The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 16, 1871, Image 3

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BAIL fHoBMRG A G I :y affaihs. - City *ub*rrll»»rt. odTItj aatotNrdterf u* *u>fc»fy f teiiur* to reooive The B&/. ^ ^ tvo It m%de *..m* cbiug** in tto* cil >’ “** ^uce ol Oil.. wmf wui probably b. u.l~b ,* day. until Ui« roubrarr l^rixdly panted lur we l»* our al)' rtaderalo be pa- 1, . a» tellur.-. oaOd. We *omiae .thattfce evil will eoobbe .auala-torUj »»- \V« ore r«*«lved to thsl ^ uul i>roiiip !y dll-' ■liort t a faith- evwry •abacriWr. Cotton iirkrt. l„j Uie market w** 5 nuiet at business wo* lr*ua**t-A. «tlb la t.uly t*mtpwrary. \VI h'liHwn th~nn. raw. .Otodo lb. drmViim tor tltet ie peat day tbe ad.erti-.-i l, because V. Kok * Cm. had a*Mt th»m a hafli'l'l the wlIH ,id that .b-Umr-aud uud. r all i lr.uateteuoc..~ tbl. point, bacw- 1“ ltB aud under *U clrcurn mithtag *ood. to the apot; an*l it l* 1 a btrvet, bMt ath.d Dray » a large. flue-looking male imu atb riug thing* *■ he m _ „ i the dray »u front oi ud brought the web Hie dray man tr.ed > r hi* bead alter be w*» a tulachief. MtioM to a into. hop Clark, of the Js'orth- ^h. in bia will bequeathed a • «*UU! Jo the Treedm u » Aid »uci*t Curch for the aupport of a Normal Ik l ’° K-ietj (Clark Unlv. nrttyi located iu Abant* A thua douatod wUl probably reach $ 0 • 1 ^ilwealthy Biahop. hia prui**rty being rai- 4 $130,000. Prat lata. r rather an Imitation oi the ** nui,1 ^“j ■ pieutuul aaorgh lu thi« fume »«H ratbtr l igh. bu n a day or two T boae e b**e fraud* and bette .« fo. the doi'.ora than riin Morphy'* Flabb I wte generally undcr*t«*od on I Tun Murphy wo* getting up .-^wuipddd-u.a-b- *ry .ud a.uts toantuiu« to «•». »• eme tun. It many *oW tbe crow- y aa good a fell, g along. Besiden ■unawlck, bnt o they do not proper to | ie of our uear-by lre»h-i i, where the tuitl' Fanner It Artisan n.aK« >• i - sanctum. and i* read‘i more journal of the kind that t. me* ' number our good fneud Atkmao. „ n “aoniuH.” and introduce* “ “ mg to the p u. kly visit to interest that, o u*. Iu the “tike th, falling ul a alar, Or aa the flights of eagle* are, ' 6r l.le the freeh spring's gaudy hue, OT'diw drop* of morning dew. Or like the wind* that chafe* the flood. Or bubble* which on water stood,— h‘«n auoh ia man.” Tbe falling star iu this instance was William Da- Jt%fu. beage*. twenty-four short hours had passed since he had been before his Honor on a similar harge-4h*t of drunk and disorderly. He begged the mercy of the Court, aa he had been before It once Tie Judge remarked that lu- was a good ctstoigar, and when men do bnaiuet . by the whole sale. price* ought to oorne down a little. His Honor asked if it was beer he drauk. Davidson said whis- Thia was a mitigating circumstance, and no doubt let William off, together with las promise not id get drtmk any more. Costa. Lucy Robinson made complaint that her huabaud. Hack, had mistreated her, and shoved her out the door. ▲ httiu gray headed, dapper looking nigger Usstifled that he heard no particular disturbance* Mack says they commenced to play, and alter play ing • while they sorter quart eled, and he shoved her out the dear, and slapped her jaws. His Honor took live shekels and costs from him. Daniel Hheliau ass let off two morulugs since with a slight flue for drinking too much whisky and cursing. Vester..ay morning he was at books early upon the same charge. The Ms) or was very sorry to flue him. "Well, Judge, don'tdo it, then." •• But 1 am compelled to flue you." " I won't do so any mare." "You won't?" "No." " Then I'll let you off with ten -thekele." detail license costs $900 lu this city, but Browu concluded he would uot invest that much iu such an enterprise, and so went on selling liquor in lass quantities than one quart At last be was overhauled and brought up. He was asked how long he had been doing this kind of business, aud he replied, that for two loug years hs had trafficked wiUi his fellow men in this matter. His Uouor clamped a cool $6o and costs ou him. Brown demurred; but was told of the cheapness of tbe article. While those who tonVout licenses paid $3dU, he was getting off with $50. His Uouor thought ho would have to raise the price, aud tohl Brown he would charge higher the next time. ' Life is s warfare—aud alike l*repared to parley, or to strike, Tbe practiced foe draws ulgh. Oh, hold no truce I leas daugerous fkr To stand, and all his phalanx dare Tliau trust hi* specious he." I.izxie Hamilton, was a Jet black Africaneas, who was very Jealous of another fema'e near by, because Mi. Hamilton would occasiouallr speak some kind Word to the lady. Bhe. no doubt, wanted a fu*s with the other gal. and, aa Hia Honor says, persist «*. iu gettiug up a row. Llxxie did not exactly hold a truce with the foe, but the foe saya Lizzie held on to her dree*for half so hour trying to get her to give the fleet blow, so she could cut her daylights out with a villaiuous loosing razor abe had. The foe thought the best p'au was to stand, "and all his ihak-uix .0 for her to move and get hashed up. until Lizzie released her. The Mayor ununed up the evidence, aud thought it bad con- uct. Lizzie didn’t think so. He warned her arued her against the green-eyed monster, and tid thst she must go upon the hypothesis that men are innocent of these things uutil proven to the con trary. That he is not always guilty of bad thiugs wbou be talk* to a woman. Lizzie shelled out her greenbacks and sailed out of court in red theatrical style. After this piece, the curtain fell. * The Superior Coart Was engaged «' BRACELETS! Since Sharp A