The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, November 28, 1789, Image 2

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COPENHAGEN, » 25. \% t L leaiij from Tfanguebar, that Col. YV Ai.fcar,, the new Governor, ai rived the 10th oF last May. fly the tliip whidi brodght'tbe Above tews, we are iufviincd of some particulars relpcfting the Danifli mif fioii, p-»’* ,: fhed ‘he book* of the font J£vaugelitts in the Malarial language, arid Are , pieparing for*a publication of the Old Terta xneiit. In the space of 33 years, 18,952 of the natives have embraced the Christian teli giou ; and in the'laft year the number of b~.p tifms were 36. In the PortugueTe and Te tutdien Communities, theref’ were last year 127 births, 35 marriages, and 86 deaths. The Miflionaries are intlrfcfting a number of Ufalabar boys in the German, Portugufcfe, and Euglilh languages. LON DON, Auouft 13. ' In Germany an excellent and cheap dye has been iiivc.-.ted, adapted to woollen and cot ton manufaftures ; it conlifts chiefly of the feeds of the red Trefoil, a plant very com mon in this country, and employed to feed hotfes, &c. A decodion of these feeds so mixed with different mineral substances, and the dyes produced are very beautiful, and of a great variety ) amongst which ate yellows and greens «f different shades, as also citron aud orange colours. These dyes resist the ac tion of the substances with which trials are usually made much better than the common dyes, and promise many advantages, if adopt ed; to the manufactures of this country. The ladies in France are not idle spectators of the grand revolution now accomplishing. They have diftinguiftied themselves not mere ly by the ksvc of liberty, but bv their iutel ligehce tn developing its beauties. One of the mod enlightened eflays on a Declaration of'the Rights of Man, has come from the pen of the accompliflied aud illustrious Maderaoifelle de Keralio, Member of the Academy of Arras, end of the Patriotic bo ciety of Bretons, with which we propose to present our readers in a future paper. hxtrucl of a letter from the Mate of a Guinea /nan, tn the coajiof Africa, to Thomas Col rod, of. White's Yard, fVbitecrcfs fireet , dated Dick's Cobe, A tori- 5, 1789, ty the African Packet , Cap} Thornhy. “ The fchooner*Chance, Capt. Proudfoot, late from London'; going down the coast, up set with 33 slaves, aud'so ounces of gold dull, AH the white people were favefl in their boat, and got on (bore, expefting the schooner would he broke jn pieces, arid the slaves would all perilh below," as they were locked down in their rooms, and the veflel tull'of water upon her beam ends, when they left her, but luckily three days after, the fliip Hjmle, Captain Hervey, of Liverpool, fell ju, with the fame wreck 20 leagues tb yind ward of. where (he upset, and fending his boat to fee whs* wreck it was, got on board, when they heard fame people groan below deck —Upon fending on hoard their ship for fame axes, they cut scuttles in fheir deck, and got up 4 1 slaves. Several of the dead slaves being in irons with the living, they were ohliged to cut legs and arms of the dead tafave the lives‘6f’the others, wK6 were al most exhausted. These poor creatures were 57 hours'in the wa*er‘ from their being up fa ; and'being in the water so long, the Cap tain fays they were bleached so much, that they actually thought they wtfrt white people’. P. S. This day we bear the veflel is dtiveo on fliore. The blacks have got the* gold, and the town of Exim and Prmcefs are fighting abont it.” . One of the unfortunate ladies who was com ing home'P a^en ? er t * ie Grosvenor Indiaman lives wit h one'of the, Caffre Princes, to Whom ibe has born several children, xhe Dutch Governor at the Cape ordered a body of 400 men to the refeueof the remaining pafleneers But as the Caffre territories are several hun dred mile-i distant little hope* are entertained of success. . The Duchess de, Polignac has had a second escape, through the presence of mind of an Abbe, who was with her in her carriage. Just as (he had changed horses at Saumur law many people collefted at the