Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, October 29, 1840, Image 2

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! chrom ;le and sentinel. AIGV S T A - THURSDAY MORN ISC, OCTOMER ». ■ —•“ "" 1 — | T'.i rU3IBt?T, WILLIAM HfNRV H A RHINOS, Os O- io; T f ifiTiaeiile Hero if T v p«*;c<* —f.e inror- i tu>*raic —liae mfiex.t> Republican patriotic I armer of Uhki. roi VIC£-FiEs:iEyi:, JOHN TILER, OJ Virgnia ; A S-«te Bights Repo:...can of the school of— one of V.rjjiii • B>bl«t »a»,iini empt cr.‘-of naavt sagacic-.•», virtaoa* u»d patriot »tate-«mec. TO-Ji 11 ECTOii Cf TtIMZLS 7 AJD CICE'T RE-51 LEST, GEORGE R_ GILMFJL, of GgletLcrpe. UUNCaN L. CLINCH, of Camden- JOHN W. CAMPBELL, of Muscog**. JO£L CRAWFORD, of Han:ocz. CHARLES DOUGH ERTV. of Cbrk. SEATON GRANTLAND, of Ri id aria. ANDREW MILLER, of Cis*. WILLIAM EZZARD, of I* Kalb, C. B STRONG, of bus. JOHN WHITEHEAD, of B like. E. WIMBERLY, of T^igg*. r i he Election. On Monday wxi the bat or NGvem £*:*, Geor_ia cart* hrr to efo • Pr- tUder.t aci »'.« Pre r'enl of the ! mted >*a?es. Her *oo* rr.U;t t.,fro (moose ktwe«:i JLria Van Boren and Wi.- Itsm Henry Harrison. Georgian-. 30. ar.aw that Mart a E ::en _c I S I2, voted for De Witt Canton,,the peace ca r da’*. for Prei.deot, in opposition to iarnc- Madiv.n, the war caodida*' lnal he voted tor that avowed Fe".'-tali'.t, lie: . - King, so; >enriior —that be was ;a favor f free negro • -ifrage m New I —that he wa* in favor of Missouri icrtirictkm —that he case of Lieut. IJooe, wheue eegjiK lestunooy had beer, introduced—tr-at e hat tv-eornniende ? e Ai-ny Dili —that hit Adiruoittratioa has -qiamdeiei more of the putdic money, than any other —that be hat fastened upon the country toe odious Sob- Tieatujrj-—that he has openiy countenanced t:.e rritfciference of Federal officers in >tate elections. Can you then, with a full knowijeege of ail these facts, at Georgian-, and a* A .eri an citizen-, cast your votes for such a man - We think not. Go then to rl * p>..•, and recollect that Georgia ex pe- e-.fcij man to do h duty. f e more fire along the wuolc -i..e, and trie coyrtry is safe—the Constitution and Laws wiii be restored. Mechanics’ Bank— Kichange. The advert sement of the Bsnf ia this mornings paper, augurs we.J for a return to ;pe le payments by our Banks, to which we are quite conhdei t they wull ere long be driven by the force of public opinion. \\ r; are also pleased to learn that the Mechanics’ Ban . is prepared to, and will take exciiarge on New Vork and Charles .on, and pay out tneir own notes for the same. CORSECTIOS. — Ihe Southern Recorder says—ln the county of Campbell, as appears by the rffu.ial retains received since oar last, Mr. < oiquitt re ceived 54’ vote-, and Mr. Cooper 531, making Mr. Co. . ~'tt..e higne-.t on tr.e defeared ticket. Aisi'AL aid BieirviAL.— Ihe 0 itbern Record er says—ln ninety-two countit» ( Heard not in cluded) only 16,-43 votes were po ed on this que-tion of which 1//J3 were for annual sessions of the Legislature, and9y #0 fo< [.Tnuiai. It will he -een that about one-seventh on \y of the aggre gate vote of the State wi‘ given on the question referred *o t.oern —showing the great indifference of the people to any change of thiejConstitution on t his subject. I From the Si.tann.ah Republican. To the People of Georgia. Rp.aU 'fUl*! Rr*l) AM) II F-KI-F.CT ! Ip TOC Have bkrs np.ei.ivp.ii nr BWlsjsilx# mix hith iHTO, KUU.T Till; I.PHOk 1 IT;) WHICH TOC HAVE muv, Avn fIIfcTBCST I A : LL P-ILITItAL iVPOB.H ATIOJ PRO.’* THE I.Mi 'i. IA h Tl. U. L f.T r* EMBRACE THE iiil'TV. W p *UE SOT A.BAIIJ TO no JCSTICE TO OCII OPPOS e-fs. Wt HAVP. KAI-i.D So ruif. CkT AO Al SST THEM. Her iCT CS HAVE T KITH • THITK AjjO JCSTICC. A friend and fellow-citizen. Mown for years in this community as one whoa* ‘ word is as gooj as nu bond,” slated to u yhsterdav morn- Uig, 111 the presence of several vrjtne.-seH, that be ing in Worcester, Mm*., a short itime since, cu rkwitj prMptsd him to stteojj : ma Ahrtiiion rne.-lcig. where the lafimOM William Ll->yd GarriH .ii, the prime mov -r and leader of A . )li»iori in the Uflitcid hutCS, iand n*md» a speech. In this speei|h Garrison mul that m A oltti wist sbottld supplri lien. Hat ri sen. liecause, \ d-t. IE WAS A.\D HAIi |JK VER BEEN A W Uivl PRiEN \) OF THE «OU PH. AND ri. BEGAESE HE VkAS IN PRIN CIPLE AND PRACTICE OPPOSED TO I HE ABOLI i ION Is! 8. i ( It would appear that the AfiiT ition treasury was lather low, lor at this meeting a contribution was taken up to pay a debt of The col lectioii am muted to only >3O‘J or ‘S4OO. Thus we have another proof iuyw Lasr-iesp are all the eh ages nude against Obiteral |J irrisort. We wail patiently until these rrijs* a of doul»t and prej udice shall be ltllli|l>lnl ny[ the steadily ad vanc ng light of truth which -i«'njighly sod will prevail.” || Any one of our political fricrpl;- r.r opponent* can have the name of our m* jisn-ant by calling at our ollice. i I From Florida, The steamer i*orester. (J apt an arrived Jast evening from Florida. Cape. W. informs us that there was no Indian newii or any move ments of the army, except what ue have already noticed. We however »earn froing him that the echr. Henry Barger, Captain CasUof New York, frorp Baltimore, bound to Pilatjt,, with Govern ment stores, was wrecked on Stj. John’s Bar on Monday last, 19th inst. Part of the cargo, sails ami ri'r - ng saved—vessel total ibea. —Savannah . Georgian. \ *■ . . I Tt*i Ohio Scue Joc;iu-, d-jcice* >c the u*jo w* ; mg propnaie a ad bvyisome tone, the raselt of the recent Ohio kraiß't the t biob ! The Country >aved ! IT 941 xuoiiTT pob tom coimij ! *-_V>rc are ;vr brmes bound with r dvriou* vrrtatki I~ Id comsitmicaiinf to oar fnemi* the gimiom Irnoit whica w.n be i befcm. we .rzt * gk<w ol oooaci-vcv pride for proud srm or Oaso. i 2-_-pt» aivi expect* the la ■ ion were upon her. S?