The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, February 22, 1806, Image 1

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SATURDAY, February 33, iBc6* AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, GAZETTE OF T D fl E S T A T " FREEDOM o, thi HESS *»o TRIAL .x JU R Y .aTti ZZ}lf C«r f «. - , ■*— --■-■■ ----- - • • v ■ - y ‘ —1 ' - ~« IJ.L: v. "'V - X ~ - • 1 rfl -• -*| j - | */jir. v j-fi miii , Vn i '- -* ■—- *■ ■ [■' - * _ ■--•,• AUGUSTA: Printed by D. DRISCOL, near the market. D Dolls, per Annum.] ■ .■ ■■- - ■■ ■ . 4-U— —■■■ . - . _____ NOTICE. / Jhall attend at the times and places herein after mentioned, far the purposes of receiv ing the 'Tax returns of the County of Rich tnond, for the Tear 1806. For Diftrift No. 3 —at Mr. James Collins’s, Saturday the zziofFe -1 ; Saturdays the Bth and 22A March. For Diftrift No, i—at the Ci ty Ho. el, Angufta, on Monday’s the 10th and z pa and Monday 7th April. For Diftrift No. 4— at the A.u g*ita i 8 >ck.ilore, on Tuesday’s the nth and 25th March, and Tuefday the ith of Anjl. For Diftrift No. 5 —at Mr. William Clarke’s on Wcdnefday’s, the • iZth sad 26th March, and on Wedncfday the cth April, at Mr. John Rhodes in Bedford. For Diftrift No. 6—at Capt. William Ms Tyres on ThurfJay’s the 13th ami 27 ;h March, and Tharfday the 10th of April. For Diftrift No. 2—at James Fulchers Esq. Saturday’s the 15thand 29th March, and Saturday the 12th of April. A. RHODES, R. T. R. Teh, if. (3 t ) FOR SALE . A large SPANISH JACK, igkt years old this spring, nearly 14 hands igh, and a JJNNEY, heavy with foal by the Jack, The terras are very low for calh 600 Dollars, or 700 Dalian in good horses prices, or two likely young negroes of 12 or 13 years of age. Those who wilh to purchase, will plcafe apply t© deo. S. Houjion, Augusta, ojr to William H. Darker, in South-Carolina, near Rut ledge's mills Barnwell uiftxift. January 25., ( ts ) , FINAL NOTICE. THOSE who are indebted to the Sub scriber, either by note oropen account, are earaeftly requeued to come forward and fettle the fame by the firft day of April next j those who do not avail themselves of this netice, may rest allured of the difagrcc able confctjucnce, that of having their ac counts placed in the hands of an Attorney for collecUon, without diferirnination, DAVID URQUHART. February i£, (jt.) FINAL NOTICE, . THOSE who are indebted to the state of George Ringland, are informed that unlofs they make payment to the fub feriber by the firtt day of March next, their notes will then be put in the hand of art At torney, as longer indulgence cannot be giv en—he is determined not to let the firft Court pass over. JOHN CARMICHAEL. Acting AdminiJlrator. February 8 „ (3M NOTICE. For fats to the higkejl bidder, on the fir(l day of March next, at Raysville, 1 . Columbia county, THE ftors goods, ccnfifting of cloths, calicoes, linens Sec. and stock of all kinds ; houfshold and kitchen furniture, implements of husbandry Sc c. and fevcral other articles too tedious to mention—be gging to the estate of the late Joseph Ray deceased of Columbia county. The falc to continue from day to day on the usual hours, till the whole is fold. The condi tions willjbc made known at the commence ment of im falc. NANCY RAY, Ex'irx. HENRY WEST, Ex*r, February ty, (at.) •Publifhcd and For Sale, At the CHRONICLE OFFICE. She Georgia and South-Carolina REPUBLICAN ALMANAC, for the tear of our lord 1806 ; Containing—The Aftrosornical Calcula tions, with a variety of other ufcful and en tertaining matter. - ■" —— —-'’■>"-—1 / NOTICE. partoerlhip of Watkins Hamill, X as practitioners of law, having expired by the death of Colonel Watkins, their clients are informed that due attention will be paid to their bufinef* by the fubferiber, who requests those indebted to the late con cern to difeharge their tefpeflive notes and accounts as fooa as possible. w , J. HAMILL. February 8* TN o't Ic E. ~ iL fubferibers beg leave to notify their former clients, and the public, that they have entered into partn.-’fliip, as pradllrHncn of law, under the firm of Stith (3 Hamill, and that they will praftsfe in the Circu'f court, and the fupSrhit Courts in the Middle D Such ueifo’S a* plcafc to favor them with their bnfinefs may rely on the utmost attention and fi !el<ty. W, STT rn, J. HAMILL. February 8. j 1 N O T I C K. ALL Pcrfons indebted to the eft*‘e of Binjimin Rees of Columbia comity, deceased, are icquefted to makr j ate payment * and those having a«v d?