The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 26, 1802, Image 2

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STATE of GEORGIA. Aug/Jia, Juntil) >£o2. Mr. Printer, AS no doubt cun he entertained but that public curiofiry will be on the stretch ta obtain information, on so interesting a fubjeft as the Duel lately fought by two diftinguilhed charters, in this State; and as no man can be belter in formed of the particulars of that transac tion than myfelf; L take the earliest op. portunity of requeuing you to give pub licity to the following llatement, which, I pledge myfclf, is ftridliv correft, to the bell ot my recolleftion and belief. Your speedy compliance will much oblige. Sir, your obedient servant, RALPH SPENCE PHILIPS. IN confcquence of a rencounter which took place at Louisville, on the afternoon of Wedncfday the 16th inflanr, between octal James jackfon, and Colonel Ro bert Wnikins, when they were feparared by the imerpofttion of a croud, and their piltols wretied from them, I was com miflioned as the friend of the latter to •vait on the former and demand Satisfafli. mn at a more fit time and place—Having •accepted the office 1 accordingly had an interview with the General, who readily agreed to answer my friend in the manner r quired—Mr. Collier, the General's friend, called on me in the course of the * tcuing, and early the next morning, for the purpose of appointing tune and x ‘dace —privileged in that refpeft he pro pofol both, neither of which being fatif faftory, and, although Itriflly speaking, I was not entitled to objeft to either, vat under the peculiar circumllances of this case, 1 was anxious to change the pi tee, and felt myfelf warranted in en deavouring to remove the feat ofaftion without the juriidiftion of the State, as ’veil on account of our unwillingness to contemn the laws, as to avoid every kind of interruption. I therefore stated, that I fliould confider it a favor, if he would appoint any spot beyond the Oconee Ri ver, which 1 understood was within a bout 20 miles, or any other place within the United States; this not being acced ed to, I then proposed that the meeting ihoutd be on halfway ground, between the places of their refpettive rcfrdence ; this also being rejefted, my last proposal was made, to determine by lot, in which of their own Counties the affair should he decided. This (haring the fame fate with all former propositions, and finding Mr. Collier reltriftcd to the counties of Jeffvrfon and Burke; in conformity to the pofitivc inftruflions which I had re. received, arrangements were made to meet the General on his own ground ; accor dingly the place was fixed in Burke coun ty, on the main road leading from Lou. ifvillc to Waynelborough, about 24 miles from the former and from the latter, and the rime eleven o’clock the next morn, ing, Friday the 18th inl>. Arrived at the ground, Mr. Collier and I had no difficulty in making the ne ccflary airangemems, having in the firft inllance agreed, that fliould any differ cnee of opinion arise between us, a toss up of a dollar (hould give the winner his choice; I requested Mr. C. to propose the distance, he mentioned ** eight or ten steps,” 1 replied that he might thoofc, for I was commissioned by my friend to give him that privilege, provided it did not exceed ten steps. It is worthy of remark, that whilst wc were adjusting our affairs, the principals had entered into polite and general con serration ; so gentlemanly was their con rhifl, that had any stranger, unacquaint. ed with the ohjeft of their meeting, have seen them together, he must have imagin ed that the greatest cordiality subsisted; nothing like irritation on either fide, not a word but what the ftri&eft propriety would ditffue. It had been expressly ftipulatcd by Mr. C. and myfelf, that no person whatever fhouid be on the ground, other than, the General, the Colonel, their Seconds and Surgeons, who were Messrs. Powell, White, and Pughley. As it would be rather tedious to enter into the minutiae of this bufmefs, 1 lhall proceed to state the more essential points. Mr. Collier having determined on ten yards as the distance, I stepped them off and requested he would do the fame, and let me know if he approved of the paces, having done so and being fatisfied, we placed our friends on their refpeftive grounds, and