The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 12, 1789, Image 3

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Lodge Columbia . No. 3. HE Fefival of St. John the Evangehjl will happen on Sunday, the 27th inst. The Members of LODGE COLUMBIA* are desired to attend their duty in the Lodge room, for the celebration of the day, at the hour of sine in the morning. The folemnitie* of the Sabbath make itne ceflary to postpone the Feast until Monday, the 28th.—The company of transient Brethren is requeued on both days. Dinner will be on table, at the Academy, precisely at 3 o’clock. Tickets arc to be had of Brothers Dick, Hills, Roger: and Dickinson , Stewarts for the Feast. By order of the Worfhipful Master. JOHN Y. NOEL, Sec'ry. , 5789, I JAMES Cochran, Chairman of the Com % mittee of Privileges and Eleftions of the House of Reprefentattve9, do hereby certify, shat the charges exhibited against William Fletcher, Esq. • re con/idered to have been founded in et.or, and that nothing appeared against him, and Therefore the committee re ported in his favor, which w£s agreed to by the House. Given under my Hand, this 7th day of December, A D 1789. J A MES COCHRA N, Chairman Edward Watts , "J Benj . Lencey , Harmon Reynolds , f Members of fofc J. Armfirong , j Committee H. Cleveland , B. Few, J State f Georgia , ) All to whom these may Wilke » county. ) come , Greeting: HIS may certify, that the report that I reported about Capt. William Fletcher, tvho is a Representative for the aforefaid couuty, about his stealing a horse whip fiom me, at Mr. John Wheatledge’s daughter, is fa,lfe and groundless. Given under my Hand, this 25th day of October, 1789. JOHN OR EARE. Xn presence of • Jacob Mercer , Charles Dean jun. JtJfe Talbert , St then Cj afford, " Wm. Fojier , Wm OJburn; John Love y itt. ,»i~r '' T ' 1 ' 1 ~ GEORGIA.’ f By' Lewis Gardner , (L. S,) I Lfq RegifterofPfo- LEWIS GARDNER. ( bats for the County J of Richmonds \\. HE’RBAS JofephTannel has applied ** to me ior letters of difmiffion on the estate and effefts of John Bacon, deceased : These are therefore to cite and adm-mith all and lingular the kindred and creditors of the ftiil deceased. to be and appear before me at my Office, on the'l2th day of January next, to ftiew caul'e, if any they have, why letters of' difniiffioirihould not be granted. Given under my hand iand seal, at my Office, the* 12th day of December, in the’year’ of bur Lord 1789, and in the 14th ye*r of the Independence of the United States of America. q wenty Dollars h eward. rSTRAYED or flolen from the subscriber r s Q plantation, near Savannah, a like)- BLACK HORSE, upwards of 15 hands high, about tis ycaYsof ige, has a star in his fore head, and fomegrey hairi in hia tail, brand •A bn the mounting buttock B C and C I, the latter it rather imperfect, and on the mount ing ihoutder S C. -The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver him to the fubfenker in Savannah, or ten dollari, if delivered to Mr. Thouua Cumming, in Au iMii JOSEPH CLAY. Swimuh, Nov. 1;, i;S;> . To be Leafed, For a tcm nm -x -cedm.» . ;• vo years, A Plantation, In the county of Bui ke, belonging to the eltatt of Thomas Chifolm, E/q. deceased i aln>, a saw and grist mill thereon, together with nine prime field slaves, plantation t -ols, &c. For terms, apply to „. JOHN MILTON, ? r , WILLIAM FEW, 5 Aug*fid) Nov. % 7, 1789. • •: - : • r s * , LL persons having any demands against the estate of Thomas Chifolm, late of , Burke county, Esq. deceased, are requested to deliver them in to the fubfcribcrs, proper ly attested ; and all persons indebted to the said estate, are desired to make payment so soon as pofiible, in order that the demands against the fame mav be difeharged. JOHN MILTON,) , > WILLIAM FEW, 5 tjc rt ' Augujia, Nov . 