>e bid been ch- -c-; brt&e enemy a* trie oarJe 2 • ._i>i —l ; Li» -Lc w.tr_s.ooO the - Wi! ck> not taei .tie -iocu.g.:-g a-h vr.i-b _.ov a: moil. Wt rr_ .:rx over toe ra.i ot o_r op ponet is only a.? rt rewki toe Sairaaon of our C'su Xry. her and Lit,. No pe SOI.a. 2’ i 0 ttcai. >0 n J r f-...5, O.U; with he leer-r of tr.oroph wo.rh gladdens eve rv Whiz heart. It £o* a vieep r origin. It sweilt up tr m toe tcep f>untaine or me f-t ji, anvj finA* uuer»x..e in l^a_*sgA«mgthat ALL .» ELL f To oor friends in y.ber States cf the Union, who La»e wa At-j over tue pr>gre-e >:i ;ae br.ter conte-r. wo-cn we t.ic just ptissevl it. c_h. anu Ziven to u- tterr -vmpathy «nu support: wno La e w.tn-A«ea me array againe: us, every form which a corrupt AdtaiOistAaUuQ and tu supple szeat* crvu ; _ _ev.i^ —me tins, result earn.he lets grateful, than to u=. To the East, ti ’Le and to the Sooth, Ouio extend* the hand of welcome an: joy. ihe victoiy not for us. tut ter iLc »'• H LE UNION I To 11 will en-re the bene- Cta. To a v;>iated Conatitntton an: spattered . Laws—ts a crippled Cooifioce—to our prostrate Manu aciure* —to uur and t_e •a .c Lien. ._ra ;c Interests of 1 _r common coun try. w:u belong me uenehlsof iniSeizna. or the Po r i.-ar Wni. eve- the afe- ip : >ns of ofnciil infiacute, anu he tuurpanoa* 01 LicCo t.ve power. Let u». men, as fnead- of o-ur country, rejoice. As Re;.u . icaoa. let cur fi-st efforts oe to ncai the w »utsoe v. cich have been infcxied on tne com mon welfare,ar.d resto e again to the whole Ptv pie tht-r ngh » ant influence in IL*• Adnnniitra t.on of me Government. In this way or.lv - can tr.e j ill expectation* of a confiding an - outrageo Feopk be ariswe'em i hey have not eiitt'ed 10- lo this can est to veu re the tnaflaph of a party — but the -a:- y pea e, an*: ot the.r m tti.idoal firesides, and the bstioe welfare of tr.e whore c-^untry. Confident are we. *o far a* hu man agency an i w.sd ro can go, t .at tattr hopes and expectations wiil oe realized. Tat Last Gabo.—The Lm-owing letter, which we copy from tae Kennebec ( de-. Journal, has create»J qt tea bre- ze in the of Maine, and h cammtlee of investigation .a . been a. pan ted on the subject, with power to send tor pe-- ar;d pope.-!-. —I certa.i.ly rea.i ve.y much ~ke a genuine letter, and as it wi I at any rate serve to pul our Inend* throughout the country on the watch, we copy and commend it |o their attention. Arecm, Oct- 6, 1%40, Hon. C. J vavir—Dear Mr: I write you in benad of the Democratic Mem bers ortho ‘•Committee of Arrangements” for the N >-ember Election, to mrorm you of the f-Liv that nas Keen adopted Ky the Democratic Mem era of the Legislature. Accompanying this is one :»f the Estate Addresses, wh cb is caicu a li-d to da so much go-xi. it being powerfully writ ten, atd is to i*e circu;'a ed a* much as possible. Please send rue 1000 names in jour pm of the htale, that I may send them one copy each. Send rn<- nufiasariir |l ii-r > rtti-ffr~rl~mi K»il Irmluwartti . and ail that are at a hall or stand in the Federal ; party. —We want LoO.OOO names returned to ue before we leave Augu-ta. Arrcngementt have been made and art h*irrr made with the post office oepaetmevt to accomplish A Li. THAT V\ E WAN T, and 0 it wont euit the federalist* . i/“ th-y find it out, w-Hicu we em> THr.rsHA.vT. Gorman Parks, V. D. Parris, Gen. Humphreys, Mr. Howard, U. S. Attorney, and several other distinguished gen tleman ol the democratic party, are beie. We have consulted a)! of our leanerD. and have come to the com luston that we can a the -State in November. You probably have seen the Election Bill pas-ed last weM;. WE ! ’AL< ULATE 'TO MAKE ONE THOUSAND VOTERS OF THE DEMOCRATS TICKET BY THAT, AND MORE IF WE W A NT, AF'J'ER i HE STATE COMMIT ! EE SHALL FIND OUT HOW MANY WE SHALL WANT, which will tie in abiru*. twa weeks. We have now about one hundred of our first men in ihc fu-ld,a d their ex pen es are great. We have come to the conclusion that it would not dole rely upon Hubncriptio <« to sustain them these HARD TIM Ls. but to aite-.:-. a certain turn upon ati thn*e in office, and upon su.