Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, December 31, 1852, Image 4

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■ FOR SALE. I PRIME NEGROES AT PRIVATE SALE LIST OF NK«iUUfc«, btlotif; ng to the Estate of Co!. John U. Mclntosh, at Burliu; ton Piantat on, in Flori nda, advertised lor sa’e by his Administrators, Jucub aid ir ■«. of Savannah, Georgia, and B. A. Putnam,of St. Au- I *une, Flor, >, under and in virtue of a Decree in Equity, i Vc/cAlications for the purchase of these Negroes, may be I le to either of the Administrators, Ihey wiil be sold I ,4ne gang, or in lots comprising families. Terms carh, [ fable in bankable money of Savannah or Charleston. [/ Spoby, 65 years of age ; Grave, 52; Charity, 22 : Char lie, 2»>; Charles, 19, Thomas, 17 ; James, 14; Joshaa, f ; William, 6 , Daniel, 4: Toby, 2 1; Jane, 20; Abram, kj; Oscar,4o; Belie, 40; *iimon. 12; Fortune, 10; Filer, Hk Oscar, 4; Horace, 4 mouths; Cyrus, 40: Tilia, 30; Had am, 60; Sukey, 60; Titus, 50; Nanney, 50; Hagar, 8J; Tena. 10; Julian, 1; Ellen, 14 ; Grace, 12; Hagar, (Peg gy) II ; Detnery, 2; Ama, (sick), 30; Richmond, SO; Dye, TV; Betty, 76; Dick, 35; Hetty, 13; Jiok, 6; Richmond, 8; Tyra, 2; Nero, 32; Tena, 3o ; Clarissa, 11; Sophi, 4; Delia. 2; Quaw, 50; Hann»h,4s; George Ann, 16; Rose, 14; Hannah, 13 Sam, 12; Cye, 6; Bully, 80; Lynda, 70; George, 22; Anna, 20. Sukey, 3 months; Loui, (driver,) 40; Lou.sa, 85; Dolfy, 12; Nelly, 10; Lucy, 14; Tiila, 0 months; Quaw, (old,) 7o; Lucy, ?0; Cumber, 90; Philipe, 25; George Ann,2o; Molly, \% ; 1 mouth ; Amelia, 40; Nancy, 14; Cato, 12 , Betty, 10; Abram, 6; Morris, 8; March, 1 month ; Delia, To ; *Haralet, 20; P> ecilla, 19; Anthony, 26 ; Polly, 24; SmartS; Hector, 4; Jinney, g; Infant, 8 months; Cain,so; Phillis, 50; Lynda,2s; Pad i uy, 22; Frank, 19, Peter, 14; Lucy, 20; Ruse, 6; Rogers, i ; Kitty, 8 months; Porapey, 7; Cain. 20; Eve, 1H; An drew, (Kinsley) 50; Nancy, 35; Sylva, 15; Jacob, 13; i Adam, II; Edward, 5; Martha, 3 ; Tyva, 30; Fanny, U, Rhoda, 6; Marti, 4; Plime, 28; Grace, 82; Jim, 11, Bob, 9; Minta, 5; Nancy, 3; Belle, 1 month; Harry, (old,) 80; Jinney, (>ick,) 4o; Harry, lo; Boreas, 8; Stephen, 70; Rosette, 60; ♦ Adam, 48; * Louisa, 4d; *Louisa,4; *Sain, 19; Jim, 60; Fontimur, 60; Jim, (Carpenter,) 40; Anna, 85; fcinfair, 15; Betty,l2; Daniel, 10; Rose,B; Pindar, 6; Elizabeth, 4 ; Theodore, 2; Bechey, 05 ; Joseph, 19 ; John, (invald,)23; Elsey, 12; John, 14; Mary, 11 ; Rachel, 8; Polly, 6 , Isaac, 8o; Tena, 25; Andrew, 5; Isaac, 8; Solo mon, I months; Cora,so; Piza o, 30; Abtoy, 85; Amelia, 10; Richmond, 2 ; Sam Ik, 1; Edward, 90; fiarriet, 70; Pic ton, 21; Maria, 2d; Ciariuda, 1)4 ; Titus, 9; Charles, 7; Joe, 2—the above is Cooper Anlrews’ family; Dugal, 26; Rhft#,2s; Winter, 8; Moses, 4; Frank, I month; Fish, 6 “Unn la, 2 t; B.n.ih, 2 ; FingaU, 25 ; Belinda, 22 ; Infant,3 mouths; Sunday, 4; Judy, 2, Jinny, 6Frank, ; 2; Saad<iy,l9; Wallace. 2o ; Lynda, 20 ; dbyoia, 17; Samp son, Bu|“bob, 55; Lyuda, 35; Grace, 16; Charles, 14; Cy«.4j{ Alexander, 3; Baffin, 1 ; Jub"r, 50 ; Ben, 50 ; An dr« w, (lame,)4l); Hager, 80; Harriet, 9*); Ned, (Carpen ter. si>, Susannah, 60 Sue, 14; Ked, 8; Ciariuda, 6; 8a * Wellington, 2?; Hubert, 2c; John, infants corn since dune ving a s’-ar t ‘ . FARM FOR SALE. ■HHB' ‘-hange my ■ ty lb i er bane i l ' !. the Ucui-tfliaul •. Uiv., . Li. i,\ G InU.M HHHBhi Storie' , a bn. k ' iivil f j ■A BB HHH mm up the i ~'y" .