The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 05, 1802, Image 2

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BOSTON,. May r 4 * . . DEFINITIVE TREATY. On Wcdrefday noon arrived at Marble. • _ a ricad the k'nooiKT Moijy, 42 days iron Havis, Mr. Bigloyv, a puli'cngcr, has LNoaed' us with, a paper or that city of. March 30, containing a copy of ihc De finitive Treaty of Peace—of which the following is a translation : Dejxnitwe '■Treaty of Ptace between the French republic the King of Spain and the Batavian republic , on the onepart t and his Mycfy the King of the Unit ed King.!;nu of Great. Britain and JLre lan d. on the oiht r . THE lint cauful of the French repub lic, in the name of the French nation,. and his majesty the King of the United KbgJoVr, See. equally animated by a de l;p tq put a (top. to the.caiamities.of war, have laid the foundations of the peace, by the preliminary articles ugned at Lon don, the id of Oil. 1801 ; and as by the 15th article of the laid preliminaries, if has 1 been agryed, *«« that there {hall be nominated: on the one part and the ocher, plenipotentiaries, .who shall resort to A miens, to draw .up the definitive treaty, - in concert wim the allies of the contract ing parties*}” the full conlul of the Fa nch republic, in the name of the French ru ion,’ has appointed citizen Joseph , apart®, coimccller of hate ; and : his majesty the King of the United Ku;g- Great-Ufitain and Ire land j the jdarqms knt. of the rpoft itetlpus o.r&f of .the^, garter, ,&c; his thp King pf Spaing and the go- ‘ vlrnfpenFof the ,J&fayian , republic Lave plenipotentiaries, 3}un J j&gH D’Azarra, drc. and Rocsl; Scft 1 mjm£ l vex— Wl afref ll;ivin £ *% 3 ,% h ( Sffo ||a(ed,’ have, /srccd til* Xqfj. , Art. {.Thera- (hall he .peace* mjt a gopT ufiderilanding between the * French republic, the King Heirs and and the Batavian re public, cjTthe one part ; aud Ins maidly :hc Unite j Kingdoms of Orcaf-Britain and Ireland, his-heirs and fofccfVqjfcj.'ph the cither part, If *h . * 1 1% Ip nia.utain a perfect ’ harmony, Between ilhvn llittes., without"Jiifterine. ■m either fide; any OK%:lfey.CV land or sea, under any pretence they shall carefully "avoid every thing may',*’ in diftarb ihe union ■l6. happily fcftaßHlßedX 1 artd shall afford neither aid nor diicftfy qr ,m --vfircdly, fS fhdfe who would’ prejudice ,Arjt. {I: prifondrs* hrade 6a fiilicr lahl. of by (ea, and tjifi. hdftigesfallen during the s%;'to Ihe time, reftbred ■^di’ita“laf/(BAi,.*fo* fix fSrtheft, I’bVfscvOh' ftfothibe; day bf the exchange toilette Cflutftfta aiwini .iKir m faiam&if dialt My. ‘ refcdiye&, *ths ‘Mdb byJer'df i^i^jra^i. ftib. BfßnftafScC; Aqd'irftliln- «f Xh the country where they shall have b&K -Titere ih tU be appoiofed a find regulate the- due either pafirf. ! Thb time 3hd place of meeting of the comralffioners*. charged mfPm this' a\&fef (Sfi bese v hrc»ftHfl;V‘they shall ft>tfe f aii <# llte s) ftu MmMftttmhg v hk. mm m orLiy Qheofhhcto6lT ? i}3 / iJ & jml"^feftorfes ni f m pMw&fcm feig tifjSpAMWnd. tffe i ;BatdvUW '4tF : Xh&%p%ffitlns' and f fotod & m ‘AdurfhT? 'fec^tibn : w r W: Ww t imw, mrm* Batch poff^odsii the Isle of-few’fon. d ’ i:l f m fiJi feAdtolic itdj&fy 'ofechis and poMoi* and iove 'Ktgnt.y KH maiyefty Xhe 1- T- ' V. The Batavian republic cedes and guarantees in Hull pod fove. Britannic m.tjcftv, ail the polilTlions andt cltablifhmcnts ih the iiland i of Ceylon* whacb belonged, before the war, 10 (lie Republic of the UnifwFFfd viiues, otto its E»ft Indian- compaivy. VI. the Port of Cape bf Good Hope is restored in* foil -sovereignty, as, before the war, to the Batavian Republic. The *cjy.s pf every defeription, be longing to the 6thefponrtdfting panics, fliall liave the privilege of refitting and parch ifiog.the neccflhry prpviGons as-for merly, without paying any other duties 0 . «•- tdi ’ j! than the Dutch are fuhjcTt tc.y *' t VII. The territories. :*nd poiTeffiooi of her mod faithful majdly are to remain entire, ns |hey wereibefore the war ; but p the limits Os French and PorCuguefe Guy. a anna arc fixed at the fiver Arawary t .