-h shareable to pay. We hve a>.k>-:■.nl laricely, but when they see the nece--aty of the case they ought not to find fault, for it i« to sustain democracy against federalism, truth against lies, and light against error and darkness. We muni moke a DESPER ATE EFFORT or all in (root forever. The sum nere--ary to carry the .'nate, with the help of our j new Election Law is not very large, and nui I friends, one and all, must be on the business as signed them. You ;*re one of the Aroslook division. It is expected you will take the field immediately after you receive the funds to wont with, which the | Btate Committee will furnish you with in aixjut six day*. Ihe amount to be csdected is about i 6,500, which has mostly been paid in to the Ntate Committee by the members of the Legi-Ja iure and about filly ol our most lot ward democrats ! that are now here assisting to adopt that who h I will be mot prolitaide. Mr. fourty has gone to Boston after the needful which our folks have agreed to send The Committee hav adopted a new p.an for voting, such an one as w 11 shew ! just how very man votes, an A delect all the trui- S tors to our party. We were greatly deceived by kur.h at the last election. We hear of a goal many that voted for Govern or Fairfield that have said they should vote for Old Granny Harrison ; but they must be seen to or they will induce other democrats to leave us 1 tli such tlioe is hut one course to take and that the committee will inform you of. Every Selectman in democratic towns will receive in structions hoiv to receive vetes, and to reject all of the federalists that there is die least douul about, and admit every democrat that comes to the poll that they can and not lay themselves liable to the laws Cur labors have been very great since we have been here. We have had to work day and night.—Almost every night we met in cau cus. We have been so much engaged that we could not hardly slop so go into the revised stat utes at all, but are now gelling along faster. You will perceive that all the members of the Legis lature's names are not on the Address. lam sor ry to say that two or three ofour members have refused to sign it, and several that did sign were vny loth to. We have tried to persuade those that would not Hgn it to go with us in November, but I arn afraid the ras-ally traitors w ill not. If we do not succeed in choosing \ an Huron elec tois in th.s SStale, it will be because of such ‘ Bene dict Arnolds” as the*e in our own ranks, but we must stop them from leaving us by sane price or other. j sure and burn this letter the mo ment you have read it. Per order of the Com mittee. H. You will recollect this mark. Truth vs. Pof.tht. —The N. Y. Mercury says—“ T. was looked upon as a wo.ider whi n j Balaam’s ass spoke; but now-a-day , asset do j nearly all the speaking,” f m the its i »♦ iig. Let u* hare bo withdrawal* !—Let the Xiace come oil! The sozgwti»»e has app- area in ihe Wh‘» as coaVng troca lU fr.effs. that the N - :iLem as«a »it£i Southern pr.nerples st-«ki ret re from the coolest. I pray y-n let us nsve do Ja See. the naz* are at the Post—the |in» is - tze pe g.e are in attendance in roomless numbers and have *right to know how for false hood sad d spoUsm can preraiiagainst truth and Libe rrv. ArvJ be»dee I way drooid the Darker? |of Kimderhomk derpond I—Has be not been all fa s hfe running in l ock Sam*? eom-srki uoul I tokm into training for this race !—Did fie not, nr er the management of O<J Andrew, win the nrsl beat; and are not the SAme groom* s«n ' sta- U ix>»= -il there not Leat to -eea ana N.ies uirab him down, w:h P pc Jo:.n. the immat alate. f Georgia, 'o , co.nl) the Bum out oi L s taii, an Amos, the Htant-ioii:. u lead L;a out ant a - : s *.ic to bia ■ on occasions? And then Sira. nx* he not the ■ head of Admiralty ana JoeL the (j *i o: >' ar ieadj tocarrv oat and cover cp all the h tn and j3ecsi»e matter that accutiii. a.e in the aine ; • ana finally John - Catilme." with his hard me.il ' to pLle, and a son ■>' J .ha Gilpin hi assert. to : i.ie Lied ? And then only !oo«i. at his Cae caf a -1 nsoas! A- her bit in his mouth, with h us i tugs to hi* saddle. •• siuoded all with god an pearl! Njk. hav.ng !>iked ••on mis picture, - cast jour eves down the stretch ano see c± rittig up ht» antag.;,.= r . o*.d Tip. M oc.i you *r. j* • b»s bisters ■ Ma kje then—He »is L'cvi at ! -BerkSettrained - j the immortal \% ashington ; passed with U;.spoil d honor in'o the hands of ■ his successor*. Adams and Jefferson—woo oe -1 da.s under Maa.soD, was a pet wufa M nr-e. and 2 sent by me incorruptible John Q~, as a tried and - in a. Horse to ssjoth Afuenci. to teach the i not - to t dorfly troai tbe Repu bean tract. T'.tn e » ho was recui ed by Ola Andrew. K-nderaoos s f tra ner fur the fiist beat. an J taen tuned • at to - lire or J;e in ihe came arakes of Ohio. There Le wis ; uni .n December Sa.-t :y the men wno • were sent out v me- people ia s* area of a horse 2 that could tru-lej to one !a-t and desperate • i'ruggl- jor Lbtiiy! And nere be e rnes to - the aten, with scarceiv ti:.»e 10 ru... off the loose - d.rt frum Lis fetl.