The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 26, 1789, Image 3

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• In SENATE, T&rvtmber if, 1789.* A Bill to be entitled, “ An Aft for disposing of certain vacant lands or territory, within this Hate/’ was taken up for a second read ing, and on motion, Ordered, That the bill and petitions be com mitted to Mr. Olborne, Mr. Fort, ami Mr. Stephens,' a committee to confer with the pe titioners on the fuhjcft of the said bill and pe titions. The previous question being called for-by Mr. Stephens and Mr. Jones, and the yeas and nays being required, are as as follow Ayes, Mr. BilTett, Mr. Greiham, Mr. Fort, ‘Mr. M'lntolh, Mr. Evans, Mr. Olborne. Nays, Mr. Stephens,Mr. Jones, Mr. M‘Neilj so it was lott, and the mam qneftion carried. December 4. On motion, the Senate relblved itfelf into a committee of the whole, on the bill to be entitled, “ An Aft for disposing of certain vacant lands or territory, within this state Mr. Evans in the Chair. The Prelident re sumed the Chair, and Mr,- Evans reported, that they had gone through the fame with se veral amendments, which were read. 011 motion to poftpnne the further conside ration of the said bill, until the fir ft Monday in November next, the'yeas- and nay 6 being reqnired by Mr. Jones and Mr. Stephens are as follow :—Ayes, Mr. Stephens, Mr Jones, Mr. M‘Neil: Nays, Mr. M'lntolh Mi. Evans, Mr. Bifiett, Mr. GreHiam, Mr. Fort, Mr. Ofborne* so it pafled in the negative, and tire bill was-read a second time. D.cember 7. The bill to be entitled, An Aft for dis posing of certain vacant lands or territory, Within this ftute,” was taken up for a third reading. On the question ftiall the bilVpafs. the yeas and nays being required, are as fol low :—Aye6, Mr. Olborne, Mr. M'lntofh, Mr. Evans, Mr. Biffett, Mr. Greftiam- Nays, Mr. Stephens, Mr. I>l k Neil, Mr. jones; so it was resolved in the affirmative. Ordered, That Mr. M‘Neil and Mr. Bif fett, do carry the fame to the Houie-of Re presentatives for their concurrence. Extrafl from the "Journal, THO. WATKINS, Sec'ry. "*** 1- . * |1„, ———l I I Mm'—l «■!! ■ Notice. THE Library Society h ve appointed me their Treasurer ; I desire therefore, that the fubferibers would pay their refpeftive sums into the hands of Dr. Smelt, Mr Palmer and Mr. Cobbifon, who have undertaken to assist in collcfting. AMASA JACKSON, * - AL L persons having de mands against the Sub let iber, aie desired to make them known to- Seaborn Jones, Efcj. who is authorifcd to adjust and fettle the feme. RICHARD CALL. Dec. 14; 1789. To be Sold, A itgafta* the December, fevered Likely Negroes, Belonging to the ertate of Doftor H. Todd, deceased, for calh or tobacco. On the fame day will be Hired, The remainder of the NEGROES; and there will also be fold, a good Stage Coach. Augufla, Dec . 18. d —- — ; hftof non-defaulters in Cast. Jo/epb White t dijtntl, Greene conn.y. Vr?ILLIAM Ramsay, * B 7 aerel oalc ’V a ad hickory land, firft quality, on Richland creek Conner; 3«T !•* acres oak and htdtory land of the firft quail ty, on Richland Creek. W. COCHRAM, Ree. f7*9» - > TOBACCO snipped to Bur ope* TH E Subscribers having purchased a quantity of Tobacco, for the purpose of talcing it to England, the ensuing spring, are induced thus publicly to make a tender of their fefrvice* to the Planters of Georgia and South-Carolina; in thipping Tobacco for them on commission, which they propose doing on the following terms, viz. The Tobacco will be carried to the best market, and fold at the htgheft price that can be obtained fbr it at acommiffion of five per cent; and goods purchased, agreeable to or der, immediately from the manufacturers, oil the very best terms, at a like commitiiou of five per cent. The property will be infuredi going and coming, against the dangers of the Teas, at five per cent more j making in all fiftfeen per cent. Sufficient security will be given to double the amount, if required, of whatever tobacco may be conligned to their care. For the fake of dispatch, and to prevent every pofiible delay, the Undertakers mean • to charter a vessel, and as they will both go over to England with the property, and tranf afi the business; they flatter theinfelves the returns, which will be in August or Septem ber will prove so fatisfafiory to thole wlto now make a trial, as to induce them to continue the prafiice of (hipping their pro duce iu future* GEORGE HUNT, JAMES STALLINGS. N. B. Tobacco w'ill be received at Augusta and Campbelltown rill the lalt of February, ‘790, at which places the returns will be de livered. Augusta , Dec- 1789* Found, A few days ago, an old Morocco Pocket-Book, Containing sundry papers—The owner may have it (firft'dftfcribing‘rts contents) by ap plying at the Printing-Office, and paying the easpence of this advertifeinent. /fugufta, BtC. 20, 1789. T. Steel, Surgeon Dentist , Begs leave to inform the public, that he cures the feurvy in the teeth by removing an infec tious tartar that destroys the enamel of the teeth, and will force them out of their loc kets, if not removed-cleans the tedth, and makes them whitereplaces,, transplants, and substitutes artificial teeth in so heat a man ner, as not to be perceived from the natural, without drawing the slumps or causing the leaf! pain.