir Spolm’s remedy is eminently calculated to attain. The truth of this position cannot ho controverted, and the sooner sufferers vvhhihc headache become convinced of it, lhe sooner will their suffering end in resiuration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges his professional reputation on this fact. Tne remedy may bo had ol apothecaries generally throughout the United Slates. For sale hy ANTONY <!k HAINES, No. 232 Broau-street. Augusta. mar 2G PETERS’ VEGETABLE PILLS. riVIIESE Rills are no longer among those ol 3 doubtful uiility. They have pasted away from tho hundreds that are daily launched ojiou the tide of experiment, and now stand before the public us high in reputation, and as extensively employed in all pan* of the United Slates, the Can adas, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, ns any medicine thui has ever been prepa ed for the relief of suffering man. 'J hey have been mt.odnced wherever it was found poss.bh; to carry them ; and (hen- are hut few towns that do not contain some remarkable evidences of llieir good etlecis. 'l’he certificates that have been presented to the proprie tor exceed twenty thousand! upwards of five hun dred ol w hich are from regular prac tising physicians, who are the most competent judges of iheir merits. Otien have tho cures performed hy this medicine been Ihe subject of editorial comment in vaiions newspapers an<l journals ; and it may with truth be asserted, that no me Itcine of the kind has ever received I- stimonials of gnutor value than are at tached to this. J’hey arc in general use as a family medicine, and there arc thousands of families who declare they are never satisfied unless limy have a supply always on hand. They have no rival in curing and preventing Bilious fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Nick Headache, J .undue, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of tho Spleen, Files,/ holm, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Fur red Tongue Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhea, Flatulence, Ilidiit ual Costiveness, Loss ol Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Cumulexi in, and in all eases of Torpor of the Bowels, vvlieio a cathartic or an aperient i» needed. They are exceedingly mild in their opcia .ion, producing neither nausea, criping nor debility. '1 he i lln acy ol these pills is <a well known, and their use so general, that further comment is con sidered unnecessary. 1 or turther particulars, see Dr. Peters’ cam hlcl. whicn can he nuo gratis ot any ol tne Agent IIA I* It ISO N* S • om.>HAT the cere of ; bite swelling?, scrofulous and ! other tumors, t leer*, sore legs, old and fresh j wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings and mflam mate) ns, scald head, women's so re bre-as's. rhen matic pain*, tellers, eruption*, chriolai: w h blows bees, corns, and externa! diseases generally. The | proprietor has received at least a thou.-and cert tr eat e* and other docurreats in favor of h;s rft i- FIC OINI MEN T—and they embrace almost all . the complaints in lh-ir worst stages—to which j ointment or sticking plaster can be applied Arnonz the-e cer ificatts, there are a great number Irom the most eraineiit physician* in the country, who use the Ointment in their dacy practice, in pr. Terence to any, or ail others w hich have ever been invented. 1 The proprietor has a so received a great many les i timonia's tr m larrier*, mililar/gentlemen, farmers, and others, reiatixe to the amazing efficacy of his Oir.trr.eat, in the bruise*, cuts, and all the external | complaints and diseases of horses: and among them are no less than a doz n certitying to the most per fect cures which it has perlormed o i the sore backs of some of those animals. Altogether the proprietor leels no hesitation in stating—or in put tine it to the proof asrainst a 1 composition—th-d Harrison s specific ointment is vastly superior to every liung of the kind which has here : tofore been offered to the public; and the proprietor not only vouches for its general go -d qualities, but is w illing to risk