- mands against said estate, are desired to present them prop-rly attested according to law. SARAH REES, £*V*. JESSE BULL. } „ , ADAM JONES, J Ex rSt February 8. {^t.) notice. All persons having claims a gainst the Estate of the late Joseph Allen of Columbia county deceased, aje requeued to bring them for ward without delay, proper ■ And those who are indebted to t v. Gud estate are requetted to make im mediate' payment to me. JAMES ALLEN, Adm'r. Felmay WIILLTxe hired. At the Market- tht th d of fe . bruary next, at the , , ! A NEGRO MAN, fo&I *1 7 , , . „ , tftr ® of year, belonging to the cfta\ es f . . Major John Brown, \ 9 For sale at the fame tisrr,N A NEGRO WOMAN-for the u oc & v of all concerned. SAMUEL M. SMYTH, 1 r , WALTER LEIGH \ N. B. The above sale is until the 10th of March next. (^.t) ALL persons indebted td the late firm of William H. Jack & Co. or to the estate of Andrew lanes , de ceased, by bond or note, are onCe more called on for immediate settlement; no further indulgence can be given.—Those indebted to either of the above mentioned firms oa open account, are requeued to liquidate the fame previous to the firft day of September next.—After that date, suits will be commenced against delin quents without diferimination. JAMES BEGGS, Adm'r. IIUN-AWAY from the fub farther about the middle of June last, a ne gro lad, about the age of 18. by the name of SAM, belonging to Colonel S. Ham mond. Whoever will deliver the said boy to the fubferiber, living in Barnwell Di ftrift, near Rutledge's mills, to Major Goodwin, at bis mills, or to Colonel Le roy Hammoad, shall receive a reward of Five Dollars. WILLIAM H. DURKEE. January 18 (ts.) Administrator’s Sale. Will he fold% on Thursday the *7 th of March next , at the plantation whereon William Horon deceased , formerly resided , in Lin coin county. ALL the pcrfonal property of said dec. • confiding of negroes, horses, cattle, corn and fodder, plantation tools and other things too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. THOMAS CURRY, Adm'r. February i£, (2 f «) | Blank Deeds of coveyancc for | sale at this Office. 1 GEORGIA, 1 —— ; 1 ACTS. | V a Jfe* by the lafi Legifature of the fate of 1 Georgia. AN ACT f 'or the better regulation and government h of the town of Sparta, in nee county of I* Hancock. J i t Eit enabled by the Senate and House of LJ Rsprefentativet of the fate of Georgia, He General AJfembly met, and by the an jhority of the fame. That Thomas Lancaf :cr, Archibald Martin, James H. Jones, I Jamuel Hall and Willie Abercrombie, be, I Jnd they arc hereby appointed commission. of the town of Sparta, and that they or a Artjprity of them (hall immediately after the piaffing of this aft, convene and proceed to the appointment of a clerk, and such other officers as they may deem neceflary to carry I into execution. J Sec. 2. And he it further enadled, hy the authority aforefaid, T hat the said commif. ; lioners shall hold their refpeftive appoint, ntem*, hereby given, until the firft Monday in January, in ihe year 1807, at which nmc, and on every subsequent firft Monday in January thereafter, the citizens of Spar ta, entitled to vote for members cf the gen. J tral aflembly, shall convene at the court l.oufe in find town, and there, between the hours of ten and t wo o’clock of the fame day, choose by ballot five free holders as commissioners of said town, and they, ora majority of them, fnall have, and arc here by veiled with full power and authority to make such byc-laws and regulations, and I impeife such fioes and forfeitures as in their judgment shall be conducive to the good order and government of the said town of Sparta: Provided, that such bye- laws and’ ; regulations he not repugnant to the laws f and (fonftitution of this date. - ABRAHAM JACKSON, / j Speaker oj the House oj lictrejentativet/ JARED IRWIN, / Pref dent of the Senate, /' Assented to, December 3,180 c./ JOHN MILLEDGE, Govyfnbi 1 , AN ACT To amend and continue id force an edi to raise a tux for the(dpport of government for the year one/huufand eight hundred and five, until the meeting of the next General Ajptnbly, and from thence until j the fame frail be repealed, S Bundled b* 1 <*”d House sor r - ,a * l * }es °f *he State of Ge. General Ajfembly met , and it is the authority of the fame. That raise a tax for the support of » for the year one thousand, ght himdercd and five, with the amend, tnis herein after expressed, be, and the me is hereby declared to be in force until t meeting of the next general aflembly, il from Ihe nee untill the lame shall be re pled. Sec. 2 • And be it further cnadied, hy the i’honty aforefaid, That the clerks of the lerior courts shall not be at liberty to rc tveany return of taxable property (as di ifed in the before reccited aft ; but it shall bhe duty of the clerk of the inferior courts ifhe different counties, at any time be. f: a digest of the taxes shall be completed, (1 not after) on application on oath, which 11 be the fame and adminiftcrcd by the 1 clerk, as pointed out in the aft afore, f, and shall keep a regular lift of the nes and property of the pe/fon or persons f iven in, and by