The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 19, 1789, Image 2

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o\i # «r** am i® ac • h ? ! * IC f )nn Tefoiwad order j -vu! on the trffi mdaut they seized and imprifone i in the fart rets of Pforz heim eleven Qf ti.-: principal iaforgeu.9, who are gnar led by a detachment of ojftc hundred men. * Although the Ruffian empire contains tip wards of 24.000, cOO of iniubi’ants, it is a cut ions fift, that there are not more than fe t?en*.y trading veffbl# belonging to all toe ports of the empire *, and it is no less curious, that the number of their men of war exceeds the number of merchantmen. Twelve thotifand Ruffians have made a * lodgement in the Turkish.territories, uc.u Ol- Ujapdl, on the other fide of the Bay. The principal part of the Turkith army en camped the 17th of July, near Salveftria. The Ruffians arc flill between Saltkutz and Gaftatz. Six Turjufii veflels, the beginning of hit month, anchored near Futack, in the Crimea, and with the troops made a descent on land. After having ravaged several places, killed and taken fix hundred Ruffians, then returner! to their-(hips, weighed anchor, and made off. We learn from Brefiau, that an Eftatctte has brought news to Prince Radzivil, who is there, that the Ruffian galleys have been rle . fcited by those of the Swedes, near NyfJot j and that the latter bad made rherttlelves mas ters of the fortrefs of that pjace. The Martlial de Broglio is at Luxembourg, in the domious of his Imperial Majesty, the commandant of which place has received ex press orders from the.Emperwr, to receive the Marshal with every maik of rci’peCt, and to obey him u> all things.- The appointment of Field Marshal Lou- • dohn to the high rank of Geileralifiimo of all the Imperial armies, gives uncommon fatis faidion there, and we expert under the auf piccs of this hero, that our troops will acquire new laurels for the house of Austria. VVe learn by letters from Seinlin, that the inhabitants of Belgrade ate so certain of our intentions to besiege the fort refs, that on the .beginning of May, they were aftnaby em ployed in unroofing their houses, and unpav ing the streets, to prevent the effects of a bombardment. The garriiou has been augmented from 5 to 16,000 men. His Excellency Field Mirflial Loudohn having informed his Imperial Muj:fty, that the late iriuptiou imo the Bannat vviil not in the leatt interfere with his plan for the siege of Belgrade, his Royal Highness the Arch- Duke, Francis fct or? for Seinlin yesterday at five o’clock in the morning. The officers who accompany the Prime in quality of /Itchs dt C<*mP% a fe l be Colonels Lamberti and Bou chir. The Marshal Count de Pellegrini also departed for the army the day before yeiicr day. It is aliened that the trenches will he opched on or about the >tlt of September. Bv a letter from Madrid we have received intelligence, that the three (hips destined for , making difeoveries, under the command of Don Alexander Matafpiua, let fail from Ca diz the 30th ui lall month. The a niffs and men of letters engaged, are of the firff re putation. For difeoveries relative to natural liiffory, Don Anthony Pineda; for b tauy,. l)on Louis Nee; for drawing of plants, Don Philip Bau/.a ; for the drawing of landlcape and pevfpp-'tivc, Joseph Puzo, of the Acade my of Seville ; fur the collecting ant drying of the plants, Joseph Guio. The Court of ITuifia, it is Lid, has made overture? tu England lor a marriage with the Prmce Royal of Prutlta and one of our Priuceffes. The Duke of YVk’s visit at Sal tum was, it is laid, on this ftibjeft, and the Pmdian minitler having been 4 few days ftnee at Weymouth, leettfs to ellabluh titc point. We are told, the Poles ate determined to recover their independence. VVe wonder not at it—the uni vet fe, from to S.ato, is in a date of contention , and it is hut rea sonable the Poles rtuuld come in for a lhare of t. e uniiu't. The nerves of Lord Howe are said to be vciy much,* deviled whenever America is men tioned in pretence of hi > foveteig i. This is not ibc lead fm pricing, as true merit is al ways diffident, and his Lotdilup cannot bear to heat iccoulc l. The »denial fUme oiTihertjr, it iithought, will I'otot UUmtii.c the bpsniih