his reputation on a single trials for he knows from the raos ample experience, that ; it cannot be used without immediate and palpable i benefit, in any one of the complaint* for which it is so highly recommended. Retail price pU cents per box. Sola at ail the principal DRUG STORES in aug 20 Augusta, Ga. .MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. Augusta, September, IS4O. f IIHE Ninth Course of Lectures in this Institu tion will commence on the second Monday, the 9th of next November, an I terminate on the first Saturday of March following. Fee for full Course of Lectures,. slls 00 Matriculation, (paid but once.) 5 OC Arrangements have been made by which Stu dents can be supplied from Europe with Instru ments of all kinds, Skeletons, 6cc. The Faculty are— G. M. Newton, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. L. A. Dugas, M. D., Frofe-sor of Physiology at Pathological Anatomy. C. VV. West, M. D., Fiufessor of Chemistry at tj Pharmacy'. I. P. Garvin, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics an Materia Medica. J. A. Eve, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women and Infants. L. D. Ford, M. D., Professor of the Institutes and . Practice of Medicine. P. F. Eve, M. D., Professor of the Principles an Practice of Surgery. G. M. Newton, M. D., / Demonstrators of Anat John McLestek, M. D.,5 omv, without addtT fee PALL F. EVE, M. D., sept 1 Dean of Faculty. Tfj" The Edgefield Advertiser, Green ville Moun taineer, S. C.; Southern Recorder, Federal Union Columbus Enquirer, Savannah Georgian, Georgia; Mobile Register, Huntsville Democrat, Alabama Journal, Tuscaloosa F lag of Union. Alabama; Flo ridian, Flo.; and Nashville Banner, will publish tin above advertisement weekly to the amount of each, and forward their receipts to the Dean. EXECUTOR’S SALE. WILL te sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the court house in Waynesboro, Burke county, under an order of the Court of Or dinary of said county, the following negroe*, viz: Phil, Calvin, and Elbert, (men) ; Peg, Mary, Vio let, Rose, Harriet, Maria, and Molly, (women); and Aaron, Edmund, and Tom, (boys); sold as the property of the estate of Reuben ( fiance deceased, tor thft benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. Bankable money. Purchasers to pay for titles. HENRY CHANCE, Ex’r. October 13, iB4O. VALI ABM’ LAN!) FOR SALE IN COM 31 HI A COUNT V. THE Subscriber offers for sale six hundred and seven acres of Land, lying in Columbia coun ty, part lying on Green Brier Creek, ne..r the Washington road.twenty-two miles above Augusta. One hundred and thirty acres (more or less,) in the woods, and about one hundred and seventy-live or two hundred acres, fresh tenable land. A large Brick Building two and n half stories high, and other buildings on the place. Should any person wish to buy a settlement, they will of course look for themselves; and the subscriber will give any person a bargain, that wishes to buy. ALFRED J. DUNN. September 30, 1840. wtnl DAWSON’S FIRE AND WATi.ll PROOF WAREHOUSE. milE undersigned respectfully informs his R. friends and the public, that he continues the Warehouse and Commission bu iness at his old stand on .Mclntosh street, and solicits a continua tion of public favor so liberally bestow' d the past fout years. Having the assistance of Mr. John R. Crocker and Jan es C. Dawson, it will enable him to devote his entire attention to the selling of Cotton ; in this branch of the business his friends may rely on his best exertions. Win. C. Dawson jr. «fe Co , will kcepa general assortment of Groceries at Buck-head, Morgan county, (the termination of the Georgia Rail-Road) and will furnish my customers at Augusta prices, j adding freights —they will also act as agents for me. [sept2S-w6t] THOMAS DAWSON. 