The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 26, 1789, Image 1

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SATURDAY, December 2 6,' 1789.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE J •' V -A N D G AZETTE of the STATE. \>. » • 1 FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JUR Y, shall remain inviolate. Ninv Conjiuution •/ Gtorgia. AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Pk inter to thjt State ; F.Jfays , Articles es Intelligence, Adverttjements , &c. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed. * * 0 • For the Augusta Chronicle . Observer. No. VI. JHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. HE author of these Numbers has hi* theito made some unconnected obser vations concerning literature and human im provetnent in general: He has mentioned, that there are defers in all former plans of education \ and that, in some future day, he ihouid throw out some hints, which might lead to a reformation and amendment: —It is an important and arduous talk to attempt an alteration of an eft-blilhed system j but per haps an attempt, though feeble, might lead to a farther iuvcftigstion of the subject, which in the end would be ferv ; ceable to mankind. This (halt be laid before the publick in a regular plan, at some future period, when the lefieftions of the author’s own miud lhail have matured the lyftem which he proposes. It was never his intention to introduce this new plan ot education • into the- Numbers which he is now pubjirtiing : I» these Nutn teis he aims at nothing but miscellany j the oofervations, therefore, will be various, and such as naturally arile upon the fuojcCfs which inay be itivelfigated. 1 . ** Iu this Number it w*s intended to give a jketch of a plan of a Phiiotupht al Society ; such an one as might be formed in. and prove highly ufefui to the date of Georgia; but other bulinefs has pievented the writer from preparing it ; it mu ft theiefore be deferred tp ‘occupy the place of a future N amber. - ALFRED-’ NASSAU, November 14. ADVICES from the Weft-Indies inform ! us, that the French colonists have caught the flame of freedom, and eagerly follow the example of their countrymen 111 , -Europe. ', . At Martinique the Governor, by (hewing a disposition noftiie to the measures of the j National AlTembly, and endeavouring to gam the aid of the people of colour in support of the despotic cause, had so irritated the pa- j .triots, and all the men of property, that it was doubtful whether he ihouid be treated , a . .he Governor of the Baft,le wa., orbefent ,0 France, there to be dealt with in the man. ner most agreeable to the new government.— One or other of these, our information fays, was certainly to be his fate.' . # . . The military at Martinique had, 10 imita tion of* their brethren in France, declared for .he popular fide; and the badge of freedom, | the national cockade, was umverfally worn. We are anxiou. for intelligence from St. Domingo The real for their rights, and re- opprefiion, in a variety of mftances, dilplayed by the inhabitant of that powerful J„d opulent colony, will not permit a doub to be entertained of the.r ardour and fpint on the present occasion, ■ The Earl of Effingham it appointed Gover nor of lamaica. A London pa;<r of the I pth All lU#. fa,*, that a frig*'* ,lt " n * ; o.« *t Poitfmouth for that #at on, and to eaf j •paver ib« mw Governor and hi* to«<• > GEORGIA. B’ O' S T O N, November 14^ Notwithstanding the numerous accounts ot murders, executions and malTacres, which the Englilh papers lay have been perpetrated by the French patriots, there is good autho rity for aliening that the decapitations amount only to nine, viz The Governor and Sub* Governor ot the Baftile, the Prevoft de Mer chands, M. Foulon, M Bertier, M -Monte fon, the miller at St. Germains, the Mayor of Sr. De'nnis,’ and Count de Beiczuue. Tho* too many, yet as few as could beexpeded. The last accounts from Europe, brought in the veflels which have arrived here lately, date —That In FRANCE the tumults have tublided, under the wife ma nage went of the national militia, who have the Marquis de la Fayette at then-head. That the national afletnbly were dill proceeding in the difeuflion of the constitution ot France. That the principal points had been difeufled in the committees, and had been fubmttted to the Aflembly. That on the declaration of' rights, some considerable debate had ensued, on the propriety or necessity of v it»» being “at* fixed to the constitution; but after Icvcral da.s it was determined that it Ihould. aeve i ral articles of the organization have been fi uiflied in the Bureaux , but the gi eater part yet remains to be complcated ; ami they pur sue the object with a deliberative perfcvcrancc which mult eventually