('-t ", ■ place, including water and fish s * |B ■a at my Rome. URGE BA i.'TE i' r M. 1), s'9-twAwtf J 3. ilch I reside, in she conn i, c* n tabling loon acres, livatiou ; ad of which, ex ieared wnhin the last 10 irs, and all now in udmi iom there is a Carpenter, :oi>rse Shoe Makers. For lesboro’. Q. SHRINK. LNTS erokee, Geo., an advanta _ _ isorship, a well established business is offered. A capital of 4to C, 10,0i>0, could he profitably employed here. to close this branch of our l.u- ness, we ore as tolls results. p0t..,., we »..vi Jkt. pJt'JsrC ! INSURANCE. ' LIFE INSURANCE. iETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, OONV, ANNUITY FUND, 150.000 DOLLARS. a—. - nrIIIS well known and long established Company, bar- A iuy organized a new Department lor LIFE INBU RAN E, with an entirely distinct capital, exclusively j pleged with its reserved accummulatious, for the payment of losses upon Life Insurance only, and in no event liable for the other debts, contracts, or engagements of the Com pany, is now prepared to issue Ppiicies on Lives, at rates materially reduced from those charged by the Mutual Com panies. The leading idea of the system adopted by this , Company is, to ascertain precisely what it is worth to in < sure a given amount upon a life for a certain time, and to j charge precisely that sum and ne more: it is attended j with none of those vexatious contingencies, which are in separable from the mutual system—it has nothing to do with scrip dividends or bonuses, the declaration of which u|>on the true and equitable principles, is attended with so much difficulty and perplexity—it is perfectly simple, as well as uniform and equal in ail its operations. The promptness, fairness and liberality which have marked all the dealings of this Company, for a period of thirty years, and the wel. known character of its officers and directors, afford the surest guaranty that its affairs wiil be so managed as to afford to the assured, that ulti mate safety and security, which is of the first importance in Life As.- urance. Policies will be granted payable after death, or upon the party’s arriving at a specified age, at hlo option; in either ! Crtse, free from the claims of creditors. The usual extra risks wiil be assumed by this Company at reasonable rates. INSURANCE ON NEGROES. By the rules of this-Company, risks on Negroes are taken on two-thirds of their cash valuation , for the term of one year, at tne rates below. Subjects n.ust be sound and heal hy, (none others being taken,) and in all cases must be exam ned by a competent physician, and where it is practicable, by the medical examiner of the Company. The following are the rates on house servants, laborers, mechanics, Ac., of good habits and in healthy localities: AGB. PREMIUM. 10 to 15 2 percent, 15 “20 2# “ 20 “ 25 2# “ 25 “ 80 80 “ 35 3 “ 15 “ 40 8% M 4o “ 45 8)4 “ 45 “ 5o 8)4 “ 50 “ 55 4 “ i 65 “ 60 5 ” For 6 months, two-thirds of above rates. “ 3 “ one-half “ “ Pamphlets containing rates of Premium, and informa tion, in relation to the plan of operations, and all neces : sary papers to effect insurance, may be obtained at the Agency of this Company, above Bridge Bank Building. THOMAS K. BRACE, President, E. A. BULKELY, Vice President, S. L. Loomis, Secretary, J. W. Seym cr, Actuary. MANAGERS OF THE LIFE DEPARTMENT. E A. Bulkelv, Jobs L. Boswkll, Robers Bckll, Roland Mather, Mills A. 'Futile, Edwin G. Ripley, Henry Z. Pratt. JNO. G. SLEDGE, Ageat, dlO-lms Broa i-st., Augusta,Ga. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. C. F. McCAY, Actuary. ( ASBURY HULL, President. Applications received, and favorable terms offered by Dr. VVm. E. Deahino and Charles Hall, Agents for Au gust jyß FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. The I'HuiPt rio.v i\slka\ck company of Hartford, Connecticut have established an Agency In Augusta and propose taking fire and river risks upon proper ty of all descriptions on as reasonable terms as any other good office, at the store of Force, Brothers & Co. nl HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. IMJIs Company having had an Agency in this city for the past 28 years, continues to INoURK PROPERTY f ra loss by Fire, on as favorable terms as those of any o er Company. JOHN C. CARMICHAEL, Agent. n 2 5 MARINE, FIRE, AND LIFE INSURANCE, BY THE /COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF \J Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL, $250,000, ALL PAID IN. 53P"” - Office, No. 4, Broad street. President, WILLIAM B. UERIOT. DIRECTORS: James K. Robinson, Henrt T. Strew, George A. Tkexholm, Wm. Mcßcrnet, Robert Caldwell, J. H. Brawlet, A. K. Taxi, T. L. Wragq. A. M. Lee, Secretary, E. L. Tbssier, Inspector % B. C. Pressley, i*>li<rUur y R. A. Kinlocu, Medical miner. This Company is now prepared to receive Proposals for j MARINE, FIRE, and LIFE RISKS, and to effect Insurance j on fair and liberal terms. