The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, August 29, 1789, Image 4

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L O N D O ts, April 23. Roy *l Public T ank[giving, - TH:S day will he ever'Temcmhcred; it wib the <lay ou Which-the King ant li b fam fy went in proc&fiou to Sr • Fair#, to • re 11 n tha ;ks to the Father of 'Mercies for f ut figoal bletftn f which, by teftofiug him >0 hi# pe »p'e, fav d *he empire from ruin.* B *th H »tis !# of Ftrli.iment met at 6 o’clock In the mon ng in the palacc*yard, from whence lie* p oreeded in date to receive hi# in ijedy at the Ca bed. at, iu the following ' tier of procefli 01 : • Members of the Honfe of Commons. T«e Hi gb< Hon. Mr. Gieuville, Speaker/ Judge#, Peers, B.ihops Lord Chancellor and Marquis of Stafford. Duke of ( umbei land. Duke of Gloucefler, wth ihe Dutches. Prime Henry, and frinceG Sophia, preceded by iiis attendants in a separate carriage. Puke iff Ydik, preceded in like manner. Hs R*»val Highuete ;he Priiicexrf Wales/ in h 8 c *.ich wi:h fix - gtcy horles, preceded • by auo her, like-vile wt»h* fix t-orles. R iyal family ati'eudairs. eich coach with fix h rfes, making a proectfun ut twcaiy two carriages, thus: Ladies of the Bedchamber. • Maids of Honor. Equerries. * Chamberlain to -.he Qjeen. Mailer of the liorle. ‘ The King’s auendauts Lord Chamberlain of tnc Honfehold. 4 ' Miller of the hoife to the Kmg. A par y of the h »rfe guards. His Mojelly and life Qi’ecii, attended by the la lies Holdcroefs and Eg-cmuit, in !us carriage, drawn cie-un coloured horses, decorated with blue nbb *us. Party of the hole guards. Ladies attendants on the Fnnceflee. - Pat ty of horse guards. The P.incefs Royal, Aig.ili, an! EH**- beth, in a coach an l hx, attended by one of ’ the la lie* of honor. Ano her party of hoi fe guards elofed-the proccflqou iuto the city. ‘Temple Bari At ‘lo b’cfock the Lord Miyor, attended * by the Sheriff* 1 and lour Co nmon Council, a nvel neir Jemplc Bar, wheiethey wiited for die R>y*l Family, in the hide of Mess. H'uic am) (.0 * The L>rd M»Vtir came in h-» p iv .te io ch; the sheriff, m their ft ite coanots*, attendjirs weie in wading with tlieir ho. fes, which were mod beautifully- ca , pan foiled, and decotaied-witn oluc and white Siob ms. Oa the approach of*the Rcyal Family be ing announced, the Lord Mayor an i Sheriffs m mated he r hufesat Temple Bar, and on the arr.val of the Ro'al Family, the Loid Miy<»r complimented each a# they paifed, congratulating them on their entrance lino r the city. On the Ring’s entrance tinder Temple Bar*' the Lord Mayor demounted, and in a bend ing poftiue, piefented his Majelty with the ci y Jwotd of slate, through the window of !** toach, which the-King very gtaciouily received, and le ur ei.* The pi<>ceifi n was here .interrupted for a -ab e time, and theih Majeiiios waited Under the ga eway upwaids of a quarter of an hour. * From thence the protedion was increased bv the artillery company, the- company of Troxophilites, and the city odiceiis on foot, who preceded the Royat Family. - The four cent.emeu of the Common Council, the two ©Henff*; and the Loid Mayor, toleimme diafeiy before their M.rjafty’s carriage, this order they proceeded t > N 7be entrance of St. Paul's , Where the* arrival.of their Mojelties being ’ aun »un- ed by *a d.