Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, September 30, 1830, Image 1

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VOL. 5. PUBLIdHEU EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. IYX. 'At Mr. Howard’! Brick Buildings,opposite Mr.Cainmiug’ ( Law Building!, M’latash Street. DIRECTIONS. Sales of Land. and Regrets, by Administrators, Execu '»ors, or Guardians, are required, by law. to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the aft'rnortb, at the Court-boi.e of the county in which the property is situate. —Notice of these sales must bo given in a public gazette SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notices of the sale of /tersonn/proper* v must be given in like manner, KORTY days previous to the dav of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of un »tate, laust bo rrhlished for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court ofOr diuarv for leave to sell laud, must bo published lor FOUR MONTHS Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for FOUR MONTH - *, before any order absolute shall be tuado liurcuii by the court.. The following gentlemen are candidates for seal* in (lie Congress of the United States, at tlie 'election in October next. RICHARD H. WILDE, of Richmond THOMAS U. P CHARLTON, of Chatham THOMAS F. FOSTER, of Greene SEATON GRAM LAND, of Baldwiu DANIEL NEWN *N, of Henry ROGER L GAMBLE, of Jeffetsoo WILE If THOMPSON, of Elbert WILSON LUMPKIN, of Walton CHARLES E. 11AYNES, of Hancock HENRY G. LAMAR, of Bibb REUBEN C. SHORTER, of Jasper JAMES M. vVaYNE, of Chat hum SILK GOODS. HAS just received trout New York a band tome assortment of Fa.bionuu.u FA JVC Y SILKS, lor die*,ea also, Supuiior Black Italian Silk '* Gro l>e Berlin, nnd Gt o I)e Z«n “ “ Auicliow's Sarsnels, 4L gro tla Naples Hiack and White halms. him k Pink mid light blue gro «le Naples, While gro de /.an, co loied Floi tunas, Belt Ribbons, ol sii|h rtor quali ty, changeable ettibroiUeied Bonnet Ribbons, (a new anil splendid aiticle ) Number 22 1 atfeta Ribbons, (nil colors) Jl—4—6 k ti-4 plain Bobbiuet Lace. H—4-4 Figured . “ •• IS.uck, white a. col rtl II S Gloves, itip'r quality. Also lor sale as above, the fashionable DUNSTAIiLL liONNETS S mii 'll d*2 21 On Consignment, 30 HIILS. Superior CIDER it! ditto Fidln k Tuylot's ALE Fur Sale by A. BRYAN kept. 27 Si 42 COTTON H COMMISSION WAmaaNwa®. f 1111 E Suhscrdiei s auiiounce to iheir It tend* I ami the public, Hint tin y have rented the Waltdionse in ( amphcll sit eel, Augusta, lately occupied bv Mr John Itres, Mite nppostlr the Mat eh< •unit ol Messis .'slaughter a l.abusaii ; wlnne they aie now ready In receive ('niton mid t**) «i produce, mid lender thru set vires therein, b-’ig Sanguine that the n|letillon which will be paid to the Intelesl ol their li tends, will secute lor tin in a sham ol public patronage. T. COLEMAN. WM. J. WIGII I .MAN. Augusl 23 32 wif At. 43 Pieces BROAD CLOTHS, assorted o ilu Fine Raliiieit do Negru Cloths A Rales London Duilii Blankets I ilu Rose do 2.64A* Pau Shors, asmtied together u ilh u /urge and (initial STOCK Of*’ GllOt'Kllll’S. l or Sale by 3I U All I L BENT •ept lit *(g gp ttHKLL COMBS. t I4IIK ht Hm KIHFR respectfully infotmi I the Ladles ol Aoglwtn and Vicinity, that hr bus piepaied bimself with ell the implements necessary fm rementing and polishing broken < umlis, and will at a short iiotn r, cement nr polish tiser old Combs, in surlt a manner, at to make Hu ur in all ivspn Is, equal to ucw . 