The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, September 19, 1789, Image 5

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every entrance cf any ship or veffe! of one hundred tons burthen or upwards, two'dollars j and an half; for every clearance of any lhip or veflel, of one hundred tons burthen and up wards, two dollars and an half; for ever** en trance of any lhip or veflel, under the borthen of one hundred tons, one dollar and an halt - for every clearance of a lhip or .veflel, under one hundred tons burthin, one dollar and an half j for every permit to land gopds, twen ty cents j tor every bond taken officially, for ty cents; and for every permit to load goods for exportation, which are entitled to a draw back, thirty cents ; for every official certi ficate, twenty cents ; fer every bill of health, twenty cents ; for every other official docu ment, (regitfers excepted) required by the owner or mafler of every veil'd, not before enumerated, twenty cents ; and where a na val-officer is appointed to the fame port, the' said fees shall be equally divided between the colleftor and the said naval-officer, apportion ing to each his moiety ot the neceflary ex pences of flationary and the rent of of fice, to be provided by the colleftor, in the place of his residence, inoft convenient for the trade of the diftrift, in which the laid collector and naval-officer lhall each have at ieaft one separate room; and the said fees shall be received by the colleftor, who shall fettle the accounts monthly, and pay to the iiavkl-officer the balance which may be due to him on such monthly settlement. To each surveyor there fliall be allowed, for all the fcrvices required by law, to be performed by such surveyor, on board any (hip or veflel of one hundred tons and upwards, and having on board goods, wares and merchandize, fub jeft to duty, three dollars; for the like ser vices on board any lhip or veflel of less thin one hundred tons burthen, having cri board goods, wares and merchandize, fubjeft to duty, one and an half dollars; on all veflels, not having on board goods, wares and mer chandize fubjeft to duty, two thirds of a dol lar > ail which fees (hall paid to the col lector, by the matter or owner of the lhip or veflel in which the services are performed, and the said colleftor lhall pay weekly to the sur veyor the fees so received. To each inspec tor thete lhall be allowed for every day he fliall be aftually employed in aid of the cus toms, a sum not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five cents, to be paid by the collec tor out of the revenue, and charged to the public. To the meafurers, weighers and gaugers refpeftively, for their ferv»ces, fliall be allowed and paid by the colleftor out of the revenue, for the measurement of every one hundred bulhels of fait or grain, eighteen cents; for the measurement of every one hundred bulhels of coals, twenty-five cents ; for the weighing of every one hundred and twelve pounds, one cent; for the gmgitig of every caik, fix cents. There Hull moreover be allowed to the colleftots, at each of the following pons, to wit: Boston, Salem and Beverly, New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk or Portfmoutb, and Charleflon, one half a per centum 6ft the'amountof all mo nies, by them refpeftively received and paid into the treasury of the United States ; and -to the collectors at each of the other poits by this ad eltabliflied, one per centum on the amount of all monies by them refpeftively received and paid into the treasury of the United States'. Every collector, naval-officer . arid surveyor, fliall caufe' to be affixed, and constantly kept in fume public and conspicu ous place of his office, a fair table of the rates of fees, and duties demandable by law, and iti case of failure herein, fliall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars, to be recovered wit«. • coils, in any court having cognizance there of, to thi use of the informer J and if any officer of the customs fliall demand or receive any greater or other fee, conipenfation or re ward, for executing any duty or service re quired of him by law, he (hall forfeit and pay two hundred dollars for each offence, reco- , verable in maimer aforefaid, for the use of party grieved. . And be it further en«Bed y /That the duties and fees to be collected by virtue of this aft, fliall be received in gold or silver coin only, at the following rates; that is to fay, the gold * coins of France, England, Spam and Portu gal, and all other gold coin of equal finenefs, at eighty-nine cents for