The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, August 08, 1789, Image 3

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Rhode-Ifland agaiuft joining the genera! go vernment. In whatever light the fubjeft is viewed, no reasonable man can find any apo logy for such obstinacy and perverfencfs. Perhaps no part ot the United States is so illy situated to maintain a feperatc indepen dence. The hour is approaching when Con gress will be under the necessity of some kind cf interference, and, though we entertain the molt exalted ideas of the justice and modera tion of that illuftrioos body, we Hill believe they will not quietly* fuffer the revenue to be defeated by the iniquitous condud of a Hate which they can so easily controul. The President has been iudifpofed with a flight fever for a few days past ; but the pub lic-anxiety may be abated, by the ajfurance that he is now much better. 3c is reported that, in consequence of a skirmish having taken place between the crew of an American boat trading down the river Miffilippi, and a party of Spanilh soldiers, the Governor of Mew Orleans has represent ed the affair to the Spanilh Ambalfador at New-York, requeuing him to lay it before Congress. PHILADELPHIA, May 28. On Tuefday afternoon anchored at this port, a polacrc, formerly commanded by Captain Feerer, with paifengers returned from Car thagena. These people, previous to thdir departure from this port, in different velfels, were naturalized fubjefts of Spain: If then, when difeontent or other motives, Ibould promjit the Spanilh government to feud them to the place from which it lohcited them to emigrate, lick, enfeebled, and still more de bauched in their principles, than when they went away, fiiould not the policy of Phila delphia rigoroufty oppose the dangerous im position ?—lt is well known that some of the molt daring prostitutes of both sexes, have returned from their voluntary banishment. We hear from the call branch of Sufque- Lanna, that many of the American loyalists, who followed the Britith standard to Niagara, have returned to the United States, fiuce the tirhe for ilfuing the royal provilion has ceafecf These deluded perfous are now purchaling farms in their native country. Some of them have fettled at Tioga, where there appear* to be appearances of a town and improvements of the werteru extremity of the ftaie. We learn further, that the inhabitants of Luzeiue in the neighbourhood of Wyoming, are peaceable and obedient to government; and that from the late rapid incieafe of pro duce of all kinds on the Sufquchauna, there is reason to believe the lands on that river wilt focn become a moll valuable addition to the commercial tefources of the city of Philadel phia. ExtraS of a letter fran a gentleman ,n Leba non, to bis friend in ibis lonxn, dated May 24, 1789. The extraordinary cures performed by the Rrfverend Mr. William Stoy, minister of the German congregation of this town, on per-, sons bit by mad dogs, will no doubt remove your anxiety for the recovery of your friend. He has saved the lives of at lead three hun dred perfous within these tour years past, sixty of whom were cured since Christmas last ; some of them were brought with all the fympsoms of the hoi rid disorder, in particu lar a Mir. B- , a reputable merchant from New-York, came to this town last fall in the height of the hydrophobia, and in fart raving mad —the medecioes had the most mi* xaculous effeft, it restored him to his senses in the small space of 24 hours. This per haps wiil appear fabulous to some, but the fads can be proved by thousands, who saw the unfortunate object before and since the ex periment took place. Mr. Stoy is about iay ing his discovery before Congress, on condi tion of his being allowed a reward.” Extra 3 of a Liter Jrom Ne w-Tork, June 2;. “ Last evening Major Butler of the Senate, and Mr. Huger of the House of Reptclenta tives, rode out in a chair. The hoi is took irfght, and ran off with them. Major But ler is much' hurt, and poor Huger has his leg broken in such a manner, that his life is 114- fpaired of.” - July I, Extrafl of a letter from Accy- Tork% June *9. “ Our beloved Pitfidentie • able to leave his room, end will tj ® levee to-morrow. A* the mail will be closed in e few mo wetui, i hm tint ju<* tittlt w iuforin P'J; that on Saturday the Impost Bill palfed the Se nate, and that it will this day be handed to the President. * BALTIMORE, July 3. A veiTel which arrived a few days ago, from New-Orleans, brings advice', that flour is fold there at the rate of 20 dollars pet bar rel. AUGUST A, Augufl P. We are informed that his Excellency Tho mas Jeffcrfon, Mlinifter Plenipotentiary from the United States to the Court of France, has requested leave to vifit* America; and that the President has granted him pcfmillion accordingly. We further learn, that this event was made known to the Sebate on the 17th june by a meilage from the President, who at the fame time waspleafed to nominate William Short, Esq, Chargedts Affaires for the Unit ed States, at that Court, during the absence of Mr. Jefferfbn. The nomination, we hear, is confirmed by the Senate. In the House of Reprcfentatives of the United States, on the 18th May, on motion of Mr. Goodhue, a committee was appoint ed to bring in a bill, providing for the enu meration of the inhabitants of the United States, agreeably to the Constitution. The Royal Society of London have lately defied the Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq. a member of their illulirious body; and a di ploma, we