4 I IU, An assortment of Selrcletl Combs, which be *MI exchange ur sail upon the most areumiuo dattug teruis. Specimens wt Ins wotk may be ••***• ** any (im«. Jcwelij, 4.1 1 spatted as usual. J IV HITT. . Ne, 341, liisiid .'ll. .lug tufa, a fre Joins ultut r im* PiuuUrt' Haiti. April IHJ Ist j if JOHN UUIMARIN, WATCH MAIvUlt, ?s’o V V, V»voiu\-SVvci'V, nA!* •*<*•*• began kttllviti Hi llir Hi ilk Houae N.i U 7 Bmad-Mrvet. lately m. || ll«* CITY IK)TU, w liri r be nil V •tow *ll but ■li*ii(i.>n mi repauing \V jj| , ANI) I’LUI ks. »»1 aieiy deauiiptHut, hi Inc best pyrsr•»!* ihiuhiW, mihl at very tra*uuabe II* tolkiU Ui* )MliruiM(i> ul hi* It i*..a* ••••*1 i.»m*r tustciuieis, and *ll who wtah to h.m W lUJ.If la kr*(t food litoral « in.»,t. * '•(«• h»k. It* Mill Mil Ui* 11 UlittliiUg SICK k, <««*lllllljj 01 NV.VUUV.S k CLOCKS, CASTORS, .Vc.Jcc. |-* Um ih«M the* *« \V hair, v i- ■„,( H, mil Un* l >u«i u u> H GLASSES. and .11 d*.nipiru*t. .1 U*ii4» Glaaaea. uimiml) k(L>< w*» b*»«i. W » REMOVAL. f JTIIE s wb*»ivt>wi iu itMvtnl hi* M»i>« Sim« ll W lilt !»•« l*«r .Kill ftl Jfl'un l New 1 «li *«0» curwai at Hiv«.l iin.i VV **b<i (. U .!»**♦• *h*r* ki* ft vend* and n.ilnm«n will. *a wa***C !*«»*» *»•*» Ai I**W, m tu« liu*. «l |.>« U*4l (WOOlf , *ad *> •»*“’*» •!« pile* • MOSLi UOLL, Jun. •*pi. 27 Si 42 HKMOVAL. ~ f IMIt HiW.nbcii !*<• r**o»«J to t*« cor net 1 •« B«\»a4 and Juki •Mimii worth aide lUw*4 Miwl, | mhi illt hoot* • »• l (Wi'Mi.l • • «*»*«. rwcvMtiy m(»|MoI kj Mi Vi **. M lw*‘*wl—*b<i« ite* »§*t fw* Ml*, t MMbMMrf ftkV 00005 * uKOCrRII V BUST WICK A li.MKO. 27 4t iZ - • - FOR SALE DY SIBLEY & MORRISON, No. 184 BitOAD STRKIiT. 50,000 POUNDS PRIME BACON 30 llhds Porto Rico Sugar 15 do low price New-Orleans do 60 Bids Coffee 10 Hhds Malaises 25 Hhds and (30 Bbl* Baltimore Whiskey 20 Bids Monoitgahela Whiskey 8 years old 20 Pipes and 100 Bldg supetior Northern Gin 4.5 Bids Northern Rum 20 do Old Peach Brandy 20 do Apple Brandy 1 Pipe supetior Port Wing 10 Dozen Bottles do do 25 Qr. Casks Malaga ilo 30 20 Gallon Casks French Madeira 1,600 Bags Shot, 150 Bundles Bar Lead 4,000 Yards Negro Cloth 50 Bales 3 4 4-4 5 4 Brown Shirtings and Sheetings 2 Cases domestic Plaidg 6 do fancy Prints 200 Pieces American Bagging 50 •x't Osnaiiurgg, 60 Pieces Sacking 1 Bale steel Mixed Broad Cloth 2000 Galls. Stone Jugs, Jars and Pitchers 10 Kegs Old Cavendish Toba< co 26 do pound twist do 20 do 12 twists to the pound 10 Boxes Adkins plug 20,o<it) s punish Cigars, 20 Tons Iron 60 Casks Nads, 3 Tors Hollow Ware H*o Reams Writing Pa per 200 tlo Wrapping tlo 6 Dozen Pine Apple Cheese 3.5 Boxes and 4 Boxes Bunch Raisins 10,1 MX> Bushels Liverpoool Grouud bull 2**<! tlo T attle do 4** boxes Guit|mwiler, Imperial Hvson Tea 60 ilo Soap, 6 Boxes Chocolate .'Ft Harrs prune Feathers lo Doz Fancy Clmir*. 10 Doe. Windsor do I'tOrM Pair Shoes consisting of mens calf and Kip litoguiis, mens low quarter Calf siloes. La ities Prunel shoes, do. leather Boots ami sines tlo Morocco Walking do. Misses Leather Bouts Chihlieiik Leather Dimes and Negro Shoes, sept 20 40 61 GIIOCERIES. 20 HHDS Prime -St. Croix Sugar 20 do second quality do 120 Bag* prims Green Cofioe 75 BarreU live Gin 4o Do Portland ltuiii 60 Do Ohio M ill,key 20 Boxes sperm Candle* 20 Do Baldwin’s do 100 Pieces Hemp Bagging 20 Or Casks Malaga Mine I'M) Kegs Nails assorted 15 Khls Loaf Mud Lump Sugar IO Hhds Molasses Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica limn, iVladeiia, Marseilles, Claret ami Champaignr Mines, Soup. Luffs Cruekert, smoked Beef, Iron. Lead, ihot, Salt, Powder, Arc. lor sale on teavonublc terms, by GEORGE U. JESSUP, 330, Uroad-Strert. June 17 13 ts I'AIAj Si WINTKR WM, 11. MOUUAN Si CO. I 5 1 c«»*l v«-«l n purl of tin ir supply of I 1 PALL AND H IXTKK t.OUDd. A MONO* r WIIICU ARK, 10 -I Flemish Sheetings f> 4 1 1 lull do Ittm k Italian Lustring* Kuncjr cvlorrd do Changeable ii fancy colored Gro* de Nap* Rim k Grot de bcnrld .Mr mm Shawl* Do do 'Manilas With a vaiietyol other fancy and Staple Ar liclm, which they wilt sell us cheap a* any hou.c in th* city if|il«nilwr W Hi 3? STORAGE ANl> CoimnioniGU Uitainran. flMIf. Snharrtlirrs, fialrful lor |>«»i fa«or*. A. ir lie w I lie Ir tide ioflhrir*eivit .