The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 05, 1789, Image 2

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perpetual harmony, between the citizens «>i / the XJniced States and the font hern Indians on the frontiers, upotftcimSof peefett equality, and mutual advantage. We therefore enjoin an übfervancc of the truce aforclai 1, end far ther declare, that anv infraction of the tran quVfity now ful>Tstting between the said con trading parties, would d.icdiy contravene the manifed intention, and highly incur the displeasure of the supreme authority of the United States of America. Bone at Savannah-, uniter our bands and fe ah , this 13 th aayo/ Sipiember, in ib„ year of our Lord 1789, and in the 1 41 b year of the inde pendence of the United Stales cf America . ' r . B. LINCOLN, C. GRIFFIN, D. HUMPHREYS*.' Attest. Bavid S. Franks , Secretary. Head Men and Warriors of all the Chrrokees. We feut to you a friendly talk from Sa vannah, about one moon pad; but led that should not have reached you all, we now re- ( peat if. We farther inform you that altho’a formal treaty of peace has not yet been con cluded with the Creek nation, yet we have' received pofitiveand repeated allurances fronv them, that the fame tranquility which" now prevails, dull be faithfully pfeferved on their part. Brothers , Had not the hunting season commenced, so as to'prevent us from Ending you at home, we thould Live been happy in feeing you per sonally before returned to the far didant white town of'Congrefs; as that will now be impoflible, we conclude‘by cautioning you to beware of liftetiing to bad men in such a manner as to interrupt the truce concluded between you, ancf the Commiffiouer of North* Carolina. Ni*w Brothers , In alluring you that the general govern ment of the United States will do you drift judice, we bid you farewell. Bone at Augnfia, this s tb day of 0 Sober, in the year of our Lord 1789. and in the 14 th' "year of the Independ.nee of America . Attert j David S. Franks, Secretary. CHAR LE $ T O N, OSober 19. T.xiraS of a letter from Bojicn , dated Sept l «* Yederday the lociety of the Cincinnati in this town, gave a mod splendid entertain ment at Concert-Hall, to the officers of his Mod Cbriftian Majedy’s squadron. The tables formed a semi-circle. At the head of the hall was placed a full length portrait of the President, with the real eagle pendant from the painted button hole. On his 1 right a dis played American enfigu. On his left a F'rench ditto. Over his head was a dar, encircling three fleors delis, with the motto eftoperpetua. At the other end of the hall, the eye 1 was caught witha fine picture of his Mod Chris tian Majedy, with the French ensign on his right, and the American on his left: ‘Over his head were the arms of France, the motto Vive Louis XVL The orchedra was co vered with blue broad cloth, edged with white; the thirteen stars, and thirteen fleurs delis, formed on the ground a Very beautiful couftel lation ; the bald eagle soared from the centre; oppolite the eagle, on the other fide of the room, was the arms of Massachusetts, finely executed. The chandeliers and several parts of the room, were ornamented With flowers, the whole forming as happy a coup d'ceil as fancy can imagine. The choicefl viands, the mod delicate paltry, and exbilerating wines crowned this fellive board : Happfnefs fat on each countenance, good humour and ft iend fliip reigned supreme the toads were judi cious, ore. «* The Aftive frigate failed yederday for Ncw-York ; lhe is gone to carry the refpetfs of the divifton to the President of the United ' States, the Ambassador of Frame, &c.” k 24. It is reported that the Emperor of Tifotocco latejy lent a veil'd to Madeira, with information to Mr. Clarke, our Charge des Affairs at that place, of his intentions in the com fe of this winter, to dispatch four veffiels to America, for the purpofc of trading. This rtep is taken to prevent any alarm by the ap pearance of vessels on our coad, which be ing built in the Turkiffi faihion, might be ftippofed t ) belong to our enemies the Alge rines, inftcad of oar- ally *tbo Emperor of Mo.occo* AUGUST Ay December 5. The qneftion for calling a Convention to deliberate on the Constitution of the United StatCb was loft in the Afleiubly of Rhode- Illand by a majority of 22 the 29th October* THE PRESIDENT of the United States returned to New *York the 13th u!t. perfect health, from Ins tour through the • Eastern slates. Xt>s&7tS£7&3&s£> Mr. Sm ;;, b, I BEG leave, through the channel of your paper, to lay before the public the follow ing : Some time in the month of June last, there was an affidavit of Mr. Thomas E. Dorsey and Mr. Daniel M‘Lean lodged in the Collector’s orfice for the port of Savannah, refpeCtiug my conduCt in measuring of lum ber, in which all they ailedged against me ap . pears' from hearsay, and not froth their own knowledge. The affidavit below is taken by the gentle man from whom they fay they got their in formation, in contradiction to their aflertions, which I think will be iufficient to the public that I am clear of' the charge they ailedged against me. Was it necefiary, I could get certificates from the firft merchants and fac tors of the town aforefaid. to convince the public that I did every thing in my p*wer to comply with the lumber law. But their in tentions are obvious j they wish to monopo lize the whole business, and have it confined in one or two men } but I cannot agree with the gentlemen to even have it confined in five