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above i Company, is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks, , at customary rates. G. WALKER. 83?” Office at Warehouse of Walker, Bryson & Co., Au gusta. mylß-ly ro PROFESSIONAL & BUSlftblsiVitF. PROFESSION ALAKD BUSINESS CARDS, notexc.edicfe will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO j Card.- exctedinsr six lines, will be charged pro --um. HBnnk Di * i,, \ -imm v i law, i, j DRY GOODS. i SEIZE I His Joat received a full and complete assortment of j Fancy and Staple GOODS, consisting, in part, of Chine Chameleon SILKS; Broche figured Satin de CS\lne SILKS; Plaid Do.; Changeable Chine Do.; Armure Do.; Brocade Chameleon Do.; Groa d’Afrique Do.; Figured Poult de Sole Do.; Ombre Do.; Chameleon Poult de Sole Do.; Changeable Glace Do.; Striped Do.; Black Poult de Sole Do., “ Brocade Do.; ** Dotted and Figured Do.; “ 28,30, 32, and 34 inch Gros <is Rhyne SILKS; 44 Levantin Do.; “ Heavy Sinchew Do.; “ Silk VELVET; Heavy Black Satin VESTING; Black and mode color* ALPACAS, all price* ; “ Canton CLOTH; Embroidered Crape SHAWLS, some very rich; J Silk MANTILLAS; i Black Lace VEILS; ! Silk Warp FLANNEL; Pongee, Flag and Bandanna HANDKERCHIEFS; Black Fillet and Silk GLOV ES; “ and White Silk HOSE; Low priced anu sup, MUSLIN dk LAINF.; “ “ “ Fancy CASHMERES; Rich Embroidered Do; Persian and Manchester dk LAINES; Rich Gala and other PLAIDS, suitable for Misses’ and Boy’s wear; Real French MERINOS; Welsh, Game, Saxony and Domestic FLANNELS; Real Welsh Do.; Low priced and sup. Plain and Twilled Do.; “ “ Plain and Twilled Green and Blue FLANNELS; Gent’s and Boy’s Fancy PLAIDS, for Pants; Fancy colored and Plaid CASSIMERES, new style; Kentucky JEANS; SATIN ETS and TWEEDS; Sup. French Black CASSIMERE ; Forest CLOTH and BEAVEKTEENS; Rich Table and Piano COVERS; Infant’s and Boy’s Worsted HOSE and BOOTEES; Merino Knitted SHIRTS; J Embroidered and Plain Black Thibet SHAWLS, with ; heavy Silk Fringe; 9 4 and 10-4 Negro BLANKETS; i Green, Blue and Scarlet Heavy BLANKETS; 10-4,12-4 and 14-4 low priced and sup. Bed BLANKETS; Jaconet and Swiss TRIMMINGS; New style French, Manchester and ether GINGHAMS; “ “ “ English and Domestic PRINTS; “ “ “ “ “ Furniture PRINTS, some suitable for Laid Work; Plain and Figured Turkey Red PRINTS and BORDER ING; 4-4, and C-4 Cotton, Cambric, Jaconet, Nansook, Mull and Book MUSLINS; Plain and Figured Swiss MUSLIN; 4-4 Plain and Figured Bobinet LACE; Low priced and very fine cross barred MUSLINS ; Ribbed and Embroidered Furniture DIMITY; Fine and sup. Garment Do.; Thread and Bobinet EDGINGS; 8-4, 7-8 and 6-4 BEDTICKING and Apron CHECKS; Bleached and unbleached J EaNS and Canton FLANNEL; 8-4, 4-4, 6-4, 6-4 and 12-4 bleached and unbleached SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS ; Real New York Mill SHIRTING ; Fustian and Suffolk CLOTH ; Colored and Black Cotton VELVET; Men’s and Boy’s White and Colored Cotton and Merino HALF HOSE; Ladies’ and Misses’White, Slate, MixcJ and Black Cot ton HOSE; Heavy Worsted and Cotton HOSE, for servants; 10-4,12-4 and 14-+ sup. Marseilles QUILTS; Gent’s and Boy’s Gum Elastic SUSPENDERS; Silk and Cotton UMBRELLAS; Madrass and Romal HANDKERCHIEFS: Plaid HOMESPUN; 4-4 French and Irish undressed LINENS; 5-4 Pillow-Case Do.; 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, Snow-drop, and other handsome Damask • DIAPERS; Damask NAPKINS and DOYLIES; Barnsley and Damask unbleached Table DIAPER; Unbleached Linen and Union Table CLOTHS; 11-4 and 12-4 Linen SHEETINGS; I 8-4 Russia SHEETING: Birdseve DIAPER and Long LAWN ; ! Bleached and unbleached DOWLAS; Burlap, Crash, Brown and White HOLLANDS; i 4-4 