The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, July 25, 1789, Image 4

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In COUNCIL, July 17,1789* . On a letter from Robert Eorfyth, Esq. State Agent, of the. 16th mft. dating that some misrepresentations had been made m the State Gazette refpe&ing the payments which had been made by him to the Honorable the Delegates of t its State, and requeuing leave to exhibit the vouchers of the Statement * rendered to a Comm.ttee of Council on the ,ft day of May before the Executive authority, It is Ordered , That he have leave according y. The State Agent attending, produced full and fatisfadory vouchers for each item ot the faire. Whereupon 7/ is Ordered , i hat the State Agent have leave to publilh the fame statement, together with this Urder. -.. /,J - ' ' *•*.•'. • r > <r • ■ . ,// '* ■ /; , . #•' Extract Jr cm the Minutes , • * * - J. MERIWETHER, S.E.C. STATE of P ATME NTS made by Robert Forfytb, State .Agent, fincehis appointment, to the Honor able Delegates, and Estimate of Sums yet due them. Augufla, April 20, 1789. Due them be- For fervice* ] For ferviees Remarks. fore the in Conven- lince Conven- Os their de- laid them. Yet due* Convention, tion. tion. wands. I am under an f Sums due him, 195 11 8 210 o o 768 16 8 3>cl. in part The Hon. Abraham Baldwin, \ Payments made, 195 n 8 210 o o 56 7 o ”74 8 4 4°i 18 8 7,2. 9 8 this balanceto £ Me firs. Coxe Balance due, 7 12 9 8 , an Fraziers, ■ f Sums due him, 458 11 4 210 o o 160 8 o lamunderaa The Hon. William Few, } Payments made, 458 11 4 180 11 000 928 19 4 638 12 5 290 611 acceptancefoc l * this balance* • Balance due, 29 18 ij ado Ba, • ** , #.!• Sums due him, 274,7 4 252 00000 . * % lam under an f Payments made, 274 17 4 oo o oo o 9 m under n The Hon. William Houflon, \ - 7*B 14 o *74 1 7 4 AS3 8 acceptance tor l Balance due, 252 o o 000 the amount of Do. per resolve of last Aftembly, old claim 201 16 8 w 111 s balance. f Sums due him, 207 4 o 210 o o 0,0 o # lam under an The HOll. William Pierce, < Payments made, 207 40 10 00 000 417 4 o zty 4 o 2,00 o o accc P tance ) 9 ‘ the amount ojj Balance due, 200 00 000 ***is balance. £*l3*49 5 8 >s9* 12 5 *656 13 3 l Errors excepted, ROBERT FORSYTH, State Agent. N. B. T have the acceptance of the Receiver-General of Specifics, for 1787, for the sum of 3261. payable in rice at us. perCwt.-—Mr. David Hillhotife’s Order in my favor as State Ageut, and charged to him on account his Contrast. This I expected to have received in January, in which cafQ it would have been applied to the difeharge of arrears due William Houston and William Pierce, Esquires, but ’tis not yet got, 0 * This Statement was required of ms by the Honorable the Executive in the Month of April last, in conference of a letter from the Hon. A. Bald** win, Esquire, to his Honor the Governor. R. FORSYTH. NOTICE is given, that I have purchased of I. B. V. Heddcghem, part of the Lot No. 23, fnuatc in Broad-street, in the town of Augusta, agreeable to his Bill of Sale, a true copy of which is herewith inserted for the information of the public, and is as fol lows : “ Received. May 20, 1788, from Mr. ** Edward M'Farlin, the fura of One Hun c< drcd Pounds, it being in part payment of ** Lot No. 23, in the town of Augusta, which *' I bought of Major Forfyth, and which I “ pro-life to give to the said Mr. M l Farlin (t good and fu:Hcient titles to the fame—as “ witness my hand this day. I. B. V. HEDDEGHEM.” Witnefled by JD. Hunter In purluance thereof, I hereby give notice, to advite and caution all persons not to buy, purchase, or receive titles for the above men tioned Lot, as I am the lawful proprietor of the fame. EDWARD M‘FARLIN. Augujia, July 17, 1789. A liftiof defaulters in Capt. Robert Savidge's company, Richmond county. JO B Miller, Edward Boyd, Nicodemus Boyd, Joseph Huntington, John Wood, Zepaniah Mott, Randolph Robertl'on, Wil liam Nicholson, Ricketfon Lipfey, Isaac Ra i >r, William Gold, Abfalom Rhodes, John Black, Mr. Hull, Mr Muilin, Mr. Inlaw, and Isaac Underwood, the latter fuppoled to have given in clfewhere. JOHN FOSTER, Rtc. To be Exchanged, A Ncgroc, of any agr or deicrip tton, for Cattle. Enquire of the Printer, | Notice. FRAMES of houses, of any de scription, will be cut and de livered at Augusta, at the shortest notice; and at the lowed: prices. Apply at the Village, to John Freeman . July 24, 1789. srra r e d From the Subscriber, about two months aga, A Dark Roan Hor/e, About 14 hands high, branded on one of his ftiotilders thu6 IH. He has been Seen about the vicinity of Bedford, and is probably thereabouts. Whoever will dediver the said horse to the fubferiber, ftiall be handsomely rewarded. MARY LAUDER. July 23, 1789. A lift of defaulters in Capt. John Shackle, ford’s diftrid, Richmond county. GOLONEL Richard Call, John Robert son, Peter Culbreth, James Cartlidge, Bartholomew Tbompfun. Non-re/idents —John Boyd of South-Caro lina, David Leech, of ditto. Per Jons living in other difriSlty and rendered in a lijl of their taxable property —William Con fins, William Crittenden, Ami Clark, IftabclU Chapman, Alexander Garduer, and John Griffin. JOHN SHACKJLEFO&3* Jbu , i Job **. A Bargain. FOR SALE, That valuable Plantation, situated about 24 miles below Augufla, upon Savannah river* known by the name of Profpea Hill. Containing about 4052 acres, 900 acres of which are prime river swamp, 2CO oak and hickory, and the remainder good pine land, which lies very convenient to a fine bold dream. On the preinifes are a good dwelling house, barn and orchard—one hundred and eighty acres of the swamp, and 40 acres of the high land, are clear and under fence. ALSO, Sixteen hundred acres of land, situated on Walnut Branch, Burke county, bounded weftwardly by Brier Creek, fouthwardly by Mr. Amos Whitehead’s, and eaftwardly con** tiguous to Waynclborough.—The situation and quality of these lands are too well known and admitted to require any further defcrip* tion. For terms, apply to James Alger, . > at Gumming & M‘Credies* Augvfta* 7 u (y 1789. Blank Bonds, Blank Writs, Deeds of Convey ance, and New-England Primers, for Sal* et the Printing-Office* i*.' s