The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, October 24, 1789, Image 3

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2. An Aft f<»r laying a duty on goods, wares, and merchandize imported info the United States. 3. An Aft imposing duties tonnage. 4. An Aft for eftablilhing an executive de partment, to be denominated the depart ment of foreign affairs. 5. AnAft to regulate the colleftion ofthe duties imposed by law on the tonnage of Jhips or ami on goods, wares and merchan dize imported into the United States. 6. An Aft for fettling the accounts between the United States and individual fta*es. 7. An Aft to establish an Executive Depart ment to be denominated the department of .war. . . _ w 8. An Aft to provide for the government' of the territory north-wets of the river Ohio. v j>. An Aft for the eftablithment and support of light-houses, beacons, buoys, and pub lic piers* , , . 10. An Aft providing for the expences which., may attend negociations or treaties with the Indian tribe-, and! the appointment of ,jCominiflioners fon'managing the fame. Jl. An Aft for regillering and clearing ves sels, regulating the coasting trade, and for' .other purposes therein mentioned. 32. A n Aft to eftablilh the Treasury depart ment. ... , 13. An Aft.foi; establishing the salaries of the executive officers of government, with their assistants and clerks. 14. An Aft to provide for the fafe keeping of the afts, records,, and seal of the United States, and for other purposes therein' mentioned. ... .» , An Aft to suspend part of an aft, entitled, “ An aft to regulate the colleftion of the duties imposed by law on the tonnage of* 1 ships or vessels, and on goods, wares or merchandize imported into the United States.” 16. An Aft for the temporary eflablifhment of the Poll-Office. 37. An Aft for allowing compensation to the members of the Senate and House of Repre sentatives, and to the Officers of both Koufes. 18. An Aft for allowing certain compensa tion to the Judges of the Supreme and other Courts, and to the Attorney General of the .United States. jrp. An Aft for allowing a compensation to Prefident and Vice-Prelident of the United States. go; An Aft to eftablifti the Judicial Courts of the United States 21; An A.ft to recognize and adopt to the Constitution pf the United Siates the efla blifhment of the troops raised under the resolves of the United States in Congress assembled, and for other purposes therein mentioned. ... 22. An Aft to explain and amend an Aft, en titled, “ An Aft for regiflering and clearing vessels, regulating the coasting trade, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 23. An Aft appropriations for the service of the prefeiit year. . 24. An Aft to allow the baron de Glauback the pay of a Captain in the army of the United States. a . . 25. An Aft to regulate processes in the Courts of the United States. 26. An Aft providing for the payment of the invalid pensioners of the United States 2J- An Aft to alter the'time for the next meetings of Congress. A Resolve for executing the survey direfted bv Congrels in their Aft of June 6, 1788. A Resolve for procuring from time to time the ftatutes-.of the Federal States. A Resolve to for the fafe keeping of prifontrs committed under authority of the United States. A Resolve for continuing John White, John Wright, and Jofliua Dawson in office, un til the 4th Feb. 1790. A Resolution propoling amendments to the Constitution of the United States. On the day Congrefa adjourned a message was received from the President ofthe United States by the Hon. John Jay, with the follow ing communications 1 United States, September 29, 1789. Gentlemen of the Home of Reprejentauves , His Moll Cbrirtisn Mrfjelly, by a letter dated the 7th of june lad, addressed to the President ami Members of the General Con gr4f« of the United tfutei of Nath-America, -■ - V ' s 1 .' •■■■. ‘ announces the much lamented death of his son the Dauphin. The generous condud of the french Monarch and Nation towards this country renders every event that may affect his or their prosperity interring to us ; and I lhall take care to allure him of the fenlibiti ty with which the United States participate in the affliction which r. loss so much to be re.-, gretted must have occasioned both to bim rfud to them. y G. WASHINGTON. United S afes, September 29, 1789. Gentlemen of the Houjk, offrprejeuiutvves. Having yesterday -been informed, by a joint Committee of bosh HoufeVof Congrefe, that they had agreed to a recess, to commence this day, and to continue until the firfl M on day in January next, I take the eailieft op portunity of acquainting you* that, Yonlider ing how long aud laborious ahis Seilion has been, and the reasons which I presume have produced this rcfolution, it does not appear to me expedient to leconimeud airy mealutes at present. G. WASHINGTON. , Ele&ions of Members of tbs Leg future on the sth infant. For Liberty County. Senator. Lachlan M‘lntoflV. Representatives. Ferdinand O’Niel, Peter Winn, jofiah Bacon, John M’latoth, Ei'cjrs. For Glynn Count ft Senator. Alexander Biffett, Esq. .. Representatives. Kicbard Leake and Wil liam Williams, Efqrs. v* .. For Camden Countv, Senator. Henry Osborne, Eiq. ■' Representatives. james Annflrong and Jacob Weed, Efqrs. On Wcdnefday the 7th in ft. the Superior Court of Chatham County adjourned till the time tor holding the fame is regulated by law, agreeable to the New-Cbnfiitution of this ITate. ... . , We learn by a gentleman of undoubted ve racity, who arrived here from WafhmgtoY county within a few days past, that