The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, July 18, 1789, Image 4

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POET R Y. ExtraQ from an ancient Biographer, merfifed. IN those remote and diftatit age*, When quadrupeds were wits and sages; In Greece, some where, near Megazirus, Did dwell the doughty Gelafinus; Whose youthful lore, (being jEiculapian) Rais’d him above the rank of plebeian: His fame thus flew, ad omnem partem ; • He plaifler fpreadi, fecundum artem ; ‘ And fkilfully does pestle handle:*— What’s more, —he strove t’ obtain the scandal Os fending patients adJepulehram , By rule of art, which lay occultani. A while he fill’d his sphere exalted, When bounce ! into a dejk he vaulted : Now—hark the founds of fol, fa, la, mi ! And tnva, tnva, tnva ! when he explores the k«r. O had he stuck to pfalmody, And chang’d his bev’rage to gin-toddy, (For aqua pur a and molajfes Are to the lungs, vile and pernicious,) And never peep’d into a Or thought of studying cursed Saxon ; r He might have (hunn’d the rock he wreck’d f on: J For Client to his doer ne’er pac'd, Nor fee his fingers e’er Embrac’d. When worse came to the wofff, neceflity Gave to invention, elasticity : “ No more (he cried) fliall life precarious, * e Be my hard lot, and fortune various “ I’ve hit cn the sure plan of trading, “ And nought but turpentine I’ll deal in e ** I’ll get me dogs to bay the crocodiles, * l Thtfe fatal en’mics to my light nvood piles, “ And thus provide a fine maintainance.” Seven canine mongrels he got —bled chance! A golden age feem’d now to offer; — Each day was drefs’d a htige megophet , And buzzards, by the brace adduc’d j Drove hunger from her wonted rood ; While Terebintbian works succeed, And oft prevent the fiddler’s need. O luxury, (too great to lad;) Thou waft to grief, but th* antepaft ! v A point, right moot, one day debated,- Discord and anarchy created, Between the cat’ring currs and mailer, Which prov’d to him a Ibte disaster; For Snarler, Banter, both abfeond, And not one carcase can 6e found : Lean Gelafinus to his dogs, Sounds a retreat to neighb’ring bogs; But haggard Famine , lank and pallid, Has made all efforts quits iuvalid, Os flying from the premises, ( Foist-hull , or any, its demefnet)— ‘ What can he do ? Refign’d, he gulps his pills of opium, To drown the thought, that Bombardinion Fioves not bis Snarler, or his Banter; But (for his fins!) a galling Tartar. ’ The Biographer concludes his life in thefs words: *• To collect his character from his own writings, it would read thus: He was an abndger of canine liberty, a recorder of brute pedigree, an infpeCtor of dogs Ws a retailer of slobber, a distributer of carrion and a Monographer of dogs, buzzards, polc and raegophers.” ’ * RIGDUMFUNIDHS. \ . •• Boanerges—what, is it c , mp „ mentis; r We'il cloak it ,h UB> a „ d BOMBARDINION. A Lift of defaulters in Cant. Harris’, diftrift, Richmond county. Cafwell, Daniel Riclurdfon John Beiryhill, Alexander Cafwell, TI-.0. K“lkM.“w7’ IrChibaM1 rChibaM Hi,ch "’ John ?ewU Wii eman ’ Fr r k Scm ’ William Hunt) mitucler ’ Hl^ To be Sold, On Tuefday, lift injl. between the hours of ele m <ven and two, at the Market Houje, ALL THE Transfer tobacco That may remain on hand at the Augusta Ware-house, by DIXON BOSTWICK, Injpefars. July ir, 1789. - - - - - rTpHE fubferiber has just received A at his house, one mile above Augusta, on the main road leading from thence to Washington, in Wilkes county, sundry Goods, as hereunder mentioned, which he will fell at the most reduced prices for cash, tobacco, or the paper medium at the current difeount. Molasses Weft-ludia Rum Northward ditto Coniac Brandy French ditto Hoi’ r id Gin Port Wine Malt Beer, bottled Belt Ncw-York Cyder Cordials, white and red New-York dryed apple*, by the pound Railing Eating oil (new and very fine) Perch hooks (best Kirby) Loaf sugar Mufcovado ditto Coffee White wine vinegar Grind stones Stone jugs Common, milk, and pudding pant A general afibrtment Queen’s ware Ditto ditto Glaft tumblers' Large Providence conks Iron Potts A genel-al afibrtment nails Oznaburgs A few doz. London made beaver hata And Pome fait in sacks. GEORGE HAMMOND. Juiv 2, 1789. RUN AW at, From the fubferibers, ,he 3 cth June lafl TWO NEGROES, viz. 9 PETER, a young fellow, about 18 Kara old, country born, fpeaka very plain • runeby well sett.