The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 11, 1802, Image 1

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Dcc_cmkj \ i, i SO2. THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE **Cs ■ •gjfijr v • % AND _ G azette of the state. v FREEDOM of the PRESS and TRIAL by JURY shall remain inviolate. Canjlitution of Georgia. ~ ■ ‘ -- ; ■ ■ 5 - AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, near the market. (3 Dolls, per Annum.'] i—■ - . - ■ ! '■!" !■**■"' —— ■ ■ ■ - -- ■ - Isaac Herbert 'Beg! leave to inform his friends and the I public in general, that he has juji re dived a past of his Fall Supply of GOOD S, (do'tjifhug chiefy of the following articles ; JAMAICA and Northward ana Sugar and coffee Hyfon and foulhong teas Bed Inverncfs cotton bagging London-and Bristol dufiil blankets Flaxen oznaburgs Linens, calicoes, muffins and durants JVlens fine and coarfc hats Mens and wo mens cotton hole Mens fine shoes £arfb*p and Hone Ware in crates, well as- B)Sf* >erty «leaiqcrates ..nilling hoes, See, Bc c. Winch, with his former Stock, will be disposed of on moderate terms for BASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. December 3. "fors~X l~e7~ For Calhor Clean Cotton, ALIK FLY family of NEGROES, QOr.fidh.g of a Wench and five Chi drftn. F r further particulars en< ttniie of IS 4 AC HERBERT. ’ CdUt 1 O M SOME evil disposed persons having cut and destroyed the Timber, and o thet wifi rrcfpaffed on two fifty acre Sots in the townfliip of Augulla, originally granted to James Gray, dcccafed, adjoin ing Archibald Beal?, Esq. and others.- Tfurfc are to forbid future trefpaffcs, and to affine fiich persons that they will be sued indiferiminately in the Federal Court. ISAAC HERBERT, Attorney for James Bvlgin. November 11. ~EFANS AND M CABE H AVE jull received from Baltimore, five boxes of mens and womens FINE HATS, well aflbrtcd, which they will fell at a low advance, for Cash or Cotton. Augnfia, December 1. NEiF&c ELEGANT BOOKS . "t he fubferiber has now open and for Tale at Ins Store in Broad-street, next door to Judge Wilson’s, an elegant collection of BOOKS, all of the bell London Editions, in elegant Bindings.— As his Hay in this city may perhaps be short, those persons who uifh to furrulh themfdves with complete Libraries, or to finifh such as are already began, will do Well to apply Toon. ’ ROBERT ALDRICH. Augnfia, Dec. 3. N. B. A Catalogue of the large-and elegant collection of Books, now felling in Charldlon, by Mr. E. S. Thomas, may be had gratis, and any of the Books contained in it procured with all pofiible dispatch, on the fame low terms they are fold in Charleston, PUBLIC AUCTION. To be fold , at I'uhlu: Außion, on Monday the yl of January next , ALL the property belong ing to the ellate of James ' ampbell, .late of this city, dcceafed. Coi filling of a general affortrrent of GOODS, well adapted for this maiket—Wearing Apparel, Hcufehold Furniture, See. The creditors of fatd Campbell are hereby notified togivcin their refpeflive Claims on fald efiatt, properly anthenti fated ; and those indebted are desired to toukc immediate payment JOHN CAMPBELL, 7 , THOMAS KELLY. £ "* Novanbir Iq. GEORGI . Thomas M'Call Harris, Jlas mOitrudin cut i hum sis Mcxn e ZUMA from Glasgow p>-r ii w:t /tin ivuf -'S frmn Liverpool :t» ■ Alexander fnm London ter Sa VUKHilfl, 2 Bales bell rot'on baling, I do. twilled i.ick ng, i do, ozn^buras, «, O' i tru::k book and jaconet muslin hand. kerchiefs, 1 do.. printed linen do. x do. bine romali do. i bale milled drab plains, i do. while plains,. I do. green and brown do, i do. flannels, i do. duffle blankets, i do. role do, i do. fuperfine & second cloths, , i do. calfunereb & dallies, i do. coalings, I trunk durants, i do. bombazine & bombazett, t do. fcarlct