The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, August 01, 1789, Image 4

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P O E T R Y. , r -®©©©©®SS©- REPARTEE . CRIES Sylvia to a Reverend Dean, >. What reason can be given— (Since Marriage is a holy thing) That there are none in heaven ? There are no' women, he reply’d; She quick returns the jeft:— Women there are, but I’m afraid They cannot find a Pfiert. X3»s3«?xsfc2sSs^K2S A Bargain.- FOR SALE, That valuable Plantation, fnuated al>out 24 miles below Augufia, upon Savannah river, known by the name of Profpecl Hill. Containing about 4052’acres, poo acres of which are prime river swamp, 2CO dak and hickory,, and the remainder good pine land, which lies very convenient to a fine bold Bream. On the premises are a good dwelling house, barn and orchard—one hundred and eighty acres of the fwamp* and 40 acres high land, are clear end under fence. A L S O, Sixteen hundred acres of land, situated on Waluut Branch*- Burke county, bounded weflwardly by Brier Creek, fouthwardly by Mr. Amos-Whitehead’s, ai>d eaftwardly cou ttguous to Waynetborough.—The situation and quality of these lands are too well known and admitted to require any further deferip tion. hoc terms, apply to James Alger, Cumming,& M‘Credies. July 12, i;Bp. — 1 " I 1 ' ■ 1 M 1 11 ■ ■■ » * To be fold a great bargain, For round Money or Produce , A GANG OF 14 Prime season ed Negroes , Ten or whom are workers. Apply to the Printer. ♦ lUCHMOND ACADEMY, July Z2 t 1789. Orde.ed, That notice be”, given to the Lef fee;> of the common land for payment of the arrears of reut due*; and that in case the * fame lhall not be made ? within one month, their obligations to be put in suit. On the firß Saturday in September ttexf t . Will be Sold, For the Paper Medium , A few Lots, In the T own of Augusta. By order of the Board of Trufteet , James m. simmons, cierk. • r • *%* Blank Bonds, Blank W tits, Deeds of Convey ance, and New-England Primers, for Bali it tht Printing-Office. % ‘ Notice. 1 FRAMES of boufes, of any de scription, will be cut and ae* iivered at Augusta, at the fhortrft notfce; and at the hv.vtft prices. Apply at the Village, to Join Freeman, july 24, 1759. To be Exchanged, A Negroe, of any age or delcrlp tion, for Cattle. Enquire of the Pi in ter. STRIFED From the Subscriber, about two months ago, v . A Dark .Roan Horse, * About 14 h»udsbigh, branded on one of his Ihoulders thus IH. He has been seen about the vicinity of Bedford, aud is probably thereabouts. Whoever will- deliver the laid horse to tho fubfaibec, lhaU be handlomely* rewarded. MARY LAUDER. August a> July 23, 1789. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn *■ A lift of defaulters m Capt. John Shackle ford’s diftrid, Richmond county. COLONEL Richard Call, John Robert son, Peter Culbreth, James Cartlidgc, Bartholomew Thompfuti. Non-reftdents —John Boyd of South-Caro lina, David Leech, of ditto* Perj'ons living in other difiriSlSy and rendered in a lijl of their taxable property - William Cousins, William Crittenden, Ann Clark, ; Isabella Chapman, Alexander Gardner, and John Griffin. JOHN SHACKLEFORD, Rec. July 22; 1789. ■ ' ■ 1 !. 1 NOTICE is given, that I havepurchafed of I. B. V. Heddeghem, part of the- Lot No. 23, situate in Broad-street, in the f. town of Augusta, agreeable to his Bill of Sale, a true-copy of which is herewith infeited for the information of the public, and is as fol lows : “ Received, May 20, 1788, from Mr. “ Edward M'Earlin, the sum of One Hun dred Pounds it being in,part payment of “ Lot No. 23, in the town oTAugufta, which a I bought of Major Forlyfh, and which I “ promise to give t 6 the said Mr. M'Farlin “ good and fufficient titles to the fame—ae u witoefs my hand this day.. I. B. V. HEDDEGHEM.” Witnefled by D. Hunter ' * In pursuance thereof, I hereby give notice, to advise and caution all persons not to buy,, purchase, or receive titles for the above men tioned Lot, as l am the lawful proprietor of the fame. EDWARD M'FARLIN. Augusta , July j7, 1789. v A lift of defaulters