The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 06, 1789, Image 3

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Al) GU S 1* A, June 6. ge o rgia. fry his Hono. GEORGE WALTON, Esq. Ca ptaifi-Gcner a 1, Governor and er in Chief m and over the said State. A Proclamation. Wn ER EA S the Honorable the Executive Council having or dered that the troops of this Rate, now on furlough, (hould be immediately called into service, I have thought fit, by and with the advice of the laid Council, to ilfne this Proclamation; lereby requirmg and commanding, that the ( ommifiioned Officers of the said troops do afiembie their refpedive Waih mgton or AugOfta, as may be mol* conveni ent, without any delay; to wait farther or ders. A d any non-commissioned officer, or private. Who shall not attend, at one or other t le said places, 011 or before the fifteenth day 0 t the present month, lhall be couiidet «d as having deserted the ervice, and liable to e prolecuted for the fame; aud as having 3r ened all right to the emoluments of their «n lilt men t, and past service. On the other “‘■‘t ,s that the troops, as they anemble, lhall have their cloathing ifiued to them, and be regularly supplied wnh full ra tions. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, in the Council Chamber, at Augutra, this firft day of June, in the year of out Lord, one thouland, seven hundred and eighty nine ; and in the thirteenth Year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGE WALTON. By bis honor's Command , JOHN MILTON, Secretary. god save the state. GEORGIA. By his Honor GEORGE WALTON, Esq. Captain-General, Governor and Command er in Chief in and over the State aforefaid. A Proclamation. \kj HERE AS the Honorable the Execu * y tive Council, by their vote of this day, ordered in the words following. In COU NCI L, 'June 5, 1789. It was moved by Mr. Fitzpatrick, second ed by Mr. Christmas, that the Order of the 14:11 of May last, dire ding a Circuit of the Superior Courts to commence in Chatham on tile hi ft Monday in July, be refeinded; and that the fame be promulgated by Proclama tion ; and rhe counties being called, it pasted in the affirmative. Ex trad from the Minutes, JAMES MERIWETHER, S. E C. In obedience, therefore, to the said vote, and by and with the advice of the said Honor able the Executive Council, I hereby iftue this Proclamation, notifying the fame to. the peo ple at large; and to"ail and lingular whom it may concern. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, in the Council Chamber, at Augutla, this fifth day k of June, in the Year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine; and in the thirteenth year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGE WALTON. By bis Honor's Command, JOHN MILTON, Secretary. GOD SAVE THE STATE . Gopy of a letter from Brigadier-General Clarke to bis H r nor the Governor , dated Wafloingion, Mao zj, 1789, io o'Clock at night. 8 I R, YESTERDAY evening, four o’clock, I re ceived information from the Creeks, brought by five headmen of the Cherokees, who had attended at the Creek nation to fettle a difpntc between the two nations. The express came upwards of two hundred miles in three days from the Cherokee.*, informing that three hundred Creeks set oil from their towns the 2 2i\ indent ; and that a runner was sent to -tlft Cmvttas for iwriiliiT hundred to join them, ! wai informed that their iuftmttioni arc, to fail on the frontiers of Georgia, and com mence honilmes near the Cherokee Corner, t e 28th laftanr. I sent express to alarm the different parts, and in the mean time ordered that a part of the militia Ihould march to their relief. Ihe express returned at four o’clock this afternoon, wuh accounts that a fort was attacked near that place this morning by thir ty Indians, and a confiderabie number more difeovered in different places. O ne man was killed at the fort. The militia firft: raised will be on the ground this evening.'; I am coi e mg a reinforcement, and am in hopes to be there myfelf to-morrow with five hundred men. Thele Cherokees farther fay, that they under flood that five hundred Creeks were or dered to the lower parts of Georgia; and that they saw the three hundred firft mentioned draw their ammunition and march, with or ders from M'Gilliviay to breax up the new counties at all events by burning houl'es; and in case of refinance, to kill and take their property. .. From these, and other co operating circumfiances, I have every reason to believe they aie determined on hostilities. VVe are entirely out of ammunition, and hope a iupply will be foi warded asfoon as possible. 