cardinals, i do. riblvons, lutellringand filkhdks, i box sewing silk and twill, I do. lace and edging, b j I trunk thread, abo lbs, fein twine, i calk (hoc tliread and leading lines, I trunk mens and womens fliocs, x do. cotton hose, I bale wrapping paper, 1 x box stationary, 1 I do. playing cards, I trunk perfumery, I do. pound packet pins* 40 white chapel needles* 6 cases hats, xoo iron pots, 60 dutch ovens, 5; dozen Ikillets, 4 hhds cutlery and ironmongery, 1 box ivory combs, 20 boxes Bby 1 o crown glass, I 1 hhd. cut glass ware, 10 crates Staftbrdlhire ware, 1 box murtard, 6 cases green copperas, 1 set table plate, I piano forte, from Clement Sc Co. London, For Sale Wholesale and Retail. ON COM SIGN MEN T. 1 case plated candletticks, lor coll and charges,* December 1, The Subfcribcr Is now opening, in the houje lately occu pied by Mr. Peter If right , and next door below the Brick Houje of Mejfrs» Brown Gardner, AN ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Amortgft which are — Rose and duflil blankets Kendall cottons Coarse and fine cloths Caflimeres and fwanfdown Coarse and line hats Linens, callicoes, mullinsandhumhams. An AJfortment of Hardware, Saddlery, GROCERIES, &c. To be fold cheap for cash or pro d'uce. JOHN CARMICHAEL. November 20. iSir/’f GEOiiGIA. Athens, December 1, 1802. THE Members of the Board of Trudecs of the Univcrlity of Georgia, are requeued to meet at* Louifv'ille on the eighteenth div ot December inti. o« ba finefs of importance. The winter vacation begins this day, and will continue fix weeks. The So*, dears are dire lie I to assemble at this place on tire eleventh day of January, 1805, an.i refame their iludies. Young men who are able to read the Englilh language corredly, arc admitted into the Grammar School. I. MEIGS, Fred dent. * » Executive Department, ■ i Sot. jtfived at the i ijth itrartmg jd copies ;o|ves of Gene [tine lalf, n nenced :nt of the Vpc an! is to be pofals.— ntrart is approved thousand dollars, conditioned, that the Laws and Journals, properly completed, flull be delivered it this offi e, on or before the firft day of A 'ril next. : ■ 1 - <j. a. CL WTOV, .Vrv. Ferdinand Has received per the Ship Ttoo Friends , from London, and the Susan from Liverpool, via Charlcfton, -A Larw and General Ajfortment of | • EUROPEAN GOODS, CONSISTING f every article, usu ally imported for the upper coun try tiade, which he is now opening, and i will 'difpofe ot on the lowed terms, at his Stores at Augusta China Grove* A COMPLF, AT ASSORTMENT OF i BOL 7 IMG • CLOTUSy L [QJJQRS and ' GHOCERIES On hand, of which he intends to keep a confisnt supply. The high&ft price given for cotton and tobacco. Aug*ft a, Dec. i. 1802. The Subfcribcr, B KGS leave to inform his friends and - the public in general, that he has I eflablifhcd a HOUSE in Savannah, and taken info copartnership Mr. Francis H. Welman, a young gentleman who lives at present with Mr. Benjamin Mau rice, Merchant in Savannah, to com mence on the firfl of January next, un der the firm of PHINIZY' & VVEL MAN. I have taken Stores and Wharf on the Coffee-Houfe Wharf, next to Mdfrs, Dennis and Williams, where I expect to purchase and fell all kinds of Country Produce; I also expert to tranfart busi ness as a CanvmJJion Merchant , and hope to give general fatisfartion to those who will favor me with their custom. F. PHINIZY. Auguftcty Dec. r, 1802. b 0 K SAL E, THREE hundred acres of land in Bry an county, inland fwarnp; 300 a cres in Burke county, oak and hickory, of second quality , 200 acres in Colum bia county, half pine half oak and hick ry ; 200 acres in Bulloch ; 1200 acres of pine land in Effingham ; 200 acres in said county, pine; 200 acres in said county, pine. The terms will be made easy to the purchaser. Apply to JABEZ BO’*VEN, jim. A