The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, November 13, 1802, Image 4

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Georgetown,. fsSL osurj. GENERAL O/tD} W|i South-Caroliv^WHb Cbarlejion, O * 20. The Governor and Commander irt Chief return* hi* thank* to Brigadier.Gefl|ral Peter Horry, for his prompt attention to orders received receding a late threaln ened danger along the sea-coast : he return* his thanks to the officers and fo®2 diets of his brigade, who, in confequencPJ of orders to that effed, had for. ward to repel the fame, , The alarm appears to have been with, out foundation; but the ardour of the military ha* not been the less meritorious. Safety is bell assured by alcrtnefs; and alarms serve to render the soldier more / vigilant. The government of this date is ready to defend i'felf; and watches o. ver the welfare of the people. It will have their confidence and cannot be be frayed. By order of bis Excellency John Dray. • ton Governor and commander in chief, William Boone Mitchell, First Exfratl from the orders of Rrigadur-Ge / ticral Horry , of the 6th Brigade. ' The Brigadier is well plcafed with his excellency the governor's approbation of bis conduit, on the late alarm , and also of the conduit of his officers and men. His thanks offered to ns for readiness and promptitude in marching forwards, claim our warmed acknowledgements. To me rit the thanks of the chief magistrate of fKirdate, is at all times to be highly e ftcemed. When we, with alennefs, rca dinefs and qiicknefs, march to the aid of rmr country or follow-citizens, it shews lirong, and almod certain indications, of displaying courage when brought to the ted; And-fcrvcs tofhew that wc are rea dy, and willing and able to defend our lißffties and properties; and are the bed guardians thereof. We are compcnfated tor our trouble on the late alarm, by his excellency's thanks to us; and by receiv ing pecuniary fatisfaltion if wc fliould so choofc. By order of the Brigadier, Wm. B. JOHNSON, Deputy Brigade Major. We understand that the Brigadier-Gc. ncral's report of his proceedings, on the late alarm, to the Governor, is to he by him transmitted to the President of the United States. SAVANNAH, Odober 27. After Divifon Orders, Savannah , Oc tober 25, 1802. Information being received of the fail ing of the veflels from the coad of the U nited States, which hid the Brigands on board, who were said to be intended to be landcd.within the United States, and the C4ufe of alarm which induced the order of the 11 th September, having thereby ceaf. cd ; the fevcral requisitions contained in that order, or the subsequent order of the 9th ind, will be considered at an end, and the militia of the firft Dlvifion, as on its common edablilhmenr from this date. The commanding officers of the rcfpefl. ivc regiments, and battalions who have had men in service under the said orders, will return their muder and pay rolls pro perly certified by them to the executive department, as also, such contrails and vouchers of supplies as may have bfcen made, and entered into by them rcfpelt. ively for settlement as soon as possible j fending also one copy of each to the Ma jor-General, as a check on the officer. The cruite of the Revenue Cutter of the United States, which Capt. Putman, at the requed of his Excellency the Govern, or* and with the confcnt of the collector of Savannah, offered for the protection of the coad—-and of the hired armed Pilot Boat, Pilgrim, Capt. Webley, taken in to the date employ for the fame purpose, being finifhed ; the M ijor-General, as. fures thofc officers of the sense his Excel lency the commander in chief, entertains of their promptness and vigilance in the service, as well as that of Mr. Allen, mate of the Cutter, who commanded her during the cruise. The Major-General acknowledges, with great fatisfaltion, the readiness with which his orders have been obeyed by the refpeltive commanding officers of the re giments and battalions on the Tea coad, and which has convinced him, that had an invasion taken place, the country would have received ample protection, and the invaders have been annihilated or forced again to sea. The General ac knowledges the affidance he has received from his aids, Majors Maxwell and Chari, con. By order of Major General Jackson , CHARLTON, Aid-de-Camp. / approve of tbs foregoing order, j*.TATXNALL, jun. Governor. *v.’