The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 26, 1789, Image 4

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A SCOT * &1 ARRI AG £. HE'following acryjn- of a ir* "triage in the parith of Can oh y fcr.<? been '.rard fitted to u«, and will perhaps afford fomt amufemem to our readers. A young woman iu the neighbourhood of HairUwraiH, bnt on the Englrfii fide of the river Firldet, which is the boundary. between Scotland and England, had fevers! years been the favorite- of the young men, from a tolerable (hare of beautr accompanied by the additional charms of a pretty handfotnc fortune. Though many paid their addresses, the competition at last fell amongfi three, viz. * niafon, who was taken againfi the field thi ee for one ; a horse dealer, who was believed to be the second in favor; and a small tenant in Canoby, who was thought to ba*e little chance, Freffcd by these parties, the was obliged to bring the business to a crisis Accordingly, about the beginning of hebru ary ensuing, flic lent for the mafou on a Mon day night, and agreed to marry him by a I:- > canccon the Saturday foliowing. She sent for the horse dealer on Tuefday night, and agreed to meet him at Lor.gtowii next Tlutrf day, and go with him that day for Scotland, ft he sent for the farmer on. the Wednelday night, and appointed him likewise to meet her at Longtowti on Thursday, for the-fame pur pose, and told him that ihe was determined to be married to some person before.Satuniay, to avoid the mason. The bride and the two bridegtooms accordingly met at Longtown, as agreed, and, after much exertion, vitfory at lass declared for the farmer, who brought the prize in great triumph to JLimicleugh, where they went to bed together before many Witnesses, and publicly acknowledged each other as hnfband and wife. They/'went to Broomholm next day, and were fined by Mr. Maxwell, as Justice of Peace, for an irregular marriage. That night, viz. Friday, they went home, with many friends, to the bride’s mother’s house, and were publicly bedded a lecond time as hus band and wife.—On Saturday morning, how ever the bride gave evident marks of dilVatis fatfion with her, privately dispatched nirllengcrs in quell of her former lover, the horse dealer, who was with some difficulty found, walking away the thoughts of his former disgrace it) a howl of punch, at the Slack, a public house in the neighbourhood, and drunk as lie was, he was. carried to fooihe the mind of the difconfolatc biide, bad an interview with her that night, and they laid their plans. Next day being Sunday, the fai mer and her went to appear before the con gregation at Canoby*. to be rebuked for their irregular marriage. Many friends were in vited on the occasion, and rendezvoused at the bride’s, to accompany the new. married pair to church; but before, the hour of de parture arrived, the horse dealer and his friends fuirounded the house; frelhi forces came the whole day to aid the besiegers, till they amounted to leveral hundreds; .and thus overpowered by numbers, the farmer and his pai tv, after holding out till it was dark, wete obliged to futrender at diferetion } and the? consequence was, that the horse dealer carried off the bride/ rode direftly to Carlifle* bf concealing the circumstances of the case, obtained a licence, was married to her there, and has lived with her ever fince:—Such are the-particulars of this extraordinary marriage, and it is laid the farmer, to get his wife’s for* tune, is to bring a divorce against her berorc the Commissaries of Edinburgh. Advice of couufd, at last, has been taken on the fubjeft. Cummings & M*Gredies, Have IMPORTED In the (hip Planter, from London, and theflfip Ann, from bristol , a l* r ge a °d gweral Assortment of European goods, Which they are now felling on moderate terms, at their Store in Augusta, end- *1 Cempbleton. THEY HAVE LIKEWISE FOR SALE,. Well-Indie Loods of all kinds, with every other necessary Article for the Couutrf' JngaJlu, Oatbtr it, 1789. ; 0 Friday tie - next, Will be Let,- r o the big -ft bidder , for c- i **'. / • Fox?;, n Aif*M/?a,J Itiii’tfl Hoiifes & Lots*, j \ valuable H')U iE > LliCfl, end a YvJUNG | FELLOW fit for an '"’Utr <*r waiting man ; j the property of Stephen drceafed* And the day after will .commence, The Sale ot the Pet final E/lale-, Confiding of a Horse, Chair, See. sundry ar ticles of House and Kitchen Furniture; a few Hogiheads of Kura, Mobiles, Wine, Sugar, See. with a finall AiTortment of Dry Goods. The Conditions will be made known by ABRAHAM JONES, Adminijl rater. Notice.