Lift oj Defaulters in Greene coau.y, for the year 180a. Cass. Haynes's Djh'tft. Jacob Moore, Mcfcs M’Guire, Benjamin Copland, Hugh H»it, Johu Cochran, Chnlfopher Baker, Thomas Payne, Fratnia M‘Gc':, Wil iam Bools, John Peek, John Harvil, William Hai bill, Charles Cochran, C. Cochran, Da vid Biers. Cass. Cidnnef’t Dflrscl, Henry Swan, John Boots. Cap l. Cox's DiftriSt. Silly Btadly, James H. Ray, John Tnompfon, SaUy Smith, Georgs Suing felbw, Jc>hn Watt's, of Btartfdm. -.m: ■ . * % , • * •• 0 * / - sot. XVII. No. 844,!: 11 i —I i —.ll, X Capt. Date's DiJlriEl. Benjamin Ward, Mark Ward, Phil, Biofmgim, Thomas Freeman, James M 6 Call, ;Thomas Pool, jun. James Fears, Nithan Bainctt, juo. Joel Langham, Henry Cabiaefi, John Dill. Capt, Walts's Di/Wiil . BenjammGypfon, Joseph Hendcrfon, Jolm Watts, Cuth’jcrt Smith, Abtl Ms- L hattoo, Joseph Patrick, Robert Sharp, William Daniel, Hark well Matbsl, Sptu* c:r L»vr, Thomas Wi liams, Wilbain Brown, Harry Walker, Samuel Coch rau, William FretweSl, Joihua Patrick, Wi low Ledbetter, Charles Dean, Mary Fiudiy. Capt, Fojier's Dtjlncl, Richard Carnins, Andrew Rea, Joha Joh.ifon, R JacitUaru»n% Wm. Walker, jun. Joan Film, Wm, Taunt, Jaa, Barns, John Cooy, J bn MbVluliin, Amo* Ward, Wm. Rjoenfon, Andrew Baras, George Underwood, John Gatlin, Ro bert Burns, Alexander Cochran, Richard totter, Julian Martin, Jeremiah Wil lingham, joihua Wriion, Cotelr Knight, Martin Turner, Wm. Williams, Hi. m Whatty, Ann Jones, Widow Dunn, Za chary Ghfs, Samuel Giles, Frederick Pealor, Wrilianj Dawkins. Capt Alford's Dijiritt, Alexander Reid, James Stewart, Ed ward Hauthotn, Wm. Sutton, George Hi , William B .xicy, Wm. Jacitfoo, G >rge Sims, Mathew Dawfy, Elijah Las tor, James Sutton, James Baldwin, Da;! M* Murry, Stephen Parker, Chas, Marry, liaac Bntn>, James Kilpatrick, Ja nes Jones, A'cxandcr M* Daniel. Capt. Days Difirii}, James Whaty, George Grumble*, Ml c.’.jah We bo, Julius Mullins, Robert Campbell, John Bluit, Warren Weft. Capt, Jenkins s Dijinci, R. T. Davis, Benjamin Rig Id a! c, Jc(£> (: Walker, Wm, Walker, Win, Coch ran, JohnCicluan, Henry Savery, Jacob Sanfom, John Patrick, Robert Perkin*, Joseph Williams, Svmel Williams, J ». nathan Walker, Nathan B:ewer, Henry Brewer, Archibald Sanfom, CunT on, James Durrer, Elijah Herron, Du niel Newnun, Benjamin Williams, Ben jamin Sims, Van Scott, H cnr y Myers, Capt. Owens’s DijlrUl • Genrge Jeffries, Jonas Williams, Tho mas Briges, W n. Whatty, John A Ikin fon, Burri! Wnatly, Thomas jclfrirt, Eppy Whitlock, David Sabciy, Wiiii -9m Giimcs. Capt. Cunningham’s Di/lriZ. John Hunt, jun. James Hunt, Aaron Hunt, Solomon Watson, Briton Willi, amc, John Littlejohn, Abraham Little john, Silas Littlejohn, John Booker, James Gatlin, Wm, Harris David Ray, Jeremiah Pcarfon, Z.ic'iariah Wsrfley, Thomas Greer, Avery Whcelis, B'tnja. min Harrison, Malachi Murdin, John Cargil, John Hunt, fen. Sally Williams, BTdil Swan, Jane? Caac, Elizabeth Whatty, Edward Wiiiiams. Capt, Chnflophtr's D flri£l, Sjtnm 3aly, D rnglas Cargi!, Jere miah WiTor., Daniel Jackson, Calvery Knight Jo in K light, Joseph M.dh, John . Moor-, Enoch Laniard, Samuel Black, Gray Griddle, Ezkicl Robinet, Nim rod Smith. Joseph VVi'fon, Thomas Da vis, Matthew Hogg, Widow Co#k. Capt . }Jought on’s Dijlrifl, Archibald Gray, James Grimnaft, Thomas Greer, Thomas Wn. King, j' fiah Hoggins. Isaac W.lijams, William Stewart, Curtis Moore, Roberw M, Cunningham, Cab ' IVUborn's DiHriZ, William S-vinny, Samu.-l Hcoderfon, John Jenkins, jofeph Hughy, Georga Stoval, Isaac Thrafbet, Wm. Robert fan, Henry Nozery, Wm Lewis, jelfe M, 6 Gen, Samuel Oliver, Nathsnlel Ptauing ton,M«ik Ja.'kf m Cbarlei Woldin* John Drvis- Thomas W.iborn, pine Moore, Widow Elder, NeiJy Hardygrec, E(E mend W d, Wztha-H Walter. Wm. BROWNING, ,V. T. Rl