Slate and Drab LINENS; Huckaback and Plain TOWELING; Birdseye and Colored Bordered TOWELS. *3O FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. COSGROVE & BRENNAN ARE NOW OPENING the largest Stock of Fancy, Staple and Domestic DRY GOODS ever offered by j them in this market. They would call special attention to the following; Colored and Mourning Plain, Figured, Plaid and Bro cade SILKS; French CASHMERES and M. DkLAINES, of every style and color; English and Scotch Chints, Cafhtreres and DeLaines ; Plain and Figured Persian Cloths and Venetian Lustres; French, German and English Merinos; Coburg.s, Cabool Cloths, Paramettas, and Alpines; A large variety of STUFF GOODS, such as Plain, Figur ed and Brocade Black and Colored Alpa« •<; Arabesque, Shaded Lustres, and Chameleon Do.; Em broidery, Gloves, anu Hosiery of all kinds; French, EngPsh and American Prints and Ginghams; Plain and E übroidered White and Colored Crape Shawls; Tartan, Rob Roy, Plain and Damask Long and Square Shawls; Linen Cambrics, Lawns, Sheeting ami Pillow Case; Linen Table Diaper, Napkins, Doylies and Table Cloths, all styles ; Colored Silk Velvet and Trimmings, for Mantillas and Cloaks. —ALSO— CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Sattinets, Kentucky . Jeans, and Fancy Goods, for youth’s and children’s wear. Fine Bed, Cnb and Cradle Blankets ; Negro and Mackinaw Blankets, all styles and prices; KERSEYS, Osnaburgs, Stripes, Shirtings and Sheetings, at Facto' y prices. The public are invited to call and examine those Goods, at either of our Stores, No. 202 Broad st., (opposite the Hotel) and 276 Broad-st., (opposite -jhe OH ? ore DRY GOODS. ; DRY GOODS. ==*: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 802 and 276 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. j r'IOSGROVE &. BRENNAN have received an exten- V7 sive supply of rich and beautiful GOODS, in addition | to their Fall and Winter supply, which they now offer for sale, at both their Stores, at exceedingly low prices. —AMONG THEIK STOCK WILL BB FOUND — A large assortment of Black, Plain and Colored SILKS; Black and Colored Silk VELVETS; Black and White Watered SILKS; French and English MERINO-', a great variety; Black and Colored ALPACAS and BOMBAZINES: Printed MERINOS; DeLANES ; CALICOES, and GING ! HAMS; White and Colored Crape SHAWLS, at all prices; Rich Embroidered Crape SHAWLS; long and square Woollen SHAWLS; A Urge variety cf Black and Colored Silk MANTILLAS; j Some beauti ul shades in Cloth, suitable for do.; Velvet TRIMMINGS; GIMPS and FRINGES, a large supply; j French and English Black CLOTH ; Jaconet and Swiss TRIMMINGS; COLLARS and UN | DERSLEEVES; ’ RIBBONS, a great variety; Black Colored ivid GLOVES, all prices; Silk, Woollen and Cotton HOSIERY, a large supply; Black and Uol’d DOESKIN ; CASSIMERE and TWEEDS. C. & B. solicits particular attention to their extensive j i supply of fine Bed and Negro BLANKETS. A large supply of KERSEYS; OSNABURGS, and Brown | SHIRTINGS, which they will sell at Factory prices. Planters would find it to their interest to call at either of their Stores before making their purchases. dls PLAINS, BLANKETS, &C~ STOUT heavy PLAINS, very cheap; KERSEYS, and other NEGRu CLOTHS, verv low ; CASSIMERES; SATIN ETTS; TWEEDS and JEANS : 10-4,12-4 Whitney’s BLANKETS; Duffil BLANKETS; I Crib BLANKETS; White and Red FLANNELS ; OSNABURGS; SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS, very j cheap. For sale by dl2 WM. U. CRANE. FURTHER SUPPLIES—NEW GOODS, ~ TTTTILLIAM H. CRANE has received, by the last V y Steamers from New York— Rich Printed French DeLANES ; Mazarine Blue Velvet Ottoman fILKS ; Rich Lustred Black GRO DkKUINE; Fine GINGHUMB ; small Figured PRINTS ; 11-4. X 2-4 fine bleached SHEETING; I Childrens’ Striped and Tartan W orsted HOSE; Drab MOREEN, and a variety of other Goods. dl2 RICH SILKS SUPERIOR rich Figured Brocade SILKS ; Plain heavy Chamelion POUiT DkLOIE; a large assortment of Plain Black SILKS; Rich Plaid and Striped SILKS. For sale very