-cks. Mad Antony's o.a war i sa Le on his ha s and a constitoti nd Lnale to i bo»d him in. rtiee how well he answers to tne - bit! But before they start, f ,-get y u no; that - the indefatigable and accent Po ter will expect * ■: the -hp rrt.ng Magazine a : r.na. n-porl s naers dresses ana all auer this fa^mon. G a sat National Rack otib Tbs; Usios Cocfest—Tour m..cs out—purse >■ iOo.t Ou —two ■ entries. Ki.vdehhook—red ch. (or “fox'* coloured) i hor.-re by H.f d-Heart, out oi Uuphcity. KoJe s dress; black cap and g-dti tassel: French SusHet . damask jacket ano Royal purp.e breeches; ooots, . yellow tuorocco, witn ivury bana.e wnip ana irnost u potential spurs'—Rider: GL .pm; a e dapper httie leiiow, with •• spectacles on nose, r Botihng to ail around and looking lor all tae r wodd like a Circus nde r '» monkey on norsehack. Old Tip—gr. horse or the 010 stock —Bred on James River by a Signer of the Uecla/ation of Independence—got by Lineny uu.ut B> iero . len'e. lt.de-: a mtie orpaan Boy; i>orrowed r by VV at Kins Leigh trom Arthur lay I r—lb ess; t ozttaburgs shirt; li.i=*y wo >Lsey truwsers. scant c pattern; with a coon skin cap—thought by Biliy a Jonn-on. at a close run in, to be a let-lie the t . smaritstchap in Old Virginity. - With these appearances in their favour, and • the keys of the »00-Treasury in tneir pockets, e why, I ask, saould the backers of Km. eibock J wish to withdraw him ? SV itb such odd» h • L '/ar, m<t duuuierii ieeln.u, or any tb , ,am 1 tiiereto, that would lead tne Nor tne n nag to = show the wnile feather? No! no! Let the rare come off" and mark how it will square f with— A I) Ft £A -r ! w Dreim- are toys,yet to Ot.e —yea, sope.-titicus ly ! —I w nl be tqmred oy thin." Methought I saw on a great race track, six . and twenty poles named after the •'-'lal* s rcspec > lively ; two nags, Kisiukhoox and Old l ip, > came to the polls; Buchanan, Wall and Hub j bard, old Federal leaders, in attendance, as timers , on the part of the office-holders—Kinderhook i having won one heat was enli.led to tne track ; • a-) the drum was tapped, I beard the voice of a W«e man try aloud. “ \ barrel of Hard Cider ; on the old grey.” Aw ay they went like shut of ’ cannon, O.d Tip in the lead as they passed the , boundaiies oi the Old Dominion —Lorn ng to South Carolina, Kinderhook bad well nigh bolted “from his propriety, ’ at shouts of encourage ment from McDuffie.Pickens,and a knot of Nul f lifters; fut John *• Catiline” refreshed him with a iHJtlle of tau dt cologne —and whispering in t his ear *• rerneml/er the specie clause,” —for . a moment he gained the lead :—lt was but a con ; vuLive effort. Accarding to the Raleigh Register Old Tip shot a Lead again in North Carolina— , Jn Georg.a at the sound o Berrien’s voice he let out anotbei link ; and he passed through Louis iana, Bailie . ey too cried out, *• Down with the ! .Spoilers my old cock,” of: Eclipse never answer r 1 ed better to the spur.—Then m Mississippi ! lliere stood Prentiss with the eloquent flash of bis eye to gi»e new animation to tne old horse:—But when be stopped in Tennessee to breathe “a spell” and Foster scrap’d him down and Beiipoured down r a bo:tie of hard cider, the rider nor ail creation could not hold him. Ah ! sirs, but when he got to t Old Keuluck. and Clay and Cnltenuen and , Graves shouted as he passed, ‘Old 'Tippecanoe . forever.” the way he made the earth quake was a caution —Tnai impetus sent him like a tbi-nd r bolt through Ohio (wnere Kinderhook boiled) ! and the Key rttone Male; —Sergeant held his breath with wonder!—and as he lead, cut of > sight ahead, through the Empire State, Tallmadge j had haidly time to ask,“V\ here’s K.ncerhook !!’ . Away he fled, like a shadow, over the green mountains of Vermont into Isaac Hill’s Slate ; f there Kinderhixjk seemed to gain a little—but it was no go!—The way Old lip shock him off as toey swung around the Northern turn into the r Old Bay Mate, as Webster waved his beaver and , shouted “ Log Cabins forever,” was past ail be lief-—From that moment bis speed was swifter / j than the arrow’s fight, until he reached the White House, when Kinderhook was —no vherel _ ft is said, as he was seen next day with his tail I hanging, as he passed through Princeton, he was observed to have tl»e heaves. In Delaware, he nad scarcely st-ength to shy at the “ ben and blue , chc kens”—lien he “letdown;” and in Mary , land he fell ami died, before be got sight of the winning post; and was buried near the distance . po,e for a mile race, on Kendall’s track. ; Here lie the bones of Kinoerhook, By all hi' sun-shine friends foisook; j Os steadfast ones, he ne'er had many, For w (ten was he hue friend to any } Byartsnrost oul he won one heat — But lacking bottom to repeat, J he next was beaten by Old Tin, \\ ithout the touch of spuror whip, liis pi ice was •* nowhere,” shame to tell; , As 'oon as press’d he brick’d and fel . f Some say befell by Cult of rider, Vv ho, for champaignc mistook hard cider: Others « f death found cause remote. In the report that Joel wrote ; While some say it was over weight That broke him down and scaled his fate. With Lcrfand the Treasury Sub. No horse e’er lived tnat through could rub. Ma- v saw print of mortal blow, Asthojgh ’twere made w ith ej e’of Ilooe. Be these thn.gs said in truth or spleen. It ma ters not