every penny-weight. The Mexican dollar at oue hundred cents j the crown of France at one dollar and e even cents > ib® crown vi England at / a'i>! c!ei en cents j and all silver corns rif equal, j finenefs at one dollar and eleven cents per ounce. And be it further ena3ed, That all the drawbacks allowed by law on the exportation of goods,,.wares and merchandize, import ed, fliall be paid or allowed by the coil-ftor at whose office the said goods, wares a:id merchandise, were originally entered, and not other wife, retaining one per centum for the benefit of the United States. Provided always, and be it further enacted , That no goods, wares or merchandize, en titled ,to drawback, fliall be reladen before ■■'.an entry fbalPbe made with the collector of the port from whence such goods are intend ed to be exported ; which entry lhall contain a particular account of the casks and packages, their marks, numbers and contents, the cott thereof, the veflel or veflels in which th£y were imported, and the pUce or places im ported from ; and the person or persons intend ing to expert such goods, lhall give bond, with one or more fufficient furetles, that the fame or any part thereof, lhall not be relauded in any port or place within the limits of the United States, as fettled b? the late treaty of peace ; and lhall moreover make oath or af firmation ai> to the truth of the that the goods, wares and merchandize, are iu quantity, quality and value, aq thc.rcin ex p retted, according to the inward entry there of, which entry was duly made at ihe time of importation pursuant to the direftions of this aft; and that the quality i-> the fame as at the time of importation ; and the exporter of such goods fliall not be entitled to drawback the duties, until at lead fix months after the , : ,lv . • exportation thereof, and until he lhall pro duce to the collector with whom such out ward entry is made, a certificate in writing of two reputable merchants, at the foreign port or place in which the fame were landed, together with the oath or affirmation of the mafler and mate of the veil'd iu which they were exported, certifying the delivery there of; but iu case any veflel fliall be cafl away, or meet with such unavoidable accidents as to prevent the landing such goods, a protest in due form of law, made by the matter and ' mate, or fume of the Teamen, or in cases no : such protest can be had, then the oath or af firmation of the exporter fliall be received in lieu of the other proofs herein direst fid, unless theic fliall be good reafonto fufpeft the truth of such oath or affirmation, in which case it lhall and may be lawful for the colleftor to require such further proof as the nature of the case may demand. Provided aljo , That no goods, wares or merchandize, imported, fliall be en titled to a drawback of the duties paid, or secured to be paid thereon, unless fu h duties fliall amount to twenty dollars at the least ; nor unless they fl ail be exported in the fame calk, package or packages, and flora the port or diftrift into which they were originally im ported, and moreover lhall be reladen voder the infpefton of the colleftor, naval-officer or surveyor of the port. And be it further enacted , That the sums allowed ro be paid by law on the exportation of dried or pickled fifli, and of failed ;novi fions, fliall be. paid by the colleftor of the port or diftrift from whence the fume fliall be exported : Provided- THpt due entry there of lhall be firft made aiid bonds given, as in case of drawbacks, and that no such allowance (Kail be made, unless it Aral! amount to th;ee dollars a,t the least upon any one entry. And be itfurther enacted , That if any goods, wares or merchandize, entered for exporta tion, with a view to draw hack the duties, or to obtain any allowance given by law oti the exportation thereof, fliall be landed in any port or place within the limits of the United States as aforefaid, all inch goods, wares, and merchandize, fliall be fubjeft to seizure and forfeiture, together with the ves sel from which such goods lhall be landed, and the veflels or boats 11 fed in landing the fame, and ill persons concerned therein, llr.'U on indiftment and conviction thereof,.fniTer imprifunment for a tetm not exceeding nx months; arid for difeovery of frauds, and seizure of goods, Wares and merchandize, relauded contrary to law, the several officers eflablilhed by this aft fliall have the fame powers, and in case of seizure the fame pro ceedings ihall be had, as in the tale of goods, wares and merchandize, imported contrary to law; and