low by d!2 WM. H. CRANE. MERINOS, ALPACAS, AC. j IT'IN'E French and English MERINOS, various colors; j . Superior Black and Colored ALPACAS; Large and small Figured DeLANES, very low ; Fine Black BOMBAZINES and CANTON CLOTH ; PRINTS and GINGHAMS, a great variety, very cheap. I For sale by d!2 WM. H. CRANE. | MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, AC. RICH Black and Colored Silk- MANTILLAS: fine long and square Plaid SHAWLS; Black and Colored Cashmere SHAWLS; Small Woolen SHAWLS, for Children ; SACKS and CLOaKS. For sale low by dl2 WM. H. CRANE. FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, FIXE French Worked CHIMIZETT COLLARS, with SLEEVES to match ; A large assortment of Needle Worked COLLARS, very cheap; Embroidered Muslin SLEEVES, a great variety; Jaconet and Swiss EDGINGS and IN'SERTINGS. For sale by _ d!2 WM. U. CRANE. NO DEVIATION FROM PRICES MARKED. AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WM. O. PRICE A CO., 253 Broad str*et, have on hand and are constantly manufacturing the most superb Gentlemen's OVER COATS, ol every description; WALKING COATS, BUSINEcS COATS, Dress and Frock COATS, of all the choice Mode colors; PANTALOONS, (t Black and Fancy Doeskin and Cassimeres, of the newest styles ; VESTS, of Rch Velvets, Cashmeres, Embroidered GOODS. ROBES DE CHAMBRE, of various styles and qualities; Gentlemen’s UNDER Q AR MEN'I S, ot every description. The whole embracing the best assortment of well made Clothing to be found in Au gusta. Purchasers will be pleased to call and examine our assortment. WM. O. PRICE A CO., d 5 Drapers and Tailors. FRENCH EMBROIDERIES AND GOODS FOR LADIES’ EVENING DRESSES. SNOWDEN & SHEAR HAVE just received from New York— Ladies’ Embroidered French Lnvvn HANDKER CHIEFS, of new and elegant styles. Cadies’ Worked CHIMASETTES, of beautiful styles, with Sleeves to match. Ladies’ Valenciennes Lace COLLARS, with Points, of beautiful styles. White and Colored Tarlatan MUSLINS, and White French CRAPES. White and Colored Silk Thule LACES, a beautiful article for Ladies’ Evening Dresses. Superior Plain *V bite CRAPE de PARIS. - White Barege and White Wash Blond LACE 3. White Brocade SILKS, of new and splendid styles. White, Watered and Plain White Glace SILKS. Pearl Colored SILKS, of beautiful styles, for Evening • Dresses. Plain, Pink, Blue, and Lemon Colored GRO dk NAPS, i ' for Evening Dresses. A full assortment of Alexander’s Ladies’ White and Co- j lored Kid GLOVES. . w*To all of winch they respectfully invite the attention of the public. rlO-dtwAw LADIES’ CIRCULAR CLOAKS. DAOWDKN A SHEAR have just received a supply , O of Ladies’ Velvet CIRCULAR CLOAKS, and Ladies’ i Black Watered and,Plain HbtckAlLH|^feL)AKS. jg MISCELLANEOUS. THE AUGUSTA BRASS ANE COTIIJX)N JOHN A. BOHLER, I.fadvr, RESPECTFIILV inform the public, that they are prepared to furnish Music for ail occasions required, on reasonable terms. Communications addressed to JOHN A., or WILLIAM O. BOHLER, Augusta, Gw., will receive prompt attention. jyl3-ly FAMILY MEDICINES, | PREPARED by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga., J. Proprietor of the Georgia Sarsaparilla, a preparation regarded by the most scientific, and those who have used j . it, as the purest and best of the kind that has ever been prepared in the United States. Among them are the fol lowing— Choice ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, a mild and effectual ; purgative—»?i ice 25 cents per box. SI'IMULATING TONIC, for Dyspepsia, Colds, and Fe male Complaints, arising from Colds—Price $ I per bottle. COUGH SYRUP, for Cough, Asthma, &c.