Floyd opeoad oat on thstr h*^} schedule in the Jewelry kM. and di«p»*y*d * ml magnificent and elegant stock of bracelets, the hearts of tbe Atlanta ladies have been iMM, aft* tueir endeavors to soon re these beautiful trinkets bare put their wits to work; and wa destre do relate one of th* many dsvioes they resort to to secure the Imaginary blessings. On* of our most amiable matrons, who loves to appear iu rtekerekt style among her thousands of frieuda—and, In feet, one who leads eoclety by her elegant manners and gentleness, besought her good lord to call at Hharp A Floyd's with her and porohaae a aet of bracelets. The goutleman, notwithstanding hia liberality is as proverbial as his affection for his "better-half " is well known, considering the depres sion In tbe mousy market, felt that he was bound to deciiue lu as affectionate and grutle a manner as possible ; and flattered himself that h* had satisfied Un- Madame that the Hum fur such a gift was not op portune, aud the matter ended pleasantly—aud was forgotten by him. Not so, however, as th* matter rested kearlly m the lady's miud, and she set to work to seeio> the bracelets without giving offense to her husband. A lew evenings afterwards she was suddenly attack ed with a severe case of neuralgia, which promised to prove serious. In her great agony of pain she declared that she would dial Her husband appealed to her to be patiqut aud not to use auoh distressing language. But the pains of the neuralgia continued to get worse; and iu one of the Intermissions, af>er the sympathies of her husbaud had been thoroughly aroused, she expressed a desire for the bracelets The hu»l«nd declared his willingness to procure (hem; but not satisfied with this, in auother parox ism, she doubted his abibty financially. Bnt he was too glad to cL clare not only his willingness bat ability to procure them; and with this announce rneut the ueuraligia departed entirely. Mow, we cal1 this a "good joke on Suydsr." Cloud Tsmplarlsm. It will be seen by the following, that Dr. W. P. Harrison has resigned his office as O. W. C. T. Ol Ueorgia, and that Col. Hancock assumes the office: To the Office and Members of the Grand Lodge, I. O. U. T. of Georgia: My removal from the Btate renders It necessary for me to resign the office of uraud Worthy Chiel Templar lor Uie Htate ol G-Mirgla. Thu only purpose I had m view In accepting the position, was to serve the interest of the cause ol iciupersuce in the btate. My duties however, as th« Editor of e literary uiagaziue published in Nash ville, render it impracticable lor me to remain charged with responsibilities which I have no aue- quatc opportuu.hce to assume. Uuder the clrcurn •lances, then, lucling that 1 can be of no turthei Georgia, 1 beg 1< io Te ipersnc* Uefbiin in re*i>ecUuily to tender my reatg- :-.urs iu F. 11. A 0. Nashville, Teuu., June 7, 1871. The ab vc announcement of c Brother, Her. W. P. Harrison, G. read by the members of c ^dorsenieut. announcing -sound on tbe goose q l aware of this fact s long i B would acknowledge th. ,c that he is uot idea that l bad i Utile Captured. Another tt' cwt. J. M. Job-won. oTso* Verb city. *bo »- muT „.,l on tbe lttb tnnUtit t" *■“ | of Hacou. pM—d through the city j.-atrr. ay ^ ^ i with his charming bride. Wc s w a m 11 I Atlanta bran, on the tram congratulating tbo br da a tearful eyes. A No : script. strange looking ainial e of toad, shaped v t* of tile Yesterday we saw a very ' indeed. It appoared to u. alligator and lizzard. Its ) ,, v „_ pLgnthecommon lUaurd. bu,with .■>«. “ d though it did not leap .tkc . ^ , Ju , nldity like the other. It* motion walk, holding it« b"dj up Uk. a brute, but rc.tiug it. body lull,r „u all of the lizzard kind, wheu uot in dy waa considerably flat, having tin rattlesnake, about the U ugth aud with spifle-ttke prickle*^ , ickiug up w r mapping up living of a dark eight of a mouse, adit* outer edge*. It had a'hdl like a hazard, thou.rli pr- .portioMate j «h°rt- It would eat flie*—«d»h. ■e killed and giv one. like a (rag. It l. autu w u...-- lu Martatta atmat, l„ trout id MaJ«. >- r ” ’ ^ t.wday.-!", after, vary tard utlol m ; ^ atrangc looking l*a.t-a real cur.oattj, ha priaad by a uaiumiat. A RRAHP l)OD«K» AnAfrlesn ttallroad Tleket Ag« »«. oet of tliB day of Wednesday iu a against Jane McMasU rs, charged with a violation of the seventh ccmmaudment iu the deca oguo. The Jury, alter twenty-four hours deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty. Thurs day was occupied in the trial of James Mr, Johnson, charged with a like offense, th* y being joint offend ers. Tbe jury, in this case, after a brief delilieis- tion, aiao returned a verdict of guilty without having an opportunity to know the verdict ot the first jury. Judge Hopkius, after asking if there was any return why sentence should uot be pronounced, an l, receiving answer iu the negative, said iu effect; There hav<* been nearly two days speut iu considera tion of these cases. 1 have given them close attention and consideration, I hava weighed the testimony well, and of course I have not the shadow of a doubt oi the guilt of the parti, s. There is no questiou but thst there lias been suboruatiuu of witue sea and the most tremendous and fcarfnl perjury, perjury without parallel. Iu the whole course of my pra<'> tice and experience at the bar. iu my opinion, 1 have never witaessed a case to equal this iu enormity. Jt is a case that will be long rciueinbc-ed by those who have witnessed it The testimony of the defendant* and witnesses can leave no doubt on tlin mind ol any party who has heard it. The falsehood was transparent and plain, especially in ionic of these unfortunate creature* who have stained their soul* in moral iniquity it i* too plain to admit of doubt. 