The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 12, 1789, Image 4

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when the fame was produced, and that a like’ manifeft was delivered to him ; and shall iranfmit the other manifeft to the colleftor of the diftrtft to which such frip 01 vcfTel is bound. (To be continued.) .Congress of the United States . HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. Monday , Augvfi 24, 1789. Revived, By the Senate and Houfeof Be prefentatives of the United States of America in Congress aftembled, two-thirds of both Houses deeming it necefTary, that the follow ing articles be proposed to the Legidatures of thefevera! states, as amendments to the con stitution of the United States ; all, or any of which articles, when ratified by three-fourths of the said Legidatures, to be valid, to all intents and purpolca, as part of the said con* ftitution. ARTICLES In addition to, and amendment of, the ConJIT tutton of the United States of America, pro posed by Congress, and ratified by the Ligifi latures of the federal States, purjuant to the sth article of the original conjlituiion . Art. 1. After the firft enumeration, re quired by the firft article of the conrtitution, there frail be one representative for every thirty thousand, until the number frail amount to one hundred , after which the proportion frail be so regulated by Congress, that there frail be no less than one hundred representa tives, nor less than one representative for every forty thousand persons, until the num ber of frail amount to two hundred j after which the proportion frail be so regulated by Congress, that there frail not be lels than two hundred reprefeutatives, nor less than one representative for every lixty thousand persons. Art. z No law, varying the campenfa* tiuu to the members of Congress, frail take' efTcft, until an election of reprefentative* (hall Have intervened. Art. 3. Congress frail make no law eflab lifring religion, or prohibiting the free exer cise thereof, nor fliall the rights of confcience'. be infringed. Art. 4. The freedom of fptcch, and of the press, and the right of the people peace ably to airemblc and eonfult for their common good, and to apply to the government for re dress of grievances, lliall not be infringed. Art 5. A wellregulatcd militia composed of the body of the people, being the heft le an ity of a free slate, the right of the people to keep and bear arms fliall not be infringed ; bur, no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, lhall be compelled to render military fetvice in person, Art. 6. No soldier (hall, in time of peace, be quartered in any hotfe without the consent of the owner; nor in- time of war, but in a manner preferibed by law.. , Art. 7. The right of the people to be fe curein their persons, houses, papers and ef fects, against unreasonable learches and feiz urcs, frail not be violated ; and no warrants' lliall ilTue, but upon probable cause, support ed by oath or animation, and particularly deferring the place to be searched, and the persons or tilings to be seized. Art. 8. No person lhall be fubjetf, ex cept in case of impeachment, to more than otic trial'or one punifrment for the fame of fence; frail be compelled in any criminal case to be a witfiefs against himfelf; nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, with out due p;ocefs of law ; nor frail private pro pel ty be taken for public ufc without just compensation. Art. 9. In all criminal prosecutions, the j deenfed lhall enjoy the light to a fpcedy and public trial, to he informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with the witneftes against him, to have coinpulfory process for obtaining witnelTes in his favor, and tu have the aditUnce of couufcl for his defence. Art. 10. The trial of ail crimes (except in cases of impeachment, and in calcs arising m the land o.r naval forces, or in the militia 1 hen in actual service in tune of war or pub lic danger) lhall be by an impartial jury of the vicinage, with the requisite of unanimity • for conviction, the right of challenge, and other accuitomed icquilice*; and no person (hall be held to answer for a capital or other- : wife infamous crime, uniefs on a preferment j or indidment by a grand jury: but-if a crime 1 be committed iu a place in the pofleffion of an euemy, or in which an infurredion may prevail, the indiflments and trials may by law be autliorifcd in some other place within the fame state. Art. 11. No appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States (hall be allowed, where the value in conttoverfy (hall not amount to ' one thousand dollars; nor (hall any fad, tri able by a jury according to the course of the common law, be otherwise re-examinable,' . than according to the rules of the common law. Art. 12. In foits at common law, the right of trial by jury (hall be preserved. Art. 13. Excessive bail (hall not be re quired, nor exceflive fines impoled, nor cruel or unusual punilhments infixed. Art. 14. No Hate- (ball infringe the right of trial by jury in criminal cales, nor the rights of coufcience, nor the freedom of fpecch, or of the press. Art. 1.5. The enumeration in the consti tution of certain rights, fliall not be construed to deny or difparagc others retained by the people. Art. 16. The powers delegated by this constitution to the government of the United States, fliall be exercised as thereiu appro priated ; so that the Legislature fliall never eocercife the powers vefled in the Executive