The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 12, 1789, Image 4

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M. Maher & Co. Have IMPORTED In the lalt vclfels fioin Loudon, Liverpool, Bristol, &e- &c. And art nonv ofe)img for SALE, At the Green Store in Broad-ftrect, opposite to where they lived last year, the following G 0 0 D S, Which they will fell cheap for Cash or Produce. SUPERFINE 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, and 10-4 rose blankets London and Bristol duffil ditto' Superfine broad cloths of the newest and mbit fafhionable colours. Second cloths and caflimcres Bath coatings and double mill drab White and coloured plains Blue and white twill’d kerilys Scarlet and white flannels and linfeys Green, blue and fpotetd ruggs Camlet and gretn baize Cjmlet coats ready made Corduroy •> jeans and fuftians Printed vtlvcrets, pluih & fliort pyle Thicklcts and royal rib 1 Black and drab coloured velvets Bombazeens and florentine Durants, callimancues and moreens Niuflintts and dimities Toylinets and printed jeans Black mode, and a variety of rib ,, bands Green, blue and pink perfian Irilh linens and theetings Pr / ted linens, calicoes and chintz Bed bunts and bid ticking Checks, oowl«s and brown holland Scots and German oznabrigs- Lilh droghedas and hemp roll Kuflia (heeting, heflians and tick lenburg Striped and check lawns Striped and check lawn handker chiefs pocket handkerchiefs of variouskinds Black, white, and coloured silk handkerchiefs Ladies cotton handkerchiefs and lhawls Cambrick, plain lawn and muilm Lawn, kenting, and gauze hand kerchiefs Sewing fiiks and twist Ounce, pound, oznabrig and (hoe thread Men’s and women’s saddles Bridles, furcinules, girths, whips, and stirrup leathers- Men’s Ihoes and boots Ladies cailimanco, lading and lea ther (hoes* Men’s and boys* fine and coarse hats Ladies falhionable hats Scarlet and cloth coloured cardinals Men’s and women’s worded, thread, cotton and silk hose Men’s and ladies gloves and mits Hamburgh lines and bed cords Pots, Dutch ovens and frying pans* Cad iron tea kettles and copper do. Pewter plates, diflies, bafons and *jpoons 2 odi 2od. tod. 8d» 6d» & 4d. nails flat and slurp points Flooring brads and Memifli tacks Broad, weeding, hilling and grub bing lu>ei Mill, uoi» cue, hand, & ttnett fawi Smiths anvils, vices files and pin- ( ctrs Bar lead, and (hot assorted , • Gun powcier, guns and gun locks Mock locks, &c. &c. Cuttcau, pen, Iboemaktrs & butch ers knives Kmve» and forks, & stirrup itons Liuo, tailing anti oroad axes bnuflk ano cui bridle oits shoemakers tools in complete sets Plough and waggon chains Coopers axes ana i i and i-JL hinges, and hooks and hinges Augers, duffels and gouges Plane lions, gimlets and hammers Mill, cross cut, whip & hand law tiles Hand vices, garth 61 throat buckles shaving ooxes, ivoiy 6l horn combs bciiL.s, fnutieis anti fi*.h hooks Coffee nulls, ihoveis and tongs • Saddle tacks anti laddie boiies i > . awing knives and lheep i >ears } Falhioiubie and comm «n buttons*# buckles of various kinds Looking- glaflls, hddles and fiddle firings Plated and spring fpu:s Sad irons and ipaucs Girth webb, currycombs and brushes Brats, iron and tin canoieiticks Razors, razor (traps and hones scythes, cutting knives,- ana reap ; hooks Pound pins, needles and thimbles Large and i’marfi trunks A variety of tin ware Cotton and wool cards Queen’s ware plaits and diflies Liverpool china cups and laucers Jugs, mugs, bowls, tureens,,coffee pots, &c. &c. Decanters, tumblers, wine-glasses, goblets, &c. Paints, oil, and window glass Writing paper and ink powder* Sealing wax,, wafers and quilis Mor it’s ueography Giblon’s Surveying Common Prayer books, with a large collection of Weblter’s firft, le cond, tnd thiro parts of a .Gram maucal inititute of the Engiifh language * containing cue nme rican Spellmgbook, his Engiifh Grammar,* and the rimencaii ce lection Bibles, Testaments, and Sptlling books Jamaica, Weft-India,and Northward rum . Brandy, win* and gin iViolaffes, loaf and Mufcovado sugar Bar iron, (hear moulds & grindstones German and blistered Heel rillum and fine lalt. Hylon, green and bohea teas ) Coftce and chocolate, Soap, candles, and (larch Snuff in bottles Altpice, pepper and mustard Saltpetre, brimstone, copperas, al lum, ginger, cloves, nutmegs, cin namon, camphire, laics, caner, Turlington, jallop, rheuharb, An derfon’s pills, Godfrey's cordial, Brit (h oil, blue (tone, and crem ttrter. The higbejl price given Jor Tobacco* # Cutnming & M'Credies, Hive IMPORTED In the (hip Planter, from London, and the (hip Ann, from Bristol, a large and general Assortment of European GOODS, Which they arc now felling on modes ate terms, at their Store in Augufra, and at Campbleton. THEY HAVE LIKEWISE FOR SALE, Weft-India Goods of all kinds, with every other necessary Article for the Country. Augujla , Qtteber 24, 1789. T* HE Subfcribe* has fettled a plantation: on Back river* near Savahnah, which makes it convenient for him to - refidein that town. As his planting interest will not oc cupy the whole of his time, he intends to en gage in the * Factorage® Corn mijfion Bujinefs . Will icteiverice, indigo, tobacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, &c. to dilpofe of on : Commission. Thole who are not engaged with Agents, he offers his service to receive their conlignraents, or to tranfaft business for them. Merchants or planters, who aie fettled on* either (ide near Savannah river, who may bes desirous of feuding their rice, tobacco, tedi ’ go or lumber, to Charleston by water, may ; depeud on his utmost care and dilligence m forwarding the fame. Letters or orders di refted to him at his house, in Savannah, will be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ; and the flii&eft puuduality will be observed in traufatling or paying to orders whatever monies of other people may come into his hands. RICHARD WAYNE, ? Savannah, Sept'. 12, 1789. For Sale, j A small Cargo of Prime Slaves, Just arrived from the river Gambia,'* to be uifpofed of for Calh or Pro duce. For particulars, apply to the fubicriber. RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah , Sept. 2s, 1789* , . ... ... _ 1 _ Negroes for Sale* Ihe Subic* iber has from 12 * to 14 field 1 and house Negroes to dilpoie of, which he will fell on tea tenable terms, for Tobacco infpe&ed in Augulla or Camp belltown. GEORGE HUNT. Just Published, And may be bad at the Printing-Office, THE Constitution of the State of Georgia. Ratified the 6th of May, I7®9* ALSO, The Federal Constitution. And a few Copies of the LAWS i Os the General Aflembly of the * State of pti&d idKoA*