. . “Ts.« following remark* accompanied the Liverpool Prices Current of Aug. 28. <] * Os cotton there have been few arri vals of late ; and the demand for moil descriptions has again become brifle, at Dflces rather higher than our last quotati tfns. Should Ihe demand continue we Ijok for some further advance, as no j■ i quantify of the old crop is now ex- I 4|»i6lcd to arrive from the United States, i ||ajnd the stocks of the Bowed Georgias and are becoming low. There are however, considerable supplies of New- Orleanl at present in market, great part o|f whiJji are of middling and inferior Qualities f hot owing to the very low /•rice at Bowed Georgias have late ly been felling the demand for these has been nearly ftifpcnded; and, Ihould the Matter meet with a farther advance, we think the attention of the dealers will be turned to the former defeription. ** Rice supports its price in confequencc of the very liraittea supplies; and a con- ) fiderable portion ofwhat does come, be ing exported, keep our market for home consumption very bare. (t About 1600 barrels of tar have late ly arrived, the whole of which have been fold at 255. per barrel : and if the importations that may shortly take place are not considerable, this price (high as it is in time of peace) may be supported for some time. Os turpentine the Lip plies lately have not been abundant, and the quotations continue to be sup ported. “ The demand for ftaves of good qua lities continues regular, and are likely to support a high price unless arrivals to a considerable extent (hould take place, “ Our market is very bare of tobacco of good qualities, and for such there is a very briik demand. The stock, which | is about 2000 hogsheads, confilts chiefly of very inferior deferiptions. As yet ve ry little of the new crop has arrived, nor do we find that much is expelled. The future prices will in a great measure be governed by the arrivals ; but on the w.iole, we do not think they are likely to be lower, SHERIFFS SALES, On the Jirjl Tuefday in December next, at the market-house in the city oj Au gufla, at the usual hours , IVIL L B E SOLD, All that lot or parcel of land, with the improvements thereon, at pte sent occupied by George Foil, contain ing in fiont on Broad-ftrect, 35 feet, and in depth 166 feet, bounded by Sa muel Bugg’s lot, fouthwardly by Broad* street, and eaftwardly and northwardly by William Poe’s lot, when conveyed from Poe to Foil, being part o; lot No. [l7] fcventccnj the above property le vied on by Turner Mann and Francis Geddy, constables, and retained to me. Also, one likely negro woman named Sibby ; taken as the property of Mat thew M'Millon, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Wooten, to the ufc of Mi nor. Alio, 194 acres of pine land, lying and being in the county of Richmond, on the waters of Spirit creek, with a large dwelling house and all kinds of ne ceflary out buildings; and 210 acres of river swamp land, the fame lying in the county of Richmond, with a well improved plantation, adjoining lands of Boftick, Dawson and others, with twelve likely negioea; the above property le vied on and pointed cut by the heirs and representatives of Zephaniah Beal, de ceased, to fatisfy an execution obtained against the honorable Thomas P. Carnes and John Boftick as principals, and Ze phaniah Beal, fecurity,in favor of George Ke f , surviving obligor, A To, 1150 acres of land, at the time of survey in Washington county, ad joining lands of Sturgcs and vacant when furveyed.