(charge of -t e tower guns, , thev weie preceded firft by the committee ap«# pointed to meei them at-Temple Bar, The city officers, Arcbbiihopp of Canterbury and Yoiky TUe Lord Chance lor, The Prince of Wile*, and Dukes of York; Cl -utefter and Cumiicriaud, The Sovereign, 1 he Queen. T.m I'uutefc Royit, Aujufli, ind Eli**. VM. The led'es of the Bedcfnmher, M*tids of *,Hoiio , and ihe Lords of the Bedchamber: Oil their entering the Cathedral, the muni* amt hfe 3 played a ll »w iutfch, wlrieti wafrlucc« , «..ed by the too psalm, sung to the old "tune, and accompanied by the or gan—- 1 he w .ids, “ All people that on earth do dwelt,” being excelemly a laped to an occaiiou wlrcte • univetlal thanklgiving and general joy pe.vatkd w.i-at nuy be truly cal led the people. In tin* plulin the charity "clrit Iren, to the number of 5000. with riubons across their ihouttiei8 r on which were printed the' words God five the King,'' jorned * and though . they might not be in perfect musical concord of voice, their little heaits panted with har mony of feutimeut, and they felt more than they could exptefs. Their Mjjclties were not inattentive wit neiretj and palling, through tb s iceue of in fant loyaiiy, the* impre lion it made on the Queen was too much for female feulibiluy. Toe tears fell—and they fell from more than Koval eyes—the'aud:«iice was much affected. After the plaint, “divine let vice commenc ed, and was chanted and laid in the Cathedral manner, by the .gentlemen and boy* of the choir and Chapel Royal. - "* The Bi/O. f, 0/ Li n o >/, as Dean of ?t. aflifted uynne B limp,.of -firidol, peifoiiued the communion let vice. Tite term at was p.eached by the B'fhop of London who to *k his te\t Lu.u the z6ih f die 2/th pfaltu ' *• O tarry thou the Lord’s letfure: be flrontr, and he-(halt comfort thine heart; and pu: thou thyriuit in tbe Lord.” When drvoiC eivice ended, their Majcf tes iciurned to the Q-ym’a house, onl with this d;lfereuce in the orner of pro;ctfton— they we. e followed i tdeid of pteceded by the two no ncs or Pailiament. Tire children, on the Royal Family* re ic ing lung the 14th pfalmg The d.ihopi of London and Lincoln attend cd eit to his M a jelly’* perfm ou his en ttauce and departme, and he converted with them in a familiar manner on the subject of the oay, wnh ail that cwndeiceufiou aud affa bility for winciv-he is so highly extoikd in eveiy couit of Europe;* Ura ti athfuiU aifb attended his Majesty, but he was so very feeble, and ft much un paired in Ins health, a.- to lequire fuppoit. Ihe an auge oCiit*> at me -1 athcciiui were most excel.only judicious, and not make! b- the lead c utuli.m, no.witiiftahdmg the numerous- affem-blage of all the Lords and ( pmmona now in town* without diHinttion of pat ty —the* Pi in. eof Wale*, Duke of Yoikr D die of GJoucelter., Dwke of t urn berlaud, and all then suits < f attendants, with a felcCdton of the principal ladies of falhion, Amttalfadors, city M igiltrates, Sec. > ihe King fet.rff Uom the Queen’s hnife about haif palf-teu, which was announce 1 uy a rocket fioiu Jame* s>, thai wav followed by a rocket lions rtlacktuais, to give ligtial to the artillery at the Power, whogave a Un charged foityguuSi- 7 lie dikharge of tbe % fame number was repeated when h.s Majelty arrived at bt. Paul’s, aud when the iervitc was over. ;; D K E S S E $. His Majefiy wore the full dress Wmdfor uniform. Her Ma efty and the Princesses in’ garter i blue, richly trimmed with go;d finite, and I bandeaus tu their head drelles, With trie mot to of “ God lave the K:ug. ” The Prince of Wales, the Dukes ©f York, Gloutefter a;.d CumbeiJand, in full diels Wmd.or unifoimsj ..with rrrlvguias of their leveral urdeis. The ladies were all in full chefs, compli ; meutarily similar tu that of the Queen—Mi. f Pitt, and many oilier of me’a particu lar f' lends, wete in the Wiudior uniform. The Lord Mayor iu purple velvet, nchly trimmed with gold, A rich crimlon velvet robe embtouicied withhold, Lung across hi* ihoulde.s. The Lord Chancellor was in his (late robes, and lo was ihe bpeuker of the House of turn lUOUl. All the royal liveries were made up new for the occaiiou. During the time the coaches of their Ma jci'ics, it'd ihe Prime ami Pnmeilcs. palled iluoufh the biuud ii.d FkenUicei, the