• ~10 I heir friends and the public, with *he assurance Out ••’ey will m heretofore, devote ihcir lime lo the iuteresl of then- Employria. I'hnr W a re-1 louse will be in good oidri foi the reception and ml« keeping ot Country Produce and Merchandize. 1 hey deem, t Uu« to Ihein* »e» lo state the • ■liialion ol Ihnr 'Vare Hoiue—lhm l'liei are tm-iuded on the North by Hay-street and the Kim—On the Writ by an open apace ol ahoul Itkl Irrl —On Ihr South by Ueyunld ilirn, ahoul l»A lerl wide, and oil the Ea*t by C ampbell tlrrrl. about lit let I wide -—ln ail Union lo Ihr in ill ll i atnuil hi*, which the alnxe location |m tniii, they have about the centra ol their 1.01, a ||, dranl which deiivei i VV alar frwtu Ihc aqueduct Ulrl« lomplelrd in Ihia city. I hay uiU(iani Ida uanal laciltlia*. by advan eea of nionay »r olberw iaa, to such at tuay la«or them with cualoni. A SLALUtiIER X C. LAlil /.\N. •epl 2l> do HI srAin't TAYEKX. fill* Hi N I that i|Mcin«i ■ml writ arranged I IAN I.UN. in (hr l own of Sparta llan «m k t aunty. al plcacul OvCMpted b\ Mi.Mliliatu Alar hi*. 1 In* rilaUluhm'til i* tin patted n f * iimilai hi ml in th« up Country, an,l „,l| with jadWMw M*ii*(*m*«t. y#*M ■ ha u <U»iu* rriunt ou (h* capital awtplovc! IK* ruii-.iwrv and »loch will l»* *. 14 mi a it edit lu* appm.iJ pa p*r. (o*u* privow nr person* who U.-.J Liotrait lor lb* piruinm* PoM««*W4i will La given on ih* lit. NmruiWi uni. A,., ly to Mikl.N/.IL L Bk.NNOt 11. IT* 1 tirorgiA Journal and Federal I him. Ih* it u U. t* a on,, t. and W iibtnp n >»», will in*,-, i h »>miii- o>>c* a wr«k far *i\ wrrhi ■nd »aa,l (Lrtr accounts to Mckimu X Lc.iuuvh Aug 4 .a. **V>t «i 74 If #75 REWARD. RANWVAV a«* the but mrl frota the "ftthac ri ba i , m Aug-.%tr. a weg'o telluw i.iurd JA (* k*. an n. r.init b n her, ah<-ul 30 i *ar* old. ■nd b r*e« A imha* high with busby hair, large mouth ilifi.irut L>--k and talk, and cctpaitlui msuwrii lie had on w h*l h* •*•! away, a t oatr* and pauiat -mu al c-rarsv light blue Sati o*t and a« !■ it, hat Ihr swhacuher belt* * mg, I,# * l U* n«» diaputr.KMt ol Jack that hr *n (WIMHiIrd !• (o b« i iwr tlMua, with l«*f iwiaatlrww ol in.m; him will give s.k> to aw* bo dl wh« wil! tai.uik kaa aii*i rfair.Kf »w<kc»*«it •w **•»•« rS* thwl. ands i.S to |,dj» lb* Ntflo • • 4ml, *trir hr can Crt inn or |kr owr turn i 4*-i ) wdh imimiUi it, .mn t*4«L«r( Una in Au„uUa >. L>r.L ilt'.t t. ZZ 35 ts AUGUSTA, (GEO.) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, IS3O. PAINTING. THE Subscribers would respectfully Inform the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, that they have entered into co-partnership under the firm of MILLER Hf JASEPH, and intend carrying on House, Sign, Chair, <& Ornamental Painting and Glazing, Paper Hanging. k.c. in all its various branches. They hope that from the neatness in the execution of their work, and strict attention to their business, to merit a libe ral share of public patronage. Persons disposed to patroftize them may find them at their shop, No. 203 Broad-Street. N. B.