The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, August 22, 1789, Image 2

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Mr. Traiutuil in the Chair. Considerable progrcfs was ma.!e in the bill this day, bf paling many of the claofes, chief of them with amendments—The com* jaittee was proceeding in the difeufliun, when m■ mefiage from the Senate was aouounced-i* The Secretary then appeared on the floor of the House, and informed, that he had it in • command from the Senate, to inform theHo»- norable House, that they had concurred with amendments, in the bill for laying an import on goods, wares and merchandizes*imported into the United state-—and hoped for the Concurrence of the Honotable House iit'thofe amendments. He then delivered in the bill with a draft of the amendments, and with drew. These amendments were read to the Houff, ami then the Chairman of the com mittee having resumed his place, further pro gress .was made in difeufling the bill. At three o’clock the committee rose, and the House adjourned. (To be continued*) 4* ACT for laying a duty on Goods t JViirct t . and Merchandises imparted into the United States . WHEItEAS it is neceflhry for the sup port of government, lor the difeharge Os the debts of the* United States, and the encouragement and protection of manufac tures, that duties br laid on goods, wares aud merchandizes imported: 4 Be it enabled by the Senate and House of Re freienteuives of the United States of America in Congress ujftmbltdy That from and after the ift day of August neat enfuiug, the seve ral duties herein after mentioned ftiail belaid oh the following goods, wares and merchan dizes imported into the United States, from any foreign port or place, that is to fay. Cents. On all (jifl illed spirits of Jamaica ) prbof, imported from any kingdom > 10 or country whatsoever per gal 3 On all other distilled spirits pr. gai. 8 Oumolaires per gallon a 1-* On Madeira wine per gallon 18 On all other wines per gallon 10 1 On every gallon of ale or * porter, in calks, 5 > On all cyder, beer; ale Or porter jh bottles, per dozen *0 4 On malt per bulhel 10 < On brown fugarfr * per pound 1 On loaf sugars per pound 3 On all other sugars (for pound 11-t • On coffee per pound 2 I*2 On cocoa per pound “ 1 On all candles of tallow per pound" z Oh all caudles of wax or spermaceti - per pound 6 On chcefe per pound 4 On soap ■’ per pound z 4 On boots per pair 50 - On all (hoes, flippers, or goloihoes made • of leather per pair y- On all (hoes or flippers made of lilk or fluff per pair 10 Oii cables ' pernawt. 75 On tarred cordage pcrn2*vt. 75 On untarred ditto and yarn ' peruzwt. 90 On twineor packthread per 1 uwt. 200 On all fleel unwrought per 112 wt. 56 On all nails and spikes per pound 1 . On fait ' per bulhel* 6 * On manufadured'to bacco J per pound d On fnuff per pound i©* ■ On ludigo per pouud 16 ■' On wool and cotton cards’- per dozen 50 On coal per bulhel 2 4 On pickled fiflr per band 75 ' On dried ftih per quintal 50 On all teas imported front China or India in (hips built iu the United States, and be longing to a citizen or citizens there of, or in Ihips or veflcla built in foreign coun tries, and on the 16th day of May lift, whol ly the properly of a citizen or citizens of the United btatcsi aud (0 continuing until the time of importation, as follows 1 On b«hes tea per pouud $> On ill loui hougy or other black teas par pound 10 Oil ill by ion i«a« l<«r pygud - •» On all other green tea* per pound i z On all teas imported from Europe in iliipa drvctfeli built in the United States, and be longing whcHly to a citizen or citizen* there of, or in Ihips or veflela built in foreign coun tries/ and on the i6*hof*May lalt wholly the property of a citizenf'or ciciceus of the Unit ed States, and so continuing until the time of importation, as follows 7 On bohca tea - per pound 8 On all louchoug and other black teas per pound 13 On all hyiua teas*- per pound z 6 On all other green teas ‘ per pound 16 On all teas imported in any other manner than as above mentioned, as follows : On bohea tea per pound i 5 On all fuucbong, or other 1 black teas per pound 22 On all hy fo'n teas per pound 45 On .all other > green teas * per pound 27. On all goods, wares and merchan-' dizcs, other than- teas, imported - from Chiua or India, in lliips not built in- the United States, and not wh dly the property of a citizen or 12 1-2 pr I citizens thereof, nor invelfels built }>cent. ad in foreign, countries;, and on tiie | valorem, j6th day of Ms) lafty* wholly the j property of a citizen or citizens of j 1 the United States, and so contm u . j ing until the time of importation j - On all looking glades, win -j dow and other glals, except J black quart bottles, On aiKhina, Hone and earthen J ware, - i-ropr cent. On gun powder, ad valorem On all paints ground in oil * On due and knee buckles j On gold and silver lace, and On gold and iilver leaf j On all blank nooks *|" Ou all writing, printing, or wrapping paper, paper hangings and padsboatd On all cabinet ware* Qn all buttons » . On all faddies J On all gloves of leather 4 On-all'hats of beaver, fur, wool ormix-- turc of cither ** On All millenary ready made r> On all callings of iron, and upon Hit > = and rolled iron | | On all leather tanned or tawed, and all , manufacture of leather, except luch 00 * as lhall be otherwise rated J On canes, walking Hicks, and whips 5* On cloathing ready madt 2 On all brulhes ‘ . ? Ou gold, lilver and plated ware, and on jewellery and paste work On anchots, and on all wrought tiu and pewter ware On playing card*, per pack 10 cents. On every - coach, chariot or other ~| w four whfeel carriage, and on every • * £ ... other two wheel ; ~ o : carriage, or parts thereof * j ? 