Daily chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1837-1876, January 04, 1853, Image 1

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Daily chronicle & Sentinel. BY WILLIAM s. JONES. (to (Ctjronirlt & Sentinel IS PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, and weekly, *1 by WILLIAM S. JOSKS. L TERMS: _.pan—P*nshwl Morning an<t Evening.—ToClty ! >iH<i “j j., ijoijj a* per annum, payable in advance, j Dollar*. Dollars per annum in *<i- ; jLpTR —(A mammoth sheet) —Two Dollabs per i j -BERMS OF ADVERTISING nl l*» paper, Fifty Cents per square (ten lines or ' >f»tbe first insertion; Thirty-Eight Cents for the next U*l -s Twenty-Five Cents for each subsequent inser fo*i wc-KKI V Seventy-Five Cent*; SEMI MONTHLY or (i n ’either rW ,l ‘ r ) One Dollar; and Rule and U_~Worfc.One Dollar per square. lii-rtTtisemeiifa inserted under the head of Special mSL Kfty Cents for each insertion. i. or Bcsink.sh Carps, not exceeding r nee, annum. Ls over six lines, pro raia per 1 . 1 *VarComtniin*catimi* designed to promote private or im.. tXrests, will be charged as advertisements, Advertising, under any circumstances,except « sad Obituary Notices; and these, when otter siie charged as advertisements, j STANDING ADVERTISEMENTS: HO lint*) 1 month, without alteration, 16 | , V “ 8 months, “ r 12 I * « «• 6 months, aßered quarterly, 18 ! 12 months, “ “ 25 j Loins, t— b»if more than the itiove rates. | |hr*s-fourths more than the above rates. * H double the above rates. * next to reading matter and leaded, double these ' *dT Advertisements not marked the number of insertions, ! continued and charged by the insertion. W#h Merchants, Druggists and others, contracts will be I for by the year, on reasonable terms. the bill of any house or iirm amounts within six . w TT to g>y> of upwards, for other ttian contract adver- ' discount of 25 per cent, will be made, if paid on ! yweatation. 1 AND SAVANNAH STAGE AND RAIL ; * ROAD LINE. t cBOAYEST AND CHEAPKHT ROUTE to Coiura- ! S Macon, Milledgeville and Savannah. , lifutts to Waynesboro’ via Four Horse Post - ! Wirooiboro'toMillen, via Augusta and Waynes boro> Rail Road, .’. 21 ** Miata toßavannah, via Central Rail Road, 79 Mg|aioßaton, via Central Rail Road lid “ j Mason to Oglethorpe, viaSouth Western R. Road, 50 “ Aunts to Oglethorpe, 213 “ j —FARE ■m twite to Columbus, fl 4 00 "T Oglethorpe, 8 25 : « •* “ Macon,.. * fi 50 | , m *• “ Milledgeville, 675 ; u u " Bavannah, sbO Tbs Proprietor has made*arrangements with the different j , fcnpsaisstorun through tickets to the above named points, i ] «d * now prepared to furnish same at the Stage Office at j I Cited States Hotei. JAB. P. FLEMING, Proprietor. W G. FARGO, Agent. i Angnsta, July 9, JSS2. _ jy3 _ _ ’ office transportation SO. CA. RAIL : : road company. _ Charleston, May 85, 1552. | ’ f\U AND after Tuesday next, Ist dune, the Passenger 1 LFsad Mail Trains (under regulations of the Post Office twinrr"*.) will, until further notice, run as follows, v iz: Charleston and Hamburg road. KUT OB aSQI'LAR HAIL ASD PAeSKNUKB TSAI* UP. UstmCharleston (daily) at 8 00 o’clock, a. m. Antes Hamburg “ 2 4)) “ r. si. DOWN. I tan Hamburg (daily) at t>% “ a.m.-i Arrive Charleston “ 100 “ p m, i These Trains connect with the afternoon Mail Train > : 1 Me Georgia Railroad, (at Augusta) going South and West, i lid at Charleston with the Wilmington Mail Steamers, and j < lew fork Steam Packets going North and East. Fob the ; 1 present Express Train is run only on those days that the I WiisiiD|ton Mail Steamers, or New York Steam Packets Ml le srrtee at Charleston in time to Conner- wi a.rl le'clock, A. M. Train. i J HceinoaxiotiT axpaxas fhkight and pass* knurr tsaix • ' ' UP. Leave Ch&rlestim at 5 GO o’clock, p. m. Antes Hamburg at 580 “ a. m. j DOWN. Leave Hamburg at 1 600 o’clock, r. m. < Arrive Charieaton at 630 “ a. m. ! i Peseengers by this Train will always arrive at Hamburg I Is time to take the da; Mail and Passenger Train of the ; Awrgia Railroad, which leave Augusta at 7 o’clock, A. AL, er Atlanta,Ac. J. l>. PETBCU, ■f27 Superintendent Transportation. CAROLINA R. ROAD COMPANY | Charleston, October 1,1852. NOTICE is hereby given that from and after this >iate this Company will receive at the Georgia Railroad Depot at Augusta, alt Cotton, Produce or Merchandize t brought down by the Georgia and other Railroads, and iu- , haded for the South Carolina Railroad ; ute Freight and eUigeion which they will pay up to that point, and col- j het ih* whole, Freight and charges, a* agreed above on WRery in Charleston. Duplicate receipts will be given by the Agent of the ' Company on the receipt of such Cotton, Produce or Mer- Aiadias at the Georgia Railroad Depot, one of a hich will ■tliven to the Georgia Railroad Company, and the other Wilt be forwarded to the censignee in ChaGeston, and for ; all lost sad damage that may occur to such Cotton, Pro- ' Istsor Merchandise after it came into their possession, j wliovihCarolina Railroad Company will be responsible, (**d will promptly pay) but no further. < j Shippers of Cotton, Produce or .Merchandize for Charles- j M hum points on the other Roads above, will send Dupli- j •tlsreceipts to W. J. Magrath, Agent, Hamburg. By or- ; ««r of Rig Board. oS J. R. EMERY-, Sec. j BEGARS TTB HAVE Just received a lot of the following favo- j rite brands SEGAKS, of our own importation, dlrwt 1 WOHO'DO, | TRW CORONAS, (three Crowns); * VICTORIA; DA UtGUERA; LROALADAD DE LOPEZ; COHSALACION ; benjamin franklin. * LAMBACK & COOPER. SHEAF OATS. A raw LO ADS.—For sale by N. B. MOORE. \ dIS-Uw‘2 . T t TRUNKS, VALISES, AC. JlitT REUKIVBD, at the Augusta (saddle and Har- | Hams Manufactory, 198Metcalt’s Range, a large as ' ■tfotsot 6f Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Travelling TRUNKS, BONNET CASES, CARPET BAGS, Ac. J* 1 * A. HATCH. FOR SALE. ’ALUABLR WATER POWER, WITH 1800 ACRES OF i WOOD LAND. A I*J^ A *LE seat lor a FACTORY, or MILLS, or ! m~ I *~UHINERY, of any description, is offered for sale, j katf «SwI 0 ? ** *Dout 9 miles from Augusta, and one and a ' D°® Belair, on the Georgia Railroad. There ! 18 and 1900 acres in the tract. '* an abundant supply of water. A SAW *kril ° i * new first clf.s* z - 2 feet Breast Water “"VWito 8 feet Buckets, 8 large Circular, an i 2 cross Belting sufficient for the Mill, with a consul amount of Machinery, all new and in perfect order, ks »u v *( u *ble piece of property that has been on a«^ to M mM,yyears •ol<l * great bargain to an approved purchaser. 