—Price 25 ota. per bottle. ASTRINGENT TONIC, for Bowel Complaints—Price $1 per bottle. STIMULATING OINTMENT, for Rheumatic Pains, Ac. —Price 25 cents per box. STIMUIATING LINIMENT—Use similar to the Oint- I ment, but preferable in painful Swellings, Swelled Brtasts, | i Sore Throat, Toothache, Headache—Price 60 cents per i bottle. i ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTURE, for all sudden and dan- i i gerous attacks of disea-e, such as Convulsions, Lock-Jaw, ’ Cramp Colic, Pneumonia, and all other diseases in which immediate action is necessary. Used externally, it is su perior, in cases of I’oisons, occasioned by the bite of Snakes, Sting of Bees, bite of Insects, Ac. It is also valuable to relieve inflammation in cases of wounds, bruises, Ac. For horses, it is a sure remedy in Colic, as well as a valuable article to cause fresh wounds, and other sores, to heal.— j ! Price $1 per bottle. Sold in Augusta by the Proprietor; in Covington by E. H. Pringle A Co.; in Warrentonby Hudson, Welborn A Co., and by Druggists generally. u 6 COLORS UNFADING. AND WEATHER-PROOF XII -1 NERAL PAINTS. —Several Shades of Brown, with Pink, Buff and Black; and by combination a great variety of Shades and Tints may be made. ; These Paints possess body or covering property equal to j white lead, and flow as easily. They dry soon, become very hard —in fact, make stone or slate of every col r—do , not crack or peel off, and if sanding is required, nothing ! holds sand more firmly, or finishes so well with it. For Painting Wood, Iron, Tin, Brick, or Plaster, nothing adheres more firmly—lasts longer, or comes cheaper than Selver’s Mineral Paints. For sale at Manufacturer’s prices, with addition of freight, by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO. Also, for sale as above, at a low price. Prepared ROSIN OIL, suitable for using with Fire-proof Paint, for Roofs, Fences, and all coarse colored work. ap; 0 ROSENDALE CEMENT. THE subscribers are Sole Agents for the sale of the Cele brated Cement, known as the “NEWARK AND KO | SENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT.” The reputation of j this article for strength, Uniformity, cheapness, ami dura ■ bility, is well established, as will be seen by the following ' Certificates selected from many received by the President of the Company. From Col. W. J. McAlphine. Dry Dock U. 8. Navy Yard, Brook tx. President of the N. and R. Cement Co.—Sir: All the Ce ! ment used on this work, for two months past, ovei 3,000 \ barrels, has been obtained from your establishment. Eve : ry tenth barrel of this quantity has been very carefui’y in- I spected and tested in the severest manner. The rest t has proved very gratifying; and it gives me great pleas re to say that your Cement has stood all the tests, equal to any that has been furnished this work, Wm. J. McAlpisk, Engin er. From J. Edgar Thompson, formerly of the Georgia R Road Company. j Engineer Department Pa. R. R. Co., Harrisburg, ’a. President N. and H. Cement Co. —The Cement which you have sent us is equal to any we have received frm: any other manufacturers. J. Edgar Tho.mp <n. A Stock of the above Cement always kept on hand, Also, a supply of Calc. PLASTER PARIS, which will be sc ’J, for cash only, HAVILAND, RISLEY A CU., au29 Wholesale Drugtr ts, SHOES, BLANKETS. KERSEYS, &C. 3r\rv/'v FAIRS Heavv BROGANS, made to ord r; • v*VV 5,i)00 lbs. Sole, Harness and band LEA'i ER; lOcasesheavy Wool HATS ; 20 “ Georgia PLAINS; 10 bales No. 1 OSNABURGS; 1,000 pairs heavy Negro BLANKETS. —ALSO— -100 boxes assorted Gulatus TOBACCO; 50 “ best Goshen CHEESE; ! Just received and for sale upon good terms by 1 014 BUFORD, BEALL A TO. BUGGIES IOR SALE. THE LX'DI RelGAbl), contemplating a remova 'rom Augusta, offers for sale at his new carriage hop, corner of Broad and Kollock Streets, his entire st< k of BUGGIES, all of his own manufacture, and at prices v inch cannot fail to pleasa. —ALSO— The very desirable Cottage DWELLING HOUSE erected by the subscriber, and now occupied by him, pleas cntly situated near the new Episcopal Church, on Telfair f reel, below Kollock. —ALSO— Three vacant LOTS adjoining the premises. EBENEZER PA< E. N. B.—The advertiser having left his notes and acc unts in the hands of Wright, Nichols A Co., requ sis all pt ons indebted to him to make immediate payment to him. t: rims not paid at an early date will be placed in the hands fan Attorney for collection. 