03* The Milledgeville Recorder, Journal, Fede ral Lnion, Columbus Enquirer and Southern Whig, will publish the above six times weekly. RAIL-ROAD WARE-HOUSE. D’ANTIGNAC & HILL INFORM their friends and the public, that they continue the Ware-house and Commission Business at their new and extensive fire-prool ware-house, whit h is now in complete order for the reception ol Colton, or other produce, with am ple close storage for goods. All Cotton and other articles consigned to them by the Hail Road being discharged fiom the cars immediately in fiont of their gale, renders drayage unnecessary. To guard against accidents to teams, cotton from wagons will he received at the gate on Walker street, entirely out of sight of tire cars. The proprietors return thanks to their customers for their former patronage, and respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. w3m julyi4 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. milE subscribcis have formed a co-partnership i for the transaction of a factorage and corn* mUsion business, under the firm of HOPKINS «$• STOVALL. They have taken the commodious fire-proof Ware House on Mclntosh street, oppo site Gen. Thomas Dawson’s, formerly occupied by Heard & Wilson, and more recently by D’Antignac & Hill. Their storages are conveniently situated for the storage of cotton, or receiving and forward ing of goods by Railroad or Wagon.' They hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. LAMBETH HOPKINS, MARCELLUS A. STOVALL. Augusta, July 8, 1810. 2awtf—jy9 A GUMMING having declined the Ware-House and Commission business, confidently recommend Messrrs. Bustin & Walker, to the patronage of his friends, who have formerly consigned theireproduce and merchandise to his care. Messrs. Bustin & Walker have leased the Ware-House and stores formerly occupied by him. WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. FffllFE undersigned have associated themselves M_ in the W are House and Commission Business, t" , t . l ; e ,V ity of Au o usta > under the firm of Bustin & Walker. ■ i? ave easc “J R |e Ware House lately occu pied by Capt. A. Gumming, whore they will be pleased to attend to any business confided to their care * : EDWARD BUSTIN, 1 . 8 . JAMES B. WALKER. ~\ e M'hedgeville Recorder, Standard ol I nion, W ashmgton News, Athens Whig, and Ban ncr * ) v . 1 . I )Ul, hsh the above for one month and so.- ward their account to us for payin.nt, B. & W. Georsia, Jefferson County : \\ HEREAS, Nancy Stephen 5 , app.-e to T.e \\ for letters of Administration, de Bonn- non, on the Estate of Nathan Stephen-, late of sari county, deceased. .. . The ; e are therefore to c:te and admonish a,, ar. > the kindred and creditors cf said deceased, to U and a . pear at my office, within the time pie scribed bv taw, to shew cause, if any tr.-ey -arc, whv- said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30tn ui) of September, 1840. EBENEZER BOTHWELL, Clerk. Georgia, Jefferson county : HtKEA>, Thomas VV. battey apples for f letters of administration cn the estate and effects of Samuei \V . Robbias, *<»te of sard county deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish an anu singular the kindred and creditors of >«id deceased, to : e and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, ibis 24th Sep tember. IS4O. sept 2S EBENEZER BOTH WELL, Ckrk. Gorgia, Jefferson county : \ * HEKEA>, Tatleton DarJey applie- fir iet \ w ters of administration on the estate and ef fects of Harriet Darley deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 24th Sep tember, 1840. - sept 28 EBENEZER BOTHWELL, Clerk Georgia. Scriven County: UJ HEREAS, James Parker senior, applies for letters of administration on the estate of John Parker deceased, These are therefore to cite, summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given unaer my hand, at office, in Jacksoboro, this Bth day of October, 1840. j oct 13 ~ ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. IIST of Letters remaining in Post Office t j Louisville, Ga., October Ist, ls4o, to wit: Altaway, Elijah 3 Little, R,obert P j Arrington, Henry To a Magistrate . Atwell, Reuben Mile s , Dr S 2 Abbott, Miss M Moore, fames L Black, Henry McLerrnott, Andrew Bailey, L) E McGlanhan, William Barber, Solomon McCullers. John i Bradford, Brazilled McCullers, Alexander j Bryant, John McDonald, li. j Brown, John J Morgan, Hardy I Bostick, A