The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, July 04, 1789, Image 4

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POET R Y. —SS©9S@©S@@- From a New-York Paper. On the Arrival of the illustrious PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES. JOY to our Land ! the viftor Hero comes, Array’d in glory, ’nii’d Columbia s tons ; The mighty WASHINGTON ! be comes to grace The Foed’ral Band, and cheer the smiles of peace; He comes in glorv, and with laurels crown’d, To spread Dominions, Peace, and Wealth a round; He comes to save America once more, And add new luilre to her gilded shore ; He comes to give to union equal force, And open to her view a new-born source; He comes to (hew how we may long enjoy, Freedom, Content and Peace, without annoy; He comes, the Grand United States to crown With great refpeft, efieem and high renown. See what a feene his presence spreads around, While songs of welcome through the air re sound ; See ev’rydieart, with pleasure wide expand, And greet the Saviour of our fav’red Land ; Hark how the bells the joyful tidings bear, And waft ’em gently thro* the gilded air ; Each peal proclaims to nations far and wide, Our Country’s Saviour and our Country’s Pride; While on the wings of Echo’s lofty found, To difiaut climes our joys ate borne around. O mighty Chief! illuflrious WASHINGTON! Thou that art crown’d with laurels nobly won ; Thou that were sent a Saviour to our Land, To prove out rights by thy victorious hind ; Long may thou live, rclpiendent as the day, Columbian feeptre happily to sway ; May kindly angels guard thy gen’tous foul, And smiles propitious o’er thee gently roll, While gratefully the sons of freedom own Thou art the firft, their joy, beloved one ! May thou e’rc long behold the Fcedral Base Stupendous rife in perfect happiness ; And may the fuperftrufture of thy hand Triumphant bids Columbia 's happy Land I J. S. G EORGIA. 'NBy Lewis Gardner , (L. S.) ( Efq.Regifterof Pro '2LEWIS GARDNER. ( bats for the County ) of Richmond. WIEREAS Wm. Wallace has applied co me for letters of administration on the effate of Charles Bedingfield, deed. These kre therefore to cite and admouiih all and lingular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 4th day of August next, to (hew cause, if any they have, why le ters of Administration ftiould not be granted. Given under my hand aud seal, at mv Office, the fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord'one thousand seven hundred and cighiy-niue, and in the 14th year of the Independence of the United States of America 11 1 u..i GEORGIA. TBy L,v,„ CW„r, if" s ) I Esq RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER, r bats for the County J of Richmond. Thomas Glafcork, has applied to me tor letters of administration on the estate of William Harlewood, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonilh all and Angular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the ayth day of July next to ihew esulc, if any they have, why letters of administration lliould not be granted. Given under roy hand and seal, at my Office, (he a;ch day of J unf , hi thr year of our Lord lyHo, and * tb Independence 01 ,h# l, oted Haim y( I SIX DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED or stolen fometimcin March, a small BAY HORSE, railing four years, about thirteen hands and a half high, marked with a star and snip, also some of his feet white, but which of them, or how many, I do not recolleti ; he is a natural trotter, and canters very well ; it is probable he may have some brand, but that I have also forgot. He was purchased by some- gentleman of Carapbfcll town from a man in Wilkes, and perhaps is endeavouring to get back. Whoever will de liver the laid horse to the subscriber, (hall have the above reward. W. LONGSTREET. t OTOLEN on Sunday evening the 17th inst. near Augusta, a waggon HORSE of the following description, v\z. A yellow sorrel about 14 hands and an inch high, branded with small letters W E on the mounting flioulder, Ihort bulhy tail, a small liar in hi 3 forehead, and frefh ftiod all round. •TEN POUNDS reward will be given for the horre and thief, or FIVE POUNDS for the horse only, on the delivery of the fame to Mr. Amafa Jackson, merchant, Au gusta, or to the fubfcriber/Peterlburg, at the confluence of the rivers Savannah and Broad. : HARRY CALDWELL. Peterjburg , May 23, 1789. . JUST IMPORTED, And for SALE on reasonable terms , for Cajh or Produce , A few pair of French Burr Millltones, Three feet three inches in diameter. Apply to Meflrs. Lolhoun & Reilly , merchants, Augusta, or the fubferibers at their ftorc, three doors above the Csffce-houfe, on the Bay. WILLIAM HUNTER, & Co. Savannah , May 28, 1789. Just Published, And may be bad at the Printing-Office, THE Constitution of the State of Georgia. Ratified