—Orders from the Country punctually attended to. REFERENCES. Dr. Thomas I. Wrav, Augusta. Dk. .Millkdgl .Galthi-x, . Col. A. Whatley, { Beach Island bAMCKL Clark, D. Atkinson. / July 22 23 ts Farmer’s Fire Insurance, AND LOAN COMPANY. OF NEW YORK. r* THIS Company, with a Capital of Five ’tun dttil Thousand Dollars, all secui elv invest ed, continues to Insure generally against loss by FIRE, and assure the pubiic. that ail losses sus tained by this Office wilt be adjusted wilii fiber utuy, uuJ paid promptly. DIRECTORS. James Mr Bryde George Griswold Benjamin Bailey Frederick A Traci/ Thomas Lord Lew's Curtiss Henry Parish Oliver H. Hicks John 6. Crury James Tall mange James Magee Thomas J. Oakley If il/nw II Harrison Charles 11. T'allmaJge Jacob Corlies Elias H. Fly Charles Dickinson Itilliam C. Huolsty Tyler iMhbiee John A. Tajlor. Haller R. Jones OLIVER H HICK A. President. JOHN KING. Secretary. Apply to the Subscriber, Agent at Augusta GlO HENRY H. FIELD. September 27 h 2 it KIC 11M OM >ACADE MY. f I till, liu.tee* ot the Academy ot Richmond I county will, on the last Saturday in Decern her next, proceed to elect the following Teacher* and Offurit for the term and spare of twelve months, 110111 the time ot appointment, 10-wil . A Rector, with a salary ol Eight Hundred Dol hiis, am t half of the T union money. An English I earlier, with a salaiy of Five Hundred Dollau, and ouc half of the Tuiliou money. A 1 rai'her for the Satul Hills, without salary, hut with the use ot the House and Lot at the Band Hills, the feather lo receive the whole of the I union money. A teacher ol Modern Languages, with a sal. ary ol Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, and the whole of the luitlnn money—the priee lor In struction to be Eight Dollats per quarter. A l lerk. Btewxid and Tieasuiei, willi a Sala ry of Four Hundied Ibdlait. M ritlen application will be made to the U nder signed. By order of the Board, JAMES Me LAMS. Clerk. September 2 mtl).4t—Ml I*4 H. PARSONS^ II 44 just from rbr Manufactory, 1 lwo very Supctmr rt Octave Boston made II 4 N3* 11)111 |,4 i m plain Mshoganv rs<r< l be lone and w nkioaothlp a.e atpial to t'ur I igli. r.i finished, ami are a«il woitli> thr iiisperlioii ol tiiosr who may wish a good lustiuiucul at a model ate pt iu. June 3 y if I’lli: SI.'IiscHIHER I TAS jn*t r*r*i»*d twn fti at rat* Cairia;**. A t,»4*tli*r with a liumt.** nl lifht and laity a*, and tarn h.inr it trout h*». til;! and 'ihkrvi Alto oi triu 111* and llr.iliaty Hariiril tin th* ll»rr Mild rijn-ct,,! daili tan ('nadir* on* tlt ,ri.,r tc*. aid a number of <»i;» ami Sulmii. to;*ln, r witli <»•; ami fiarou, h S|»ri*p« ; ipriu; | *tr» i. t,.; top l»i»* plated work, t ill t’arprl a.,- I‘riion* wiihin; to ord*r t arri*c*« fr ft ni th* , .North, ran ha»r lh*ir ordrri prmnaiW attrnded to b* addt*««inf the •i« , airiil>*r at AucuiM or al Vwaih any tune belwer.i tint and it* lit ol S*pt»Mbtr util THOMAS G. HALL. • J oli '2J n to \\\:xv 2sx\ a i a Roy. ami i *»i,**ni*'nt Store. Hr the upper part Kroad-«lr»*t. n**t IliO d«-»or l,i i-r VVireHnar lateli vcv«- * I ■ fiam» t ,i«.t b» Mr. i: CauiptMia. < 1 h>» War lluuw will If a;am opened a htch I will rcudrr IS* Star* * d*airaUW *iand ; an t it ! * ••• Bad H applied for toon, at on* burnt red Id» i a/i per year S *,. to inr*. a Negro Mia welt known at a Aral rat* .Irwymau. and h»* !»**» u*. .1 to ait*mi to a tiiocrti .ituir A,-j4* to A l., ui tu ti.r io < rii'fr Li.NJ. SIMS | • **p» S7 ad r, t TO ueS V ’jwfl I li’U t: r 1 • >»( i'#n , n , i li U, * 1 tOO (i *,i » *.| | ,t u ,fe ||l BW itiect* occupi*,. t>) t„* 'H.iuiiat. ■ I JiVJ. . it *•> A imall Darlinf Huuir and I t. mi k*i >. id- Mr ret. now occupied Lt M». K bud it. luq itfe of WELCOME ALLEN he pi. 27 21 42 MK>. ADAM HUTCHIKBON !**»* to iaf>rwi her triewd* and to* pwoite in ; en*t»! that tweeter**.