The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, November 28, 1789, Image 4

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.v : • * ' i "' v ''‘v- P O E T R Y. i^sffsossiKSs: ‘ An EPIGRA &1. TWO sailors, just landed, were ftrolfing the town; Look, Ben, quoth Jack Tar, how the wenches are grown, ' Both behind and before, by the Lord what a • fi*e! Their are grown afmoft up to their eyes: \ It it fleftii Is “ bone ? I s “ c^oth l * s »t trimmings ? By G—d they look more like crop , pigeons than women. • Qiioth Ben, by St. George, I’m determin'd to try; '■ ; So just as a lady of faGiion pafs’d by, By your leave, said the tar, to be rude I-am loth; 1 Brit, by Neptune I swear, I mull fathom | your doth: (Ciapt bis hand on her bread) d— n my | eyes, ’tis all f ! J — 3&3£ti£3!£3S£— ' A N E C D o T E.-, IN one of the engagements with tbe French at Culladdre during the late war, the 101st legiment gave way, and their place was im mediately fupplicdand supported by a batta.- hon of black infantry. A gentleman Ihortly afterwards in company with Col. Kennedy, then of the Madrafs artillery, and convcrfmg ,! on the fubjcft, said, « He was furpriied they gave way ” And so am I, too, (fays the Colonel) for they are tried men.” How can you make out that, ( fay * the gentleman) for they are a new regiment?” “ Oh, by J— s (fays the Colonel) they.were all long finer, j tried at..the Old Bailey.” tight Dollars Reward. Run awaj/y About the 10th inst. from the bubferibera* a country born Negro,-Fel!ow named , J A C K, About twenty-four years of ag*, five feet ten inches high, flout, and well made : Had on, When he went away, a blue Tailor’s jacket, one breast torn off, and raven’s duck over alls. _h is supposed he will try to make for Charledqn or Savannah. The reward, with all rcafonablc charges, will be paid-in specie to any person who will driver laid to the fubferibers, in Au sufla. All per Tons are forewarned from ftax hotli iugror carrying off tbe above-mentioned ' fellow, as they may depend on being prole cu:ed according to law. • M‘CALLUM.CST GARDNER,. I a QUober 29, 1789* • *~ . || ' Four Dollars Reward. STRAYED (or was stolen) from the com mons of Waflviugton, the 3d of tbit inst. a yellow-hay gelding, between 14 »d 1 c hands hikb—bra/ed on the.raounttng Shoulder nearly \s J#, and on the. buttock 3 AT— has a in bis forehead— white feet-many »r*under his m*ue wfoch appear like veins JaM ibe tip of his left ear cut off —and ha</(wb\t» loft) a running fQte on his fltouldei/occafioned by a hurt from the saddle. —He £1 bred by Col. Willumfoo, near Wathington— The above reward w.UI be given to any person who will deliver -said gelding to NATHANIEL, JPEARRE. OUobtr 1 6, 1789. Camming & M c Credies, t Have I MPORTED In the (hip Planter, from London, and the (hip Ann, from Briftel , a large and general Anbrtment of European Q 0 0 D S, Which they are now felling on. moderate terms, at their Store in Augusta, and at Campbleton. THEY HAVE LIKEWISE FOR SALE, Weft India Goods of all kinds, with every other ueceffary Article for the Country*. Augusta, QBober 24, 1789. To be Sold, The hand whereon, Fort Charlotte formerly flood, in Smtb-Larolina. Containing upwards of 400 acres of river laud, of an exceeding food quality, where a ferry is kept, with about 70 acres cleared and uuder good fence; —the walls of the Fort, and chimnies, are yet ftauding, or the (tones would be handy sot building. The tubfcuber will **lfo disposer of the land whercup he lives, Adjoining the above, the whole dtaiug abynt 1300 acres, and has tbe latgcft pfyoiafon of good land of any trad of the bctween Horle Creek and Seneca. Onsbe lad there is a tolerable houle, (with/® gooachimuey) and other ne- < cellary outJHiildiags\ ,00 acres cleared, and uutier good fence; leveral