418 HUTCHINSON A PRITCHARD. A Sio GRAKITE HILLS in the hands of Mr. Thomas Denagan and M v® o , John, one of whom will, at all times, the Eag.e A Phoenix Hotel and the o’.d ‘fow below Mr. Zinu's Augusta Bakery, lag sag 7* *° crt *HI be made to keep on hand superior ■MIONv of FLOUR; Bolted MEAL; fine GRIT* Ac. Flour can be found in the hands of my ,J moar » Auste y A Co., Broad street, and «al| * un ** Bl , Warren Block. JAMES L. COLEMAN. Wvj. SSfiARS, BEGARS -150,000 StGARS, of the follow- Aio Bs»do; Ovra; Fixed Star; El Mcniteus; !?• "irmliiniM; PaoUellas, &c. Foreaie to GIRARDEY A PARKER. CHARCOAL. A*®M.forMedbHnJ»‘ n F r «curing a pure article of Chav *y*t»lat Dental use, has induced us to s*** I* -a-vS*. "retaining something that can be 2*FNNatad P ure state in which this arti superior as a corrective of the sm* , *^ u » J* recommended as 2* decayed, f r sweetening “ ; Put up in bottle* and for sole 77 j'" D. B. PLUMB A CO. a^ESSSa 1 ??' OPIUM, possessing all j A ** D»« Drug, Without its injurious J' * W PD ! Z received and for sale by nWH lU| Mu, . D. B. PLUMB A CO. ground KICE FLOUR. Jult »• 808100 CRACKERS. bhL rafatL TnDIgT~ J MGO.for sale by Whatesele A Retail Druggist. I m *tiff‘rfffTT-7rr~ i gfflpgtiet teteyyjsy Os favorite articles, war- I *S»"Tt!WKff?ir NEW MUBIC. [ SO\(>H. —Mini Doth; Rose of Italy; Mag G by my Side; Mourners Virgil; Plow down Cold Rivulet; See this Biignt Flower: a Duett; Maiden awake from thy Slumber; So they say the French are Coming; Early Lest and early Savmi; Fare thee well Kitty Dear; The Mur mui.i of the Shell; Pray for those at Sea; To the absnt Unr; UnaNotte D’Amour; A Night of Love: Duett; The Day is Past; The Matin Bell has Sounded; Friendship: Duett; The Mountain Chapel; The Brave and Free; The | Wife’s Grave ; Beautiful Erin; On a Green Grassy RmqH ; ; Oh Charming May; Ada Clare; The Dying Camel; Come my Love, my Dearest; Mother, Sweet Mother, why Unger Away ; Oh my Fernand; Happy Bridling of the Forest; \ Better than Beauty ; Oh Whisper what thou Feelest; Com j fort; Ready Money; Araby Maid; The Ivey and the Elm; I The two Mountain Girls: Duett; Away, Away the Dread , ful Hour; Poor Nelly; Deep is my Heart’s lone Anguish; j The Joys of the Tyrol. POLKaS.—My Baby’s Polka; Hamilton Polkar; Lau , ra; Clifton House; Courting; Prosperity; Topsy; Sunny Side; Odd Fellows; Madame Thilione; Cuckoo; La Fee l)e Paris Polka ArtUtique; Sourenir of Germany; A new . SchtUiscli; Karolina ; Mazurka; Village Rondo; Dover Rondo;, Render Moi Ma P&trier; Romance Du-pre-oup Cleres; LeEccho Dcnas Moulagnes; Leoline Watts; The Run.:ton W itz; Zampa Quadrilles. Ju- reo : red and for sale at i t: -1 GEO. A. OATEB A CO’S. Music Store. NEW MUSIC SONGS. —Eight Dollars a Day; I'm going for a Boldier, Jenny; Adieu, dear Native Land; Why do I Love Tlie" yet; Fadiug Flowers; Old Folks at Home ; Mary of the Wild Wood; Hunter’s Bride; Jamie’s on the Stormy '■ brn ; The Spring time of the Heart; The Mountain Daisy; ; A lie».rt that’s kind and true; Farewell Old Cottage; i Poor Nelly ; Beau.iful Erin; 'Tig pleasant to be Young; ! 1 wish thou wert not Going; Farewell to the Old Uousa; j The lUat.er of the Plain; Fare thee weil Kitty dear; | The Sensitive Coon; Kate was once a little Girl; Kitty . Neil; Let me sleep my last sleep in the Land of my Birth; Wln re the warbling Waters Flow; When o'er the distant ! Eastern Hills; The Voice of years that have gone; Jordan am it hard Road to Trabel; Mother, sweet Mother, why ling r away; Seethis bright Flower; Pictures of Memory; A Voice from the Waves; Astarte; The alone advising. POLKAS.—Magyar; Fort Hamilton; UamUton Place; Topsy; Alary’s celebrated Polka Aria; Elendon. oCHOTTISCH.—AIboni; Florida; Grace; Evening Star; Chainpaignej Gas Light; Catharine Hays; Oglethorpe Infantry Quick Step, composed by A. Iversen, and dedi cs'i l to'Cap t. A. J. Miller. J: st received and for sale, with a large assortment of popular Mukic, by nIS CHAB. GATLIN A CO. DENIAL NOTICE. Tt' F. HOLLKYMAfii, DeutUt, <Kf if i would return hi* thanks to the clt teens of Augusta and vicinity, for the Übe- ji.’ttronage bestowed on him, and now Lj r iu’ooms them that he has associated with himself, Dr. T. J.INKS, a Graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Su n ery— a gentleman of experience and ability in his pro le.-* on, and further solicits a continuance of the publio patronage. 1’ -. 11. A J. have taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. orsAR, over Mr. lUmaa’ D ug Store in Broad etreet, apd a few doors above the Augusta Hotel. n25-dAwtm copartnership! AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS AND GENE- ' RAL AGENCY OFFICE. 1 nplIE UNDERSIGNED have associated themselves J together in the AUCTION, COMBIIBSION AND GEN- : r.K\L AGENCY BUSINESS, and located in the lower ten etr r.t of the Bridge Bank Building, i bey are prepared to rt- . ive consignments of all kinds of GOODS, WARES and MrhtCHANDlZE—attend to the Hire and Sale of Negroes | —t-i k rent or purchase of Houses or Lands—sales for Ad- : uii;: etiators and others—sale or purchase of Bank or other ! 1 kir.osof Stocks, Ac., Ac. Their Auction Sales will been EVERY NlGHT,(Sundays ! ex pted) and the Day Sales on such days as will bean non "iced in the newspapers. They are prepared to make libera! cash advances upon all Produce in Store. j J ■>. S. HuTCHtxaoN, Is the Auctioneer and .Merchant, and ! Wv. 11. PkiTOuni), the Accountant and General Agent of 1 th- arm. J. g. HUTCHINSON, ! WM. Hr 'RITGHARD. i N ivember 0,1852. n2B COPARTNERSHIP. j \ HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. j nr HE UNDERSIGNED, having associated themselves , J together, under the name and style of JONES A PAR- ' K VN, beg reepectfuiiy to inform the citisena of Augusta, j ar ■ iis vicinity, that theyaie prepared to execute (in a r .aoner hitherto unattaiued,) with punctuality ~- jA de«- p: h, the following varieties of PAINTING, via. Grain ing in all ib branches; imitations of Marble, of every d, - :ription ; Fresco Work in Oil; Decoration of Halls, Par* lc-iAc., m Blccks or Panels; and Plain and Ornamental Si; i «vritiug. J. AP. being thorough masters of their trade, and hav- < iru- -i stock of good uILS, PAINTB, Ac, oonstautly on i , hand; will be enabled to undertake work by contract or > (".her * ise, and complete the same with entire satisfaction. THOMAS JONES, HUGH H. PARKYN, 1..