a whit, I ween. One it tis plainly to be seen Wit rout the aid of optic' keen : (As i ue as Kinderhook he.e re s, Hu coup de grace was given by’Boxxs. A Log Cabiu Sketch. fIJ» REAL LIFE. Suppose seme bari-mony a-a. TLcuoas H. r Ben tar. foe ir.scar.ce, on h.s return from Wasfeing- 1 1 too. in pas*.Dg through Inaiar.i, nr.ds c*c '.Le sinn of the WabasD ti -2 ral-m.ne-tl ag an •he trees of the soctent es . on the sooie; ' ; dcciivitr of one of the poiuts formed by the w.n --| tijag ot tie river, and preaeattog a view of :ind i and water interspersed. A large barn and we.i ! cuitivatesa be d- tndu-aie laal :he owner Lad bees prc*?per_ns in Lie. Tne traveller soon hears the re-3,;y sorr mons to enter a answer to .. - knock. He rods a man clearing ti« r:s. wh x w::h. at ;n’iertniu:nz L - wark. sayslo him. -?H d wa. sr- anger, sr. mir.e y Ir at hoc De. ' Our dinner will soon be ready—i want to Hewn ! mv n£-?. as 1 a.ways do when > come in fbam hun* tmz. I have just sen' tne bays to bring tn a Luck that I t this mom.ns." -That rifle of yours, my friend. Is an old af fair—l don't see naw y«u couii hit a buck with it-’’ •■ It is iLke its owner, cld enough io be better la saving which, the old man hangs bis gun in its wonted plate, lights tus p pe, sits u- wq dv the traveller and asks him the news, H:s guest co» g f ;m •■I have glori us news for you. V\ e nave par sed the Sub-Treasury b-.U; now you will soon see better lime*. N > more oi ks—no more cre dit—nothing but gold and tiher money. It is a eadv fi>w;ng up tae Mississippi, and wi i s-*>c be up v ur river; then every fanner will have a i'>ng net j urse. a . J the hard money wiil be s. n. g through t:.e .T.es.o s. Then this old rat tUt ap of a c.bm w Lc.rne d-jum, and you w.a La. a a nice wane uaU'c./r for a gentleman io tit doirn in when be comes to see you. I expect to be along here after the election, woen I shall ca a:, j see you aciin. lb- n w c w!;i La-.e a talk about that oi d coward down a 4 2S*rrh Bend: >y that ..-e be wi.l be well axed id n.a > g .a --m drinking hard ade~to wiicon aa inch of l.s life.” Tae old H )os.er lays down h:s pip . Says he. •- Stranger, 1 know Gen. Harrison ; me ana :.;m were raised :n V trgin a. lar ugh he is but a boy to me. We were i*-th out under Mad An thony. up on .Maumee, when we cm i toat fight af;er St. CUir's Udeat. V u have ueard of it, I reckon, afore now. Il was n sigat of l;.e fort. I was a private, and Harrison was but a vouna* ster :or a.; officer--he was aid to Mad Anthony, and the way he carried orders up and down was not slow. 1 saw him when he rode up to that troop • f ho se, where that young Dutchman from .-Hoauy, in York Mate—l c«n t th.nkof l; 3 name —Van, something—he was a Cornet, and earned the dig—R nsseUer. that is it. Il was worm i one of your purr's to see those troopers caarge upon the red -kin- among the long gra-s—it was ! for all the world hke a wolf chase, but on the prairies—and the tw vlt .ged i'rutes would run nearly as fast and keep at it as iuDg. They were ail taken care oi ami we bad no trou. le from ' them fer -everal year.'. After mat, on the march t down. I t<»»k a fancy to inis place where i now I live.— i b-.ught the land and ooiu t.ns house that i you call a ca in. and p id for all of it, ana I ne ver saw any of that s.iver ana gold that you talk jf dun ~g tfie w b >le time. We used to have Uni ted Stales Bank notes hen. that was just as good a- any thing. My land is just a-r geod.and s*. is my h .use. and tbev both will I c-t as long, as if th y had been paid ‘or in sub-irea'urv money. The h»uie suits me well enough. M . children, I mean the young ones, were here. My boys i were ai. grown when we moved from Virginia. ; My old woman like» ibis place, ana keeps everv j thine snug and comfortable—you are welcome to I all my house affdrds, and that is not much. Mv rifle provides fresh meat—y« u talk about tbit n ■fl —old Gov. Jbhelby said, when he came along here on his way to the North to join Harrison in Canada in the last war, that they bad just such rifles as that at K rig’s Mountain in the old war. To be sure they had. says i. My father earned it there, and 1 nave heard him say fifty t mestbat | he never could see any difference between a red ; coat, an Inuian, or a deer. I don’t pretend to shoot as rny father could, he learnt it under Mor gan ; I'ut you may understand this, when you hear the era- k of an old Hoosier’s rifle, you mav Know that there is something nes.’des noise ing on, and they vote just as straight as they shoot. You may talk till you are grey about Harrison. I knew him when he w as a hoy, and I nave heard of him e\er since. I don’t kpow much al>out his fighting in the la.-d war. mffboyt can tell you all ; about it , they went off with old Gov. Shelby and helped to give the red coats a dressing over in Canada—a.