for measuring, weighing, or gauging gosdi for exportation, the fame fees Hull be allowed as In like caf<a upon the importation thereof. Ana be it further enacted, That if any of-* nee. of the cufioni, Hull direitiy or indi icuiy, take or receive any bribe, reward oc recompenec for conniving, or Hull connive at a lade entry of any Uj;p or velVel, or of any goods, wares or merchandize, and Hull be thereof convicted, every fuchorficer shall foilcit and pay a sum not JeTo than two bun dled, nor more than two thoulatid dollars foe each offence, and be forever dii'abled from holding-any office of trull or profit under the United States ; and any po fun giving or of fering , * y Uribe, reeompence or reward, for a’iy fucii deception,, collusion or fraud, shall forfeit and pay a furii not less than two hun died, nor more than two tholifaud dollars for each offence : And in all cases where an oath or affirmation is by this art required from a mailer or other pet foil, having command of a lhip or vefl'el, or from an owner or con f’gnee cf goods, wares or merchandize, if the pe:fun so fwcaring or affirming, Hull swear or affirm falfely, fuchpetfou shall, on indiriir.ent and ccnvittion thereof, bepunifh e;i by fine or or boih, in the diferetion of the court before whom the con virt'On shall be had, so as the tine fiulL not exceed one thoufaud dollars, and thctcnnof imprifonmer.t shall not exceed twelve months. And be it junbr entitled, That all penal ties accttiing by any b-each df this Art, Hiall be sued for and recovered with.coils of suit, in the name of the United Stares, in any Court proper ?u try the fame, by the collector, of the diflrift vvbete tlie fame accrued, and not otherwise, imlcfs in cases of penalty te sting to an officer of the cuflume ; and fucii • , co.lleftur ih..11 he, and hereby is atuhorifed and directed to sue for and pfofecute the fame to effect, and, to distribute and pay the sum recovered, after flrft deducing all necessary costs and charges, according to law. And all (hips or veflels, gvods, wares, and mer chandize, which shall beconie fotfeit by vir -1 tue of this AO, Hull be, libelled and pruiecuted as afotefaid, in the proper court having cognizance thereof; and the cour: shall cause fourteen days nonce to he given of fuclh feizute and libel; by cabling tlte fub fiance of such libel, with the order of the Court thereon, setting forth the time and Jtlacc appointed for trial, to be inserted in fume public newspaper, neareff the place offei/ure, and aifo by polling up the fame in the most public manner for the fpacc of fourteen days, at or near the pLcfe of trial ; and proclama tion lliali be made in such manner as the.court shall direct; and if no per ton lhall appear to claim such (hip or vefiel, goods, wares, or merchandize, the fame (hall be adjudged to be forfeited ; but if any person (hall appear befote fucii judgment of fotfeiture, and daitu any inch (hip or vcfiel, goods, wates, or merchandize, and Hiall give bond to defend . the profecuticn thereof* and to respond the cofi in case he Hiall net support his claim, the court (hall proceed to hear and de ermine the cause according to law : And upon the prayer of .my claimant to the court,. that any fliip or veiiei, goods, wates or merchandize so teiz ed and profecyted, or any part-thefeof, lhould be delivered to such claimant, it (hail be law ful for the court to appoint tlnee proper |<er fons to appraise such lliip or veil'd, goo< s, wares cr nterclwiidiz;, who Hull be fworti - in open court for the faithful difeharge of their duty ; aud such apprailement lliali be • made at the expence of the patty on whole prayer it is granted ; and on the return of such appi aifement, if the claimant Hiall, with one or mote furetics, to be approved of by the court, execute a bond in the dual form, to the United States, for the payment of a sum equal to the sum at which the fliip or vcfiel, goods, water or merchandize, so pray ed to be dylivetcd, be rppraifed, the court Hiall by tulc order such Hup or vcfiel, goorfti, wares or merchandize, to ue delivered to the (aid claimant, and the laid bond.Hiall be Mg cd with tlie proper officer of the court ; and jf judgment (hail pass in favor cf the claimant, the court Hiall cut.le the (aid l oml to I c « .in(riled; but ts judgment Hiall p: fs ugainli the c’aituaint, as to ilie whole or any part of (toh filip ur vcfiel, goods, wares **r meuhaiidi/e, and the claimant shall not, with in iwcuty days theieaftcr, pay into the rooit , the amount »l the eppui)«d value of (mh il.«ir d oi vcfitl, wait* ot meidtiiio./e, to I ).