1 hough by law this is only a misdemeanor aud puu- isliable as such, from the course of this tilallti* evident thst the defendant Johnson has yielded him self so far to the Influence of his vile paasious a* to be willing to sacrifice any tiling or everything, and was ready for the commission of anything for its gratification. The law arrest* him and now lays its heavy baud upon him. The aemeno* of the Court 1* that he pay a fine of $‘i. r >0 and six mouth* on the public wyrk. The woman pays a fine of $100 aud goes to Jail six months. Some time siuco. struck up with wauted to go U dollars in icgro Mou Alex, lid he named Alex Kh 'ir* ,»u who told hnu aliJ »ud bait only *igb .presented hmi-el< » bo would bring her i ixssiiOt enough. 8h< ldcb to raise the ba. the office and *"»«*“ a railroad agent, and t- ticket; but tua» * iglit theu gave him her wat ance of the lare. He . her• ticket to Kaai 1'oint, and put money and the watch m his po> kit. "* not kttow satj bolter, autl go. .<"*4 th, Montgomery, Ol cour- Ur ««J “ ( »t Last Point, when site r- tut it" was arrested. carric<l before Justice L> u*s $26, which h* paid. Soon after, he fo 'led watch, by telling him hsc. Ura. Tbe until mtviug h.tu attrraartl.. .*• J " tt, wlteu Alet. toll bint watch and speiittlic ni"iicy, nu«» and fait Uae it, he would hand ltd 0 ol his otlloe, la called upon to discharge the 1 onerous uuties of O. W. 0. T. of the Htate Iu assuming the high and responsible duties of G. V\. 0. T., ol tiie State ol Ueorgia, i reel it to be my duty to say a lew words to our brethren of the Or der, aud ask their hearty co-operatlou iu sustaining mein my arduous duties. May sunlight coutluue to smile upon our Order, and may nothing occur to im pede Its growth. The success of our iustituttuu d< penes upon the executive skill aud laithfnluesa of —mr. teb mem) Let yonr weekly meeting* be conducted in a spirit of brotherly love and good feellug. discard all po litical tud personal feelings from the Lodge Hoorn. I A t wisdom, prudence and love find an abiding place iu our hearts wheu we meet together to consult, de liberate aud act upon questions affectiug th* Inter ests. harmony and perpetuity of the Order. To be successful we must be united, each adding strength to that of his brethren. W* must labor for each other, and the cause In honor and In truth, and must labor for humanity. lixving entered upon the duties aa G. W. C. T. of «)>■• Kta a of it shall lie my earnest desire to promote the good of the Order. 9 of Temperance iu our Htate. C. W. Hakoook, G. W. C. T. rgtpGKAJMI NEWS Serial Dispatches to the Saa. By Atlanta and Naahvilla News Agency. FORKIGX NEWS. JTwrsAwf .flr.lfe/iss. ons preminm npon bond* p*yable *t par upon uiuluiTly Jeiiooiioed. Hmulheru firemen Im JFks* Ikrk. New Yohk, June 15.— r rhe Marshall Hose Cotupuoy, from Sarannab, amretl iu New York, and proceeded to Boston, where a grand reception awaits them in the morning. The VnterrMe*. After several ballota to-day for Grand Sachem ol Turn many Society, no ohoioe wab made. They elected Jan. B. Rich* aidbou Father oi Council, aud Cornelius London, June 15.— A social to the (j orboll Grand Scribe. *i. u f M ..J.ul \fi.\lt.l,i,., il.k J lgwou tirauu fxnw. Preparation* have been made for the ' usual 4th of July celebration; and ad- drtHseH will be delivered by Gen. Mc Clellan and others. The U 'mlkitt. Weston continues hia walking feat ahead of time, uud everything seems fa vorable tor aucceas. Times states that MaTolial MeMaliou de sires to resign the command oi the army.. Viuoy will retire when tiia Reserve Corps is disbanded. Large crowds dully arm ing. JTwmA* ef rufUnd. The Bank of England has reduced its rate of interest to (Barren) per cent. Uremd tHmmfMml Jtafr*. Everything is in a great ouatle here on Jnether contention. account of the great prepuraimu tor the The first Convention of the Ancient Grand Triumphal Eutry. The ileooni- Foresters, tbe oldest English institution tioua are being continued on an immense iu Aim ricMi, takes place here on the 21st scale. Magnificent arches, festooned with j UH t ph,. uumber of memljers exceeds flowers aud evergreens, and surmounted i 20 000. It has a capital stock of $7,000,- by flags of the German Empire, will be erected along the line of th, «-ntne route. The eutry will doubili^ be the grandest spectacle tiie German imtion. Tie Werlfa Fmir. uiii.MsK. 1 iiv Subscription to such suitable buildings for the International Exhibition and wa armv, pMtwl.,1 by-llii* K,,i»er I Wortd’i Fiiir hew, imonato to 1867,00a -- 4 J u ^ 10Ht of The buiidmgB will cover twenty-three acres. The Board requests the appoint ment of representatives from each Btate himself, the Crown Prince, and a other distinguished military heroes, iu eluding Prince Bismarck, Von Moltke, and others of equal Uiatin tionand valor, territory, will compose the prooessiou. Captured i nemth or s audarda. and mauy eag es of France, The Consul General of Portugal died will be borne before the pageant iu tri- here to-day. urnph. {Stands tor sight mien* have been ! The Fope'e JsNIm. erected along the wmde exteut of the I Gorgeous preparations are being made proposed route. The u iihIows aud bal- i for the ce l e bration of the Pope’s jubilee ooiucs of dwell in gM^eamug the line iu ull th(J Catholic churches to-morrow, will also be used, and are be- j The churches are magnifloently deco- mg eagerly secured by private i mtt ,j inHi(le outni lo with evergreens individuals ut large prices fur privilege ttIlJ fl owera . At the intersection of Third ot occupying them uunug the passing ol Hlree $ ttD(1 avenues li and C, coral arches the prooosuou. . j have been erected. The procession will Minister Bancroft has selected a posi- f 0 , lu at 8 p. m., col isting of over 20,000 tion on the Uraud titaud erected on u , torcli-beurers, ami will march through a square, near the University building, anu l n n m \„. r () f streets. Tiie route of the pro- wiil proceed from this point—-the uraud eesh j uU w jjj |j e brilliantly illuminated, in question being Sffeotcu for tiie aooom-1 modaUon Ot American geutlemell and MrpuhUrmn Convention in • meet. their families, and will be occupied by u ; Philadelphia, June 15.