The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, May 16, 1789, Image 5

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. * . * ‘ * I POETRY. —S®g©®o®@® SONG. (From a new American farce, entitled, tl the better Jort , or, the girl of spirits lately pub hjhed in Bojlcn.) A Song, a song, * 8 the cry °f mankind, All know what to tingin'? belongs ; ? Tis interest governs us all, you will find, And givss us the pitch of our fougs. The miser, with riches who’s never content, Can tell what is right or is wrong, For he joins in the chorus of twenty per cent. And owns it a very good song. Behold the mechanic, the federal lad, Who hopes that the union is strong ; But fays it is money that makes theheart glad, And hammers away with a song. The merchant is punctual -• to fee himfelf paid, And wirties for credit that’s long, Yet fltike up the ditty of commerce and trade, How quickly he joins in the song. The lawyer and parson do know very well The ‘things that to singing belong, One fingers the fees ere a word lie can tell— One “ tutn6 off his flock with a song.” * * . u And Washington too, the heroe and sage, To Heaven he carols this fong:— <( The bleflings which thou to Columbia gave, ** O Heaven f I pTay thee prolong.” 'GEORGIA. By his Honor GEORGE WALTON, Esq. Captain-General, Governor and Command er in Chief in and over the said State. A Proclamation. WHEREAS a Proclamation issued on th<s loth pitlant, founded on an Aft of the Executive of the preceding day, appointing the eighth day of June next to be the time, and «he South margin of the Okonie river, oppofue to the Rrck Landing, the place, for holding the Treaty with the Creek Indians ; ftnee when a Board of Commissioners of In dian Affairs, for the Southern Department, lias been formed at Abbeville, in the State of South Carolina, andwho, by their letter of the 20th mflant, have fignified that, for the rea sons therein mentioned, they had been oblig ed to deter the meeting of the said Indians until the 20th of June. AND WHEREAS, on this day, the Executive approved of the tiiwe- Eeing changed from the eighth to the twentieth of June next. I HAVE, THEREFORE, thought fit, with the advice of the Honorable the Executive Council, to issue this mv Proclamation, notifying the fame to the people at large, ami to all others whom it may concern. And, in the mean time, it is hereby injoined and required, that the truce heretofore agreed on, be inviolablypreferved on the part of this state. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great £cal of the said State, in the Council Chamber, atAugufla, this twenty-third day of April, in the Year of our Lord, one thotifand, seven hundred and eighty-nine; and in the thirteenth Year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGE WALTON. By his Honor's Command, JOHN jVIILTTTN, Secretary. god safe the state. For Sale, A Stock of very, prime breeding Cattle, for which the paper medium will be received in payment. Ap ply to die Printer. I GEORGIA. By his Honor GEORGE WALTON, Efij, Captain-General, Governor and Command* er in Chief in-and over the laid State. A Proclamation. WH E R'EAS the Executive, on the ninth inflant, ordered and directed that the troops now in service ffiould be furloughed until farthei orders; that the non-commissioned officers and privates who had misbehaved in the Eafiern Diftri& Ihould be forgiven, upon their futuie good behavior and obedience; and that the State Agent rtiould furnilh cloathing for the whole of the troops wirhout delay: I HAVE, THEREFORE, thought fit, with the advice of the Honorable the Executive Council, to illiie this my Proclamation, notifying to all the troops now in service, that they are to confider themselves under furlough until far ther orders ; that they are to hold themselves in- conilant readiness to be called into service at the lhortell notice; and that they are commanded forthwith to deliver their arms to the Infpeclor-Generai, or to his or der, to be put and kept in repair. GIVEN under my Hand; and’the Great Seal of the fair! State, in' the Council x Chamber, at Angufta, this tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, feveu hundred and eighty nine ; and in the thirteenth Year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGE WALTON. By his Honor's Command, JOHN MILTON, Secretary GOD SAVE THE STATE. k 2 be following is pubiifhed in this State by Au thorny. State of South.Carolina. i\ v his Excellency Charles Pinckney, Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the State aforefaid. A PROCLAMATION. VV th c Common Goal at Catn ▼ ▼ bridge, for the diftriCt of Ninety-Six, was on the night of the 14th instant, deltroy ed by fire, and the following ptifoners, viz. joon Sharp ton, committed for horse-stealing, Mcmucan hunt, alio for borfe-fteaiing, and boiomon Spears , for dealing of cattle, feveral !y made their escape from their confinement: sind whereas there is reason to believe that the lame was intentionally set on fire by some evil tlifpofed persons, for the purpose of iefcuiir> the above mentioned prisoners, in order 'to b>ing the perpetrators of this daring and atro - emus offence to exemplary punijhment, I have thought tu, by, and with the advice of the I nvy Loaned, to issue this Proclamation, here by orfering a