- o Grainegs and Marblersfor McLaughlin A Cavender. 77. B.— All orders sent to J. AP. through the Post O : ce, or ft at their Shop t n Telfair street, 8 doors west of Cen- j tro. will be pronptly attended to. rIT-ly ■ CARPETINGS. / ARPKTIXGH, of American and Fairspeao fabric*, j V just received by the subscriber: j Cottun Warp CARPETING? • ! Cotton and Wool Do.; Fine Ail Wool Do.; Superfine All Wool Dod j . Extra Fine Ingrain Do.; I i • Fine Three-Ply Do., h Superfine do. Do, I Imperial do. Do.; Fine Brussels Do.; i Extra Fine Bruesate Dp.; ; j Ki«h Tapestry Do.; 1 Extra Rich Do.; ) , 5-8,6-3, 7-s, and 4-4 Venetian CARPETING for Stair*. j o- l Plain and Figured BAIZES. n- 4 printed BAIZE, for Crumb Carpets. 'Nigether with a large assortment of Hearth RUGS, and j BI NDING to match. 523 J. P. BETZE. | PARHAM S NEW HOTEL, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESBEB. M. D. HOGAN, Proprietor. T’HE hUBHCRIBEII begs leave to inform hia JSE| 1 friends and the travelling public that the above Bi»| e.T abiishment is now open for the reception of visitors. It is -rented iu the centre of Business, commanding a beauti ful view of the River and surrounding country. The interior of the House has been constructed with a strict view to the couifort of its patrons—affording impor tant conveniences rarely met with in country Hotels. As the chief object of the Proprietor will be to give gene r.) satisfaction, his guests may be assured that no exertion on his part will be wanting io make their stay with him wt rthy of their patronage. There will be an Omnibus in waiting en tha arrival of th i Rail Road Cars and Steam Boats, and a trusty, careful iu .to take care of Baggage. M. D. HOGAN. Chattanooga, May, 26, 1852. my29-dtf ; THE GRANITE MELLB AT WORK AGAIN. '"J qil-.Sll splendid Mills, erected at very heavy cost to i ; JL their owner, need support from the South; andCiti- j ! sens, and Southerners, I most respectfully ask you to sue- ' i tsin themf if not the Granite Mills, do not forget th* South. : | You have the Cunningham Mills, the Atlanta, Etowa. Le- ! : br oon, Denmead, and other Southern Mills. Have you j I aver thought that every barrel of Fiour brought from the ; , No rth deprives the South of a quantity of food for thoee of j [ moderate means, who can now buy Flour from me at $4.00 ! | per barrel, and that you also contribute to increase the t , price of provisions for Negroes and Stock, by giving your ■ i patronage to Foreign rather than Home Mills. cl JAMES L. COLEMAN. j | r j’o MAKE FINE JELLY.—First, call at D. B.Plumb j J. A Co’*, and get “«*iy quantity” of Fine French roll j | Gelatine, (mark that, the French Gelatine.) Secondly, get j j a vial or two of Flavoring Extracts, and they will furnish | J receipts for making it. sep2ft ! i I ELLIES, bLaNC MANGE, PUDDINGS, 4kc.' ' | t) GELATINE, Pink and White; Russian IsiDglass,Com j ■ Siarch for Puddings, Farina, fresh SPICEB, via: Cloves, ; j Sp:ce, Mace, Cinnamon, Ac., either ground or ungreund; 1 ail kinds of flavoring EXTRACTS; Paulsen’s and Cox’s j sparkling GELATINE: Rose, Oiange and Peach WATER | White Mustard SEED; TAPIOCA; Bermuda ARROW , ROOT, Ac., Ac., warranted of very superior quality. For ; sals by WM. H. TUTT, i d 9 Wholesale and Retail Druggist. ■ CABINET MAKING AND UNDERTAKING. HENRY’ Ac SKINNER, at their new stand, next to A. Lafitte’s Auction Room, have and will keepon hand a supply of Mahogany and other COFFINS, made of the beat materials,and on reasonable terms. In connection with the above, we keep a constant supply of Fisk A Raymond’s Celebrated METALIC BURIAL CASES of all size*—order* filled at short notice. N. B.—FURNITURE, MATTRA6SES, Ac., for sale and made to order. 8. D. LINTON A 00. CONTINUE their Office in a favorable location, for the sale of their FLOUR and MEAL, purchase of CORN and WHEAT, Ac., in the East end of the Warehouse lately occupied by Walker A Bryson. Being thus favorably situ ated, (and time to attend to it,) will receive and sell all COTTONS their friends desire to send to them for sale. Ex pecting to be always on the spot, and having bat few lots to sell, can do so on advantageous terms, and can ramit Checks on their Housea'in Greensboro’, Rome, or Dalton, or on such other Bank Agencies as may be more convenient to those they sell for. Commissions and Storages as is eos- Kmiary. ... All Cottons consigned them should be marked A D.L. A Co., Augusta. *32 J)USbELL’S COMPOUND OX MARROW,avaT IV uable olesgenous mixture, for the growth and preser vation of the Hair. The constantly increasing demand for this artl. le, attests its merits. A full supply for sale by n 25 D. B. PLUMB A CO. I. UAKIi. *»ODA.-«5 kegs 81. CARD. SODA, Jngt received and tor tale by „ 41 HAND, WILLIAMS A 00. o UUAilr—l6o bbts. Clarified SUGAK O 80 “ Powdered and Cruahaß SUGAR. 95 i««* Loaf ‘‘ For sale low by d!6 BAKER A WILCOX. aoal, aid Asih dftA£r«rps*f \J Grates, now landing. For sale hF <IT 3. B. GUIEU, AgeoA VYOLAIMEti.-—Aubhds.OuEa U6ZSSsST~ ” 31 41) bh is. Trinidad SYRUP. Fwr sate lew by aM RAKER A WILCOX oTUART*ti »YRUF.--$0 bamia of Stuart's Sugar O House SYRUP. Just received and for sale by HCTOHINBON A PRITCHARD, nSS * Bridge Bank Building. "'vmimmmM. BAGS PrtwdtPOYATOER-f«sate bp ZO nil G. T. DORTTO. lijfi, 4UUB.-islSSrf«&. tldljartrmmtvmfW > XV enoatwnmwH, sod for sat* low by 4H WRABJEffinr A FAMTML AUGUSTA, (tA., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1853. J. 3. CLAYTON. J 4. P. BI6NON. CLAYTON & BIGNON, DEALERS Os BBAST MADE CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS, TRUNKS, AC., AC-, Wholesale and Retail, 197 Metcalf’s Range, Broad Streeet, Augusta, Georgia. athi-ly ALDRICH”& "ROY AL, • DEALERS IN *OOTB AND SHOES, at Metcalfs new Iron Frou. ..e, opposite the Masonic Hall. A. A MV R. have on band, and will continue to receive, per weekly steamer* from New York and Philadel- /N3P V ¥Hj phi*. » large and well selected stock of the most fashionable and neatest finished LADIES, L l V “ISSEB, GENTS, YOUTHS and CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES, all of which they in vita the public to examine, and compare prices and quality before purchasing. N. B.