The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, November 07, 1789, Image 4

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iliC' p*. Eight Dollars Reward. _ |y s -—— i?//// away , About the ioth-inft. from the Subscribers, a country born Negro Fellow named J A C K, About twenty-four years of age, five feet ten inches high, ftont, ami well made : Had on, when he went away, a blue sailor’s jacket, one breast torn off, and raven’s duck over halls.— —lt is supposed he will try to make for Charletlon or Savannah. ■* -The above reward,„ with all reasonable charges, will be paid infpccie to any person who will deliver laid negroe to the fuhfcribers, in Au gufla..—Al! persons are forewarned from har bouring or carrying off the above-mentioned felidwy as they may depend on being profe cu’.ed according to law. MCALLUM \3 GARDNERr- Ofiober 29, 1789, THE Subscriber has fettled a plantation on Back Tiver, near Savannah, which makes it convenient for him to reside in that town. As his planting imerelt will not oc cupy the whole of his time, he intends to en gage in the Factorage & Com - mijfion Bujinefs. Will icceive rice, indigo, t >bacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, ,&c. to dispose of-On Commission. Those who are not engaged with Agents, he offers his fervke to receive their conllgnments, or totranfaft buliuefsfor them. Meichants or planters, who are fettled on either fide near Savannah river, who may be desirous of fending their rice, tobacso. indi go or lumber, to Charleston by water, may depend on his and diiligence in forwarding the fame. Letter-s or orders di refted to him at his lloufe, in Savannah, will be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ; and the^flri&ell pmkluality will be observed in tranfaibng or paying to orders whatever monies of other people may come into his bauds. RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah, Se/t. 22, 1789. •' For Sale, A Jmall Cargo of Prime Slaves, Just arrived from the river Gambia, , to be disposed of for Caflr or Pro duce. For particulars, apply to the fublcriber.- RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah, S pi. 22, 1789. ... . T. St eel. Surgeon Dentist , Begs leave to inform the public, thac he cures the feurvy in the teeth by removing an infec tious tartar tliat-deftroys the enamel of the tdeth, and will force them our of their soc kets, if not removed—olrans the teeth, and makes them white ; —replaces,- aud fubflitufes artificial teeth in fonen a man ner, as hot to be perceived from the natural, without drawing the slumps or causing the lead pain.—His chsrges are low, to give every person an opportunity of being bene fited by him. N. B. Said Steck will do himfelf the-plea fore to attend on gentlemen and ladies at their own dwellings, by direftiug a line to him at tbe Coffee-hoofc. C iiobtr 17, 1789. Cumming & M c Credies / Have IMPORTED In the fliip Planter, from London, and thefliip Ann, from Brtftol , a large and geueral Assortment of European GOODS, Which they are now felling on moderate term*?, at their Store in Augusta, and at 1 Campbleton. THEY HAVE LIKEWISE FOR SALE, , Weft-India Goods of all kinds, with every other necelfary Article f»H the Country. Augujla, O Sober 24, 1789. Notification. ALL persons who are pof- . felled of Treafuryr Certi ficates ilfuecLby the late Trea lurer, beta John Cuthi ert, £{- qui e, deceaied, .are reqnefted to report the dates, ft mas and deno mination of Inch Certificates to the Honorable Joseph Clay, El quire, in Savannah* or* to John Meals, Elquire, freafurer, at in order that the amount outstanding may he alcertained. JOH N WtK E A T ~ Auditor . AL l, penons Having demands agunit theeitareot der hea er, merchant, t eccaled,aie dcfired to lend them in, duly a<teit ed, to Thomas Cu t mmg, in Au gulta, or to the fubictibei, in a vannah, on or before the hrli day of January thofc indebted, are requeibd eo make payment as early as possible, in order mat the admmdtrator may be enabled to dil charge the d bts owing by the de ceaied. ANDREW M'CREDiE, Adminijlrator, BENJ AMINE Jenk ns tells le fo.e me thefollowing drays : l wo .young he fters, and two Ldge steers-, one heiffer. bla k, witn a white no mark or b and per ceivable •, the other a pale red, with some white spots, marked with an under each tar, no brand One red and white ftter, the other black and white, eacbmaikt-d with a crop and half crop in each ear, no brands pet ceivable •, the latter has one of his horns dropped: down in his face I he owner or owners* mult prove his or their property within the time preferibed law, before J. FOSTER, J.P. Notice. 7HEREASH have received considerable W damage in my property by persons entering my enclosures and Arefpaffing tlrtre on, I give this public Notice that I am deter mined in future, that if an v perfott or persons so deterted committing trespass of any nature wbatfoever on any of my property, whereon I have a right, title, claim or demand, may ' rely on being dealt with aathe law in such ' cases (i etis. THOM‘S HAMPTON,. 'A . In COUN CI L, Sett. 10, 1780. Ordered, THAT the Treafucer be direfted to notify to the Collectors of the Tan in the different counties, that the Orders of the Executive on the Treasury, indorfed by the Tteafurer, and in favor of David Hilthoufe, Efquiie, are receivable from all persons iu the payment of the Tax for the prefem year; and this order be published. Extrad from the Minutes, y MERIWETHER, S. E. C. W illiam SpenceT BEG> leave to iruyrm the pub lic, that he can acc mmodate a few gentKmen with board and lodging. - Augufta* Od 24, 1789. Four Dollars Reward. STRAYED (or was stolen) from thecom* inous of W a thing toft, about the 3d of thit inst. a yellow-bay gelding, between 14 and 15 hands high—branded on the mounting thou Her nearly thus ) (* and on the buttock: 3A —has a switch tail—ft»r in his'forehead—- white feet—many fears under hismane which appear like veins —and the tip of his left ear cut off—and had (when loft) h.ronning fore on his thoulder, occafionerf by ahi rfrom the saddle.—He was bred by Col. Wilhamfon, near Wathington—The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver said gelding to NATHANIEL PEARRE. , Augusta, Bu, ke County, April 6, 1789. TH E fubicriber gives Notice, that he h-ts depoli cd in the Clerk’s Office ot this county. a copy of a deed, as near as ci uld be al ctrtained, from John Smith iare of Burk* cou ty, dtcealed, to him £ r two hundred acres of 4and, on Dry Bran h v W ater of ( gechee, in or der to have it'eftablifhcd and record ed, in lieu of the? original, which was 101 l during the late w sr. 01m WILLIAM JONES. Clerk's Office, Burke county, OSober 20, 1789, THIS is to certify that Mrs, Mary Wells has deposited in this Office, a copy of letters of ad ministration to her of the estate of Abfalom V\ ells, in order to have the fame efiab.iifbed agreeably to * Lw, in lieu of the original, which file Lit during the last war. J. DAVIES, C.B.C. .GEOR GI A. "J By ■' Lewis Gardner^ ■ 1 (L. S.)/ I's Esq RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER, f bats for the County J of Rithmond. Vl7 HEREAS Abraham Jones, of Augusta, ’ in -the county of Richmond, Gentle man, hath made application to me for let ters of administration of the estate and ef fect of Stephen Meers, late of the fame place* merchant, deceased, with a copy of the will annexed, and to be of continuance only until thj appearance and qualification of the Executor named in the said Will : These are therefore to cite and admonithall and lingular the kindred and creditors of the said deceaf 4d, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 13th day of November next, to Ihew cttil'e, if any they have, why letters of admi nistration fliould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the 13th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1789, and r in the 14th year of the Independence j of the United States of America,