The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 27, 1789, Image 3

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ExiraSl cf a letter from Marietta* “ The progress of the fettlcment is f'uffici ently rapid for the fiift year. We are continu ally erefling houses, but arrivals aie fafter than we can possibly provide convenient coverings. Our fiift ball was opened about the middle of December, at which Were fifteen ladies, as well accomplitlicd in the manners cf polite circles, as any I have ever seen in the old Rates. I mention this to thew the progress of society in this new world, where, I believe, we iliall vie with, if not excel, the old Rates in every accomplifntnent necessary to render life agreeable and happy.” CHARLESTON, June ir. On Thurl'day the 28th ult. in Camden di ftritt, a duel, with pistols, was fought be tween Mr. Jacob Brown and Capt. Baker ; the latter was killed, the former so badly wounded, that he expired within the space of twelve hours. The quarrel between them, it is said, originated from a controversy that took place the lafl election for members cf Afiembly. On Monday lafl the Court of General Ses sions pal Ted the following sentence on Mr. Wefcot, for gouging and maiming Mr. Bowen: That he Ihould Hand in the pillory, on the green near the goal, a quarter of an hour, be imprisoned four weeks, pay the sum of fifty pounds, and be kept in confinement till the fine is paid. AUGUST June 27. 'JIB Ee(lival of St. John the Baptist was ce lebrated by the brethren of Lodge Columbia on Weduefday lalf, the 24th inst. agreeable to the customs of the ancient fraternity—they marched in proceliion to and from the church, where they were entertained by the Rev. Brother Boyd with a sermon in the true spirit of Masonry they dined and pasted the af ternoon at the Academy in the nioft enlivened sociability and pleasing decorum The Honorable the Senate of the Conprefs of the United States have appointed Samuel Allen Otis, Esq. (late member of Congress from Maftachufetts) to the h norary place of Secretary to that Honorable body A letter from St. Croix, dated April 5, fays,— “ Times are very dull here There has been no rain thele fix months pall. The canes are burnt up, and flock dying for want of water. Three or four gallons of water command a molt extravagant price. On the 22d iuflant, the House of Re prtfentatives of the United Stares proceeded to the investigation of the fa£is Hated in the petition of Dr. Ram.ay, and, after a full and impartial difcnflion of the fubjed, the Houle resolved that Mr. Smith (of South Carolina) was a Citizen of the United States seven years prior to his election-, and conlequently was eligible to a feat in that House. The ques tion was decided (after an intcrelling debate) by calling the yeas and nays, and there waa but one dillentient in the House. At the Scllion 0! the General Afiembly of Rhode-Ifland, at Newport, in May lafl, an ad was palled for levying and colleding with in the ports of that slate, the fame duties and imposts as (hall be levied by Congress within the eleven dates under their jarifdidion, to be paid in the fame monies or articles ; the ad to take place at the fame time as the con tinental ad for that purpose. Errata in our lafl—ln the lafl line of the protest, signed by £. Lyman and-j. Weed, for in ane , read inane ✓ # GEORGIA. \By Lewis Gardner, (L. S.) ( Efq.RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER, f bats for the County 7 of Richmond. TT7HER EAS Amey Savidge has applied VV to me for letters of administration on the estate of Robert Savidge, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and Angular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 13th day of July next, to fliew caufc, if any they have, why lexers of administration rtiould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at mv Office, the ihineemh day of June, in the year of our Lord oue thousand seven hundred and tighty-nine, and tu the 13th year of the Independence of the United &taief of Amenta. Notice. II.IR.EAS Britain Bailefs offers for sale a trad of Land, said to contain thirty fix acres, lying ia Richmond county, state of Georgia, joiuiug lands of the estate of Charles Clark (lately deceased) Joseph Lellie, James Stallings, and Mr. Getrons, in order to pre vent any person or persons being deceived by purchasing the fame, I do hereby give this public notice, that the said thirty-fix acres of land aie within the boundaries, and is part of a trad of land belonging to the said Clark’s estate, originally granted to John Dodd, and after conyeyed by good and fufficient deed to the said Claik, as by reference beiug had to the land records of this state will fully appear, and is now the lawful property, and in pos session of the heirs of the said Charles Clark