bills were every where run? and on e*?rh file'-of Temple-Bar there was a bin lof mulic, wh ch performed as the Royal F«miiy palled. The Lord Chancellor was i ereived in eve*' ’ ry avenue to the Cathedral with the moll tm bounded ilnuts of a[ plaufe, partitulaiy at the bottom of Fleet-ftteet, whc:e the pro ceftiou flopped neat half an h-nir. The mul titude heie fhewel particular refped to hi# ' Lardihip, by (lauding uncovereil th“ whole time he was m (Lht. Mr. Pitt, in the early part ©f ihemornuig, and Earlßiyatn after wards. were likewise received with the m H "• repeated huzzas, Mr. Fox and Lord Loughboroueh, as Ft. Martin 8 church, and in pa fling *hrough Tem- * ' p e-Bar, were recogn-ged, and received ari uuivcifai hiffc, which continued wi h very lit tle tmcrmifFin until they alighted at S?. Paul’s. • Lotri .Stoimonr, though finely. d.efled in b:uwn and- gold, bad hot much opportunity to iliew'it, for on approaching Temple-Bat, and rinding lonie difapprob ition, he vet v pm— ' dendy pulled'' down the gi ecu blinds of bis > chariot, 1 ami f»t "perdu- - i Sometif the members nf .he oppnfitton ex^ r perienced rimin'* mai ks of public hatred. Ail the avenues to town, as well as the *" dice s, appeared tu be ahve, the croud nr’.v iug to the line of procetliori, aud hurrying - lome with dragged tails; others wdft dripping heads, th.cmgh thick and thjn as fail as their legs could catty them,” to fee once more thee' face of their lecoveredmonarch,’and m fe rab.e did they think then! (ekes-who were ' , ptevrnted fiutli enjoying that Inppinefs. > About teh o’clock thehoulea i i those ff reeis ; thiough which the proiclfion palied, made • one of rhrtincit appearances that can be con ceived* • 111ey louked a continued gal lerv of femaie vhanm* where the pencil of ' nature had riuiihed in the tiigheft perfection, a fe-eeiiou of the moll beautiful faces in the uuiveife, - among which -appealed number# that were quite new in the metropolis, some ce eltui to ( y cheeks a# >et nupoluted bv la;e ' bouts, m ruined with thev/;g itruume faihiua of fuuiii and in pr<>p«itiou as -ihe Royal carriage irp- r pruuche.f, io did tiie tuuntet ante of the p« b- ' lie biihgten up w-th joy.- Theie was a kid oi aiix.ous impatience, mingled with del «!>r, , perceptible in every eje, which gave to toe ' coruou, of die far aan emanation that catinoC ’ be truly < eict ib.ed. • V\ Hat the r Majeflies felt on th»s glorious day was v.libc m the r look*.— Religion— joy - giat'tufie ..ffeCii m—and benevolence, beumed in each featuie, whilst the puTe beat ing to the heart, kept the coi.ii euamf • in perfect umKm with the feutiincnts of the nun In > 1 he ideas •of the party- a* this right, where loyaft > lh tie with umlpicuous tuft eam -ng the people, were such as Milton describes o<z« tuu to have felt when he beheld the fun in full gloty ; and ts they ipokc ftom their he .i ts, it they we.« for a moment as uudifguifed mi expreiiion, as the»Poe<V fallen Angel was oi* that occalion, the addicts mult be alike •» ’ 7 o .tli th. e bon» 1 base the beam / We have not heard of anv accident that happened duiiug the whole day, except wheie ! the Westminster mob attempted to close die ptocetfion- which the Oxford Blues so »n set . tied without inj iry to.a ti.rgle individual. FIFE.DOLLARS REWARJ. Strayed or Stolen ) F r "n»'the Coinmnn of Augnfta, about the 2>:h inly lad, a hay Hotfe, 14 hands hign, hx years old lid fprtng has a small ifar in < Ins tuiehead, his left foVe foot and two h nd feet white, a Imail tinny) on h>s left knee, and branded on the mounting buttock thus ) Whorvei will bring the fain boric to Mr. Liveimau, at Auguria, (hail receive the above ■ : rewatd. ; Edmond Rive Us. •J \ Augnft M{ v;|j)*- Defanlieii inf apt renpm n<» 1 Hen’s Oiceue cvuiny— Ahfalum.Hum, -