in Capt. Robert Savidge’e company, Richmond county. _ JOB Miller, Edward Boyd, Nicodemus Boyd, Joseph Huntington, John Wood, Zepheniah Mott, Randolph Robertson, Wil liam Nicholson, Ricketfon Lipfey, Isaac Ra« for, William Gold, Abfalom Rhodes, John . Black, Mr. Hull, Mr Mullin, Mr. Inlowj and Isaac Underwood, the latter fuppofcd to have given in clfcwhere. JOHN FOSTER, Rec. ** n 11 ■■■ ■ ii A Lift of defaulters iu Capt. Harris’s diftcift* ' Richmond county. EDWARD Cafwell, Daniel Richardfon,*. John Ret ryhill, Alexander Cafwell, Tho mas Leavedey, Archibald Hatcher, John Kralkill, Widow-Bykea, William Scoggint, Stephen Coleman, Frank Scott, William Hunt, Lewis Wist, James Reed. Wbitucktr, Hiyi, , Uebhe, Hobbs, Done* GEORGIA By his Honor GEORGE WALTON, Esq, Captain-General, Governor and Cotnmaud er in Chief in and over the State aforefaid, A Proclamation. WHEREAS by an Aft of the- Congiefs of the United States, bearing date the firft day of June, in the present year, the following Oath is required to* be takeu by the Executive and Judicial Officers of this State* viz. “ I A. B. do solemnly swear, or affirm, (as the case may-be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States ;** and by an Order of the Executive of this day, the Members thereof, together with such State 'Officers, as (hall be relident and present at the feat of Government, are required to take the-said Oath on Monday the third day of August next; and all other State Officers, to gether with the Executive and Judicial Offi cers of the-relpe&ive counties, are required to take thefaid Oath on Saturday the twenty r lecond day of 1 the said month. I HAVE, THEREFORE, thought-fit, by and with the advice of- the Honprable the Executive Coun cil, to issue this Proclamation, notifying the fame to all whom it * may concern; and to require that all Officers, Executive and ju dicial, appointed by and for the body of the State, not relident or-piefent at the feat ot Government, to attend in the counties in which they may Tcfpeftively relide;, together with all Assistant Juflices, Jufticcs of the Peace, Sheriffs, Clerks, Coroners, Registers of Probats, Surveyors, Tax-Collcftors, and Officers of the Militia, at the Court boufes, or ufaal places -of Eleflion, in. the refpefhve counties, on the said twenty fecond day of August next, and to take and fubferibe the said Oath, before one or more of the Assistant Juftites therein, who are hereby authorifed and required to administer the fame, firft to one another, and. then to others. And in case of non-attendance, from sickness or any other cause, on that day, the fame may- be administered on any other day within the refpeftive counties during the said month.* And the laid Assistant Justices are further required to cause the subscription of the said Oaths- to be rieppfited in the Clerk’d Office of the refpeftive counties, and to -transmit a copy thereof to the Executive. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, in the Council Chamber, at Augusta, this 22d day of July, in.the Year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine ; and in the fourteenth year of the Independence of the United State?' of America. GEORGE WALTON, By his Honor's Command , JOHN MILTON, Secretary. god SAXE THE STATE. TV be Sold for ready Money , - At the-Court-house iu Richmond county, on ' the (sth day of August next, Twenty four thouland, three hun dred and thirty-seven acres of high land, the property of Richard Call. Also, twenty-three three hundred and thirty.three acres of high land f and one thousand, nine hundred and forty-one acres river swamp, in Wafhingtoti county, the property of William Call, jun. The above land is executed for tax for the yearuyßß.. J. BARNETT, C. Tax, july 6, 1789. DAViL) Hams tolls before me ? a white and red pied cow, about 4. years old, marked with a . swallow fork in the right ear, and a crop and two flits in the left, brand ed on the left cofhion thus R. O. The owner mult prove his property before me within the time prcleribed* by law. W. FREEMAN* J,P. * Jwly771,1