are informed, was received by Captain Scott - ExtraS of a letter from a gentleman in Sa vannah to bis jriend in Augujta, dated July 27. “ Nothing can exceed the spirit of elec tioneering in this place. A few days since a very eminent personage, and candidate for the senatorial Order, made a tender of his carriage at the church door to Mrs. Van Myn heer \ he was so prefliug, that the poor old Dutch wtfman could not ref afe —he would take no denial; and the carriage drove off; containing less pomp and pageantry, though more houefty and merit, than since us impor tation.” *4-* The piece signed Homo is’ received. RICHMOND ACADEMY, July ai, 1789. AT a Meeting of the Board of Cominif fioners, Revived, That the resolutions of tne Ift of July 1788, refpefting the To baccco Ware-houses on Lot letter T, toge gether with the stipulations of that day be tween Leonard Marl ury and this Board ; as a!fo the resolutions ot the 2d July last, re fpetlitfg the laid Ware-house, be published. JULY, 1788. Refolded, That Colonel Leonard Marbury be indulged m point of time until the Bth of August next, to crest a Ware-house on the ground this day appiopriated tothatufe ; and in case the buildings be not fully completed by the aforefaid period, conformably to the resolutions of the 14th March last, (except a died in front, in lieu of which he ftiall build a Cap of fix feet) the said Colonel Mar bury ftiall chufe one person, and the Com miflioners one person, to put a valuation on the buildings; but lliould either parry refufe', or negleft, to nominate a person as aforefaid, the other party ftiall have power and authority to appoint both ; and in either calc the t cifons to be (upon difagreentent) dull have power fcochufe an umpire, and their de cree llial! be final, and (hall be comple ed within twenty-four hours after such appoint ment. And the Board, in that case, will pay and fatisfy the said Leonard Marbury for the futn that may be awarded : And imme diately thereafter, the said buildings and pre inifes arc hereby declared to be veiled in the Commirtiouers, and their or either of their fucteffors in office, forever in trust to and tor the use of tlte Academy, and the annual fun Is accounted for by them in like manner as di verted by law in other cafe#, Er. vidtd ct u/ajit That nothing done, or to he done by the said Board, ftiall dcitroy or do awsy the * right of ordering and compelling to be made furtr additional Waie-booU# •» may from time to time be adjudged neceffiiry, agree* abi) to the latter part of thc.icio utions yf the 14th Mat ch last. Titis Contrast signed on the pait of the Byird, bv , • » r m. GLASCOCK, Pnjidta:• Affected to and agreed by tuc. LEONARD MARBURY. 4 1 J ”L Y, 1789. ETON the reprefcntation made to the Board by the lufpectors of the Augurta Wktc houfe, the Board came to the following refo iutions: ks,ol-ved, *3 hat the house covered with dabs at the northweff cor.ier of lot T be re moved, and the new building on the Weller a hue ot said lot he extended to the northern and southern extiemetics of the lot, the ad ditions to be of good materials, and covered with jointed thingles, to be of equal width • with the former buildings to which they ms to be annexed, and completely finilhed in a fuWhiitidl and workmanlike 111 inner, on or before the 15th day of Septegbcr next. Rejoued, That a fubftatitial building, 46 feet wide, and to be coveted with jointed ihiugles, be cieded on the caftcrn line of the fanl lot 1, beginning at the southern ex* rcnie °f k’d i° r » af td continued until it dull adj -in the prelent traiufei house, to he comple ed in a workmanlike manner on or bcfoic the 15th day of October next. Rf,c(l>ed, 1 hat the Icale-hotife on lot let ter T, be encircled wiiii a Hied of ten feet width; and that the proprietor do provide and tix, under the laid feale-houfe, a fnbltan. tial leale-b-ain, and tfivi/ion off, or e*e»f un der a part of the Ihed, a final! room of not lets than 6 by 10 feet, with a convenient door and lmall window, to be fixed with occetiary hinges, lock and bolt—That the flog s « f tf iC said fevera! houl'cs, as well as thole n>w >■- dered to be eiected, be raifcd an i leveUc ! as they may require the fai:*s.—That the old Ware-houle be euclofed fora transfer house, with neceliary doors and wnioows, fu be f» - cured with locks, boiis and hinges; and hat two good prizes be fixed therein, to be com pleted in a workmanlike mantlet ou o: befote thj laid 15th day of October next. Lx. tati Jto/H be proceedings of toe Board, JAMES M. SIMMONS, CUth Clerk's Office, Richmond County , dl gfj ", i;By. IDO certify, ihflt Capt latban Pcari e has Indeed i » this GllLv, a Pla* for five hundreu a< e ot ,* d, originally furveved for and giant--*] to Joiepn tariey, with im 1-o 'arc. the eftibliiheu, in :i a u f t t original, wriuh was loft dj i ,g ii: late war. DANIEL FLAM, C. G )« • * mules. of any c* ' rnenfio , will or cut and c « veredm or about tugufta, v.theffr - est-notice, and on the I w-itterrn>; albcyp'ds or pi ? e sh rigl s, pelt oak or lightivo d puffs. and f nee rails lie will. a f c n r.iit t * re move h mfes, feme or pale in lo.s, &c. \ppiv at the Governor's pi ii« taticn,juil above Cali’s Ware h uies, 1 to yo’?2 Turman, Auunrt 4, 1739. , — ALL perfoßS who have anv cl .irrr or demand on the eftatr 11 James Kac, Esquire, deieaftd, a*e recueftt d to rmder them projptrly cut he ticated, on or before ibe fir ft day of January rext, a id thole in debted, ere required to make imme* dia e i*?nift*ic« v ANM RAE, Adm'*d % Rtit Qttik) 7*l if, 17#*/*