- to the Election you talk about. I vo ted for old Hickory twice; I always liKed him; w hen there was any fighting going on, he was always sure to he in the midst of it—since be went home to Nashville, somehow nothing goes right. There are so many experiments, and n«-w notions getting up, that I cannot expect to see the end of them ; and I think I shah try a shot with Old Tip—be can’t do much mischief, be cause like myself, he is getting rather old you know—and as to my old house, you can talk against it as much as you please, that will not change my liking for it; nut when my boys come in you must not lei them hear you, for if thev do, you’ll walk into next wet k in half a minute.” From the Baltimore Patriot. Virginia. The Vanities of the Old Dominion have a ! a good deal of trouble to make their men stb-k on the Electoral ticket of that .Stale. Tnere have been several declensions from the ticket, as nom inated heretofore; and now, we observe another noted in the Richmond Enquirer. “In conse quence of his illne-s,” Major H. Bedineer, of Berkeley, ami in accordance wbh his own wishes, Mr. Ritchie, the Secretary of the Central Com mittee of the Van Buren party, announces that his name has been stricken from the electoral ticket, and that of James Gibson, of Hampshire, substituted in its ulaee. We are not surprised at these declensions. Desi at is not exactly all that rende's a place on the Locofoco electoral ticket of Yirgini j. undesi rable. It is defeat, when battling against such men as Harrison and Tyler, and in support ot such a personage as Martin Van Durcn. that is especially unpalatable to the sons of the Ancient Dominion. It is not defeat in itself, but defeat in such a contest—under such a leader ! There’s the rub. A Fit I.vstbumext !—The Loco-focos of Crawford Co. Penn, have nominated one Joseph Douglass for Assembly, who has made himself notorious by his abuse of Gen. Harrison as a Commander. The Crawford Statesmen objects to this gentleman’s testimony, on the ground t ;at he deserted from the Army du ingthc Last War! For stating this, the Editor has been sued by Mr. Douglass; whereupon he publishes the certifi cates of three officers and five privates who be longed to the same company with this Mr. Doug lass during the War, who all testify that he deser ted fiorn the camp at Black Rock about one month after he entered the service!—Nearly all tne testifiers against Gen. Harrison are of this stamp. I oe Loco Focos of Nashua, N. 11. at a meet ing the other day, among other tilings, graveiy “Resolved, that it is the duty of every honest man to keep his eye skinned.” _ M hat *s aII cosier ' Ihe Chicago American gives the following signifii ant definition of this w-ord. ‘•What’s a Hoosier, mammy V* “A Ho. sier, cii < , is a man dressed in jeans, who drives six yoke of oxen, carries a whip ten feet long, and: votes for Harrison.” F’tm i Baltimore American Th? Aj-pett of the Contests We <rave a statement a. tew jays ago. showing the results of elections held in Uiose stales wuirtx S 3Te cast tbc.f votes s nee ibe nonnnatioß of Harris jo and Tvler. Since the pxbixutioo the returns from three States, Pent sjGama. Onto, ani New Jersec. Lave come in—wholly or m L*r. The fbilowing table w~ I snow the results ■ff.' ctioos thus far ascertained, in comparison v . . ‘.he elections ot 1836. 1*36. 1840. Electoral Votes. Electoral Votes. Har. V.B. Har. V.B. X- Hampshire— —7.. Rhode island —•• 4 **' ’ Connecticut, —-- 8 * ■ ■ Virginia • -23 ~3.. Lnoifiau, •• • Kentucky- 15 -. 15.. Indiana 9.. 9.. Illinois o ■ • Alabama • —•- ' N*. Carolina *ls 15.. Misfr.a i 4 —-- ■* Delaware 3.. 3.. Georgia i ! • • ii.. Ma-viand. — *.. .10. - l O.. l0.. Maine !<*.. Vermont, 7*. — 7.. Ohio 21. . 21.. N.Jersey. 8-- B - 8S 149 23 Mr. Van Baren thus tar has ! st 65 electoral votes whi h he Lad in 1836 and Gen. Harn-on has already carved State* enough to tied him to the Presidency. The whole naor.ier o: e.'ec * total votes in the entire e*B . *3H—one hun dred and torty-eight sufficient to elect. Gen. Harrison has already insured one hundred a- d frrrty-nintf In this estimate Pennsylvania is not iaciuJ J I—n r New York, nor Massachusetts, nor Ten nessee. nor Michigan, nor Missi.-sipoi. nor Ar kansas. If Mr. lan Buren should szet all these States—which however is mpo—iob —te w u;J st.il be defeated. It is not retain V. at he will get any one ol them. In P> nn-ylw.-.a the Whigs have a maj rity in Loth H uses cf the Legislature, and a ciei* ga n of two mec/jcr? >f Congress. The probal i v»s strong that li.e electoral vote of the State will : e given to Gen. Harrison. New York and M^--achu-‘f - are considered as certain for him as though their votes had been already cast. Term —re is reck oned pretty mo n in the same way. There is no room for ar.y further contest. Toe friends of Mr. Van iicren must L* now c. nvinced that their case is hopi-’ea*. Vo c-n’end anv longer, w ith hopes of success, in the face of s jea odds, would a degree of blindness next to incredt ie, or an ill a<i\ -td 01-t:aacy ala. un parallel. d. The will ot the people is declared; le* all g- oo patriots low in ackm-wicdgerijeni to its supremacy. LaGraXioe. Georgia. / 13th October. 