The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, November 20, 1802, Image 1

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■SATURDAY, November 20, 1802. I THE AUGUSTA CHRONTCLE A N D W GAZETTE OF THE S T/A T E. ■ I *■ - ■ - ‘ * _ I F R E E D O M of the PRESS and T R 1 A L by JURY shall remain Conjiitution of Georgia. ■“** I AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, near the market. [3 Dolls, per Annum,'] COLLECTOR’S sales. Jt the court in Columbia county, an Saturday the ltd day of- January next, WILL BE SOLD, fhefollowing properly , or as much there of as will Jatisfy the tax with coJis,Jor the year 1799 88 acres of land in Columbia county, adjoining Garnett and Jones, the property of George G. Tankerflcy j tax due D. 4 58!;. 200 seres ot land in Burke county, adjoining Strcetman and Brunfon, the property of John Ford; tax due 685 cts. 60 acres of land in Columbia county, adjoining Fuftcr and Young, the proper ly of James Patterson ; tax due $5 £ cts. 390 acres of land in Columbia county, adjoining Grinage and Moore, to pro peaty ot David Crawford; tax due 78 ce ts. 200 arres of land in Oglethorpe coun ty, adjoining Pittman and Few, the pro perty < f James Shaw; tax due 60 cents. 200 acres of land in Columbia coun ty, adjoining Jones and Sanders, the pro erty ot William Wright; tax due '6Bj cents. ' 200 acres ot land in Columbia coun ty, adjoining Germany and Baldwin, the property of Henry Peek; tax due D. 1 7|. 400 acres of land in Columbia coun. ty, a joining Cuibreath and Steed, the property of John Savage; tax due D. 3 37 f* 7£ teres of land in Columbia county, adjoining Jemmerfon and Jones, the pro perty ot Major Eubanks; tax due D. 3 H 9 o acres of land in Columbia county, adjoining Gray and Cartledge, the pro perty of Win, Eubanks; tax due cts, 100 acres of land in Columbia coun ty, aOj ining Germany and Low, the property of Alexander Gardner; tax due D. 1 33 160 acres of land in Columbia coun ty, ac.joining Cartledge and Spalding, the property of Dajs Gill; tax due 531 cents. 450 acres of land in Columbia ccun ty, adjoining Steed and Greer, the pro perty of John L Boguc ; tax due D. * 1 431* 100 acres of land in Columbia coun ty, adjoining Bugg and Appling, the property of Richard Dunn; tax due D. * 1 of. 400 acres of land in Columbia coun ty, adjoining Few and Cobb, the pro perty of Waters Dunn, fen. tax due D. 2 5- 100 acres of land in Columbia county, adjoining Perryman and Few, the pro perty of Elizabeth Johns; tax due D. 1 86*. 200 acres of land in Columbia coun ty, adjoining Wright and Sturgcs, the property of Elias Lazenby ; tax due D. t 7S -80 acres of land in Columbia county, adjoining Pool and Adams, the proper ty of Rebecca Brown; tax due 46* cts. 250 pctcs land in Columbia county, adjoining Cobbs and Beckham, the pro perty of Ann Jones; tax due D. 10 50. 229 acres land in Columbia county, adjoining Lazenby and Hicks, the pro perty of jofeph Dafey; tax due D 2 3S*. 400 acres of land in C dumbia coun ty, adj dning Howard and Harrison, the property of Dorothy Short; iax t due D 5 481, So acres of land in Columbia county, .adjoining Benton and Ramsey, the pro perry of Geo, Smith ; rax dur 564 cts. 13 > acres of land in Columbia coun ty, a joining Few and unknown land, the property of Francis Woodward; tax doe 481 cents. 117 s acres of land in Columbia coun ty, adjoining Wrightlborongh and Smith, the property of Benjamin Reace; tax due D. 10 ie|* 150 acres of land in Columbia coun ty* adjoining Golekly and Bell, the pro- petty of John Maddox; tax due D, 4 32 v. ico acres of land in Columbia coun ty, adjoining Burnfidcs and Carr, the properly of John Divis; tax due D. 1 Y SANDERS, D. T. C. November 9. COLLECTOR’S SALES. At ike court houje in Columbia county, on Saturday the ltd day as January next , IV 1 L L BE SOLD, The following property, or as much there of as will fatisjy the tax with coJls,Jor the year 1800. 100 acres of land in Colum bia county, adjoining Gardner and Dog gett, the pro pert/ of George G, Tam ktrllcy ; tax due D. 15 2s. Ijo acres in Columbia county, ad joining M'Gcc and Stallings, the proper ty of Abigail Laughter ; tax 87! cents. £z3 acres in Columbia county, adjoin, ing Collier and Cridcnton, the properly of Chappcl Bonner; tax D, 5 87^. 43 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Germany and Boyd, the property oi Edward Brown ; tax 7^, 260 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Cousins and Fury, the property of John Aulicn; tax D 37•*-, po acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Morris and Lamar, the property of John Morris tax cents. i6oj acres in Columbia county, ad joining Germany and Jones, the proper ty ol Isaac Skinner; tax D. 2 62^. 