\ which empties into the ocean above the il North Cape," near ** New Isle," sifd | and the Isle of Penitence , in about a de- J gree and a third of nfcrth * These 1 limits shall follow the course of the fiver U A rawa>y > from its mouth, the farrheil 1 from the Cape, to its source—-thence in 4 strait line drawn from this source “ RiO- Brauco" towards the weft. Therefore, the northern bank of the river from its mouth to. the source, and the territory north of the above limits, shall belong in full pofleflion to the French Re public : The bank of the said 1 river, from the mouth, aF the terri | torjr fouth of said limits, shall belong to , her mbft faithful m«jefty.-r-Tbt^aavaga- I tion of the river Jiranxary y in its whole || course, shall be common to the two na- J tions, \ The arrangements which have taken \ place between the Courts of Madrid and of Lifhorn for the eftablillimcnt of their frontiers in Europe, shall be made accord ing to the ilipahtions of th 6 treaty of Badajns, * T .VIII. The territorial pofTeflions and rights of the Sublime Porte, shall be Hwin tair.ed entire as they were before the war. ' IX. The Republic of the fevenTflcs is acknowledged. X. The Islands of Malta, Gqzo, and Gomino, shall be restored to the order of Sti John of Jerusalem, to be held by-it under the fame conditions as before the war, and under the following regulations; ift. The Knights of the order, - vvhofe (** langues,"} languages continue to exist, after the exchange of the ratifications of the preferrt treaty, are invited to return to Malta, as soon as the exchange takes place ; They will there form a‘general chapter, and proceed to cleft a graqd ma» ifer, feleftcd from among the natives of tliofe nations who preserve (des lartgues) the language, unless they shall have al ready made choice since the ratification of the preliminariesw It is unebrftood that ao cleftton made fihee that epoch 1 shall alone be considered valid, to the ex- I . clufton of every other which may have a taken place prior to that epoch. 2d. The government's of the Freach Republic and Great-Britain, wifoing ito pUce the Order atid Iftand of Malta i»-a ftace of entire independence its tefpeft-to them, agree, that henceforward neither the Freneh < AofiuEnglifh language shall be fuf&rtil ; ttafteV that nb individual of either of tbefe powers caobe admitted into the order. • - 1 y dfi. There shall be established a Mal tefhdangUage, which shall be main raided by the'fekitorial' ievenues, and the \ nx'-rciai duties df -tue iflanud. This lan* guage shall be entitled .to the dignities ppoper to > it,- to* ‘*• trainmenPi) *?tdsSt £ ndt)iUiy shall ri»t fce rcqffircd for the ad mifliod die Knights df (he said lain. ! guage j they fliall be adnitfltWe to itH*the s offices, and shall-enjoy ail the priyilcges I avhh- tfeef^Khighrs-of other The mtsludlpaU ‘aiiminiftrAtive, civile>Judil 1 cial and other officers dependant on) the gofrermiKfm ed,T one half' a t least, by* the inhabitanfs \ <KMa\UT Gckso and Qomino, the t xl j 4-t>h. The fdgses bf hiahßritannic ma|» 1 ftyx fba!4*fc vtktuaeepfhc 1 Island and 'its. de pendcncies in th«fc rfttonths after the)ex* change'of -the ratifications, or foonei, if i poifibley whgn It (htdl be restored to-the on.l er in the>ftite u\ which it is. found, | provided that the oc, comi nfiffar>ies,”fftilly aiitbotifdci according to the -ftatutCSbf thfc wder,' bt in the fold : fakc-po(ft}fii»i tkfteof, and’ ,rht ! troops iwhich- aro to be furnifhed ?hy‘hwi Sicilian Majesty, as. hereafter ftipuiated, .bebirmed. u stfi H Half of the garrifen at Tea#, ffiaTl ; be compol'cd of native Maltese r. There ! maindcr, the ordqr (hall have the power of the natives, of those na tions who continue tqpoiU-fs the language. ,The Maltese troop*, shall Have Maltese officers. The command in chief of the fc . A garrison, as 1 well as the nomination of otfictrs, foali belong, to the grand raaftcr, j -and he cannot dvfpenfe with it, even tthnu | poratily, but in favor of a knight, ao I. cording to the advice ot the council of the order. dth. The independence of* the islands of Malta, of Gozo, and Comino, as well as the prefont eftablilhment, is placed • under the proreftion and guarantee of France, Great Britain, Audria, Spain, Ruifia and Prussia. 