—Aifo 1762 f acres of land ly ing and being in the county of Wash ington, when surveyed, adjoining lands of Few, Floyd, Miller and Stewart; the above property taken as the proper ty of Wayne and Sims, to fatisfy an ex ecution in favor of Smith, Sons and Anderson. Also, two likely negroes, a fellow and wench; taken by execution. Also, a likely negro fellow named Torn; taken as the property of John Thompson, to fatisfy an execution in fa vor of the Trustees of Augusta. Con ditions Cash. H. M‘TYRE, Sheriff. OEtober 29* Blank Bonds, Powers of At torney, and Mortgages for sale at this Office. COL LECTOR’S SALES?' At the court-house in Gmn’ft jrough, on the firft Saturday in December next, WILL BE SOLD, The following property, or as much thereof as will fatisjy the tax with cojts for the year iBor. 150 acres 2d and 3d quality, Greene County, Oconcc aver, granted to Napier and joins Phillips, returned by Thomas Goodwin; tax D 1 87^. acres 3I quality, Greene coun ty, waters Shouldcrbone, granted to un known and j oins Pofcy, returned by Win, Griddle; 62} cents, 100 arr:s 3d quality, Greene county, waters Beaverdam creek, granted to Smith and joins Ellefs, returned by John Ellcfs; D. 1 371. 150 acres 3d quality, Hancock coun ty, waters F errek, granted to Harper and joins Battle, returned by Jcflfe Fann; ( 6tj cents. 2co acres 3d quality, Greene county, water* Beaverdam creek, granted to Smith and joins Houghton, icturaed by Jofcph Hubbard; 75 cents. 1431 acres 3d qua’ity, Greene coun ty, waters Shoulderb >ne, granted to Cook and joins Richards, returned by Charles Ivey; 62 132 acres 3I quality, Greene county, waters Beaverdam creek, granted to Mel ton, joins Davidson, returned by Jere miah Robinctt; 75 cents. 150 acres 3d quality, Greene county, Ogechee, granted to Williams, joins Robertson, returned by Jacob Finly; 75 cents. 350 acres 3d quality, Greene county, Ogechec, granted to unknown and joins Newel, returned by Thomas Stewart; D. 1 6|. 112 acres 2d quality, Greene county, waters S. creek, granted to Dawson, joins Gatling, returned by Jason Car gel; D. 1 25. zoo acres 2d quality, Greene county, waters Little river, granted to Dukes, joins Newfotn, returned by John Hunt; D. 1 37^. 550 acres Ift and ad quality, Greene county, waters Little river, granted to Scott, joins Flucker, returned by Sally Williams; D. 5 75. 161 acres 2d quality, Greene county, Little river, granted to Williams, joins Daniell, returned by Ransom Duke; D. 2 tzj.—Alfo, 4.83 acres ad quality, ditto, waters do. gianted to do. joins do. returned by Ransom Duke, as exe cutor for F. Williams; D. 2. 50 acres 3d quality, Wilkes county, S creek granted to unknown, joins ditto, returned by John Going; 871 cents. 118 acres 2d quality, Greene coupty, Little river, granted to Traywick, joins Madox, returned by William Plcafant; D. 2 75 100 acres 3d quality, Greene county, waters Littie river, granted to Johnson, and joins Hunt, returned by William Lingo; 6z\ cents, 80 acres 2d quality, Greene, waters Oconee, granted to Daniell, joins Mat thews, returned by James Butler, as agent for David M‘Cawmatk; D 187 J. 322 acres 3d quality, Greene, Appa lachcc, granted to Allcifon, joins Elder, returned by Pulley Thornton; D. 1 50 690 acres id quality, Greene, Appa lachic, granted to Moseley, joins un known, returned by Jofcph Turnbooll; D. 2 50. 