S Meadows John j Brinson, Moses Oliver, M C Battey, Henry Olm-lead, Sy poe 2 Bothwell, James T Oliver, R E j Cleik Superior Court, Parson-, James 2 Cain, James Pipkin, Harvey B I Calhoun, Mr Perkins, Mrs 1 Cain, Elisha Parker, William | Coob, John A Peirce, Thomas ; Cheatham, Mrs Asneth APaul, Allen ] Cheatham, Arthur R Pennington, Thomas j Claik, Philip P ndrew, Ephraim Dureauzeaux,Stephen 2 Rogers, Elkanah j Davenport, .Mrs Zeniah Roberts, Green 3 ; Davis, Nathaniel Rozenstein, Dr Fleming, Mrs Mary Shelman, Mis Eliza Fleming, Samuel Shirley, Thomas J | Fulford, Mrs Sarah Street, Thomas ! Fertral, Mrs Mary Smith, E i Fitzsimmons, Col Paul Stewart, Ezekiel j Pokes, Green Smith, John Gamble, Roger L Esq, 3 Spivey, S G Green, Henry Tarver ik Smith, Grubb-, James Tarver, Andrew E Hunter, Mr Tarver, Samuel li Holder, John W 2 Weeks, Benjamin 2 Hicks, Edmund White, George OK 2 Jones, Jabez Watkins. Ira Kain, William A Wells, Mrs Mary W i Kelly John N Wasden. Bryant J j Lockhart, William II Walden, Elijah i Larapp, Lewis Young, Miss Julia A EBENEZER BOTHWELL. P. il. Louisville, Oct, 2, 1840. oct 7 J - ■ —* 11ST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Ji Waynesboro, Ga., on the 30th Sept , 1840, ; not before advertised. Armstrong, John B Harlow k Colton, Dis Attiway, David jr Harty, Willis Berrien, *Miss Eliza A Holton, Daac care Dr Jas Whitehead Hampton, James Bync, William 4 Huist, Harman Bell, S Jinkins, Starling BosUvick, Thomas Jones, George E2 Barry, Miss C Jones, Jr.mes Burke, Thomas Jones. Jesse Bates, Mrs Batheshaba Jones, V Bell, Airs Mary Key-, Joshua Byrd, Edward Kirkland, B L 3 Bean, William 2 Knight, Rufus 2 Ballard, N Lawson, Col A J 2 Burton, R Lumpkin, E W 2 Barron, Samuel 2 Lewis, Benjamin Bradley, Timothy Messex, Isaac Bennett William Mulkey, Moses Burdell, Mrs M M McClain, John Hyne, Enoch 2 Murphree, Wright Court, C lerk of the Inf’r Mercer, John U Crockett, Floyd Nelson, Mrs Ann or Bar- Cates, Thomas bary Johnson, Claik, Charles Perry', Joseph M 3 Claik, Christopher Phinney, John Carpenter,Calvin Robinson, A J Conner, Patt Royal, James II Douglass, XV B 2 Reece, James Douglass, Dr Tilman Reddick Sarah Davis, 1 homas School, Commissioners Duke, \\ illiam Common Duke, Mrs Mary Sapp, Tbeophilus Daniel, Sylvester Steward, James Evans, Jacob Smith, David Eason, Eriley Stewart, Robert Hoyd, Allen D Skinner, John R Kowh r, Dr George M Vincing, Ebyd I arabce. Rev (j W \ an, Henry' Fryer, John Whitehead, Dr James hiournoy, John J Whitehead, Chailes Guardian of Lewis Den-Worncck, John nis’ or bans, Wornock, Rev John Gordon, John Wimbler, John Gregory, Jesse Whitehead, Washington Cuboid, Elizabeth or Eli- servant of J Whithead, za Gieen, Wise, John W 2 Hatcher, Edward 3 Ward, Cbark s A ROBERT H. GRAY, P. M. Waynesboro, October 1, 1840. oct 3 ADMIMSTRATUII’S SALE. liriLL be so.d on the lirst Tuesday in January V 7 next, bet ween the usual bourse of ss le, be fore the court house door In the village of Jackson boro, Scriven county, one negro man by the name of Daniel, about 25 years of age, sold as the pro perty of Benjamin Herrington deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. NICHOLAS STREAGLE, October 13, 1840. Administrator. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable XV the Inferior Court of Scriven county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in the village of J cksonboro, sundry tracts of land and negroes, the said lands lying and being in the county'of Scriven, lying in different parts of said county, said lands anil negroes sold as the property of Richard Herrington senior deceased for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. GEORGE POLLOCK, Executor. October 13, 1840. ADMINISTKATOU’S SALF. \\T ILL Le sol(1 on the first Tuesday in January Tv next, at the court house in tVavnesboro Burke county, under an order of the Court of Or dinary of said county, the real estate oi Roboit W iggins deceased, situated in said county, consist ing of a tiact ot land supposed to contain one hun dred acres, adjoining lands of James Bell and otheis Terms cash—purchasers to pay for title n t h J - A - HAMILTON. Adm’, October 13, 1840. WA 1 iAt IN IST KATOR ’N NALL. lAj be sold on the lirst Tuesday in January next, at the court house in W aynesboro, bui ke county, under an order of the Court of Or dinary of said county, a negro man named Ned, sold as the property of the estate of Michael Wig gins deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Pur chasers to pay for title. JOSEPH JANSEN, * October 13, 1840. Administrator Georgia, Isarke/L'cnnty ; V 9/ HEREAS Addi-on E. I] ?? letter- of Aiminhtration w • *■' L vexed, on the E t.:c- of Jo.a li . '■ ir.. Burke county, ieceased. 