deceased. ANN L. CLARK. June 25, 1789. George Heard, 1 • vs. V Slander. Drury Cook, j I THE defendant* Cook, do acknow ledge that I did on the 10 th day of June last, without any foundation, speak of Major George Heard that he was a hog thief, and that I could prove it, for which I am extreme ly forry,do beg Major Heard’s pardon, wijofe charader I refped and esteem. Given under my hand in open Court, the'l4th April, 1789. Signed PRTJRY COOK. Tcjl. HENRY MOUNGER, C. VV. C. Two Stray Ma»es, r 1 A KEN up by Drury Glover, and deli- X vered me to be dealt with as the law direds: One a yellow bay, about 13 1-2 hands high, .9 or 10 years old, a star in her forehead, both hind feet white, some laddie spots, The other a dark bay, also about 13 1-2 hands high, 5 years old, a fmalf star in the forehead, some saddle spots; neither of them have any brands perceivable, they ap pear to be of the Englilh bteed. The owner or owners will obtain heir property by ap plying to me and lawfully proving the fame. JAMES STALLINGS, J. P. June 2 5, 1789. Richmond) PERSONALLY came David County. I Love, of Greene -county, Planter, who being duly sworn on the holy Evangelists %f Almighty God, doth declare and fay, that having two hogtheads of Tobac co infpeded this day at the Augusta Ware house, one of which being in this deponent’s name, No. 9(19, weighing Grot's 1057, fare 92, Nett. 9*5 ; the other hogthead being in the name ot Joseph Morrow, weighing Grots 1171, Tate 99* Nett. 1072, No. 970, for which said two hogtheads the deponent -e --ceived notes from the Infpedors, and has since either loft or miOaid them, and atpie fent cannot be found. D. LOVE. Sworn to the 20th day of ) June 1789, before me y D. HUNTER, J. P. IN the last of January, or or the beginning of February, >789, I loft in Augutta a bond of Col. Richard Call, in favor of a Mr. Benjamin Edwards, of North-Catolina, lor five hundred pounds : It was given (as well as I recollect) in November 1786- FRANCIS TENNILL. Eiiiht Dolhrs Reward. STRAYED or stolen from the Subscriber, a large SORRF.L HORSE, about 15 hands high, ha 9 a small star in his forehead, and some of his feet white, but which, or how many, I don’t remember. He has had his tail and mane lately trimmed, and has two large lumps on the points of hi- (boulders, occasioned by work; lie has no brands Any perfun who will deliver the said liorfe to me, *t my plantation, about otic mile from Augusta, (hall receive the above leward. ELIZABETH CORNELL, Junt to, I7»v* GE ,? R G1 A> 1 ltV3it Gardner, ■' s ) I frfy R chiller of Pro-* LEWIS GARDNER {• for the Count/ J of Richmond. YV EREAS Thomas Giafcock, has applied to me for letters of administration on !?* * fiatc Wiilum deceafed : lhefe are therefore to cite ami admonifli all and lingular the kindred and creditors of the laid deceased, to be and appear before me at Office, on the 27th day of Inly next to Ihewcaule, if any they have, why letters of administration Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand and leal, at my* Office, the 27th day 'of June, in the year of our Lord 1789, and in the 13th year of the Independence of the United States of America SOME time in rhe year 1786, Joel Craw ford, now deceased, gave his bond foe thirty pounds paper medium to j »hn Brandon, of the town of Augusta, to become due when the said Brandon niadc cities to a certain traft ot land, which he has never complied with : I do hereby forewarn any perfou from trading* foi the said bond, as I will not pay it, nor any part thereof. FRANCES CRAWFORD, Extr\\ April 2;. R. BKKT R* ber.f >n tolls before' me a bla k nerfe, near four tren hands high, about twelve years old, trots and paces, is branded on the off shoulder and bu o»k thus 1 P. 2 ai d has lb me laddie spots. Ihe owner inult prove his property ag?< e- * able to law. JAMES STALLINGS, J. P. Jane 13, 1789 WILLIAM Stub, jun. fclq tolls a hi/ Mare 13 1-2 hands hi*h, font vears ol t. has no visible brands, a small flat in her forehead, the inner part of her hind foot white. The owuer or owners of said stray, may p/ove his, her, or their property, befoic D HUNTER, J P * Wt do hereby into* in the public, that we will tell Lots in Louilcville by pri vate Jale. H. LAWSON, 1 J. SHELMAN, 5 Cmm ' r - ■ April 27, 1789. Just PublifliCv'l, And may be had at the Printi»g‘Ojfi(e t THE Constitution of the State of Georgia Ratified the 6th of May, 1789. A. L S O, The Federal Constitution. And a few Copies of the LAWS Os the General Affcmblv of toe State ot Georgia, pafifcd l«*ft Seflion. Georgia , tPdka County » April ( Term % 17S8. Strphe•; Hearu, vs. £ Attachment. 1 urnt r Lan •, j Ordered , • r T“MIAT the defendant do appear and plead 1 within a year and a day, otherwite udftmeiu by default , Fx'ra't from the Minute*, HFNRV MOUNGLR, pioC, W. C. N9%> li, i;W.