reward of One Hundred Pounds lor apprehending the perfor or persons con cerned in letting fire to the said goal, to be paid on conviction; and also One Hand ed Dollars for each of the said prisoners, to be paid on tb e i r delivery to the keeper of any of the goals within this date : And- 1 do hereby, uffer a free and full pardon to any accomplice who may give information, lb that the prin;- cipal or principal? may be secured and brought to trial; and require all judges, juftiees, She riffs, conltabtes, and others to be aiding in difeoveringand apprehending the persons con cerned in the above offencev Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State , in the city of Charleston, this twenty-seventh day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, and of theJovereignty and independence of the United States of Ameri ca the thirteenth. CHARLES PINCKNEY. By his Excellency’s Command, Peter Freneau, Sec’ry Tound by the Subscriber, AN Audited Certificate, amount £B4 some (hillings and pence. The proprietor or ownpr may have it by effectually delctibing the fame, and paying for this advilemrnr. "James M, Simmons. WAX OFFICE efth UNITED STATES, February 15, 1789. PUBLIC information is hereby given to all Commissioned Officer*, Non-Commis sioned Officers, and Privates, of the late ar* my of the United States, entitled to landsTri pursuance of the several Resolves of Congress, or to their assigns or legal representatives, that Warrants for their respective proportions will be issued at this Office after the ift day of Aprtl next. * In order to prevent unnecessary applies- ‘ tions, it. may be necessary to Hate, that the following descriptions of Officers and Soldiers only are entitled to lands from the United States. Commissioned Officers; who served until the end of the war. * Second. Commissioned Officers deranged by virtue of the leveral resolves of Congress. Third. The legal representatives of all Commissioned Officers killed in action. Fourth . The Medical Staffdifignated by the relolve of Co;igrefs,of the zzd September, 1780. Fifth All lion-commissioned Officers and Privates who enliiied for and continued in the service until the end of the war. Sixth. The legal representatives of all Non-- commissioned Officers and Privates, enlihed foi the war, and who were killed in action. To pi event tbe pa. 1 te>jujtiy entitled 10 the War rants defraudedthe following regu-. iaiions will be ot>[ei -oed .* lift. In case of personal applications of Non commissioned Officers and Privates, proof will be required of their being the identical perlons whole rights they claim, by a ccrti* ficate of an Officer of the regiment or line to which they belonged. Second. In case of alignments, legal evi dence of the transfer will be required. Third. Applications of executors and ad-‘ minifirators mint be accompanied with legal evidences of their respective offices. Four h. No warrants will be issued to the order of the party originally entitled, or to the order of any assignee or legal representa tive, but in conlequence of a power *of at torney duly acknowledged. '1 be If arrants for Military bounties of land mi y be jat lifted in any of the following Di - Jtnas, wit bin the Weftern Territory, which a, e appropriated by the United States tn Con grejsfor that purpose, to wit : Fuji. One million of acres, bounded oq the east by the Seventh range of townlhips, South by the land contracted for by Cutler and' Sargent, and to extend north as far as the tanges ol towmhips, and westward So far as to-include the above quantity-, Sccona. A traCt beginning at the mouth of the liver Ohio -thence up the Milfifippi to to tne river Au Vaufe—thence up the fame until it meets a welt line from the mouth of the Little Wabaih—thence ealterly with the said line to the Great Wabaili---thence down the fame to the Ohio, and thence with the.- Ohio to the place of beginning, which is Sup posed to contain two millions of acres. Third. Several tracts drawn for by the Secretary at War, out of the four firlt ranges of townffiips Surveyed*, amounting to about ninety-feven thousand acres. Fourth. Within the limits of purchaSea made by several Companies, not exceeding one Seventh part ot said purchases. H. KNOX. The Subscribers being appointed Survey ors of Two Difirids or Trads of Land set apart by the United States in Congress for Sa tisfying the Military Bounties of Lands pro mised to the late Army, give this public No* tice, to all Officers, No t-commissioned Officers % and Soldiers, of the late Army, entitled to Juch Bounties, That they, or their legal Repre sentatives, make application to the Secretary at War for warrants, agreeable to an ordi , nance of Congress of the 9th day of Julylaft, and forward them to our office at Carlifle, iiv the (late of Pennsylvania, before the 15th day of August next, as a preference in locating will be given to prior entries with us. We will set out from Pittffiurg, for the District on the Mulkincum, on the 15th of September* provided a Sufficient Dumber of warrants are entered by that time. When the business on the Mufkingum is finished, the time for Sur veying the DiltriCt between the Miffifippi, O hio, and Wabaih rivers, will beduly noticed.. • WILLIAM ALEXANDER, } , JAMES IRVINE, . £ Carlifle } 6th January j.