7th. The order arid iftand jpf Malta, with its dependencies, are declared neutral. f Bth. The ports of, Malta shall be opcn j to the commerce anS navigation of all nations, who will pay thcie equal and ih regular duties.; these duties ap- , ■"plied tq| the maintenance of the Mai tele |( language, as Specified in the 3d led.—, j and or the civil and military eftabliih m fnenti of the iliand, and also of a general..- | Lazaretto, open to all nations, i» ' 1 Trom tfie two preoetding stipulations, un til the contracting parties lhall procure a ceflation of the hostilities which fublilf between thfe laid Barbary states, the or- , der of St. John, and thole powers that poifefs the language, or are a component- (i part of if.' 1 - ‘ - r 10th, The order lhall be governed, as ‘ well in its spiritual as temporal Capacity, by the fame laws which were in force when the knights quitted the iliand, as far as they arc not deprived of them by the prelent treaty. iith. The regulations contained in . fedions 3d, sth, Bih, and xoch, lhall become laws and perpetual statutes of the order in the usual form, and the grand matter, or if he Ihould not be in the iliand when it lhall he rettored to the order, his representative, as well as his fucceifors, lhall make oath to observe them. Jtzth. His Sicilian majelly shall be re queued to furnilh 2900 men, natives of his dominions, to fqrve as a ganhba in the different fortrefl'es of thcfaid iilands. This fbree lhall remain there a year, from the reltitution to the knights; and if, at the expiration thereof, the order fliali not have levied a fulHcient force in. the judgement of the guarantee-powers, to serve as garrison to the iliand and its de pendencies, as fpecified in fed. sth, (he Neapolitan troops shall remain there un til replaced by another fuffident force, 13th, The different powers designated in fedioa 6th, to wit: France, threat Britain, Aa&cia, Spain, Russia, apd Pruflia, are invited to accede tq the pre fer ftibulatroh. ART, XI. The French troops lhall evacuate the kingdom of Naples and the Roman Rate L the Englilh forces (hall likewile evacuate Porfo Ferrajo, and ge nerally, all the ports, and.Jftands which they occupied ip the Mediterranean or in \ the, Adriatic Sea. Xj'U. T'hc evacuations, ccffioris, and j feftirutions ftipiilatcd by the prei'ent trea ty, lhall -go into operation, as .re gard Fafope, in the mouth, the Teas, of America and in tlnree months; the continent and fei*S of, Asia in fix months, following the ratification of the prefeiit definitive treaty, except in thole cases cfpedally provided to the coqi «? r Kr .... *- XIJI, In all calcs of rettitution,. granted by the present treaty, the ford, , lications,all : be rpftored In the conditi on ut which they werp found at the mo ment of signing the preliminaries, and all the works oonftru&ed fmcp their occupied shall rerfchfn urt\ducited.' Xt moreover ‘agreed, that in every case of celfion ftipulafed, there flfcill be allowed to the, inhabitants, oF whatever tb&htlbft Or nation, a tefm bf three from the ratification of the pre! lent treaty, to dispose of their prdp&rty acquired and pofle/led, whether besom ot-durlhg the present war; cfdflng wMm period of three* years, they may enjoy , freely I heir religion and thfeir property The -fame is granted in the countries tefi ftoted, to ulßihofe, whether inhabitants or not;wwhto Ihali' have made any l lilltmems-i during itho period when" fßefe ‘ eouptriw Were polTelltd by G^irati.Brtthih l . | As to the inhabitants ofqiUice9 r) cedfd or iCftored, it is agreed that ho boe shall be perfectited, or ditturbod ll in? Ms : peffon or property,, under- any count of hiWpolitical conduit or Opinion, !; of his attididbeiftUo either of the. Son- : : i except debt# contracted with individuals, or for aftsphUersor w> T prtffoaft'ijSty. { 4 .x jpwfc i’ f“t, otjheodp. venues, of whilevjep kind they may belonging to. one of the confrailing paw r | ers, or, 19 ij* j be taken after the ngna toreof this defimti vc treaty,, The decision of all claims {between die indiv duals pf fjhe rdpeftive nations,, for ] debts, property,, effects, or whacover . w hich, confcymably to the qjiU , bkihed ami to the rights of rmitons, ihould be exhibited at die moment of peaces (halt be bid before the competent tribunals, and prompt and foil jufticc ! ftrall be rendered in these cases- in, die do minions where the claims lhalt bc made. XV. 