** .4 her ; School, till, who piiiar ;wreaua, be r*» ; iwunl in A«{»ii a sa la* h< it Mwnait of On* j her neat 1 ..a School KouHl Ulu tUe buO. r I B„. dm; . No. 13*L J Aw|.d» l!*K House, Sign, and Ornamental RP SPELMAN, having returned from • New York, and having made himself ac quainted with the Latest Style of Painting, res pectfully solicits from his friends and former cus tomers, a continuance of the patiouage extend ed to him for the last leu years. ICT’ Country Merchants cau be supplied with Signs at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms, —safely packed for any dis tance. August 12 29 wtf T? M J. SMITH (fc CO. HAVE just received in addition to their for mer Stock, an elegant assortment ot Fur niture, consisting of Sideboards, Buteaux, Book- Cases, Wardrobes. Tables, Chairs, &e. K.c. «H ot which will he sold as cheap as can he bought in this City, for Cash or tow n acceptances. July I |7 t s ~\<>TlCE~ Four months after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Justices of the I nterior Court of Richmond County, while silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate belonging to Edmund Mttrphv. de ceased, and late ol Richmond County, vie 1400 acres ol Pine Land in Richmond County, Acres ol Land 111 Lee County, and 2u2j Acres in Hall County. ALEAANDER MURPiIY, Erecutor- J"'y 6 w4m 18 TO RENT. ArA Tbe Subscriber offers to rent for !CiluSf ~IP *’ ,,,u1,1!r y p "r his Dwelling House, situated on the corner of Marbui v 11 vaZsw f.llis-streets —it contains eight looms, six ol which have fire-places, all necessary out buildings. and a large garden well supplied with fruit trees, 6kC. JNO. C. HOLCOMBE. • sept 27 2t42 Clock and \Ydlc\i Wenandng. V. CKEPIT, Return* his thanks to the g putdic tor then hheial pa jr , tronage, and takes this op < , s, . portunityol informing them g -w that he has taken m con- V I , Jtifn fexion tor Clock at Maf«ti Repairing, Mr. 8. A. bal * loiislall. Any Wink 01- truslrd to his care w ill be caretuily attended to and done nt the shortest notice. • *ii band, and offers for bale, an •••ortuicut of .1 KWKLLr.IiV. 11./* Mr C. w ill Manufacture and Repair all kinds of Jewellery or Ftlligtte Moik, and will also give it its pi outlive tolout. sept lt> » 3m 39 KKMOVAL* rjlHt, Subsetiher* have removed a few door* | below their lormer stand, mid one door above Mr. John Mnmr'i romri, where they have received a part ofibetr nipple of STAPLE and fANt l I »K\ GOODS, Hini daily cijircl a lur iher supply. t’rrsnn* wiihine lo pnrehate are requeued locall and examine Uiciu, a* they will be ru'd very low fur rath .V H. WiIIFLAW .V Cos. •epl 2<* dd Ht COTTON GINS, Ac. Subscriber ha* on hand COTTON I GINS oi a very tnperior ipialilv, of from .Ki lo fa* Saw ». single and double breaded from ircriil iinpioveiiirnl* ini''Mimed into those Guts, they have bean pr»r.ouncad by ihoia having them in u- e lo be of ihe very be»l k'nd. bulb a* lo furnishing a clean aod K'mml Staple, a* alsu lo Rfthlna** of draufhl; alto Moating flue*. GIN’ jit pwiieti at iiiurt notice. M<* of AURIC VI. Tl HAL IMPI.F.- Mt \ I * >• M'anmr, CAniitlmg of all ihe mod * l»pr « . ed I 1.0 l GlfS, of which he ha* a latye quantity, and Irmn Ihe tor reaving demand, tne price will be much reduced SIT Wheat saw*. Corn Shellrr* Cultivator*. Dult Ma« hints and aUo an eirallanl a*«oil i.n-iit ol I leak Mai ranted OAKDEN St EDS. liOBEHI PHILIP. taur titton Ltloie Itu ilirchanlt X PiuHlin' Lank sept Irt ysi Kll m:w school. ff i lib. Si LSI ItIBkH leave to inform | hit irmnd* and the pnbltr that oh the )u .Monday m t»r»ol#er neat, he will op«-r, a School ilia liouir on the North tide of tiro«d Street, alti.e the up t mr .Milker, kelonjfi-i; to the Khtala ot NriUitt, and holicif* a that* of puh'ic pa I roo »P GLURGE J. MiCLKSKf.V. h*|4. 