The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, November 21, 1789, Image 4

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stas*y*syr«j; «jtskib g Wfeoi«Wjinil«W iflßiSanS sWlg*SS*rflHni POET R Y. PATRICK. MULHONI. A SUBSCRIPTION PRAYER. Date cbolum Bihfarto • TF over the mountains, or under the A Ll * ; y It ftiii was his lot to play organs to swine ; Ah, give him a tomb, for a tomb was bis due, A thilliug’s a trifle to me or to you ; If you give him a tomb, that his name may lurvivc, May fortune attend you, and help yen to thrive; May you always have something to praise and approve, And the pleasure to dream of the girl that you love. While fiddles are playing’tis folly to sigh, When the heart is opprel's’d, ’tis a pleasure to die Tho’ some were disputing, and some were perpiext, » He fill’d up his bottle and thick to his text; A dabtler he was from the county of Meath, And tie was a Faddy, and he had long* teeth, Enjo ing the bed and prepar’d for the'worrt, As a faiior he swore, as a soldier he curs’d : At, (hanger, I’m lure you had iov’d the old ctony, So throw in a (hilling for Paddy Mulhoni. He was seek of the world m the prune of his life, To haflen his exit, he marry’d a wife, But finding his fair one a damnable elf, He ihut up bis (hop—and grew seek himfelf;*’ bight Dollars Reward. Run away, Abbut the roth infl. from the aubl'cribers, a country born Negro Fellow named JACK, At/.m. twenty-four years of age, five feet ten inches high, flout, and well made : Had on, when he went away, a blue Tailor’s jacket, one bread torn o(f< and raven’* duck over halls.—-It is supposed he will try to make for Charleston or Savannah. The above reward, with all reasonable charges, will be paid in specie to any person who will deliver said negroe to the fubferibtrs, in Au gufla.—AH persons are forewarned from har bouring or carrying off the above-mentioned fellow, as they may depend on beiug ptofe cutcd according to law. M CALLUM'y GARDNER. OSober 29, 1789. Four Dollars Reward.. STRAYED (or was stolen) from the com mons of Waihington, about the jd of this inst. a yeliow-bay geldings between 14 and *5 hands high—branded on the mounting . shoulder nearly ffaus )-(, and on the buttock 3iV —has a fwitchhail—flavin his forehead— white feet—many uflder his mane which appear like veins —-anVjAhe tip of his left ear cut off—and had (wjfeta Iofl) a running fore on his (boulder, by a hurt from the saddle.—He near Wailringtdn.—The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver said gelding to N ATHANIEL PEARRE. Augufia , O Sober 16, 1759. Blank Bonds, blank Writs, Deeds of Convey ance, and New England Primers, | rr / * P Y“'HE Subscriber has fettled a plantation | ou Back river, near Savannah, which mikes it convenient for him to reside in that town. As his planting interest will not oc cupy the whole of his time, he intends to en gage in the Factorage & Com - mijjion Business. Will receive rice, indigo, tobacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, &c. to dilpofe of on Conmiflion. Thole who are not engaged with Agents, he offers his service to receive their consignments, or to tranfaft business for them. # Metchants or planters, who are fettled on either fide near Savannah river, who may be desirous of fending their rice, tobacco, indi go or lumber, to Charleston by water, may depend on his utmost care and dilligence in forwarding the fame. Letters or orders di rected to him at his house, in Savannah, will be attendfcd to with accuracy and dispatch ; and the ftrifteft puntfuality wiU"be observed in tranfadLng or paying to orders whatever monies of other people may come into his hands. RICHARD WAYNE. | Savannah, Sept. 11, For Sale, A small Cargo of • Prime Slaves, Just arrived from the river Gambia, to be aifpoled of for Cash or Pro duce. For particulars, apply to the lubicriber. RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah , Sept. 12, 1789. T. Steel, Surgeon Dentist , Begs leave to inform the public, that he cuies the feurvy in the teeth by removing an infec tions tartar that' destroys the enamel of the teeth, and wilt fdree them out of their soc kets, if not reinoved—cleans the teeth, and makes them white tranfplants, and substitutes artificial teeth in To neit a man ner, as not to be perceived frdin the natural, without drawing the Humps or causing the least pain—His charges are low, to give every person-an opportunity of being bene fited by him. N. B. Said Steel will do himfelf the plea sure to attend on gentlemen and ladies at their own dwellings, by directing a line to him at the Coffee-houfe. October 17, 1789. Negroes for Sale . Ihe Sublcribcr has from 12 to 14 field and house Negroes to dilpole of, which he will fell on reaionable terms, for Tobacco mfpedted in Augusta or Camp belltown. GEORGS HUNT. Augusta, Nov. 6, 1789. In C O U N C I L, Sept • 19, 1789. Ordered , . THAT the Theafurer iWtlirefted to notify to the Colle&ors of the in the different counties, that, the Sirdars of the Executive on the Treasury, inrioffed by the Treasurer, and in favor of Daviymllhoufe, Efcjuire, are receivable from all /erfo\s in the payment of the Tax for the present yvkt i and this order be publifbed. Extr/iS from the Minnies, J. MEIUWETHER, S. E. C. ■' * " «•, '■ .... ; ■ ■ • Cumming & M‘Credies, Have I MPORTED In the fliip Planter, from London, and tbeftup Atm, from It rift oi , a large and general* Aflortment us European GOODS, Which they are now felling on moderate terms, at their Store in Augusta, and at Campbleton. THEY HAVE LIKEWISE FOR SALE, Weft-ludia Goods of all kinds, with every o.her neceiTary Article for the Country: Augusta, OSbher 24, 1789. AL L perions mving demands ag iinlt the estate of Alexan der hearer, met chanty decealed, are desired to lend them in, duly acteft ed, to Thomas Cumming, in Au* •gufta, or to the fubicriber, in J'a- Vannah, on oiTjefore tjfe firft day of January next ;\rd/fhofe indebted, are requested payment as early as poflibfe, ukord. r that the admimftratotxrnay be enabled to diF charge the debts owing by the de ceaied. ANDREW M‘CREDIE, Adminiftrator t ■ a* * ttk - .* .V- ‘ ~ / Notification. ALL persons who are pof fefied of Trprffury Certi ficates Pne late Trea surer; Seth JofiaT Cuthbert, Ef qui-e, deceased, to report the d4(tes, sums and deno mination of such Certificates to the Honorable Joseph Clay, En quire, in Savannah, or to John Meals, Esquire, Treasurer, at Augusta, in order that the amount outstanding may be alcertained. JOHN We.KEAT, Auditor . ANDREW HAWKE tolls a brown steer that strayed into hie ptffture, near to Augusta, fume tiinhJaft fpmtg. He is mark ed on the left ear wifcb a afop and under keel, and on his right ear'anYfider keel, and brand ed on the buttock tbus/fiY The owner may pro ve his or her profiertyYefore / D. HUNTER, J.P. Augusta, Nov. 4, 1789. Clerk's Office, Burke county, OSober 20, 1789 THIS is to certify that Mrs* Mary Wells has deposited in this Office, a copy of letters of ad ministration to her of the estate of Abfalom Wells, in order to have the lame eftabliffied agreeably to ; law, in lieu of the original, which she loft during the last war. J. DAVIES, C.B.C. Georgia, IVilkes County, April Term, 1788.- Stephen Heard, T vs. x >• Attachment. T urner Lank j Ordered, THAT' the defendant do- appear and plead withijr a k ar a °d * 5 day* other wise judgment bjj/defaults ExtrqS from the Minutes , HENRY MOU-i*G3sß.vpir*C. W. G. J Nov.