on the ■ 18th inft* one Indian was difeovered near Col. Irwin’s fort, and signs of others in and about Mr. Megchee’s plantation; and ijiat in confequeuce of these discoveries, fevcral re fpeCiable inhabitants in that neighbburhood immediately removed their families and ef fects into Burke county. Out informant adds, that, unless the frontier people will receive speedy protection, their situation will Hiortly be very alarming. The wdather has been most uncommonly severe for the' feafou fur some days past —on Thursday and Friday mornings it had froze to that degree, that the ice was about the thick ness of a dollar. Died, at bis plantation in Burke County, on the 21st inrt. much lamented bv his numerous friends, Thomas Chifolm, Esq. late a Major in the Continental line of Georgia. • Yefierday morning departed this life, in the zothyear of her age,afterapainfulillnefs,muclj . lamented in the circle of her acquaintance, Mrs. Pattfey Vallace, the amiable coiflfort ot Mr. William Wallace, Merchant of Au gufla. Her remains were interred in- the church-yard between five and fix o’clock in the evening, and a.fhort but pathetic difcourle was delivered in the church by the Rev. Mr. Palmer on this melaucholy occafrun. ->3©@S©S©@©- l Mr. Smith, . ■ "* I HAVE lately obferyed, that it is not un fashionable, through the channel ot your Gazette, to suggest plans and to dictate systems to the legislature of the state—Upon this ground, I beg leave to thgew out a lew hints for the use of that body, relating to some of rthe objetls which will come under their, con lideration in the ensuing fertion.; As they con tain nothing lut what is altogether compatible • with the policy which this ftjie has hitherto pursued, and which flie.,flill keeps in view, I flatter myfelfthey will be cordially received. I am, Sir, your very humble servant, A wealthy Bankrupt. iff. Then, at the framing a judiciary ad will make a very impoitaot part of their de liberation*, let their great ohjed, in this bu lined be, a* much ai pofflble, to protect and feteen the dehors, who, it j« well known have in all government! been corifwiered as the mod mcnt&rioui put wf the community. ti.Ut no person t>e liable , 0 t e ** ’ * ur debt, un the corutnencfmeut of 4 leu many worthy citizens, who have >ng negieefed paying their debts, thould be hai raffed and imprfoned. 3d. Upon the return of the writ by %hich a fliall be commented, let the de- • lennant have it in hi* power. tu unpaii* tu ihe lecond term, when the/rit tria may be had— At the. third term let the lecond trial take place, and a tina I den (ion bd g:veu By iffig means, (as. the court it ution admits of but two terms no jurigme/n *an be ob- -• tamed iaa ihouer time than between.twelve . and eighteen months.,. Bcfides every Helen ‘ dant, ought 'o have a righi as bg/etofbre, by giving leeuruy* to delay execution to the fit ft of March ensuing the judgment, which will * give, at least,- fix.inoutba more—The Sheriff cannot be compelled to have the money teady until.the next term alter 1 ffuing execution, so • that a creditor will not, in any cale, be able to recover his debt within a Ihorter period than two years, and in many cases, not iu )els than three years after commencing a pro lecutiou. ‘ • * ♦ * 4 i,1 ‘ Th e times for holding the Courts - thou Id be so regulated as to come in lucceflion, » withm one, of each other, so that the Jixlv-e who may ride the circuit will be un- > at*je to attend ia any one county, throughout t ;e whole term. %. This will make it necessary . mat Aniftant jjuftices (hould preflde, the con sequence of which will be that half the bud- . nels of the term will remain undone—This will be. a happy addition to the delay efju/tice . sth. The jury, on the fccond trial, ihould . he nominated by rhe panties* by which meins . tne debtor will have his particular friends to t decide his cacfe,'e cicdiior who refldes abroad, will not be able to chufc any but those .whoare pcrlcft llrangers to him. ; . Finally, Jet the Tender be continued * on the Paper Medium, with the addition of penalties on-those who refufe it—This will be - a lading.fliield to the debtor—For it is evi dent. -fiopi a very fortunate derangements which has taken place in our finances, that , ftiiiliug ol it can he burnt agreeably to the plan of the Jaft Legislature. 1 hefe hints attended to, and the objed* - primed out by them, obtained, will lecuie to the state of Georgia a continuation of that happiness at home, and reputation abroad, which llic has io long cujoyed. Cumming & M'Credies • » ‘ t « • Have I MPORTED. ''' . ‘ ,»* .. y In the ship Planter, from London, and thefliip Ann, from Brifol , a large aud general Afloftment of Emopean GO 0 D S y Which they are now felling on moderate! terms, at their Store in Augusta, aud at Campbleton. . • THEY HAVE LIKEWISE FOR SALE, , Weft-India-Goods of all kinds, with every other necessary Article for the Country. Augufa , Oilober 24, 1789. m Notice is hereby given, TO all perfons/who may have hufinefs to r in the :next Court of Coufciencc, .* wluch w'ill be held at/Augufta on the fif’d Thursday iu November, that where >the de fendant has been duly summoned and piaintifiT • "appears, .judgment will be giveu on all causes then depending in fa id Court D. HUNTER, j. Pv Augusta, OcL 22, 1789. 1 • Georgia, IVilktsCpunty, 0 Htjher 7 trm, 1788# George Cohoon, "J vs. > Attachment. Lameck Beckwi h j Or (Ur id, ( THAT Ihe defendant do appear and plead within a year and a day, other** wife judgment by default. fxtrgfl Jrem the Mi antes, . f ■ IJFNKY MOUNGLR, pin C. W, C. AVv. la, 1788.