3l» atl 40 IH) A HD. \I IHi fhr |*i O, tubei neat a few Gentle men ran L* accomiu,ala(ed n da* K-oh!- era in tn* oj>p»r Inrnoit or Mr. JLsstl' 3 N*» Duddiu, ou LIU* built. **pr. '27 Sr A Piuitical l*ook-Ufr|n r, Hil|St; *oiue Ictaure hmir* r»er> day, w. uht Le r>ad to take cha*£* ol • let w f ttyeil— t O. ItM LJUui ui l*K Courier. **pt £* 42 fir W ant* a Situation f Si It vtr *a*l»or (iioriry More, arming man I aiaiN well iri{/ÜBlrit Will t t>r (.roceir Lu »u. «* » h-> will t. me ijiuMi nKoaiawa'iCil. — K ll* * *.tdie»*ed to \ /. hod iCUaI tku UuK-C, WUi am wh litre attctflioo. TO I HUE. Hu* two llo«.t Srnai.t*. GirUof Ij and A. * n >*art o; *(i, Lur u eitaiteid Nwiki A *PO tu J G. MmiOKTI H. >*pt*n»iwr £7 44 it OLD BHH K. 11’ AN 1 Ki * »w Parch**e |n i*«j Ol r>l»K|t k » * Ut f.uul 9 iadr« , tor whilli 4 lairiiljHlU *u L* |lic« Apply U» j. c Miiv iioniim I *<• t«aar*r 4 TIIE SUBSCRIBERS 44 RE daily receiving such additions to their r\ former Stock, as will enable them to fur nish Merchants ami Plauters with as great a variety as can he found in any Store in this city. 1 heir Stock embraces most of the leading Arti cles necessary for family use, usually called for in the GROCERY, DRY GOODS and HARD WARE STORES: AMONG WHICH ARE! Hhds. SUGAR, ) OVLP 100 Bags COFFEE, $ arwus yuahltts 10 hhds. prime retailing Molasses 100 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging 100 do Flax and 'l ow do 10 bales Bagging. Seine and Shop Twine Bale Rope and Sacking, heavy 3 bales Shoe Thread Prime Chewing Tobacco in bout kegs Prime Spanish and Common Segats 4<*oo bushels Sait.<l2,ooo lbs. Bacon 1000 lbs. choice Hams, 20 boxes Soap 20 boxes Augusta made Candle* 10 do Cotton and Wool Cards 200 kegs Nails and Brads, Lump Oil Swedes Iron, all sizes German, 1 Cast, and } STEEL Blistered S Sheet lion, Nos. 18, 19 and *2O Nail Rods, Hoop Iron, Trace Chains Mill Saws, Castings, tcc. &C. —also — A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SADDLE 8, BRIDLES WAGON GEAR , UPPER & SOLE LEATHER. AM of which they are disposed to sell flow or Cash, or good Town Acceptances. BREWSTER k PRESCOTT, Near the I'pptr Murktl, South side Broad SI. septenioer 13 4tw 38 PURE WHITE LEAD, (warranted.) TI’ST Received by Steam-Boat Company’s Boats, No’s 5 and 8, —300 Kegs Lewis’ PL RE Mill IE LEAD, ami for sale low by JAMES LEV ERICH. No. 135 Bridge Bank, Augusta. September 9 • w3t 37 Ijkiss Cutting ViStabWbhmont. E. L. SY3I3IONS RESPECTFULLY informs the Citixent of Augii,la and its Vicinity, that be has com* mem t-d the business of GLASS CUTTING ill the Store No. 162 Broad-Street, where he inlands to keep constantly on hand, a supply of superior Crystal Cat and Plain Glass of every description. A, this Establishment has been commenced for the first time in this State, ami at conviiieralda expense, he hopes iu introduction will insure him a portion ol patronage, a* the Articles he of fers can be proemed at home on us favorable terms, and ol as good quality a* in New-Yotk or eisew here August 6 4lw£7 A CARD. rjIHE Subscriber will open a School for ln l strnetion in Instrumental Music, at the Richmond Academy, on ihe Ist ol October next. He has engaged the service* of Miss PRATT, who is well qualified to give Lessons on the Piano lotto and Partonr Organ, which will be lurn* tailed provided twenty Scholars ran lie engag ed. lerinj made known on application (at the Academy, East M'tug, front) to SEREN'D TAYLOR. August 16 wtii 30 ItT Ibe Constitutionalist and Chronicle will please insert a* above. 