The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 05, 1789, Image 2

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POET R Y.\ -©©S©®©3@;3s - ODE For INDEPENDENC E : July A/b, 1789. By DANIEL CLORGE. 5 "I "MS done!—the edift pall, by Heaven JL decreed, And Hancock* s name confirms the glorious ' deed. On this aufpicior.B morn Propitious clay ! Hail! the United States ! of blcfl America ! CHORUS. Ely fucnfi • <wing V Fame, The n ntjs proclaim: From fhon to Jhore , Let cannons roar ’, And joyful •voices Jbout Columbia’* nn*ne- Sec haughty Britain, fending hells of foes, With vengeance arr.'d, our freedom to op pole; But V/aJhington the Great, Difpcll’d impending fate, And Ip tim'd each plain ; Americans, combine to hail the god-likc man ! Fly, fivifl-nving'd Fame, &c. J>t Saratoga's crimson plains declare The deeds of Gates, that “ thunder boh of war j” His trophies grac'd the ficlil ; He made whole armies yield— A vet’ran band ; In vain did Burgoyne llrive his valour to witlifland. Fly, Jwift-wing'd Fame, lAc. 4 Now Tork-Tonvn's heights attract our wond ering eyes, . . Where loud artiileiy rends the lofty ikies j There Wajbington commands, With Gallia's chosen bands, A war-like train ; Like Homer’s conquering Gods, they thunder o’er the plain. Fly, fwift-wing'd Fame, tdc. Pale terror marches on with foJcmn Aide; Cornivallis trembles, Britain’s boalted pride ; lie, and his armed hosts, . Surrender all their pods T 0 IVafhin^ton, The friend of Liberty— Columbia’s favorite son. Fly, fivifi-wing'd Fame, &c. t Now from liEuit f r e men's, poaceful fliades, again The Hero comes, whh thousands in his train ; ’ 1 <s H'ajfrington the Great Nluft fill the chair of hate, Columbia cries; Each tongue the glorious name re-echoes to the ikies. F*v, Jh.vifc-n.iing d Fame, [£c- Now fliall the ufefu! arts of Peace prevail, And commerce fiouritli, favor'd by each gale; Difcorrl, forever c-afe ! Lee Liberty, and Peace, Ami JnlKce reign ; Tor lEafiir.gtcn protects the fcientific train. Fiji fwijt-nving'd Fame, <3c- Pert land, Majfacbi,Jetts, June, 1789. S • w»-1 *» n‘ r & j.i5*51K *}* Blank Bonds, Blank Writs, Deeds ot Convey ance, and New England Primers, * ur fill* it the Printiug-Qflici. , Ljp N D 0 N. < Th& funeral procejjion of Mvf. REGENCY. r attendants being ail properly ar il. J ranged, and the Duke of Norfolk and B'jlmy Cocker mounted, f THE HEARSE - miived s'iw ly on, preceded by twelve pages > w black coats and buff waijlcoats. The pages /were as follow : l • , Midi. Angelo Taylor, Lord Maitland, Lord Fielding, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Adam, Mr. Anftruther, 1 } Mr. Francis, Sir Grey Cooper, ) Mr. Vioer, Sir-Jas. Erikine, ; Colonel North, Sir Gilbert Elliot, Aud Major George Hanger, carrying on bis head the Pi amt of Feathers. CHIEF MO UK NEKS, Charles Fox, Brinfiey Sheridan, ! drefled m lung black cloaks, and tinging as a solemn dirge the following four lines, set to niufic by Mr. Linlcy : What medicine can foften thebofom’s keen tin art What Lethe remove the fid ill ? What cure can be met with to comfort the '•cart, For the death of this Regency Bill? TWELVE BLUDGEON MEN, with crapes round the leaded ends of their weapons, bearing on their ihoulders a figure of death* armed with a feythe, on the blade of vi hicli was written the IViJlminfter Election, 4t Fox and Townjhe-nd for ever.” SIX BEERS with their coats turned, walking two and two, D. of Queenfberry, I). of Northumberland Lord Malmfbury, Lord Hawke Lord Pvawoon, Marquis of Lothian, alternately (iuging the following Catch, and turning to each other as they pronounced the v/tfrds Lord, Sir*! you seem mighty uneasy ■ But I this misfortune can bear; I warrant ! fliall not run crazy, Nor die ui a fit of despair If so you fuppofe,’ you’re miflaken ; For, Sir, for to let you to know, If from me the King’s favor is taken, 1 o the Prince I, of couife, make my bow. LORD LOUGHBOROUGH carrying a black flag, on the right tide of which was inferibed, a Newfpapet's a libel , and on the wrong fide, the liberty of the prejs. His Lordihip was drefled in his bejlwig, and chancellor