gate, who appeared tp be waiting with impatience f&rtbe arrival of the carriage, that they might fee who were the travellers. The Abbe per<£iv«.d that the Ducbefs, at the fight of them, grew pal* and red by turns «udwaa aU ;q a tremor, These symptoms “ r * he feared would betray h*r ; and therefore, \ to. divert their attention from the lady, he put his head out of the carriage, 2nd addrefiing the people laid “ I fee, my honed fellows, you want to have some news—l have glad tidings to impart to you—that damned b—h the Duchefsde Polignac, aud her whole crew, have been obliged to decamp—Tile fconeft Genevan (Mr Neckai,) is as Versailles ; he arrived there a little belftrc we set out, aud was mod gracioudy received by the King. The people hearing this began to (bout for joy, and thanked the gentleman for the good news The poltillions in*the%ean tim4 put forward with all dispatch, the people little thinking that the very peifon whom they would have witlicd to ciedroy had been all that time in their power The Duchcls afterwards thanked the Abbe for her life, which"ihe said was ture (he owed to him. She" declared ;hat the rnoft refined flattery that eVer was offered to her had never been the* twentieth part fo' pleafiug to her ears as the abusive name he had honoied her with, fdr the purpose of prevefuiug the peo ple kuowing that llie was the perfont'o whom he applied. ; B O S T O September 20. , ; A brilliant action was perfoimed yeiierday ;on board the Leopard, of 74 guns, belonging to the French fleet, now in tins harbour. A cabin boy belonging to the thip unfortunately Jell mto thewiter, and was in the utinod idauger of bciftg drowned : The fird lieu tenant, Mr. Scotts, happened at that mo ment to be walking the quarter deck, when he was infouned of the accident—the cala mity was'Urgent —and he accordingly, with* out waning tu undress, uidantly plunged into the sea, at the diltauce of at lealf 25 fee'; tr;>m the furfrrctf'of the water, and happily, at the hazard of his own life, preserved that of the boy, who l in all probability would have* o tlicrwife peridicd. This event does the high ed honor to the courage and legibility of-the gentleman, who is entitled to the thanks’* ot every friend ollitdAa&ity, for this manly aud iutrepid exertion. N E W - H A V E N, Oa.berU. The citizens of this place 'Were highly gra tified by the presence of bl the United States, who came to town lad Satur day afternoon in good’health. The fiext day he attended divine'Tervice in Trinity (.hutch. His Excellency the Governor, his Houor the' Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Roger Shermad,- the HOll. the Speaker of *tfie House of Re prefematives, Set. dined with him, and at tended the afternoon service at the Rev. Dr. Edwards’s meeting. Early on Monday morning the Vrefident ' fat out from hence for the ealtcru'dates. AUGUSTS, >November 28. On Friday, the ioth inst. his Excellency the Governor concurred with a bill to be en titled, «* An Aft for annexing certain Islands to the county of Glynn j” aud aftewards re turned it to the'Senate, where the Tame had'* ■ oiigiuated. Thursday being a day Tefhpart for publie tbankfgiving throughout the'Uftited States, by Proclamation of the Prfcffdcut; thvfarae was observed here, with the greated religious de corum on the part of the Legiflaflve and Ex ecutive branches of Goverhtftebt, who pro ceeded in the following prdceffibnal order • (agreeable to a concutjpnt refolve’bf the Ge neral Affcmbly) from the State-Kbufe to Sr. Paul’s Church, where a lermon, tvell adapted to the occasion, was delivered at their rcqhefty by the Rev. Mr. Palmer. Msffengers. The Secretary of the State, and the "Rev. ? Mr. PalrftT on his right. Secretaries of ''the Governor. The Secretary of the Senite, aid the Clerk of the House of Reprefeirtatives. Public Officers, two aufl two. His Excellency the GbverncVhis Honor the' President of the Senate on his right, surd the H&torabfc tilt Speaker of the Houfe'of Reprefeutatfvcs otf his left. The Members of 'the Senate and the House oT Repreferitatives indiferimfnately, two& two. On Mohday lad an election