dominion!, Ihe hunts, ot »id* cue, will hi# (fie fitff to fjidin*rjul» thcmf'cl* h> on the aim fi' i'tiMt’hf I The Pufc* seem def ermine! to recover their independence; and petitions from all parts have been presented to the D'ei, requeuing the immediate formation of an army of i'~o,co'o men, as the mod probable means of effecting, this definable object. Tue Diet are now employed in deliberating on this impor tant point. BOSTON, OVober 28. Yefferday his Excellency the Governor, and Couucil, gave an elegant and sumptuous din ner, at P'aneniUHali, to the Prelitietit of the United States —At which weie alfo-prefect, the Vicc-Preiident, the Lieutenant-Governor, Council, Hon. Mr. Rownotn, Judge of the Supreme Court, officers of nis Molt Chrifftau Majesty’s iquadron, foreign Conluls, Preli deht of Harvard college, the cletgy of this town, civil and military officers, and gentle men of diftinllion to the number of 150. On this occahon, the Hall was bcaut|luHy orna mented with thefeveral flags, ike. titfplayed in the late proceliion, amounting to 48. We lament that the want of room will not per mit us to go into particulars. Ycfterda- the Pielidem honored the Stone- Chapel with his pretence to hear the concert of lacred niulic ; but on account of the m difpofition of leveral of the firft performers, the malic was poftpoued until Wednesday next. Several pieces however were given, which merited and teceived applause. On the arrival of the Prefnient of ihe Unit ed States on Saturday lad, the Right Hon. Viscount De Ponrtves Gien, and the other of ficers ot his Molt Chriitian Majetly’s squa dron, conducted by the Hon. Conlul of France, paid their refpeds to that illufltious character at his rcfidence in Court-tfreet. /Xg v. 10. .It is said, that fame dispatches which the Prclid :nt received at Portsmouth, from New-Yoik, In de ied his return, and prevented him from purfeing hit original in tention of viliting the interim country. By Capt. SanHiel Prmce, who 3>nvedhere last Saturday from Martinique, we are inform* ed, that the inhabitants of that iffaud had cholen nine Deputies *o wait on the Genera!, for permiiiion to fiug "Je beum on account of the late glorious revolution in France. After fomc little altercation, permiiiion was grant ed. In consequence of which, a solemn pro cedi on took place at Port-Royal of the inha bitants, to which the Americans in harbour we:e invited, and requeued to join their flags witii the national one of Frauce. The reli gious ceremony being over, the procefiion palled through the ptincipal flreets, and re turning to the church, the flags of the two , nations were iolemnly confecratcd, and paf led the altar, there to remain not only as the emblems of mutual friend Da ip, but as enfigus of vntue, honor, patriotism, and liberty. After the proceliion was over, and the flags dilpoled of, the General the Count de VlO - gave the Americans a polite invitation to dine with him and his officers, at his houle ; and ibew’ed them on this occahon eveiy matk of attention and affeCTon. The Governor of New-Bronfwick, has, by Proclamation, peimuted the importation ot the following articles, (in Britilh bottoms navigated according to law) into that pro vince, for lix months from Augufl 7, *17851, viz, hoiles, neat cattle, tlieep, hogs, poultry, or live flock of any lort, wheat, rye,. rice, or Indian corn, and the flour of wheat or rye. 11. The rapidity and private manner, in which our beloved President returns to New- York, is another mark of his p otic fling that magnanimity which riles superior to pomp and •fplendour.—Although the tide of gratulatiun which flowed on lnn>* was the pure tide of affectionate gratitude ; and although in the countenance of every one of his icllow-citi zens, ftom Governors, &c. vvho waited at the entrance cf their Hates to meet him, to the humbled citizen, who law him as he pas sed, nothing beamed but love—yet even titefe he hta with as great a degree of delicacy as proj nety would admit, fludiouljy avoided— ati>l in all lus conduit as well as writings, has MKiiicatcd the idea, tint a’l he has dune w~s but a difeh trge of his duty ! 