-a very artful cunning fc ,.’ low, we suppose h« will aim for Charleston, or the vicinity thereof, a, he ran away one* before, and wa. about Charleflou two year,! The other i, JEM, about 1+ years" ! !T!7wt r Y' markabk br *' f »r h„ fire 1 had on when he went away a pair of corded homespun breecbe, and bine driped waidcoat ha, a fear on one of hi, thigh,, i ittle sbov^ hi, ham, oceafioned by a hum j he wa, pet fuaded off by Peter. * Wi " d ' liv ' r ,I " ! M Negroe. to the fubfertber, on the Kiokas, ao mile, above Au * ust *> ** '» Capi. John Lamar, near a" guda, diall receive Six Guineas Reward or Three for either of them. ’ JOSHUA WYNNE Jy y, MARTHA AP?UNG - At SetSSe? T werny tour thouland, three him. dred and ihirty-feven acres of hi->h knd, the property of Richard Call. AHb, twenty.three thousand, three hundred and thirty-.hree acres of gh land; and one thousand, nine fw U amp d in"it 7 - 0 " 6 3CreS amp, in Washington county the S^7iu. amui “ <» Mr 6, ~a9 . ' BARNETT ’ c - Tm - THE fubferiber being appointed Receiver of Returns of taxable property for Capt. Pearre’s diftridt, in the county of Richmond, by the Honorable the Executive Council of this state, gives notification that such returns will be received at the ftatc houfe in Augusta until the expira tion of this month (Sundays except ed.) William Ur quhart. dugvfta, July 3. Notice. WHEREAS Britain Bailefs offers for falo a trait of Land, said to contain thirty fix acre 8> lying i n Richmond cotinty, state of Georgia, joining lands of the estate of Charles Clark (lately deceased) j ofe^h Leflic> j amc# ta i n gs, and Mr. Getrons, in order to pie-« vent any person or persons being deceived by purchasing the fame, I do hereby give this public notice, that the said thirty-fix acres of land are within the boundaries, and is pare of a trad of land belonging to the said Clark's estate, originally granted to John Dodd, and after conveyed by good and fufficient deed to the said Clark, as by reference being had to the and records of this state will fully appear, and is now the lawful property, and in pof-r session of the heir* of the said Charles Clark: deceased. ANN L. CLARK. June *s> 1789. DAVID Harris tolls before me a white and red pied cow, about 4 years old, marked with a swallow fork in the right ear, and a crop and two flits in the left, brand ed on the left cushion thus R. O.' The owner must prove his property before me within the time preferibed bylaw. , W. FREEMAN. T. P. j“iy 7.1789. Defaulters in the diftrifl of militia late Cati* tain Ayres s, Richmond county, WILLIAM White, David Robinson, feni John Moates, Adam Guess, Samuel ftjdgdell, John Doughty, William Nelfon* Jun. James Christmas, Jordon Proflor, yohi* t Chambers, John Quarles, Ann Grayham John Armstrong, Ann Tidwell, Joseph Hick-I man, John Leonard, fen. john Smith, fen* • James Bowland, Thomas Howard, Stephen Phillips, William Ayres, Elija Walker. Names of persons who have returned me a “ of *i c raxablc property residing in other diftnfts. & William Antriken, Su&nnah Bryant Eli~» xabe'h Chambers, George Foules, fen. Mary Ann Fuller, John Goare, John Hobbs; Cla nffa Harr,ffon jofeph Hancock, Martha; Hoff, Thomas Jones, jnn. Charles M‘Dade. Rachel Powell, Samuel Robinson, Jolhua, Vaughn. George Foules, jun. Non-relidents: Youngblood!, 200 acres oak and luckorjr land, near George Ray’s, on the *««• »f big Kioka, second quality. N. B. This traft is in arrears of taxes. THOMAS HAMILTON, Rec. Wr 7* 1789. SIX dollars reward. l 0r hOW do not — .* * a natural trotter, and canters , ry * *“ JS probable he may have fomo n, f’ A Ut L that 1 have a,fo for « ot * lle was purchased by (omc gentleman of Campbell town from a man in Wilkes, and perhaps is endeavouring to get back. Whoever will de« h V vl \ auj borff> tn thc briber, (hall have the above reward, • VV. LONOST*.FFT.