or Judicial, nor the Executive the powers vefled in the Legislative or Judicial, nor the judicial the powers vefled in the Legiflative-* 1 or Executive. #■ __ A Art. 17. The powers not delegated by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the flates, arc relerved to the states refpediyely. Ordered, That the Clerk of this House da cany to the Senate a fair and engrofled copy of the said proposed articles of amendments,- and desire their concurrence. Extrcu f? from the 'Journal, JOHN BECKLEY, Clerk. N E W - Y OR K, August 22. On Tuefday dipd Major 'John Lucas, an officer of diftinftion in the Georgia line of the late American army, and Treasurer of the State Society of that state. His remains were laft evening interred in St. Paul’s church yard, attended by the State Society of the > Cincinnati of New-York, and a detachment of Col. Bauman’s artillery. He bore ate-. di©us and lingering decay with all that forti tude which his character as a soldier was ftrougly marked with. AUGUSTA, Sept. 12. On Friday the 21st ult. the President of the United States, by advise and consent of the Senate, was pleased to appoint Benjamin Lin coln, Cyrus Griffin, and David Humphreys, Enquires, to be Commissioners for negociat ing a treaty with the Southern Indians. By a veflel arrived last week at Charleston from New-York, after a very Ihort paflage, we learn, that the Commissioners appointed by Congress to treat with the Southern In dians, were to fail for Savannah a few days after her departure, escorted by a detachment of continental troops. Arthur St. Clair, Esq. is appointed Gover nor ; Winthrop Sargeant, Secretary ; Samuel Holden Parfous, John Cleves Symmes, and William Barton, Judges, of the Weftern Territory. Iu a London Paper of the loth of June, brought by the lhip Fair Penitent, arrived at Norfolk from Port Glalcow, there is a mar.i fefto from England to Denmark, intimating, “ Should the Danes aflift the Ruffians, Great- Bt will look on it as a declaration of war, and will attack them immediately.” Britain has like wife ordered a fleet of 20 fail of the line into the Baltic, as a fleet of observation. Died, the 19th August, at the house of Mr. Harry Caldwell, iu Peterfinrr-g, Wilkes coun ty, Mr. Joseph Deni Jon, from Connecticut, late a Tutor iu Yale College. The Wedncf day following a sermon, well adapted to the melancholy occaiiou. was delivered by the Kev. Jeremiah Wa'ker.—The death of this truly pious and learned young man, cannot be fuflicieutly lamented. On Sunday lafl departed thii life, Mr, Da niel Walltcon, of this place. To be Sold, A GOOD House and Lot In the town of Augusta, for Cash, Negroes or Tobacco. For particu ticulars, enquire of the Printer. On Saturday the JZth inst. twill be fold , At my Plantation, to the highest bidder, for - ready payment, in specie, or the paper medium at its depreciated date, a final! Stock of Cattle, Belonging to the estate of John Jameson, de ceased. As lam desirous cf fettling the af fairs of the estate, it is requeued of all per sons having demands againtt it to make them known, and those indebted to make imme diate payment to NATHANIEL COCKE, £*V. September 5, 1789. To be Sold, ” On the First Monday in Oftober next,' At the town of Washington, the following Tracis of Land f viz.—2ooo acres, Second quality— £000 dit to, third quality, in the county of Franklin, 1 the property of John Hinfon, it being for his tax for 1788.—Also, 1060 acres of the third quality— 3502 acres pine land, in the county of Franklin, the property of George Nailer, being for his tax for the year 1788. BUCKNER HARRIS, Colkaor for Wilkes Comity. CAME to my house near Walker's bridge, in Burke county, about the 15th or 20th of April hft, a NEGRO FELLOW, who fays his name is George, and belongs to one Robert M*Crary, lately of South-Carolina, and who left that state about the ift of April lalt, with an intention of fettling in this state, in Wilkes county, near Washington he fays his master left him in South-Carolina, but having been ill-treated, thought proper to come in pursuit of him. This fellow is about fifty years of age, of a yellowish complexion, stout made, about five feet, leven or eight inches high, cross-eyed, and appears to be: country born. Mr. M { Crary, by proving his property agreeable to law, and yayingthe expencesthat shad appear reasonable, may re-* • ceive him on application. DEMPEY WELCH. July 25, 1789. Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Pearre’s Diftrit£ JOHN Cafti, Thomas Wynn, John Martin, r Fort, Browh, Morgan, Lorkey, Crawford, Thomas Wynn, John Wynn, Arglefs Penter, Amafa Jackson, Graham, John Hunfler, —— Nixon, Anselm Bugg, James Fox, jdh. John An drews, William Barkley. +*f Archibald Beale, ?nd Moody Burt, ate Said to belong to Capt. Pool’s diftrift. W. U RQUHART, R. R, .L.ift of persons, not. belonging to Captain Pearre’s Company, who have made their returns to me. GEORGE Walton, Esq. John Meals, Esq.- James Armstrong, Esq. David Cath, Godfrey'Zimmerman, Robert Farilh, Sherwood Alien, Anselm Lee, Jas. Vaughan W. URQUHART R.R.* A lift of Defaulters in Capt. Cartlcdge’a di ftritf, Richmond county. JOHN Culbreath, David Keath, John Wel don, Thomas Smith, Martin Breen, John’ Shoufe, John Kelly, Charles Steward, Johur Burch Ellison, William Motes, Hiel M‘Da- n jcl, Daniel M'Daniel, John M'Daniel. Non-ref dents nvbo have rendered a lift (f their taxable property* James Cartledgc, Randall Ramsey, fen. Randall Ramsey, jnu. David Perryman, Hen ry Oat*fcr, '* F»W. irf;l Rec.