The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, August 01, 1789, Image 3

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fireet to prevent the ?a.T;og of carriages be fore his door j it is however hoped, that this indifpofuion will not prove other than inci dental, aud the caule be soon removed. £xtra3 of a letter from . gentleman living on Lake L ham plain* to bis friend in tludj.n* doled. May 9. “ It is almost impoffibfe to deferibe the ex treme diftreft furroundiag the people here. No bread or provision cf any kind. The feene is truly painful. The common suste nance of die women and children has been tad poles boiled in water, and peaftraw which they swallowed till they began to /well in the glands of the throat; when filh came to their relief, which they (imply boiled in water without fait or bread, which brought on dy senteries. Some have died, and many are fkk. I was without bread fourteen da>s, and was obliged to live on my feed potatoes.” .Late accounts from France advise, ' that <fi the King had engaged to relinquiih the power of laying, continuing, or appropriat ing taxes, —he had engaged also to call the States Geneial periodically,—to submit let ters de cachet to legal reftnrtions, —to 'con lent to the freedom of the prefi } and that all this tliall be fixed by a fundamental con ihtution, which lhall bind his fucceflors. By late accounts from Canada, we learn, that the inhabitants ate in the greatest distress, owing to the scarcity qf provifiona; that in Quebec, wheat fells for 14s. per puthel, and flour, fix dollars per hundred ; that a diflern pei haa raged among the cattle, which has carried off vast numbers of them, and reduc ed nlaii) of the people to the neceflity of eat ing horse (lcth to prevent starving; that a gieac number of families have been obliged to leave the country to avoid the misery of famine. Bojlon Gazette* PHILADELPHIA, May iz. Extra 3 of a letter frotn a reputable boufe in Lijbon to his friend in tbit city , dated March’ 3 7 5 ?- “ The Porttiguefe fqtiadron is on the eve of failing for their (fatiou in the Streight*, tp keep the Algerines in, so that your tlag may cfome very fafe to Portugal and Spain, with out the Strfcighs ; the ri(k is thought so little of here, that we*can get it wrote at one, if not at one half per cent. Fleafe to have this information put into your public papers, to spread through the United States, to art against the falfe advertisements in the European papers, to intimidate adven turers. and to raise the premium of* infur £tlce.,, AUGUST A> Auguff 1. Asa warrant has been iflued by the raa gift racy against the person found, by the m quefron the body of Hutchinson, to have fir ed the gun, and which places the bufinefsin the hands of the law, we decline faying far ther about it, that the public mind may not l e any wav influenced, to the detrimeut of the gentleman, through our Chronicle. Mr. Bombardinion , alias Rigdurnfundidus , IT is a fubfert of speculation to me, whe ther the fertility of your own imagination, or some of the fraternity* helped you. to thofr technical words: I entertain a suspicion, that you acquired them as men who are inops 1 unci Hi* sometimes obtain fortunes, without merit, sted like futh funpletons, who are ever ignorant how they (hall dispose of their ad ventitious goods, were involved in difficulty how to apply these new phrafer, or convert them to an honorable use. -As well might your harmonious Muse, have huddled toge ther a number of Sancho’s smart proverbs, a few riddles, or such like flowers of the mi nor poets, and then left it to every reader to make the application according to the bent and inclination of lira own fancy,—Lo! two ngctic lines, after elaborate reflertions ariflng from a retrofpert, of a case in point from brother HuMrtt, bring «l> the.rrear of yoar tremendous forces * Shrtas and odd tndt es leniences, ucked together like a Harlequin s ton* and set out with a fl»ew of pomp, in trifling imitation of the poor apothecary * tiiop, iu Huiuco and Jtilift. •« Aboyflfc'fcflwV- A beggarly account of empty boxes, “ Green earthen pots, bladders and mufly “ feeds; “ Remnants of pack thread, and old cakes “ of roles, ' # w Were thi*!y scattered to make up a “ thew.” Bombardiniou, I take my leave of you af ter this salutary advice, that, whenever you wield the pen again, eudeavour to recollect this maxim——Poeia uafeitur uon fit, BOANERGES. ■■■ ■ 4 For the Augusta Chronicle. AL L Bedlam's Joofe !—--The press is fwarming!— 7 lie itching, route are arming ! And Gelafinus, (whom, the Moots Have dubb f d “ Biographer of Brutes/* From puppies fotward, up to cattle) Leads on this motly groupe to battle : And, he, (whose “ Functions of the Brain* Were iu their childhood, long'finee, Ham ; Who knows no more of law or Blackstone, Than an opossum or a raccoon,) Amidst the rear , his erclt emerges,— The “ Pink” of flootnien —Boanerges, And why this stir, Sir ?