1840. $ At a regula- me<*‘ing of the Harr - , r.k iv ler Society of Troup county held thi- dav. the tall ow iiig Preamble aao R» sTutio?,' wc-e olicr ed by Doctor L. A. Bond, and uuaniinouslv aJop led. ' V\ hereas. we have received information of the decease ul Mr. Merritt, one of LUe D-ice tes to the Macon Convention Jr*.m the coon', rot Jones, whi/se death was occasioned by the accidental tailing of the speakers stand wale in session on the 13m of August last, and whereas we are m turmed, that the family of the said Merritt are dependent upon the charity of the commuiav. Resolved therefore. That we manifest our sympathy tor the lams-y ot thr decased, r v con tn uting towards their luppu.f. R'&jlrtd, That we recommend to the various Delegations from other counties of the State, and the Harrison party generally to unite with us in carrying into effect the aoove objects ot cuaritv. Resolved, That one or more Delegates from each district in this county, be appointed by the Chair, who are requested to take subscription lor the fain ly of Mr. Merritt. Retolced, That the contributions be forwarded 'o General Enas Beall. President of Ue Macon Tippecanoe C lub, tor the use of the family of the deceased. Received , That these proceedings be published in the Macon Messenger, with a request that they be published y the Southern Recorder, Au gusta Sentinel and Columbus Enquirer. JAMES CULBERSON, Pres’f. Oliver P. Fears, Sec ry. " A Graphic Picture. G. W. Ewing, Esq , who lately headed the \ an Buren electoral ticket in Indiana, has pub lish* d a letter, in which he says, ‘■'the Sub-heui ury law strikes a fatal blow at the bed interests of the people destroying at once their energ et, their c< ujfidenct in each other , and consequently all cred’t. It is not in my humble opinion, a Democratic measure , but in reality the very reverse 'The Archimr.DEAV Screw.—The following is an extract from the Lt ndon Correspondence oi the New York Journal of Commerce : The Archimedes steamer, which propelled by a screw, is likely to visit juur good city of Gotham.—The patei tee and proprietor of tne screw propeller is very desirous of having an op portunity of crossing the Atlantic, if he an g-t his vessel chartered for thevovage. This gentle man, Mr. F. P. Smith, in reply to a paragraph that has insinuated that the lr.-t voyage the Archimedes took, to Holland had affected her wo r ks, writes to a morning paper ot the 14th thus: —“ The Arch tmedes i.as run 5,000 miles without the slightest derangement of her ma chinery, or any kind of material repairs and she is perfectly ready to start fur New York to morrow morning, should any person want to engage her for such an excursion.” Mr. Smith has offered to run he 500 miles at sea against any paddle steamer fur £ 1000. The Caledonia, sister steam ship to the Acadia, and the bearer of tr.is commu nication. showed her great powers in reaching Liverpool from Greenock in si teen and a half hours. The Columbia, the fourth and the lust us the Boston, Hautax and Liverpool Line, was launched on the morning of the t alcdonia’s sail ing from Greenock. £ne is described as a beau lilul model. A Strong Sr.MPTo.vt.—Mr. Van Buren in or dering nis coal this year for the \\ bite Home, or dered only enough to last till ihe 17th ( I March, leaving in (he binns just two week’s fuel aher the 3d of March. The calculation of Mr. Van j Buren reminds us of a very economical shipmas- I ter, w ho the sailors said could bring the end of the j voyage and the piovisions nearer together than any other man. — Mississippi—row she will no.—We are truly astunisbeu at some of our Whis friends those at a distance, however—who, in makiri" their calculations, set down Mississippi for Van Buren. or even as doubtful, wnen in fact there is not a State in this whole Union more sure for Harrison—which no honest democrat will deny 1 here. \ es. the Slate will go for Harrison by a majority of from 3000 to 5000 in the popular vote. What right has Mr. Van Buren, we would inquire, to claim the vote of Mississippi? Os all others, she has suffered most by the ruin ous measures of his maladministration—she km ws it, then is it reasonable that she enn give 1 A?u» r SUpP ° rt ? N ° '— C * iu CMiss.J Froot the Jyr*ii c<! - Whig* :«ten to the tferi -j v fen raih ».»J» »!! jn>- : .r- ir .- - V ‘ ‘ J-:; ? i.i£t where ;bexty iz.: dor, - a Whig Rattle -Call. 3 4T i. W. JfJITTBEV: f :e, Amencaas ! » nei; je mat ‘ ■ , An-e ' ar.«e —ou eve" i* * Hiw vi m r T 9.: araniiu- 1 ‘ v ( ' Remember ye lev:.,. ... . f ro-s r. ;i and p.k.e. i :K<rd - ' . v An t up to Heaven tfce.r car-.- : — a i * ■ - ; Then will ye nmr te «e:iN. at: - m .... . ? A heart es* le*pot7 mace ; h.- ' \ Hat-, taseij tarnished e .s. |;?, | Yiiir stem fore-feti>er« est tbeirti- * | Witt sa»o oa him ar - T'*' r flame t Lag oriott-I:- fjorr. FreedcmN »ltax---x»e 1 Ki.a :oiAri l , ,atrv g Tbit OBce vststk wor. i a beatM I Vo! never * never' —ye v; ! r.-.t ... ! . ,ke bat «me good - ' , The prrit- f jour fathers \zy:. t j!. . r * r ** Win bktsi you hi tne ocmt of % Ev'n ; ow a:.urta your rack- . . j Tt’tk oi toeir :Tr,e ard q f , e . ' L«w, u | Nor pa .?