8 T. FACTORAGE AND Cewwfosfon Uußfnc&s, SAVANNAH, GKO. f 14 HE Subscriber intending 10 remove to S*. ■ vminah Hit ensuing lull, lor tb« pui of liMiitactnig a general Com misgio n liusincss , He prclfnlly nflrrs bis services lo his Ineuds and il*e public He will devote hi* personal aiien lion >-vhniveli to the business, and from long experience, confident!v hopes to render en'irr talisf oli >u •tj those who m.>v lavor him with their I ii,im-«s. ii s stores will lie auv ; srruie from hr f ; a -ol r.-adi for 1 hi; reiepli n ol • roods 01 Piodwce by toe Ist ol <)■ tober n* xt. JulIN K. ANDEBBDN. August 26 3-4 nism ly* Ibe Courier. \u(u«ta Georgian Savan nah; Journal. Milledfevillr , 1 elegraph .Ma con ; aod tihrmmi, Athens ; will each, publish ihe above once a month until the l*»oi next and lorn aid fhnr accounts lo the Fuhseri ber tu Savariuab, for payment. J. It. A. Just Deceived, Bv UICIIAUDS& (iANAHI., Intlrutlioiii Jvr the t:ou.\ A, or Mund Harmonica^ “1 Arll H a *elertion of (mpnlar Mel«i/|let ci * I pieiilv arranged for I lie ln*fr«nie|ir Splendid Library Krfdioni of St’fOfi, I‘ojit, B u nf /iyroii and L,Mrmi/Vr liotkt. d-l Volume ol Petit*' iiepnrf*, l,rtiii:'i Kreneh (tr"rnn<ar, l ountry Curate, A .V»*el, f'yr Ber. Mr firing, Authorrhip. *• by John Neal, July Niimter of rhe " Noitu Amertcan Medi cal and -uigiCid Juurud. »'pt *2 36 Georgia, Lincoln County. \ \ H MiK KS iS dl-am Key ooldr applie. to r*«e » f f''*t i/eir-ra of Adinmtirrattoii rf* inill iu«a on the Kit ate of Marita Picker, decea.rd I h*«* *rr, therefore to rite, tunirnool, arid adie• tu b ail ami •In/ulat lb* kindred and cr»d ■ tor* of laid dec*a»*.| to l-e and appear ar my oth'e within the Im.e pre*< ribed by law. In lira <aui', any they ua.e, w :i >• .aid Lciler* mould out h* granted. (riveu if,der my baud, at oflice, tiria &tfi Os SCjHCbIUCi. IST' f K.vMiS P FLEMING, e. e. o aepteio'nel l.f wSI JAILOR’S SALK. 1 L J I L ire •« ,i on li.e ti'*< 1 w-wla* in Odr. tr—- *>« ar *1(110 the urual howri of *a.e, • Ner«o Huwian w rapj her»*|f <kir|H and »n« iM hedoog* t> I Imna* Bnadry ol Luium b.a « ounly. G*o —so and eable to an Order t It.* HoworaMe me ( Ity Council of Angnira. •u pay J*i l r_ »an I '*L er charyei. prorefe<J the ail Negro i« oof previuuaiy tiauued, Charge* paid, and taacn away. B l* CRi iilK, Jril*r, * c **pt*wda*r V t-M7 LKI Ni l KS’ I NK. Jl •* I fWei**d a he»H «irfi(4» wf Nl4 sf.i i’ 15k, Mv.a law lilka Otait. A wgwat ii NOTICE. THE Subscriber wishes to purchase likely young negroes, of good clutmrtert the description wanted are Bovs from 12 to 15 years, and. m from 16 to 25. \ few Voting women would lie purchased, if likelv. None need be offered unless they can he certificated. The above number of negroes are Wanted imme diately; persons wishing to set*, can find nient Messrs Musgrove, Wetmore, &.ens. Warehoii.k or at George Rountree’s Store; in mb Hbsthte my sou, Henry Grimes, will act for me. Wtu. G. GRIMES. N«v 9 64 ts Foil SALE a A House ami Lot in the village of Harrisburg. The said House and Los is next adjoining Henry Mealing’* corner, and known as the Red House. The above premises will be sold at auction at the Matket House the first Tuesday in Octobef next. Terms at sale. M. NELSON. sept 20 40 3 t _ TO HF,N'I\ a FROM the Ist of OctViber next, ni ronvenient dwelling on Green-street, suitable for a small family. Fot terms apply to G. F. PARISH. July 29 , 2,» ts TO It ENT, ' Front the first of October nexY, lit* Fire Proof Brick Store, at present' a occupied by Messrs. H. W. bcovell, Cos. Apply to James Ftnzer, or HENRY ii. FIELD. June 24 16 ts t7>~rent7 THE 4th Stole in the range not# lIS riveting by Thomas Cum tiling Po*-' IS* -VS *•-'».ion given Ist October. Apply to L.TIiSSL. T. S. METC AI. F. August 9 28 ts TO UK NT, FROM the lat of October 1 next, the' Ipdif.lpW ~ew r ''k Store South Side Broad 1 Street, third door from Centre-street' awwAllttw— Also a very convenient Honsc f«»r <i tnmll family mi Ell is-* t reel, occupied by B. 8.