—Why fame claffek Os proud, pedantic, moon-firuck all-a, With ears as long'as parirti steeple, Have ir.ade tbemfelves— ajep'rate people; And arrogated to their herd, A petty-fogging trangrani word, Os which, the ftrcngrh of human tongue Can’t tell the right end, or the wrong;—i But Bombardinion, critic nice, Glanc’d at them, with satyric eyes; And, or in anger, or in grace, Gave them a whack o’er' nofc and face j Which indicated to the town, since, He ne’er would countenance such nonsense. Poor Gelafinus, from his kennel, Was soon convinc'd he us’d bis pen ill; And Boanerges sou of thunder— Was forc’d most vilely to knock under. Ye pettyfoggers, quacks and criers, all, Who squeeze your wit out by the nioi VI; Who’ve placed yourfelvcs so high above us, That from 1 the wills of sense you'd ihove us ; Ye Moots, who've thro' Augulta town, Your haufeouS** froth and llobbei*” thrown ; Who’ve with the lavage phlegm of bears, Set all the dogs in town by th* ears, Conjoin’d with “ pole-cat, buzzard,” mink, . Have fuffocated us with (link How'l (corn all your wooden l'kulls, And fnuff my nose at Ford-ball” fools I Now, Pcigdumfundidus~take care, How you come in, in pole-cat war ; Or how you tilt, or run hap-hazard, With vile disgorging caficn buzzard— For tho’ you conquer this foul route, You're sure to wear the Itink about. Mynheer Van Shnikerjhmig, >' ' ■> 1 -■ ■ ■ - * Slaver. —. —Dißi on ary. Errata to our lag. —ln page 4, line 7, for “ the fame fatementf read, “ the y a.d fate mens” Mr. SMITH, HAVING observed in your paper an ad vertisement, signed Edward M‘Farhu, setting forth, that he is the lawful proprietor of part cf the lot on which he' at ptefent re futes, viz.. Lot No. 23, in the town of Au guHa; I do hereby c'ontraditl such affertioh <as entirely void of foundation ; and forewarn any perfon’or perl'ons whatsoever, from pur chasing any part of laid lot, as Mr. M‘Parlin is not the lawful proprietor of (he fame. I have his bond for the lum rs one bundled and fifty pounds, in which is fpecified, that titles (hall not be made to hint until he takes it up. This bond became due the 20th of April lad but Mr. M‘Farhn never thought pioper to come to a fetilen*cnt. As (aid M Farliti has, to my knowledge, offered part of this lot for sale, I thus caution the public, to avo.d the dilajjtieable fitustion in which they might hereafter le involved by purchaliug any I »rt of said Jvl* I. B. V. JikiDDEGHEM. The Second ThurfJay in 1 . August, I purpoic a Dancing School , In the •white House above Mrs. Lauder*/, in ' Augiifta, mw occupied by Mr. Jones. ALL Gentlemen and Ladies, who not hav ing had an opportunity of being earlier taugut, and all Mailer? and Miss’s, of repu table parents, may know where to apply, in order to 'earn that polite and agreeable fet— ence. I will not fay what my merit or de-/ merit may be, as a Teacher—the impartial public will determine that; but I will ven ture to affirm, that I shall, mod punftilioutly, keep good order in my School, and endea-.' vour to give a politli to the manaers of my pupils. / My price is moderate, being only three Guineas for each Scholar. The term foe teaching, thirty-fix days; and tole appoint ed at fbch time as (hall be most convenient for me. It is also expended, that payments will be made as followeth One fourth of three Guineas, to be paid at the expiration of three dances, each dance confiding of three days, which is one fourth of the time stipulated. It is ueceflary to fay, that noue but of good char after will be admissible. WILL. SPENCER. July 30, 1789. /it a regular Mee.wg of LODGE CO LUM - Eld t No. 3, held at the Academy , tn Au guftay July 23, A. L. 5789, prtfent , The Worfiiipful JOHN MEALS, Majltr, It is Ordered , THAT those Members who have failed to attend their duty in this Lodge at the lad Fefiival, and at the five regular Meet* ings immediately preceeding this Order, bo. difeontinued as Members, at the next regu lar Lodge, uulcfe fatisfaftory excuics be then made. Ordered aho t That notice, by iu the State Gazette three‘feverat weeks before the next regular Lodge night, be deemed fufficient. Ext rad from the Minute t, ?. Y, NOEL, VVy. /. G E O R G I A. :By Lewis Ga drier t (L. S.) £ Esq. R egifter of Pro % LEWU G ARDNER, r bats tor the County ) of Richmond. WHEREAS Mary Fontaine, has applied to me for letters of admiuitlratiou oa the estate of Peter Fontaine, deceased, These. are therefore to cite and admonilh all and lingular the kindred and creditors of the said deceal'ed, to be and appear before me at my O.nce, on Jibe ill day of September next, to Ihew cause, if any they have, why le ters 0$ aduiiniftration Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the fir(t day of Augull, iu the" year of our Lord one thousand , seven hundred and eighty-mne, and in the 14th year of the Independence of the JJivre'* States of An'crim. , , two Stray Mules, * O * -m up by Drury Glover, and deli* - yered me to Le dealt with as thi dtrefts: Oue a yellow bay, about 13 i-z hands high, 9 or 1.0 years old, a flar iu bi-» forehead, both hind feet white, fonie laddie fpo a. The other a dark bay, also about 13 1-2 hands high, 5 years old, a lixu'l (hr in the fo.ehead, foine saddle spots; neither ok them h|ve any brands perceivable, thej ap pear to be of the Eugluh breed. ’ The owner \ or owners will obtain their property by ap plying to me ard lawfully proving the fzfcs* jAMEa bTALLINGS, J. ?. TIIF. following trafts of land, in Taptiin ' Whittaker’s diilrift Duike coup*r, arc ftippofed to belong to uotfrefideuts, viz.- acres guuieil Elizabeth biinpfon, of whi»h ate pine, 450 Tcwoisd quality, »iid 4jo third quality. , too acres granted Matthew Ball, Co of which ire pine, and *4' third qualify. Ihe above UnJe ate onOgcchee, •love BucUiCid, Defaulter—David Nithols. DAI I. JONka» Jit*