« ’iiil nerve’ess I- the ft: s And in the dust his blood-red K < Ye struggle for the -arrec ngLt- e; -1 For every hope that re A . dear : \ I For freedom of *;.e-pliit—wide ' 1 Retire like taw .id*fromt e-V ... ! Cn to the rescue ; '.f w. ] . ~~ 1 ..it nto your *ircs r. o.it£ .. . ,V ' . ! ■ Charge ! charge opoa the tyrarit ,r. •r . . | —. ■ 1 T«e Oaietiit Jmv X p. B!)L .... - ; ' ny’s humorous Grce oi ~ kj. £V'“ was an individual of the Uj?.. graver. John Taylor n r. , .... . | s- enres. reeofhs i.,i- r ® c ; Ji ‘ ! B:bb supported Dim- if re ' “ * .. it would • bad ot levied taxes u.-on a?i w ‘ KWMicii that fcesiucs ti.ic i / qu;nU the title of • Half-crown Bi T'/ ' appellation be was generally dj according to the rough, ur^ : , . estimate, he had borrowed a: j- J,l in half crow ns. Ire r.enuer to „ him on the day wnen :Le lie.L, o: R- * If* was announced in ihe newspapers; ar ? iogmv regret at the . s- j‘. , iDlerrcpteJ mt ai.cl .ie >f laia- a n,* n ; i , r *■ --'H Ul no WiiOse mir.o l ntaued i. - , r !-■ •- rof ,ea; .eg. J w.is m«xles?lv ■, ~ | panegyric u t cn the doctor, when ne fc rupied me with. -On ! never mdi.ut c : V<k head. Have you ,och atmg a* m U cpeace ». 1 br.u: you ? Luckily for ;..m ILa a h t . u c . Another of a r... e 7 I l !d me by M rt n. dramatic work* c e decidedly pop.;!ar. He to dme that BiUi t. K him one uay after :Le success p-r: ,r r^Dt 7’- : ays. and concluding ina: a preji^-. ou- author musi L.ve p.entv .f ca-.;, con. i Ts solicitation accordingly. a nj ventu>, uj J . ’ r tne I ju o? . v. _ -c r j - - __ sorpd him that he had t ,o ..ore ...ver . ._a :: sh'lllogs and sixpence, bibb readily a,. f} _ them, of course, but said on parting. • Kenu m 1 intended to borrow a cruwn. so v m 0 »e a eighteen pence.’ This sir ke of hJmor mdc.v; Morton to regret that L:i b g u d hit him ii j debtor.” Bng. Gen. Atkixsox. we learn -a-, - -J.? 5, ‘ Au_ustme. «ei'v<) w.:h extren.e reg.-cr. wa-j , ,. a . | en w ith para ysis; and there is but little a . iX lf 01 hl? ever being able again to tike toehtd Inonm Luu ].'•• m. —l , iieaJ, it is statevt in the Cincinnati G«zeue tat the v. uperior Court now in session in that cry, has recently expressed lae opin.on ;hat •• when a bill of exchange is a. iwn in this Mate, upoci person in anoiner Stole, whose residence is tiers, l.ie hoiaer ot tne i .il cann->! recover diniare up*io a protest, provided he knew the fact of it sideuce when he look the .ill; and that pea evidence is dmiss.iae to prove the knowiedgt COMMERCIAL. Latest dates from Liverpool, October I \ I* test dates from. Havre, tsepteruia i AUGUSTA MARKET. Vv EDXEsDAT EvfIXISG, OcL Cotton. \\ e have no change to notice id h price of i Cotton Since our statement given cn ne i 23rd ins:. Ihe receipts of Co: ton are un:s-T t light for the present advanced season of the -ai Ai. Liought to market is general y sold cn a.rißl at prices irora S 4 to 9c. fur new. 0 -erne: would icquire pume in squaie package, to cei- i raand the latter pi ice. The deinc nd steadv. Freights —To Savannah, 81 t > bale; to Char> | ton, by rail road, 23c 100 lbs fur square, andi* I lbs fox round bales. Exchange —Cn New York, at s ght, I ; cent for current funds; Charleston a: —a i't cerr; havannah 1 £ cent;Philadelphia —J • f I . ceot; Lexington, Ky. par a- £ cent; liichmcnd-; £ vent: Specie- commands Bank Motes. — Savannah Banks, 1 d - is ch pits- Columbus Insurance 8ank.... 2 /: - “ m Commercial Bank, yiacon, 2 d - <! * Mechanics’, “ (Augusta,) 3 £d- ** Agency Brunswick, 3A a- “ " Planters’ and Mechanics'Bank, Columbus, % . £ 2 i $ _ £ - disc’ll Central Bank, 9 0- “ “ Milledgevi le Bank, 9 a - “ “ ! Ocmulgee Bank, 9 d - “ “ Monroe Rail Road Bank, 12 d - “ “ Hawkinsville Bank. 9 d - “ “ i CbatUhoochic R. R.d: B’k C0..2i a- “ " I Darien Bank, 25 <r- “ l< \ I Bank of Rome, 25 d - ” “ Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank, St. Josephs,Florida 5 ?i - “ 'm Union Bank, “ 50 S - “ h ■ Southern Trust Co. o 0 2 “ All ptb.er Hanks now doing business, at P ar * Specie Paying Banks. — Mechanics’ Bank* lo*' ranee Bank of Coiumous. Conunerctai Bantc ot • Cun, and Brunswick Agency ;u li.i- city- New York, ' ctoberSNp v Coffee —The demand continues modcra’e, " 1 ( out change iL price-. 1 iie sales in lu-Jc about- . Lags Brazil at Us a i;k cents; 4.0 Lag yraiG f r a 1 li; ioO Cu a'lo4; all 4 mu*.; aud 500 >t- j j iningo at 9 a c.i>h. We dalout £ bags St. non.iiigo have changed hands, at abo>‘ * i cents. " 1 Cot ten —The market for this ait.cle con : - •„ j a depressed state, prices hav mg ;• crier udow!•«“*“ i 1 tendency, and during the week a d.-cliue ol s■* - m ’ cent £ lb has been submit cd to. I Flour —The market for V* extern last, has continued very him, wish a steady? demand, mostly for the Eastward, ai d duiia? 4 J week an advance of cents has eon estabh’ on most descriptions. Iho receipts from the |C '‘, rior, though large, are n derate ler the sea-on * ■ ; considerab e portion of which in view of a vll " e ‘ e 1 1 su Ppl>'- is being stored for higher prices. ’ m common to guod brands Gennesee and 1 I a SO, with occasional sales of the laitei 3*. ‘ 1 though the bulk of tire business, in cunsrqu ' its relative scau it , has been at the • llove r ,p of Michigan commands 84 SI ? Ii >4 : a R d ft