him to be returned in tpigeft deposited in his office, Sc a certified c ’ to the receiver of tax returns by him tie entered in the books to be put ia the hjls of the colleftor and deposited in the ctptroller’s office. -here Wife ax of two and an half per cent, levied ai collefted on the amount or capital of 'a. bank or banks, office or offices of dff. cot and deposit within this state, and the fuher sumos one half per cent, on the a mlnt of bills iflhed from any such bank or ofeof difeount and deposit, over and a brr the amount or capital as aßiemid, w ch fhallbe returned on oath hy the ram ie >r direftors thereof, and rollefted ana pal into the treafarycf this state by ta: colleftor of the county In which men ba kor office of diftount and deposit is or on r be established, in the janie manner as no ued out in and by the aforefaid aft, and if tc calhieror direftors of any fuca ba.^ (Vex.. XX. N*. ioi* -- 4 ' i -- 1 . - or office of discount and dcpofir, dial! ncglcft or rcfufc to give in the amount of capital, or bills as aforefaid, it (hail be the duty of the receiver of tax return* and the colieftof | of taxes, to proceed against such caihicr of directors in the fame manner as against pcr fons in default, or who have ntgleftcd or refufed to return the amount of taxable pro perty by him, her or them claimed ; and if «o property can be found belonging to the proprietors or (hare holders of such bank or office of discount ard deposit, whereof the amount of tax can be levied as returned hy thecaftuef ordiredors, or addled by the re ceiver of tax Jttuns in case of default, the cafiller and directors of inch bank or office of discount and drptfit are hereby declared and made liable and anfvyerable in their own private capacity, and the tax colleftor is hereby amhorifed and required immediately to proceed, hy levy and sale, as pointed out by the aforefaid ad, against the private property of such calhier and diredors, until the whole amount is collefted. Sec. 4. And be it further enailed, That the colledors ®f taxes for the .counties of WavnE, Wilkinson and Baldwin, shall give bond with fuffiejent security, as follows: ror the county of Wavks, in the Aim of one thousand dollars; for ihe county of Wilkinson, in the Aim of four thousand dollars; and for the county of Baldwin of *>««,, an j (hall fubfenteand taks the oath as laid down by the said tax aft, and the receivers of tax returns for the said counties, (hall give bond and fufficient security in the Atm qf two thousand dollars, to be taken by the justices of the inferior courts of their refpedive counties, which said tax colledors and re ceivers (hall-be appointed by the justices of th u ri Cr ‘° r T rW . 0f thc said ***** on the firft Monday in January next, and all and. lying within .he said counties, (h ,11 be fuiojcd to uie &uU**6» as other lands of the fame quality m the adjacent counties ABRAHAM JACKSON, Sfeqkef of the Hon/e of Rcprefcntati-ves JARED IRWIN/ * , Pr ‘/Mem oft be Senate, Auented to December 4, iB o c. JOHN MILLEDGE. Governor. MESSAGE SK= * Saaßsa ‘ Form the P ref dent *f the United States Comn’’ , Xultn i a report of the Fd*,*, * of fate refpe&ing “ u,.of v*" r ; tn pnrfnance of a reoueli r,/ * ttnde •if 0//1 „,ft. 7 ** T‘ ,h f. s ***" "/nt Vmtti According to the desire of rh/c exprefled in their resolution JL* I now * he lofh *nft. fecrctary of ftatc, with its*"documents?'fiat ting certain new principles attempted to be introduced on the fubjed cf natural rights, injurious to the rights and intcrefts cf the U. States. Thefc, with my rneffiige to both iloofes of the 17th inst. and the docu ments accompanying it, fulfil thc desires of the Senate, as far as can be done by any information in my polfcffion which is au thentic and not publicly known. TH : JEFFERSON. Jan, z-j , 1806. REPORT. The Secretary of State, to whom the Pre fdent has been pleased to refer (he refalu. tion if the Senate, dated on the loth inst, has the honor to make the following RE PORT ... The tnoft important of the principles in terpolated into the law of nations is th;*C which appears to be maintained by the Bri ti(h government and its prise courts, that a on account of the war, is unlawful. The principle has been relaxed, from time by orders, allowing, as favours to -canicular branches of trade. difaL lowed ..m. ord-rs have also, in some rnftanccs ejfWrttr ded thg modifications of the punciplc be yond its avowed import. In like manner, thc last of these orders, I bearing date the 24th of June, ißoj, has incorporated with the relax.tif ■», a colla teral principle, which is itfelfan rntetpolr tion,, that a vend on a return voy , a .CIS liable to capture by thecirmmftancc. j of her having on the outward voyage, con veyed .contraband articles to an enemy’s j po rt. How far alifcc penalty aft. bed by . I .