—The Uepub- large number af Americans now flopping : Heart Convention nominated Conover, at various poiuts on the continent, who B ing unable to proceed with its work will rofcort to this stand aud buildings to yesterday, it resumed its work thifimorn- witness the entree. ^ lug. Koine heavy voting has occurred, When the fi >.ivities are over the Em- and delegates inside nave been compelled peror of Germany will pay a vuit to lus to blockade the doors with benches, to Imperial Highness the Czar ot Russia,! prevent the entrance of outsiders. They at Ems, where thv i <er is now residing. Lave uot yet accomplished anything. The Plrannret of Parle. Almost ull the saloons and Concert Halls in the city have been reopened, aud are in operation day and evening, bringing back with them much of th;* old gayety aud pleasure of Paris, fairly alive, and business is daily improv ing in every department. .tfmlre In Pnrln. Mn/fhlt Templar. 1 Harrirbubg, Pa., June 15.—The Knights Templar paraded this morning and made an imposing display; but the procession was not as large as was expec ted. There was a more general display of bunting in the priucinul thorougfares thuu at any time since the war closed. Jim Plek, Jr. _ T ir r*: ( ,i,i: 11011 „ 0 Boston, June 15.—The Board of Al- : *•"•«•« C^KOowurefuaed Jin,FUk. i ‘ u ' lUd in the open Eastern Railrowlft ai 'o.oly crowded with Gormans returning to their homes, aud laden with plunder. 1 Persons arriving from Paris say that !' half has not been told of tin* troubles in « that city. The d liMetiou of life and 11 property immense )rleun- 1 vunnuownu iletcd *^ r * l M ‘ r|u i R - s,on parade his regiment, 1 ' and hold religious services in Ur** air in that city on Saturday next. .y'eirepaper Otlee Burnt j ’ BrFFALo, N. Y., June 15.—The Ex- ; newsjiaper establishment—a four brick building—was destroyed by markets nr [.rgol.b bt.r■itcitt* to T«. .ttii Mrw You. Inn* IA but • itod). MWdUaffii WM.*»A O•\m»m X>‘a wi-A sMe* of 2000 bstas. Wh*^ oud flour unchAng«<l- Gold steely •» BUx-ks dull. Livibhml, Juns if—Noou-—CottoR flrmsr, Mi no qnotabl* chsn^a m quotations. Italc* of 1».WI0 b*le**t 8',<#8*,d for li'ptonlAMd F»iO*}i loans. Nzw York, Juno 15.—Ootlon quist; uilddUnff uy- Und* 20; Ortasd* 20 ,; tale* 9.000 bales. Bluets su-sdy and dull. Gold stand) at 12‘.fr'I2)z- Government* sta-ady snd qnn t. Htata bondi dull and heavy. M ney sasy ai A Bz« luuiffe—tong l<h short IUJ,. LoMUfM. Jans 16.—TA« wrsificr ia wet bat favora ble to crops. TUe discount on tfie Sank of Luslaod has been reduced ‘ 4 , it is now 2. Livzsroou. June 15.—Cotton firmer: uplands (<£**,; Orleaus 8»,(#«',; aslea 15,000bale*. Fork 60s. ivnna. Nxw Yosk, June 15.—Cotton iu moderata demand; ■ales 2,786 hales; uplands 20V Money very easy at 2«4. Star ling weaker; prime bankers 10. Gold Goverunn uts. July and January Isaacs advanced *V. olbsrwise steadyl States ratter dull. South Carolina*, new, lull* off, Tenuessees 70new 71; Virginias «•. new 79; Lou- isianas 69, new 08; I» vees 69', ; 8s 87; Alabama* 102; 6a 72; Georgia* HH; 7a 98; North Carolina* 47. uew 26\; South Carolina* 76, new 63. OiRcimun, June 16.—Flour and oora at, *dy and in moderate demand. Pork $18.25(4 $1A 50 asked. Bacon doll and drooping; shoulder* 6 •,; clear sides 9. Whisky 90. Louisviixr, Juns 14.—Flour scarce. Corn a« Uvt, choice shelled, sacked, 98. Pro^isious quist; hold ere asking previous prices. Whisky 80. Nzw Ohlrams, June 16.—Cotton strong; mid dliugs 19K,Wil9H; Uet receipts 2,174, gross 2,187; sales 2.300; stock 68,611 Auuusta, Jans U.—Cotton market closed dull at 18j«c for Liverpool, and I6>,o#I8^ for Mew York middling*, sales 200 bales; reooipta 100. Savannah, June 16.—Cotton quiet aud firm—mid dlings 19ott>19'4; net receipts 294 bales; sales 100. stock 8617. Liverpool, June IS.—Cotton firm—uplands 8‘ 4 d (#8\; Orleans 8*d; sales 16,300 bales; speculation export 5,000. Bed winter wheat Us. 6d. Floor 36a. Corn 31a Burlrd Beauty. and advance the Akkricds, Ga., June 12,1871. georoia new: .011*1 j ill at Col. P. W. Alexander ia serioi Columbus, Ga. The residence of Bishop Beckwith has at last located himself—Savannah having furnished the elegant residence occupied by the late Francia Sorrell, on Bull street II i* well. The wheat crop of Gordon oonnty has proved almost a total failure. Some fields ore uot being harvested at all.— Corn crop is good, as well as the grass crop—which is claiming supremacy. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Com pany, was held at their banking house, iu Augusta, yesterday. We learn that nearly the lull lxwrd were present, and a very fall and free interchange of views took place in regard to their own road, and of railroad matters generally; also, that quite a lengthy debate was held as to the amount of semi-annual dividend to be declared, which was finally settled at four per cent The Athens Banner reports “rain”— more, than common. Says small grain is almost ruined, and in addition, there has | been a bad chance to harvest what has white lua i could *«dl i* * •rward*. .f fin '•Played Oat.' a slang pbraee, i s, but it hi very ' individuals do i licks ThiR l* a very common »* which nearly every ou« uow-.i-day sigbifleaut. How mauy "played 0 we meet with during the day. Jo There goes a y«<uu^ uisu w nh a millionaire, wfio was u»*co tn* i' 1 and the hops of hi* U h«-r. hut uh "townbojh," tasiucd todriuk. l> the tiger, and other lose •peut hit money, aud t Here 1* a man in the prime of 1U*. who * •*•** * L ' war, surisd a ith uothiug. i»y and skill he acquired ney. he apocuialod iu coiiou, os>» ton went down, down. nn(d *•! 01 file 1 were goue. He took to drink. *‘** 1 •bough to moke ouotiiei elhu t t" rise Uttle numey he t an get his hsud.i oum> , «teDi,wku.Ul.ouv.-h. 1 .|) ■ Mti-urr- poverty. He iios "pi Here is a pollticui. Part and stiittirsRiHi bright, hut ha could ia a corrupt, Lt^. t t-t Hers la a jniet. art Tits Sale of the Atlanta Intelligencer. Yesterday the printli g material, the books aud good will of the Atlanta Intelligences were sold at public outcry to ioi tx lose oeruiu mortgages upou tLem. Whab-vc.- may have been the feelings of the people iu general who were present, the scene was* sod one to a uewnpaper mau, whose Hinipathii-H are naturally aroused by the misfortunes or calamibuR mat otteu befall those who have been engaged iu the ' |>een made. Corn and cotton are being •siuc burinees with himself; a business ever pro- ' over-run with gras* aud Weed* the hill vocative of mtuui anxiety, beset by many vv»s- j washed badly, and the bottom* ffub- tious, but, upou the whole, highly bouorsbie, useful merged frequently. Crop prospect* are aud iu many particulars pieosout. | by no means flattering in Clarke county. 1 hough journalism often leads to acrimonious *|iarnugs lM-tweeu the members of the profession, iu etpni au cvrpt u such tlut there prevails auioug Zfieui a more k.uuly feeling thou tbe world at large gives tueiu credit lor. it was, thtreiUre, with real regret that wo looked upon the tale ol the property oelonglug to tho old InUlUyencer on yesterday. Es tablished iu the year 1855 its career had bocu such as Ui cause it to he regarded as one ol the iustituUous ol the city aud State; wlpch, under more ioitunatc circumstance* and less troublous times than have existed in the lost lire y«ars, would have becu a aouroa ol we«ltii and iudujiendeuce to its proprietor, instead of a cause of pecuniary dii-oster. It is uot asserting too much to say that friends of the paper and its proprietor »- d these are numerous and respectable; siuccioly huueut the suspension ol Uie forint-r aud deeply sympathize with tbe 1st.<r, whom uuslortuue has overtaken at a lime of lite wheu financial disaster Calls more heavily thou when in tfic hey-dey ot youthful vigor. The whole establishment was knocked down to Col. Ben. C. Yancey for $4,070. Tho large Hoe pres# o. ought $1,600 ; a small Hoe press brought *900; the yp, *, material; Ac., in the job room, brought $3oo. t no large quantity of other material made up the oaiauce of the $4,0/0. Ha both ment aud amp • p IfllH lngmen of Purin arc aliuoat uuituiniutis- ly CommuuiHt* uud they aro v< ry l»i*tt*r bcoause their ca »be ban I ecu ill-failed.— Many will emigrate to America. Napoleon was visit* 1 by tlye K» ut Crickettera yeaterd iy, mul r- eeived quite au ovation, aud held h /•'<*■■ lie is un doubtedly aurrouuded 1>.\ nis old adher ent*, and bold movement* are expected. L- In the city of Rome there formerly stood an image with it* right hand ex tended aud on iU forefinger the word*, “strike here.” Mauy wise men puzzled in vain over the meaning of the inscrip tion; bnt al laat a certain priest observed that whenever the sun shone on the fig ure, the shadow of the finger was dis cernible on the ground at a Uttle distance from the Htatute. Having marked the spot, he waited until midnight, and then began to dig. At last his spade struck npon something hard. It was a trap door, below which a flight of marble steps descended into a spacious hall, whore many men were sittiug in milemu silence amid piles of gold aud diamouds and long rows of euAmeled vases. Be yond this be found auother room, a gym nasium, filled with beautiful women, re clining ou richly embroidered «*oi*s yet here, too, was profound silence. A su perb banqueting hall next met bis as tonished gaze; then graparies loaded with forage; then a stable crowded with mo tionless horses. The whole place was brilliantly lighted by a carbuncle which was suspended in one corner of the re ception room; and opposite stood an archer with his bow and arrow raised, in Caught in tho engine the act of taking aim at the jewel. As $30,000. j the priest passed back through this hall, r Jumlicv Cham. the table; and wishing to carry away something wherewith to accredit his story, he reached out his hand to take it; but uo sooner had he touched it than all was dark. The archer had shot with his arrow, the bright jewel was*t»hivered into a thousand pieces, the staircase had fled and the priest found himself buried aUve. cjo . t It in SlLVE*. bur***. " tafilM-. IHOIAL ATLANTA WHOLcftM E PRICES [(USEFULLY OOHfUHTKD DAILY.