The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 26, 1789, Image 2

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AV G l ST A, December 26. t ' On Thursday morning last both branches of the General AiTcmbly adjourned, fine die• During their session ihey palled tho following viz, •An Art for annexing certain ifiands to the county of Glynn. An Art to regulate the form and manner of holding elertions for the members to re present the inhabitants of this (late in Ge— » neral Airembly. An Art to veil terrain properpy in Rbchel* Johnston and her children. An Art to point out the mode of elerting In ferior Officers. An Art for regulating the Judiciary Departs ments of this Hate. An Art for difpoling gs certain vacant lands or territory within this (late. An Art for impofnig a Tax for the year 1790. An Art for regulating the town of Augusta, and to amend an Art for Regulating the town of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof. An Art to incorporate the Episcopal Church in Savannah, called thrift Church, and the Independent Congregational Church or Meeting-house, at Medway,, in Liberty County t and to authorife the Governor to • grant charters of. incorporation to odier ' religious focietiea. An Art to carry into effert the 4th Sert. of the 6th Art. of the Constitution, touching the distribution of mediate eftatefi, dirert ing the manner of granting letters of ad ministration, letters teliamentary, and macriage licences. An Art for preferibing the regulations and reflrirtions under which the Governor (hall appoint Militia Officers and Sectaries A Supplement to the feveial Land Laws of this State. Au Art for incorporating the Anabaptist church on the Kioka, in the county of Rich mond. An Art for repealing certain parts of Arts therein mentioned An Art for regulating the appointments of Jutlice* of.the Peace in the several counties of this date,' and for empoweiing the Go vernor to fill up all vacancies that may happen in office during the reed's of the General Alfembly. An Art to afeertain the salaries and fees of the Public Officers of this State, granting compeufation to the members of the Ge neral Alfembly and their Officers, appro priating money, and for etlablidiiug a con tingent fund. An Art to repeal and amend some parts of an Art to regulate the lufpertion of Tobacco. An Art for making compeufation to the troops in the service of the (late, for difehargiug the said troops, aud for collertiug and se curing the public arms. The Honorable the Senate have been pleated to make the following appointments: The Honotable Henry Osborne and George Walton, Esquires, Judges of the Superior Court. Thomas P. Carnes, Efqr. Attorney Gene ral ; John Y; Noel, Efqr* Solicitor General. John Milton, Esq. Secretary oi State. John Meals, Esq. Trcafurer. John Wereat, Esq.. Auditor. Thomas M‘Call, Esq. Surveyor GeneraL • COUNTY OFFICERS. Chatham County. Sheri (TV John M‘loto(h, Esq, Clerk of the Superior Court : James Bul loch, Esq. Clerk of the Inferior Court: James Jones, Esq. Tax Collertor: Francis Courvoifie, Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns: James Whitej Esq Regider of Prohats*: James Whitfield, Efq* Surveyor : Claud Thompson, Esq. Coroner : William Deveaux, Esq. No'aries Public: lutlus H. Scheuber, Jpf. Welcher, Sheftail Shettall, and William De.- veaux, Efqrs. Effingham County. Sheriff: Thoqus Lane, Esq. Clerk «*f the Superior Court: John G. Neid linger, Esq- Clerk of the Inferior Court * John Clary, Esq. Tax Collertor: John M'Call, Esq, Receiverofiax Returuat Clement Lanier, Rfq. Register of Probata t Abraftam Ravor, Esq. Surveyor: John More, Esq. Coroner: JJavid Thorn, Esq. Burke County* Sheriff: David Evans, Esq. Clerk of the Superior Court: Edward Warts, Esq. Cleric of the Inferior Court: John Esq. Tax Collector: Thomas Jones, Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns: David Emanu el, Esq. Register of Probats: William Badduly, Esq. Surveyor: Robert Ofhorne, Esq. Coroner: William Lord, Esq. Richmond County . Sheriff: William Barnett, Esq. Clei kof the Superior Court: Daniel Elam, Esq. Cleric of the Inferior Court: Philip Clayton, Esq. Tax Collector: Joel Barnett;. Efq* Receiver of Tax Returns: James Hamil ton, Esq. Regifler of Probats : Lewis Gardner, Esq. Surveyor: John Walton, Esq. Coroner; lames Fox, Esq. Notary Public : Dalzier Hunter, Esq. Wilkes County. Sheriff: John Clark, Esq. Clerk of the Superior Court: Benjamin Catchings, Esq. Clerk of the Inferior Court: Henry Moun pcr, Esq. Tax Collector: B. Smith, Esq. Receiver of Tax. Returns John Lindsay, Efqr. RegifterofrProbats: Edward Jones, Esq. Coroner :. Howell jarrett, Esq. Surveyor David Crefwell, Esq. Notary Public: John Tatton, Esq, • IVaJhmgton County . Sheriff: William Binton, Efqr. Clerk of the Superior Court: Benjamin Tennell, Esq. Tax Collector : Daniel