—Be sure to call at our Iron Front Store. a lB I m. NEWBY &”co., R„. WHOLESALE AND RET AIL DEALERS IN EADY-M ADB CLOTHING, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, Ac., Ac. Under the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geor- ■ jal6 P. BRENNER, PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Broad Street, Augueia, Ga., 18 ready to execute all orders for PI- . ANOS of ail descriptions, which he war- Hu rants to be equal in tone, quality and du rability to any that are brought from the u ** X \J V North. The following is one of various testimonials, which have been kindly given to P. B. by gentlemen in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year, which was of his own make, 1 take great pleasure In testify ing my perfect approbation of it in every respect. It is very rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and keeps in tune most admirably. From what I have seen of Mr. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation In recommending them for their superior quality, to ail who may i»e In want of a fine and durable instrument. J. B. Hxxt. Augusta September 15,1359. Further reference*: Bev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J. Setze, Mr. H. B. Frazer, B. Bignon, Mr. Wo, R. Schirmer and others. Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments tuned end skillfully repaired, at the shortest notice. P. BRENNER, slfl-ly Broad-st, above McKennl-»t. | SAFES, IRON WORKS. LOCKB. AO. rpHB UNDERSIGNED having contracted te X build the SAFES, IRON FIXTURES, LOCKS, AA Ac., In the new Banking House of the Bank of Au- lyj*f gusts , has permanently located in this city, and begs \sW leave to inform the public that he will execute all orders for KAFKB, IRON FIXTURES, STAIRWAYS, LOCKS, BELL HANGING, FENCING, LIGHTNING RODB, ORNAMEN TAL WORK, Ac., Ac., Including every branch of his busi ness, in the most perfect and satisfactory manner. Hie shop Is on the north side of Broad Street, next door beiow the old Bridge Bank Building, where he will be pleas ed to exhibit Models, Patterns and Drawings to all those who may wish any thing in Us lint. . m>9o-ly AUGUSTUS GRUENDEL. • VALUABLE DISCOVERY. W FIELDS At CO.’S Chemical Liquid SOLDER, s for Mending broken Glass, China, Earthenware, i Pearl, Ivory, or precious Stone- This article is decidedly superior to any yet introduced U> the notice of the, public, rendering the broken parts joined firmer, and leaving no stain whatever- Fcr sale by D. B. PLUMB A CO. And Druggists generally. c24-tf ] BUILDING LOTS FOR WILL be sold a bargain, for cash, Two Building LOTB, ] on South Commons, fronting on Taylor-street, 40 feet front, and IN) feet deep (enctceed.) For particulars apply to JNO. 8. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer. ! 019 JUST RECEIVED, AN assortment of Skiff’s Patent Galvanic Alloy Metal- * lie COFFINS. Theee Coffins are so constructed as to ! exhaust the air when desired. Their make is of the old j timely form—neatly covered with Black Velvet, adding to J their richm sr, and very appropriate on Funeral occasions, ' together with Fisk A Raymond’s celebrated METALLIC CASES, of various sizes, thus affording an opportunity to persons selecting for their friends to suit their taste and judgment. We shall coatinue to keep our supplies full of - varied styles and patterns, as they msy he introduced. I HENRY A SKINNER, Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, Bresd-et,, next to 8. 0. Greanviile A Go’s, fctor*. nBO _ j NEGROES. " | AFRESH lot Jun arrived from Virginia, consisting of MEN, BOYS, WOMEN and GIRLS, and fcr sale by dtMH SAMUEL U. WARREN, Hamburg, 8. C. ~IbmVED THIS DAY, «)a BOXES, pints and quarts, Champagne CIDER, / 95 bhls Stuart’* double Refinad twuakad sa l Ground SUGAR, 85 bbis. Hiram Smith's FLOUR, i 10 half bbls. PICKLES in vinegar, 10 bbis. CRANBERRIES, 10 baskets French Anisette CORDIAL, 24 6 lb. boxes fresh VERMICELLI and MACARONI, 10 baskets superior Clive OIL, 95 boxes PRUNES. SARDINES Id whole, half sad narter boxes, 8 bbls. White BEANS, 95 boxes Smoked HERRING. For sale by , nil - G. T. DORTIQ, BOARDING HOUSE. THE nnderfogned will be pleased to sccoramodate a few more with Board and Lodging. Also, any number ac commodated with Board alone. His Table will at all time* be supplied with as good as the city affords. Residence on Greene street, between the Methodist and Baptist Churches, formerly occupied by Mr. Finn. *9B-«m C. E. MUBTIN. SADDLIs7BRn)LEBrLEATHEE,&C. ~ , «)< i UAHKB Women’s Men s and Boy’s SADDLES; *l/ 6 case# Wagon o' Do.; 25 dos. Wagon BRIDLES; 10 “ Riding BRIDLES and MARTINGALES ; 1000 lbs. Oak Tan and Hemlock LEATHER; 80 doa. Kip SKINfc; 9fi ** Calf Do.; —ALSO— -40 sets Wagon AXLES, all sizes; 800 “ best Ground Wagon Boxes; 600 “ Tung STAYS and Stretcher CHAINS; In Store and for sale by 016 BUFORD, BEALL A CO. BOOTS AND SHOES. THE r subscriber has just received, at his Store, opposite the United States Hotel, his SH I Fall Supplies of BOOTS, SHOES and BROGANS, fMI which b« will sell cheap for cash. His Stock com prises a great variety, and the very latest style*. Call and see them. Price* very reasonable. o!2-tf HENRY DALT. FRESH TURNIP SEED. WE have this day received a supply ol froth and relia ble TURNIP SEED, consisting of the qllowing va rieties; _ _ _ RUTA BAGA, LARGE EN GLIF H NORFOLK, EARLY FLAT DUTCH, EARLY YELLOW RUSSIAN, RED TOP, LONG WHITE, LAP.GE WHITE GLOBE, SNOW BALL Augusta, June 16,1852. Jelß D. B. PLUMB A CO. STRAW CUTTERS. WILLIAM HOYHY’S Improved Patent STRAW. CUTTERS. A tew of the justly celebrated article l Just received and for sale, on consignment, by ; nev 8 GIRARPEY A PARKER. WILLIAMSON TAYLOR A CO., i rro MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Im i I D porters and Dealers in Foreign DRY GOODS. We : keep on hand one of the largest and best assortment of j GOODS that is to be found in the country. n7-ly I Al EW BOOKS.—Katbay: A Cruise in the China Seat, , AN by W. Hastings Macaulay, i Table Talk on Books, Men, and Manner*. : Knick Knacks, by Louis Gaylord Clark. Poems by Mattie Griffith. i First Lessons in Book Keeping, by Joseph H. Palmar, i Also,G ahamN Magazine for December. Just received and for sale at GEO. A. OATEB A CO.’S > 027 Piano, Book and Music Store. COLLECTING AGENCY. THE UNDERBIUNED will attend to the COLLEC TION of Accounts, Note?, Ac ,of Physicians, Teach ers and Merchant*, and ail others who may favor him with their business. ar Office corner of Reynold and Mclntosh streets. gai-dtr C. C. TALIAFERRO. Oglethorpe infantry «uick step, composed by A. Ivxaaw, and dedicated to Capt. As* nasw J. Mitxxa. .L 150 copies just received and for sale by 019-ltf CHARLES CATLIN A 00. ÜBA MOL ASHES.