} Goods, It vhnsM he rt- (J- In ordering Goods, It Mtatafta that tit*#** art Yt'HULK* • PRICES. H111 a 11 orders rharzrfi higher rotas. Jtotqpd.. Xtiituck; Doable Phoenix.. Bacon, Hhoulders.. Canvassed Haiu*. FlaUi Hams Btn,» Meat, Clear Kib aide*... Clear sides Shoulder BvtTKE. Goshen Java, common to good. DRV Goons— Prints, (hucy yd \Brown HhirtiiiK" yd % Brown HheetniK# yd 4-4 do do yd Yarns. Ass't Nos yd Ftsu, Msokerel, No. 1. hollfibl do No. 1... do No. 2... do No. 2. . Flooe- Grain— Ns« Corn,. Oats (few ui Laukb Beem LnyfoKH— Not quoted. Nails Oils—- Ri. r-Cleon (taroliii*.. Suoaus- Crushed and Pw-I*>M A White C Extra YeUow O 8. B. B*'Boon's Broon.s— No. 1 rttalk Brooi « * No. 1 do do f No. 8 do do f No. 1 Hurl Broon « Y No. 1 Hurl Fancy 11 a: I - 1 ■ l 2!UQ 41 •M. 1 is ®l)e Citn Unftgct. Cincinnati, June 15.—Chief Justice CluiHc arrived here to-day, on his way to Baxter Springs, (Mich.) where he goee for the benefit of his health. Nudde* nemth. Thomas Radford, a telegraph operator, formerly of the Western Union Associa tion ut Louisville, was taken ill iu the Stem !<» «t.iy, and died in a hall hour. | Rnmt io nemth. SmiNGFiELD, O., June 15.—The wift ! of Tom. A. Megher was burnt to death J at Medina on Tuesday. While lighting a tire with coni oil, can explodod. Hrmhe I p In a Mott. Philadelphia, Juue 15.—Tho Repub lican Convention broke up in a row, without completing its business. Jpedn. A Dranlkard's Wife. Reception. The reception of the American Artist Bradford, at the Carghorn Hotel, was a decided aucceas. The Duke of Ar via, Marquis of Lome, Princess Louise, Sir Henry Rawlinson, aud other distinguish ed pt»rsons, were present. Madrid, June 15.—At yesterday’s ses sion of the Cortes, the Minister spoke in terms of vigorous denunciation of inter national societies. A motion, which had been submitted, looking with disfuv. r Washington, June 15.—It is autlionta-1 gjoom 01 ine apanmeno. x»y odou them, was unauimo.islj MoepU-d. i lively stated, that Bowen, the bigamist, I plying the bu.y needle npon a tattemt 1 will not lie pardoned by the President, garment, at* » woman shivering Uk the Jmi rr "i" j He will bo sent to the Albany State peni- London, June 15.—The acconciiment teutiary at au early day. Come now with me, and look npon a sad scene. Faintly glow the dying embers upon the hearth of a ruined oottage. It is a cold winter’s night and the pitiless blast shakes the rattling casement and drives in, through many a crevice, the falling 8UOW. A feeble light straggles against the Washington, June 15.—It is autlionta- i gloom of the apartment. By the light, -rahle amoniit of elllgc ' Material for Hale. fcc^ir, wllal .rnianitai thi* Wr- HieUltaiv cvbb, *ud uow be v-Rffzbobfl- Ml, Ota* Wbq CoL Youcy advertises iu another column the esle of the material of the old " Intelligencer," all ol which he purchased at the sale yesterday. Hee his uiuga | uo) irage Judge Dan. Pittman gives a legal 1 sonality and homesteml iu to-day h f vie, *ud v » P°P U • c*ln of hik gUti • co«rea 01 irrfR- 1 tton «h* Oaally ■tood ol the head with all who hues bun; to* t*‘« sod aoqaireuK-uU. sud \ eului, • • 1 ular Ills, which *0011 l‘*<t ta d « to hi* present coodiiiou—•‘T*—D** ,,ul “ There are many -played out' buy*. Tli*y ‘ r all ataiied in lit having wall-foinied b .dlo* ana brains, and lnheritm,. condltloua tsv. nib.e to make ti.*^ imi Dut by toad luxbite U*vy hav# rumea Boys, do you know why s«> mauy p- "ptc -play oil in this country 7 H you • UI tflhc (too U*oto*a,M¥*** tome tew enquiries couccimeg every pere-n y»« hear of hear ol thst is -played out,*' **.d nine ou i*wy tarn ot them will be found to oe d.iukiflg »e^. That aahee the boy* -play o“4 qu.« c-r Ms > thing *var Invented; and hall oi tto* uro*d !»*>• •••* pMyed oat yah Crops tu Nortlx-Kast Georgia. We conversed with a gentleman lost night who lots just been Ui rough the counbca ol iloU, Usher- «fi iu, Frsiikhu, Madison, White and other counties in that neighborhood, aud he report* crop* as look* tu% vary well, though backward. aud Gate The following paragraph, are from the Chronicle and Sentinel of the 18th in»t: Ku-KLrx OlTiuo*. — A fearful Ku- Klux outrage wu. stated to have taken uluoe on the Sand Hills, near this city, a lew duya ago. A colored and, conse quently, loyal citizen ran into the yard of the United State. Arsenal, bleeding from wounds inflicted by rebel Ku-Klux, m eloae proximity to the .acred soil of the Government. He stated that while traveling along the road a abort time be fore, he met a party of Kn-Klux, who commanded him to halt Feeling that the hour of death was drawiug nigh, that the Ka-Klux intended to immolate an other one of the fHilhful Republicans of Ueorgia, ho raised his handB in an implor ing attitude and made a piteous appeal for mercy, but instead of bearing and heed ing his prayer, the party gave a Ku-Klux- nil lnugh and one of them tired his pis tol at the palm of the upraiaed potato stealer. The Imllet sped true to and through the mark, and the Ku-Klux pass ed on, leaving the bleeding victim by the wayside. This was the story told by the loyal colored citizen, and thia is the story Which the Radical papers will publish under the usual ghastly headings, and with the usual ediiying comments. But notwithstanding the straightness ot the negro's narrative, it turns out to be a falsehood, mauutaotured from whole cloth. The negro met no band ol Ku- Klux, and consequently could not have been shot by one o< their number. Au investigation disclosed tbe faot that the loyal citizen had boeu werkiug for a gen- Uennui of this oounty, and shot himself one day accidentally, in the hand, while of the Countess of Paris took place suc cessfully to-day. She was safely deliver ed of a daughter. Mother and child "as well as could be expected.” More Ftp hi. It is known tlmt the action of different bodies, comprising International So« i. - fcies of Working Men, have lately sir » il ly attracted attention of the French G ornment; aud several private cations have recently tmuHinitted to tne British Secretary of Foreign Alla”**, call ing attention to the attitude of hostility to French govtTurnout, displayed 1 members of said societies—n. ***y < whom aro subjects of Great Britain. Members of the London Branch dm; that they have anything to do with th political action of their brother member in Paris. bitt-er frost. Her taoe is pale and thin. In hor looks and attitnde there is no hope. Oiten she sighs as the sharp paugs of a creaking heart rend her bos om. The moan of her hungry children, in their sleep, oomes to her ears, and the The Cabinet. The President arrived this morning.