13. Intelligence teccivcd from Cepe Fran cois, by ( apt, Lovell, confirms the account of the tumult of llilpiijiujj, au<| adds that it vs is reported Mr, M"ibms, the Ititendai'G hid left the Fluid, f tor populace were (0 C.’ilJ l»i 110 l •44 he UVI abtv'Ulni* ed, he probably would have fliared as severe a fare as the Governor u; the Baftile. N EW.'FORT, (R. I.) Othber 22. The Hon. the General Affembiv of this state, in pursuance of their adjournment, con-* ve- ed at East Greenwich the lad week. Th;3 meeting having taken place for the purpose of deciding on a bill introduced at the former fetfion, for suspending the operation of the tender law, and providing a fubdi.ute for a more equitable discharge of debts. This bu finels was taken up soon-aster the two houses were formed, and was, by the agreement of all parties, referred to a committee of ten, appointed for this purpose, and confiding of members from the different comities The committee were soon agreed on the principles of a bill, agreeably to which a draught was made and reported to the house on Friday morning—home amendments were then pro posed and acceded to, and on the quedion for its palling into a law, the yeas and nays were taken, and there were Yeas zt —Nays 13. The bill having palled in the lower, was sent to the upper house, and was there con curred with, there being only one dillimrient in that house. This bill repeals so much of the emitting aft, as makes the paper money a tender ac par. It directs all judgments to be entered up in gold or fiiver, and authoiifes a discharge of them with real eflate, of not less value than 401. or certain enumerated articles of person al edate, gold or fiiver, or paper money at the rate of fifteen of paper for one of fiiver. The articles of country produce are generally valued, and though it may be considered as beyond the present calh price, yet he allow ances are luch as will in many inffances in duce an amicable accommodation of debts. In case of any difpuie refpe&ing the quality, (the ad providing that they mud be good and merchantable) an infpettor is appointed in each town tt> decide it, and in tenders of real edate or articles not valued, in case of a disagreement as to their value, the parties are each to appoint one apprailer, and the ne3feft judge of any of the courts, the third, if ne cessary. To remove all ground of future uneafiuefa, the bill has provided for a discharge of the mortgages given the date for the money bor rowed at its firft emission, either with the bills emitted or gold orlilver, estimating one fiiver dollar of the'value of fifteen of paper. This ciaule met with opposition from some who were in favor of the tender. They also contended for the insertion of a clause which would authorife the appraisers to enquire into the consideration of debts, and give a power to liquidate the demands, but this was reject ed by a very large majority—»n the affirma tive on the bill, were united the late minori ty and the" mod iuducntial of the late majo rity—the bufinels was conduced with great candour and coolness, an .l it is hoped and be lieved, that ihedecifion will prove highly be nJficial to the date. —A letter was ieceivecl from the Prelideut of the United States, in doling the proposed amendments to the new conditution—thefe were referred to the house, to be taken into consideration when they ihould convene, for the purpose of inftruCf ing their deputies on the fubjcc't of calling a convention. An ad was passed repealing the ad limit ing the time of commencement of personal actions. On Saturday the Assembly finidied their bnfinefs—the fall fedions will commence on Monday next, when the new house attends. Nov. 5. The idea that M‘Gillivray in not entering into treaty with our commiffr ners, aeled ak the tool - of fume European power, recent circumdances make probable. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. ir. We aie informed that the Philadelphia county society for the promotion of agricul ture and domedic manufadmee, have ir in comcmplaiion to recommend to their fellow citizens the ul'e of the common Garden Pea, as a fubditnte for toffee, which upon experi ment has hee i found equal in flivor and qua lity to the bed Wcd-Judia coffee. R [CM M O W D, OrJohr i«. NVi* Irani that the huiinefaof the ihiei’aof tli<* ('hit krla v in'ion to CongreGt vv»«, to -r*i’t;iltbw/ vy>ul I furi.iiluhtm wii J » a