1 lliall call on the Coutratfor for fupphes, and hope it will meet with approbation. I am with due refpett and efieem, ’ - Your Honor’s most obedient and Moil humble fervaut, £• CLARKE. N. B. The fort attacked is in Wilkes county. Puohjhea by Orj- rof the Executive , J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. In COUNCIL, Augujla, May 31, 1789. Ordered unaiiimoujl. , That it be allured, that the most effettual meafurcs (hall be immediately taken, in *he power of the. Executive to make, for the iupport of the frontiers, and the general de fence of the state. Extra#from the Minutes, and publijbed by Order of the E ecuti<ve , J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. In CO U NCI L. June 3, , 7 S 9 . lire Report of the Committee io whom was referred the petition of Thomas Reid, was taken up and considered. Whereupon it is > • Ordered , That the appeal, Crtwford vs. Ben. Few, be dismissed ; the fame not hav ing been published according to law, together with all others in the like predicament; and that in future, no appeals be received, un less the fees be firft paid. Ordered , That the foregoing Order be published in the State Gazette. Extra#from the Minutes , J. MERIWETHER, S E. C. In COUNCIL, "June 5, 1789. A letter from T. Barnard to the Governor, was read, setting forth that the Chiefs of the Creek Nation had agreed to attend the pro pofec! Treaty, to call in their warriors, and to desist from farther hostilities ; whereupon it is ordered , That the several arrangements which had been made for holding the fair! Treaty be carried into effetf ; and that this Order be published in the State Gazette for the public information. Extraft from the Minutes , J. MERIWETHER, S.E.C. V r< ' ** ' Yesterday arrived in town an express from George Galphin, Elquire, die Agent of the Commiftioners of the Union in the Creek Na tion, informing that the Chiefs had! agreed to meet the proposals for treating of peace ; and we are authorifed to inform the public, that the measures heretofore adopted for holding the Treaty are now carrying into effect; and that a Treaty will certainly be held. MARRIED ] On Wednesday evening last Mr. Amafa Jackson, merchant, to Mis» Nan cy Lauder, both of this place. 3*6 \6 Will be launched, and sic ed out for Savan nah, in the course of next week, A London Bui/s Flat. Experience has taught them to he of the best conilruiflion for inland navigation fur burthen and ItrciiKth, a very final! draught of water is fuillcient fur them, witnef* the progiefe the water ha* made with them* J dr mHHßy?'iirugc apply to the fubfenher a: the SiJu-roWN, in bpiingfield, near Au/ufta. , WILLIAM BLLLAMY. GE ° R ® IA - IB! levei, Gardner, LEWIS GAINER. ( t^tcW J °f Richmond. W Ann Rae, has applied to me lor letters of administration on the es tate of Janies,Rae, Esq. deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and lin gular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Oftice, on the 6th day of July next, to lliew caule, if any they have, why letters of administration Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Oftice, the 6th day of June, in the year of our Lord 1789, and in the 13th year of the Independence of die United States of America. GEORGIA. By Lewis Oa dner, (L. S.) ( EfqßegifterofPro- LEV\IS GARDNER. f bats for the County •) of Richmond. WHEREAS Mildred Clark, has applied to me for letters of administration on theeftateof GiibertClark, .'eteafed: These aie therefore to cite and aumouifti all and lingular the kindred and creditors ot the said . deceased, to be and appear before me at my Otiicc, on the 6th day of Julv next, to tliew cause, if any they why le ters of administration Ihould not be granted; Given under my hand and fcai, at my Oftice, the sixth day of June, ip the year of our Lord one thousand leven hundred and eighty-nine, and. in the 13th year of the Independence -of the United States of America. JUST IMPORTED, And for SALE on retfinable terms , for Cap or Produce , A few pair of French Burr Millstones, Three feet three inches in diameter. Apply to Meffrß. Coihoutt iff Reilly , merchants, Augusta, or the fubferibers at their store.- three doors above the Caffee-houfe, on the Bay. WILLIAM -HUNTER, iff Co. Savannah , May 28, 1789. Notice. time in the ye*r 17R6, Joel Craw ly ford, now deceased, gave his bond for thirty pounds paper medium to John Brandon, of the town of Augusta, to bee >mc due when the said Brandon made cities to ace t i'i tratt of land, which he has never complied with 1 I do hereby forewarn any perfou from tiading for the said bond, as I will not pay it, nor any part thereof. FRANCES CRAWFORD, Extr'*. April 2;. Hx IJUllorl ~reJP2rd. STRAYED .-r lloien some rime in March, a finail BAY HORSE, raising four years, about thirteen hands and a half high, marked with a star and snip, alio some of his feet white, but wh ch of them, or how many, I do not recolleft; he is a natural trotter, and earners very well; it is probable he may have some brand, but that I have also forgot. He was purchased by some gentleman of Campbell town from a man in Wilkes, and perhaps 13 endeavouring to get back. Whoever will de liver die laid horse to the fubferiber, ihall have the above reward. W. LONGSTREET. 0 - f CALL’S WARE-HOUSE. : *S* ,r S>*E> At public Auction will be Sold* On Monday , the 2 d injl. at 1 2 o'C/och, For ready money, all the Transfer tobacco That may remain on hand that day. All tliufe who have any transfer tobacco account to fettle, aie defiled to call and fettle feefoie that day, a« w.fhalUot fottlc with any ou (bat day, I. ANTHONY, , . V. JJAJUUS.