013- m AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY. AUGUSTA GEORG A. OSXIOXD, GRAY & CO., Proprietor*. HAVIjVG completed their arrangements, thepr< >rie tors of the above named establishment, are now pre j pared to execute all orders for every description of ( ST- I INOS at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. To Railroad Companion and Car Builders. We are prepared to manufacture Chilled Kaiiroa Car | and Engine WHEELS of every kind, equal to any W eels j manufactured at the Northern, and superior to any t -,nu ; factured at any Southern Foundry, and at prices as 1 7as —any that can be delivered from any other establishrc- t. all other descriptions of Engine and Car CAST GS, ■, HH ■ ■ PATENT MEDICINES, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL.” r> cure a Cold, with Headache and Serene* of the Bo dy, take the CHERRY PECTORAL on going to bed and wrap up warm, to sweat during the night. For a Cold and Cough, take it morning, noon, and ere . ning, according to directions on the bottle, and the difficul ty will soon be removed. None will long suffer from this i trouble when they find it can be so readily cured. Per sona afflicted with a seated Cough, which breaks them of their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cherry Pecto j ral on going to bed, they may be sure of aourd unbroke* 1 sleep, and consequently refreshing rest. Great relief from ; suffering, and an ultimate cure is afforded to thousands who are thus afflicted, by this invaluable remedy. From its agreeable effect in these cases, many find them - selves unwilling to forego its use when the necessity for it j has ceased. j From two eminent Physicians in Fateti#viixe, Tens., April 18,1851, Sia: —We have given your Cherry Pectoi al an extensivo trial in our practice, and find it to surpass every ether rem edy we have for curing affections of the respiratory organa. DRB. DIEMJER A HAMPTON. To Singers and Public Speakers this remedy is invalua ble, as by its action an the throat and lungs, when take* la small quantities, it removes all hoarseness in a few hours, and wonderfully increase the power and flexibility es the voice. Asthma is generally much relieved, and often whslly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cases so obstinate as to yield entirely tone medicine. Cherry Peo toral will cure them, if they can be cured. Bronchitis, or irritation of the throat and upper portlo* of the lungs, may be cured by taking Cherry Pectoral in (•mall and frequent doses. The uncomfortable oppreseiem i is soon relieved. Rev. Dr. Lansing, of Brooklyn, New York, state*: “ I have seen the Cherry Pectoral cure such cases es Asthma and Bronchitis as leads me to believe it can rarely fail to cure those diseases." For Croup, give an emetic of antimony, to be followed by large and frequent coses of the Cherry Pecterel, until it subdues the disease. If taken in season, it will net fall tocure. Whooping r ough may be broken up and soon cared by the use of Cherry Pectoral. The Influenza is speedily removed by this remedy. Nu merous instances have been noticed where whole familiee were protected from any serious consequences, while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectoral, were sufltring from the uisease. Salem, Ohio, 11th June, 1851. Dr. J. C. Aver;—l write to inform you of the truly re markable effects of your Cherry Pectoral in this place, and in my own family. O eof my daughters was completely cured in three days of a dreadful Whoopi; g Cough, by ta king t. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians freely states thathe considers it the best remedy we have for pul monary diseases and that he has cured more cases es Croup with it than atty other medicine he ever administer. ' ed. Our clergyman of the 1 rptist Church says that during the run oi Influenza here this sea;on, he he* seen cure* from your medicine, ne could scarcely have believed wick j outseeing. Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster, Fromthi i stingU’sbed Professor of Chemist) y and Ma ; teria Medics, Bowdom College : I have found the Cherry Pectoral, as its ingredients show, a powerful r# edy for Colda, and Coughs, and Pul i mcnary diseases. PARKER CLEVELAND, M. D. ; Brunswick, Me., Feb. 5,1841. Dr. ValentineJVlott, the widely celebrated Professoral i Surgery in the Medical College, New York City, says : , “It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy I of “Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,’’ which 1 con rider peculiarly j adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs.” Curts of severe diseases upon the Lungs have been af fected hy Cherry Pectoral in smh extreme c«s< s at war rant the belief that a remedy has st lengtk been found that can be depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and Coa surat tion which carry from our midst thousands every year. It is indeed a medicine to which the afflicted can look with confidence for relief, and they should not tail »• avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. ATER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold by UAVILAND, HISLEY A CO., W. H. TUTT, D. B. PLUMB & CO., W. K. KITCHEN, and BARRETT, ! CARTER & CO., Augusta, Ga.; HILL A SMITH, Atheaa, 1 Ga.; PAYNE 4 NESBIT, Macon, Qa.; UAVILAND, HAR RAL A CO., Charleston, S. C.; A. A. SOLOMONS, Savan nah, Ga., and by all Druggists throughout the South. d4-dAtwf weawßm TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND SHALL PREVAIL.* DK. C. WILLIAMS’ COMPOUND Pulmonic Baltam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, the greatest remedy ever invented far the cure of Coughs, t ou;s, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis, i Influenza, Spitting of Blood, and all other Lung Affus j tions tending to Consumption. If any one doubts the efficacy of Dr. C. Williamt' Pul i manic Balsam, by try .ng one bottle he will become fully ! Convinced that it is the best and mast prompt remedy ev«r invented for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, bron chitis, Ho pir.g Coc gl>, roup, Pneumonia, a.ihma, and ' Consumption. Dr. Williams' Con-pound Pulmonic Lui sa rn of Wild Cherry and Mood Soptha jar surj,asset all remetiies ever invented for its safely, promptness, and i efficacy, in arresting almost instantaneously all dkeassa sf • the Lungs and Throat. TRY IT! TRY IT!! I It is warranted to do you wore good than any other remedy ; and if its effects do not prove fully satisfactory, the money will be l efunded. Ihe many wonderlul cures which this valuable medicine has effectt d are truly astonishing. Subjoined arc * mo Home Certificates, from gentlemen of high and undoubted ; character, many of whom are well known throughout tk* country for their standing and integrity. Tcsccmbia, Ala., Aug. 14,1349. We respectfully refer all peisous interesied, and who may be laboring under a huU and waiting Cough , to tho following gentlemen who are well acquainted wiib the pe~ I cuUur virtues of this medicine, by addressing a letter to e thei of whom, post paid, a piompt answer will ho ro -1 ceived: J. F. Demolville, Newman, Robertson A Co.; J. Colby A i Co., Druggists, Huntsville, Ala. Dr. Malone AR. B. Brick el, Druggists, Athens, Ala. Taylor A McCarthy, Drug- I gists. Columnus, .Miss. Rupert Lindenburger A Co., Drug j gists, Louisville, Ky. J. McDermott A Co., Druggists, ! Murfreesboro’, Tenu. Dr. A, A. Burleson, Decatur, Ala. j Bently, Gilchrist, and A. A. Acklin, Druggists, Couniand, I Aia. W.B. Barton. Druggist, Florence, Ala. Dr. Eliia, . Druggist, Ripley, Mies, it. L. Ross AJ. L. Cooper, Drag , gist, Tuscumbia, Ala. Be sure to ask for Dr. C. William a’ Pulmonic Balaam of Wild Cherry and Wood Haptiiu, and let no other bo ; palmed upon you, as your life may depend upon yourcaa : tion in this particular. CAUTION.—None-genuine, unless there is a fine steal on the outside with the fuc simile signature of i^B^^Vu^uii» J >^D iS engraved thereon—also ins name, ■.!•'] in the gia-s thus mm r ■L .