27, 1789. • « VI ALL persons having demands by bond, note, or otherwise, against Daniel Wali con, late of Richmond county, planter, de ceased, are desired to make them known, _ duly attested, to the fubfcribei ; who earn eaftly solicits those indebted, to take the tie* cellary steps for difeharging their refpeftive dues, as well to prevent suits at law, as to enable him to fatisfy the legal creditors. SAMUEL 9COTT, £*V. Nov. 2 6, 1789. . ... i i * . - Notice. V ...» J, . - . V. THE fubfcribei gives notice to the Planters of Tobacco, that he has a large, com modious,, and secure Ware-house, at New Savannah, a little below the mouth of But ler’s Creek, fit for the reception, and «very thing ready for the infpettion of that article. He has it in his povVer also to info m them,’ that there is a good sand hfll foad,'juft open ed, from Mr. Isaac Lowe’s, 1 to the Ware house, from which it is diftanr only fix een , . * t. - * miles; and will demand and take only a quar ter of a dollar fori storage, which is much under the eftablilhed rates. He cannot but mention one advantage which is peculiar to this situation. The largelt boats may take in their loading, and proceed down the river three months longer in the year, than can be done from any of the upper irtfpeftions. JOHN TWIGGS. New-Savannah. Nov. 27* >789. Notice. (ubicriber intending to gd tb Virginia in the courle of a month, requells all thole in dented to him', *to render pay - ment as fodn as pofiible, in order that he may be enabled, before his to fatisfy thole to whom he is indebted. jo in cook; N. B. As the fall is the fltteft time of the year to ‘make pay' ment he hopes tnofe indebted to him will avail themfelvesr of this ooDortunitv,' * r r , . « <-■ . .•> t .> * FROM the death of Mr. Thomas Connell, the copirtnetftiip ofCcunellfc M‘Donrid is diflblved. All persons having any demand* against said concern, will bring m cheir ac counts properly attested ; and all those tha> are iudebted, »te requested to make pay men' to the fubfcribcr* a , H. M. M*f> WALD, 1 d‘er wv/aj Ci/iftwri HE Subfcfibers to the AUGUSTA LI BRARY s( >( ihl Y, ate equtiled to pay the amount of their iclpcCtivc fubfcnp m»ns, in Ipecie, to R'lr. zinut.u who »*■ appointed 1 icaiurer, on ci Icioietht thu'd Mouday in Januaiy next; at which t me, hole wholhall have pail ate icqmeiicn -o meet at the Academy, in ordei to,..occcu to uuii nefs. Bj di reiiO/., R. M( KINbON, Setrji • mmm • ■ ■ • * S' * , On Friday , the auy cj Jn ua<\ next, Will be let, otht b’g ! (Ji hi a>r. jo> one ) ar. (a: Mr • FoxY in An gun , 1 (tvtral House & Lots, A valuable HOUSE WtNC'H and, Y< .UNG FELtOW fii for an h *ftlsi i»r wait 111, man ; the propei ty of Stephen Meeis, deceafcd And the day aftei will commence c f b Sale 6i the Pet loti l b Hate ; Confining of a H<*rfe, Chiir, &c. ftuidry ar tides of House and KUchen Furniture; a few Hogftieai s o» Rum'. Molalfirs, Wine, Sugar, ’ &c. with a fnial! Aflortmcm <>f Di v Goods. The C otulitions will he ma e known hv ABRAHAM JONES, Atom nijtrator, * * V* *** “ * • + Notice. ALL pan ns inOe Tcd t 6 the I ruilert s of kithmohd Aca uemy, h.r Lois pi rch ico of the n prevu us to thr en »ITi ;n ol p per money, ar requelhd to make im medrue payment of the mt- r ii oue then oh, in Ipecie, ih.n the C'om tnilfioners nay be enabtdt * dif ch rue the le cfal lu cie< ds • n ‘ them ... / WTT LIAM CLASC’tX.'K, Br»/tdtnU ‘ bor SALE, For KjuJb. Tobacco, 0 at ut Cajk Market Prit t , Mount Flealant, The Plantation whetcon the lubfnnei >ow lives containing 400 acres, lyitu on the f tvec Savannah/ efgliCmiles above — I'he [ leafant and heahhy situation ot which, it* not excelled iir the date; its foil well a-tis te 1 to iliegiowthof tobacco, corn, &c. on which is a fnugTmall dwelling houle. kitchen/ Imoke house, garden, and an excellent thr v ing young orchard of both apple and peach tiees of well chosen fruit. Also a grist mill, which is turner by the water of the river, and i» in the centre of a tolerable thick settlement. Also, 140 acres of uncultivated land joining bark on the above, which lies well and is of a very good quality. JAMES STALLINGS, Nov 2;, 1789. * % -•* . T. Stee l, Surgeon Dentifl ,» Begs leave to inform ihe public, h be une* the fturvy in the teeth by removing an infec tious tartar that destroys the enamr 1 of *he teeth, and will forte them out of ihcit loc ket's, if not removed—cleans the teeth, ud maVes them white; —tepla'c*, trans, !a»t», and fubftitiites artificial teeth in fonct a man ner, as not to be perceived from the natural, without drawing the dumps or taufiug the kfft'paln Hia charges are low to give eve r y person an oppoiinuity of being heue n ed by bun. N. B. *aid Steel will do hitnfelf tl»* §**€•• / line toittend on gentlemen son iidPs i» iheir own dwediugt, by ditcUnid a hot to huu it Mis.