— A Cabinet meeting will be held to-mor- rovr—all members being present except i scalding tears overflow. She thinks of Delano and Akerman. The meeting will I the time when she was a light-hearted be chiefly devoted to appointments, in- girl, stood up a joyous bride aud heard eluding the arbitration of the General I the promise spoken to love, cherish and <Conference and the governorship of New protect till death should dissolve the tie; Mexico. As soon as this is over the ad ministration will disperse. WASHINGTON NEWS. The Colored Cadet. Washington, June 15.—The Secretary of War has issued the following order iu the matter of colored cadet Smith: “In conformity with the (i5tli section of the Rules aud Articles of War, the pro ceedings of tho g leral court niariial in the foregoiug case have been forwarded to the Secretary of War for the action of the President of i!.- Unit «i rituU-s. llio proceedings, findiugtt aud seuumoe are approved, but iu view of all the circum stances surrounding this <• is.*, and believ ing that the ends of justice will be bet ter subserved, and tbe policy of the gov ernment, of which tin* presence ot this cadet iu the Military Acad. The Railroad Committee. This committee examined but one wit- y ness to-day. Testimony unimportant 1 No witn« ses have as yet been examined, except those named by the Radicals. The committee will probably set till the Kith of July, aud then adjourn till im portant facts have transpired. MNlkrr* Clmime. The Pos‘master Geueral has ordered postmasters iu the Southern States to in conspicuous places in their offices lists of claims issued by Southern Claims Commissioners. Some 240 claims have been tiled, aud the Commissioners have taken testimony iu nearly 120. These eases in .-vtlv pertain to the adjacent coun ties ot Virginia. These, with such others as may be returned by special commis- sioiieis, just appointed in various parts of the South, will be included iu their first report to Congress uext December. Reinstated. Dr. Sillmau Spooner, removod by the late Commissioner of Pensions because of bis being a homeopathist, has been re stored to position as Exuniiuing Surgeon. Ilon't Like Hrant. It has transpired here to-day that the ■solution passed by the Peuusylvauiu nal illustration, be better maintained by Republican State Convention endorsing accumulation of the evidence thuu by its Q rrtn t f Wrt . s put to the Committee on Res “‘ n ^‘ ul i«l>b as- ( ,j u ^ ()ns twice, and rejected by a vote of lu tf W r “ 1H : two to one. Finally put in open Con- missal from the service ot the tinted von y on an ,i pu.vs,.d because the members ritates to reduction iu his_academy -stand- no t like to vote against it and let it ing one year. Cadet 8iuith will joiu the succeeding fourth class at the commence- Receut advioei indicate that Pennsyl- Uwkius sue, but «,(«>.. cou.uter.biy ou. os. i playing wilh s pistol He hsd »k» rob- Ue r.p rt. ereryUim, In tbf •• U..I .ud bomluy" ‘ bod ills employer OU tbe SOW <1»J and ime »u great abuudauc*. There »** i»i*Btyr oi old j ran away from Ins place ou that acoouut. rei n o\ ery whore, and «uM b* bon,; fit > kiud I A good outrage b idt,\ spoiled, t Uo«i>» , yeutc.duy owtuiug, »t eight id Ukbiz tbe world like puuo«,j>u«ra ,, Ci.u’k, the "Bill of Pesee" tiled by tlil , railroad companies doing business in U...1.I M.1.001. Ibis city, again oame before Judge Gib- MMHr tan.m tu. Tiiont W. D.nrfn« Soul ! «M1. 'Die A? ,iuy to Ui. SbUut lUok HU1. Flrto Sou« Ud. J udge WlHiam 1. niiijj. Se* his o.lvortis«nicut. lymou Com* Nut tim* In Alttero. * Sttv.t. ' htnoft on btoiid Aud ft cutioteti- •vary oi coafw. u oteeitUl-ius lM«wta**ul. ,urt> Just tuods tor tto* Arat ■b'at 'snSy VnRotf, on Broad the complam-uilffp who matle a twenty Uiiuutm iu couoluaum. Judge Gin- ) trserved hi* tlswimon, but no oe- ' bf °x meut of the next academic case. n atti •? C>n\m tdore Tatneil’. Savannah, Juno 15.—Commodore Tat- nall died last night—aged Ob years. He will be buried at Bouaventuro, his birth place, four miles from thia city. toeca n-mocraep. Dbs Moines, June 15.—In the Stat vania, at the nominating convention, will be a unit for nominating Gen. Haucock. when, in their bright sky, tbe first glass —the little cloud like a man’s hand— gave token of the rising storm; when the first shock of a drunken husband, reel ing across the threshold, smote her heart Had musings are thine, lonely wife, as thou pliest still the needle by the dim light in the desolate room. But sha pauses in her work—a foot is ou the step —a baud pushes the door open. Oh, how unlike the face, the form, the step, the salutation, to those site remembers so well! And she is chained to this bxly of death.” He may approach her and she cannot fly. He may sileuce her moauing ohildreu with blows aud arses, and she can only interpose her trail form- There is no release for her ill death comes. More than widowed, with society to which the dreariest solitude were para dise. Home, tbit dearest word of