would-be's robes , and looked re .markably prim. t Twenty Paragraph Writers.' Two and two, drefled in paper caps, and arm ed each with a silver pen and a little bottle of gal». They canied four flags, on which were displayed the words, Morning Herald, Morning Pod, Gazetteer,, General Adverfffer, written in the centre of each on the body of a Piper which was gnawing at Britannia's Crown as fiie lay asleep in the garcien at Windsor. The motto underneath was latet a ignis in herba —(a snake in a grals,) Mr. POWIS habited as the daughter if Tantalus in her Niobean weeds; with Two of bis Maje/lys dij,miffedpages holding a ten gallon wafiiing tub under her chin, to receive the tears that fell on this me lancholy occasion.. Lord North, Lord Stormont, Lord Cariiile, Lord Fitzv.illiaru, in the Prince of Wales’s livery, with black crape over their faces, Lord North chanting the loth verse of the 58111 chapter of the book of Pfalins— “ My heart panteth, mv flrength faileth me ; and as for the light of mine eyn it is al so gone from me.” TWO RACE HORSES. Sir Peer Datli Jed by Led Da> fy t and carrying on their backs the Amendments or Prefer iptiont nude by the Party to Mrs, R.e geucy. % Mr. BURKE ; in sackcloth and tfiici, tarrying a flraight waificoat in one hand, and the figure of Mad Tom in the other—and mournfully chaunting in recitative, the Bth verse of the 38th chap ter of the book of Psalms— “ I am feeble and fore broken ; and I have roared, by reason of the difquietnefs of my mind.” 7we he Silent Senator r, of the minority, that voted agaiuft the idea of convaiefceuce, two aud two, weeping. 7be fix Irijh Regency Giants , with tl.cir coats buttoned behind, tinging the Irifli howle “ Pullalaloo—pullalaloo—Oh— “ Oh iiie was our darling —Oh, Ogh. Ch ! “ Oh 1 the was our jewel “ She would have made little Ireland “ The kingdom of Great-Biitaiu “ That fiie would-*— “ Pullalaloo—pulhfaloo—Ogh !” Marquis Townjhend riding a nine inch fcdwhzf' drawn by Lord Lcceifler and Lord John Tbwufliend. Six Female Mourners . Two and two, drefled in Regency caps with out a Crown, and ornamented with blue and • buff ribbons. Lady J. Town (bend, Lady John Lade, Countess of Derby, Lady Page Turner, Lady Maynard, Lady Tyrconnel. Ford btanhepe with a double drum mu filed, which was made of the parchment on which the Regency Biil was to have been engrofled. He beat alter nately the quick flop of Cain into the land of Nod, and the melancholy march of Adam and Eve out of the garden'of Eden. Lord Cbed worth and Lord Scarf dak , playing two fifes to the fame tune,' and walk ing on each fide the drum. Pradefmcn. One hundred butchers, orie hundred poul terers, one hundred bakers, one hundred brewers, fifty wine merchants, one hundred greengrocers, two hundred taylors, two hun died fiioe-makers, and twenty coach makers, two and two, weeping bitterly. Mr . Surface's Poulterer , singing in a melancholy manner, and the 0- thers ever and anon joining him with tears in their eyes, O ! that this day we - e’er had seen Our bills now rest m fruitlefs hope, No Prince a King—no regent Queen ! Let us give our follows their full fcopc. Ah ! sprightly, witty, Congreve Dick, Who s prob’d our pockets to the quick,' Think what we feci—this Pvegent Dart, Has touch’d thy tradesmen to the heart. COACHES. Thofc that were bespoke for the new ad minifhation ciofed the procefiion, which mov ed (lowly o.» 10 Brookes’s gambling house in St. James s ftreer, where it was met by Bi fiiop W rongfide and the Reverend Lexiphanes Bclicndcnus, who attended the body »o the vault prepared for its reception under the ha zard table where it was deposed, Bellende nus jeadmg th? funeral service, and Bifiiop Wrougfide preaching the sermon. m. Jull Fublifhed, And may be had at the Printing-Office, T Ii JE COnftitution of the State of Georgia. Ratified the 6th of May, 1789. A - L s of The Federal Constitution. And a few Copies of the L A W S’ Ol the General Aflembly of the State of Georgia, palled last SelTion. "" 11 ■ ■* " 1 - Defaulter* in C*pi, Benjamin Gilbert's diftrill Greene eouuty—Abfalom Hunt, I lOKfrUftjOMfcS. jutit R*e. §