250 acres ad quality, Greene, Rich land creek, granted to felf, and joins Wiggins, returned by William Kim brough, jun. D. 2 50. Also, 104 acres 3d quality, Greene, waters Shoulderbonc, granted M‘Clen don, joins Martin, returned by Thomas M'Clendon; 56 [ cents. FIELDS KENNEDY, C. G. C. September 30. A Lift of Defaulters in Columbia cadnty, for the year 1802. / y' CaptTWhit comb's DtfiriS, S' George VVVorthy, Italphard Avaryt, John Kirtrick, Jomn Sargeant, James Puckett, William Wilson, Arthur Grady, Francis Bo roughs, Benjamin Dotting, David Prick ett, Asa Savidge»>Z*riiaiiah Savidge, William Hanfortf Zartariah Corfcy, John Garnettyfun, Josiah Underwood, Ramon Borough, Miles Edwards, Amos Mitchell, William Breant, 'Danian M* Ncir. / Gapt. CulhreatVs DijlriS . JohnLedloe, Richard Boothe, Brad ley Garner, Beachem Owens, Charles Crawford, jun. Thomas Beal, Abraham Pearre, Caleb Russel!, Stephen Liles, James Bayard. Capt, Meriwether’s Diflricl. Washington Jennings, Edward Gar nett, Jofcph Sharp, Dooglafa Brown, wa&u>&OM», cwhusfc.. mud Dixon, William Meriwe * ’ &•. R K ich t rd P - Whi “. Re eb« i oh!l Ml., John King, Robtrt r “ G «. JdTc Lively, Daniel Corfey, raundfon, Snodcn Griffin, HeorV Th* lon, } * no of Ca bt. Willingham’s Di/i riff Joseph Owens, John Wail* ’v> Hurt*, Stephen Hargroves. W. n V l Lewis Chafteeif, IfaaoAncs ’ Wilobey, Mrriman Ccok> * ar ° 4 Capt, Ford’s Dijiriß. J. Trammel, Samuel Lazenbrev r feph Johnson, John Booker, W;,,:' 0 ' Hannon, W. Bracher, William Bio*? Samuel Benton, Solomon Ellis, j un ' \ remiah Perryman, Jehu WiiiinghV rf'’ John G. Willingham, jun. * ,ltD ’ Capt. Wilkins’s Dijiriß. Bat. White, James Shaw, WiJljajp Crane, John Jones, James Carrol, { amci Finney, Elias Langhom, Record James Ross, Amos Thomas, Danis' Smith, Joab Spivy, Jefie Durden, Gtn Tulles, Joseph Cobb, fen. Charles Shaw William Large, John Large, Cornells Gibson, Robert M Cenney, Wilii ani Zachery, Isaac Loe, Philip Walker, j O . nathan Carter, Vol. Atkinson, David Hay. Capt. Drone’ s Dijiriß. John Tabour, fen. Zaclock Magroder, Anthony Smith, Clabourn Benjamin Darden, Thomas Weftby, Leo! nard Martin, George Darsey, 1 h mas Harp, John Reave, David Welch, Wa, Ray, Michael Dunagy, Capt, Ayre’s Dijiriß, Jacob Groathoufe, Cha lcs Devorlr, fen. Edward Short, Thomas Shields William Fuller, Abraham Fuller, Ele mue! Howard, John Hill, Geo, Thorop. son, John Nickfcn, William Store George Smithcrs, John Cia;k, Parb Bacon, Charles Caflc r. Capt. Stith’s Dijiriß. Levin Magee, William Pool, Gabrie Baker, Jonas Totton, John Wade, Ben. jamin Recce, Joseph Smith, Marti; Haife, James Tapper, John Nt eland Clement R. Harrifcn, Wra. Todd, Jes fe Jones, Laten Lewis, Britain Lewis, So lomon Henson, Joseph Baker, John Pace, Elijah Granade, Zadook Edwards, John Malh. Capt, Baldwin’s Dijiriß. William Linch, Wj|fc'Sharp, Richard Moore, Adam Scott, i > etcr chard North, Ifham Moore, North, James North, Thomas Wm. Morriflbn, Theodious Bell, Jiffs Stubbs, Samuel Stubbs, Charles Lynn, Daniel Weft, Hugh Bracher, Thomas Phillips, James Wilson, William John ston, Richard Jones, John Jones, VViili am Clabourn, John Harmon, Michael Coftlcy, Jeremiah Griffin. Capt, Fdmundjon s Dijiriß. Robert Huggins. William Nettles, John Kendrick, D .flen Ca(h, Paten Worthy, v . W. FLEMING r R . T- Cirr COLLECTOR'S SALES. On Saturday the zoth day of November next, at the market house in the city of the hours of to and 2 o' dock ,\ WILI BE SOLD, For the tax Uvihd by the City ' Council for thefupport of\he City. Guard Jor the year iBpi, \ One house aW lot, the pro perty of Edward Prtfkrofc; tax D i 2j* One lot, whercoft li\es Lewis Grego ry, the property of"Robwtfonand Smith; tax D. r. \ One house ?nd lot givcn\n by George Sibbaldj tax D. i 15, \ One house and lot, the property ot George Bbll; tax D » zg. \ Onrmoufe and lot in Springfield, the property of David Harris; tax iB| cents. One lot on Broad-ftrcct, belonging to the eftatc of Henry May, dcccafcd; ta* 931 cents, DREAD PACE, C.C.T, OBober 8, NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the late Concern of ROLSTON & NES BITT, of this place, are informed that their refpeftive accounts and obligaiho* are placed in the hands of Nicholas Ware, Esq. for coUcdlion. T O RENT, And immediate Pojfijfion given , The STORE and HOUSE, at prefect occupied by Mr Thomas Jokes, as good a ftar.d for bulincls as any in this place. DAVID URQUHART. OBober 2, *