The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 19, 1789, Image 4

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V• 4 » , • A correspondent has favored us with the firft cofl, and charges on twenty hogtheads to bacco, (hipped from Augufla, in January, to Gfrarlefion, and forwarded to Bristol, and fold there in July, with account of sales and charges thece, which follows, viz. * . I „ . ' j- a * ,» . I 10 rthds. tobacco, 20910 nett, at 18/8 - - *95 3 2 **4 CHARGES. Watp-houfe rent at Augufla,.at. 1/9 - 1150 ' „ Freight to C-harleAon, at 23/4 “'■'** 2 3 Landing and drayage, at 1/2 » - 134 Negro hire flowing, at 2/6' b . 02 6 Storage three weeks, at Jb • I 10 o Cooperage, at 1/6 ■ -1 10 o Negro hire rolling out, at . o 26 Drayage and wharfage outwards 1/2 ' • 134 ' 30 13 4 Insurance tolßiriftol, at 21*2 percent, • - 5 12 6 Policy, - - - - ,070 £.231 16 o I*4 SAL E S of the above twenty Hogjhcads* Original weight, 209101 b. Country damage, 640 1 Allowance for samples > 1448 and loss of weight, 8083/ , •»•■■■■» M»aPBMP 4 CHARGES. Entry bond and Comptroller, 16/6 \Aftfcr.rf a ge 3/4 019 10 Tobacco Clerk, 8/* Tacking to at ;/6 each Yv* 30/ 1 18 o Hawling, porterage and weighing, »t rod, o 16 8 Freight and primage, • " 37 10 o Commiflion, at one Guinea per fl hd. \ 21 o o /W 4 6 Nett Proceeds, - - - 120 4 7 1-2 Loss on the Adventure, . - /\. f. hi n 4 3-4 Chwltftm % O&eiKf 27, 1 fly, * 1 iMk. - * - ■ O Nk - w THE subfcriber> has fettled a plantation qu Back river, near Savannah, which wakes it convenient for him to reftde in tljat town. As his plant mg jptereft will not oc cupy the whole of his time, he intends to en gage in the Faklorage © Com mijjion Bu/inefs. Will receive rice, indigo, t-.bacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, &c. to dilpofe of on Commiflion. Those who are not engaged with Agents, he offers his service to receive their conligninerts, or to tranfaft bufineft for them. Met chants or planters, who ate fettled on cither lide near Savannah river, who may be deiirous of fending their rice, tobacco, indi go or lumber, to Charleston by water, may depend on* his utmott care and diiligence in forwarding the fame. Letters or orders di rected to him at his house, in Savannah, will be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ; and the ftrifteft punctuality will be observed in traufatling or paying to orders whatever monies of other people may come into his hands. RtCHARD WAYNE. Savannah, Sept. 22, 1789. For Sale, A small Cargo of Prime Slaves, Just arrived from the river Gambia, to be disposed of for Cadi or Pro duce. For particulars, apply to the fubicriber. s RICHA-RD WAYNE. Savannah, otpt. 22, 1789. Negroes for Sale . The Sublciiber has from 12 to 14 field and house Negroes to dilpofe of, which he will fell on lealonable terms, for Tobacco infpetied in Augusta or Camp belltown, GEORGE HUNT\ CummifS£'~& M £ Cre\^i eS; Have I MF O R* s^ 15 \ ’ i .pf c In the (hip Planter, from London , fhu,\ Ann, from Bnjiol , a large and \ Aflortment of European G 0 O D S, Which they are now felling on moderate terms, at their Store in Augusta, and at Campbleton. THEY HAVE LIKEWISE FOR SALE, Wert-India Goods of all kinds, with every other neceflary Article for the Country. Augusta, Oftoher 24, 1789. T. Steel, Surgeon Dentist , Begs leave to inform the public, that he cures the scurvy in the teeth by removing an infec tious tartar that dedroys the enamel of the teeth, and will force them out of their soc kets, if not removed—cleans the teeth, and makes them white ; —replaces, transplants, and substitutes artificial teeth in so neat a man ner, as not to be perceived from the natural, without drawing the (lumps or causing the least pain.—His charges are low, to give every person an opportunity of being bene fited by him. N. B. Said Steel will do himfelf the plea fnre to attend on gentlemen and ladies at their own dwellings, -by directing a litre to him at Mrs. Bugg’s. 1 THE Suhfcribers to the AUGUSTA LI BRARY . SOCIETY, are requeded to pay the amount of their relpeftive fubferip tions, in specie, to Mr. Amaja Jack/on, who is appointed Treasurer, on or before the third Monday in January next; at which tirye, those who (hall have paid are requeded 10 meet at the Academy, in order to proceed to bufi- r nefc. , Aj dbtflion, K. DrCIUMOIt, !*Vy, Dt(l lif 1 Or Friday , the I JI dcy of Jaru&ry next, \ Will be Let, To the bighejl Bidder , jor one Year , (at Mr• Fox’j, in Augufiay) several Houses & Lots, A valuable HOUSE WENCH, and a YOUNG FELLOW fit for an hostler or waiting man ; the property of Stephen Meers, deceafed* And the day after will commence, T be Sale of the Personal Eflate ; Consisting of a Horse, Chair, &c. sundry ar ticles of House and Kitchen Furniture; a few Hoglheads of Rum, Molafies, Wine, Sugar, Sec. with a small of Dry Goods. The Conditions will "be made known by ABRAHAM JONES, Administrator, Notice. ALL perfcns indebted to the i ruttees of Richmond Aca demy, for Lots purchded of them previous to the emillion of paper money, are requested to make im mediate payment of the inttreft due thereon, in ipecie, that the Com missioners may be enabltd to dif cbarge the several i'ptcie demands on them. WILLIAM GLASCOCK, President. For SALE, For Lajhy Tobacco, or Indigo , at the Cajh Market Price , Mount Pleasant, The Plantation whereon the subscriber now \ Lies* containing 400 acres, lying on the river ♦Savannah, eight m les arrive Augusta. The pleasant and healthy fmi*tion ot which, is'uot t'xtelled in the fiate ; its foil well adapted to tl\e growth of tobacco, wheat, corn, &c. oil which is a fnog small dwelling houle, kitchen, smoke house, garden, and an excellent thriv ing young orchard-of both apple and peach trees of well chosen fruit. Also a. grist mill, which is turned by the water of the river, and is in the centre of a tolerable thick settlement. Aifo, 140 acres of uncultivated land joining back on the above, which lies well and is of a very good quality. JAMES STALLING^ Nov. *5, 1789. 'Notice. THE subscriber intending to go to Virginia in the courie of a month, requefls all those in debted to him, to render pay ment as soon as poiTibfe, in order that he may be enabled, before his departure, to fatisfy thole to whom he is indebted. , JOHN COOK. N. B. As the fall is the fitteft time of the year to make pay ment he hopes those indebted to him will avail themlelves of this opportunity. - • ALL perfriha having ane demands avain# thi estate of Peter Fontaine, late of Aufiufta, carpenter, riereafefl, are desired to fend them in properle attested 1 and those in« debltfd, are requeued to make immediate par* went to the subscriber, in order that the ad* minifiratorc may be efahled to difciiarge the debit owing by the deeeafed, 1 MAHY FONTAINE, Jdm'M. t Awei’i