- ALL perions indeoted to the t ruviews of Richmond Aca demy, fur Lots pur elided of them previous to the emission of paper money, are requested to make im mediate payment of the interelt due taereon, in lpecie,;that the Com miflioners may be enabled to dil cnarge the ieveral iptcie demands on them. WILLIAM GLASCOCK, Present. IHE Subscriber has fettled a plantation on Back river, near Savannah, which makes it convenient for him to relide in that town. As his planting interest will not oc cupy the whole of his time, he intends to en- • gage in the /, Factorage & Com mijjion Buftnefs . Will receive rice, indigo, tobacco, lumber, merchandize, negroes, See. to dispose of on Co mini (Bon. Those who are not engaged with Agents, he offers bis service to receive their consignments, or totranfaft bufinefsfor them. Merchants or planters, who are fettled on either fide near Savannah river, who may be desirous of fending, their rice, tobacco, indi go or lumber, to Charleston by water, may depend on his utmost care and dilligence in j forwarding the fame. Letters or orders di-' refled to him at- his house, in Savannah, will be attended to with accuracy and dispatch ; and the ftridleft punduality will be observed in traufa&ing or paying to orders whatever monies -of other people may come into his hands. RICHARD. WAYNE. Savannak> Sept. 1789. For Sale, A jmall Cargo of Prime Slaves, Just arrived from the river Gambia,, to be aifpofed of for Cash or Pro . duce. For particulars, apply to the (übicriber. RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah , Sept* 12, 1789* Notice. ALL persons having any demands againft* the estate of Peter Fontaine, late of Augufti* carpenter, deceased, are desired to fend them in properly attend ; and those in debted, are requested to make immediate pay ment to the fubferiber, in order that the ad m niftrators may be enabled to difeharge the debt! owing by the deceased. MARY FONTAINE, Adm'x. NsVi *i» Lodge Columbia . I -o. 3- If VP, ppJH-val of St. 'John the Evangelijt wi.l 4 , :ppen on Sunday, the 27th inst. The Member s of LODGE COLUMBIA, are dcfired to attend their duty in the Lodge room, for the celebration of the day, at the hour of • nine in the morning. The dole mnities o#rthe Sabbath make itne celfary to postpone the Feast until Monday, the 28th. —The company of trailiient Brethren is requefled on both days. Dinner will be on table, at the Academy, precisely at 3 o’clock. Tickets are to be had of Brothers Dicky Hills 9 Rogers and Dickinson , Stewarts for the Feast. By order of the Wnjhipful Maser. JOHN Y. NOEL, Sec’rj. Dec. 11, 5789, v ... 1 For Sale , That very valuable and well finirtied T\wo StoreyHoufe On Broad-street, opposite to Cumming & M* Credies store, at present occupied by Mr. Reily; on which are every neceflary improve ment for carrying on an extensive bofincfs ira the mercantile line. For terms, apply to AMASA JACKSON. If ho has for S A L R> An extensive variety of Seajonable Goods Which he will fell very low for Calh or To bacco. i; Augujieiy , 1789.- tc Twenty Dollars Reward. STRAYED or ftblen from the fubfcriberV plantation, near Savannah, a likely BLACK HORSE, upwards of 15 hands high, , about fix years of lge, has a star in his fore head, and some grey hairs in his tail, brand ed on the mounting buttock B C and C I, the latter is rather imperf?cf, and on the mount ing dhoulder SC. The above reward will given to any person who will deliver him to the subscriber in Savannah, or ten dollars, if delivered toMr. Thomas Cumming, in Au gusta. JOSEPH CLAY. Savannah, Nov. 19, 1789; Negroes for Sale . The Subscriber has from 12 to 14 field andhoufe Negroes to dispose of, which he will fell on reasonable terms, for Tobacco infpeded in Augusta or Camp belltown. GEORGE HUNT. 1 THE Subscribers to the AUGUSTA LI BRARY SOCIETY, are requeued to pay the amount of their relpeQive fublcrip '* tions, in specie, to Mr. Amaya Jack/on, who is appointed Treasurer, on or before the third Monday in January next; at which time, those who (ball have paid are requested 10 meet at the Academy, in order to proceed, to busi ness. „ By dire Shorty R. DICKINSON, Secry. Deo. la, 1789. J Blank Bonds, Blank. Writs, Deeds of Convey ance, and New England Primers,.