Burnett, Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns: John Watts, Esq, Register of Probats : D. Burney, Esq. Sutveyor; Francis Tennell, Efqr. Coroner; Edward Hagan, Esq. Greene County . Sheriff: John Cessna. Esq. Clerk of the Superior Court: John Bradley, Esq. Clerk of the Inferior Court: Rhene Fitz patrick, Esq. Tax Collector: Oliver Porter, Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns: Brice Gaither, Esq Regifler of Probats : William Philips, Esq. Surveyor: William Greer, Esq. Coroner: Thomas Harris, Esq. Franklin County . Sheriff : Moses Payne, Efqr. Clerk of the Superior Court** John Smith, Esq. Tax Colleftor: Jeremiah Cleveland, Esq. Receiver of Tax Returns: John Millins, Esq. Register of Probats : Nathaniel Payne, Esq. Surveyor : John Gorham, Esq. Coroner: Benjamin Etles, Efqr. Camden County. Sheriff: Samuel Smith, Esq. Clerk of the Superior Court : Robert Sea grove, Esq. Tax Collector : Henry Wright, Esq. Receiver cf Returns: William Reddy, Esq. Regifler of Alexander Youngs Esq. Surveyor: WillianvNiblack, Esq. Coroner: james Woodland, Esq. Glynn County . Sheriff: Samuel Garey, Esq. Clerk of the Superior Court: John Goode,, Esq. Tax Collector : Thomas Clubb, Esq. Receiver of Returns: Martin Palmer,. Efq* Register of Probats: John Burnett, jun, Esq. Surveyor: E. B. Hopkins, Efq* Coroner : Jacob Helveftinc, Esq. Liberty County . Sheriff: Lachlan M‘lntorti, Esq. Clerk of the Superior Court: John Graves, Esq. Tax Collector: James Gignilliat, Esq. Receiver of Returns» —— Roberts, E'q. Regifler of Probats: Adam Alexander, Esq. Suiveyor: Galen Brownfon, Esq, Cotouerj John Lawton, fen, Elq, Notary Public: Francis Caddington, Efq* Health Officer of the port of Savannah: Ignatius Geoghegan, Esq. Vendne-Maflers in Savannah : Wright and Robert Montford, Efqrs. .The following information, extrafted from the Judiciary Law, is given for the benefit o£ the Sheriffs, Clerks, and all others concerned in the Courts, as the said Law cannot be print** ed immediately, viz. SUPERIOR COURT, twice a year \ First Term commencing in Camden and Walhington, the firft on Monday in January next, the Monday after in Glynn and Greene, the Monday after in Liberty and Franklin, the Monday after in Chatham and Wilkes, * the second Monday after in Effingham and Richmond, and the Monday after in the county of Burke, and that the counties from Burke to Camden incluflve be the eastern di ftrift, and the remaining counties be the weft ern diftrift; and that the Second Term lhall, commence on the firft Monday in July next, thereafter in Camden and Walhington, and be continued throughout each diftrift in the fame rotation as direfted with refpe&to the firft circuit. INFERIOR COURT, Jour times ayear . Commencing on the firft Monday in Fe bruary in Camden and Walhington, the se cond Monday in Glynn and Greene, the third Monday in Liberty and Franklin, the Mon day after in Chatham.and Wilkes, the Mon* dy two weeks after in Effingham and Rich mond,_ and the. Monday, week thereafter in Burke county* MARRIED] On WedhefdJiy la(T, Captain Nathaniel Pearre, to Mrs. Coleman;, both.of this town. Iktl[ We are desired to fay, that the er rors and unfounded reasoning of the publica tion in our last, refpefting the Sale of Lands on the Yazous. Tom Bigbie and Teneffee Rivers, in the Weftern part of this State, will be pointed out in our next, by a statement from some of the advocates for that measure. Errata in our last. —In page yf column 3* line 4,2, for— lat. 33, read— lat. 34. Pn Friday, the firft day of January next, at 12 o’clock in the forenoon, under the Mar- . ket house, Will be Hired, For one Year, about Twenty Negroes r Belonging to the estate of John Beddingfield, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, for the hire of Negroes, or otherwise, are desired to make payment by that day. WILL’ VM GLASCOCK, Exr'utor. Ju/t t'ubhjixd) and to be jo id at the Printing-Office in Augusta, T H E South-Caroiina and Georgia AL MAN AC, For the Year of our Lord 1790: Being the second after Leap Year> and (till 4th of July) the fourteenth Year of American Independence .. CONTAINING The Rising and Setting of the Sun, the Moon’s Full, Change and Quartets, the Sun’s Course in the Ecliptic, remarkable Days, Judge ment ©f Weather, Afpetts, Eclipses, &c. &c. &c. By JOHN J 08. ER, Esc*. ALSO, Duties on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, imported into the United States, and on Tonnage—Mode of tranfatfing Bufmefs at the Custom-House, and Fees of its Officers —Lift of the Members of the Federal Houses of Senate and Representatives, with their Officers, and the Appointments made by the President of the United Stares— Time* and Places of holding Federal Courts, and those of Georgia and Souih-Carolina— Salaries of the United Btate* Officer* Lift of Offices of the State* of Georgia and S«tuch-Caiolina—Tide TaWe-*v»l'iable Re ceipt*. Lit