239 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing B inner and Germany, the propci ty of Win. Couflns; tax D 1 311, 64 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Collier tmd Darling, the property of William Oanclly ; tax D 6 63^. • $OO acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Thomas Wagoner, the property of j B; jimin Fuller; tax9ocents, 3£o acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Grinagc and Moore, the property of Francis Crawford; tax D, 1 37^. 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Maddox and Barnett, the property of Hannah Barnett; tax D 2 6z\ .' 200 acres in Oglethorpe county, ad joining John Bi Jups, the property of James Shaw; tax 60 cents, 14$ acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Jcfhua Grinagc, the property of James Caldwell; tax D 1 47-J. 150 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing iVlannona Bell, the property ot John Maddox ; tax D 4 84^. 288 acres in Gtccnc county, adjoining Currey, the prupcity of Jeffs Winfrey ; tax D 8 Vk' 1 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Crawford and Barnett, the property of Jane Mofely; tax 45 cents. 180 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Leonard Smith, the property of Leo nard Sirns; tax D 1 6o|. 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Grinagc and Bell, the property of Littleton Yarbrough; tax D. 2 100 acres in Columbia county, ad joining Sanders and Sanders, the proper ty of Thomas Cobbs ; tax D. 7. 1 569 "cresin Columbia county, adjoin ing Garnett and Bell, the property of Thomas Haynes; tax D. 11 87L 100 acres in Columbia county, the property of William Collcns; tax D. 4 59. 200 acres in Co’umbia county, adjoin ing A. Jones, the property of William Wright; tax 68| cts 200 acres in Columbia county, adjoin, ing Griffin and Welden, the property of John Tankcyfler ; tax 16 75. 500 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Hutchcrfon and Ayrci, the property of Jacob Johnson ; tax 118 i. 140 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Smith and Payne, the property of John Gray, fen.; tax 6zl cti. 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Pulling and Oneal, the property of GEORGIA. John Watkins ; tax s6| cts, 140 acies in Columbia county, adjoin ing Evans and Hogan, the property of John Fleming; tax 6z| cts. 1 *7 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Jammerfon and Evans, tlv* prop-rty of John Cartledge, jun.; tax D. 1 68^. 75 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing L anoar and Jamfeerfon, th.- property of M.*jor Eubanks ; tax D- 3 3 1 i 200 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Weldon and Tankerflev, the proper ty of Michael G iffin ; tax D t 87 1 2. aoo acres in Columbia county, a join ing Thompson and Putman, the proper ty o» Ph'Hlp Steed; tax D. 1 igj. ico asres in Columbia aunty, adjoin ing M riwethcr, the pr petty of Richard P. White; tax 6 25. 225 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Reed and Meriwether, the property pt Thomas Meriwether; tux D 9 98; 50 acres in Columbia comity, adjoin ing Bugg and Fe w, the property of Tho mas Worthy, fen,; tax 87 1 2 cts. 50 acres in Columbia county, adjoin- t ing Gray and Jammerfon, the property ot William Eubank. ; tax 87 » 2 cts, 1:6 acres in Colunu ia county, adjoin ing Germany the property ot Alexander Gardner; tax D. 1 451. 200 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Miithall, the properly of Acjuila Phelps; tax cts. 10) acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Mu (hill and Patman, the property oi Caieb Muncri**! ; fax D 1 87 1-2. 450 acres in Columbia county, adj< in ing Cugy and Prtotur, the projeity of John L P guc; tax D 1 43 j. 200 acres in C< lum lia county, adjoin ing Ship and Griffi-i, the properly ot John Roberts; tax D r 3r 4. 2jo acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Frcels and Roberts, the property of Joleph Tankcrflcy ; tax D. 4 75. 250 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Freeland Roberts, the property of Susannah Tanketfley ; tax D. 8 6z 1 2 193 acres in Columbia county, adjoin, iag Middleton, the property of John Clunnault; fax 6z 1 2 cts. 85 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Roberts and Tanketfley, the proper ty of John Slone; tax 56* cts, 142 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing K- nnon and Manncn, the property of John Jones; tax 87 1 2 cts. 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Farmer and Jones, the property of John Espy ; tax D. 1 31^. 