produce a conditution highi y beneficial to France, and to the rights ot mankind. That the refugee nobility had not yet returned, but that it was geuerally expected an ad ot ainuedy would be parted. Thai every thing would be buried in oblivion —and that them return would be speedy. j In HOLLAND The mod flagrant violences are dill commit ted hr the favourers of the Stadtholder, on the patriotic party. The confequenccs have been murder, and depredations upon proper ty ; and the common order of people are so infatuated in favor of the house of Orange, that the eflablifhment of a delpotifin is an e vent as much expected, as if will be cafy to be effected. The TURKS,’ It is said in the German papers, have been de feated in two pitched battles, with the loss of many thousands in each ; but it is fufpelted, in the Vienna gazette; where, it is thought from the great preparations for war making every hour, that the Imperial Joieph can much more easily conquer his enemies than in the field. The POPE, Poor fellow ! is daily decreasing in his pow er, revenue and authority. In Prance, the //«* nates are now denied him. The King of the two Sicilies has also refuted his tribute to his Holiness, and even m Avegnoa they begin to doubt his supremacy - The triple crown, therefore, 0! this pretended defeetfdant of tne apostles Peter and Paul, rests upon b ,lf ,|,e (mail tenure of the Pupal territories of ItaU. Hu bulls and excommunications are article*, but in little demand in the prc(ctn enlighten, ed period—and his thunders* though tulmi uated with all the energy of hicrarehial au thority, will roll over the heads of tus form er fubjefte in Europe iw vain. In ENGLAND, P rof^* $1 • a rity of this nation appears progrefling—it* commerce extending—and, we hope, its li berality and enlarged policy incrcafing. Not a person is to be seen at (.'ape Fran* cois, nor indeed at .ny of the French islands, without a national cockade iu his hat, blua and white—and Five la Matron is the cry. Extract of a Utter j»om Ptter/butgb , (Rujfit} da tea 'July 30. “ Lad week a Swcdnh frigate, as she lay at anchor, was taken by a small cutter of 18 guns, the cutter making a warp fad to he£ ringbolt and hauling alunglide. Capt. Paul joiies, who was Admiral of the beer, was taken up on fufiucion of a contract with the bwedilh fleet, and lies in goal to be tried fofi hts life.” NEW - Y OAK, OBober ay. Subdance of aProtcd of Stephen Wateroue* late Marter of the sloop Rebecca, of Balti more: * Captain Waterous failed from St. Mar* ‘ ‘tin l l l with a cargo confiding of fait, wine, al monds, and dry goods, bound to Baltimore. In latitude 19, 30/N. longitude 64, oo> W* oil the firrt day of August, and the second af ter he failed,’ the Hoop sprang a-lcak, and tho wind bemg far to the Southward they con cluded to bear away for Turk’s Island, and employed all hands in heaving out fait and other goods, which prevented her finking. They continued pumping and lighting the sloop till the next day at uoou, when die overlet and was under water. The raafler and crew, together with the owner, who was also on board, continued on th* wreck about four houis, when, having got their boat freo j from water, they took to her, having oars, provilion. water and compafa,'- and in the night pafled by Turks Island } in this diflrefT ing.fituation they remained three days. Oia the sixth of August they made the Grand Caucus, and about noon endeavored 10 get in; but it being iu Irounded with a reef, the wind blowing dtredly on, and a great sea running* they thought it imprtfficable, and were ne terred from the attempt,' and put oflf again ; but a little alter funalet, fearing the coufe quences of the nigh‘v they attempted to get on fiiore, and, in palling the reef, the furf ran so high, that in the hollow of a sea the boat (truck and overfdt, by which misfortune they were all tin own out, anjl the owner, Mr. Le Gtofs, and <>ne of the hands, were ‘ diowned} the others, fix in number, held to the boat, and, after being five or fix hour* ]o (he water, reached fhorc; from whence in three week*., the matter got a paflage to Tuik’s Island, ttoin thence to Cape Francois, where he arrived the hm of .September, and the next day took his paflage tor Rhode- Island.” • i\cv- 7. His Excellency William Liv ng fton, Elq. ot Elifcancth-Town, has been re eledc-1 Guv error ot New~Jerfey, by the Le gulatuie of that state, i»ow conveued at Perth* Amboy. • On Tuefday the Federal Court for the di- of New-Ymk, was opened in the Ex change, hi*. Honor Juttite Duane pi eliding. No buiiuefs being before the Court, the lam* was immediately adjourned. Tuefday evening lad (tie Comimflioner* Ple nipotentiary for treatiu| w»sb the Nations »»f L.dians Rmtn of the Ohio, rctuim*<! tuthi* ciIJL m [VoL. IV. No. CLXIXS