The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, October 24, 1789, Image 4

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THE Subscriber ba* fettled a plantation on Back river, near Savannah, which makes it convenient for him to relide in that town. As his planting imereft will not oc cupy the whole of bis time, lie intends to en gage in.the Factorage &. Com mijfion Business. Will receive rice, indigo, tobacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, &c. to dispose of on Coot million. Those who are not engaged wit h Agents, he offers his service to receive their consignments, or totranfaft bufmefafor them. Merchants or planters, who ate fettled on either fide near Savannah river, who may he desirous of fending their rice, tobacco, indi go or lumber, to Charleflon by water, may depend on his utmost care and diiligence in forwarding the fame. Letters or orders di rected to him at his house, in Savannah, will be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ; and the ftrifteft punctuality will be observed, in ttanfa&ing or paying to orders whatever monies of other people may conic into his' hands. RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah, Sept. 12, 1789. * _— . f For Sale, A fn:jll Cargo of Prime Slaves, Just arrived from the river Gambia, to be disposed of for Calb or Pro duce. For particulars, apply to the fublcriber; RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah , Sept. 22, 1789* AMINE Jenkins tolls * e* fjte me the following strays : 1 Wq young heitiers, and two large ftee rs . one heiffer bla k, win a w^T te face, no mark or b-and per ce ivable *, the other a pale rtd, with f°me white spots, marked with an l, nder flop in each ear, no brand— One red and white lUer, the other black and white, each marked with a crop and half crop in each ear, no brands perceivable*, the latter has one of his horns dropped down in his face. The owner or owners must prove his or their property within the time prescribed hy law, before J, FOSTER, J. P. Twenty Dollars Reward. STOLEN out of my pasture, at Loculi Hill, on l hurfday night between the loth and nth instant, two horses, viz. a white horse, up - wards of fifteen hands high, ten or twelve years old, branded on the mounting buttock D. S. Also, a cheinut sorrel horse about fourteen ahd an haft hands high, fix orfeven years old, branded on the mounting buttock I. W. They both trot and pace. Any perlon delivering the above horses to me, at Loculi: Hill, or Col. John Milton, Augusta, fliall have the above reward, or in propor tion for either, and t went v pounds tier • ling for the convi&ion of th‘ thiev s. GEO. HANDLEY. Loeuft Hill, Sept. 14, 1789. (j^ 3 Blank Deeds of Convey ance to be had of the Printer. To be Sold, On reasonable terms , for Ca;b t Tobauo, he- . grots or ilorfesy A very large & general AiLrtment of MEDICINES, *• ♦ ** Just imported from Europe, which are as follow, viz. PERUVIAN Bark Cafcarella bark Sal. Polychrift. Spanidi flies Flowers of Sulphur Gentian root White lead Anthos flowers A <dlYe :s J ilap in powder Glauber fa Its Epfoni faks Magnesia Camphire Litharg. Aiir. Manna Myrrhae Hi labor Gum. Thus. Chamomile flowers Aloes Red lead oum. Arabac Gabaiium Rheubarb Gum F^agacanth.’ Guiacum Burg nay pitch Lapis. Calamin. . tenure Zedoary Ginger Long pepper Crude fulpher , Tart. emetic Aluin Rupm. Calomel Corrosive sublimate Cinnabec ppt. dal. abfynth. Copperas Botax Ipecacuanha lurtnerick Radx. Lolumbe. Cummin ieeds Mace Cloves - Best Cinnamon Christal. tartar Cannella rdb. Sal. ammon. crud. Radx. galangal. ? v contrayerva. Terra Japon. Creta. ppt. FoenUiireek feeds Refina flav. Laudanum Opium Lil of amber Spirits of lavender Sapo. liquid Huxham’s tin&ure bark Volatile spirits Balsam capivi Oil of fpilce Valerian root Caftim ft ft u las Liquet icc root Oil of vitriol Aqua tortis Katlbane Nitii Many other Articles too tedious to mention. C. Dyfart. » Notification. ALL persons who are pos sessed of Treaiury Certi ficates ifTiicd by the late Trea surer, Seth John Cuthl ert, Ef qui e, deceased, arerequefttd to report the dates, fims and deno mination of such Certificates to the Honorable Joseph Clay, En quire, in Savannah, or to John Meak., Esquire, Tredurer, at Augusta, in order that the amount outstanding may be ascertained. JOHN Wr REAT, Auditor: i ' ALL penons naving demands against the estate of Alexan der .'hearer, merchant, t eceafed, are desired to lend them in, duly acteft td, to 1 homas Curpming, in Au gusta, or to *he fubicriber, in Sa • vanr.ah, on or before the firft day of January next; and those indebted, are requested to make payment as ‘ early as pcflible, in order that the admiir.ftrator may be enabled to dis charge the debts owing by the de ' ceated. -ANDREW M‘CREDIE, Administrator . G EORG lA. "J By Lewis Gardner , (L. S ) v [ Esq Regifterof Pro . LEWIS GARDNER, f bats for the Gouiity J of Richmond. V\, HEREAS Abraham jones, of Augusta, in the county of Richmond, Gentle man, ha s h made application to me for let ters of administration of the estate and ef fects of Stephen Meers, late of the fame place, merchant, deceased, with a copy of the will annexed, and to be of continuance only until the appearance and qualification of the Execuffcr named in the said Will : These are therefore to cite and admonifli all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceas ed, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 13th day of November next, to ffiew caule, if any they have, why letters of admi nistration lhould.not be granted. Given under my hapd and seal, at my Office, the ijth day of Oftober, in the year of our Lord 4789, and in the 14th year of the Independence , • of the United States of America. T. ST E E L, Surgeon Dentifi , Begs leave to inform the public, that be curci the feurvy in the teeth, by removing an infec tious tartar that destroys the euamel of th# teeth, and will force them out of their soc» n kets, if cot removed—cleans the teeth, end makes them white ; —replaces, tianfplants, and fubftuutes artificial teeth ip forint g man ner, as not to be perceived from the natural, without drawiug the slumps or cgufing the lead pain Any person who would wiflt 19 be benefited by his petformanres, may de pend on the greatest attention being paid fa them, on their applying at Mr, ns's, in Augusta, N B, Hb charges are low, fa give wiry person an oppottuuity yf being Lgugfitad by biro*"* ,