Vvfi* held at’ the Court-houft df this county, for a'Repre- j ’Tentative m the roorrToTEftvrard Telfair, Esq. j . aud, on examining the votes,’a Aiajority ap- j plated iii favor of jdlia Appling/ Efy* 4^' From a latt NtwYoik paper. FaQiotiy propeily speaking, is the offspring - of difappoimment, pride, inordinate ambt tion, and the whole train of the malevolent pafiions : Its objeft is, in the fiid place, the promotion of its own individual advantage, without any regard to the community at target Th'attairf this object, there are no considera tions, however facreii, which will not be facrificed—charafters will be defamed—rnsa fures reprobated— jealousies excited, and the public confidence in their rulers will be as sailed, atftf dedtoyed if pofiible, till its views are acconi(tf i(hed: , When felf is‘ not the prime motive to faction, a vmdiftive spirit of revenge often delignates its banefuT raanceuv. res—disappointed in its afpirlng ambitious fehemes, it precipitates its votaries into all the excefies'of a wild, blind, aud implacable enmity to its fuccefstul rivals, and nothing ihort of involving the body politic in that anarchy and co'ufufiort which may afford a ' favorable opportunity to carry its designs into execution, will check the progt-'efs of its ac curled machinations. T HE aftive and decided part which I was obliged to take, during the course of * the American revolution, and my fituatiou for the greater part of the time since, on the frontiers of this Bate, with the command of a regiment of militia, have not failed to oc casion mod violent and bitter enemies against me, who lose no opportunity of tnifreprefent ing my conduft, and wounding my reputa tion. , The falfe and fcandalous’ reports, which hiv'd been so induftnoufiy circulated in this aud the other dates of the Union, refpefting ’ my" conauft towards the Creek Indians, for years pad, have all come from flic fame touice. v 4 * • *” * * ' * * ■ , In juftification of myfelf, arid to wipe off all aspersions which from this cause have been thfoWh on the date of Georgia, among the'' lifter Hates, I have been induced, by the ad vice of inanjT of iny fneuSs, and by the par ticular recommendation of the Honorable the Coniiuifiiouers of the United States, who were lately in t.iii fli'te, tu declare, and do * ’ uow'declaie on oath, that though I have been as bticu and as tar on military duty, since the revolution, as any mail; yet, I have never gone on auy lucii service, except by the com mand of my luperior military officers ; but, that so tar from having attacked and fiaugh tered so many peaceable camps of Indians a* has been lepiefeuted, I have not even feenan Indian, from the time of the treaty at Shout deiboue creek, in the year 1786, (except the hostages wlio were in Augulta) till the time ' of holding the treaty at the Rock-Lauding jit June last, nor from that time till they met the Cbihmiflioners of the United States in Sep tember latt i —and all the reports lefpeftmg ' the injuries which 1 have'done them, are; base aifd fcßiidatious falsehoods. . SAMUEL ALEXANDER. State of Georgia , ) O AMUEL Alexander Richmond Coumy. being duly fworn*. fayeih, that the above iuftrument of writing' •.is just and true. sworn to before me, the aiff of Novem ber, i/Bp. • * JAMES M‘NEIL. . THE fubferiber gives notice to the Planters of Tobacco, that he has a large, com-i modious, and secure Ware-house, at Nev# Savanuah, a little "below the mouth of But ler’s Creek, v fit for the reception, aud every thing ready for the iufpeftibn of that article. He has it in ffis power sTfo to inform them, that there is a good fafidhill road, just open ed, from Mr. lfaac Lowe’s, to the Ware .h’oufe, from which'it is distant onjy fixteea miles; and will deihakd and take only a quar ter of a dollar for ftorage,' wtoFch is much under the‘eftablilSeS rates. He cannot bus -mention one advantage’ivhlth'' is peculiar to this fituatiori'. ' The largest boatk may takFitl tJielr loading, ind’procetid dov*j tlte tivef three mouths longer in the ytfaf, rhan can b€ done frbih ai?y*sf °<hC‘bpper infpitftious. JOH» TWIGGS* - ifafr*JUtvatvtMf ‘