5 i te , | 7 bese are therefore to cite ami $ ■ , singular, Die kindred and creditor- 0 f f “ u tj be and appear at rr.y office, wVh V : scribed bylaw to -..0w cause, if ar - / Ds why said letters should not Le zraro ' «», Given unde rmy haoc at office “ 5 October, 1840. T. H. BLDivp' ,J*7 cf M Ceorsia, Columbia county ; —— ; ; % % HEREaS, Allred J. Data, A-- « » the Estate of George W. . Dron 9 applies for iett rs of dismission f (^ fea *«d 1 ■ These are therefore t . ‘ / '■•Be. ’9 fed, to ve and appear at my off. e -* 9 prescribe-: by law, to show ca se. : J - ** **o* I why said letters sboud nolle granted 9 Given under my hand, at off.'- r - >S4(I. GABRIEL I j Georgia, Columbia county J H’’ HERE A ' Affinity Mcl;or t . . fi ters of -utennistratiin , a rh« e. U t, J | McDonald, deceased: J An I These are therefore to cite and affi r .. j singular, the kindred and creditors of s-J/ 1 to be and appear at rr.y office -.v.t• V ec€as *d, fl scribed by law, to show cause... a;, t 1 why said letters should not :.e " 1 i Given under my hand, at off.'e ». . ~h C her, 1840. GABRIEL J I Georgia, Columbia • omilv : U/ HEREAS Khoda Taylor and Abel J HaA ' iEg-;on, apply i-.r letters of A Ini-I on the Estate of James 1ay...-. e I These aie therefore to c.te a:.: a*"*--- - -k singular the kindred and creditors I to be and appear at my office, w t;> V; edl ; ; I scribed by Aw, to show cause, if tlj y .' M why said letters should not ocgraiite.:. ' Given under my hand at office, tin? i t Bg |Oc tobe r, 1840, GAB RI ELJ(JN ES. ct-** ■ (ieorgia, ( olumbia county: U HEREAS, John Lam r. Executor of I will of William W. Harden,decease l -* p ! plies for letters di.-mis-ory from sail estate U> I These are therefore to cite and ac~ otffsh m ! and singular, the kindred ani creditors of said * j ceased, to be and appear at my office, tfa. ; lime prescribed by law, to shew ca-.se, if any f-er : have, why s id letters shoo.d not ie Given under my ban at office, this 30th dat «i G • ~ >la - v ’ GABRIEL JO.Ms i Georgia, tclumuia county: U HEREAS, William Dunn. Executor of the will oi WicnuTed Dunn, deceased applies fur letters dismusory from said estate, ’ 1 J these arc therefore to c.te ani admonish all H | siiiguiar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased H U be and appear at my office wi’ain the ! scribed by law, to show cause, if any they bars ■ why said letters should not be granted. " B Given under my band, at office, this 4th Juuß 184 b, GABRIEL JUNES, Clerk I (.eorgia, Scriven county ; J HEREAB, application will Le made to D B f f Inferior Court of said County, when sittim I for ordinary purposes, by Elizabeth Vickrey, ® fl | ierte.s of administration on the estate of HezeLa B ■ Vickrey, deceased, late of Scriven County. , These are therefore to cite and admonish allaffi B : singular,tsie kindred and creditors ;f saiddecea-; fl Ito be and appear at my office withm the timepr- fl sciiued by law, to show cause, if any they kii, I why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, tins Ifithdirif flfl | September, 1840. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk, ffi Georgia, Jeffer>ou County ; j 11/ HEREAS, Wiiliam Hutchi. s applies ton 1 f V for letters of administration on the estate 9 j and effects of Rebecca Rafford, late or saidcorntr, ?! I deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish allaii|| singular, the kindred and creditors of said decease:, jfl | to be and appear at my office within the time pis I scribed by law, to show cause, if any they hauH ' why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in LouisvilkH this 14th September, 1840. EBENEZER BOTHWELL,CIerk, fl Georgia, Jefferson county : V 4 / BEKEAS, John Bostick, Executor oflrfl t t will and testament of Mrs. Agatha fiei.9 late of said county, deceased, applies for ktteifl dismiisory from said estate, These are therefore to cite and admonish all a sfl singular, the kincred and creditoi; cf saiddeceaiklV to be and appear at my office within the time bk-ItJ scribed by law, to show cause, if ;fiy they iiareßß why said letters should not be granted. Given under rav hand, at office, this Bth Mar,Bß IS4O. E.' BOTHWELL, Clerk fl| Georgia, Isurke county : U HEREAS, Abel Lewis, adminDtratoronta ■ estate of Stephen Boyd, deceased, apple 99 or letters disrnissoiy from said estate; 1 hese a;e therefore to cite and admonish all & singular, the kindred and creditors of said decease* to be and appear at ray oii.ee within the time ft scribed by law, to show cause, if any they ti'ifl why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Wayneskit m this 10th July, 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk. Georgia, Rurke County : W HEREAS, James Chance, administrators I » w Mary Chance, applies for letters dismiss) jfl on the estate of said deceased, 1 hese are therefore to cite and admonish - I and singular, the kindred and creditors of said* |j ceased, to be and appear at my office, within h time prescribed by law, to shew, cause if any ttf I liavc, v\ hy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesiß I this llith day of May, IsTO. TL H. BLOUNT,JAry. I Georgia, Uurke eomity: n /'HEREAS, Thomas T. Ellison, applies> letters of Administration cn the Estate ■ Robert J. Allen, deceased, late of said county. H These are therefore to cite and admonish allz- H singular, the kindred and creditors of saiddecea* I to tile their objections, if any they have, I lice within the time prescribed by law, tou [I I cause wliy said letters should not be granted. I Witness, the Honorable James W. Jones,® 1 I ; 30th day of B’eptember, IS4O. I 1 T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk, ■ Georgia, Hurke county; . , B 11/ HEREAS, James A*. Mobley, app!> e - ; H It letters of Administration on the estau ■* ■ Isaac Mobley, deceased. ~ j fl These are therefore t > cite and admonish all ■ singular, the kindred and creditors of said dee* ■ ed, to be and appear at my office, within the a ■ prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they A” 1 fljj why said letters should not be granted. ,; B Given under my li nd at office, in Wayne 5 ®®' I this 28ta day of September. 1840. , I T.H. Georgia, liurke County: . ,*■ VV HEREAS, James Brinson applies * t ot administration on the estate of B 3 Brinson deceased, late of said County. r ,. : H These are therefore to cite and admonish a I singular, the kindred and creditors ol said decea. to be and appear at my office within the t ■ scribed by law, to show cause, if aiy they ii | why said letters should-not be granted. Witness the Hon. James VV. Jones, one e ■ Justices of said Court, this 22d September, L , ' sept 23 THOMAS IL J ; (Georgia, Uurke county; . , U( H ERE AS, Andrew Carson, admin® r .m, the estate of Mary Ann Carson, app >ll - ,B t letters dismissory from said estate ; . These are therefore to cite and admonish singular, the kindred and creditors ot said de i to be and appearat my office, within the U jn • scribed by Jaw, to show cause, if an}' e - I why said lettei-s should not be granted. |H|; Given under mv hand at office in Waynes- HE this 10th July', 1840. T. ii. BLOUNTV^>^B Georgia, Jeilersoa county: | WHEREAS, Janies T. Bothwell apP l^!®] letters of administration cn the esta effects of John Crooks, late of said county dee .■ 'J hesc are therefore to cite and admonish “Am singular, the kindred and creditors of said dece^^w to be and appear - at my’ office, within the 'l| scribed by law, to show cause, if any they why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 2-rch BepC, * , j. sept 28 EBENEZER BOTHWELL, '