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing O wens and K-nnon, the property of John Faimer; tax 56] cts. 160 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Watson and Hunt, the property of John M'DufFec; tax D- 1 81 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing ths Iron works and Watson, the pro perty of John Shaws; tax 50 cents. $o acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Moon and Neal, the property ot Jcf. fe Buke ; tax 46; cts. 200 acres in Wilke* county, adjoining Jones and Evans, the property of Reu ben Chinnault; tax 68| cts. 225 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Wilborn and Farmer, the property of William Dunn ; tax D 2 68|. 23J acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Et is and the property of I saiah Wright, dec. returned by Abednc go Wright, administrator; tax D. 4 25. 200 acres in Columbia county , adjoin ing Wright and Sturges, the propertyof Elias Lazcrby; tax D. 1 Bi£. 13 j acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Sanders and B;nion, the property of Haden Prior; tax D, 4 75. ioo acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Cobbs and others, the property of James Johns; tax D. z s\\ 108 acre* in Colombia county, ing Appling, the property of Jeremiah Perryman ; tax D, I. 67 acrca in Columbia county, adjoin ing Wilson and Perry, 'he property of Jof-eph Fold; m* D. 1 64. [VqCxVIF. No. 841.} 2co acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Graves and Fiorance, the piopeity of James Martin; tax D. i 87 1-2. too acres in Columbia county, ad jap ing Carr and Linfey, the properly of Richard Mathias; tax D 3 68 j. 687 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Low and Walker the property ot Da vid Walker ; tax D 13 12 I z. 325 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Carrel I and Tindel, the property of Eakcbud Phillips; tsx D 1 12 1-2. 34.0 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Booker and Tindel, the property of James Tin fly; tax D r 3?*, 221 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Tcndill, the property of Jacob Fudge; tax D 1 93 i 1 jo acres in Columbia county, adjofn ing M*Near and P » ker, the property of James Pricr; tax 56 jets. 520 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Wright and Wilkin*, the property of jefle Morris; fax 93 jets. 200 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Randal N ifom, returned by Joseph Cobb, tor Ezekiel Cobb; tax D 1 7J. 500 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Monk and Phillips, the property of .Silas M <rk; tax 81j cts. 375 acres in Columbia county, adjoin nig L cklin and Diy, the property of William Lockiin ; tax 73 j cts. 1 jo acres in Columbia county, iog and Jones, the property ot Bei jamln Watson ; tax D r 37 j j, ico acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Smith, the property of Benjamin Watson ; tax j6j cts. 133 acres in Colombia county, adjoin ing rii ki and Daffey, the property of Bal’d Migruder; tax D. 1 Bi,|. 197 acres in Columbia county, adj lin ing Brient and Olive, ;hc property of David Young; tax 62 1 2 Cts. ioco acres in Warren county-, adjoin ing Jones and Parker, the property of Eiekici Abbott ; tax D. 3 12 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Drane and Davis, the property of George Gray; tax 43 i cts. 8j acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Lin fey and Jones, the property of John Niday ; tax 46 jets. 173 acres in Co'umbia county, adjoin ing Olive and Hogc, the property of John Olive; tax D. 1 37 |.*. 2jo acres in Columbia enunty, adjoin ing Florence and Graves, the property of John Brifcoc; tax 17 6j, 130 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing M'Nicl, given in by Lewis Gardner, executor for Lewis Gardner, deceafcd; tax D. 8 68 j. 200 acres in Bulloch county, adjoin ing Lane and Thorne, the property of Lewis Gardner; tax D. 1 47 1-2. 430 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Niday and Carr, the property of Mathew Llnfey ; tax 40 cts. 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Sutherland Jones, the property ofMithew Duncan; tax D 2 62 t 2. 75 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Olive and Divis, the property of Nancy Davis; tax 61 - cts. 1 jo acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing Nufom and Rees, the propetty of Randal Neve! ; tax j6| cts. 200 acres in Jackfjn county, adjoin ing Cla:k, the property oi Rachel Pow cl; tax 62 1-2 cts. _ 25 acres in Columbia county, adjoin- ~" r '' ing Watson, rhe property of William Smith ; tax 8; j cl. 100 acres in Co umbia county, adjoin* ing B onion and Roberts, the property of Ala Crabh; tax 68 j cts. 4jo acres in Columoia county, adjoin ing igoatius F w. the propirty of Ben j .mi.t Few ; tax D 7 97 1 2. 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoin ing J mes and Cobbs, the property of Charles El’is; tax D 3 871-2. 38 0 -crei in Columbia county, adjoin ing M tc* and Hsrrifon, the property of Charles Dcvercaux ; t>x D 4 43;. too acres in Columbia county, *l3 ,n-