springs of the very belt water ; and the lituatiou high and heal thy ; —all which will be fold a very great bargain ior,ready pay, or proportionabl.y To upon a long credit,- having a prompt payment, and the remainder latisfadorily secured. For terms, apply to Col. Le Roy Hammond, on Snow HiU» or to thefubferiber, on the pre rniics. GEORSE WHJTEFIELD. Soutb-Carolina, No-v 12, 1789. Who wants an OVERSEER, tkal under* (lands perfedly making the bed indigo—A proper recommendation will be required. T. ST E E L, Surgeon Denrift> Begs leave to inform the public, that he cures - the feurvy in the teeth by removing an infec-/ tious tartar that destroys the enamel of the teeth, and will force them out of their soc kets, if not removed—cleans the. teeth, and makes them whitereplaces, transplants, and fubftttutes artificial teeth in so neat a man uer, as not to be perceived from the natural, without drawing the (lumps or cauiing the lead pain.—His charges are. low, to give every person an opportunity of being bene fited by him. N. B. Said Steel will do himfelf the pjea fure to attend on gentlemen and ladies at their owu dwellings, by directing a line to him at the Coffee-houfe.,, Q Sober 17, 1789. i t ' 1 A. NDREW HAWKE tolls a brown (leer jT\ that strayed into bis padure, near to Augusta, some He is mark* ed on the left eaiWb a crop and under keel, and on his right under keel, and brand ed on the buttook'thtbC. !• The owner may Drove hißMiffitt property before * D. HUNTER, J.P. Augusta , Nov. 4, 1789- 1 *X* Blank* Bonds, Blank Writs,, Deed* of Convey ance, andi New Primer*,, THE Subscriber has fettled a plantation on Back river, near Savannah, which makes it convenient for him to reside in that town. As his planting interest will not oc cupy the whole of his time, he intends toeu« in the Factorage® Com mijjion Bujinefs. Will nceive rice, indigo, tobacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, &c. to dispose of on Comraifiion. Those who are not engaged with Agents, he offers his service to receive their conligninents, or to tranLd business for them. Merchants or planters, who are fettled on either fide near Savannah river, who may be oefiroixs of fending their rice, tobacco, indi go or lumber, to Cbarlefton by water, may depend on his utmost care and diligence in forwarding the fame,. Letters or orders di rected to him at his huufe, in Savannah, will be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ; and the ft tided punctuality will be observed in tranlad ng or paying to orders whatever . monies of other people may come into lain bands. _ RICHARD WAYNE.-, Savannah, Sept. 22, 1789. For Sale, A Jmall Cargo of Prime Slaves, , Just arrived from the-river Gambia, * to be uifpoled of for Ca(h or Pro duce. For particulars, apply to the (übicriber. RICHARD Savannah, Sept. 22, 1789. ■’ V * ! *•* t-i 4* • i• 4 •4« Negroes for Sale . The Subic iber has from 12 to 14 field and house Negroes to dilpoie of, which he?will i'elhori , rcafonabb terms, for Tobacco infpetted in Augusta or Cartip belltown. GEQR3E' HUNT. Augusta, Nov. 6, 1789. ! In C O U N C I L, Sept. 19, 1789. Ordered , THAT the Treasurer he direded to notify to the. Colledors of .in the different counties, that Vhe Orders Executive on the Treafury\iftdorfed by-tbe Treasurer,.. and in favor of Dwid Hillhoufct, Esquire, are receivable {root jllYerfons in the payment of the Tax fordne preftnt year ; and this order be publiflira. ' Extraff from the Minutes , J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. Just Published, And may he bad at the Printing-Office, ; \ THE Constitution of the State of Georgia. Ratified the 6th of May, 1789. ■j ALSO , The Federal Couftitution.* And a few Copies of the - LAWS Os the General Aftembly of the State* of Georgia*. paffedi last j S&t£ou*. • '