—6O hbds. Cub* MOLASSES landing and for sate by dl HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. BCTUREH ON THE HISTORY OF FRANCE by the Right Honorable Sir James t tephen, R. C. 8., L. L. D. Also, new editions of Gibbon’s Rome, Hume's History of England, and Harper’s Family Classical Libra ry. Also, another supply of Knick unacks. Just received by THUS. RICHARDS A SON, d 9 Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ac. PFiatoWanoonlone.- SO bbls. extra choice Planting POTATOES. 90 “ choice Mercer “ 90 “ Yellow and Red ONIONS. Just received by n 36 EgTEB A RICHMOND. L'PEItIOU London iOOIH BRUSHES.—The subscri ber* have just received a large invoice of these supe rior Brushee. Parsons wishing a Brush, from which no Bristle will be shed, will find the above just tbething. n 9B P, B. PLUMB A CO. |>IRE PIER GKAOKZBS; SKY JT RUCKETe; ROMAN CANDLES; SERPENTS; PIN WHEELS; TORPEDOS; SCROLLS; TRIANGLES,Ac. For sale by THOR RICHARDS A SON. > jfUl,iTl^wl£[^^rhwS^ r l 1 n 35 JtX edition a( HOLMEe’ SOUTHERN GARDENER, just received by d 8 JOS. A. CaRRIR A C , "bavabian al£ 5 t , DQRTie wl JN'writ it Jm m^T-S^?uuxs£i DECEIVED THIS DAY, O r BBLS, Hiram Smith FLOUR; AO 10 bbls. CRANBERRIES: . 10 firkins frash Goshen BUf TEP,; 10 kegs “ Virginia De^ 10 bbls. New LARD; 5 “ « HAMS; 100 bags “ BUCKWHEAT; 25 boxes Goshen CUEESE; Smoked BEEF; Smoked and Pifkled TONGUES; 10 half bbls. PICKLES, in Vinegar. Together wi h a general assortment in Store. Fresh sup plies received weekly. For sals by °27 i___ 6. T. DORTIO, AT PRIVATE SALE ON CONSIGNMENT. 9A MHOS, prime Bacon SIDES, o\3 95 coils Kentucky ROPE, 900 sacks Liverpool SALT, 80 bags Rio and Laguyra COPPER 100 dozen painted BUCKETS, 50 do striped Cedar Brass-bound do. 50 do plain do Iron do. do. 95 hhds. Porto Rico, Muscovado and St. Croix SU GAR, 40 bbls. fin* Red side and Merc*r POTATOES, 10 boxes French LEMONS, 10 bbl*. Northern PIPPINS. Just received and for sale by 024-d2w GIRARPEY A PARKER. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. I AM obliged to my friends for the most unexpected de mand they have made upon the Granite Mills for Flour Meal and Hominy. A superior article of Superfine FLOUR, may be considered Extra, is now being sent from the Mills to the Store. Five Hundred bushels of the purest Gene see white Wheat, for JBrira Famtlj Flour, is expected to arrive from New York this week, when, having the Miller, and the Mills, I hope to show my friends that they can weil afford to encourage the Granite Mi!' *. oil James l. coleman. FAMILY GROCEhIZS. ! JOHN A. MILLEN hasjust recelveo st the old stand, ; No. 306 Broad street, a new supply of tue following ar ticles, viz: Muscovado, Porto Rico, New Orleans, Stuart’s Steam Refined, Crushed and Clarified SUGARS; Old Rio CGF- . FEE; Old Government Java COFFEE ; Pear! CANDLES; Prime White Lard CANDLES; Starr CANDLES; Superior New RICE; Pearl STARCH ; No. 1 SOAP; Toilet SOAP; Irish POTATOES; CantotaGINGEH ; French and English j MUSTARD: PICKLES; PEPPER; ALLSPICE; CLOVES; , CINNAMON; GINGER; Green end Black TEAS; Fresh , LOBSTERS; SALMON, Ac. Also, MINES; LIQUORS; SUGARS; TOBACCO, ,tc. oi9 J EXTRA FINE FLOUR- 1 JUST AKRIYKD, the first 500 bushels of prime Ge- l uesee White WHEAT, from which I look for the most { satisfactory results, and hope those who are disposed to - patronise the Granite Mills will give the Flour an early ” trial, that 1 may know what quantity of this prime Wheat l to onim. JAMES L. COLEMAN. * Augusta, Oct. 80,1882. > lam in charge of the Granite Mills, and hav* the Wheat , —and if I «aa’t make at good FLOUR as ever earns t-o this country, I willy kid e« a Miller. a3l J. 0. H ARDEN, Miller. ' ~ NEW MUSIC-* ’ SOiMJb— Dinah’s bereoade; Thou art near tne again; Come my Love, m.v i-oarest; Whe.e do the Sunbeams ( S.eep ;A A o>Cc fruui the Wares ; Thou art among the Few; ! ’Tis Pleasant to be Young; lie Never Smiled Again, The 1 Mountain Vigil; On a Green Gra-sy Knoll; The Matin 1 Bell baa Sounded; So they ray th* French are Coming; ' They’ve Sunny Lands n;ore Bright end Fair; Lilly Dale; 1 Let her Dream On; The Day is Fast; The Brave and Free; Ready Money ;O ! thou lovely Month of June; Liquor of * Life; Th* Araby Maid; Th* Lady’s Letter; On* Parting Word. POLKAS—Clifton House; Laura La Catarina; The Bo- • quet; Buuny Side; Tli* Lovers’ Dream; Midnight Hour; The Courting; Cuckoo. WALTZES—Rosa Lind; Th® Welt* of the Peri: La Flo- j fiiia; Leoiice ; Sunny Side : Karolina Mazurka- Just received sad for sole, at 1 uFO. A OATES A CO.’B 1 e2l Book and Musi* Store, Broad street, j ~~ ~ FLOUR! FLOUR 1 ! j •JOft BBLS, of the following extra brands of FLOUR: * llirsui Smith, double extra, John Rice, Hope ton , Mil:*, Valley ofOaa»«■«- Just received and for sale l»y i G FORGE W. LEWIS, | aept2B No. I, Warren Block. > DOUBLE EXTRA ’ r; LOI R.—Beat th* GRAN ITR MILLS if you Can. ; , T n 5 JAMEa L. COLEMAN, j j FLOUB. . i v/) BBLB. t/ebanon FLOUR; i/U 30 “ Coleman's Granite Mills FLOUR i *|i Mbags “ M “ MBAL; For sale by s2B JOHN C. CARHICMAEL. THE KURHCKIBKRS havejust received a fresh sup ply of Sands Seidlits CASE, Recommended as superior 1 t* the ordinary Seidletz Powders, producing the same effect, ■ but are so put up as to be adapted to the use of persons proceeding on long voyages, or residents in damper hot climates, suffering no change from long keeping, or expo sure to the air, *nd being the cheapest article over offered to the public. For sale by n« D. B. PLUMB A 00., Druggists. 1 GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA- A PURE AND UNADULTERATED ARTICLE. i raxpaasn st J. DENNIS. M. D., AUGUSTA, GA., ¥?OR DISEASES of the Liver, and to purify the Blood.— I 1 For sale In Augusta by Wm. H. AJ. Turpin, Havi land, P.isley & Co., D. B. Plumb A Co , W. K. Kitchen, Bar rett A Carter, P. A. Moise, W. H. Tutt, and Wm. Haines; in Hamburg, 8. C., by A. J. Creighton; Covington, Usher, Anderson A Co., and by Druggist generally. Thoee ordering this article from Druggists, or Commission Merchants, should express in their orders, Dennis’ Geor gia Sarsaparilla. nov 8 HOTEL FOR SALE. THE HOTELJn this place, known as M WASH- jSto , INGTON HALL,” is offered for aalo. It has six- Jill. ; teen sleeping apartments, a large dining and two reception rooms, every necessary outbuilding, one of the largest and best gardens in the State, with a fine water lot for paster* age attached. This valuable property will be sold on rea sonable terms, and iq view of the facts that it is the only Hotel In the place, and our Rail Road will be completed in a few months, it presents extraordinary inducement* to any one wishing to engage in that business. Apply to JOHN H. DYSON. Washington, Ga., July 23,1953. jySl MEECKft POTATOES™ Krt BBLB. choice Mercer POTATOES. OU —ALSO— -80 bbls. Hiram Smith Double Extra Family FLOUR, with other fine Brands, for Family use; with 50 casks Fresh Thom&ston LIME, by 027 HAND & FLEMING. ENGLISH "VERMIN DESTROYER ANEW article that te taking the place of every other Vermin Killer, being safe and effectual in removing Bugs, Roaches, Ante and insects of all kinds, as well aa a preventive of their existence wherever it is once used. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by o 27 HAVILAN D, RIBLEY A CO. ’ FOB COLDS, &C. RUSHTON’B Compound Liverwort PASTE; Smith’s English Liquorice LOZENGES; Wister’sCough LO ZENGES; Gum Arabic LOZENGES, Ac.; all of which ar* vary convenient and pleasant remedies. For sale by 027 HAVILAND, RIBLEY A CO, 500 SACKS SALT." rA A SACKS SALT, slightly damaged, will be sold OU'I 'ow, if applied for immediately. nIC-dtf . JOHN B. GPIEU, Agent FLOUR. FLOUR. WE have received a lot of family FLOUR, in 100 lbs. bags, from Judge Bailey’s Mills, Appling, Cass coun ty, which »e offer very low. Call and try one bag, and you will say it te extra. ni7 BUFORD, BEALL A CO. PEALON’S IMPROVED MAGIC HAIR DYE, ANEW and valuable discovery—being a liquid Dye to color the Hair, without the least injury to the Skin. It can be washed immediately without disturbing the color, and has no bad odor. Prepared only by E. Phaion, No. 197, Broadway, Nsw-York, and sold in Augusta by j n7 D. B. PLUMB A CU^ i OILVKB W ABB.—Rich Breakfast and tea BETS, of O stiver, in chests, complete; Stiver PITCHERS; GOB ■' LETS; CUPS; SALT.CELLARS: Napkin RINGS; Cake, pudding and Pie KNIVES; FORKS; LADLES, and SPOONS, of many different patterns; SYPHONS; Tea STRAINERS; Drinking GOURDS, Ac.; for sale low by CLARK A CO., egl Opposite the Railroad Bank. ! nICH TOILET SOAPS.— J Jti Lubin’s Toilet SOAPS; Gueriain’s “ ** Plnaad** “ <* l ‘ LowN « - i"i Basin's ** ” H&uel’s “ Taylor’s Cbrjrataline Toils* SOAPS; 1 ' Together with a frill assortment of damp Fancy SOAPSef , American Manufacture, for salt fey - ■ 1 I Jel9 D. B. PLUMB A CO. RYE FLOUR. ! TBXTMA mvm PUHJB, from pura white lyf, Ita- I &&&£&££* ; | riagteanboltad oan bjrcpplied. Orders left for Graham •' BaAfo ri UNO A lIV henry a sxmnoL CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERS A UNDERTAKERS, A BE NOW PREPaBED to exe- ■ Li. cute ail orders in their line Ma king and Re t iairing Cabinet Work, Be- M' '~ upholstermg Softs, Chairs, Ac., Reno rating Mattresses, in faet all other kinds at work belong »«>«** to* assortment of Wire SAFES, suitable forth* season. These Safe* ar* fcjuch ipprov«d for theircoovwieiioQ ft&d style. Alio a fine lot of WINDOW SHADES, of the latest myleand’at reduced prices. H. A 8. Broad-st., on* do-r below Washington street, next to Grenville A Co.’s f .ore. my 26 LOOK HERE. " ~~ A NEW STOBE AND NEW IM. FURNITURE. J SJLCOX has re- jF* rffo moved his stock or FURNITURE, -H --*» 1 CHAIRS, MATRASSES, Ac., next ■■■i to Dr. Turpin's, immediately opposite his former stand, where he intends kepping a general assortment of FURNI TURE, CHAIRS, MATRASSES, Ac., of his own manufacture. Also, a good assortment of Northern manufacture, which he will warrant, and at such prices as to make it an in ducement to those about purchasing to give ttim a call at » NEW FURNITURE STAND. olg-dAw PIANOFORTES. TIIE subscribers would respectfully call the attention of their friends end the fIM public, to their assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well « * * « 0 known and justly celebrated Manufactories of Bacon A Raven, A. H. Gale A Co., and Dubois A Seabury, New York, which are warranted in every respect, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this country or Europe. The subscribers would also stale than the instrument* now on hand are *f the latest patterns and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or oity acceptances, at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S my!B Kano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-*t. L. HAN COCK & CO^ T"\BALERS in STOVES and GRATES, Plain JL/ and Japanned TIN WARE, Britannia, Wood, AW Willow and Hollow WARES, Lifting PUMPS, Lead IS| and Block Tin PIPES, Kitchen and House Furnish lug HARD-WAItK, and Manufacturers of Tin, Copper, Lead, and Sheet Iron WARE. Metalic ROOFING done in the most approved manner with dispatch. The Trade supplied with TIN WARE at Wholesale upon the very lowest terms. SSF" 210 Broao Street, (a few doors below Poet Offl corner,) Augusta, Ga. *p9-dAw NOW ON HAND AND FORSALK ” st., A FULL supply of ail patterns of Parlor STOVES Jrogf and GRATES, suitable to wood or coaL ALSO— On hand, a Georgia made IRON SAFE, Tery large and well adapted to a large Mercantile House, with several small once. Aluo, NAILS by the keg or retail; SWEDES IRON for Horse Shoes; Collin's AXES and HATCHETS; Cotton HOES, all sizes; Trace and Halter CHAINS, TACKS, RiVITS, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, BUTTS and HINGES. Also, a srga supply of Tinners’ and Roofing Tools, of ail kinds. For sale next door to the Mechanics' Bank. n!4 B. ». CHEW. WATCHES, JEWELRY, dtc. tIH VRLEN CATLIN iuvltes the attention of QL J Lis friends and th* public, to hte large and ryl well selected stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY, £j| Silver FORKS and SPOONS, PLATED CASTOKb, uAW DLESTICKS, and a great variety of Rich Fancy Goods, which he will sell on the most favorable terms. He has In his employ'•ne of the best Watch makers in this country, who will attend to the repairing of FINE WATCHES promptly and in the very beet manner. He hat also a prac tical Jeweler, who will make or repair all descriptions of Jewelry. Engravings of all kinds neatly executed. mh24 STOP, STOF.-SKB HERE.