there explained to them the etiquette we had agreed on, which ap peared to be fatisfaftory to both. , Article firft. When in your places, neither is to speak a word to the other, if •my communication fliould be thought ueceffary, it must be through yourfeconds- Second. You are to fire by the words of command, make ready, fire: which I your fcconds arc to give ir.Tmaikr.. Third. You arc bound by hnnorao.ihr both together, as near as pofiidte dt idee instant of receiving the word, andftuuiUi cither withhold bis fire, dt Ihall ire loft. Fourth. A snap orflaffc to hexoiffidOT ed the fame as a (hot. Several other articles were agreed tttj, which it would lie tedious to dctuiL Mr. C. was entitled to gi\ee:tte word for the firft difeharge., having won in from me, we therefore handed oirr.ff tends their pistols, and took our Hat 10115, '.when the word being given rat her quicklydm-rfltE gentlemen, both their balls tffuic-k rtlee ground between them; at the 'fecund ali£- chargc 1 gave the word, which hiiing much (lower they both a second iinwrmifik cd ; whereupon we retired to load again and the antagonists joined each odurnin polite converle ; being aierond tirweqilrcG cd on their ground and the fame difference of time between Mr. C. andrnyfelfißlll continuing, the fame effqjff was produced;; wc therefore had to prepare a third brace each. It may be truly said, that during hU this time, the General and Colonel vied with each other, in imwrry„ nerfhor could claim the palm ; in (cndhuffs aanfl deliberation, neither could obtain tihe ascendancy ; in liberality, pdli tends, ,|ge ncrofiry, gentlemanly conduft, ttlteyrawre equal to the end of the chapter., mooci vdii ty was received without a fuitallfe rraturry their fouls seemed to rife fftipsiior to trite pa (lions of revenge or malice, .and ;sqe pearing to difeard all fuclt ideas, tfhey rested (heir cause on the iffur: ai fhk vwnjy honorable conflI&. The third time did these brave men take their ftandi, it being Mr. Collief’* ! turn to direfl the fire of the “firh Colonel Watkins’s ball took r.fteSfc, Ifaura ing entered the General a little tto .tire rear and above the right hip, gaaflirjg through as I suppose about ft« or oeight incites ; the affair was then -concluded. 1 * 1 think it neccfiary here to mnrmiup, in order to (hew the petfevering imdaxnru j ed courage of the General, and the mdHte generosity of the Col. that after'the(Ge neral had received his wound, he called out Watkins, I believe I can give jymu another (hot, to which theCoL irqpiicfi,, just as you please General, if irt is ynur wish, you may have it now., or .at ;any time hereafter, when you are better hllle to defend yottrfelf, it would be far from my inclination to take any advantage,, by firing at you in a Rate of agony. (Ge neral Jackson rejoined, that lie had come there to give him fatiafaSion., and rauss determined to do so if he had to (Ray thane an hour, or whilst he was aide to (Rand,, hut that he (hould be Tatisfied ’when rthe Col. was—the business thus con its proper footing, the vGcil. dedbresfl himlelf fatisfied. Whereupon JI hllfinw ed to Mr. Collier, that as CdL Wat kins itad called the General to thetgrounfl, it was certainly with him to Jay rather. | he was fatisfied, that Wing done (so II J hoped the affair was at an end ; to which Mr. C. readily assented., at - was to be completely so, and ihatt ©very thing unpleasant which had -puffed (between them, Ihould be buried .in oblivion—utn dcr these in.prefiions, the offered hand of the General was cordially .received by the Colonel, and I obfcrvedto themihntih, that 1 hoped their future friendfuip wcotlld exceed their passed enmity.; they ®edi_ procally declared® anbe tlteir iinceic wifii that it (boukibefo. Shortly after, tittljenera] wireefnrvey ed from the ground, he jilcafantdy (dhfcr.v ed, D—m it Watkins, 1 thought I vcmffd have given you another (hot,, bra 1 jfinil . I was mistaken; thus evincing (that his courage was the fame, althoughunable a® support his own frame. The proffered afftftance of the CdL ram kindly received by the Gen, who dhfcrv ed that had Watkins been in ha ifmiatiu on, he would have attended him ;as a brother. The Col. did not fail tto ixedi procate similar sentiments, every a® cdf fritndfhip was therefore cordially (offered 1 and thankfully received. Aftm mtnr.viing