The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, October 10, 1789, Image 4

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THE Bubfcriber has fettled a plantation on Back river, near Savannah, which makes it convenient for him to reside in that town. As his plaating imereft will not oc cupy the whole of hie time, he intends to en gage in the FaSlorage e* Com mijjion Bujinefs . Will receive rice, indigo, tobacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, &c. to dispose of on Coinmiffion. Thofc wfio.arc not engaged with Agents, he offers his fcrvicc to receive their Con ligaments, or to tranfaft bufiuefsfor them. Merchants or planters, who are fettled on either fide near Savannah river, who may he defirous.of fending their rice, tobacco, indi go or lumber, to Charlcfton by water, may depend on his utinoft care and dilligence in forwarding the fame. .Letters or orders di rected to him at his house, in Savannah, will be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ; * and the rtrifteft punctuality will be observed in tranfaaing or paying to orders whatever monies of other people 'may come into his hands. RICHARD WAYNE. . Savannah, Sept. zz, 1785. For Sale, A small Cargo of Prime Slaves, Jult arrived from the river Gambia, to be dil'pofed of for Cafli or Pro duce. For particulars, apply to the lubicriber* RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah , Sept. ii f 1789. Notification. ALL persons who are pof felled of'Treafury Certi ficates iflued by the late Trea surer, Seth John Cuthbert/ Es quire, deceased, are requeued to report the dates, sums and deno mination of such Certificates to the Honorable Joseph Clay, Efi quire, in Savannah, or to John Meals, Efquirc, - Treasurer, at Augusta, in order that the amount outstanding may be afeertained. JOHN WEREAT, Auditor, ALi l. penons aemaiids again ft theellateof Alexan der .Vearer, merchant, decealed, are desired to lend themin, duly attest ed, to Thomas Cuinming, in Au*" gufta, or to the subscriber, in Sa vannah, on or before the fir ft day of-* January next; and those indebted, are requellvd to make payment as' early as poffibie, in order xhat the administrator may be enabled to dif eharge the debts ow-ino; by the de ceased. 7 ANDREW M‘CREDIE, Adminijlrator . Sept. 1, 1789. lo be Exchanged, . A of any age or de'erip. twn, for Caulc. Enquire of the Pi inter. To be Sold, On reasonable terms , for Cafb , Tobacco, Ne groes or Horjes, A very large & general Aflbrtment of MEDICINES, : Just imported from Europe, which i; are as follow, viz. IJERUVIAN Bark . Cafcardla bark' bx\. Folychrift. v Spanifli flies Mowers of Sulphur Gentian root White lead Anthos flowers' .. Anifee is J flap in powder Glauber lalts Epsom falcs - Magnesia Camphire ' Litharg. Aur, Manna Myrrhae - Hiilabor Gum. Thus. , ; Chamomile flowers * Aloes Red lead Gum. Arabac Galbanum Rheubarb ' Gum. Fiagacanth,- Guiacum Burgandy pitch LapiS. Caiamin. bennae Zedoary Ginger Long pepper Crude iulpher Tart. emetic Alum. Rupm. Calomel Corroflve sublimate ; Cinnabec ppt. -bai. ablyntti. Copperas Borax Ipecacuanha lurmerick ... Radx. Columbe. •' Cummin leeds Mace Cloves Belt Cinnamon “ . . Chriital. tartar Ca.nnella Alb. , Sal. ammon. crud, •Kadx. galangal. contrayerva. Terra Japon. Creta. ppt. feeds ' Refina flav.* .Laudanum * Opium Lil of amber •Spirits of la vendor Sapo. liquid Ruxham’s tinflure bark** Volatile spirits Balsam capivi Oil of spike i Valerian root . Caflue flflulrw-’ Liqi etics roes 1 u . ; Oil of vitriol qua fortis katlbane Nitri Many other Articles too tedious tp mention. C. Dyfart. , i ■ i.-.—— At a Meeting of the Board of Frufleet of the Richmond Aca demy, Friday , Sept, ii, 17£9; IT appearing that the commons* to be leafed out by the a£t of AflTembly of the fourteenth Au - gust, 1786, have not been clear ed and cultivated as therein, and by leveral orders of this Board, have been dire&ed. > And it having been suggested; that, pr&vided the lease 'couid be extended, several of the leflfees, or their afligns, would bind >. themselves to clear and cultivate the : parts by them refpedfively leafed, in conformity to the objects of the laid' iad i whereupon , y i It is ordered\ That all such lessees, or their afligns, who fball pay the rents due, and gitfie obligat ons, with ’ lecurity, for the tduitional time as ’ per annual lease, flhall be entitled to a lease of seven years, to commence from the third l uefday in O&cber next; and that the obligations of ' all luch as do' not comply literally : with this order, (hail be put in suit . agreeable to the order of the Board of the 21 ft July if not paid by the laid third Tue Id ay in O&ober : next. Ordered , That* the foregoing or der be published. hxtraft from the proceedings of the Board , J. iVf. SIMMONS, Clerk. _ • I S~ ' Twenty Dollars Reward. OTGLEN out of my pasture, at' O Loculi Hill, on i hurfday night between the 10th and 11th instant, two horses, viz. a white horse, up wards of fifteen hands high, ten or ‘ twelve years old, branded on the mounting buttock D. S. Also, a chelnuc lorrel horse, about fourteen and an half hands high, fix or seven years old, branded on the mounting , buttock 1. W. They both trot and pace. Any perlon delivering the above horses to me; at Locust Hill, or Col. John Milton, Augusta, shall have the above reward, or in propor tion foreither,ahdtvventy pounds fter hng for the convi&ion of the thieves# . 5 GEO. HANDLEY. ‘ Locust Hill, Sept. 14, 1759. . U. —i— - 1 . —— to my houfc near Walker’s bridge?, j in Burke county, about the 15th or 20th of April lift, a NEGRO FELLOW, who fays his name is George, and belongs to one Robert M‘Crary, lately of South-Carolina, and who left that (late about the ill of April last, with an intention of fettling in this Hate, in Wilkes county, near Walhington he fay» his mafler left him in South-Carolina, but having been ill-treated, thought proper to come in pursuit of him. This fellow is. about fifty years of age, of a yeilowirti complexion, flout made, about five feet, seven or eight inches high, croft. eyed, and appears to b« country horn, Mr. MCrary, by proving his property agreeable to lave, and paying (Hi expmees that (had appear reasonable, may rt* reive him on application, * UFMPEY WELCH.