earth’b dialect, to her another name for all wretchedness, and no appeal wave to the clianoerr of Heaven, no rest save in the cold anil silent grave. The Savannah Republican says: “The delegates from the Opelika (Ala.) Rail road Directors were in the city yeeterdav and in conference with the Central Rail road authorities touch !ug the lease of their road to the latter company. Wi learn that the Opelika company propose to lease their road in perpetuity provided the Central would guarantee them six per cent, on their capital stock, which was declined. Such, we hear, waa the result of the negotiation; whether they are like ly to be resumed or uot, with terms mod ified we are unable to say el present. HQu PEACHES—At 50c. jn-r peck, at ^ikss h Bro.'s. ^ jiuielJ R. M. ROriE k CO., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Atlauta, Ga. Huns' Bitter* aud hrltaapF*. Alao, Bli*frr’« Ginger aud Cherry Brau- dll'* at lowest figure*. junel5 It. M. UOHE k CO. IA. PEACHES—At 50c. por peck, st StolM. A Bro.’s. juu.15 war RUSS - Sr. DOMINGO BITTERS is a must valuable *tomachi<- aud tonic, aud is a* well known, or better known than *uv other Bitters, and better established. For nale by Juntl6- HOSE .v CO., Broad street. PEACHES.—A large lot of fine Fooches (or sole l>y St>>a** A Br<>t her, at 50c. 19- AROMATIC SCHXArrS—The Aromatic Bclmappt, manufactured iu Holland (or John A. Baas, have no superior in tli<- market. They are known and used ail over the civilized world,and "None know them but to love them. None name them but to praise." For «le by HOSE k CO., Juna 16 broad street. “Greeley •»* Term.” Tho Now York Sun discouroes on this subject apropos of Mr. Greeley’s late let- tor indicating bis willingness Who t candidate for the Presidency, and deolar- _ _ ing for tha oue-term principle. "It says: rJ^™uUon'tl>o , '"xVrb,'p“rtiuv'”‘v.s . lious’utterau.vs of their learned and pi -All thoanti-Orant ltepuliUeans would , . ... . i, N i .ms divines. This is well, very well. 1 furhinl, an.l uli die negnss, all the futhms were paaded pLd* u. .» sup, ,.rt will guard the pulpit agsind Leroey , ,oU«c^Mta, all the soientilW >«"■>«* it U,,^ ,1, I- wii , .1 the oliurvh against schisms. We rue ,ai believera in simple (hek t.le"' elothw tt"* ‘ ■ * “■•-* "■■ ...,t nmvvrwalsalvatton.” TheNiwYork Highly favored are the Atlantose. Then not only havo sanotueries, beatifui and spaoi.ius and in goodly number, but also able ministers ol the Word, even more than thi , representatives of s live press, to ontliue the eloquent and line- FINE WATCH REPAIRING. WC HAVC SECURED THE SER VICES OF>MR. C. S. TAIT, AN EX PERIENCED WATCH MAKER. BUT RECENTLY FROM SCOTLAND. MR. TAIT HAS WORKED IN SOME OF THEFINE8T WATCH MANUFACTO RIES IN SU ROP i. S3 13 PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF FINE WORK SUCH AS REJEWELLEO. MAKING NEW ESCAPEMENTS. AND ADJUST ING FINE WATCHES OF ALL KINDS. ALL WATCHES LEFT WITH US WILL BE PROMPTLY AND THOROUGHLY DONE. AND SATISFACTION GUA RANTEED IN EVERY INSTANCE. •prism SHARP A FLOYD. RAILROAD MEN takb n O T I O E . WE HAVE RECEIVED TO-DAY DIEECT FROM THE MANUFAC TURERS A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF FINE AMERICAN WATCHES, IN GOLD AND SIL VER OASES, OF PERFECT WORKMANSHIP AND NEW DESIGNS. OT THE FOLLOWING MAKERS . E. tlaward A « o.. Bo-te.., American Walch I ,.. U .Ith.m; national Watch >'<>. Klgtu; tl. S. Walch Co., Marl V. .1.1 Oil.. Walch I o., alto, the I'.lc'.ralcU Mem Winder, oi K. , 1—. Walch. THIS STOCK IS OFFERED AT VERT ATTRACTIVE FIGURES, AND TOU WILL . It/D JT WILL P T TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE GOODS AND THE FRICES, AT SHARP *■ FLOYD'S JEWELRY STORE. ATLANTA. tl'l ifw IT QIVES US PLEASURE TO announce that we HAVE ADDED TO OUR CORPS OF WORKMEN A FINE EN GRAVER, RECENTLY FROM TIFFANY Sr Co.'s, N EW YOSK, AND ARE NOW READY TO DO ALL K'NOS OF PLAINAORNAMKM ■ AL LETTS R!NC CIPHERS, MONOGRAMS, AC.. IN FAOT, ENCRAVINC OF ALL KINDS IN ELCCANr STYLE, AND AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. ALSO, TBE ADDITION OF A TINE MANUFACTURING JEW ELLER, AND A SHOP WITH ALL NECESSARY TOOLS AND MACHINERY, WILL ENABLE i/S TO MAKE TO ORDER ANY STYLE Of BADGES, RINGS. PINS, A ALMOST ANY ARTICLE WANTED, SJVOTO DO REPAIRING, HOW SVERDimCULT, PROMPTLY, ANDINASUPERIOR MANNER PATRONAGE SOLICITED. SHARP dr FLOYO, JEV^|LRY STORE, WHITEHALL ST. lutious were puA tho OiHMtitnttou strict construction for tho ol these sketches of Sunday laoor w in Slate aud individual right.*, and to defend pleasure; and without being parttalor in- the same from central power, lmvr.,,1 vid.mns, express gratification in the amnesty should follow uuiv.; al .nlTnige. diwusaion of the th «“« ^ The Dominican annexation wiu, opposed Mills—•'lhe unity of k te l, h urcl‘ » partly becanie of the nuliluesa of the ; Go l. For the sptnt ‘Pt** oeoulu for Amerif iu citizenship, but es- condition of tbe world, including Allan ESlvhomeon-pi motives',n which t«- but clsive all the prayer of Ohm*. _ Se scheme had tor inception. The tan IT 1 call. Ian tho ch igy oi Atlanta continue and universal salvation." T Times deprecate* Mr. Greehy s one-term letter, however, as diatraoting to the Ke- publiaaa party aud a diroot blow at OranL T& Kcwhurg Journal wiys "Mr. Miisvim; w, Who * « i« • Tbs, 1 ru ud Ui liberty Zi.d tew. TIN teoutsi via 1 ottu*r Choypaqia. NOTICE. RlulPftflllji (,>p t'l.KANIN'* tiiiOBBI'G Mill GBADING a TUR.NFIKK KO.\n bat»«au AtlsuU and Atosiar. will b« recetYeil auul July i«*. MAFB. nOflUH ud 8PKCIF1CA fiON8, can b# 4MO al my offkc. Eight NMrr*d to rajtal any ot aU bid*. JOHN A. GRANT. . jiincil uU July lai.