the 6th of May, 1789. ALSO, The Federal Constitution. And a jew Copies of the LAWS Os the General AffcmbJy of the State of Georgia, passed last Session. RoBEKT Robertson tolls before me ar black l»orfe, near four teen hands high, about twelve years old, trots arid paces, is branded on the off shoulder and burrock thus F 2 and has some saddle spots. The owner muff prove his property agree able to law. & JAMES STALLINGS, J. p. June 13, 1780 Bight Dollars Reward. C TRAYED or stolen from the Subscriber Pa , 80RREL HORSE, about ic rfl* \ fnull star in bi * forebeaH, how man. lAn / CCt wb ' ,e > hut which, or how mao,, I don t renumber. He haa had “'ll' ", d , " Jne 1 “« I T trimmed, aod haa two large lum|>a on the pointa of hie fhoulden, orcafiooed b, work, he ha. „„ b r,„d?_” A»r perfoo who win deliver the (aid horse to aweasesrj£tt WAR OFFICE of the UNITE D STATES, February 15, 1789. PUBLIC information is hereby given to all Comraiflioned Officers, Non-Commif honed Officers, and Privates, ot the late at* my of the United States, entitled to lands in purfuauce of the several Resolves of Congress. or to their assigns or legal representatives, that Warrants for their refpeftive proportions will be iflued at this Office after the ift day of April next. In order to prevent unnecefTary applies** tions, it may be neceflary to hate, that the following deferiptions of Officers and Soldiers only are entitled to lands from the United States. First. Commissioned Officers who served until the end of the war. Second. Commissioned Officers deranged by virtue of the several resolves of Congrefs* Third. The legal representatives of all Commissioned Officers killed in adion. Fourth. The Medical Staffjdifignated by the resolve of Congrefsjof the aad September, \ 7Bo* Fifth. All Non-commissioned Officers and Privates who enlisted for and continued in the service until the end of the war. Sixth. The legal representatives of all Non** commissioned Officers and Privates, enlisted for the war, and who were killed in adion. To prevent the partiesjuftly entitled to the War* rants being defrauded , the following regu lations vjtli be obJerved : Fiji, In case of personal applications of Non commissioned Officers and Privates, proof will be required of their being the identical persons whose rights they claim, by a certi ficate of an Officer of the regiment or line to which they belonged. ' Second. In case of alignments, legal evi dence of the transfer will be reqnired. Third . Applications of executors and ad minillrators rauft be accompanied with legal evidences of their refpedive offices. Four h. No warrants will be iflued to tha order of the party originally entitled, or to the order of any assignee or legal representa tive, but in consequence of a power of at torney duly acknowledged. Ibe IV arrants for Military bounties of land may be Jat isfied in any of the J allowing Di - Jirißst within the Wfern 1 er> story , which ate approprtaetd by the United States in Con grefsjoi that purpoje , to wit: Fir ft. One million of acres, bounded on the cast by the seventh range of townffiips. fouth by the land contradcd for by Cutler and Sargent, and to extend north as far as the ranges of townffiips, and westward so far as to include the above quantity. Second. A trad beginning at the mouth of the river Ohio —thence up the Miffifippi to to the river Au Vaufe—thence up the fame until it meets a weft line front the mouth of the Little Wabaffi—-thence easterly with the said line to the Great Wabaffi—thence down the fame to the Ohio, and thence with the Ohio to the place of beginning, which is sup posed to contain two millions of acres. Third. Several trads drawn for by the Secretary at War, out of the four firft ranges of townffiips surveyed, amounting to about nincty-feven thousand acres. Fourth. Within the limits of purchafe9 made by several Companies, not exceeding one seventh part ot said purchases. H. KNOX. The Subscribers being appointed Survey ors of Two D Jin as or Trafts of Land set apart by the United States in Congress for fa tisfying the Military Bounties of Lands pro mised to tb t late Army , give this public No and SiT °s C ' r L Officers* and Soldiers, of the late Army , entitled to fuel Bounties, That they, or their legal Repre fentatwes make application to the Secretary nan« of r V"TTV agreeablc ordi nance of Congress of the 9th day of hly last and forward them to our office at Carhfle, in S’*™? Pen ° r > ,vania » before the 15th day August next, as a preference in locating ... J® #*?en t 0 prior entries with us. Wo 1 1 M ffom PUtlbur 8» *or ‘be Dirtrid on ‘he Muffimgum, on the 1 sth of September, provided a Efficient number of warrants aro e . me " d b y ‘bat time. When the business on •He Mufkmgumi* H.iifhe.l, ik, ,i me f or flir . JAMES IRVINE, ’ f Irnuiru Cmii/b, its J '