at the quarters prepared far him, ttheCb neral rcqueftecl the CdL 10 .cad utp IHk brother Abraham, which he (did, and when Major Jacklon came into ahemaam* he add retied httnfeli to hint and his friend Mr. Coil ter, in presence ctf fevardl gen tlemen to this effeS—“ Ties has hernia fair duel, CoL Watkins has behaved lEke a gentleman, and a man nf sthaHs torc it is my order to you and any | and it {ball be my last <Aynqg Ihould my wound prove mortal, that ihe is * The number of ineffeciual feats may be justly attributed to an honarhiaie and ardent Exertion to fulfil &ri% iihe tthnd Article, and to the want of unitnrmfry in giving the word. null too Be protoccttrU, nor snv trouble WiaateAeanr Ike gj wear liiiirarriny account. ]] 4nati rnjyßfemJiejfcecall ihlfancff of: Col. Walking, nmle aa pmpsfirimr ttr Mr. pnwiirass troguingair the ground, rtiattttirTrctßmiiill Heimawtuali rcifcrfe from prnS&cuiimi, imoaati. of! tHedtatb-ofeither gartsy- Wdterriiiriss Ikm ■**ni tfctt thiss was no reunmoni aaEubafF blbntxri, ih is presumed , thee irrffesiiiifc jpofiwenraicre of* the.'part:e%, <mvl i 1 mi) IlrmgHT fi?rctiicriilrpn ze-—li is to be rKnumilercdk thsat upran live- wears pi vate arail pnlliieuil miimuiTty,,, wass this duel ■ jroEtticcttucH;; dining; whicHi period,, very :nany Hwthi rmctfiircss Had! tieerr adopted b>y iboife gen ibneni towards each, other, ! arid! lit mxjy nuir Use umwnrrfiy oil remark, thart the mimiicrraff (butt eoccliangpd, was onlly iprnprar iimatc too the; Ifengthi a£ their amniisy, ami! maw be 'uurildbrrdias omi riuuss off iiss ffnail rerun nat ion. iir. immuta ll! it ifiecmHUijp, wlliuh}, E anticipate with rnurih 3kti&fchair„ and! asm happy to have lin in any prawar tn)adiii, tflatrthe general's ijihyilckms aiiordi funguine Hopes oft his aeaaemqy.. Eli this; daromenttE anr, not: am&ious of bKi\ing departed! iir the flighted: degree thorn jjufiuEEaTraiy dlitwy norr liave li in remiimailkdk/iutEd! bruin the- underhand iiigrtketweem 32k. (Cdliiirr andl myfelFatr ! pnrcrng, if£, any error should iinabA»E F fGntiiy Brats dtopedl II will rihrnik Hiim art paihtt itr aufy and fliall j oHxffiiluUyamlhaeeitfc opportuni j tnyaff accrrrrifrrng in, Ihi mUihg Ihtve of | thiis ffuijjs3k 1 rmdhdh) 32k. (Collier the jjiiftixcE too \&y/ rfhitt Hiss Gumilidfe an, the , ground! vivas ai amuitearqiirc afi his friend ute<Scierai! i ?i. B&LBM aaOCOHBDEIESL JOHN HOWARD, Hhx r neceiixrdj, attftiss Siorc, Smith fide, off Shamilffheefa ccharmfoaiur Ajforimcnt ajtf (£(8) <S> MSS,, fftiiahiic too aaiiiidiilittaffprssffm{Jilts,, ail reduced!prices* jfxrr «£&&h> axirrmuffifi, orr TrmjfcGGa,. nix* s©3> ipidtras Biafiaiiiaiikeeii, mpnr> tiniE H umliumsy 3HD aasnfe dihrm, 3D Blank: amichangcabic co- Baanatfi Ikrmiring, SB dhaon ihcrihing umbrella*, a patakas, 1 tHfCSSr IlhffiTi and! plbnillxs,. 2>dlhilnwlkdt.amil Britannia*, Cxilhnss amh dimiriisv IMuhin anil antttun oamliia'Q, H umiuiKh,, purglir and {link, araflin, 'Sariin, wunfedi amil White do. Brilmgs amh uHtumirgsamti (cdlnnansze% Hllaok (Rripcdi Scih>, for wdTs, MhlfriieSSt ami! 3&dEilfaaß do. ?Stnipffiii dijt mmkeenv anil odbuiibdl db*. 'Crtttinv, oamhniiE ami! hilt (haw Fay IStHnhannsandluhian rnmdkeictticfa, 32km aunttnn andl folk hufit* ILaiiuas dittzi, ■■■ * vwiiite amH orilinmtd fiifeglhvcr,, liiiii andl mumaou) HI ppersv 32km dliwas ami! Ifomtas iiw die dozen, Wnikcng ami! jpiifcpapcn;, n tripe 32hdlodm wine,, n&j hsaad fflxc atrd! djuaftt iron, sp ifinar amuidk. JSjfo am fJiamli (£ a 4&ii fpsurf omen 77 da. n® (Dulb* muik,, jctd wtt. [jeswQssr ttadansmui] nlhtcs, tb hmaaae n ami! w:metis hats, s®gcuEßß <acanu <£c* JSwte aSv. JkL FOR SAJL R* AG.ISC(£ ati Hhinrcr KSGBLGTES, curiftKhg off Msnw Men Boysf, Waxuenv, anfi Wannrm Gisdts. EEDJCSfiffia, S' OltOaffliSQSi*, > &mxmsmtb r) Jfam.: d®» Bp “fee Ehlllksrx LOS T, iiai trilne ffizreecas Am— gOftrv, oro aSe zsil iktU a SjHwar SsTTfiMf- WAlTCßfi—3dkite tty BaOterti TsUhr* Lon 3fia. —Wlirarwetr leaves fold Waodfa at 341a. Srmirfira Frirccing CHrie, ffluiSl nwcai«e she aforvwr SawaodL NOTICE. I AM & cer tain Wdlium Slarme ryf£tf hie ffafe o€ ( Vmggiinft, Sus feat tsar t&os ccuntry two 30He« waft my oft chetn, cue far auii tflp atrihrs fo* TTWrucy am£<&asi£fie femmi and third <%» «ff Septttnrifanr w tfeia. AH pexfbna ate ttUntt dc mass- me coun— terifeisi, rs ominfel wiJll bb« Jp# 1 Tm* acb |OMSI W, SMTlfii, * '§ ' ■ W - PROPOSALS I Far carrying the Mails of the L’ n ,V -B States oa the following P(jLR 0e j. I will be received at the General Ojftce in Wajhmgton, until the tvientj M firji day of fitly next inclufvve . IN GEORGIA. I 4-3. From Waff.ington by Burroughs’s I Lexington, Athens and Clarklburg, t J I Jackson c. h. once z week—Leave W ; (h I ington every Wcdnefday at 6 a. m . H r i I arrive at Jackson c. h. on Thursday bv & ■ p. m.