—SOMETHING NSW undersigned, for the improvement of hte business X and the interest of hte customers, having purchased In New York a new and improved Machine for the manufac ture of CANDY, would respectfully call the attention of hte patrons, and the public generally, to the new and beautiful style of CANDIES that be te now engaged in making, and can, at the same time sell It a* cheap as the cheapest, aad warrant it as good as the best. Ojli and see for yourselvee. He is aUo manufacturing a superior article of ROCK CANDY, which will compare with the very beet Northern make. AUo, Banana, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Raspberry, Rose, Lemon, and other Aciuuiated DROPS of the beet quality, and warranted free from all unwholesome or dele terious ingredients; together with a great variety of SU GAR FRUITS, TOYS, te. He also manufactures Essential and Medicated LOZEN GES, of every description, of first quaiity. au2s JOHN W. ZINN. BY RAIL ROAD AND STEAMBOAT EXPRESS TO TBS WASHINGTON HALL LACE AND TRIMMING STORE. IN ADDITION to the stock of Dress an i Cloak TRIM MINGS; LACiM; LMbRUiDEKIEc ; White GOODS; ZEPHVK; WORSTED, AC. 1 hav* just received another lot of fine VELVET RIB BONS, of well assorted colors; another case of White Ssisa Cambric and Luce EMDROLDEaIL:-, which were bought at low price-, and wdl be sola at a small advene*. —ALSO— iau.se of Ladies’ and Misses’ FUR 3; (Ladies’ ChmchU a VTGToKiN&s and CUFFS, to tnaleh; ; •• table / “ “ - m „ ” White Swap* “ “ « - - Misses’ VICTORLVES and CUFFS, Ac .dc. Particular attention it invited to these Goods, a* they are direct from New York, and will be told at the lowest price). [ 9] WM. HERWIG. IT7OMEN'S REUOBD, or Sketches of allDietlnguteh vv ed Women from “ the Beginning’’ till A. D. iB6O, arranged in four eras, with selection* from female writer* of every age. By Sarah Joeepha Hal*. Illustrated by two hunired and thirty portraits. The Private Lite of Daniel Webster, by Chas. Lanman. The Romance of Ad venture, or two Tales of Enterprise, containing thrilling stories of recent travels and perils by land anu sea, with nomeious illustrations. 29th part Pictorial Field hook of the Revolution, by Benson J. Lossing. For sale by J. A. CARRIE A Co. dl3 Booksellers t Stationers. JOSEPH A. CARHIE Ac Co. have just received tbs following new Children’s Book*: —Good Aunt Fanny’■ Budget; or, Stories and Legends, illustrated with fifty spirited engravings from original designs; Uncle Sam’s Library, for Boys and Girls; Slovenly Peter Reformed, showing how he became a neat scholar, translated from the German; Cocke! and Scratchfoot; or, the Adventures of two little Chickens; Six Pleasant Companion* for bpar* a ours. dts BUTTER AND SODA CRACKER* r DHLS, Butter CRACKERS, O lb half bbis. do. 25 boxes Soda do. For sale by did HAND, WILLIAMS A CO. STARCH AND SOAP XA BOXES Colgate’s STARCH, *OU 8b do. do. SOAP, 50 do. Hay’s do. For sale by dls _■ HAND, WILLIAMS k CO. * NEW MUBIC, SONGS. —Young Folks at Home ; Oh 1 Boy* carry me Long ; Massa in de Cold Ground; Would I were with Thee; My ceart te ever ’mid the Mountains; Had I never, never known Thee ; Here in deepest Forest Shadows, as sung by Mad. Bishop; From the times of earliest Child hood—Ballad, as sung by Mad. Bishop; Good Night, • Quartett. PIECES.—Sontag Schotisch; The Olympio Polka; Pet tlte Fantaise to the Opera oi Martha, by Beyer; Urpre rffier Amour Redowa Variations; Carvaline De Bellini Fan taisie; Beauties from Flotow’e celebrated Opera; Quai tha, by F. Beyer, Rose-i ud Polka, by Wallace; Morning aad Evening,two Reveries, by Fred. Winter. Just received and for sale by GEO. A. OATEB A CO.’S dll Piano, Book and Music Depot. SITUATION WANTED. A LADY who has had muoh experience in Teaching In Caro Una snd Georgia, would Uke a situation in a amily or schwi! to teach. She it qualified to give instruc tion in the usual English branches, also, French and Music. The beat of references sua testimonials from former pat rons can be adduced. Address through the Post Office, D. E. T., Augusta, Georgia. n2-dkw SUGAR. 4 Q HHDS. Matanzas SUGAR; TU 6 tierce* “ Do.; 12 bbls. “ Do.; 28 hhds.choice Porto Rico SUGAR; In Store, and for sals at very low prices by n 5 WM. H. STARK A CO. WINES AND LIQUORS. 1A QUARTER CAsKte Malaga WINE; 1U 16 qr. casks Madeira and Port Do.; 1•* “ Jamaica RUM; « 1 puncheon Scotch WHISKEY; 4 half pipes Holland GIN; "" 8 ** “ fine French BRANDY j 40 bills. Felton’s RUM; 40 “ Gibson’s GIN; 60 s ‘ Monongahela WHISKEY; Just received by dl!4-dAwtf ESTES A RICHMOND. "aT HAVANA SBGAS& IO M.FLOR, De S. York, \Jt IA M. La India, 28 “ El Onto d’Orion, 85 “ L6nde# do. 40 ” El Buen Gusts, ail of our own importations. For sale by DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. , sept 26 N 0.4, Warren Block. HEW ARRIVAL. Afresh supply of codfish no. i and % macker el, Pickled SALMON. Smoked SALMON. Pickled TONGUES, Scald HERRINGS, No. i MACKEREL to WU, CRANBERRIES, Meroer POTATOES, new BUCKWHEAT, and new Smyrna FiGB. Just received by . d7 JOHN A. MILLIN, No. Brogg-st. SUGARS —9O Uhds. Muscovado aad Porto Woo SU- A FANNING. T> B. B—Ms™** F. c i^r^ > v.^2r«»k-K $ - SSSrfe"|“*s , i * °“<*- For Mb low by dl HANS,™ ttprfm A KICHMONS. X r«o«lv»<l *nd *nr **J* i»~ * VOL. XVII. NO. 2. CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. (Jorrupondsnee qfttu Baltimore American. THIRTY 'SECOND CONURESS—Second w^rrinn IN SENATE, Dec. 29. The chair laid oafora tha Senate a report from tha Interior Department, concerning the Mexican boundary ooiutniasion. Mr. Davie reported a joint resolution, extending the time in which masters of vessels are required to provide their ateamereaccording to the reqttire menta of the uot, known aa “ the Steamboat Hill,” passed at the last session; and the same was eou aiderad and pwaed. The following bids were then considered and passed: .’ Mouse bill for the construction of military roads in Oregon territory: House bill for the relief of Col. Osborne Crow, or U. b. Army. Bill to incorporate tha Pioneer Manufacturing Company of Georgetown, D. C. Bill for the relief of Hodges & Lana dale, and the k-ga. repreaentative* of KeiiuMo Johnaon, de ceased, for tobacco destroyed by the British in 1812, on the Patuxent river,-Md. House b’.il extending time tor the sale of certain Jed* iu Alabama; and then the Senate adjourned. HOUSE. The roll war cadcd previoue to the reading of the journals, when one hundred and thirty mem bers answered to their names. “ r * of North Carolina, submitted a resolution to the effect that the reporters ofthe Houae should be instructed not to report, in the Daily Q.obe, speeches not delivered in the Ilonso, when publishing iu proceedings; and culled rt- Umtioa to a speech published in ‘be “Globe” of yesterday, attacking tire administration, professing .0 have been delivered by Mr. Smart, of Main*, but which was not delivered, and consequently no reply could be znade. Mr. Smart stated