or fix, for at times eight are not fufficient; and it is evident that two men cannot do the bufinds of eight or ten. I do not with to hurt the feelings of any gentleman, but am bound to do myfelf justice ; I fball therefore • fay no more on the fubjeCf, but let the pub lic judge of the following affidavits and fafts themselves. Your’s, &c. j. WHITE. Chatham county, to wit : On this tenth day of June, in the year of oar Lord one thousand levcn hundred and eighty-.ntue, peifonaily appeared before me, the fubferiber, one of the Juitices of’the Peace for the county aforefaid, Thomas E. Dorsey and Daniel M‘Lanc, El'quires, and made oath on the Haly Euangelift of Almighty God, That, on Monday the eighth inifant, they called on Mr. John B. Ernest, Faftor for Daniel Bor deaux, Esq. of Qiarledon, who has lately had large quantities of lumber for sale at this port, who informed these deponents that the mer chants had refufed to put chafe lumber accord ing to the mcafurement preferibed by the new aft ; that, to induce them to purchase, he had continued to have his lumber measured in the old way by such peri'ons as were agreeable to them ; and that, for the beuefit of exportation, he had declined having his refufe marked with the letter R. and its contents ; that Mr. Palm er, Mr. Irvine, Mr. Sheftall, and Mr White, had done his measuring in the manner afore faid, and had returned their bills accordingly and that he had fold no lumber in any other way. And these deponents further fay, That, from information received from Captains who had left this port, and from sundry other per sons, they have the strongest preemption, and do fkmly believe, that not one vellel which has left this port freighted with lumber (unleffc wholly loaded with inch boards, of" ranging timber iz by 12 and upwards) have made their ihipments agreeably to law; and that not the lead attention has been paid to ftaves, lhingles, &c. mentioned in laid aft, and that such as have been infpefted, the bu siness has been dpne by persons not nominat ed by the LegitlaUire, nor under auy qualifi cation whatever. * • iTHOM E. DORSEY/ J DANt. Me LANE. Sworn to this /vgA day\ oj June, \ JUSTjfa H. SCHEUBfeR, J. P. GEORGIA, Chatham County* On the fifteenth djiy of June, in the year of otrr Lord one tho' "pud leven hundred and efghty-nine, perfonully* appeared before me, juftutt Pi. one of the Justices of the ' Peace for the cpuuty aforefaid, Mr. John B. Ernest, Agent fir Daniel Bordeaux,' Esq.. in ‘1 CUailcUou, 4u*y fwoH»,fatth/i hat # I in consequence of a inifreprefentation of an affidavit lodged in the Cullertor’s office, and dated the tenth inlhtm, and sworn to by Mefl*. Thomas E. Dorsey and Daniel M‘Lane, that he lhould have told them that Mr. White had done his meafuiinz of lumber in the old way, and had returned his bills accordingly, to do justice to Mr. tfVhite, this deponent bimfelf bound to come forward, and declare, that all lumber he had measured for him he considered it measured agreeable to the latest: Lumber Law, and the bills returned accord ingly, and certificates given as direrted by the Collcrtor ; and that all refuse shipped from his wharf was measured and marked agree able to fold law : And this deponent further . faith, that he is perfertly fotisfied with the condurt of Mr. White, and believes he has done him ample justice. . , JOHN B. ERNEST. Sworn to before me, thi day and date above written. JUSTUS H. SCHEUBER, J. P. '*- • -ry GEORGIA. By Lewis Gardner , * (L. S.) I Esq RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER. I* bats sos the County J of Richmond. Y\7 HEREAS Hannah Everingham has ap- , ’ v plied to me for letters of administration on the efiate of John Everingham deceased, These arc therefore to cite and admonilh albj and Angular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the sth day of'.January to fliew cause, if auy they have, why letters of administration ftiould not be granted. . Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord 1789, and ' in the 14th year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGIA. By Lewis Gardner , (L. S.) ( Esq RegifterofP/o^ LEWIS GARDNER, f bats for the County ) of Richmond. WHEREAS Samuel Scott and Jo seph Wood, have applied to me; for letters of adminiftration' on the estate and efferts of Isaac Wood, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonilh all andv Angular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear befyre meat my Office, on the sth day of January next, to Ihew cause, if any they have, why letters of administration lhould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the sth day of December in the year of our Lord one thoufond seven hundred and eighty-nine, and in the 14th year of the Independence of the United States of America. lIpROM the death of Mr, Thomas Connell, the copartnerlhip of Connell & M‘Donald is diflolved. AH persons having any demands againfl said concern, will bring in their ac counts properly attested ; and all those that" are indebted, are requested to make payment to the fubferiber. H; M. M<DONALD, \ Surviving Copartner• - - Notice. THE fubferiber intending to go to Virginia in the course of a month, requests all those in -1 debted to him, to render pay- J ment as soon as poffibie, in order that he may be enabled, before his departure, to fatisfy thole to whom he is indebted. . JOHN COOK. , N. B. As the fall is the fitteft time of the year to make pay ment he hopes those indebted to him will avail themselves of this' j opportunity. -