'Fhe filheries upon the coalls of Newfoundland and th& adjacent, and in the gulf of St. Lftt&ence, arepbe. * * f, , td upon the Ame fcatjrg ,as before the- War. The French filhermen of Newfound land. and the inhabitants.of the Islands-- ofSr. Peter and Miquelon, (hall be al lowed to cut the wood neccfiary to them, in tlie Bay of Fortune, and of Despair, daring the firft year, from the ratihe. li on of the, prefer)t treaty. , X VJ. To prevent ail fubjefts of cortu, plaint and. conceit which may arise from captures which may be made at Tea alter the signing of the preliminary'arrfeks*, it' is mutually agreed, that the veffd and Ufefts which. Hull have been taken unite ■ channel, and in the North Seas, after 12 days from the exchange of the ratificati v oas of the prclimiuaiics, (hall be lettered on both fries; and the term ftiall be lx month from the channel and the North. . Seas, to tire Canary IHes, inclufiveiy, wheclier io the Ocean or in the Mediterra nean ; two months from the Canary Lies to the Equator; and five months in all other parts of the globe, without any farther exception or diftinftioa of time or - place. ’ ' ■ • XVII, The ambafiadors,- minifier* and other agents of the. con crafting pow ers, fliali refpedively enjoy in the (fates of the said powers, the fame rank, pri vileges, prerogatives and immunities, which agents of the fapie dais enjoyed bcfprp the war, . XVIII. The branch of the HoufevofNaf ftui, which was.eliabiilhcd in theci-devanL republic of the United Provinces, now the Batavian republic, having futtained lodes as well in private property as by the v.'charge pt the.conftitution adopted ; ta that country* there fhail be procured coaipen- ♦ fatioa.'.equivalent to the laid losses. XIX. The present Definitive Treaty of Peace is declared common to the Sub lime Ottoman Porte, ally of his Bi rtannic majetty,; and the Sublime Forte (hall be requeued tq transmit its accession tjiercto as Toon as pofiible. XX. It is agreed, that the contraft iog parties, upon the demand by , them rclpeftivcly made,, or by their rainifters and officers, duly to this eifeft, fhafl be Keld or delivered up tq font accused of thecrinies of pmrdcr, of forgery, or of fraudulent baokrupfcy Jt com» mited within the jarifdiftiou of the party prnvjd«tth that if (hall not be done unlcfs the evidence of the crime fhail be so well elfablifh'cd, that the" laws of the place, where the accufed;per fo» fhatl /difeovered, \voiild authorize his detention pid tranfmittion to jurftce ini case thy crime had been there commuted I (lit expense of apprehendingapd tranlmit tafijg. llxe person to fhail. be defrayi ed by thbfe who- make thy demand,'. It is xhat this article does not re gard in aifty way, the crimes of forgery, or fraudulent bankruptcy, com mitted prior 10 the conclusion of, this De~ XXL The contrtiftitsg parlies promise to. with finperity andj^od-frith all.the, a nides -of ibe present treaty* and ’ they, Wfrbpoc fuffer thpir refpoftiy* a'fri zpns or frtbjefts (Q, aA W 0f the or ii?4irfeffry,. pities, gpapMtf^tO; Other genqrally and- r.ecjptooally ftiptf fr riotls of the treaty. of uiXXU, Tfie, pr<?fGU> t t (kail be ra tlfia4 by the fpfUiafting panics wbhii» the.fpqwt of thirty days or if pof. 4* fonn (hall hf ; e«changp4 a^jfcris^ Wfuifju th* > . .Tnj fjtfrh ftf m ! , WWJ». hf*# ‘ - T m . find by . rsfpeftiv^y rJ tM Wffa* ■ 'fiXfinlt iy*; /|reaty, ! t v ,0 pone at (Signed) B JO.XAPAR PE, f 7 1 j " t oC O if" f! f t’ I, •' c $Cm MMELPE NNICK. ; -cc tyi* •> : < ’ 7 Aw 01 The* Hifdfony arrived Frit’ey laftptb 29 born that, cap r .H the Complete am)■'final Ratification flf thfe Definitive Treaty of FfcaCC-by iher favtul Gov«nm*nii*tnte*»ftefi zsir 1 o v . Extra 3 e/ a fatter f ram tht lla vama& m to a gtniL mam in thu c\ty r i pni 2% -■'t r-sV/ o.:A ” ■ * “ Some days ago* a fawn, a fiiwll (lance hack of rite iiavawjqh, took- fire* ; and. the whole place, j of hsoafes, was ’J’hfi ; lofr is efiimated-at four million-of doUjrs *ln coofequence of event, thp govern ment ha vc cokw to a tkteruvnjrpon to ad -1 mit ffo.a-thccc tq five choufatid barrel* ftour to-be entered froqv the Amcrkanivff feis laying qg* the harbour*, to be fold ta