—His charges are low‘; and as he has but a few days more to rernaiu in this town, thole who are desirous of being bene fited by him, will please to avail themselves of the present opportunity. N. B. Said Steel will do himfelf the plea ftire to attend on gentlemen and ladies at their own dwellings, by direfting a line to him at Mrs. Bugg’s. GEORGIA. *1 By Lewis Gardner, (L. S.) I Esq RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER, f bats for the County \ of Richmond. WHEREAS William Wallace has applied to me for letters of difmiflion on the estate of Charles Bedingfield,- deceaferi : These art therefore to cite and adntonifli all and linghlar the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 26th day of January next, to shew cause, if any they have, why letters of difmiflion should not be granted. * Given under my hand and foal, at my Office, the a6th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1789, and r in the 14th year of the Independence States of America. V GEORGIA. By his Excellency EDWARD * Governot and Commander in Chiet in and over the State afyrefaid, and of the M»U- * tia thereof A Proclamation. WHEkEAS by an Acl of ihe General AfTcmbiy of this otate, palled at Au- on the twenty-third day of December, in the year of out LORD one thousand, seven huudred, and efghry-idne, entitled, an Aft for regulating the town of Augusta. and to amend an Afi for regulating the town of Sa vannah and hamlets thereof, it is enafied, that seven nt and dilcrect pet lons be defied from among the inhabitants of the town of Augusta, who fliall be occupierß of a house, or holders oi a lot therein, to-be stiled tha Aldermen of the said town : These are there foie to confluute, nomiuate and appoint yots William Glafcock, Robot Forfyth, and Dal ziel Hunter, Efqrs. or any two of you, to attend and prefidc as Judges of the said elec tion, and to require all occupiers of houses and lot-holders in the laid town of Augusta, to meet at the Market-house thereof on the fit ft Monday in januaty next, between the hours of ten and twelve o’clock, A. M. in order to proceed to the election of the officers above mentioned ; and that the perfom so defied do convene at the Market house a forelaid, on the next Monday thereafter, in order to proceed to the clefiiou of a vlayoc out of their own body, as the law diiefis. AND WHEREAS in and by the above mentioned Afi* an Alderman is to be elected for each Ward in the etty of Savannah and Hamlets thereof: These are to constitute, nominate, and appoint you, jofeph ( lay, Richard Wylly and William Gibbons, Elqrs. or any two of you, to attend and prelide as judges of the said cl ftion, and to require alt persons occupiers of houses, ahd lot-holders withiu the said city of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, to meet at the Market-house of the city aforcfaid, on the fittt Monday in March next, between the hours of ten and twelve o’clock, A. M. for »he purpose of proceeding to the said elefiton, and that the Aldermen so defied do convene at the Marxet-houfe aforefaid 011 the Monday following, in order to proceed to the elefiion of a Mayor out of their own body. And the said Justices here in before mentioned, are required to take due notice of this my Proclamation. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the said State, at the State house itt Augusta, this twenty-fourth day of Dec. in the Year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundted and eighty-nine ; and in the fourteenth year of the Independence of the Unit ed States of America. EDWARD TELFAIR,, By bis Excellences Command , OHN MrLTON, Secretary. GODBAVE THESTAT E. Burke Count., April 6, 1789* THP funlcrityr gives no h e that' he has deposited in the Clerk’s office of this c unty a C() py * d< ed, as sitar as coul' 1 be a*ceriained f ' from J hn Smith, late of ’ urke co.nty, deceased-, to him tor two hun 1k d acres of land, on Dn B* .■ ndi A Waters of Ogec* ec, *n order to h vc it eftabhffied re onie<’ ; n lit uof - the original which was loft duri. g the late war, 10m WILLIAM JONES. Clerk's Office, Richmond County, August 3, 1789. ID ) certify, that Capt Nathaniel Pearrehas lodged in tbh Office, a Plat h ndred of la' orignally lurvtyed for and granted to h Farlev, with intent to have the fame eftabhffied in li ucf ’he original, which was loft d«ung tre late war. .... . „ DANIEL ELAM, C.C.