3"" On all other goods,' wares and merchan dize, five- per centum' on the value thereof, at the time and place of importation, except as follows : SaU-petre, tin in pigs, tin plates, lead, old pewter, brals, Iron aud brals wire, copper in platen wool, cotton, dying woods and dying drugs, raw hides, beaver and all other furs and deer Ikinsr-' And be it further tuaSed by the authority aforefaid, Tnat from and after thefirdday of - December, which lhall be in the year one thouland ieven hundred and -ninety, there lhall be laid a duty on every one hundred and twelve pounds weight of hemp imported as afoiefaid, of fix cents; aud on cotton per pound three cents. 5 And he it tnaQtd hy the authority aforefaid , That all the duties paid, or fccured to be paid upon any of the goods, wares and merchan dize# as aforefaid, except on diddled spirits, other then brandy and genera, lhall turbed or difeharged upon such of the said goods, wares or merchandizes, as lhall with in twelve months after payment made, or le curtty* given, he exported to auy country, without the limits of the 'United State*, as fettled by the late treaty of peace, except one per centum 011 the emuuut of the said duties, in confidvration of the* a pence which (hall have ’accrued by; the entry* end fafe keeping thereof. »ew he ittautled ht eke authority * ferefuid , . Xb*4 then. y*. every quintal of dried, and on every barrel of pickled filh, of the*fitherics of the United States, and on every barrel of salted provii fion of the United States, exported to any country without the limits thereof, in lieu o£ a drawback of the duties imp-fed o i the portauou of the fait employed ana-expended therein, viz. " Cents. On every quinta! of dried fiffi, 5 On every barrel of pickled filh, 5 On every barrel of salted provision, 5 And be it further enabled by the authority ' aforejaid, That a difeount of ten per cent, on all the duties imposed by this aft, (halt be allowed on such goods, wares and mer chandizes, as ihall be imported in vessels builc in the United States, ahd which /hall bo wholly nhp property of a.citizen or citizens thereof, or in vessels built in foreign countries, and on the 16th day of May last, wholly the property of»a citizen or citizens of the Unit ed and so continuing until the time of importation. 0 An* be it further enabled hy the authority aforefaid'r That this ad thall continue and be ! in force until the firft dav of June* which (hall be in »he year of our Lord, -one-thousand ' seven hundred and ninety-fix, and from thence until the end of the next fucceediog session of Cong refs,- whiclr iliaHbe held thereafter 1 , "and no longer. FREDERICK A.* MUHLENBERG,’ Speaker of the tiouje of R prejentatives . • JOHN ADAMS, /tce~Prejident of thn United Sta es, and Prejident of ihe Senate- Approved— July 4, 1789, • GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefidenr of the United States. Aft ACT imfoftng Duties on Tonnage- - BE it enabled by the Senate & House ofßef re** ~ fentatives of the United S ates of America if* Cengrejs ajjembled, Thar the following duties (hall be, and are hereby imposed on all Oiips ;or veffclrf entered in the United States, tbac • is to fay, : on' air’lhips or vessels built withit* the said Hates, and belonging wholly to a ci tizen or citizens thereof ; or not built within the said dates, but on the twenty ninth day of Mav, .one thousand seven hundred and eighty-hihe, belonging, and during the timfc such (hips or vessels Ihall continue to belong, wholly to a citizen or citizens thereof at the rarest fix cents per tonon all ihips or vessels hereafter built in the United States, belonging wholly, or in part to the fubjefts of foreign powers, at the rate of thirty cents per* ton on all (hips or veffelVat the rate of fifty cents per ton."' Provided always, and he it that no lhip or vessel built within-'the aforefaid liases, and belonging to a v citizen or citizens 'hereof, (hall, whiift employed in ing trade, or in -ithe -fiiheries, pay tonnage mote than once in any year. A:d be tt further enacted, That every (hip or vessel employed in the fraufportation of any of the produce or manufactures of the United States, coaflwife, within the said ffate6, except such (hip or vessel be built with in the laid Hates, and belong to a citizen or citizens thereof, ihall-on each entry pay fifty cents per ton, • And be it further enabled, That this aft (hall - commence, and be in force, from and after the fifteenth day of AuguH next. FREDERICK A.’ MUHLENBERG, Speaker of the House if Representatives • JOHN ADAMS, Pice-Prejident of ibe Uhi tea States, ana Pt fident of the Senate » Approved—July 20, 1789. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President ' of the United States. * 4 N E W’- YORK, July 1. Ext rad of a letter from P> evidence, Rhtde% Ijlandj dated June 1 6, 1789. “ To obviate the difficulties that have oc curred to you, and which indeed have been an objection with the majority to the repeal ing the tender laws, the minority would rea dily fall in w ith making an iuHal’neni aft, al io to allow the paper to continue a tender for all executions, and would even be willing to enter (0 far into a comproaiife, as to put it upon the fame footing with gold and fitver, that is to (ay, a tender ihould not cancel tho Jtpt, hut the iutcreft ihould veafe from