—Leave Jackson c. h. every Friday I at 6 a.m. and arrive at Wa!hm*tcn r* I Suimby bv 6 p. m. ° NOT ES. I 1. The Post-Master General may ex. I pedite the mails and alter the times of an I rival and departure at any time during I the continuance of thecontrad, he prevu I oully ftipulatirg an adequate compenfati. I on tor any ex tra expcncc that may be oc- I cafloned thereby. I 2. Fifteen minutes shall be allowed for B opening and doling the mail at all offices B where no particular time is fpecified. 5 3- For every thirty minutes delay (un. B avoidable accidents excepted) in arriving B after the times preferibeed in any contract I the con trader (hall forfeit one dollar ; and I if the delay continue until the departure I of any depending mail, whereby the malls I dblhned for such depending mail, lose a I trip, an additional forfeiture of five dol- I lars (hall be incurred. I 4. Newspapers as well as letters arc to I be sent in the mail; and if any perfoa I making proposals, desires to carry news. I papers other than those conveyed in the I mail, for his own emolument, he mult I (fate his proposals, for what sum he will I carry it with that emolument, and for I what sum without that emolument. I 9- Should any person making proposals, I dclire an alteration of the times of arri- | val and departure above fpecified, he mull I state in his proposals the alterations defir- I cd, and the difference they will make in I the terras of his con trad, 6. Persons making proposals are desir ed to dice their prices by the year. Those who contract will receive their pay quar terly, in the months of February, May August and November, one month after I the expiration of each quarter. 7. No other than a free white perfoa (hail be employed to convey the mail. 8. Where the proposer intends to con- j vey the mail in the body of a If age car riage, he is desired to state it in his pro- | polals. I g. The Post-Master General refervesjoJ hirnfelf the right of declaring any con- I tract at an end whenever three failures I happen, which amount to the loss ot a I trip each. I IQ* The contracts for the above routes I arc to he in operation on the firft day of I October next; thole for the firft twenty- I four routes are to continue in force for cne I year from that time, and those numbered I fiom 29 to 48 are to continue until the I J.rit day of March, 1803. I GIDEON GRANGER. I P'lft.MaJisr General . I General P of-Office, j L | IVajhmgton city, n)U' June z, 1802. ' WHEREAS aCommiffion of Bank ruptcy, under the hand and fcal, of the honorable William Stephens', Esq. judge of the diftrid court of the United States, for the diftrid ot Georgia, hath been iftfued and awarded agrioit Petz& Robinson and VVilliam S. Smith. , under the Firm of Robinson Sc Smith, / of the said diftrid, and they being dc r dared Bankrupts—They are hereby rc quired to surrender themselves to the Comonfiionera therein named, or a ma jority of them, oa the day of July next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, and on the 261 b day of the fame month at ten o’clock, and also on the 28th day of / the Lme month, at ten o'clock, in Greene fb >rough, Greene county, then and there to make a full difclofnre and difeovery of all their eflate and effeds. And the creditors of the said Pctct Robiafon and William S. Smith, are re quired to take notice, that they come at_ the times and place abovementioned, pre pared to prove their refpedive claim*, and to do Aid* other ads and things as by the ad of Congrcfs, in such case made and provided, are required. And. all persons indebted to the said Bankrupts, or who have any of their cf fcda, are to take notice, that they do not pay or deliver the fame, but to such • petfon or persons as the said Commilß oncra may appoint. PETER EARLY, l r -r ALLAN STEWART, > y ornm J~ JONAS FAUCHS, y l ' ntu ' r Gn*mfb iriurk* Jane 16, 2801.