in reply that not having au opportunity of delivering the remarks alluded to, Le therefore gave notice of his intending to pub lish them; and went on to charge the Government with neglecting the interests of his constituents, v ere u* highhanded outrage had been commuted by the Spanish authorities of Havana, xr veeß , e] " belonging to citizens of tha State 0, Maine and the imprisonment and con the Captain and crewe. Tha case as stated, ho eaid, was briefly this-i two yeeaejs cleared for New Orleans in Ma‘y, 1850, tor Chagres, and ware Btized on their way"by two Bpamah vessels of war, the crews being put in irons; afterwards taken to Cubs, tried and con u6i3i&6u t and •übacauently 80111 to Spain; when the government of tnia country waited till they ware pardoned by that of Spain, altbongh it had been declared by Gen. Taylor that no offence had been committed, tha parties having been arrested beyond the Spanish jurisdiction, and consequently not amenable to Spanish law. He contented that the vessels should have been recaptured, and had ha the power, would authorize reprisals unless satisfaction were given. Mr. Stanley replied in support ofthe resolution, reviewed the speech of the gentleman from Maine, and defended the course of the administration iu conducting the foreign affairs of the coantrv. He hoped the resolution would be adopted, arid that tha reporters would, in future be restricted to the publication of speeches actually made; and that party speeches should no longer in this manner, find their before the public, thus eifordixiff no opportunity for explan jtion or defence. Mr. Stephens of Georgia, spoke in relation to the impracticability of restricting the reporter* in the way proposed. Mr. Freeman of Miss., submitted an amendment, restricting deoate to the matters legitimately un der discusaien, which at present is enjoined by the rules ; but from which it has become the practice to depart, aa exemplified in the political speeches of last session, and tha offensive allusions of Mr. Giddings. After some further discussion as to the rules, the resolution was adopted with a proviso that nothing therein shall be constructed to prevent a metnbtr from correcting end revising Ins speech —a motion to ’ey the resolution on the table having previously failed : yeas 44. nays 92. The resolution of Mr. Hirris, of Tennessee, relative to receiving reports of committees, noon which no quorum could bo found to vote yester ciay and Monday, again came up in the regular order of bnsmees. * A motion was made to lay tho resolution on the taole, and tellers h vinif oecu appointed, thor* were only 67 voting in the affirmative, and 89 in the negative—no quorum. The House then adjumed. IN SENATE, DeerSfr. The Chair laid before the Senate an invitation from the Executive Committee of the Jackson Equestrian Statue Company to be present at the inauguration of that statue on the Bth of January next.. Aise a report from the Secretary of the Intenor, communicating a statement of the step* taxen with regard to the selection of a site for the lunatio asylum ofthe District. Mr. Caea’e resolution calling for information re specting the establishment of a new colony in Central America by Great Britain was taken ut> and passed. ‘ Mr. Davis submitted a resolution, which was adopted, calling for a statement of the amount of hospital money derived from the United States from the tax of twenty cents amontk on Seamen’s ""Toftb 11 P re ® ca * Petitions prating the - re- Honse bill making further appropriation forth* construction of roads in Minnesota, and the bill allowing exchanges of school lands in Oregon, were considered and passed. An adjournment till Monday was ordered. On motion of Mr. Pratt, the bill compensating the heirs of Dr. Wm. Somerville of Talbot county, Md., for property destroyed by the British iu 1814 was taken up and pae'ed. Mr. Jones of Tennessee, offered a resolution callmg for the report of the Board of Officers ap pointed to examine the Bine Lick Springs—a lopt ed. Two other private bills were considered and passed. After a effort Executive eeeeion, the Senate ad journed till Monday. HOUSE. The speaker stated that there were only ninety ■evc i members present, who did not constitute a quorum. - A call of the House was then moved, upon which the yeas and najß were taken ; which wa* rejected— y*as 79, nays 55. The motion for a call of the House was then withdrawn, there being a quorum present, and the journals of yesterday were then read. Mr. Seymour, of New York moved that the rules be suspended, in order to take up a resolution just sent down from tho Senate, relative to the steamboat Law, which goes into operation in some parte of the oountry on the Ist of January next, to moet a difficulty that has arisen from inability in some cases to procure the necessary machinery and the engineers having been unable to provide the required teste which was objected to. It was then resolved that when the House ad journ it stands adjourned to meet on Monday next. The yeas and nays were then taken upon the passage of the reeolutou; which was negatived— yeas 67 naya 72. Mr. Doty, of Wisconsin, moved to suspend the rules to enable him to introduce aresolution for an inquiry into the Banking system of the District of Columbia. Mr. Ficklia said he was prepared to report a bill on the eobjeet and the euepeneion o.’the rules being objected to, the aubject wee drooped. The House then adjourned till Monday next. TO RENT *OXB brick STOKE and DWELLING, situated o* Broad street, above the nev.market. ‘Kao, one small ’SK and three or four acre* of LAND attached, suita ble for a Garden. Apply to JOSIAH SIBLEY. o 29-ts rpo RENT A Urge and eommwliou* ROOM on Broad X street —tarnished ts required. Apply to na MAYER k BROTHER. 10 BENT npHE DWELLING on Broad street first above teto X Judge Bishops. Apply to n 9 A. HATCH. TO RENT, JTNTIL the first of October next, th* DWELLING on J Elite Street, at present occupied by Mr. Edward V. Unberty. fteseoseioa given itnmerii itelr. Apply to 096 8, O. GRENVILLE k CO. TO BENT. rpHB large Brick STORE on Broad-street, formerly X occupied by Wm. H. HowardlA«ml mot kmc to® Stovall's Center. Apply to JNO. fi. HUTCHINSON. *lO m TB* Mcft «T(ffiS??WEIUSO w»I“ »" , . '■■ ■"< ' ■ -■ "■ tt • - M vy!J. y if- T” —; .jf CHIWPMB POIX MitAPBK I *. farer*. COLLS, of every etyle end quality, *». »realoby puNHAi| k A mVIOSI have boon lately nade to my etoejc of %PW#steßE: i»