- Mitchell, for term* npply in D. KIRKPATRICK. t Cos. .lime 28 28 ts TO RKNT, □ggl The convenient two Storv HOIIBK 'yHKfc 1 on Cccen Street, ne»l above the rrv HiißaSc *idence of the subscriber. Pnsses *«»klllw lion g/v*u UIC Ist of 0< loher Ap-' ply to uACOB DII.L. AnMHst 23 32 til TO KENT. JJiwjO The t|incinu* Store on Broid-St. of present ocrupied by Mctsr*. T- I?H Dortic It Ct*- Po*fte**4r>M will be e lye' on tlie lit O.toher. For term*,* imply to NELSON CAIiTKR! x-ptemher 13 ts 38 ~TfMiENT r THE Store* ndjomiog rhe fAiiftacrl tVcyo her’* Warehouse. They are laraife convenient for the Grocery bu*i ness—Thu'ten I low. J. MKKiSv. »ept Id MtkAP' TO KENT, M: The Biielt Store*. No*, 212 L2M, «>ci npied hy Mr*. Hall and |)r. Bau l> *iSl ‘ lr .v. or ilia Store now in the necu- of IVm. H. Morgnu u Co.— i’vnuiiuu (ivMt llii l»i October next. r. BRADFORD •eptember 9 tf37 Ware-Mouse tirHcnt. f I HIE Wara-House now occupied l.y Edward l I ("ampfield, and ill good repair, will bw rented I tom ihe l*t of October next.—For term*, which will be wudci Hie. apply to ALLENS it PADDOCK. Am*u*t 9 V 8 tO NOTICE. VLL |»ar*on« indebted to ('nrdiu Barnes, tie. ceased, late of Scnvan County, will nntka immediate payment. An I those having demands aj-iinsi said deceased will please present the same duly attested, within the time presrrilwd h> law. SAUAIi BARNES, Adm'x. May 13 || 3 Adtninislrator’s Sale. WILL he fuld on the I*l lueaday in Gcto* her neil. at ilie Maiket Home in the Ci* >y ol Augmia Irrtween the initial hour* ol ml*, toe Library he longing to tlie Kitnle of Jaruea Moore dereated, eon.iifing of Gieck, Latin, t rcucM and &t<auiih Work*. History, tic. JUakl’ll A. I.V L, Adm'r. August £ti S4 4i Administrator’* IVoliee. "■‘ NOl'M months alter rial*. applicaUwu wilt I,« li nude to the Honorable rhe Inferior Court. <»l Birhimrnd County, wrhett silling for oiriniHry pur pus**, tor leave to sell a negro tnart miuhl Hriitarn. belonging to the e.mie ul James Moore, derea*ed, lot lli« purpose ul a distribution uuidiig' (lie heirs. JOSEPH A. LVE, Adm'r. Aug 2rV 4r •> Admimstrator H Sale. [N conlorriHiy to na Order ot the Court of Or dinary ol Kichinond County, will he sold on the first I netdny m Dece.nher ne*|, a LOT' on Gnwn-Street, helmging to th* Estate ot Charles M rim, • 'or and. Said l.ot is designated in !'>e di -I,l*loll ol Bud Martin’s Estate, as Lot No 4 three) ; present* a front «f Hd tret on l»r*en St , and eii*i.<l* hack 1/4 Let. Th e object ol mo sale is tu rnakr regular 1 dies. GLOiUrE J i>. VV ALK / Adm'r. **p« fi id :m PHODOSALS Uril.L l»e received hy |h* Suhscriber orlrl the 3* HI. insr lhr««eh the rneilium of |.>« Pu«f-ftt6c* far tijpplving tin T loop* «|.tinned at rtie I mied Srsiv*’ Ar*enal, Augosta. with E'esh B**l r one year, Commencing o.i the Ur Octo ber !*-*> The beet to Ite delivered twice a • li. atrd id such cpianllll't »* may L* required. LiiAj. k . MEKi H VNI ' Ll. Lapt. A f’ t 'uir. I'. S Arseuil, sept 23 4| Kl i J Ib* Cihu t> le ands onsttluituttaltil at a re,joe»ied to pmdMh the ahova. IsTiiicrr RGPfrS K !.S will h* received wntr* rt» Sr.g Huanlrv in Oetoher west. f.#e (~/...* a*- **e J»d wit, wood owe vear lr>w», «h»i and -te _ wittuwg to engage in th* l»<u«<*tt wi' haott »p;>li'-ati ( >aating the pet. * 1 curd,) to Mr. Erager, the keeper of the J«rl •*** by uriier ul Ida Jail f'otntniiie*. GEvJiiuL AJ. a<pi 9 • - ks-n. NO. 43i